Esempio n. 1
void CONFIG_Init(const CmdLineArgs& args)

	new CConfigDB;

	// Load the global, default config file
	g_ConfigDB.SetConfigFile(CFG_DEFAULT, L"config/default.cfg");
	g_ConfigDB.Reload(CFG_DEFAULT);	// 216ms
	// Try loading the local system config file (which doesn't exist by
	// default) - this is designed as a way of letting developers edit the
	// system config without accidentally committing their changes back to SVN.
	g_ConfigDB.SetConfigFile(CFG_SYSTEM, L"config/local.cfg");

	g_ConfigDB.SetConfigFile(CFG_USER, L"config/user.cfg");

	g_ConfigDB.SetConfigFile(CFG_MOD, L"config/mod.cfg");
	// No point in reloading mod.cfg here - we haven't mounted mods yet


	// Initialise console history file
	int max_history_lines = 200;
	CFG_GET_VAL("console.history.size", Int, max_history_lines);
	g_Console->UseHistoryFile(L"config/console.txt", max_history_lines);

	// Collect information from system.cfg, the profile file,
	// and any command-line overrides to fill in the globals.
	LoadGlobals();	// 64ms
Esempio n. 2
int CBlastDemoApplication::Run(void)
    // Get arguments
    const CArgs& args = GetArgs();

    EProgram program = ProgramNameToEnum(args["program"].AsString());

    bool db_is_aa = (program == eBlastp || program == eBlastx ||
                     program == eRPSBlast || program == eRPSTblastn);

    CRef<CBlastOptionsHandle> opts(CBlastOptionsFactory::Create(program, CBlastOptions::eRemote));


    opts->Validate();  // Can throw CBlastException::eInvalidOptions for invalid option.

    // This will dump the options to stderr.
    // opts->GetOptions().DebugDumpText(cerr, "opts", 1);

    CRef<CObjectManager> objmgr = CObjectManager::GetInstance();
    if (!objmgr) {
         throw std::runtime_error("Could not initialize object manager");

    const bool is_protein = 
    SDataLoaderConfig dlconfig(is_protein);
    CBlastInputSourceConfig iconfig(dlconfig, objects::eNa_strand_other, false, 
    CBlastFastaInputSource fasta_input(args["in"].AsInputFile(), iconfig);
    CScope scope(*objmgr);

    CBlastInput blast_input(&fasta_input);

    TSeqLocVector query_loc = blast_input.GetAllSeqLocs(scope);

    CRef<IQueryFactory> query_factory(new CObjMgr_QueryFactory(query_loc));

    const CSearchDatabase target_db(args["db"].AsString(),
        db_is_aa ? CSearchDatabase::eBlastDbIsProtein : CSearchDatabase::eBlastDbIsNucleotide);

    CRemoteBlast blaster(query_factory, opts, target_db);

// This will dump a lot of stuff to stderr.
//    blaster.SetVerbose();

    bool status = blaster.SubmitSync();

    if (status == false)
         throw std::runtime_error("No results returned by SubmitSync");

    cerr << "RID: " << blaster.GetRID() << '\n';

    CSearchResultSet results = *blaster.GetResultSet();

    CNcbiOstream& out = args["out"].AsOutputFile();

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < results.GetNumResults(); i++) {
         CConstRef<CSeq_align_set> sas = results[i].GetSeqAlign();
         out << MSerial_AsnText << *sas;

    return 0;