static PyObject *wpCharIterator_getAttr( wpCharIterator *self, char *name )
	if( !strcmp( name, "first" ) )
		return PyGetCharObject( self->iter->first() );
	else if( !strcmp( name, "next" ) )
		return PyGetCharObject( self->iter->next() );

	return PyFalse;
void cAllTerritories::check( P_CHAR pc )
	cUOSocket *socket = NULL;
	if( pc->objectType() == enPlayer )
		socket = dynamic_cast<P_PLAYER>(pc)->socket();
	cTerritory* currRegion = this->region( pc->pos().x, pc->pos().y, pc->pos().map );
	cTerritory* lastRegion = pc->region();

	if( !currRegion )

	if (!lastRegion) {

	if (currRegion != lastRegion) {

		if (socket) {
			// If the last region was a cave or if the new region is a cave, 
			// update the lightlevel.
			if ((currRegion->isCave() && !lastRegion->isCave()) ||
				(!currRegion->isCave() && lastRegion->isCave())) {


		PyObject *args = Py_BuildValue("(NNN)", PyGetCharObject(pc), PyGetRegionObject(lastRegion), PyGetRegionObject(currRegion));
		if (!cPythonScript::callChainedEventHandler(EVENT_CHANGEREGION, pc->getEvents(), args) && socket) {
			if (lastRegion && !lastRegion->name().isEmpty())
				socket->sysMessage(tr("You have left %1.").arg(lastRegion->name()));

			if (currRegion && !currRegion->name().isEmpty())
				socket->sysMessage(tr("You have entered %1.").arg(currRegion->name()));

			if( (currRegion->isGuarded() != lastRegion->isGuarded()) ||
				(currRegion->isGuarded() && (currRegion->guardOwner() != lastRegion->guardOwner())))
				if (currRegion->isGuarded())
						socket->clilocMessage(500112); // You are now under the protection of the town guards
						socket->clilocMessage(500113); // You have left the protection of the town guards.
Esempio n. 3
static PyObject *wpMulti_getAttr( wpMulti *self, char *name )
	if( !strcmp( "events", name ) )
		QStringList events = QStringList::split( ",", self->pMulti->eventList() );
		PyObject *list = PyList_New( events.count() );
		for( uint i = 0; i < events.count(); ++i )
			PyList_SetItem( list, i, PyString_FromString( events[i].latin1() ) );
		return list;
		cVariant result;
		stError *error = self->pMulti->getProperty( name, result );

		if( !error )
			PyObject *obj = 0;

			switch( result.type() )
			case cVariant::BaseChar:
				obj = PyGetCharObject( result.toChar() );
			case cVariant::Item:
				obj = PyGetItemObject( result.toItem() );
			case cVariant::Long:
			case cVariant::Int:
				obj = PyInt_FromLong( result.toInt() );
			case cVariant::String:
				if( result.toString().isNull() )
					obj = PyString_FromString( "" );
					obj = PyString_FromString( result.toString().latin1() );
			case cVariant::Double:
				obj = PyFloat_FromDouble( result.toDouble() );
			case cVariant::Coord:
				obj = PyGetCoordObject( result.toCoord() );

			if( !obj )
				PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "Unsupported Property Type: %s", result.typeName() );
				return 0;

			return obj;
			delete error;
	return Py_FindMethod( wpMultiMethods, (PyObject*)self, name );
static PyObject* wpCharIterator_getAttr( wpCharIterator* self, char* name )
		\rproperty chariterator.first Accessing this property will reset the iterator to the first character and return it.
		If there are no characters to iterate over, None is returned.
	if ( !strcmp( name, "first" ) )
		return PyGetCharObject( self->iter->first() );
		\rproperty Accessing this property will advance the iterator to the next character and return it.
		At the end of the iteration, None is returned.
	else if ( !strcmp( name, "next" ) )
		return PyGetCharObject( self->iter->next() );

