Esempio n. 1
void FVlcMediaAudioHandler::HandleAudioPlay(void* Opaque, void* Samples, uint32 Count, int64 Timestamp)
	auto Handler = (FVlcMediaAudioHandler*)Opaque;

	if (Handler != nullptr)
		auto CurrentAudioTrack = Handler->CurrentAudioTrack.Pin();

		if (CurrentAudioTrack.IsValid())
			CurrentAudioTrack->ProcessSamples(Samples, Count);
Esempio n. 2
void EffectNoiseRemoval::FinishTrack()
   // Keep flushing empty input buffers through the history
   // windows until we've output exactly as many samples as
   // were input.
   // Well, not exactly, but not more than mWindowSize/2 extra samples at the end.
   // We'll delete them later in ProcessOne.

   float *empty = new float[mWindowSize / 2];
   int i;
   for(i = 0; i < mWindowSize / 2; i++)
      empty[i] = 0.0;

   while (mOutSampleCount < mInSampleCount) {
      ProcessSamples(mWindowSize / 2, empty);
|   ProcessMoof
static int
ProcessMoof(AP4_Movie*         movie, 
            AP4_ContainerAtom* moof, 
            AP4_ByteStream*    sample_stream, 
            AP4_Position       moof_offset, 
            AP4_Position       mdat_payload_offset)
    AP4_Result result;
    AP4_MovieFragment* fragment = new AP4_MovieFragment(moof);
    printf("fragment sequence number=%d\n", fragment->GetSequenceNumber());
    AP4_FragmentSampleTable* sample_table = NULL;
    // get all track IDs in this fragment
    AP4_Array<AP4_UI32> ids;
    printf("Found %d tracks in fragment: ", ids.ItemCount());
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<ids.ItemCount(); i++) {
        printf("%d ", ids[i]);
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<ids.ItemCount(); i++) {
        AP4_Track* track = NULL;
        if (movie) {
            track = movie->GetTrack(ids[i]);
        AP4_ContainerAtom* traf = NULL;
        fragment->GetTrafAtom(ids[i], traf);
        printf("processing moof for track id %d\n", ids[i]);
        result = fragment->CreateSampleTable(movie, ids[i], sample_stream, moof_offset, mdat_payload_offset, sample_table);
        CHECK(result == AP4_SUCCESS || result == AP4_ERROR_NO_SUCH_ITEM);
        if (AP4_SUCCEEDED(result) ) {
            ProcessSamples(track, traf, sample_table);
            delete sample_table;
        } else {
            printf("no sample table for this track\n");
    delete fragment;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
/// Get available captured samples and process them
void SoundRecorder::ProcessCapturedSamples()
    // Get the number of samples available
    ALCint SamplesAvailable;
    alcGetIntegerv(CaptureDevice, ALC_CAPTURE_SAMPLES, 1, &SamplesAvailable);

    if (SamplesAvailable > 0)
        // Get the recorded samples
        alcCaptureSamples(CaptureDevice, &mySamples[0], SamplesAvailable);

        // Forward them to the derived class
        if (!ProcessSamples(&mySamples[0], mySamples.size()))
            // The user wants to stop the capture
            myIsCapturing = false;
void spp_AudioManager::LoadWAVSound(string fileName, string tag)
	//information needed to play the file
	DWORD chunkSize;
	DWORD fileSize;
	short formatType;
	short channels;
	DWORD sampleRate;
	DWORD averageBytesPerSecond;
	DWORD dataSize;
	short bytesPerSample;
	short bitsPerSample;
	char typeInfo[4];
	ALenum format=0;

	//opining the file
	FILE *wavFile = NULL;
	fopen_s(&wavFile, fileName.c_str(), "rb");

	if(wavFile == NULL)
		Log("WAV file not found: ", fileName, "LoadWAVFile in spp_AudioManager.");

