Esempio n. 1
File: mms.c Progetto: Cbrdiv/xplico
int DissectInit(void)
    int http_id;
    /* part of file name */
    incr = 0;

    /* Http pei generator */
    HttpPktDis = NULL;
    http_id = ProtId("http");
    if (http_id != -1) {
        HttpPktDis = ProtPktDefaultDis(http_id);

    /* protocols and attributes */
    mms_id = ProtId("mms");

    /* pei id */
    pei_url_id = ProtPeiComptId(mms_id, "url");
    pei_from_id = ProtPeiComptId(mms_id, "from");
    pei_to_id = ProtPeiComptId(mms_id, "to");
    pei_cc_id = ProtPeiComptId(mms_id, "cc");
    pei_bcc_id = ProtPeiComptId(mms_id, "bcc");
    pei_part_id = ProtPeiComptId(mms_id, "part");
    pei_raw_id = ProtPeiComptId(mms_id, "raw");

    /* ipp tmp directory */
    sprintf(tmp_dir, "%s/%s", ProtTmpDir(), MMS_TMP_DIR);
    mkdir(tmp_dir, 0x01FF);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
File: ipp.c Progetto: Cbrdiv/xplico
int DissectInit(void)
    char ipp_dir[256];
    struct stat st;

    /* part of file name */
    incr = 0;

    /* check local pcl6 */
    if (stat("./pcl6", &st) == 0) {
        /* there is a local pcl6 application */
        strcpy(pcl6_path, "./pcl6");
    /* protocols and attributes */
    prot_id = ProtId("ipp");

    /* pei id */
    pei_url_id = ProtPeiComptId(prot_id, "url");
    pei_pdffile_id = ProtPeiComptId(prot_id, "pdf");
    pei_pclfile_id = ProtPeiComptId(prot_id, "pcl");

    /* ipp tmp directory */
    sprintf(ipp_dir, "%s/%s", ProtTmpDir(), IPP_TMP_DIR);
    mkdir(ipp_dir, 0x01FF);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
int DissectInit(void)
    char telnet_dir[256];

    /* part of file name */
    incr = 0;

    /* info id */
    ip_id = ProtId("ip");
    ipv6_id = ProtId("ipv6");
    tcp_id = ProtId("tcp");
    ip_dst_id = ProtAttrId(ip_id, "ip.dst");
    ip_src_id = ProtAttrId(ip_id, "ip.src");
    ipv6_dst_id = ProtAttrId(ipv6_id, "ipv6.dst");
    ipv6_src_id = ProtAttrId(ipv6_id, "ipv6.src");
    port_dst_id = ProtAttrId(tcp_id, "tcp.dstport");
    port_src_id = ProtAttrId(tcp_id, "tcp.srcport");
    lost_id = ProtAttrId(tcp_id, "tcp.lost");
    telnet_id = ProtId("telnet");

    /* pei id */
    pei_host_id = ProtPeiComptId(telnet_id, "host");
    pei_user_id = ProtPeiComptId(telnet_id, "user");
    pei_password_id= ProtPeiComptId(telnet_id, "password");
    pei_cmd_id = ProtPeiComptId(telnet_id, "cmd");

    /* telnet tmp directory */
    sprintf(telnet_dir, "%s/%s", ProtTmpDir(), TELNET_TMP_DIR);
    mkdir(telnet_dir, 0x01FF);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
int DissectInit(void)
    char rtp_dir[256];
    /* part of file name */
    incr = 0;

    /* info id */
    ppp_id = ProtId("ppp");
    eth_id = ProtId("eth");
    ip_id = ProtId("ip");
    ip_dst_id = ProtAttrId(ip_id, "ip.dst");
    ip_src_id = ProtAttrId(ip_id, "ip.src");
    ip_offset_id = ProtAttrId(ip_id, "ip.offset");
    ipv6_id = ProtId("ipv6");
    ipv6_dst_id = ProtAttrId(ipv6_id, "ipv6.dst");
    ipv6_src_id = ProtAttrId(ipv6_id, "ipv6.src");
    ipv6_offset_id = ProtAttrId(ipv6_id, "ipv6.offset");
    udp_id = ProtId("udp");
    uport_dst_id = ProtAttrId(udp_id, "udp.dstport");
    uport_src_id = ProtAttrId(udp_id, "udp.srcport");
    rtp_id = ProtId("rtp");
    rtcp_id = ProtId("rtcp");
    if (rtcp_id != -1)
        rtcp_phone_id = ProtAttrId(rtcp_id, "");
    /* pei id */
    pei_from = ProtPeiComptId(rtp_id, "from");
    pei_to = ProtPeiComptId(rtp_id, "to");
    pei_audio_from = ProtPeiComptId(rtp_id, "audio_from");
    pei_audio_to = ProtPeiComptId(rtp_id, "audio_to");
    pei_audio_mix = ProtPeiComptId(rtp_id, "audio_mix");
    pei_duration = ProtPeiComptId(rtp_id, "duration");

    /* rtp tmp directory */
    sprintf(rtp_dir, "%s/%s", ProtTmpDir(), RTP_TMP_DIR);
    mkdir(rtp_dir, 0x01FF);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 5
static packet* RtpDissector(int flow_id)
    struct in_addr ip_addr;
    struct in6_addr ipv6_addr;
    const pstack_f *udp, *ip;
    ftval port_src, port_dst, offset, phone;
    char ips_str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN], ipd_str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
    rtp_priv *priv;
    packet *pkt;
    int rid, ret, gid, rtcp_fid;
    cmp_val rip, rport;
    char tmp_file_1[256];
    char tmp_file_2[256];
    char media_file_1[256];
    char media_file_2[256];
    char media_conv[256];
    FILE *fp_pcap_1, *fp_pcap_2, *fp_pcap;
    struct pcap_file_header fh;
    struct pcappkt_hdr pckt_header;
    struct stat fsbuf;
    char cmd[1024];
    size_t nwrt, wcnt;
    time_t tstart, tend;
    pei *ppei;
    pei_component *cmpn;
    bool aud1, aud2;
    unsigned short pkt_cnt;
    LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "RTP id: %d", flow_id);

    gid = FlowGrpId(flow_id);
    priv = DMemMalloc(sizeof(rtp_priv));
    memset(priv, 0, sizeof(rtp_priv));
    udp = FlowStack(flow_id);
    ip = ProtGetNxtFrame(udp);
    ProtGetAttr(udp, uport_src_id, &port_src);
    ProtGetAttr(udp, uport_dst_id, &port_dst);
    priv->port_s = port_src.uint16;
    priv->port_d = port_dst.uint16;
    priv->stack = udp;
    if (priv->port_s != port_dst.uint16)
        priv->port_diff = TRUE;
    priv->ipv6 = TRUE;
    if (ProtFrameProtocol(ip) == ip_id)
        priv->ipv6 = FALSE;
    if (priv->ipv6 == FALSE) {
        ProtGetAttr(ip, ip_src_id, &priv->ip_s);
        ProtGetAttr(ip, ip_dst_id, &priv->ip_d);
        ip_addr.s_addr = priv->ip_s.uint32;
        inet_ntop(AF_INET, &ip_addr, ips_str, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
        ip_addr.s_addr = priv->ip_d.uint32;
        inet_ntop(AF_INET, &ip_addr, ipd_str, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
    else {
        ProtGetAttr(ip, ipv6_src_id, &priv->ip_s);
        ProtGetAttr(ip, ipv6_dst_id, &priv->ip_d);
        memcpy(ipv6_addr.s6_addr, priv->ip_s.ipv6, sizeof(priv->ip_s.ipv6));
        inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &ipv6_addr, ips_str, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
        memcpy(ipv6_addr.s6_addr, priv->ip_d.ipv6, sizeof(priv->ip_d.ipv6));
        inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &ipv6_addr, ipd_str, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
    LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "\tSRC: %s:%d", ips_str, port_src.uint16);
    LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "\tDST: %s:%d", ipd_str, port_dst.uint16);
    /* RTCP flow search */
    rid = -1;
    rtcp_fid = -1;
    if (rtcp_id != -1) {
        rid = GrpRuleNew(flow_id);
        if (priv->ipv6 == TRUE) {
            rip.prot = ipv6_id;
            rip.att = ipv6_dst_id;
            FTCopy(&rip.val, &priv->ip_d, FT_IPv6);
        else {
            rip.prot = ip_id;
            rip.att = ip_dst_id;
            rip.val.uint32 = priv->ip_d.uint32;
        rport.prot = udp_id;
        rport.att = uport_dst_id;
        rport.val.int16 = port_dst.uint16;
        GrpRule(rid, 2, &rip, &rport);
        if (priv->ipv6 == TRUE) {
            rip.att = ipv6_src_id;
        else {
            rip.att = ip_src_id;
        rport.att = uport_src_id;
        GrpRule(rid, 2, &rip, &rport);
        LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "Rule rtcp %i, port:%i", rid, port_dst.uint16);
    /* put packets in the pcap files */
    sprintf(tmp_file_1, "%s/%s/rtp_1_%d_%lu_%d.pcap", ProtTmpDir(), RTP_TMP_DIR, incr, time(NULL), port_src.uint16);
    sprintf(tmp_file_2, "%s/%s/rtp_2_%d_%lu_%d.pcap", ProtTmpDir(), RTP_TMP_DIR, incr, time(NULL), port_src.uint16);
    sprintf(media_conv, "%s/%s/rtp_%d_%lu_%d", ProtTmpDir(), RTP_TMP_DIR, incr, time(NULL), port_src.uint16);