Esempio n. 5
float ScriptAction::postCondition()
	if ( !postcond.isNull() )
		// Try to call the python function
		// Get everything before the last dot
		if ( postcond.contains( "." ) )
			// Find the last dot
			int position = postcond.findRev( "." );
			QString sModule = postcond.left( position );
			QString sFunction = postcond.right( postcond.length() - ( position + 1 ) );

			PyObject* pModule = PyImport_ImportModule( const_cast<char*>( sModule.latin1() ) );

			if ( pModule )
				PyObject* pFunc = PyObject_GetAttrString( pModule, const_cast<char*>( sFunction.latin1() ) );
				if ( pFunc && PyCallable_Check( pFunc ) )
					// Create our Argument list
					PyObject* p_args = PyTuple_New( 3 );
					PyTuple_SetItem( p_args, 0, PyGetCharObject( m_npc ) );
					Py_INCREF( Py_None );
					PyTuple_SetItem( p_args, 1, Py_None );
					Py_INCREF( Py_None );
					PyTuple_SetItem( p_args, 2, Py_None );

					PyObject* returnValue = PyObject_CallObject( pFunc, p_args );

					Py_XDECREF( p_args );

					reportPythonError( sModule );

					if ( returnValue == NULL || !PyFloat_Check( returnValue ) )
						Py_XDECREF( returnValue );
						return 1.0f;
						double result = PyFloat_AsDouble( returnValue );
						Py_XDECREF( returnValue );
						return result;
				Py_XDECREF( pFunc );

			Py_XDECREF( pModule );
	return 1.0f;
Esempio n. 6
void ScriptAI::onSpeechInput( P_PLAYER pTalker, const QString& comm )
	if ( !onspeech.isNull() )
		// Try to call the python function
		// Get everything before the last dot
		if ( onspeech.contains( "." ) )
			// Find the last dot
			int position = onspeech.findRev( "." );
			QString sModule = onspeech.left( position );
			QString sFunction = onspeech.right( onspeech.length() - ( position + 1 ) );

			PyObject* pModule = PyImport_ImportModule( const_cast<char*>( sModule.latin1() ) );

			if ( pModule )
				PyObject* pFunc = PyObject_GetAttrString( pModule, const_cast<char*>( sFunction.latin1() ) );
				if ( pFunc && PyCallable_Check( pFunc ) )
					// Create our Argument list
					PyObject* p_args = PyTuple_New( 3 );
					PyTuple_SetItem( p_args, 0, PyGetCharObject( m_npc ) );
					PyTuple_SetItem( p_args, 1, PyGetCharObject( pTalker ) );
					PyTuple_SetItem( p_args, 2, PyString_FromString( comm.latin1() ) );

					Py_XDECREF( PyEval_CallObject( pFunc, p_args ) );

					Py_XDECREF( p_args );

					reportPythonError( sModule );
				Py_XDECREF( pFunc );

			Py_XDECREF( pModule );
Esempio n. 7
 * Returns the bans list of this multi
static PyObject* wpMulti_bans( wpMulti* self, PyObject* args )
	if( !self->pMulti || self->pMulti->free )
		return PyFalse;
	std::vector< SERIAL > bans = self->pMulti->bans();
	std::vector< SERIAL >::iterator it = bans.begin();
	PyObject* list = PyList_New( bans.size() );
	while( it != bans.end() )
		P_CHAR pChar = FindCharBySerial( *it );
		if( pChar )
			PyList_Append( list, PyGetCharObject( pChar ) );
		it ++;
	return list;
Esempio n. 8
// Getters & Setters
static PyObject* wpSocket_getAttr( wpSocket* self, char* name )
		\rproperty socket.player The <object id="CHAR">char</object> object for the player played by this socket. May be None.
	if ( !strcmp( name, "player" ) )
		return PyGetCharObject( self->pSock->player() );
		\rproperty socket.screenwidth The width of the game window in pixels as sent by the client.
	else if ( !strcmp( name, "screenwidth" ) )
		return PyInt_FromLong( self->pSock->screenWidth() );
		\rproperty socket.screenheight The height of the game window in pixels as sent by the client.
	else if ( !strcmp( name, "screenheight" ) )
		return PyInt_FromLong( self->pSock->screenHeight() );
	else if ( !strcmp( name, "walksequence" ) )
		return PyInt_FromLong( self->pSock->walkSequence() );
		\rproperty socket.account An <object id="account">account</object> object for the account used by this socket. Should not be None.
	else if ( !strcmp( name, "account" ) )
		return PyGetAccountObject( self->pSock->account() );
		\rproperty socket.address A string containing the IP address this socket is connected to.
	else if ( !strcmp( name, "address" ) )
		return QString2Python( self->pSock->ip() );
		return Py_FindMethod( wpSocketMethods, ( PyObject * ) self, name );
Esempio n. 9
void ScriptAction::execute()
	if ( !exec.isNull() )
		// Try to call the python function
		// Get everything before the last dot
		if ( exec.contains( "." ) )
			// Find the last dot
			int position = exec.findRev( "." );
			QString sModule = exec.left( position );
			QString sFunction = exec.right( exec.length() - ( position + 1 ) );

