void EnemyShip::updateAI(osg::Vec3f _playerPos, std::list<Projectile>& _missiles, osg::ref_ptr<osg::MatrixTransform> _mSceneTrans, float _dt) { //std::cout << "enemypos = " << getPos().x() << ", " << getPos().y() << ", " << getPos().z() << std::endl; osg::Vec3f diffVec = _playerPos - getPos(); osg::Quat tempQuat = getOrientation(); tempQuat.makeRotate(getDir(), diffVec); setDir(diffVec / diffVec.length()); if (diffVec.length() > 1000.0f) translate(getDir()*5.0f); else { } rotate(tempQuat); tempQuat = getOrientation(); osg::Quat tempQuat2; tempQuat2.makeRotate(tempQuat * osg::Vec3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), getDir()); tempQuat = tempQuat * tempQuat2; if (attackCooldown <= 0.0) { std::cout << "Enemy Laser!" << std::endl; _missiles.push_back(Projectile((std::string)("Laser"), getPos() + tempQuat * osg::Vec3f(0.0, 450.0, 0.0), getDir(), tempQuat, (std::string)("models/skottg.ive"), _mSceneTrans, 50, 4000, false)); attackCooldown = 8.0; } else attackCooldown -= _dt; }
void Player::updateProjectiles(sf::Time elapsedTime) { timeSinceLastShot += elapsedTime; int i = 0; for (auto &projectile : projectiles) { if (projectile.valid) { projectile.update(elapsedTime); i++; } else { projectiles.erase(projectiles.begin() + i); } } if (controls & 0x10 && health > 0) { if(timeSinceLastShot.asMilliseconds() > 200 && ammo > 0) { timeSinceLastShot = sf::Time::Zero; auto pos = this->boundingBox.getPosition() + sf::Vector2f(boundingBox.width /2, boundingBox.height / 2); projectiles.push_back(Projectile(pos, 1000, this->rotation, 1000, 0, playerId)); ammo--; } } }
void Equipment::use_ammo(int amnt) { projectile_amnt -= amnt; if (projectile_amnt <= 0) { projectile = Projectile(-1); projectile_amnt = 0; } }
AstralEntity::AstralEntity() { position.x = 0.0; position.y = -1.5; position.z = 0.0; direction.x = 1.0; direction.y = 1.0; direction.z = 1.0; acceleration.x = 0.5; acceleration.y = 0.5; acceleration.z = 0.0; velocity.x = 1.0; velocity.y = 1.0; velocity.z = 0.0; friction.x = 1.577; friction.y = 1.577; segment1.x = position.x + 0.2; segment1.y = position.y + 0.2; segment1.z = 0.0; segment2.x = position.x - 0.2; segment2.y = position.y + 0.2; segment2.z = 0.0; XPos = 0.0; YPos = 0.0; HDirection = 1.0; VDirection = 1.0; health = 100; shields = 100; score = 0; ammoIndex = 0; maxshots = 10; alive = true; //velocity = 1; velocityX = 1.0; velocityY = 1.0; accelerationX = 1.75; accelerationY = 1.75; frictionX = 1.577; frictionY = 1.577; isStatic = false; collideBottom = false; collideLeft = false; collideRight = false; collideTop = false; scaleFactor = 1.0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { shots.push_back(Projectile()); } //shots[ammoIndex].width = width; //shots[ammoIndex].height = height; /*shots[ammoIndex].position.y = position.y; shots[ammoIndex].position.x = position.x;*/ shots[ammoIndex].direction.x = direction.x; shots[ammoIndex].direction.y = 1.0; //width = 1.0; //height = 1.0; wins = 0; }
void testApp::fire(int player) { Player& me = players[player]; //cout << "players (0: " << players[0].life << "," << players[0].lastId << "," << players[0].position << ")" << endl; //cout << "players (1: " << players[1].life << "," << players[1].lastId << "," << players[1].position << ")" << endl; if(me.life > 0) { Player& you = players[otherPlayer(player)]; ofVec2f position = me.position; ofVec2f velocity = you.position - me.position; projectiles.push_back(Projectile(player, position, velocity)); } }
void Character::Shoot() { for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(assocProjectiles); i++) { if (assocProjectiles[i].alive != true) { assocProjectiles[i] = Projectile(pos, direction, objName); assocProjectiles[i].LoadSprite(); return; } } }
Projectile * Player::CreateBullets(int a_iArraySize) { Bullets = new Projectile[a_iArraySize]; for(int i = 0; i < a_iArraySize; i++) { Bullets[i] = Projectile(); Bullets[i].Create("./images/Projectile.png"); } return Bullets; }
Projectile spawnProjectile(Vec3Df direction) { Vec3Df spawnPos = character.getAngleRefPos(); direction.normalize(); spawnPos += direction * character.getArmRadius(); Projectile projectile = Projectile(spawnPos, direction); projectile.movementSpeed = 3.0; projectile.width = 0.5; projectile.height = 0.5; projectiles.push_back(projectile); return projectile; }
