Esempio n. 1
void QRDecomposition(glm::mat3 B, glm::mat3 &Q, glm::mat3 &R)
    // QR decomposition of 3x3 matrices using Givens rotations to
    // eliminate elements B21, B31, B32

    glm::quat qQ; // cumulative rotation
    glm::quat qU; // each Givens rotation in quaternion form
    glm::mat3 U;
    float ch, sh;
    qU = glm::quat(ch,0,0,sh);
    U = glm::toMat3(qU);
    B = glm::transpose(U) * B;

    // update cumulative rotation
    qQ *= qU;

    // second givens rotation
    qU = glm::quat(ch,0,-sh,0);
    U = glm::toMat3(qU);
    B = glm::transpose(U) * B;
    qQ *= qU;

    // third Givens rotation
    qU = glm::quat(ch,sh,0,0);
    U = glm::toMat3(qU);
    B = glm::transpose(U) * B;
    qQ *= qU;
    // B has been transformed into R
    R = B;
    // qQ now contains final rotation for Q
    Q = glm::toMat3(qQ);
Esempio n. 2
// B matrix that we want to decompose
// output Q
// output R
mtx_dgeqrf3(double *B, double *Q, double *R)
    double ch1, sh1, ch2, sh2, ch3, sh3;
    double a, b;
    // first givens rotation (ch,0,0,sh)
    a = 1.0 - 2.0*sh1*sh1;
    b =       2.0*ch1*sh1;

    // apply B = Q' * B
    R[0] =  a * B[0] + b * B[3];  
    R[1] =  a * B[1] + b * B[4];  
    R[2] =  a * B[2] + b * B[5];
    R[3] = -b * B[0] + a * B[3]; 
    R[4] = -b * B[1] + a * B[4]; 
    R[5] = -b * B[2] + a * B[5];
    R[6] = B[6];
    R[7] = B[7];
    R[8] = B[8];
    // second givens rotation (ch,0,-sh,0)
    a = 1.0 - 2.0*sh2*sh2;
    b =       2.0*ch2*sh2;

    // apply B = Q' * B;
    B[0] =  a * R[0] + b * R[6];
    B[1] =  a * R[1] + b * R[7];
    B[2] =  a * R[2] + b * R[8];
    B[3] = R[3];
    B[4] = R[4];
    B[5] = R[5];
    B[6] = -b * R[0] + a * R[6];
    B[7] = -b * R[1] + a * R[7];
    B[8] = -b * R[2] + a * R[8];

    // third givens rotation (ch,sh,0,0)
    a = 1.0 - 2.0*sh3*sh3;
    b =       2.0*ch3*sh3;
    // R is now set to desired value
    R[0] = B[0];
    R[1] = B[1];
    R[2] = B[2];
    R[3] =  a * B[3] + b * B[6];
    R[4] =  a * B[4] + b * B[7];
    R[5] =  a * B[5] + b * B[8];
    R[6] = -b * B[3] + a * B[6];
    R[7] = -b * B[4] + a * B[7];
    R[8] = -b * B[5] + a * B[8];

    // construct the cumulative rotation Q=Q1 * Q2 * Q3
    // the number of floating point operations for three quaternion multiplications
    // is more or less comparable to the explicit form of the joined matrix.
    // certainly more memory-efficient!
    double sh12=sh1*sh1;
    double sh22=sh2*sh2;
    double sh32=sh3*sh3;

    Q[0] = (-1+2*sh12)*(-1+2*sh22); 
    Q[1] = 4*ch2*ch3*(-1+2*sh12)*sh2*sh3+2*ch1*sh1*(-1+2*sh32); 
    Q[2] = 4*ch1*ch3*sh1*sh3-2*ch2*(-1+2*sh12)*sh2*(-1+2*sh32);
    Q[3] = 2*ch1*sh1*(1-2*sh22); 
    Q[4] = -8*ch1*ch2*ch3*sh1*sh2*sh3+(-1+2*sh12)*(-1+2*sh32); 
    Q[5] = -2*ch3*sh3+4*sh1*(ch3*sh1*sh3+ch1*ch2*sh2*(-1+2*sh32));
    Q[6] = 2*ch2*sh2; 
    Q[7] = 2*ch3*(1-2*sh22)*sh3; 
    Q[8] = (-1+2*sh22)*(-1+2*sh32);