    fp_pcap_1 = fopen(tmp_file_1, "w");
    fp_pcap_2 = fopen(tmp_file_2, "w");
    memset(&fh, 0, sizeof(struct pcap_file_header));
    fh.magic = 0xA1B2C3D4;
    fh.version_major = PCAP_VERSION_MAJOR;
    fh.version_minor = PCAP_VERSION_MINOR;
    fh.snaplen = 65535;
    fh.linktype = DLT_RAW;
    if (fp_pcap_1 != NULL) {
        fwrite((char *)&fh, 1, sizeof(struct pcap_file_header), fp_pcap_1);
    if (fp_pcap_2 != NULL) {
        fwrite((char *)&fh, 1, sizeof(struct pcap_file_header), fp_pcap_2);

    /* first packet */
    pkt_cnt = 0;
    pkt = FlowGetPkt(flow_id);
    /* start time */
    if (pkt != NULL) {
        /* pei definition */
        PeiNew(&ppei, rtp_id);
        PeiCapTime(ppei, pkt->cap_sec);
        PeiMarker(ppei, pkt->serial);
        PeiStackFlow(ppei, udp);
        tstart = pkt->cap_sec;
    while (pkt != NULL) {
        /* check if exit rtcp "stream" */
        if (rid != -1) {
            rtcp_fid = GrpLink(gid);
            if (rtcp_fid != -1) {
                FlowSyncr(flow_id, FALSE);
                FlowSyncr(rtcp_fid, FALSE);
                PeiAddStkGrp(ppei, FlowStack(rtcp_fid));
                rid = -1;

        tend = pkt->cap_sec;
        if (priv->ipv6) {
            ip = ProtStackSearchProt(pkt->stk, ipv6_id);
            ProtGetAttr(ip, ipv6_offset_id, &offset);
            wcnt = offset.uint32;
        else {
            ip = ProtStackSearchProt(pkt->stk, ip_id);
            ProtGetAttr(ip, ip_offset_id, &offset);
            wcnt = offset.uint32;
        pckt_header.caplen = pkt->raw_len - wcnt;
        pckt_header.len = pkt->raw_len - wcnt;
        pckt_header.tv_sec = pkt->cap_sec;
        pckt_header.tv_usec = pkt->cap_usec;
        if (RtpClientPkt(priv, pkt)) {
            fp_pcap = fp_pcap_1;
        else {
            fp_pcap = fp_pcap_2;
        if (fp_pcap != NULL) {
            wcnt = 0;
            do {
                nwrt = fwrite(((char *)&pckt_header)+wcnt, 1, sizeof(struct pcappkt_hdr)-wcnt, fp_pcap);
                if (nwrt != -1)
                    wcnt += nwrt;
            } while (wcnt != sizeof(struct pcappkt_hdr));
            wcnt = offset.uint32;
            do {
                nwrt = fwrite(((char *)pkt->raw)+wcnt, 1, pkt->raw_len-wcnt, fp_pcap);
                if (nwrt != -1)
                    wcnt += nwrt;
            } while (wcnt != pkt->raw_len);
        pkt = FlowGetPkt(flow_id);
    /* close file */
    if (fp_pcap_1 != NULL)
    if (fp_pcap_1 != NULL)
    /* remove rtcp rule */
    if (rid != -1) {
        rtcp_fid = GrpLink(gid);
        if (rtcp_fid != -1) {
            FlowSyncr(flow_id, FALSE);
            FlowSyncr(rtcp_fid, FALSE);
            PeiAddStkGrp(ppei, FlowStack(rtcp_fid));
            rid = -1;
        else {
    /* decode rtcp packet */
    if (rtcp_fid != -1) {
        /* new priv data */
        pkt = FlowGetPkt(rtcp_fid);
        while (pkt != NULL) {
            pkt = ProtDissecPkt(rtcp_id, pkt);
            if (pkt != NULL) {
                ProtGetAttr(pkt->stk, rtcp_phone_id, &phone);
                if (RtcpClientPkt(priv, pkt)) {
                    strcpy(ipd_str, phone.str);
                else {
                    strcpy(ips_str, phone.str);
            pkt = FlowGetPkt(rtcp_fid); 

    /* audio decoding */
    sprintf(cmd, "./videosnarf -i %s -o %s 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null", tmp_file_1, tmp_file_1);
    ret = system(cmd);
    if (ret == -1) {
        LogPrintf(LV_WARNING, "videosnarf failed");
    else if (WEXITSTATUS(ret) != 0) {
        LogPrintf(LV_WARNING, "videosnarf crash");
    sprintf(cmd, "./videosnarf -i %s -o %s 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null", tmp_file_2, tmp_file_2);
    ret = system(cmd);
    if (ret == -1) {
        LogPrintf(LV_WARNING, "videosnarf failed");
    else if (WEXITSTATUS(ret) != 0) {
        LogPrintf(LV_WARNING, "videosnarf crash");
    /* delete temporary files */
    /* media file check */
    sprintf(media_file_1, "%s-media-1.wav", tmp_file_1);
    sprintf(media_file_2, "%s-media-1.wav", tmp_file_2);

