Esempio n. 1
void CEP2GameStats::Event_SaveGame( void )

	Ep2LevelStats_t *map = m_pCurrentMap;
	if ( !map )

	++map->m_IntCounters[ Ep2LevelStats_t::COUNTER_SAVES ];
	StatsLog( " %I64uth save on this map\n", map->m_IntCounters[ Ep2LevelStats_t::COUNTER_SAVES ] );

	char const *pchSaveFile = engine->GetSaveFileName();
	if ( !pchSaveFile || !pchSaveFile[ 0 ] )

	char name[ 512 ];
	Q_strncpy( name, pchSaveFile, sizeof( name ) );
	Q_strlower( name );
	Q_FixSlashes( name );

	unsigned int uFileTime = filesystem->GetFileTime( name, "GAME" );
	// Latch off previous
	map->m_SaveGameInfo.Latch( name, uFileTime );

	Ep2LevelStats_t::SaveGameInfoRecord2_t *rec = map->m_SaveGameInfo.m_pCurrentRecord;

	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( pPlayer )
		Vector pos = pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin();
		rec->m_nSavePos[ 0 ] = (short)pos.x;
		rec->m_nSavePos[ 1 ] = (short)pos.y;
		rec->m_nSavePos[ 2 ] = (short)pos.z;
		rec->m_nSaveHealth = clamp( pPlayer->GetHealth(), 0, 100 );
		rec->m_SaveType = Q_stristr( pchSaveFile, "autosave" ) ? 
			Ep2LevelStats_t::SaveGameInfoRecord2_t::TYPE_AUTOSAVE : Ep2LevelStats_t::SaveGameInfoRecord2_t::TYPE_USERSAVE;

		StatsLog( "save pos %i %i %i w/ health %d\n",
			rec->m_nSavePos[ 0 ],
			rec->m_nSavePos[ 1 ],
			rec->m_nSavePos[ 2 ],
			rec->m_nSaveHealth );

CChoreoScene *C_SceneEntity::LoadScene( const char *filename )
	char loadfile[ 512 ];
	Q_strncpy( loadfile, filename, sizeof( loadfile ) );
	Q_SetExtension( loadfile, ".vcd", sizeof( loadfile ) );
	Q_FixSlashes( loadfile );

	char *pBuffer = NULL;
	size_t bufsize = scenefilecache->GetSceneBufferSize( loadfile );
	if ( bufsize <= 0 )
		return NULL;

	pBuffer = new char[ bufsize ];
	if ( !scenefilecache->GetSceneData( filename, (byte *)pBuffer, bufsize ) )
		delete[] pBuffer;
		return NULL;

	CChoreoScene *pScene;
	if ( IsBufferBinaryVCD( pBuffer, bufsize ) )
		pScene = new CChoreoScene( this );
		CUtlBuffer buf( pBuffer, bufsize, CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY );
		if ( !pScene->RestoreFromBinaryBuffer( buf, loadfile, &g_ChoreoStringPool ) )
			Warning( "Unable to restore binary scene '%s'\n", loadfile );
			delete pScene;
			pScene = NULL;
			pScene->SetPrintFunc( Scene_Printf );
			pScene->SetEventCallbackInterface( this );
		g_TokenProcessor.SetBuffer( pBuffer );
		pScene = ChoreoLoadScene( loadfile, this, &g_TokenProcessor, Scene_Printf );

	delete[] pBuffer;
	return pScene;
Esempio n. 3
bool CmdLib_HasBasePath( const char *pFileName_, int &pathLength )
	char *pFileName = ( char * )_alloca( strlen( pFileName_ ) + 1 );
	strcpy( pFileName, pFileName_ );
	Q_FixSlashes( pFileName );
	pathLength = 0;
	int i;
	for( i = 0; i < g_NumBasePaths; i++ )
		// see if we can rip the base off of the filename.
		if( Q_strncasecmp( g_pBasePaths[i], pFileName, strlen( g_pBasePaths[i] ) ) == 0 )
			pathLength = strlen( g_pBasePaths[i] );
			return true;
	return false;
	CUtlVector< SimpleTexture* > hList_Textures;
	CUtlVector< SimpleCombo* > hList_Combos;
	CUtlVector< SimpleEnvConstant* > hList_EConstants;
void df_SaveDump_File( const char *canvasname, const BasicShaderCfg_t &shader )
	KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( canvasname );
	char _path[MAX_PATH];
	Q_snprintf( _path, MAX_PATH, "%s/%s.dump", ::GetDumpDirectory(), canvasname );
	Q_FixSlashes( _path );

	pKV->SetString( "vs_name", shader.ProcVSName );
	pKV->SetString( "ps_name", shader.ProcPSName );
	pKV->SetString( "shader_filename", shader.Filename );
	pKV->SetString( GetDumpVersion_KeyName(), GetDumpVersion_Current() );

	pKV->SetInt( "i_sm", shader.iShaderModel );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_cull", shader.iCullmode );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_ablend", shader.iAlphablendmode );
	pKV->SetFloat( "fl_atestref", shader.flAlphaTestRef );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_dtest", shader.iDepthtestmode );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_dwrite", shader.iDepthwritemode );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_srgbw", shader.bsRGBWrite ? 1 : 0 );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_vfmt_flags", shader.iVFMT_flags );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_vfmt_texcoords", shader.iVFMT_numTexcoords );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_vfmt_udata", shader.iVFMT_numUserData );
	for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		char tmp[48];
		Q_snprintf( tmp, sizeof(tmp), "i_vfmt_texcoordDim_%i", i );
		pKV->SetInt( tmp, shader.iVFMT_texDim[i] );

	pKV->SetInt( "i_vlit", shader.bVertexLighting );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_vrefract", shader.bRefractionSupport );

	KeyValues *pKVIdentVS = __AllocKV_Identifiers( shader.pVS_Identifiers );
	pKVIdentVS->SetName( "identifiers_VS" );
	pKV->AddSubKey( pKVIdentVS );

	KeyValues *pKVIdentPS = __AllocKV_Identifiers( shader.pPS_Identifiers );
	pKVIdentPS->SetName( "identifiers_PS" );
	pKV->AddSubKey( pKVIdentPS );

	pKV->SaveToFile( g_pFullFileSystem, _path, "MOD" );
KeyValues *CCompiledKeyValuesReader::Instance( char const *kvfilename )
	char sz[ 512 ];
	Q_strncpy( sz, kvfilename, sizeof( sz ) );
	Q_FixSlashes( sz );

	FileInfo_t search;
	search.hFile = g_pFullFileSystem->FindOrAddFileName( sz );

	int idx = m_Dict.Find( search );
	if ( idx == m_Dict.InvalidIndex() )
		return NULL;

	const FileInfo_t& info = m_Dict[ idx ];

	return CreateFromData( info );
IFaceposerModels::CFacePoserModel::CFacePoserModel( char const *modelfile, StudioModel *model )
	m_pModel = model;
	m_szActorName[ 0 ] = 0;
	m_szShortName[ 0 ] = 0;
	strcpy( m_szModelFileName, modelfile );
	Q_FixSlashes( m_szModelFileName );

	CStudioHdr *hdr = model->GetStudioHdr();
	if ( hdr )
		Q_StripExtension( hdr->pszName(), m_szShortName, sizeof( m_szShortName ) );

	m_bVisibileIn3DView = false;
	m_bFirstBitmapLoad = true;

// Purpose: 
// Output : const char
const char *CExpression::GetBitmapFilename( int modelindex )
	static char filename[ 256 ] = { 0 };
	char const *classname = "error";
	CExpClass *cl = GetExpressionClass();
	if ( cl )
		classname = cl->GetBaseName();
	char modelName[512], modelNameTemp[512];
	Q_strncpy( modelNameTemp, models->GetModelName( modelindex ), sizeof( modelNameTemp ) );

	char const *in = modelNameTemp;
	char *out = modelName;

	while ( *in )
		if ( isalnum( *in ) ||
			*in == '_' || 
			*in == '\\' || 
			*in == '/' ||
			*in == '.' ||
			*in == ':' )
			*out++ = *in;
	*out = 0;

	sprintf( filename, "expressions/%s/%s/%s.bmp", modelName, classname, GetBitmapCheckSum() );

	Q_FixSlashes( filename );
	strlwr( filename );

	CreatePath( filename );
	return filename;
bool CCompiledKeyValuesReader::LookupKeyValuesRootKeyName( char const *kvfilename, char *outbuf, size_t bufsize )
	char sz[ 512 ];
	Q_strncpy( sz, kvfilename, sizeof( sz ) );
	Q_FixSlashes( sz );