void SSProjectiles::CreateProjectile( Entity shooter, Entity target ) { Projectile* projectile = nullptr; for ( auto& it : m_Projectiles ) if ( it.Active == false ) projectile = ⁢ if ( projectile == nullptr ) { //create new projectile m_Projectiles.push_back( Projectile( ) ); projectile = &m_Projectiles.back( ); projectile->Light = gfx::Light(); projectile->Light.Position = glm::vec3( FLT_MIN ); } else { //reuse projectile projectile->Light = gfx::Light(); projectile->Light.Position = glm::vec3( FLT_MIN ); } projectile->Effect = nullptr; SetWeaponPropertiesToProjectile( GetDenseComponent<WeaponComponent>( shooter ), projectile ); projectile->Position = GetDenseComponent<PlacementComponent>( shooter )->Position; projectile->Scale = glm::vec3( 1.0f ); projectile->Color = GetDenseComponent<ColourComponent>( shooter )->Colour * 3.0f; // TODODP: Find another way of intensifying the color projectile->Origin = projectile->Position; projectile->Destination = GetDenseComponent<PlacementComponent>( target )->Position; glm::vec3 distance = projectile->Destination - projectile->Position; projectile->Velocity = glm::normalize( distance ) * projectile->Speed; projectile->TimeLeft = glm::length( distance ) / projectile->Speed; projectile->TimeToLive = projectile->TimeLeft; projectile->Active = true; projectile->Target = target; projectile->OwnerID = GetDenseComponent<OwnerComponent>( GetDenseComponent<ChildComponent>( shooter )->Parent )->OwnerID; SetSpecificProjectileProperties( projectile, distance ); }
void SwampMonster::attack() { Vec3d playerPos = game->getPlayer()->getPosition() - mPosition; //Vec2d angle(atan2(playerPos.X-mPosition.X, playerPos.Z-mPosition.Z)); playerPos.normalize(); playerPos /= 8; //range.setLength(1.0); game->getEntityManager()->add(New Projectile(mPosition,playerPos,game->getAnimationManager()->get("fireball"),Vec2d(5,10),ENTITY_ATTACK_ENEMY)); speak(getAttackSound()); game->getSoundEngine()->play3DSound(game->getResourceManager()->get("flame_attack"),mPosition); }
Ak47::Ak47() : Weapon(10,1.2,30,30,90) { lastReload = 0; lastShoot = 0; bullet = Projectile("resource/sprites/bullet2.bmp", 350,18,10); sprite = al_load_bitmap("resource/weapons/ak47.bmp"); if(!sprite) { std::cout<<"Erro no sprite da Ak47"<<std::endl; return; } width = al_get_bitmap_width(sprite); height = al_get_bitmap_height(sprite); al_convert_mask_to_alpha(sprite,al_map_rgb(255,0,255)); aShootSound = al_load_sample("resource/sounds/ak47.wav"); if(!aShootSound) { std::cout<<"Erro no audio de shoot"<<std::endl; return; } aReloadSound = al_load_sample("resource/sounds/reload.wav"); if(!aReloadSound) { std::cout<<"Erro no audio reload"<<std::endl; return; } }
void Simulation::updatePlayers() { /*NOTE: The Simulation behaves as if events during a turn happen simultaneous. * That way the simulation is deterministic, even though (partial) events may * occur in an arbitrary order. This is archived by applying types of event in * a particular order. E.g. player movements never influence each other. * Collisions never influence each other. But movement influences Collision. * Therefor if movement and collision were interleaved, the order of events * would matter. By splitting movement and collision, the order of events does * not matter. * If an event can influence events of its type, this system won’t work. One * solution to this problem is to split the event in parts, that influence * each other but not themselves. */ // set vision for all players for (auto &player : players) { check_scan(player.second); } // Player Actions(Movement) for (auto &player : players) { player.second.update(); } // resolve Player Actions(Shooting) for (auto &player : players) { // see if any player wants to shoot if (player.second.shooting) { // reset the shooting flag player.second.shooting = false; // calculate the direction in which the Robot shoots double direction = player.second.getRotation() + player.second.getTurretAngle(); Vector_d porjectilePosition = player.second.getPosition(); // make sure we create the Projectile outside the player porjectilePosition += Vector_d::polar( direction, Vector_d(rules.robot_size.x, rules.projectile_size.x).magnitude()); // create the