    /* complete pei */
    /*  from */
    PeiNewComponent(&cmpn, pei_from);
    PeiCompCapTime(cmpn, tstart);
    PeiCompAddStingBuff(cmpn, ipd_str);
    PeiAddComponent(ppei, cmpn);
    /*  to */
    PeiNewComponent(&cmpn, pei_to);
    PeiCompCapTime(cmpn, tstart);
    PeiCompAddStingBuff(cmpn, ips_str);
    PeiAddComponent(ppei, cmpn);
    /*  duration */
    sprintf(cmd, "%lu", tend-tstart);
    PeiNewComponent(&cmpn, pei_duration);
    PeiCompCapTime(cmpn, tstart);
    PeiCompAddStingBuff(cmpn, cmd);
    PeiAddComponent(ppei, cmpn);
    /*  audio from */
    aud2 = FALSE;
    if (stat(media_file_2, &fsbuf) == 0) {
        aud2 = TRUE;
        /* convert to be used with lame */
        sprintf(tmp_file_2, "%s_2.wav", media_conv);
        sprintf(cmd, "sox %s -s %s 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null", media_file_2, tmp_file_2);
        ret = system(cmd);
        /* mp3 conversion */
        sprintf(media_file_2, "%s_2.mp3", media_conv);
        sprintf(cmd, "lame --quiet -h %s %s 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null", tmp_file_2, media_file_2);
        ret = system(cmd);
        if (ret == -1) {
            LogPrintf(LV_WARNING, "lame failed");
        else if (WEXITSTATUS(ret) != 0) {
            LogPrintf(LV_WARNING, "lame crash (%i): %s", WEXITSTATUS(ret), cmd);
        if (stat(media_file_2, &fsbuf) == 0) {
            PeiNewComponent(&cmpn, pei_audio_from);
            PeiCompCapTime(cmpn, tstart);
            PeiCompCapEndTime(cmpn, tend);
            PeiCompAddFile(cmpn, "audio_caller.mp3", media_file_2, fsbuf.st_size);
            PeiAddComponent(ppei, cmpn);
        sprintf(media_file_2, "%s_stereo_2.wav", media_conv);
        sprintf(cmd, "sox %s -c 2 %s pan 1 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null", tmp_file_2, media_file_2);
        ret = system(cmd);
    /*  audio to */
    aud1 = FALSE;
    if (stat(media_file_1, &fsbuf) == 0) {
        aud1 = TRUE;
        /* convert to be used with lame */
        sprintf(tmp_file_1, "%s_1.wav", media_conv);
        sprintf(cmd, "sox %s -s %s 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null", media_file_1, tmp_file_1);
        ret = system(cmd);
        /* mp3 conversion */
        sprintf(media_file_1, "%s_1.mp3", media_conv);
        sprintf(cmd, "lame --quiet -h %s %s 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null", tmp_file_1, media_file_1);
        ret = system(cmd);
        if (ret == -1) {
            LogPrintf(LV_WARNING, "lame failed");
        else if (WEXITSTATUS(ret) != 0) {
            LogPrintf(LV_WARNING, "lame crash (%i): %s", WEXITSTATUS(ret), cmd);
        if (stat(media_file_1, &fsbuf) == 0) {
            PeiNewComponent(&cmpn, pei_audio_to);
            PeiCompCapTime(cmpn, tstart);
            PeiCompCapEndTime(cmpn, tend);
            PeiCompAddFile(cmpn, "audio_called.mp3", media_file_1, fsbuf.st_size);
            PeiAddComponent(ppei, cmpn);
        sprintf(media_file_1, "%s_stereo_1.wav", media_conv);
        sprintf(cmd, "sox %s -c 2 %s pan -1 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null", tmp_file_1, media_file_1);
        ret = system(cmd);
    /*  mix audio */
    if (aud2 || aud1) {
        /* mix two audio files */
        sprintf(tmp_file_1, "%s_mix.wav", media_conv);
        sprintf(tmp_file_2, "%s_mix.mp3", media_conv);
        if (aud1 == FALSE) {
            sprintf(cmd, "sox %s %s 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null", media_file_2, tmp_file_1);
        else if (aud2 == FALSE) {
            sprintf(cmd, "sox %s %s 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null", media_file_1, tmp_file_1);
        else {
            sprintf(cmd, "sox -m %s %s -s %s 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null", media_file_2, media_file_1, tmp_file_1);
        ret = system(cmd);
        if (ret == -1) {
            LogPrintf(LV_WARNING, "sox failed");
        else if (WEXITSTATUS(ret) != 0) {
            LogPrintf(LV_WARNING, "sox mix crash: %s", cmd);
        /* mp3 conversion */
        sprintf(cmd, "lame --quiet -h %s %s 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null", tmp_file_1, tmp_file_2);
        ret = system(cmd);
        /* delete temporary files */
        if (stat(tmp_file_2, &fsbuf) == 0) {
            PeiNewComponent(&cmpn, pei_audio_mix);
            PeiCompCapTime(cmpn, tstart);
            PeiCompCapEndTime(cmpn, tend);
            PeiCompAddFile(cmpn, "audio_mix.mp3", tmp_file_2, fsbuf.st_size);
            PeiAddComponent(ppei, cmpn);
    /* insert pei */

    /* free */
    LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "RTP... bye bye  fid:%d (pkt:%i)", flow_id, pkt_cnt);

    return NULL;
Esempio n. 6
File: ipp.c Progetto: Cbrdiv/xplico
static packet* IppDissector(packet *pkt)
    http_msg *msg;
    pei *ppei;
    pei_component *cmpn;
    int ind, fd;
    unsigned char buff[IPP_BUFFER_SIZE];
    char *pcl_file, *pdf_file;
    char cmd[IPP_FILENAME_PATH_SIZE*2];
    ssize_t len;
    unsigned int offset;
    ipp_ver ver;
    FILE *pcl;
    struct stat fst;

    ppei = NULL;

    /* display info */
    msg = (http_msg *)pkt->data;
    LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "IPP Dissector");
    if (msg->serial == 0) {
        LogPrintf(LV_FATAL, "IPP Dissector serial error");

    /* check if post and if PCL file */
    if (msg->mtd != HTTP_MT_POST || msg->req_body_size == 0) {
        /* free memory */
        return NULL;
    /* open body file */
    fd = open(msg->req_body_file, O_RDONLY);
    if (fd == 0) {
        LogPrintf(LV_ERROR, "Can't open file:%s", msg->req_body_file);
        /* free memory */
        return NULL;
    len = read(fd, buff, IPP_BUFFER_SIZE);
    offset = 0;

    /* IPP version */
    if (buff[0] == 1) {
        if (buff[1] == 0) {
            ver = IPP_1_0;
        else if (buff[1] == 1) {
            ver = IPP_1_1;
        else {
            LogPrintf(LV_WARNING, "Unknow version: %u.%u", buff[0], buff[1]);
            /* free memory */
            return NULL;
    else {
        LogPrintf(LV_WARNING, "Unknow version: %u.%u", buff[0], buff[1]);
        /* free memory */
        return NULL;
    offset += 2;
    /* check if print job */
    if (ntohs(*((unsigned short *)(buff+offset))) != PRINT_JOB) {
        /* free memory */
        return NULL;
    offset += 2;
    offset += 4; /* skeep request id */
#warning "to improve"
    offset = ParseAttributes(buff, offset, len); /* i hope that IPP_BUFFER_SIZE is alwayse correct */

    /* create PCL file */
    pcl_file = DMemMalloc(IPP_FILENAME_PATH_SIZE);
    pdf_file = DMemMalloc(IPP_FILENAME_PATH_SIZE);
    sprintf(pcl_file, "%s/%s/ipp_%lu_%p_%i.pcl", ProtTmpDir(), IPP_TMP_DIR,
            time(NULL), msg, incr);
    sprintf(pdf_file, "%s/%s/ipp_%lu_%p_%i.pdf", ProtTmpDir(), IPP_TMP_DIR,
            time(NULL), msg, incr);
    pcl = fopen(pcl_file, "w+");
    fwrite(buff+offset, 1, len-offset, pcl);
    len = read(fd, buff, IPP_BUFFER_SIZE);
    while (len != 0) {
        fwrite(buff, 1, len, pcl);
        len = read(fd, buff, IPP_BUFFER_SIZE);

    /* pdf conversion */
    sprintf(cmd, "%s -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=%s %s", pcl6_path, pdf_file, pcl_file);
    fst.st_size = 0;
    stat(pdf_file, &fst);

    /* compose pei */
    ppei = DMemMalloc(sizeof(pei));
    ppei->prot_id = prot_id;
    ppei->serial = pkt->serial;
    ppei->time_cap = pkt->cap_sec;
    ppei->stack = ProtCopyFrame(pkt->stk, TRUE);
    /*   url */
    ind = 0;
    cmpn = DMemMalloc(sizeof(pei_component));
    memset(cmpn, 0, sizeof(pei_component));
    cmpn->eid = pei_url_id;
    cmpn->id = ind;
    cmpn->time_cap = msg->start_cap;
    cmpn->time_cap_end = msg->end_cap;
    cmpn->strbuf = msg->uri;
    msg->uri = NULL;
    ppei->components = cmpn;
    /*   pdf */
    cmpn->next = DMemMalloc(sizeof(pei_component));
    cmpn = cmpn->next;
    memset(cmpn, 0, sizeof(pei_component));
    cmpn->eid = pei_pdffile_id;
    cmpn->id = ind;
    cmpn->time_cap = msg->start_cap;
    cmpn->time_cap_end = msg->end_cap;
    cmpn->file_path = pdf_file;
    cmpn->file_size = fst.st_size;
    if (msg->error)
        cmpn->err = ELMT_ER_PARTIAL;
    /*   pcl */
    cmpn->next = DMemMalloc(sizeof(pei_component));
    cmpn = cmpn->next;
    memset(cmpn, 0, sizeof(pei_component));
    cmpn->eid = pei_pclfile_id;
    cmpn->id = ind;
    cmpn->time_cap = msg->start_cap;
    cmpn->time_cap_end = msg->end_cap;
    cmpn->file_path = pcl_file;
    cmpn->file_size = msg->req_body_size - offset;
    if (msg->error)
        cmpn->err = ELMT_ER_PARTIAL;