	FileInfo_t search;
	search.hFile = g_pFullFileSystem->FindOrAddFileName( sz );

	int idx = m_Dict.Find( search );
	if ( idx == m_Dict.InvalidIndex() )
		return false;

	const FileInfo_t& info = m_Dict[ idx ];

	Q_strncpy( outbuf, m_StringTable.Lookup( m_Data[ info.nFirstIndex ].key ), bufsize );
	return true;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	if ( argc < 2 )
		printf("Usage: test_binaries <FILENAME>\n" );
		char fileName[2048], dir[2048];
		if ( !Q_ExtractFilePath( argv[1], dir, sizeof( dir ) ) )
			strcpy( dir, "" );
			Q_FixSlashes( dir, '/' );
			int len = strlen(dir);
			if ( len && dir[len-1] !='/' )
				strcat( dir, "/" );
		WIN32_FIND_DATA findData;
		HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile( argv[1], &findData );
		if ( hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
			printf("Can't find %s\n", argv[1] );
				sprintf( fileName, "%s%s", dir, findData.cFileName );
				TestFile( fileName );
			} while ( FindNextFile( hFind, &findData ) );
			FindClose( hFind );
	return 0;
// Adds the platform folder to the search path.
void FileSystem_AddSearchPath_Platform( IFileSystem *pFileSystem, const char *szGameInfoPath )
	char platform[MAX_PATH];
	if ( pFileSystem->IsSteam() )
		// Steam doesn't support relative paths
		Q_strncpy( platform, "platform", MAX_PATH );
		if ( !Sys_GetExecutableName( platform, sizeof( platform ) ) )
			// fall back to old method if we can't get the executable name
			Q_strncpy( platform, szGameInfoPath, MAX_PATH );
			Q_StripTrailingSlash( platform );
			Q_strncat( platform, "/../platform", MAX_PATH, MAX_PATH );
			Q_StripFilename( platform );
			Q_StripTrailingSlash( platform );
			Q_FixSlashes( platform );

			// remove bin folder if necessary
			int nLen = Q_strlen( platform );
			if ( ( nLen > 4 )
					&& platform[ nLen - 4 ] == CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR
					&& !Q_stricmp( "bin", platform + ( nLen - 3 ) )
				Q_StripLastDir( platform, sizeof( platform ) );
				Q_StripTrailingSlash( platform );
			// go into platform folder
			Q_strncat( platform, "/platform", MAX_PATH, MAX_PATH );

	pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( platform, "PLATFORM" );
bool IsUsingPerPlayerExpressions()
	bool bPerPlayerExpressions = false;
	if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-perplayerexpressions" ) )
		bPerPlayerExpressions = true;
		// Returns the search path, each path is separated by ;s. Returns the length of the string returned
		char pSearchPath[2048];
		if ( g_pFullFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "GAME", false, pSearchPath, sizeof(pSearchPath) ) )
			Q_FixSlashes( pSearchPath );
			if ( Q_stristr( pSearchPath, "\\tf" ) )
				bPerPlayerExpressions = true;
	return bPerPlayerExpressions;
void RemoveFromWhiteList( char const *path )
	vprint( 2, "-\t'%s'\n", path );

	char dir[ 512 ];
	Q_strncpy( dir, path, sizeof( dir ) );

	// Get the base filename from the path
	_strlwr( dir );
	Q_FixSlashes( dir );

	CUtlVector< FileEntry > files;

	char *lastslash = strrchr( dir, '\\' );
	if ( lastslash == 0 )
		BuildFileListWildcard( 1, files, "", dir, 0 );
		char *wild = lastslash + 1;
		*lastslash = 0;

		BuildFileListWildcard( 1, files, dir, wild, 0 );

	int c = files.Count();
	for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i )
		UnusedContent::CUtlSymbol sym = files[ i ].sym;
		int idx = g_WhiteList.Find( sym );
		if ( idx != g_WhiteList.InvalidIndex() )
			g_WhiteList.RemoveAt( idx );
Esempio n. 13
CRoomTemplate* CLevelTheme::FindRoom( const char *szRoomTemplate )
	// strip off .vmf if it's there
	static char buffer[ 256 ];
	Q_snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "%s", szRoomTemplate );
	int len = Q_strlen( buffer );
	if ( len >= 4 && !Q_stricmp( buffer - 4, ".vmf" ) )
		buffer[ len - 4 ] = 0;
	Q_FixSlashes( buffer );

	for ( int i = 0; i < m_RoomTemplates.Count(); i++ )
		CRoomTemplate *pTemplate = m_RoomTemplates[i];
		if ( !pTemplate )

		if ( !Q_stricmp( pTemplate->GetFullName(), buffer ) )
			return pTemplate;
	return NULL;
const char *IFaceposerModels::CFacePoserModel::GetBitmapFilename( int sequence )
	char *in, *out;
	static char filename[ 256 ];
	filename[ 0 ] = 0;

	char modelName[512], modelNameTemp[512];
	Q_strncpy( modelNameTemp, GetShortModelName(), sizeof( modelNameTemp ) );

	in = modelNameTemp;
	out = modelName;

	while ( *in )
		if ( isalnum( *in ) ||
			*in == '_' || 
			*in == '\\' || 
			*in == '/' ||
			*in == '.' ||
			*in == ':' )
			*out++ = *in;
	*out = 0;

	Q_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "expressions/%s/animation/%s.bmp", modelName, GetBitmapChecksum( sequence ) );

	Q_FixSlashes( filename );
	strlwr( filename );

	CreatePath( filename );
	return filename;
// Exports a Maya file to a DMX file
bool CMayaDmeMakefileUtils::PerformCompilationStep( CDmeMayaMakefile *pMakeFile, CompilationStep_t step )
	if ( step != BEFORE_COMPILATION )
		return BaseClass::PerformCompilationStep( pMakeFile, step );

	MString currentFile = MFileIO::currentFile();

	int nCount = pMakeFile->GetSourceCount();
	for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
		CDmeSourceMayaFile *pMayaSource = CastElement< CDmeSourceMayaFile >( pMakeFile->GetSource(i) );
		if ( !pMayaSource )

		char pSourcePath[MAX_PATH];
		pMakeFile->GetSourceFullPath( pMayaSource, pSourcePath, sizeof(pSourcePath) );
		// Maya wants forward slashes
		Q_FixSlashes( pSourcePath, '/' );

		if ( Q_stricmp( currentFile.asChar(), pSourcePath ) )

		// It's already open
		MString command = "saveChanges(\"\")";
		g_pMayaVGui->SetModalMode( true );

		int nResult;
		MStatus status = MGlobal::executeCommand( command, nResult );
		g_pMayaVGui->SetModalMode( false );
		if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess || ( nResult == 0 ) )
			return false;

	return BaseClass::PerformCompilationStep( pMakeFile, step );
FSReturnCode_t FileSystem_LoadSearchPaths( CFSSearchPathsInit &initInfo )
	if ( !initInfo.m_pFileSystem || !initInfo.m_pDirectoryName )
		return SetupFileSystemError( false, FS_INVALID_PARAMETERS, "FileSystem_LoadSearchPaths: Invalid parameters specified." );

	KeyValues *pMainFile, *pFileSystemInfo, *pSearchPaths;
	FSReturnCode_t retVal = LoadGameInfoFile( initInfo.m_pDirectoryName, pMainFile, pFileSystemInfo, pSearchPaths );
	if ( retVal != FS_OK )
		return retVal;
	// All paths except those marked with |gameinfo_path| are relative to the base dir.
	char baseDir[MAX_PATH];
	if ( !FileSystem_GetBaseDir( baseDir, sizeof( baseDir ) ) )
		return SetupFileSystemError( false, FS_INVALID_PARAMETERS, "FileSystem_GetBaseDir failed." );

	initInfo.m_ModPath[0] = 0;

	#define GAMEINFOPATH_TOKEN		"|gameinfo_path|"
	#define BASESOURCEPATHS_TOKEN	"|all_source_engine_paths|"

	bool bLowViolence = IsLowViolenceBuild();
	bool bFirstGamePath = true;
	for ( KeyValues *pCur=pSearchPaths->GetFirstValue(); pCur; pCur=pCur->GetNextValue() )
		const char *pPathID = pCur->GetName();
		const char *pLocation = pCur->GetString();
		if ( Q_stristr( pLocation, GAMEINFOPATH_TOKEN ) == pLocation )
			pLocation += strlen( GAMEINFOPATH_TOKEN );
			FileSystem_AddLoadedSearchPath( initInfo, pPathID, &bFirstGamePath, initInfo.m_pDirectoryName, pLocation, bLowViolence );
		else if ( Q_stristr( pLocation, BASESOURCEPATHS_TOKEN ) == pLocation )
			// This is a special identifier that tells it to add the specified path for all source engine versions equal to or prior to this version.
			// So in Orange Box, if they specified:
			//		|all_source_engine_paths|hl2
			// it would add the ep2\hl2 folder and the base (ep1-era) hl2 folder.
			// We need a special identifier in the gameinfo.txt here because the base hl2 folder exists in different places.
			// In the case of a game or a Steam-launched dedicated server, all the necessary prior engine content is mapped in with the Steam depots,
			// so we can just use the path as-is.