Projectile projectiles.push_back( Projectile(rules, porjectilePosition, direction, player.first)); } } // resolve Player collision for (auto &player : players) { // check collision between playeres // NOTE: currently we check each pair of players twice, once for // Collision(A,B) and once for Collision(B,A). for (auto const &player2 : players) { if (&player == &player2) { // don't check collision with self. continue; } if (Collision(player.second, player2.second)) { collisionSignal(player.first, player2.first); player.second.takeDamage(rules.collision_damage); } } } // resolve out-of-Bound events for (auto &player : players) { // check if any player is outside the arena Vector_d pos = player.second.getPosition(); if (pos.x > rules.arena_size.x || pos.y > rules.arena_size.y || pos.x < 0 || pos.y < 0) { outOfBoundsSignal(player.first); player.second.takeDamage(rules.collision_damage); } } // resolve collision between players and projectiles for (auto &player : players) { // check collision between player and projectile for (auto projectile = projectiles.begin(); projectile != projectiles.end();) { Collision collision(player.second, *projectile); if (collision) { // deal damage to the player player.second.takeDamage(rules.projectile_damage); hitSignal(player.first, projectile->owner); // remove projectile, and advance the iterator projectile = projectiles.erase(projectile); } else { // advance the iterator ++projectile; } } } }
void ProjectileList::add(float energy, float x, float y, float xSpeed, float ySpeed, int type, char origin){ pVector.push_back(Projectile(energy,window,x,y,xSpeed,ySpeed,type,time,currentID,&projTexture,origin)); currentID++; }
//Main function int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { /* ----- // INITIALIZATION ----- */ //Seed RNG srand(time(NULL)); //Initialize all SDL subsystems if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) == -1) { return 1; } //Initialize SDL_TTF TTF_Init(); TTF_Font * planetFont = TTF_OpenFont("corbel.ttf", 20); //Set up the screen SDL_Surface* screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE); //Make sure screen set up if (screen == NULL) { return false; } //Set the window caption SDL_WM_SetCaption("GAEM", NULL); //Create an event manager SDL_Event event; //Store keystates Uint8* keystates; //Set up camera SDL_Rect camera = {0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT}; float camerax = 0; float cameray = 0; /* ----- GAME SETUP ----- */ //Set up ship stats std::vector<ShipStats> shipstats(10); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { shipstats[i].attack = i+1; shipstats[i].defense = i+1; shipstats[i].speed = DEFAULT_FLEET_SPEED; shipstats[i].interceptRange = 200; shipstats[i].interceptDamage = 0.1; shipstats[i].interceptCD = 250; } //Set up ship type 1: Heavy ship shipstats[1].attack = 3; shipstats[1].defense = 2; shipstats[1].speed = DEFAULT_FLEET_SPEED/2; //Set up ship type 2: Fiery attack ship shipstats[2].attack = 2; shipstats[2].defense = 1; shipstats[2].speed = DEFAULT_FLEET_SPEED*1.25; //Set up buildings and building rules std::list<Building> buildings; std::vector<std::list<Building*> > buildRules; buildRules.resize(2); SDL_Surface* b01 = loadImage("b01.png"); SDL_Surface* bc01 = loadImage("bc01.png"); SDL_Surface* b02 = loadImage("b02.png"); SDL_Surface* bc02 = loadImage("bc02.png"); buildings.push_back(Building(b01, bc01, "build 0 2")); //0 buildings.push_back(Building(b02, bc02, "fire damage 2 1")); //1 buildings.push_back(Building(b01, bc01, "build 1 4")); //2 buildings.push_back(Building(b01, bc01, "build 2 2")); //3 buildings.push_back(Building(b02, bc02, "aura damage 1 total")); //4 //0 std::list<Building>::iterator bi = buildings.begin(); buildRules[0].push_back(&(*bi)); bi->setBuildTime(15000); bi++; //1 buildRules[0].push_back(&(*bi)); bi->setBuildTime(10000); bi->setRange(250); bi++; //2 buildRules[0].push_back(&(*bi)); bi->setBuildTime(15000); bi++; //3 buildRules[1].push_back(&(*bi)); bi->setBuildTime(15000); bi++; //4 buildRules[1].push_back(&(*bi)); bi->setBuildTime(10000); bi->setRange(200); bi->setCD(1000); //Building images are now in rotation caches SDL_FreeSurface(b01); SDL_FreeSurface(bc01); SDL_FreeSurface(b02); SDL_FreeSurface(bc02); //Create a list of