    /* free memory */
    /* insert pei */

    return NULL;
Esempio n. 7
static packet *SyslogDissector(int flow_id)
    packet *pkt;
    const pstack_f *udp, *ip;
    const char *msg;
    ftval val;
    char file_log[SYSLOG_FILENAME_PATH_SIZE];
    pei *ppei;
    pei_component *cmpn;
    time_t cap_sec, end_cap;
    int cntpkt, len;
    short pri, fac, sev;
    FILE *fp;
    ppei = NULL;
    LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "Syslog id: %d", flow_id);
    cntpkt = 0;

    /* ip version and number */
    udp = FlowStack(flow_id); /* udp frame */
    ip = ProtGetNxtFrame(udp); /* ip/ipv6 frame */

    ProtStackFrmDisp(udp, TRUE);

    /* host */
    len = 0;
    if (ProtFrameProtocol(ip) == ip_id) {
        ProtGetAttr(ip, ip_src_id, &val);
        if (DnsDbSearch(&val, FT_IPv4, host+len, SYSLOG_FILENAME_PATH_SIZE - len) != 0) {
            FTString(&val, FT_IPv4, host+len);
        len = strlen(host);
        host[len++] = ' ';
        host[len++] = '-';
        host[len++] = ' ';
        ProtGetAttr(ip, ip_dst_id, &val);
        if (DnsDbSearch(&val, FT_IPv4, host+len, SYSLOG_FILENAME_PATH_SIZE - len) != 0) {
            FTString(&val, FT_IPv4, host+len);
    else {
        ProtGetAttr(ip, ipv6_src_id, &val);
        if (DnsDbSearch(&val, FT_IPv6, host+len, SYSLOG_FILENAME_PATH_SIZE - len) != 0) {
            FTString(&val, FT_IPv6, host+len);
        host[len++] = ' ';
        host[len++] = '-';
        host[len++] = ' ';
        ProtGetAttr(ip, ipv6_dst_id, &val);
        if (DnsDbSearch(&val, FT_IPv6, host+len, SYSLOG_FILENAME_PATH_SIZE - len) != 0) {
            FTString(&val, FT_IPv6, host+len);
    len = strlen(host);

    /* syslog file */
    sprintf(file_log, "%s/%s/syslog_%p_%lu.log", ProtTmpDir(), SYSLOG_TMP_DIR, file_log,incr++);
    fp = fopen(file_log, "w");
    /* first packet */
    pkt = FlowGetPkt(flow_id);
    if (pkt != NULL) {
        /* pei definition */
        PeiNew(&ppei, prot_id);
        PeiCapTime(ppei, pkt->cap_sec);
        PeiMarker(ppei, pkt->serial);
        PeiStackFlow(ppei, udp);
        cap_sec = pkt->cap_sec;
    if (fp != NULL) {
        while (pkt != NULL) {
            end_cap = pkt->cap_sec;
            pri = SyslogPri(pkt->data, pkt->len);
            if (pri != -1) {
                msg = SyslogMsg(pkt->data, pkt->len);
                if (msg != NULL) {
                    sev = pri & 0x07;
                    fac = pri >> 3;
                    fprintf(fp, "{%s.%s} %s", facility[fac], severity[sev], msg);
            pkt = FlowGetPkt(flow_id);
Esempio n. 8
static pei *HFileElab(const char *url, const char *file, size_t len, const char *range, const char *ct, const pei *lpei)
    long i, j, k, add;
    pei *ppei, *new;
    unsigned long bstart, bend, bdim;
    char *file_name, *tmp;
    FILE *fp, *fpr;
    size_t rd;
    bool complete;
    pei_component *cmpn;
    file_part *parts;
    long parts_dim;
    struct stat file_st;

    ppei = NULL;
    add = -1;
    /* reseacrh file */
    for (i=0; i!=list_dim; i++) {
        if (strcmp(url, list[i].url) == 0) {
        else if (add == -1 && list[i].url[0] == '\0') {
            add = i;
    if (range != NULL) {
        sscanf(range, "%lu-%lu/%lu", &bstart, &bend, &bdim);
        bend = bstart+len-1;
    else {
        LogPrintfPei(LV_DEBUG, lpei, "No range");
        bstart = 0;
        bend = bstart+len-1;
        bdim = len + 1; /* in this way the file is not completed (see comp_note) */
    if (i == list_dim) {
        /* new file */
        if (add == -1) {
            add = list_dim;
            if (HFileExt() == -1) {
                LogPrintf(LV_ERROR, "Unable to extend file manager table!");
                return NULL;
        /* insert basic data */
        strcpy(list[add].url, url);
        sprintf(list[add].file, "%s/%s/httpfile_%lu_%p_%li", ProtTmpDir(), HTTPFILE_TMP_DIR, time(NULL), list, incr);
        sprintf(list[add].part_list, "%s/%s/httpfile_part_%lu_%p_%li", ProtTmpDir(), HTTPFILE_TMP_DIR, time(NULL), file, incr++);
        LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "File(%i): %s", bdim, list[add].part_list);
        if (ct != NULL) {
            sprintf(list[add].content_type, "%s", ct);
        list[add].range = FALSE;
        fp = fopen(list[add].file, "w");
        if (fp != NULL) {
            tmp = xmalloc(HTTPFILE_FILE_DIM);
            memset(tmp, 0, HTTPFILE_FILE_DIM);
            for (j=0; j!=(long)(bdim/HTTPFILE_FILE_DIM); j++) {
                fwrite(tmp, 1, HTTPFILE_FILE_DIM, fp);
            fwrite(tmp, 1, (bdim%HTTPFILE_FILE_DIM), fp);
        file_name = strrchr(url, '/');
        if (file_name == NULL) {
            file_name = strrchr(url, '\\');
        if (file_name == NULL) {
            strcpy(list[add].file_name, url);
        else {
            strcpy(list[add].file_name, file_name+1);
        list[add].dim = bdim;
        list[add].len = 0;
        list[add].cnt = 0;
        /* create a PEI */
        PeiNew(&new, prot_id);
        list[add].ppei = new;
        PeiSetReturn(new, TRUE);
        PeiCapTime(new, lpei->time_cap);
        PeiMarker(new, lpei->serial);
        PeiStackFlow(new, lpei->stack);
        /* url */
        PeiNewComponent(&cmpn, pei_url_id);
        PeiCompCapTime(cmpn, lpei->time_cap);
        PeiCompAddStingBuff(cmpn, url);
        PeiAddComponent(new, cmpn);
        /* content type */
        if (ct != NULL) {
            PeiNewComponent(&cmpn, pei_content_type);
            PeiCompCapTime(cmpn, lpei->time_cap);
            PeiCompAddStingBuff(cmpn, ct);
            PeiAddComponent(new, cmpn);
        i = add;
Esempio n. 9
int DissectInit(void)
    char tmp_dir[256];
    int i;