			// In the case of an hldsupdatetool dedicated server, the base hl2 folder is "..\..\hl2" (since we're up in the 'orangebox' folder).
			pLocation += strlen( BASESOURCEPATHS_TOKEN );

			// Add the Orange-box path (which also will include whatever the depots mapped in as well if we're 
			// running a Steam-launched app).
			FileSystem_AddLoadedSearchPath( initInfo, pPathID, &bFirstGamePath, baseDir, pLocation, bLowViolence );

			if ( FileSystem_IsHldsUpdateToolDedicatedServer() )
				// If we're using the hldsupdatetool dedicated server, then go up a directory to get the ep1-era files too.
				char ep1EraPath[MAX_PATH];
				V_snprintf( ep1EraPath, sizeof( ep1EraPath ), "..%c%s", CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, pLocation );
				FileSystem_AddLoadedSearchPath( initInfo, pPathID, &bFirstGamePath, baseDir, ep1EraPath, bLowViolence );
			FileSystem_AddLoadedSearchPath( initInfo, pPathID, &bFirstGamePath, baseDir, pLocation, bLowViolence );


	// Set up search paths for add-ons
	if ( IsPC() )
		FileSystem_UpdateAddonSearchPaths( initInfo.m_pFileSystem );

	// these specialized tool paths are not used on 360 and cause a costly constant perf tax, so inhibited
	if ( IsPC() )
		// Create a content search path based on the game search path
		const char *pGameRoot = getenv( GAMEROOT_TOKEN );
		const char *pContentRoot = getenv( CONTENTROOT_TOKEN );

		if ( pGameRoot && pContentRoot )
			int nLen = initInfo.m_pFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "GAME", false, NULL, 0 );
			char *pSearchPath = (char*)stackalloc( nLen * sizeof(char) );
			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "GAME", false, pSearchPath, nLen );
			char *pPath = pSearchPath;
			while( pPath )
				char *pSemiColon = strchr( pPath, ';' );
				if ( pSemiColon )
					*pSemiColon = 0;

				Q_StripTrailingSlash( pPath );
				Q_FixSlashes( pPath );

				const char *pCurPath = pPath;
				pPath = pSemiColon ? pSemiColon + 1 : NULL;

				char pRelativePath[MAX_PATH];
				char pContentPath[MAX_PATH];
				if ( !Q_MakeRelativePath( pCurPath, pGameRoot, pRelativePath, sizeof(pRelativePath) ) )

				Q_ComposeFileName( pContentRoot, pRelativePath, pContentPath, sizeof(pContentPath) );
				initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( pContentPath, "CONTENT" );

			// Add the "platform" directory as a game searchable path
			char pPlatformPath[MAX_PATH];
			Q_ComposeFileName( pGameRoot, "platform", pPlatformPath, sizeof(pPlatformPath) );
			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( pPlatformPath, "GAME", PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL );

			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( pContentRoot, "CONTENTROOT" );
			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( pGameRoot, "GAMEROOT" );
			// Come up with some reasonable default
			int nLen = initInfo.m_pFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "MOD", false, NULL, 0 );
			char *pSearchPath = (char*)stackalloc( nLen * sizeof(char) );
			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "MOD", false, pSearchPath, nLen );
			char *pSemiColon = strchr( pSearchPath, ';' );
			if ( pSemiColon )
				*pSemiColon = 0;

			char pGameRootPath[MAX_PATH];
			Q_strncpy( pGameRootPath, pSearchPath, sizeof(pGameRootPath) );
			Q_StripTrailingSlash( pGameRootPath );
			Q_StripFilename( pGameRootPath );

			char pContentRootPath[MAX_PATH];
			Q_strncpy( pContentRootPath, pGameRootPath, sizeof(pContentRootPath) );
			char *pGame = Q_stristr( pContentRootPath, "game" );

			if ( pGame )
				Q_strcpy( pGame, "content" );

			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( pContentRootPath, "CONTENTROOT" );
			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( pGameRootPath, "GAMEROOT" );

		// Also, mark specific path IDs as "by request only". That way, we won't waste time searching in them
		// when people forget to specify a search path.
		initInfo.m_pFileSystem->MarkPathIDByRequestOnly( "contentroot", true );
		initInfo.m_pFileSystem->MarkPathIDByRequestOnly( "gameroot", true );
		initInfo.m_pFileSystem->MarkPathIDByRequestOnly( "content", true );

	// Also, mark specific path IDs as "by request only". That way, we won't waste time searching in them
	// when people forget to specify a search path.
	initInfo.m_pFileSystem->MarkPathIDByRequestOnly( "executable_path", true );
	initInfo.m_pFileSystem->MarkPathIDByRequestOnly( "gamebin", true );
	initInfo.m_pFileSystem->MarkPathIDByRequestOnly( "mod", true );

	// Add the write path last.
	if ( initInfo.m_ModPath[0] != 0 )
		initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( initInfo.m_ModPath, "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH", PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL );

#ifdef _DEBUG	

#if defined( ENABLE_RUNTIME_STACK_TRANSLATION ) && !defined( _X360 )
	//copy search paths to stack tools so it can grab pdb's from all over. But only on P4 or Steam Beta builds
	if( (CommandLine()->FindParm( "-steam" ) == 0) || //not steam
		(CommandLine()->FindParm( "-internalbuild" ) != 0) ) //steam beta is ok
		char szSearchPaths[4096];
		//int CBaseFileSystem::GetSearchPath( const char *pathID, bool bGetPackFiles, char *pPath, int nMaxLen )
		int iLength1 = initInfo.m_pFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "EXECUTABLE_PATH", false, szSearchPaths, 4096 );
		if( iLength1 == 1 )
			iLength1 = 0;

		int iLength2 = initInfo.m_pFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "GAMEBIN", false, szSearchPaths + iLength1, 4096 - iLength1 );
		if( (iLength2 > 1) && (iLength1 > 1) )
			szSearchPaths[iLength1 - 1] = ';'; //replace first null terminator

		const char *szAdditionalPath = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-AdditionalPDBSearchPath" );
		if( szAdditionalPath && szAdditionalPath[0] )
			int iLength = iLength1;
			if( iLength2 > 1 )
				iLength += iLength2;

			if( iLength != 0 )
				szSearchPaths[iLength - 1] = ';'; //replaces null terminator
			V_strncpy( &szSearchPaths[iLength], szAdditionalPath, 4096 - iLength );			

		//Append the perforce symbol server last. Documentation says that "srv*\\perforce\symbols" should work, but it doesn't.
		//"symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\perforce\symbols" which the docs say is the same statement, works.
			V_strncat( szSearchPaths, ";symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\\\perforce\\symbols", 4096 );

		SetStackTranslationSymbolSearchPath( szSearchPaths );
		//MessageBox( NULL, szSearchPaths, "Search Paths", 0 );

	return FS_OK;
	CSingleplayRules::CSingleplayRules( void )
		RefreshSkillData( true );

		const char *cfgfile = defaultcfgfile.GetString();

		if (cfgfile && cfgfile[0])
			char szCommand[256];

			Log("Executing default gamemode config file %s\n", cfgfile);
			Q_snprintf(szCommand, sizeof(szCommand), "exec %s\n", cfgfile);

		char mapcfg[256];
		Q_snprintf(mapcfg, sizeof(mapcfg), "cfg/%s.cfg", STRING(gpGlobals->mapname));


		if (mapcfg)
			char szCommandMap[256];