planets std::list<Planet> planets; //The standard rate of production of basic ship 0 float ship0rate = 1.0; //The array of indicators SDL_Surface* indicator[3]; indicator[1] = loadImage("selectorb.png"); indicator[2] = loadImage("selectorr.png"); SDL_Surface* planet0img = loadImage("planet0.png"); SDL_Surface* planet1img = loadImage("planet1.png"); SDL_Surface* planet1_1img = loadImage("planet1-1.png"); //Create the planets at random //First, create two home planets std::vector<int> homestart; homestart.resize(1,3); planets.push_back(Planet(planet0img, 1.0, Vec2f(rand()%100, 100 + rand()%(LEVEL_HEIGHT-200)), 0)); planets.back().setOwner(1, indicator); planets.back().setShipRate(0, ship0rate); planets.back().setRotSpeed(M_PI/20); planets.back().addShips(3, 0); planets.push_back(Planet(planet0img, 1.0, Vec2f(LEVEL_WIDTH-(2*UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS)-(rand()%100), 100 + rand()%(LEVEL_HEIGHT-200)), 0)); planets.back().setOwner(2, indicator); planets.back().setShipRate(0, ship0rate); planets.back().setRotSpeed(M_PI/20); planets.back().addShips(3, 0); //Now repeatedly create planets until either a target density is reached //or we go too many tries without finding a spot for a new planet. char tries = 0; char maxTries = 10; double density = 0.13; double totalSize = LEVEL_WIDTH*LEVEL_HEIGHT; double currentSize = M_PI*UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS*UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS*2; double spacing = 23; while (currentSize/totalSize < density && tries < maxTries) { //Create a new planet at a completely random location with a random size //For now, make half normal and half volcanic float psize = (double(rand())/double(RAND_MAX))*0.7 + 0.5; Planet p(planet0img, psize, Vec2f(rand()%(LEVEL_WIDTH-int(2*UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS*psize)), rand()%(LEVEL_HEIGHT-int(2*UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS*psize))), 0);; if (rand()%2 == 0) { p.setType(0); p.setImage(planet0img); } else { p.setType(1); p.setImage(planet1img); } //Make sure it doesn't collide with any other planets bool skip = false; for (planetIter pi = planets.begin(); pi != planets.end(); pi++) { Vec2f ppos = p.pos()+Vec2f(UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS*p.size(),UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS*p.size()); Vec2f pipos = pi->pos()+Vec2f(UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS*pi->size(),UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS*pi->size()); if ((pipos-ppos).length() < p.size()*UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS + pi->size()*UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS + spacing) { //There's a collision. Increment tries and try again tries++; skip = true; break; } } if (skip) continue; //At this point, we know there's no collision. Reset tries tries = 0; //Add a few more random attributes p.setOwner(0, indicator); p.setShipRate(0, ship0rate); p.setRotSpeed((fmod(rand(),M_PI)/5) - M_PI/10); p.setDifficulty(p.size()*20 + rand()%15 - 9); //Add this planet to the current size currentSize += M_PI*(UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS*p.size())*(UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS*p.size()); //Add it to the list planets.push_back(p); } //Set up fleet list std::list<Fleet> fleets; //Set up projectile list std::list<Projectile> projectiles; //Filler to act as NULL planetIter planNull; //The currently selected planet planetIter selectPlanet = planNull; //Set up AI std::list<GalconAI> ai; //For now, AI controls player 2 GalconAISettings aiSet; aiSet.attackFraction = .8; aiSet.surplusDefecitThreshold = .25; aiSet.attackExtraNeutral = .2; aiSet.attackExtraEnemy = .7; aiSet.perPlanetAttackStrength = .5; aiSet.delay = 200; aiSet.maximumBuildingFraction = .8; aiSet.minimumDefenseForBuilding = 10; aiSet.distancePower = 1.15; ai.push_back(GalconAI(2, aiSet)); ai.begin()->init(planets, shipstats); ai.begin()->activate(); //The number of the locally playing player char localPlayer = 1; //The type of ship that will currently be sent int shipSendType = 0; //A line drawer for the main surface LineDrawer linedraw(screen); /* ----- MAIN LOOP ----- */ int time = SDL_GetTicks(); uint8_t quit = 