    /* part of file name */
    incr = 0;
    pthrs_ins = 0;
    pthread_mutex_init(&pthrs_mux, NULL);
    prl_thrs = xmalloc(pthrs_dim*sizeof(tca_flow *));
    prl_thrs_en = xmalloc(pthrs_dim*sizeof(char));
    if (prl_thrs != NULL) {
        memset(prl_thrs, 0, pthrs_dim*sizeof(tca_flow *));
        for (i=0; i!=pthrs_dim; i++) {
            prl_thrs_en[i] = 0;
    /* info id */
    ppp_id = ProtId("ppp");
    eth_id = ProtId("eth");
    ip_id = ProtId("ip");
    ipv6_id = ProtId("ipv6");
    tcp_id = ProtId("tcp");
    if (ip_id != -1) {
        ip_dst_id = ProtAttrId(ip_id, "ip.dst");
        ip_src_id = ProtAttrId(ip_id, "ip.src");
        ip_offset_id = ProtAttrId(ip_id, "ip.offset");
    if (ipv6_id != -1) {
        ipv6_dst_id = ProtAttrId(ipv6_id, "ipv6.dst");
        ipv6_src_id = ProtAttrId(ipv6_id, "ipv6.src");
        ipv6_offset_id = ProtAttrId(ipv6_id, "ipv6.offset");
    if (tcp_id != -1) {
        port_dst_id = ProtAttrId(tcp_id, "tcp.dstport");
        port_src_id = ProtAttrId(tcp_id, "tcp.srcport");
        lost_id = ProtAttrId(tcp_id, "tcp.lost");
        syn_id = ProtAttrId(tcp_id, "tcp.syn");
    tcp_ca_id = ProtId("tcp-ca");
    /* pei id */
    pei_ip_src_id = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_ca_id, "ip.src");
    pei_ip_dst_id = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_ca_id, "ip.dst");
    pei_dns_id = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_ca_id, "dns");
    pei_port_src_id = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_ca_id, "port.src");
    pei_port_dst_id = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_ca_id, "port.dst");
    pei_l7protocol_id = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_ca_id, "l7prot");
    pei_lat_id = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_ca_id, "lat");
    pei_long_id = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_ca_id, "long");
    pei_country_code_id = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_ca_id, "country_code");
    pei_bsent_id = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_ca_id, "byte.sent");
    pei_brecv_id = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_ca_id, "byte.receiv");
    pei_blost_sent_id = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_ca_id, "byte.lost.sent");
    pei_blost_recv_id = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_ca_id, "byte.lost.receiv");
    pei_pkt_sent_id = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_ca_id, "pkt.sent");
    pei_pkt_recv_id = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_ca_id, "pkt.receiv");
    pei_trace_sent = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_ca_id, "trace.sent");
    pei_trace_recv = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_ca_id, "trace.receiv");
    pei_metadata = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_ca_id, "metadata");
    pei_trace_img = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_ca_id, "trace.img");

    /* tmp directory */
    sprintf(tmp_dir, "%s/%s", ProtTmpDir(), TCP_CA_TMP_DIR);
    mkdir(tmp_dir, 0x01FF);

    /* ndpi */
    ndpi = ndpi_init_detection_module();
    if (ndpi == NULL) {
        LogPrintf(LV_ERROR, "nDPi initializzation failed");

        return -1;
    /* enable all protocols */
    ndpi_set_protocol_detection_bitmask2(ndpi, &all);
    ndpi_proto_size = ndpi_detection_get_sizeof_ndpi_id_struct();
    ndpi_flow_struct_size = ndpi_detection_get_sizeof_ndpi_flow_struct();

    return 0;
Esempio n. 10
File: mms.c Progetto: Cbrdiv/xplico
static packet* MmsDissector(packet *pkt)
    http_msg *msg;
    char newname[MMS_BUFFER_SIZE];
    ssize_t len;
    mms_message mms;
    unsigned char *mms_raw;
    FILE *fp;

    /* display info */
    msg = (http_msg *)pkt->data;
    LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "MMS Dissector");
    if (msg->serial == 0) {
        LogPrintf(LV_FATAL, "MMS Dissector serial error");
    if (msg->error != ELMT_ER_NONE) {
        /* http pei generation and insertion */
        return NULL;
    /* open body file */
    if (msg->req_body_file != NULL && msg->req_body_size != 0) {
        sprintf(newname, "%s/%s/mms_req_%lu_%i.mms", ProtTmpDir(), MMS_TMP_DIR, time(NULL), incr++);
        rename(msg->req_body_file, newname);
        /* decode */
        fp = fopen(newname, "r");
        if (fp != NULL) {
            mms_raw = xmalloc(msg->req_body_size);
            if (mms_raw != NULL) {
                len = fread(mms_raw, 1, msg->req_body_size, fp);
                mms_raw = MmsUncompress(msg, mms_raw, &len);
                if (len != msg->req_body_size) {
                    /* new file... decompressed */
                    fp = fopen(newname, "w");
                    fwrite(mms_raw, 1, len, fp);
                MMSDecode(&mms, mms_raw, len, tmp_dir);
                MmsToPei(&mms, msg, pkt->stk, newname, msg->req_body_size);
    if (msg->res_body_file != NULL && msg->res_body_size != 0) {
        sprintf(newname, "%s/%s/mms_res_%lu_%i.mms", ProtTmpDir(), MMS_TMP_DIR, time(NULL), incr++);
        rename(msg->res_body_file, newname);
        /* decode */
        fp = fopen(newname, "r");
        if (fp != NULL) {
            mms_raw = xmalloc(msg->res_body_size);
            if (mms_raw != NULL) {
                len = fread(mms_raw, 1, msg->res_body_size, fp);
                mms_raw = MmsUncompress(msg, mms_raw, &len);
                if (len != msg->req_body_size) {
                    /* new file... decompressed */
                    fp = fopen(newname, "w");
                    fwrite(mms_raw, 1, len, fp);
                MMSDecode(&mms, mms_raw, len, tmp_dir);
                MmsToPei(&mms, msg, pkt->stk, newname, msg->res_body_size);

    /* free memory */

    return NULL;
Esempio n. 11
static packet *TelnetDissector(int flow_id)
    packet *pkt;
    const pstack_f *tcp, *ip;
    ftval lost, ip_host, port;
    unsigned short port_host;
    bool ipv6;
    long offset, len, size;
    char user[TELNET_BUF_SIZE];
    char password[TELNET_BUF_SIZE];
    char cmd_file[TELNET_FILENAME_PATH_SIZE];
    FILE *fp;
    char *buf;
    pei *ppei;
    time_t cap_sec, end_cap;
    int cntpkt;

    LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "Telnet id: %d", flow_id);
    cntpkt = 0;
    /* init (this for each telnet stream) */
    user[0] = '\0';
    password[0] = '\0';
    sprintf(cmd_file, "%s/%s/telnet_%lu_%p_%i.txt", ProtTmpDir(), TELNET_TMP_DIR, time(NULL), cmd_file, incr);
    fp = fopen(cmd_file, "w");
    ipv6 = FALSE;
    buf = DMemMalloc(TELNET_LOGIN_SIZE);
    buf[0] = '\0';
    len = 0;
    /* ip version and number */
    tcp = FlowStack(flow_id); /* tcp frame */
    ip = ProtGetNxtFrame(tcp); /* ip/ipv6 frame */
    ProtGetAttr(tcp, port_dst_id, &port);
    port_host = port.uint16;
    if (ProtFrameProtocol(ip) == ipv6_id) {
        ipv6 = TRUE;
    if (ipv6 == FALSE) {
        ProtGetAttr(ip, ip_dst_id, &ip_host);
        if (DnsDbSearch(&(ip_host), FT_IPv4, host, TELNET_FILENAME_PATH_SIZE) != 0) {
            FTString(&(ip_host), FT_IPv4, host);
    else {
        ProtGetAttr(ip, ipv6_dst_id, &ip_host);
        if (DnsDbSearch(&(ip_host), FT_IPv6, host, TELNET_FILENAME_PATH_SIZE) != 0) {
            FTString(&(ip_host), FT_IPv6, host);
    sprintf(host+strlen(host), ":%i", port_host);
    /* first packet */
    pkt = FlowGetPkt(flow_id);
    if (pkt != NULL) {
        /* pei definition */
        PeiNew(&ppei, telnet_id);
        PeiCapTime(ppei, pkt->cap_sec);
        PeiMarker(ppei, pkt->serial);
        PeiStackFlow(ppei, tcp);
        cap_sec = pkt->cap_sec;
    while (pkt != NULL) {
        end_cap = pkt->cap_sec;
        offset = 0;
        /* check if there are packet lost */
        ProtGetAttr(pkt->stk, lost_id, &lost);
        //ProtStackFrmDisp(pkt->stk, TRUE); /* this function display the structure of packet stack of this packet */
        if (lost.uint8 == FALSE && pkt->len != 0) {
            /* no packet lost and packet with data */
            /* skip the telnet commands, we are interested only in readable data */
#warning "to do: reassemble telnet message from many tcp packets"
            offset = TelnetSkipCommand((unsigned char *)(pkt->data), (unsigned char *)(pkt->data + pkt->len));
            if (offset < pkt->len) {
                TelnetConvertZeros((unsigned char *)(pkt->data + offset), (unsigned char *)(pkt->data + pkt->len));
                size = pkt->len - offset;
                fwrite(pkt->data + offset, 1, size, fp);
                if (len + size < TELNET_LOGIN_SIZE) {
                    memcpy(buf+len, pkt->data + offset, size);
                    len += size;
                    buf[len] = '\0';
        else if (lost.uint8) {
            fprintf(fp, "-----> xplico: packets lost (size: %lub) <-----", pkt->len);