			Log("Executing map config file %s\n", mapcfg);
			Q_snprintf(szCommandMap, sizeof(szCommandMap), "exec %s\n", mapcfg);

		char mapname[256];
#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
		Q_snprintf(mapname, sizeof(mapname), "maps/%s", STRING(gpGlobals->mapname));
		Q_strncpy(mapname, engine->GetLevelName(), sizeof(mapname));


		if (V_stristr(mapname, "cf"))
			Log("Automatically setting the gamemode to COMBINE FIREFIGHT due to mapname.\n");
		else if (V_stristr(mapname, "xi"))
			Log("Automatically setting the gamemode to XEN INVASION due to mapname.\n");
		else if (V_stristr(mapname, "aa"))
			Log("Automatically setting the gamemode to ANTLION ASSAULT due to mapname.\n");
		else if (V_stristr(mapname, "zs"))
			Log("Automatically setting the gamemode to ZOMBIE SURVIVAL due to mapname.\n");
		else if (V_stristr(mapname, "fr"))
			Log("Automatically setting the gamemode to FIREFIGHT RUMBLE due to mapname.\n");

			if (bHasRandomized)
				bHasRandomized = false;
				iRandomGamemode = 0;
			Log("No gamemode defined! Randomizing gamemodes.\n");
			bHasRandomized = true;

		if (bHasRandomized)
				// listen server
				const char *cfgfilecf = combinefirefightcfgfile.GetString();

				if (cfgfilecf && cfgfilecf[0])
					char szCommand[256];

					Log("Executing COMBINE FIREFIGHT gamemode config file %s\n", cfgfilecf);
					Q_snprintf(szCommand, sizeof(szCommand), "exec %s\n", cfgfilecf);
			else if (iRandomGamemode == FIREFIGHT_PRIMARY_XENINVASION)
				// listen server
				const char *cfgfilexi = xeninvasioncfgfile.GetString();

				if (cfgfilexi && cfgfilexi[0])
					char szCommand[256];

					Log("Executing XEN INVASION gamemode config file %s\n", cfgfilexi);
					Q_snprintf(szCommand, sizeof(szCommand), "exec %s\n", cfgfilexi);
			else if (iRandomGamemode == FIREFIGHT_PRIMARY_ANTLIONASSAULT)
				// listen server
				const char *cfgfileaa = antlionassaultcfgfile.GetString();

				if (cfgfileaa && cfgfileaa[0])
					char szCommand[256];

					Log("Executing ANTLION ASSAULT gamemode config file %s\n", cfgfileaa);
					Q_snprintf(szCommand, sizeof(szCommand), "exec %s\n", cfgfileaa);
			else if (iRandomGamemode == FIREFIGHT_PRIMARY_ZOMBIESURVIVAL)
				// listen server
				const char *cfgfilezs = zombiesurvivalcfgfile.GetString();

				if (cfgfilezs && cfgfilezs[0])
					char szCommand[256];

					Log("Executing ZOMBIE SURVIVAL gamemode config file %s\n", cfgfilezs);
					Q_snprintf(szCommand, sizeof(szCommand), "exec %s\n", cfgfilezs);
				// listen server
				const char *cfgfilefr = firefightrumblecfgfile.GetString();

				if (cfgfilefr && cfgfilefr[0])
					char szCommand[256];

					Log("Executing FIREFIGHT RUMBLE gamemode config file %s\n", cfgfilefr);
					Q_snprintf(szCommand, sizeof(szCommand), "exec %s\n", cfgfilefr);
				// listen server
				const char *cfgfilecf = combinefirefightcfgfile.GetString();

				if (cfgfilecf && cfgfilecf[0])
					char szCommand[256];

					Log("Executing COMBINE FIREFIGHT gamemode config file %s\n", cfgfilecf);
					Q_snprintf(szCommand, sizeof(szCommand), "exec %s\n", cfgfilecf);
			else if (GetGamemode() == FIREFIGHT_PRIMARY_XENINVASION)
				// listen server
				const char *cfgfilexi = xeninvasioncfgfile.GetString();

				if (cfgfilexi && cfgfilexi[0])
					char szCommand[256];

					Log("Executing XEN INVASION gamemode config file %s\n", cfgfilexi);
					Q_snprintf(szCommand, sizeof(szCommand), "exec %s\n", cfgfilexi);
				// listen server
				const char *cfgfileaa = antlionassaultcfgfile.GetString();

				if (cfgfileaa && cfgfileaa[0])
					char szCommand[256];

					Log("Executing ANTLION ASSAULT gamemode config file %s\n", cfgfileaa);
					Q_snprintf(szCommand, sizeof(szCommand), "exec %s\n", cfgfileaa);
				// listen server
				const char *cfgfilezs = zombiesurvivalcfgfile.GetString();

				if (cfgfilezs && cfgfilezs[0])
					char szCommand[256];

					Log("Executing ZOMBIE SURVIVAL gamemode config file %s\n", cfgfilezs);
					Q_snprintf(szCommand, sizeof(szCommand), "exec %s\n", cfgfilezs);
				// listen server
				const char *cfgfilefr = firefightrumblecfgfile.GetString();

				if (cfgfilefr && cfgfilefr[0])
					char szCommand[256];

					Log("Executing FIREFIGHT RUMBLE gamemode config file %s\n", cfgfilefr);
					Q_snprintf(szCommand, sizeof(szCommand), "exec %s\n", cfgfilefr);
void CASW_Location::LoadFromKeyValues( KeyValues *pKeys, CUniformRandomStream* pStream)
    m_iXPos = pKeys->GetInt( "x" );
    m_iYPos = pKeys->GetInt( "y" );
    Q_strcpy( m_szMapName, "random" );
    m_iMinDifficulty = pKeys->GetInt( "MinDifficulty", 1 );
    m_iMaxDifficulty = pKeys->GetInt( "MaxDifficulty", 100 );
    m_iCompanyIndex = pKeys->GetInt( "Company", 0 );
    m_bIsMissionOptional = !!pKeys->GetInt( "Optional", 1 );
    m_iLocationID = pKeys->GetInt( "ID", -1 );
    m_pszCustomMission = TileGenCopyString( pKeys->GetString( "CustomMission" ) );
    m_szStoryScene = TileGenCopyString( pKeys->GetString( "StoryScene" ) ) ? TileGenCopyString( pKeys->GetString( "StoryScene" ) ) : "spaceport_crashsite";
    m_szImageName = TileGenCopyString( pKeys->GetString( "ImageName" ) ) ? TileGenCopyString( pKeys->GetString( "ImageName" ) ) : "swarm/MissionPics/PlantMissionpic.vmt";
    if ( m_pszCustomMission )
        Q_FixSlashes( m_pszCustomMission );

    // pick a difficulty between the bounds
    m_iDifficulty = pStream->RandomInt( m_iMinDifficulty, m_iMaxDifficulty );

    if ( m_pszCustomMission && m_pszCustomMission[0] )
        m_pMissionKV = m_pLocationGrid->GetMissionData( m_pszCustomMission );
    if ( m_pMissionKV )
        // Make a copy so we can modify it
        m_pMissionKV = m_pMissionKV->MakeCopy();

        // Fill out mission settings from the mission grid data so it gets into the .layout file
        if ( GetMissionSettings() )
            GetMissionSettings()->SetInt( "Difficulty", m_iDifficulty );
            const char *pMissionName = m_pszCustomMission;
            if ( Q_strnicmp( m_pszCustomMission, "tilegen/new_missions/", Q_strlen( "tilegen/new_missions/" ) ) == 0 )
                pMissionName += Q_strlen( "tilegen/new_missions/" );
            GetMissionSettings()->SetString( "Filename", m_pszCustomMission + Q_strlen( "tilegen/new_missions/" ) );
            GetMissionSettings()->SetInt( "GridLocationID", m_iLocationID );

    // if mission doesn't have a valid ID then find one
    if ( m_iLocationID == -1 )
        m_iLocationID = LocationGrid()->GetFreeLocationID();

    KeyValues *pRewards = pKeys->FindKey( "Rewards" );
    if ( pRewards )
        for ( KeyValues *pRewardKey = pRewards->GetFirstSubKey(); pRewardKey; pRewardKey = pRewardKey->GetNextKey() )
            CASW_Reward *pReward = new CASW_Reward();
            if ( pReward->LoadFromKeyValues( pRewardKey, m_iDifficulty ) )
                m_Rewards.AddToTail( pReward );
                delete pReward;
        // TODO: Create some default rewards?
Esempio n. 19
// Purpose: extracts the list of defines and includes used for this config
bool CVCProjConvert::ExtractIncludes( IXMLDOMElement *pDoc, CConfiguration & config )
	if (!pDoc)
		return false;