0; while (quit == 0) { //Update time and dt //Cap FPS int dt = SDL_GetTicks() - time; float minms = 1000.0/float(FPS_CAP); if (dt < minms) SDL_Delay(minms-dt); time = SDL_GetTicks(); //Update keystates keystates = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL); //Check for arrow keys/wasd if (keystates[SDLK_UP] || keystates[SDLK_w]) { cameray -= CAMERA_SPEED * (dt/1000.0); if (cameray < 0) cameray = 0; } if (keystates[SDLK_RIGHT] || keystates[SDLK_d]) { camerax += CAMERA_SPEED * (dt/1000.0); if (camerax > LEVEL_WIDTH - SCREEN_WIDTH) camerax = LEVEL_WIDTH - SCREEN_WIDTH; } if (keystates[SDLK_DOWN] || keystates[SDLK_s]) { cameray += CAMERA_SPEED * (dt/1000.0); if (cameray > LEVEL_HEIGHT - SCREEN_HEIGHT) cameray = LEVEL_HEIGHT - SCREEN_HEIGHT; } if (keystates[SDLK_LEFT] || keystates[SDLK_a]) { camerax -= CAMERA_SPEED * (dt/1000.0); if (camerax < 0) camerax = 0; } //Update camera from camerax and cameray to struct camera.x = camerax; camera.y = cameray; //Handle events while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { //Quit if requested if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) { quit = 1; } //Check for escape key, QWERTY to construct buildings, or numbers to select //ship type. //BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND TYPE SELECTION THIS WAY IS TEMPORARY if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { switch (event.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: quit = 1; break; case SDLK_q: if (selectPlanet != planNull) { if (selectPlanet->owner() != localPlayer || buildRules[selectPlanet->type()].size() < 1) break; selectPlanet->build(*(buildRules[selectPlanet->type()].begin()), buildRules); } break; case SDLK_w: if (selectPlanet != planNull) { if (selectPlanet->owner() != localPlayer || buildRules[selectPlanet->type()].size() < 2) break; selectPlanet->build(*(++buildRules[selectPlanet->type()].begin()), buildRules); } break; case SDLK_e: if (selectPlanet != planNull) { if (selectPlanet->owner() != localPlayer || buildRules[selectPlanet->type()].size() < 3) break; std::list<Building*>::iterator i; i = buildRules[selectPlanet->type()].begin(); i++; i++; selectPlanet->build(*i, buildRules); } break; case SDLK_1: shipSendType = 0; break; case SDLK_2: shipSendType = 1; break; case SDLK_3: shipSendType = 2; break; case SDLK_4: shipSendType = 3; break; case SDLK_5: shipSendType = 4; break; default: break; } } //Check for mouse clicks if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { //Left click if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) { //Used to select a planet //Check if any are being clicked on selectPlanet = planNull; //Adjust mouse coordinates based on camera Vec2f click(event.button.x + camera.x, event.button.y + camera.y); for (planetIter i = planets.begin(); i != planets.end(); i++) { //See if distance from center is less than planet radius Vec2f center(i->x() + (UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS * i->size()), i->y() + (UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS * i->size())); if ((click-center).length() < UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS * i->size()) { //Ensure the planet belongs to this person if ((*i).owner() == localPlayer) { selectPlanet = i; break; } } } } //Right click if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { //Used to choose the destination for a fleet //See if we have a selected planet if (selectPlanet != planNull) { //Adjust mouse coordinates based on camera Vec2f click(event.button.x + camera.x, event.button.y + camera.y); //Check to see if any are being clicked on for (planetIter i = planets.begin(); i != planets.end(); i++) { Vec2f center(i->x() + (UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS * i->size()), i->y() + (UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS * i->size())); //See if distance from center is less than planet radius if ((click-center).length() < UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS * i->size()) { //Split ships from the source planet int transfer = (*selectPlanet).splitShips(0.5, shipSendType); //Make sure we actually have a ship in the fleet if (transfer > 0) { //Add the new fleet fleets.push_back(Fleet(transfer, shipSendType, shipstats[shipSendType], &(*selectPlanet), &(*i))); break; } } } } } } } //Draw