        /* new/next packet */
        pkt = FlowGetPkt(flow_id);

    /* search login */
    buf[TELNET_LOGIN_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
    TelnetLogin(buf, user, password, TELNET_BUF_SIZE);

    /* free memory and close file */
    if (fp != NULL) {

    if (len != 0) {
        /* compose pei */
        TelnetPei(ppei, host, user, password, cmd_file, &cap_sec, &end_cap);
        /* insert pei */
    LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "Telnet... bye bye. (count:%i)", cntpkt);

    return NULL;
Esempio n. 12
packet *TcpGrbDissector(int flow_id)
    packet *pkt, *opkt;
    tgrb_priv *priv;
    const pstack_f *tcp, *ip;
    ftval port_src, port_dst, lost;
    struct in_addr ip_addr;
    struct in6_addr ipv6_addr;
    char ips_str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN], ipd_str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
    bool ipv4;
    int dig_s, dig_d, *dig_x;
    int count, i, j, k;
    int threshold;
    bool txt_data;
    FILE *txt_fp;
    char txt_file[TCP_GRB_FILENAME_PATH_SIZE];
    unsigned char *thrs;
    pei *ppei;
    time_t cap_sec, end_cap;
    int fd_pcap;
    char filename[TCP_GRB_FILENAME_PATH_SIZE];
    int prot;
    struct pcap_file_header fh;
    struct pcappkt_hdr pckt_header;
    size_t flow_size;
    bool first_lost, dig_end;
    dig *dig_srch_a, *dig_srch_b, *dig_srch;
    char buff[TCP_CFG_LINE_MAX_SIZE];
    char *l7prot_type;
    struct ndpi_flow_struct *l7flow;
    struct ndpi_id_struct *l7src, *l7dst;
    ndpi_protocol l7prot_id;
    unsigned char stage;
    LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "TCP garbage id: %d", flow_id);

    /* ndpi init */ 
    l7flow = xcalloc(1, ndpi_flow_struct_size);
    if (l7flow == NULL) {
        LogPrintf(LV_ERROR, "Out of memory");
        l7src = NULL;
        l7dst = NULL;
    else {
        l7src = xcalloc(1, ndpi_proto_size);
        if (l7src != NULL) {
            l7dst = xcalloc(1, ndpi_proto_size);
            if (l7dst == NULL) {
                l7src = NULL;
                l7flow = NULL;
        else {
            l7flow = NULL;
            l7dst = NULL;
    /* dig init */
    dig_srch_a = dig_srch_b = NULL;
    if (enable_dig) {
        dig_s = dig_d = -1;
        dig_x = NULL;
        dig_srch_a = xmalloc(sizeof(dig) * dig_type_dim);
        dig_srch_b = xmalloc(sizeof(dig) * dig_type_dim);
        if (dig_srch_a != NULL && dig_srch_b != NULL) {
            memset(dig_srch_a, 0, sizeof(dig) * dig_type_dim);
            memset(dig_srch_b, 0, sizeof(dig) * dig_type_dim);
            for (i=0; i!=dig_type_dim; i++) {
                dig_srch_a[i].ft = &(dig_tbl[i]);
                dig_srch_b[i].ft = &(dig_tbl[i]);
                dig_srch_a[i].dig_sync = -1;
                dig_srch_b[i].dig_sync = -1;
        else {
            if (dig_srch_a != NULL)
            if (dig_srch_b != NULL)
            dig_srch_a = dig_srch_b = NULL;

    /* init */
    priv = DMemMalloc(sizeof(tgrb_priv));
    memset(priv, 0, sizeof(tgrb_priv));
    tcp = FlowStack(flow_id);
    ip = ProtGetNxtFrame(tcp);
    ProtGetAttr(tcp, port_src_id, &port_src);
    ProtGetAttr(tcp, port_dst_id, &port_dst);
    priv->port_s = port_src.uint16;
    priv->port_d = port_dst.uint16;
    priv->stack = tcp;
    if (priv->port_s != port_dst.uint16)
        priv->port_diff = TRUE;
    priv->ipv6 = TRUE;
    ipv4 = FALSE;
    first_lost = FALSE;
    stage = 0;
    if (ProtFrameProtocol(ip) == ip_id) {
        ipv4 = TRUE;
        priv->ipv6 = FALSE;
    if (ipv4) {
        ProtGetAttr(ip, ip_src_id, &priv->ip_s);
        ProtGetAttr(ip, ip_dst_id, &priv->ip_d);
        ip_addr.s_addr = priv->ip_s.uint32;
        inet_ntop(AF_INET, &ip_addr, ips_str, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
        ip_addr.s_addr = priv->ip_d.uint32;
        inet_ntop(AF_INET, &ip_addr, ipd_str, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
    else {
        ProtGetAttr(ip, ipv6_src_id, &priv->ip_s);
        ProtGetAttr(ip, ipv6_dst_id, &priv->ip_d);
        memcpy(ipv6_addr.s6_addr, priv->ip_s.ipv6, sizeof(priv->ip_s.ipv6));
        inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &ipv6_addr, ips_str, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
        memcpy(ipv6_addr.s6_addr, priv->ip_d.ipv6, sizeof(priv->ip_d.ipv6));
        inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &ipv6_addr, ipd_str, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);    
    LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "\tSRC: %s:%d", ips_str, port_src.uint16);
    LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "\tDST: %s:%d", ipd_str, port_dst.uint16);
    /* file pcap */
    sprintf(filename, "%s/tcp_%d_grb_%s_%s.pcap", ProtTmpDir(), serial, ips_str, ipd_str);
    fd_pcap = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0x01B6);
    memset(&fh, 0, sizeof(struct pcap_file_header));
    fh.magic = 0xA1B2C3D4;
    fh.version_major = PCAP_VERSION_MAJOR;
    fh.version_minor = PCAP_VERSION_MINOR;
    fh.snaplen = 65535;
    if (ProtGetNxtFrame(ip) != NULL) {
        prot = ProtFrameProtocol(ProtGetNxtFrame(ip));
        if (prot == eth_id)
            fh.linktype = DLT_EN10MB;
        else if (prot == ppp_id)
            fh.linktype = DLT_PPP;
            fh.linktype = DLT_RAW;
    if (fd_pcap != -1)
        write(fd_pcap, (char *)&fh, sizeof(struct pcap_file_header));
    l7prot_type = NULL;
    flow_size = 0;
    count = 0;
    opkt = pkt = NULL;
    ppei = NULL;
    txt_data = FALSE;
    txt_fp = NULL;
    threshold = 0;
    thrs = xmalloc(TCP_GRB_THRESHOLD+1);
    thrs = NULL;
    do {
        pkt = FlowGetPkt(flow_id);
        if (pkt != NULL) {
            ProtGetAttr(pkt->stk, lost_id, &lost);
            if (lost.uint8 == FALSE) {
                /* create pei */
                PeiNew(&ppei, tcp_grb_id);
                PeiCapTime(ppei, pkt->cap_sec);
                PeiMarker(ppei, pkt->serial);
                PeiStackFlow(ppei, tcp);
                cap_sec = pkt->cap_sec;
                end_cap = pkt->cap_sec;
            else {
                first_lost = TRUE;
    } while (pkt != NULL);
    while (pkt != NULL) {
        flow_size += pkt->len;
        //ProtStackFrmDisp(pkt->stk, TRUE);
        ProtGetAttr(pkt->stk, lost_id, &lost);
        if (lost.uint8 == FALSE) {
            end_cap = pkt->cap_sec;
            /* protocol type -ndpi- */
            if (stage != 4 && (l7prot_type == NULL || l7prot_id.master_protocol == NDPI_PROTOCOL_HTTP) && l7flow != NULL) {
                if (TcpGrbClientPkt(priv, pkt)) {
                    l7prot_id = nDPIPacket(pkt, l7flow, l7src, l7dst, ipv4);
                else {
                    l7prot_id = nDPIPacket(pkt, l7flow, l7dst, l7src, ipv4);
                if (l7prot_id.protocol != NDPI_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN) {
                    l7prot_type = ndpi_protocol2name(ndpi, l7prot_id, buff, TCP_CFG_LINE_MAX_SIZE);
            if (pkt->raw_len != 0 && ((pkt->raw + pkt->raw_len) < pkt->data)) {
                LogPrintf(LV_OOPS, "TCP data location error %p %p %lu %lu", pkt->raw, pkt->data, pkt->raw_len, pkt->len);
                ProtStackFrmDisp(pkt->stk, TRUE);
            if (pkt->raw_len != 0 && (pkt->data + pkt->len) > (pkt->raw + pkt->raw_len)) {
                LogPrintf(LV_OOPS, "TCP data dim error %p %p %lu %lu", pkt->raw, pkt->data, pkt->raw_len, pkt->len);
                ProtStackFrmDisp(pkt->stk, TRUE);