#ifdef _WIN32
	CComPtr<IXMLDOMNodeList> pTools;
	pDoc->getElementsByTagName( _bstr_t("Tool"), &pTools);
	if (pTools)
		long len = 0;
		for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
			CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pNode;
			pTools->get_item( i, &pNode );
			if (pNode)
				CComQIPtr<IXMLDOMElement> pElem( pNode );
				CUtlSymbol toolName = GetXMLAttribValue( pElem, "Name" );
				if ( toolName == "VCCLCompilerTool" )
					CUtlSymbol defines = GetXMLAttribValue( pElem, "PreprocessorDefinitions" );
					char *str = (char *)_alloca( Q_strlen( defines.String() ) + 1 );
					Assert( str );
					Q_strcpy( str, defines.String() );
					// now tokenize the string on the ";" char
					char *delim = strchr( str, ';' );
					char *curpos = str;
					while ( delim )
						*delim = 0;
						if ( Q_stricmp( curpos, "WIN32" ) && Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WIN32" )  &&  
							 Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WINDOWS") && Q_stricmp( curpos, "WINDOWS")) // don't add WIN32 defines
							config.AddDefine( curpos );
						curpos = delim;
						delim = strchr( delim, ';' );
					if ( Q_stricmp( curpos, "WIN32" ) && Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WIN32" )  &&  
						 Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WINDOWS") && Q_stricmp( curpos, "WINDOWS")) // don't add WIN32 defines
						config.AddDefine( curpos );

					CUtlSymbol includes = GetXMLAttribValue( pElem, "AdditionalIncludeDirectories" );
					char *str2 = (char *)_alloca( Q_strlen( includes.String() ) + 1 );
					Assert( str2 );
					Q_strcpy( str2, includes.String() );
					// now tokenize the string on the ";" char
					delim = strchr( str2, ',' );
					curpos = str2;
					while ( delim )
						*delim = 0;
						config.AddInclude( curpos );
						curpos = delim;
						delim = strchr( delim, ',' );
					config.AddInclude( curpos );
#elif _LINUX
	DOMNodeList *nodes= pDoc->getElementsByTagName( _bstr_t("Tool"));
	if (nodes)
		int len = nodes->getLength();
		for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
			DOMNode *node = nodes->item(i);
			if (node)
				CUtlSymbol toolName = GetXMLAttribValue( node, "Name" );
				if ( toolName == "VCCLCompilerTool" )
					CUtlSymbol defines = GetXMLAttribValue( node, "PreprocessorDefinitions" );
					char *str = (char *)_alloca( Q_strlen( defines.String() ) + 1 );
					Assert( str );
					Q_strcpy( str, defines.String() );
					// now tokenize the string on the ";" char
					char *delim = strchr( str, ';' );
					char *curpos = str;
					while ( delim )
						*delim = 0;
						if ( Q_stricmp( curpos, "WIN32" ) && Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WIN32" )  &&  
							 Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WINDOWS") && Q_stricmp( curpos, "WINDOWS")) // don't add WIN32 defines
							config.AddDefine( curpos );
						curpos = delim;
						delim = strchr( delim, ';' );
					if ( Q_stricmp( curpos, "WIN32" ) && Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WIN32" )  &&  
						 Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WINDOWS") && Q_stricmp( curpos, "WINDOWS")) // don't add WIN32 defines
						config.AddDefine( curpos );

					CUtlSymbol includes = GetXMLAttribValue( node, "AdditionalIncludeDirectories" );
					char *str2 = (char *)_alloca( Q_strlen( includes.String() ) + 1 );
					Assert( str2 );
					Q_strcpy( str2, includes.String() );
					// now tokenize the string on the ";" char
					char token = ',';
					delim = strchr( str2, token );
					if ( !delim )
						token = ';';
						delim = strchr( str2, token );
					curpos = str2;
					while ( delim )
						*delim = 0;
						Q_FixSlashes( curpos );
						Q_strlower( curpos );
						char fullPath[ MAX_PATH ];
						Q_snprintf( fullPath, sizeof(fullPath), "%s/%s", m_BaseDir.String(), curpos );
						Q_StripTrailingSlash( fullPath );
						config.AddInclude( fullPath );
						curpos = delim;
						delim = strchr( delim, token );
					Q_FixSlashes( curpos );
					Q_strlower( curpos );
					char fullPath[ MAX_PATH ];
					Q_snprintf( fullPath, sizeof(fullPath), "%s/%s", m_BaseDir.String(), curpos );
					Q_StripTrailingSlash( fullPath );
					config.AddInclude( fullPath );

	return true;
Esempio n. 20
// Purpose: Get list of files from current path that match pattern
int CScriptLib::GetFileList( const char* pDirPath, const char* pPattern, CUtlVector< fileList_t > &fileList )
	char	sourcePath[MAX_PATH];
	char	fullPath[MAX_PATH];
	bool	bFindDirs;


	strcpy( sourcePath, pDirPath );
	int len = (int)strlen( sourcePath );
	if ( !len )
		strcpy( sourcePath, ".\\" );
	else if ( sourcePath[len-1] != '\\' )
		sourcePath[len]   = '\\';
		sourcePath[len+1] = '\0';

	strcpy( fullPath, sourcePath );
	if ( pPattern[0] == '\\' && pPattern[1] == '\0' )
		// find directories only
		bFindDirs = true;
		strcat( fullPath, "*" );
		// find files, use provided pattern
		bFindDirs = false;
		strcat( fullPath, pPattern );

#ifdef WIN32
	struct _finddata_t findData;
	intptr_t h = _findfirst( fullPath, &findData );
	if ( h == -1 )
		return 0;

		// dos attribute complexities i.e. _A_NORMAL is 0
		if ( bFindDirs )
			// skip non dirs
			if ( !( findData.attrib & _A_SUBDIR ) )
			// skip dirs
			if ( findData.attrib & _A_SUBDIR )

		if ( !stricmp(, "." ) )

		if ( !stricmp(, ".." ) )

		char fileName[MAX_PATH];
		strcpy( fileName, sourcePath );
		strcat( fileName, );

		int j = fileList.AddToTail();
		fileList[j].fileName.Set( fileName );
		fileList[j].timeWrite = findData.time_write;
	while ( !_findnext( h, &findData ) );

	_findclose( h );
#elif defined(POSIX)
	FIND_DATA findData;
	Q_FixSlashes( fullPath );
	void *h = FindFirstFile( fullPath, &findData );
	if ( (int)h == -1 )
		return 0;

		// dos attribute complexities i.e. _A_NORMAL is 0
		if ( bFindDirs )
			// skip non dirs
			if ( !( findData.dwFileAttributes & S_IFDIR ) )
			// skip dirs
			if ( findData.dwFileAttributes & S_IFDIR )

		if ( !stricmp( findData.cFileName, "." ) )

		if ( !stricmp( findData.cFileName, ".." ) )

		char fileName[MAX_PATH];
		strcpy( fileName, sourcePath );
		strcat( fileName, findData.cFileName );

		int j = fileList.AddToTail();
		fileList[j].fileName.Set( fileName );
		struct stat statbuf;
		if ( stat( fileName, &statbuf ) )
#ifdef OSX
			fileList[j].timeWrite = statbuf.st_mtimespec.tv_sec;
			fileList[j].timeWrite = statbuf.st_mtime;
			fileList[j].timeWrite = 0;
Esempio n. 21
// Purpose: walks the file elements in the vcproj and inserts them into configs
bool CVCProjConvert::ExtractFiles( IXMLDOMDocument *pDoc  )
	if (!pDoc)
		return false;
	Assert( m_Configurations.Count() ); // some configs must be loaded first

#ifdef _WIN32
	CComPtr<IXMLDOMNodeList> pFiles;
	pDoc->getElementsByTagName( _bstr_t("File"), &pFiles);
	if (pFiles)
		long len = 0;
		for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
			CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pNode;
			pFiles->get_item( i, &pNode);
			if (pNode)
				CComQIPtr<IXMLDOMElement> pElem( pNode );
				CUtlSymbol fileName = GetXMLAttribValue(pElem,"RelativePath");
				if ( fileName.IsValid() )
					CConfiguration::FileType_e type = GetFileType( fileName.String() );
					CConfiguration::CFileEntry fileEntry( fileName.String(), type );
					for ( int i = 0; i < m_Configurations.Count(); i++ ) // add the file to all configs
						CConfiguration & config = m_Configurations[i];
						config.InsertFile( fileEntry );
					IterateFileConfigurations( pElem, fileName ); // now remove the excluded ones
#elif _LINUX
	DOMNodeList *nodes = pDoc->getElementsByTagName( _bstr_t("File") );
	if (nodes)
		int len = nodes->getLength();
		for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
			DOMNode *node = nodes->item(i);
			if (node)
				CUtlSymbol fileName = GetXMLAttribValue(node,"RelativePath");
				if ( fileName.IsValid() )
					char fixedFileName[ MAX_PATH ];
					Q_strncpy( fixedFileName, fileName.String(), sizeof(fixedFileName) );
					if ( fixedFileName[0] == '.' && fixedFileName[1] == '\\' )
						Q_memmove( fixedFileName, fixedFileName+2, sizeof(fixedFileName)-2 );