			PyObject* pModule = PyImport_ImportModule( const_cast<char*>( sModule.latin1() ) );

			if ( pModule )
				PyObject* pFunc = PyObject_GetAttrString( pModule, const_cast<char*>( sFunction.latin1() ) );
				if ( pFunc && PyCallable_Check( pFunc ) )
					// Create our Argument list
					PyObject* p_args = PyTuple_New( 3 );
					PyTuple_SetItem( p_args, 0, PyGetCharObject( m_npc ) );
					Py_INCREF( Py_None );
					PyTuple_SetItem( p_args, 1, Py_None );
					Py_INCREF( Py_None );
					PyTuple_SetItem( p_args, 2, Py_None );

					Py_XDECREF( PyEval_CallObject( pFunc, p_args ) );

					Py_XDECREF( p_args );

					reportPythonError( sModule );
				Py_XDECREF( pFunc );

			Py_XDECREF( pModule );
Esempio n. 10
// Getters & Setters
static PyObject* wpSocket_getAttr( wpSocket* self, char* name )
		\rproperty socket.player The <object id="CHAR">char</object> object for the player played by this socket. May be None.
	if ( !strcmp( name, "player" ) )
		return PyGetCharObject( self->pSock->player() );
		\rproperty socket.screenwidth The width of the game window in pixels as sent by the client.
	else if ( !strcmp( name, "screenwidth" ) )
		return PyInt_FromLong( self->pSock->screenWidth() );
		\rproperty socket.screenheight The height of the game window in pixels as sent by the client.
	else if ( !strcmp( name, "screenheight" ) )
		return PyInt_FromLong( self->pSock->screenHeight() );
	else if ( !strcmp( name, "walksequence" ) )
		return PyInt_FromLong( self->pSock->walkSequence() );
		\rproperty socket.account An <object id="account">account</object> object for the account used by this socket. Should not be None.
	else if ( !strcmp( name, "account" ) )
		return PyGetAccountObject( self->pSock->account() );
		\rproperty socket.address A string containing the IP address this socket is connected to.
	else if ( !strcmp( name, "address" ) )
		return QString2Python( self->pSock->ip() );
		\rproperty The unique socket identifier for this socket.
	else if ( !strcmp( name, "id" ) )
		return PyInt_FromLong( self->pSock->uniqueId() );
		\rproperty socket.version The client version string sent by the client.
	else if ( !strcmp( name, "version" ) ) {
		return QString2Python( self->pSock->version() );
		\rproperty socket.3dclient indicates that this is a 3d client.
	else if ( !strcmp( name, "3dclient" ) ) {
		if (self->pSock->is3dClient()) {
		} else {
		\rproperty socket.flags This is the bitfield sent by the client on character selection.
		Propable flags:
		<code>0x100 - 3d Client
		0x10 - Samurai Empire
		0x08 - Age of Shadows
		0x04 - Lord Blackthornes Revenge
		0x02 - Third Dawn
		0x01 - Renaissance
		0x00 - The Second Age</code>
	else if ( !strcmp( name, "flags" ) ) {
		return PyInt_FromLong(self->pSock->flags());
		\rproperty socket.rxbytes The number of bytes received by this socket.
	else if ( !strcmp( name, "rxbytes" ) ) {
		return PyInt_FromLong( self->pSock->rxBytes() );