            pckt_header.caplen = pkt->raw_len;
            pckt_header.len = pkt->raw_len;
            pckt_header.tv_sec = pkt->cap_sec;
            pckt_header.tv_usec = pkt->cap_usec;
            if (fd_pcap != -1) {
                write(fd_pcap, (char *)&pckt_header, sizeof(struct pcappkt_hdr));
                write(fd_pcap, (char *)pkt->raw, pkt->raw_len);
        else {
            LogPrintf(LV_WARNING, "Packet Lost (size:%lu)", pkt->len);
            ProtStackFrmDisp(pkt->stk, TRUE);
        if (thrs != NULL) {
            /* check stream to find text */
            if (lost.uint8 == FALSE && pkt->len != 0) {
                if (threshold + pkt->len >= TCP_GRB_THRESHOLD) {
                    if (txt_data == FALSE) {
                        /* text flow */
                        txt_data = TcpGrbMajorityText(thrs, threshold);
                        if (txt_data == FALSE) {
                            thrs = NULL;
                            threshold = 0;
                        else {
                            sprintf(txt_file, "%s/%s/tcp_grb_%lu_%p_%i.txt", ProtTmpDir(), TCP_GRB_TMP_DIR, time(NULL), txt_file, incr++);
                            txt_fp = fopen(txt_file, "w");
                            if (txt_fp != NULL) {
                                TcpGrbText(txt_fp, thrs, threshold);
                                threshold = 0;
                                memcpy(thrs+threshold, pkt->data,  pkt->len);
                                threshold += pkt->len;
                                thrs[threshold] = '\0';
                            else {
                                LogPrintf(LV_ERROR, "Unable to open file: %s", txt_file);
                                txt_data = FALSE;
                                thrs = NULL;
                                threshold = 0;
                    else {
                        TcpGrbText(txt_fp, thrs, threshold);
                        threshold = 0;
                        if (pkt->len > TCP_GRB_THRESHOLD) {
                            TcpGrbText(txt_fp, (unsigned char *)pkt->data, pkt->len);
                        else {
                            memcpy(thrs+threshold, pkt->data,  pkt->len);
                            threshold += pkt->len;
                        thrs[threshold] = '\0';
                else {
                    memcpy(thrs+threshold, pkt->data,  pkt->len);
                    threshold += pkt->len;
                    thrs[threshold] = '\0';

        /* dig */
        if (dig_srch_a != NULL && pkt->len != 0) {
            if (TcpGrbClientPkt(priv, pkt)) {
                dig_srch = dig_srch_a;
                dig_x = &dig_s;
            else {
                dig_srch = dig_srch_b;
                dig_x = &dig_d;

            for (i=0; i!=dig_type_dim; i++) {
#if 0
                if (*dig_x != -1 && *dig_x != dig_srch[i].dig_sync)
                bool nmatch = FALSE;
                do {
                    if (dig_srch[i].head == FALSE) {
                        if (lost.uint8 == FALSE && (nmatch == TRUE || TcpGrbDigMatchStart(&(dig_srch[i]), pkt) == 1)) {
                            nmatch = FALSE;
                            *dig_x = i;
                            dig_srch[i].head = TRUE;
                            dig_srch[i].dig_sync = i;
                            dig_srch[i].start_cap = pkt->cap_sec;
                            dig_srch[i].serial = pkt->serial;
                            j = 0;
                            k = dig_srch[i].ft->end_id[0];
                            while (k != -1) {
                                dig_srch[k].head = TRUE;
                                dig_srch[k].dig_sync = i;
                                k = dig_srch[i].ft->end_id[j];
                            /* save file */
                            sprintf(dig_srch[i].filename, "%s/%s/file_%lu%i.%s", ProtTmpDir(), TCP_GRB_TMP_DIR, time(NULL), incr_dig++, dig_srch[i].ft->ename);
                            LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "File %s found (%s)", dig_srch[i].ft->ename, dig_srch[i].filename);
                            dig_srch[i].fp = fopen(dig_srch[i].filename, "wb");
                            if (dig_srch[i].fp != NULL) {
                                if (pkt == dig_srch[i].pkt) {
                                    //ProtStackFrmDisp(pkt->stk, TRUE);
                                    dig_srch[i].fsize = pkt->len - dig_srch[i].pkt_offset;
                                    fwrite(pkt->data + dig_srch[i].pkt_offset, 1, dig_srch[i].fsize, dig_srch[i].fp);
                                else {
                                    if (opkt == dig_srch[i].pkt) {
                                        //ProtStackFrmDisp(pkt->stk, TRUE);
                                        dig_srch[i].fsize = opkt->len - dig_srch[i].pkt_offset;
                                        fwrite(opkt->data + dig_srch[i].pkt_offset, 1, dig_srch[i].fsize, dig_srch[i].fp);
                                    else {
                                        LogPrintf(LV_ERROR, "Improve dig code");
                                    fwrite(pkt->data, 1, pkt->len, dig_srch[i].fp);
                                    dig_srch[i].fsize = pkt->len;
                            dig_srch[i].pkt_offset = 0;
                            dig_srch[i].pkt = NULL;
                    else {
                        dig_end = FALSE;
                        if (lost.uint8 == FALSE) {
                            if (dig_srch[i].ft->elen != 0) {
                                if (TcpGrbDigMatchEnd(&(dig_srch[i]), pkt) == 1) {
                                    ProtStackFrmDisp(pkt->stk, TRUE);
                                    dig_end = TRUE;
                                    k = dig_srch[i].dig_sync;
                                    dig_srch[k].fsize += dig_srch[i].pkt_offset + 1;
                                    if (dig_srch[k].fp != NULL) {
                                        fwrite(pkt->data, 1, dig_srch[i].pkt_offset + 1, dig_srch[k].fp);
                                    dig_srch[i].pkt_offset = 0;
                                    dig_srch[i].pkt = NULL;
                                if (dig_srch[i].ft->stend == TRUE) {
                                    if (TcpGrbDigMatchStart(&(dig_srch[i]), pkt) == 1) {
                                        dig_end = TRUE;
                                        nmatch = TRUE;
                                        k = dig_srch[i].dig_sync;
                                        dig_srch[k].fsize += dig_srch[i].pkt_offset;
                                        if (dig_srch[k].fp != NULL) {
                                            fwrite(pkt->data, 1, dig_srch[i].pkt_offset, dig_srch[k].fp);
                            if (dig_end == FALSE) {
                                if (dig_srch[i].fsize + pkt->len >= dig_srch[i].ft->msize) {
                                    dig_end = TRUE;
                                    k = dig_srch[i].dig_sync;
                                    if (dig_srch[k].fp != NULL) {
                                        if (lost.uint8 == FALSE)
                                            fwrite(pkt->data, 1, dig_srch[i].ft->msize - dig_srch[i].fsize, dig_srch[k].fp);
                                        dig_srch[k].fsize = dig_srch[i].ft->msize;
                            if (dig_end == TRUE) {
                                dig_srch[i].head = FALSE;
                                *dig_x = -1;
                                j = 0;
                                k = dig_srch[i].ft->end_id[0];
                                while (k != -1) {
                                    dig_srch[k].head = FALSE;
                                    if (k != i) {
                                        dig_srch[k].fs = 0;
                                        dig_srch[k].dig_sync = -1;
                                    k = dig_srch[i].ft->end_id[j];
                                k = dig_srch[i].dig_sync;
                                dig_srch[i].fs = 0;
                                dig_srch[i].dig_sync = -1;
                                LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "End file %s (%s)", dig_srch[i].ft->ename, dig_srch[k].filename);
                                dig_srch[k].end_cap = pkt->cap_sec;