					Q_FixSlashes( fixedFileName );
					FindFileCaseInsensitive( fixedFileName, sizeof(fixedFileName) );
					CConfiguration::FileType_e type = GetFileType( fileName.String() );
					CConfiguration::CFileEntry fileEntry( fixedFileName, type );
					for ( int i = 0; i < m_Configurations.Count(); i++ ) // add the file to all configs
						CConfiguration & config = m_Configurations[i];
						config.InsertFile( fileEntry );
					IterateFileConfigurations( node, fixedFileName ); // now remove the excluded ones
	return true;
void CModelBrowser::GetModelName( char *pModelName, int length )
	m_pPicker->GetSelectedMDLName( pModelName, length );

	Q_FixSlashes( pModelName, '/' );
Esempio n. 23
int SEditModelRender::MaterialPicker( char ***szMat )
	int mx, my;
#ifdef SOURCE_2006
	vgui::input()->GetCursorPos( mx, my );
	vgui::input()->GetCursorPosition( mx, my );

	Vector ray;
	const CViewSetup *pViewSetup = view->GetPlayerViewSetup();
	float ratio =engine->GetScreenAspectRatio(
#ifdef SWARM_DLL
		pViewSetup->width, pViewSetup->height

	ratio = ( 1.0f / ratio ) * (4.0f/3.0f);
	float flFov = ScaleFOVByWidthRatio( pViewSetup->fov, ratio );
	ScreenToWorld( mx, my, flFov, pViewSetup->origin, pViewSetup->angles, ray );

	Vector start = pViewSetup->origin;
	Vector end = start + ray * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH;
	trace_t tr;
	C_BaseEntity *pIgnore = input->CAM_IsThirdPerson() ? NULL : C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	UTIL_TraceLine( start, end, MASK_SOLID, pIgnore, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );

	if ( !tr.DidHit() )
		return 0;

	int numMaterials = 0;
	IMaterial **MatList = NULL;
	studiohdr_t *pSHdr = NULL;

	if ( tr.DidHitWorld() )
		if ( tr.hitbox == 0 )
			Vector dummy;
			IMaterial *pMat = engine->TraceLineMaterialAndLighting( start, end, dummy, dummy );
			if ( pMat )
				numMaterials = 1;
				MatList = new IMaterial*[1];
				MatList[0] = pMat;
			ICollideable *prop = staticpropmgr->GetStaticPropByIndex( tr.hitbox - 1 );
			if ( prop )
				IClientRenderable *pRenderProp = prop->GetIClientUnknown()->GetClientRenderable();
				if ( pRenderProp )
					const model_t *pModel = pRenderProp->GetModel();
					if ( pModel )
						pSHdr = modelinfo->GetStudiomodel( pModel );
	else if ( tr.m_pEnt )
		const model_t *pModel = tr.m_pEnt->GetModel();
		if ( pModel )
			pSHdr = modelinfo->GetStudiomodel( pModel );

	if ( pSHdr )
		Assert( !numMaterials && !MatList );
		numMaterials = pSHdr->numtextures;
		const int numPaths = pSHdr->numcdtextures;

		if ( numMaterials )
			CUtlVector< IMaterial* >hValidMaterials;
			for ( int i = 0; i < numMaterials; i++ )
				mstudiotexture_t *pStudioTex = pSHdr->pTexture( i );
				const char *matName = pStudioTex->pszName();

				for ( int p = 0; p < numPaths; p++ )
					char tmpPath[MAX_PATH];
					Q_snprintf( tmpPath, MAX_PATH, "%s%s\0", pSHdr->pCdtexture( p ), matName );
					Q_FixSlashes( tmpPath );
					IMaterial *pTempMat = materials->FindMaterial( tmpPath, TEXTURE_GROUP_MODEL );
					if ( !IsErrorMaterial( pTempMat ) )
						hValidMaterials.AddToTail( pTempMat );

			numMaterials = hValidMaterials.Count();
			if ( numMaterials )
				MatList = new IMaterial*[ numMaterials ];
				for ( int i = 0; i < numMaterials; i++ )
					MatList[i] = hValidMaterials[i];


	*szMat = new char*[ numMaterials ];

	int iTotalLength = 0;
	for ( int i = 0; i < numMaterials; i++ )
		iTotalLength += Q_strlen( MatList[i]->GetName() ) + 1;

	**szMat = new char[ iTotalLength ];

	int curpos = 0;
	for ( int i = 0; i < numMaterials; i++ )
		const char *pszName = MatList[i]->GetName();

		int curLength = Q_strlen( pszName ) + 1;
		(*szMat)[ i ] = **szMat + curpos;
		Q_strcpy( (*szMat)[ i ], pszName );
		curpos += curLength;

	if ( MatList )
		delete [] MatList;

	return numMaterials;
Esempio n. 24
bool CEngineSprite::Init( const char *pName )
	m_VideoMaterial = NULL;
	for ( int i = 0; i < kRenderModeCount; ++i )
		m_material[ i ] = NULL;

	m_width = m_height = m_numFrames = 1;

	Assert( g_pVideo != NULL );
	if ( g_pVideo != NULL && g_pVideo->LocateVideoSystemForPlayingFile( pName ) != VideoSystem::NONE ) 
		m_VideoMaterial = g_pVideo->CreateVideoMaterial( pName, pName, "GAME", VideoPlaybackFlags::DEFAULT_MATERIAL_OPTIONS, VideoSystem::DETERMINE_FROM_FILE_EXTENSION, false ); 
		if ( m_VideoMaterial == NULL )
			return false;

		IMaterial *pMaterial = m_VideoMaterial->GetMaterial();
		m_VideoMaterial->GetVideoImageSize( &m_width, &m_height );
		m_numFrames = m_VideoMaterial->GetFrameCount();
		for ( int i = 0; i < kRenderModeCount; ++i )
			m_material[i] = pMaterial;
		char pTemp[MAX_PATH];
		char pMaterialName[MAX_PATH];
		char pMaterialPath[MAX_PATH];
		Q_StripExtension( pName, pTemp, sizeof(pTemp) );
		Q_strlower( pTemp );
		Q_FixSlashes( pTemp, '/' );

		// Check to see if this is a UNC-specified material name
		bool bIsUNC = pTemp[0] == '/' && pTemp[1] == '/' && pTemp[2] != '/';
		if ( !bIsUNC )
			Q_strncpy( pMaterialName, "materials/", sizeof(pMaterialName) );
			Q_strncat( pMaterialName, pTemp, sizeof(pMaterialName), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
			Q_strncpy( pMaterialName, pTemp, sizeof(pMaterialName) );
		Q_strncpy( pMaterialPath, pMaterialName, sizeof(pMaterialPath) );
		Q_SetExtension( pMaterialPath, ".vmt", sizeof(pMaterialPath) );

		KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "vmt" );
		if ( !kv->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, pMaterialPath, "GAME" ) )
			Warning( "Unable to load sprite material %s!\n", pMaterialPath );
			return false;

		for ( int i = 0; i < kRenderModeCount; ++i )
			if ( i == kRenderNone || i == kRenderEnvironmental )
				m_material[i] = NULL;

			Q_snprintf( pMaterialPath, sizeof(pMaterialPath), "%s_rendermode_%d", pMaterialName, i );
			KeyValues *pMaterialKV = kv->MakeCopy();
			pMaterialKV->SetInt( "$spriteRenderMode", i );
			m_material[i] = g_pMaterialSystem->FindProceduralMaterial( pMaterialPath, TEXTURE_GROUP_CLIENT_EFFECTS, pMaterialKV );
			m_material[ i ]->IncrementReferenceCount();


		m_width = m_material[0]->GetMappingWidth();
		m_height = m_material[0]->GetMappingHeight();
		m_numFrames = m_material[0]->GetNumAnimationFrames();

	for ( int i = 0; i < kRenderModeCount; ++i )
		if ( i == kRenderNone || i == kRenderEnvironmental )

		if ( !m_material[i] )
			return false;

	IMaterialVar *orientationVar = m_material[0]->FindVarFast( "$spriteorientation", &spriteOrientationCache );
	m_orientation = orientationVar ? orientationVar->GetIntValue() : C_SpriteRenderer::SPR_VP_PARALLEL_UPRIGHT;