	//the next three chunks do error checking. When the error output is implemented, they will 
	// tell the user what went wrong, but for now they just return
	fread(typeInfo, sizeof(char),4,wavFile);
	if(typeInfo[0]!='R' || typeInfo[1]!='I' || typeInfo[2] != 'F' || typeInfo[3] != 'F')
		Log("File did not have RIFF: ", fileName, "LoadWAVFile in spp_AudioManager.");

	fread(&fileSize, sizeof(DWORD), 1, wavFile);
	fread(typeInfo, sizeof(char), 4, wavFile);
	if(typeInfo[0]!='W' || typeInfo[1]!='A' || typeInfo[2] != 'V' || typeInfo[3] != 'E')
		Log("File is not a WAV file: ", fileName, "LoadWAVFile in spp_AudioManager.");

	fread(typeInfo, sizeof(char), 4, wavFile);
	if(typeInfo[0]!='f' || typeInfo[1]!='m' || typeInfo[2] != 't' || typeInfo[3] != ' ')
		Log("WAV did not have fmt header: ", fileName, "LoadWAVFile in spp_AudioManager.");

	//reading data about the sound contained in the wave file
	fread(&chunkSize, sizeof(DWORD), 1, wavFile);
	fread(&formatType, sizeof(short), 1, wavFile);
	fread(&channels, sizeof(short), 1, wavFile);
	fread(&sampleRate, sizeof(DWORD), 1, wavFile);
	fread(&averageBytesPerSecond, sizeof(DWORD), 1, wavFile);
	fread(&bytesPerSample, sizeof(short), 1, wavFile);
	fread(&bitsPerSample, sizeof(short), 1, wavFile);

	//validating that data is present
	fread(typeInfo, sizeof(char),4,wavFile);
	if(typeInfo[0]!='d' || typeInfo[1]!='a' || typeInfo[2] != 't' || typeInfo[3] != 'a')
		Log("WAV did not have data: ", fileName, "LoadWAVFile in spp_AudioManager.");

	//getting the size of the data
	fread(&dataSize, sizeof(DWORD), 1,wavFile);

	//reading the audio data into a form that can be played in an OpenAL buffer
	unsigned char* audioData = new unsigned char[dataSize];
	fread(audioData,sizeof(BYTE), dataSize, wavFile);

	vector<char> dataVector;
	dataVector.insert(dataVector.end(), audioData, audioData + dataSize);

	//setting for format, stereo or mono
	if(bitsPerSample == 8)
		if(channels = 1)
			format = AL_FORMAT_MONO8;
		else if(channels == 2)
			format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO8;
			Log("Stereo sound loaded: 3D audio will not work with this file: ", fileName, "LoadWAVFile in spp_AudioManager.");
	else if(bitsPerSample == 16)
		if(channels == 1)
			format = AL_FORMAT_MONO16;
		else if(channels == 2)
			format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16;
			Log("Stereo sound loaded: 3D audio will not work with this file: ", fileName, "LoadWAVFile in spp_AudioManager.");


	//creating the OpenAL buffer to hold the data
	ALuint buffer;
	alGenBuffers(1, &buffer);
	Log("LoadWAVSound in spp_AudioManager.");

	//assigning the data to the buffer
	alBufferData(buffer, format, &dataVector[0], dataSize, sampleRate);
	Log("LoadWAVSound in spp_AudioManager.");

	//adding it to the manager's list of buffers
	mBufferList.insert(pair<string, ALuint>(tag, buffer));

	//closing the WAV file
void spp_AudioManager::LoadOGGSound(string fileName, string tag)
	//information needed to open file
	int endian = 0;
	int bitStream;
	long dataReadFromFile;
	char bufferInformation[SPP_OGG_SIZE_TO_READ];
	ALenum format;
	ALsizei freqency;
	DWORD dataSize;
	ALuint buffer;
	FILE *file;
	vector < char > dataForBuffer;

	vorbis_info *oggInformation;
	OggVorbis_File oggFile;