                                GrbDigPei(&dig_srch[k], tcp);
                                dig_srch[k].fsize = 0;
                                dig_srch[k].fp = NULL;
                                dig_srch[k].filename[0] = '\0';
                            else if (i == dig_srch[i].dig_sync) {
                                dig_srch[i].fsize += pkt->len;
                                if (dig_srch[i].fp != NULL) {
                                    if (lost.uint8 == FALSE)
                                        fwrite(pkt->data, 1, pkt->len, dig_srch[i].fp);
                                    else {
                                        char *zero;
                                        zero = xmalloc(pkt->len);
                                        if (zero != NULL) {
                                            memset(zero, 0, pkt->len);
                                            fwrite(zero, 1, pkt->len, dig_srch[i].fp);
                } while(nmatch == TRUE);
        if (opkt != NULL)
        opkt = pkt;
        pkt = FlowGetPkt(flow_id);
    if (opkt != NULL) {
        opkt = NULL;
    /* text flows */
    if (thrs != NULL) {
        if (txt_data == FALSE) {
            /* text flow */
            if (TcpGrbMajorityText(thrs, threshold) == TRUE) {
                sprintf(txt_file, "%s/%s/tcp_grb_%lu_%p_%i.txt", ProtTmpDir(), TCP_GRB_TMP_DIR, time(NULL), txt_file, incr++);
                txt_fp = fopen(txt_file, "w");
        if (txt_fp != NULL) {
            TcpGrbText(txt_fp, thrs, threshold);
    /* ndpi free */
    if (l7flow != NULL) {
    if (l7prot_type == NULL)
        l7prot_type = "Unknown";

    /* dig flow */
    for (i=0; i!=dig_type_dim; i++) {
        if (dig_srch_a[i].head == TRUE) {
            if (i == dig_srch_a[i].dig_sync) {
                if (dig_srch_a[i].fp != NULL)
                LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "End stream of file %s", dig_srch_a[i].ft->ename);
                dig_srch_a[i].end_cap = end_cap;
                GrbDigPei(&dig_srch_a[i], tcp);
                dig_srch_a[i].fsize = 0;
                dig_srch_a[i].fp = NULL;
                dig_srch_a[i].filename[0] = '\0';
        if (dig_srch_b[i].head == TRUE) {
            if (i == dig_srch_b[i].dig_sync) {
                if (dig_srch_b[i].fp != NULL)
                LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "End stream of file %s", dig_srch_b[i].ft->ename);
                dig_srch_b[i].end_cap = end_cap;
                GrbDigPei(&dig_srch_b[i], tcp);
                dig_srch_b[i].fsize = 0;
                dig_srch_b[i].fp = NULL;
                dig_srch_b[i].filename[0] = '\0';
    /* tcp reset */
    if (first_lost && (count < 5 || flow_size == 0)) {
        if (txt_fp != NULL) {
            txt_fp = NULL;
    else {
        if (txt_fp != NULL) {
            /* insert data */
            GrbPei(ppei, l7prot_type, flow_size, txt_file, &cap_sec, &end_cap);
            /* insert pei */
        else  {
            /* insert data */
            GrbPei(ppei, l7prot_type, flow_size, NULL, &cap_sec, &end_cap);
            /* insert pei */
    /* end */
    if (fd_pcap != -1)

    if (dig_srch_a != NULL) {

    LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "TCP->%s garbage... bye bye  fid:%d count:%i", l7prot_type, flow_id, count);

    return NULL;
Esempio n. 13
int DissectInit(void)
    char tmp_dir[256];
    unsigned short i;

    /* part of file name */
    incr = 0;
    incr_dig = 0;

    /* info id */
    ppp_id = ProtId("ppp");
    eth_id = ProtId("eth");
    ip_id = ProtId("ip");
    ipv6_id = ProtId("ipv6");
    tcp_id = ProtId("tcp");
    if (ip_id != -1) {
        ip_dst_id = ProtAttrId(ip_id, "ip.dst");
        ip_src_id = ProtAttrId(ip_id, "ip.src");
        ip_offset_id = ProtAttrId(ip_id, "ip.offset");
    if (ipv6_id != -1) {
        ipv6_dst_id = ProtAttrId(ipv6_id, "ipv6.dst");
        ipv6_src_id = ProtAttrId(ipv6_id, "ipv6.src");
        ipv6_offset_id = ProtAttrId(ipv6_id, "ipv6.offset");
    if (tcp_id != -1) {
        port_dst_id = ProtAttrId(tcp_id, "tcp.dstport");
        port_src_id = ProtAttrId(tcp_id, "tcp.srcport");
        lost_id = ProtAttrId(tcp_id, "tcp.lost");
    tcp_grb_id = ProtId("tcp-grb");
    /* pei id */
    pei_l7protocol_id = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_grb_id, "l7prot");
    pei_txt_id = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_grb_id, "txt");
    pei_size_id = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_grb_id, "size");
    pei_file_id = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_grb_id, "file");
    pei_file_type_id = ProtPeiComptId(tcp_grb_id, "ftype");

    /* tmp directory */
    sprintf(tmp_dir, "%s/%s", ProtTmpDir(), TCP_GRB_TMP_DIR);
    mkdir(tmp_dir, 0x01FF);

    /* init dig */
    if (enable_dig) {
        for (i=0; i!=dig_type_dim; i++) {
            if (!dig_tbl[i].sreg && dig_tbl[i].starttxt != NULL) {
                dig_tbl[i].start = strdup(dig_tbl[i].starttxt);
                if (dig_tbl[i].start == NULL) {
                    LogPrintf(LV_FATAL, "No memory!");
                    return -1;
                dig_tbl[i].slen = TcpGrbDigConvert(dig_tbl[i].start);
            if (!dig_tbl[i].ereg && dig_tbl[i].endtxt != NULL) {
                dig_tbl[i].end = strdup(dig_tbl[i].endtxt);
                if (dig_tbl[i].end == NULL) {
                    LogPrintf(LV_FATAL, "No memory!");
                    return -1;
                dig_tbl[i].elen = TcpGrbDigConvert(dig_tbl[i].end);
            //printf("File %s slen:%i elen: %i\n", dig_tbl[i].ename, dig_tbl[i].slen, dig_tbl[i].elen);

    /* ndpi */
    pthread_mutex_init(&ndpi_mux, NULL);
    ndpi = ndpi_init_detection_module(NDPI_TICK_RES, nDPImalloc, nDPIfree, nDPIPrintf);
    if (ndpi == NULL) {
        LogPrintf(LV_ERROR, "nDPi initializzation failed");

        return -1;
    /* enable all protocols */
    ndpi_set_protocol_detection_bitmask2(ndpi, &all);
    ndpi_proto_size = ndpi_detection_get_sizeof_ndpi_id_struct();
    ndpi_flow_struct_size = ndpi_detection_get_sizeof_ndpi_flow_struct();

    return 0;