	IMaterialVar *originVar = m_material[0]->FindVarFast( "$spriteorigin", &spriteOriginCache );
	Vector origin, originVarValue;
	if( !originVar || ( originVar->GetType() != MATERIAL_VAR_TYPE_VECTOR ) )
		origin[0] = -m_width * 0.5f;
		origin[1] = m_height * 0.5f;
		originVar->GetVecValue( &originVarValue[0], 3 );
		origin[0] = -m_width * originVarValue[0];
		origin[1] = m_height * originVarValue[1];

	up = origin[1];
	down = origin[1] - m_height;
	left = origin[0];
	right = m_width + origin[0];

	return true;
void BuildFileList_R( int depth, CUtlVector< FileEntry >& files, CUtlVector< FileEntry > * otherfiles, char const *dir, char const *wild, int skipchars )

	char directory[ 256 ];
	char filename[ 256 ];

	bool canrecurse = true;
	if ( !Q_stricmp( wild, "..." ) )
		canrecurse = true;
		sprintf( directory, "%s%s%s", dir[0] == '\\' ? dir + 1 : dir, dir[0] != 0 ? "\\" : "", "*.*" );
		sprintf( directory, "%s%s%s", dir, dir[0] != 0 ? "\\" : "", wild );
	int dirlen = Q_strlen( dir );

	if ( ( ff = FindFirstFile( directory, &wfd ) ) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )

		if ( wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY )
			bool useOtherFiles = false;

			if ( wfd.cFileName[ 0 ] == '.' )

			if ( depth == 0 && !ShouldCheckDir( wfd.cFileName ) && otherfiles )
				if ( !ShouldIgnoreDir( wfd.cFileName ) )
					useOtherFiles = true;

			if ( !canrecurse )

			// Recurse down directory
			if ( dir[0] )
				sprintf( filename, "%s\\%s", dir, wfd.cFileName );
				sprintf( filename, "%s", wfd.cFileName );
			BuildFileList_R( depth + 1, useOtherFiles ? *otherfiles: files, NULL, filename, wild, skipchars );
			if (!stricmp(wfd.cFileName, "vssver.scc"))

			char filename[ MAX_PATH ];
			if ( dirlen <= skipchars )
				Q_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "%s", wfd.cFileName );
				Q_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "%s\\%s", &dir[ skipchars ], wfd.cFileName );
			_strlwr( filename );

			Q_FixSlashes( filename );

			UnusedContent::CUtlSymbol sym = g_Analysis.symbols.AddString( filename );

			FileEntry entry;
			entry.sym = sym;
			int size = g_pFileSystem->Size( filename );
			entry.size = size >= 0 ? (unsigned int)size : 0;

			files.AddToTail( entry );

			if ( !( files.Count() % 3000 ) )
				vprint( 0, "...found %i files\n", files.Count() );
	} while ( FindNextFile( ff, &wfd ) );
// Purpose: 
// Input  : argc - 
//			argv[] - 
// Output : int
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
	SpewOutputFunc( SpewFunc );
	SpewActivate( "unusedcontent", 2 );

	CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv );

	int i=1;
	for ( i ; i<argc ; i++)
		if ( argv[ i ][ 0 ] == '-' )
			switch( argv[ i ][ 1 ] )
			case 'l':
				uselogfile = true;
			case 'v':
				verbose = true;
			case 'r':
				showreferencedfiles = true;
			case 'd':
				spewdeletions = true;
			case 'i':
				immediatedelete = true;
			case 'w':
				printwhitelist = true;
			case 'm':
				showmapfileusage = true;
			case 'g':
				// Just skip -game
				Assert( !Q_stricmp( argv[ i ], "-game" ) );
			case 'f':
				// grab reslists folder
					Q_strncpy( g_szReslistDir, argv[ i ], sizeof( g_szReslistDir ) );
					Q_strlower( g_szReslistDir );
					Q_FixSlashes( g_szReslistDir );
					Q_AppendSlash( g_szReslistDir, sizeof( g_szReslistDir ) );

	if ( argc < 3 || ( i != argc ) )
		return 0;



	vprint( 0, "    Using reslist dir '%s'\n", g_szReslistDir );

	vprint( 0, "    Looking for extraneous content...\n" );

	char resfile[ 256 ];
	strcpy( resfile, argv[ i - 1 ] );

	vprint( 0, "    Comparing results of resfile (%s) with files under current directory...\n",	resfile );

	char workingdir[ 256 ];
	workingdir[0] = 0;
	Q_getwd( workingdir, sizeof( workingdir ) );

	// If they didn't specify -game on the command line, use VPROJECT.
	CmdLib_InitFileSystem( workingdir );

	filesystem = (IFileSystem *)(CmdLib_GetFileSystemFactory()( FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ));
	if ( !filesystem )
		AssertMsg( 0, "Failed to create/get IFileSystem" );
		return 1;

	g_pFullFileSystem->AddSearchPath(gamedir, "GAME");

	Q_strlower( gamedir );
	Q_FixSlashes( gamedir );

	//ProcessMaterialsDirectory( vmtdir );

	// find out the mod dir name
	Q_strncpy( modname, gamedir, sizeof(modname) );
	modname[ strlen(modname) - 1] = 0;

	if ( strrchr( modname,  '\\' ) )
		Q_strncpy( modname, strrchr( modname, '\\' ) + 1, sizeof(modname) );
		Q_strncpy( modname, "", sizeof(modname) );
	vprint( 1, "Mod Name:%s\n", modname);


	vprint( 0, "Building aggregate file list from resfile output\n" );
	CUtlRBTree< ReferencedFile, int > referencedfiles( 0, 0, RefFileLessFunc );
	CUtlVector< UnusedContent::CUtlSymbol >	resfiles;

	BuildReferencedFileList( resfiles, referencedfiles, resfile );

	vprint( 0, "found %i files\n\n", referencedfiles.Count() );

	vprint( 0, "Building list of all game content files\n" );
	CUtlVector< FileEntry > contentfiles;
	CUtlVector< FileEntry > otherfiles;
	BuildFileList( 0, contentfiles, &otherfiles, "", 0 );
	vprint( 0, "found %i files in content tree\n\n", contentfiles.Count() );

	Correlate( referencedfiles, contentfiles, modname );

	// now output the files not referenced in the whitelist or general reslists
	filesystem->RemoveFile( CFmtStr( "%sunreferenced_files.lst", g_szReslistDir ), "GAME" );
	int c = otherfiles.Count();
	for ( i = 0; i < c; ++i )
		FileEntry & entry = otherfiles[ i ];
		char const *name = g_Analysis.symbols.String( entry.sym );

		logprint( CFmtStr( "%sunreferenced_files.lst", g_szReslistDir ), "\"%s\\%s\"\n", modname, name );

	// also include the files from deletions.bat, as we don't actually run that now
	c = contentfiles.Count();
	for ( i = 0; i < c; ++i )
		FileEntry & entry = contentfiles[ i ];
		if ( entry.referenced != REFERENCED_NO )

		char const *fn = g_Analysis.symbols.String( entry.sym );
		logprint( CFmtStr( "%sunreferenced_files.lst", g_szReslistDir ), "\"%s\\%s\"\n", modname, fn );


	return 0;
bool BuildReferencedFileList( CUtlVector< UnusedContent::CUtlSymbol >& resfiles, CUtlRBTree< ReferencedFile, int >& files, const char *resfile )

	// Load the reslist file
	FileHandle_t resfilehandle;
	resfilehandle = g_pFileSystem->Open( resfile, "rb" );
	if ( FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE != resfilehandle )
		// Read in and parse mapcycle.txt
		int length = g_pFileSystem->Size(resfilehandle);
		if ( length > 0 )
			char *pStart = (char *)new char[ length + 1 ];
			if ( pStart && ( length == g_pFileSystem->Read(pStart, length, resfilehandle) )
				pStart[ length ] = 0;

				char *pFileList = pStart;

				while ( 1 )
					char szResList[ 256 ];

					pFileList = COM_Parse( pFileList );
					if ( strlen( com_token ) <= 0 )

					Q_snprintf(szResList, sizeof( szResList ), "%s%s.lst", g_szReslistDir, com_token );
					_strlwr( szResList );
					Q_FixSlashes( szResList );

					if ( !g_pFileSystem->FileExists( szResList ) )
						vprint( 0, "Couldn't find %s\n", szResList );

					UnusedContent::CUtlSymbol sym = g_Analysis.symbols.AddString( szResList );
					resfiles.AddToTail( sym );

			delete[] pStart;