a white background SDL_Rect back = {0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT}; SDL_FillRect(screen, &back, 0xFFFFFF); //Update and display fleets for (fleetIter i = fleets.begin(); i != fleets.end(); i++) { (*i).update(); //Check for arrival at destination //See if distance from center is less than planet radius Vec2f tar((*i).dest()->x() + (UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS*(*i).dest()->size()), (*i).dest()->y() + (UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS*(*i).dest()->size())); if ((tar-i->pos()).length() < UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS * (i->dest())->size()) { //Check if friendly or hostile if ((*i).dest()->owner() == (*i).owner()) { //Add the fleet to the new planet (*((*i).dest())).addShips(i->ships(), i->type()); } else //Hostile { //Attack! //Get ship counts before the attack std::vector<int> ships1 = i->dest()->shipcount(); int oldowner = i->dest()->owner(); //Actually do the attack (*((*i).dest())).takeAttack(i->ships(), i->type(), i->owner(), shipstats, indicator); //If the attack changed ownership of the selected planet, //deselect it if (oldowner != i->dest()->owner() && i->dest() == &(*selectPlanet)) selectPlanet = planNull; //Get ship counts after the attack std::vector<int> ships2 = i->dest()->shipcount(); //Notify the defending AI about the losses for (std::list<GalconAI>::iterator j = ai.begin(); j != ai.end(); j++) { if (oldowner != j->player()) continue; float newdefense = 0; for (unsigned int k = 0; k < ships1.size(); k++) { int diff; //If ownership has changed if (oldowner != i->dest()->owner()) { diff = ships1[k]; j->notifyPlanetLoss(i->dest()); } else { diff = ships1[k] - ships2[k]; } newdefense += diff * shipstats[k].defense; } j->notifyDefendLoss(newdefense); } //Notify the attacking AI about the losses for (std::list<GalconAI>::iterator j = ai.begin(); j != ai.end(); j++) { if (i->owner() != j->player()) continue; float lost; //If the attack failed if (i->dest()->owner() != i->owner()) { //Lost everything lost = i->ships(); } else //Successful attack { //Lose the difference lost = i->ships() - i->dest()->totalDefense(shipstats); j->notifyPlanetGain(i->dest()); } j->notifyAttackLoss(lost); } } //Delete all projectiles with this fleet as its target for (projectileIter pi = projectiles.begin(); pi != projectiles.end(); pi++) { if (pi->target() == &(*(i))) { pi = projectiles.erase(pi); pi--; } } //Delete the fleet i = fleets.erase(i); i--; continue; } //Check for interception //Compare against every other fleet for (fleetIter j = fleets.begin(); j != fleets.end(); j++) { //Atempt interception char status = i->intercept(&(*j), shipstats); //Greater than 0: Draw line if (status <= 0) continue; SDL_Color red = {255, 0, 0}; SDL_Color orange = {255, 255, 0}; linedraw.line(i->pos(), j->pos(), orange, red); //Equal to 2: Dealt damage, but didn't notify if (status == 2) { //Notify the AI before we go around deleting things for (std::list<GalconAI>::iterator k = ai.begin(); k != ai.end(); k++) { if (k->player() == j->owner()) { k->notifyFleetDamage(std::min(double(shipstats[i->type()].interceptDamage), double(j->totalDefense(shipstats)))); } } } //Equal to 3: Destroy target if (status != 3) break; //We can have the projectile code handle the cleanup later //Create a fake projectile right on top of it to deal the final blow std::stringstream convertnum; convertnum << "damage "; convertnum << shipstats[i->type()].interceptDamage*i->ships()*2; projectiles.push_back(Projectile(j->pos(), &(*j), convertnum.str(), shipstats[j->type()].speed*2)); //Don't attack more than one ship break; } (*i).display(screen, camera); } //Update and display planets for (planetIter i = planets.begin(); i != planets.end(); i++) { //Get ship counts before the update std::vector<int> ships1 = i->shipcount(); //Update the planet (*i).update(); //Get ship counts after the update std::vector<int> ships2 = i->shipcount(); //Notify a controlling AI about the construction for (std::list<GalconAI>::iterator j = ai.begin(); j != ai.end(); j++) { if (i->owner() != j->player()) continue; float newattack = 0; float newdefense = 0; for (unsigned int k = 0; k < ships1.size(); k++) { int