		\rproperty socket.txbytes The number of bytes sent by this socket.
	else if ( !strcmp( name, "txbytes" ) ) {
		return PyInt_FromLong( self->pSock->txBytes() );

		\rproperty socket.txbytesraw The number of bytes sent by this socket before compression.
	else if ( !strcmp( name, "txbytesraw" ) ) {
		return PyInt_FromLong( self->pSock->txBytesRaw() );

		return Py_FindMethod( wpSocketMethods, ( PyObject * ) self, name );
void cTerritories::check( P_CHAR pc )
	cUOSocket* socket = NULL;
	if ( pc->objectType() == enPlayer )
		socket = dynamic_cast<P_PLAYER>( pc )->socket();
	cTerritory* currRegion = this->region( pc->pos().x, pc->pos().y, pc->pos().map );
	cTerritory* lastRegion = pc->region();

	if ( !currRegion )

	if ( !lastRegion )
		pc->setRegion( currRegion );

	if ( currRegion != lastRegion )
		pc->setRegion( currRegion );

		if ( socket )
			// If the last region was a cave or if the new region is a cave,
			// update the lightlevel.
			if ( ( currRegion->isCave() && !lastRegion->isCave() ) || ( !currRegion->isCave() && lastRegion->isCave() ) )


		PyObject* args = Py_BuildValue( "(NNN)", PyGetCharObject( pc ), PyGetRegionObject( lastRegion ), PyGetRegionObject( currRegion ) );
		if ( !pc->callEventHandler( EVENT_CHANGEREGION, args ) && socket )
			if ( lastRegion && !lastRegion->name().isEmpty() && !lastRegion->isNoEnterMessage() )
				socket->sysMessage( tr( "You have left %1." ).arg( lastRegion->name() ) );

			if ( currRegion && !currRegion->name().isEmpty() && !currRegion->isNoEnterMessage() )
				socket->sysMessage( tr( "You have entered %1." ).arg( currRegion->name() ) );

			if ( ( currRegion->isGuarded() != lastRegion->isGuarded() ) || ( currRegion->isGuarded() && ( currRegion->guardOwner() != lastRegion->guardOwner() ) ) )
				/* Guarded Setting Changes */
				if ( currRegion->isGuarded() != lastRegion->isGuarded() )
					if ( lastRegion->isGuarded() && !lastRegion->isNoGuardMessage() )
						if ( lastRegion->guardOwner().isEmpty() )
							socket->clilocMessage( 500113 ); // You have left the protection of the town guards.
							socket->sysMessage( tr( "You have left the protection of %1 guards." ).arg( lastRegion->guardOwner() ) );
					if ( currRegion->isGuarded() && !currRegion->isNoGuardMessage() )
						if ( currRegion->guardOwner().isEmpty() )
							socket->clilocMessage( 500112 ); // You are now under the protection of the town guards
							socket->sysMessage( tr( "You are now under the protection of %1 guards." ).arg( currRegion->guardOwner() ) );
			/* Remain Guarded */
			if ( currRegion->isGuarded() == lastRegion->isGuarded() )
				/* Only show if you haven't gotten a message before.
							Or, only show if the guard owner changes.
				if ( ( !currRegion->isNoGuardMessage() && !lastRegion->isNoGuardMessage() ) && ( currRegion->guardOwner() != lastRegion->guardOwner() ) )
					if ( currRegion->guardOwner().isEmpty() )
						socket->clilocMessage( 500112 ); // You are now under the protection of the town guards
						socket->sysMessage( tr( "You are now under the protection of %1 guards." ).arg( currRegion->guardOwner() ) );
		Py_DECREF( args );