		Error( "Unable to open reslist file %s\n", resfile );
		exit( -1 );

	if ( g_pFileSystem->FileExists( CFmtStr( "%sall.lst", g_szReslistDir ) ) )
		UnusedContent::CUtlSymbol sym = g_Analysis.symbols.AddString( CFmtStr( "%sall.lst", g_szReslistDir ) );
		resfiles.AddToTail( sym );

	if ( g_pFileSystem->FileExists( CFmtStr( "%sengine.lst", g_szReslistDir ) ) )
		UnusedContent::CUtlSymbol sym = g_Analysis.symbols.AddString( CFmtStr( "%sengine.lst", g_szReslistDir ) );
		resfiles.AddToTail( sym );

	// Do we have any resfiles?
	if ( resfiles.Count() <= 0 )
		vprint( 0, "%s didn't have any actual .lst files in the reslists folder, have you run the engine with %s\n", resfile,
			"-makereslists -usereslistfile maplist.txt" );
		return false;

	vprint( 0, "Parsed %i reslist files\n", resfiles.Count() );

	// Now load in each res file
	int c = resfiles.Count();
	for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i )
		UnusedContent::CUtlSymbol& filename = resfiles[ i ];
		char fn[ 256 ];
		Q_strncpy( fn, g_Analysis.symbols.String( filename ), sizeof( fn ) );

		ParseFilesFromResList( filename, files, fn );

	return true;
Esempio n. 28
void WritePHXFile( const char *pName, const phyfile_t &file )
	if ( file.header.size != sizeof(file.header) || file.collide.solidCount <= 0 )

	CUtlBuffer out;

	char outName[1024];
	Q_snprintf( outName, sizeof(outName), "%s", pName );
	Q_SetExtension( outName, ".phx", sizeof(outName) );

	simplifyparams_t params;
	params.tolerance = (file.collide.solidCount > 1) ? 4.0f : 2.0f;
	// single solids constraint to AABB for placement help
	params.addAABBToSimplifiedHull = (file.collide.solidCount == 1) ? true : false;
	params.mergeConvexElements = true;
	params.mergeConvexTolerance = 0.025f;
	char *pSearch = Q_strstr( outName,"models\\" );
	if ( pSearch )
		char keyname[1024];
		pSearch += strlen("models\\");
		Q_StripExtension( pSearch, keyname, sizeof(keyname) );
		OverrideDefaultsForModel( keyname, params );
	out.Put( &file.header, sizeof(file.header) );
	int outSize = 0;
	bool bStoreSolidNames = file.collide.solidCount > 1 ? true : false;
	bStoreSolidNames = bStoreSolidNames || HasMultipleBones(outName);

	vcollide_t *pNewCollide = ConvertVCollideToPHX( &file.collide, params, &outSize, false, bStoreSolidNames);
	g_TotalOut += file.fileSize;
	for ( int i = 0; i < pNewCollide->solidCount; i++ )
		int collideSize = physcollision->CollideSize( pNewCollide->solids[i] );
		out.PutInt( collideSize );
		char *pMem = new char[collideSize];
		physcollision->CollideWrite( pMem, pNewCollide->solids[i] );
		out.Put( pMem, collideSize );
		delete[] pMem;

	if (!g_bQuiet)
		Msg("%s Compressed %d (%d text) to %d (%d text)\n", outName, file.fileSize, file.collide.descSize, out.TellPut(), pNewCollide->descSize );
	out.Put( pNewCollide->pKeyValues, pNewCollide->descSize );
	g_TotalCompress += out.TellPut();

#if 0
	//Msg("OLD:\n-----------------------------------\n%s\n", file.collide.pKeyValues );
	CPackedPhysicsDescription *pPacked = physcollision->CreatePackedDesc( pNewCollide->pKeyValues, pNewCollide->descSize );
	Msg("NEW:\n-----------------------------------\n" );
	for ( int i = 0; i < pPacked->m_solidCount; i++ )
		solid_t solid;
		pPacked->GetSolid( &solid, i );
		Msg("index %d\n", solid.index );
		Msg("name %s\n", );
		Msg("mass %.2f\n", solid.params.mass );
		Msg("surfaceprop %s\n", solid.surfaceprop);
		Msg("damping %.2f\n", solid.params.damping );
		Msg("rotdamping %.2f\n", solid.params.rotdamping );
		Msg("drag %.2f\n", solid.params.dragCoefficient );
		Msg("inertia %.2f\n", solid.params.inertia );
		Msg("volume %.2f\n", solid.params.volume );
	DestroyPHX( pNewCollide );
	if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( outName, NULL, out ) )
		Warning("Can't write file: %s\n", outName );
// Purpose: Searches for GameStartup*.mp3 files in the sound/ui folder and plays one
void CGameUI::PlayGameStartupSound()
#if defined( LEFT4DEAD )
	// L4D not using this path, L4D UI now handling with background menu movies

	if ( IsX360() )

	if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-nostartupsound" ) )

	FileFindHandle_t fh;

	CUtlVector<char *> fileNames;

	char path[ 512 ];
	Q_snprintf( path, sizeof( path ), "sound/ui/gamestartup*.mp3" );
	Q_FixSlashes( path );

	char const *fn = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirstEx( path, "MOD", &fh );
	if ( fn )
			char ext[ 10 ];
			Q_ExtractFileExtension( fn, ext, sizeof( ext ) );

			if ( !Q_stricmp( ext, "mp3" ) )
				char temp[ 512 ];
				Q_snprintf( temp, sizeof( temp ), "ui/%s", fn );

				char *found = new char[ strlen( temp ) + 1 ];
				Q_strncpy( found, temp, strlen( temp ) + 1 );

				Q_FixSlashes( found );
				fileNames.AddToTail( found );
			fn = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( fh );

		} while ( fn );

		g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( fh );

	// did we find any?
	if ( fileNames.Count() > 0 )
		SYSTEMTIME SystemTime;
		GetSystemTime( &SystemTime );
		int index = SystemTime.wMilliseconds % fileNames.Count();

		if ( fileNames.IsValidIndex( index ) && fileNames[index] )
			char found[ 512 ];

			// escape chars "*#" make it stream, and be affected by snd_musicvolume
			Q_snprintf( found, sizeof( found ), "play *#%s", fileNames[index] );

			engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( found );

void ParseFilesFromResList( UnusedContent::CUtlSymbol & resfilesymbol, CUtlRBTree< ReferencedFile, int >& files, char const *resfile )
	int addedStrings = 0;
	int resourcesConsidered = 0;

	int offset = Q_strlen( gamedir );

	char basedir[MAX_PATH];
	Q_strncpy( basedir, gamedir, sizeof( basedir ) );
	if ( !Q_StripLastDir( basedir, sizeof( basedir ) ) )
		Error( "Can't get basedir from %s.", gamedir );

	FileHandle_t resfilehandle;
	resfilehandle = g_pFileSystem->Open( resfile, "rb" );
	if ( FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE != resfilehandle )
		// Read in the entire file
		int length = g_pFileSystem->Size(resfilehandle);
		if ( length > 0 )
			char *pStart = (char *)new char[ length + 1 ];
			if ( pStart && ( length == g_pFileSystem->Read(pStart, length, resfilehandle) ) )
				pStart[ length ] = 0;

				char *pFileList = pStart;

				char token[512];

				while ( 1 )
					pFileList = ParseFile( pFileList, token, NULL );
					if ( !pFileList )

					if ( strlen( token ) > 0 )
						char szFileName[ 256 ];
						Q_snprintf( szFileName, sizeof( szFileName ), "%s%s", basedir, token );
						_strlwr( szFileName );
						Q_FixSlashes( szFileName );
						while ( szFileName[ strlen( szFileName ) - 1 ] == '\n' ||
							szFileName[ strlen( szFileName ) - 1 ] == '\r' )
							szFileName[ strlen( szFileName ) - 1 ] = 0;

						if ( Q_strnicmp( szFileName, gamedir, offset ) )

						char *pFile = szFileName + offset;

						ReferencedFile rf;
						rf.sym = g_Analysis.symbols.AddString( pFile );

						int idx = files.Find( rf );
						if ( idx == files.InvalidIndex() )
							rf.maplist.AddToTail( resfilesymbol );
							files.Insert( rf );
							ReferencedFile & slot = files[ idx ];
							if ( slot.maplist.Find( resfilesymbol ) == slot.maplist.InvalidIndex() )
								slot.maplist.AddToTail( resfilesymbol );


			delete[] pStart;


	int filesFound = addedStrings;

	vprint( 1, "Found %i new resources (%i total) in %s\n", filesFound, resourcesConsidered, resfile );