diff = ships2[k] - ships1[k]; newattack += diff * shipstats[k].attack; newdefense += diff * shipstats[k].defense; } j->notifyConstruction(newattack, newdefense); } //If this planet is selected, add an indicator if (i == selectPlanet) { SDL_Rect temprect = {Sint16((*i).x()-10 - camera.x), Sint16((*i).y()-10 - camera.y), Uint16(UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS * (*i).size() * 2 + 20), Uint16(UNSCALED_PLANET_RADIUS * (*i).size() * 2 + 20)}; SDL_FillRect(screen, &temprect, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 100, 100, 100)); } //If this is a lava planet and it is depleted, replace the image if (i->typeInfo() < 0 && i->type() == 1) { i->setImage(planet1_1img); i->setTypeInfo(0); i->setRotSpeed(0); i->setShipRate(0, ship0rate * PLANET1_DEPLETION_PENALTY); } //Iterate over all buildings to handle effects from buildings to other objects for (unsigned int j = 0; j < i->buildcount(); j++) { //Get the building BuildingInstance* b = i->building(j); //Skip over nonexistant and incomplete buildings if (!(b->exists()) || j == Uint32(i->buildIndex())) continue; //Try to make it fire, remember result bool fire = b->fire(); //Create a string stream and vector for tokens std::stringstream ss(b->effect()); std::string item; std::vector<std::string> tokens; while (std::getline(ss, item, ' ')) { tokens.push_back(item); } //Ensure the size is at least two if (tokens.size() < 3) continue; //Parse it and apply effects that involve multiple objects //Fire projectile: fire <effect> <effectvars> <speed as multiplier> if (tokens[0] == "fire") { //Ensure size of four if (tokens.size() != 4) continue; //Loop over all potential target fleets, find closest Fleet* closest = NULL; float closestDist = -1; Vec2f coords = i->buildcoords(j); for (fleetIter k = fleets.begin(); k != fleets.end(); k++) { //Only check further if it's an enemy fleet if (k->owner() == i->owner()) continue; //Compute the distance between them double dist = (coords-k->pos()).length(); //Continue if the fleet is out of range if (dist > b->range()) continue; //Compare with previous best if (dist < closestDist || closestDist < -0.5) { closestDist = dist; closest = &(*k); } } //Fire a projectile from the building to the fleet if (closest != NULL) { if (fire) { //Create a proper string for the projectile std::string projstr; for (unsigned int word = 1; word < tokens.size()-1; word++) { projstr += tokens[word] + " "; } projectiles.push_back(Projectile(coords, closest, projstr, std::atof(tokens[tokens.size()-1].c_str()))); } } } //Aura: aura <effect> <effectvars> if (tokens[0] == "aura") { //Find number of ships in range int shipcount = 0; for (fleetIter k = fleets.begin(); k != fleets.end(); k++) { //Only check further if it's an enemy fleet if (k->owner() == i->owner()) continue; //Compute the distance between them double dist = (i->buildcoords(j)-k->pos()).length(); if (dist <= b->range()) shipcount += k->ships(); } //Deal damage with a fake projectile if (fire) { bool hit = false; for (fleetIter k = fleets.begin(); k != fleets.end(); k++) { //Only check further if it's an enemy fleet if (k->owner() == i->owner()) continue; //Compute the distance between them double dist = (i->buildcoords(j)-k->pos()).length(); if (dist > b->range()) continue; hit = true; std::string projstr; //Divide appropriately if needed if (tokens[tokens.size()-1] == "total") { std::stringstream toa; toa << atof(tokens[tokens.size()-2].c_str())*float(k->ships())/float(shipcount); tokens[tokens.size()-1] = toa.str(); } //Depleted volcanic planets don't do as much if (i->type() == 1 && i->typeInfo() <= 0) { std::stringstream toa; toa << atof(tokens[tokens.size()-2].c_str())*PLANET1_DEPLETION_PENALTY; tokens[tokens.size()-1] = toa.str(); } //Create the projectile for (unsigned int word = 1; word < tokens.size()-1; word++) { projstr += tokens[word] + " "; } projectiles.push_back(Projectile(k->pos(), &(*k), projstr, 1)); } //Volcanic planets will lost some fuel if (i->type() == 1 && hit && i->typeInfo() != 0) { i->setTypeInfo(i->typeInfo()-PLANET1_DEPLETION_RATE); if (i->typeInfo() == 0) i->setTypeInfo(-1); } } } } //for each building (*i).display(screen, planetFont, camera); } //Update and display projectiles for (projectileIter i = projectiles.begin(); i != projectiles.end(); i++) { (*i).update(); //Check if the projectile has hit its target fleet if ((i->pos() - i->target()->pos()).length() < 12.345) //MAGIC NUMBER >:( { //Tokenize string to determine effect std::stringstream ss(i->effect()); std::string item; std::vector<std::string> tokens; while (std::getline(ss, item, ' ')) { tokens.push_back(item); } //Damage: damage <amount> if (tokens[0] == "damage") { //Ensure size of two if (tokens.size() != 2) continue; //Deliver the damage //Notify the AI before we go around deleting things for (std::list<GalconAI>::iterator j = ai.begin(); j != ai.end(); j++) { if (j->player() == i->target()->owner()) { j->notifyFleetDamage(std::min(std::atof(tokens[1].c_str()), double(i->target()->totalDefense(shipstats)))); } } //Check to see if the fleet is destroyed by this if (!(i->target()->takeHit(std::atof(tokens[1].c_str()), shipstats))) { //Delete the fleet for (fleetIter fi = fleets.begin(); fi != fleets.end(); fi++) { if (&(*fi) == &(*(i->target()))) { fleets.erase(fi); break; } } //Delete all projectiles with this fleet as the target for (projectileIter pi = projectiles.begin(); pi != projectiles.end(); pi++) { if (pi->target() == i->target()) { if (pi == i) continue; pi = projectiles.erase(pi); pi--; } } } //Either way, destroy this projectile i = projectiles.erase(i); i--; continue; } } (*i).display(screen, camera); } //Perform AI calculations for (std::list<GalconAI>::iterator i = ai.begin(); i != ai.end(); i++) { //Get the command list commandList com = i->update(planets, fleets, shipstats, buildRules); //Execute each command for (commandList::iterator j = com.begin(); j != com.end(); j++) { //Extract the info from the command Planet* source = j->first; int amount = j->second.first; Planet* dest = j->second.second; //Handle building construction if (source == dest) { std::list<Building*>::iterator build = buildRules[source->type()].begin(); while (amount > 0) { amount--; build++; } //Build it! source->build((*build), buildRules); continue; } //Get the number of ships from the source std::vector<int> ships = source->shipcount(); //Send out a fleet for each ship type used std::vector<int> newfleet; newfleet.resize(ships.size()); int total = 0; for (unsigned int k = 0; k < ships.size(); k++) { //Handle it differently for attack or defense float typeTotal; if (dest->owner() == source->owner()) { //Check the total defense of this ship type typeTotal = ships[k] * shipstats[k].defense; } else { //Check the total attack of this ship type typeTotal = ships[k] * shipstats[k].attack; } //If there's more ships requested than there are of this type if (total + typeTotal <= amount) { //Add them all newfleet[k] += ships[k]; total += typeTotal; } else //More ships than space in the requested fleet { //Find the proper amount //# of ships to send = defense requested / def per ship float properAmount = (amount - total) / (typeTotal / ships[k]); newfleet[k] += properAmount; break; } } //Fleet is built, send each type that has some ships for (unsigned int k = 0; k < newfleet.size(); k++) { if (newfleet[k] == 0) continue; fleets.push_back(Fleet(newfleet[k], k, shipstats[k], source, dest)); //Also subtract the fleet from the original planet newfleet[k] *= -1; source->addShips(newfleet[k], k); } } } //Flipoo if (SDL_Flip(screen) == -1) { return 1; } } //Free surfaces SDL_FreeSurface(indicator[1]); SDL_FreeSurface(indicator[2]); SDL_FreeSurface(planet0img); SDL_FreeSurface(planet1img); SDL_FreeSurface(planet1_1img); //Clean up TTF TTF_CloseFont(planetFont); TTF_Quit(); SDL_Quit(); }
void Game::PlayerShoot() { Mix_PlayChannel(-1, this->playerShoot, 0); this->projectiles.push_back(Projectile(&this->g_Texture, &this->projectileSrcRect, true, this->player.getX() + this->player.getWidth() / 2, this->playerViewport.y)); }
void Bird::shoot() { sf::Vector2f birdPos = birds[animationSpriteFrame].getPosition(); projectiles.push_back(Projectile(*textures, birdPos)); }
void Game::InvaderShoot(Invader *shooter) { Mix_PlayChannel(-1, this->invaderShoot, 0); this->projectiles.push_back(Projectile(&this->g_Texture, &this->projectileSrcRect, false, shooter->getX() + shooter->getWidth() / 2 + this->invadersViewport.x, this->invadersViewport.y + shooter->getY())); }