	//opening the file
	fopen_s(&file, fileName.c_str(), "rb");

	//this is needed to properly open an ogg file on windows
	ov_callbacks OV_CALLBACKS_DEFAULT = {
										(size_t (*)(void *, size_t, size_t, void *))  fread,
										(int (*)(void *, ogg_int64_t, int))           _ov_header_fseek_wrap,
										(int (*)(void *))                             fclose,
										(long (*)(void *))                            ftell

	//This is what actually opens the file
	int fileError = ov_open_callbacks(file, &oggFile, NULL, 0, OV_CALLBACKS_DEFAULT);

	if(fileError < 0)
		Log("OGG file could not be opened: ", fileName,  "LoadOGGFile in spp_AudioManager.");
	//format information about the OGG file
	oggInformation = ov_info(&oggFile, -1);

	//information on channels
	if(oggInformation->channels == 1)
		format = AL_FORMAT_MONO16;
		format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16;
		Log("Stereo sound loaded: 3D audio will not work with this file: ", fileName,  "LoadOGGFile in spp_AudioManager.");

	freqency = oggInformation->rate;

	//while data is still found in the file, add it to the buffer
		dataReadFromFile = ov_read(&oggFile, bufferInformation, SPP_OGG_SIZE_TO_READ, endian, 2, 1, &bitStream);

		dataForBuffer.insert(dataForBuffer.end(), bufferInformation, bufferInformation + dataReadFromFile);
	}while(dataReadFromFile > 0);

	//close the OGG file

	dataSize = static_cast<ALsizei>(dataForBuffer.size());


	//creating the OpenAL buffer
	alGenBuffers(1, &buffer);
	Log("LoadOGGFile in spp_AudioManager.");

	alBufferData(buffer, format, &dataForBuffer[0], dataSize, freqency);
	Log("LoadOGGFile in spp_AudioManager.");

	//adding the buffer to the list
	mBufferList.insert(pair<string, ALuint>(tag, buffer));
Esempio n. 7
bool EffectNoiseRemoval::ProcessOne(int count, WaveTrack * track,
                                    sampleCount start, sampleCount len)
   if (track == NULL)
      return false;


   if (!mDoProfile)
      mOutputTrack = mFactory->NewWaveTrack(track->GetSampleFormat(),

   sampleCount bufferSize = track->GetMaxBlockSize();
   float *buffer = new float[bufferSize];

   bool bLoopSuccess = true;
   sampleCount blockSize;
   sampleCount samplePos = start;
   while (samplePos < start + len) {
      //Get a blockSize of samples (smaller than the size of the buffer)
      blockSize = track->GetBestBlockSize(samplePos);

      //Adjust the block size if it is the final block in the track
      if (samplePos + blockSize > start + len)
         blockSize = start + len - samplePos;

      //Get the samples from the track and put them in the buffer
      track->Get((samplePtr)buffer, floatSample, samplePos, blockSize);

      mInSampleCount += blockSize;
      ProcessSamples(blockSize, buffer);

      samplePos += blockSize;

      // Update the Progress meter
      if (TrackProgress(count, (samplePos - start) / (double)len)) {
         bLoopSuccess = false;

   delete [] buffer;

   if (!mDoProfile) {
      // Flush the output WaveTrack (since it's buffered)

      // Take the output track and insert it in place of the original
      // sample data
      if (bLoopSuccess) {
		   track->HandleClear(mT0, mT1, false, false);
         // Filtering effects always end up with more data than they started with.  Delete this 'tail'.
         mOutputTrack->HandleClear(mT1 - mT0, mOutputTrack->GetEndTime(), false, false);
         track->HandlePaste(mT0, mOutputTrack);

      // Delete the outputTrack now that its data is inserted in place
      delete mOutputTrack;
      mOutputTrack = NULL;

   return bLoopSuccess;