// Description:
// Loads a view weapon.
static void CG_LoadViewWeapon ( weaponInfo_t *weapon, const char *modelPath )
    char file[MAX_QPATH];
    char *slash;
    //int root;
    //int model;
    Q_strncpyz (file, modelPath, sizeof (file));
    slash = Q_strrchr (file, '/');
    Q_strncpyz (slash, "/model_default.skin", sizeof (file) - (slash - file));  
    weapon->viewModelSkin = trap->R_RegisterSkin (file);
    trap->G2API_InitGhoul2Model (&weapon->g2ViewModel, modelPath, 0, weapon->viewModelSkin, 0, 0, 0);
    if ( !trap->G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models (weapon->g2ViewModel) )
    /*root = trap->G2API_AddBolt (weapon->g2ViewModel, 0, "model_root");
    model = trap->G2API_InitGhoul2Model (&weapon->g2ViewModel, "models/weapons2/test3_r_hand/model.glm", 1, 0, trap->R_RegisterSkin ("models/weapons2/test3_r_hand/model_default.skin"), 0, 0);
    if ( !trap->G2API_HasGhoul2ModelOnIndex (&weapon->g2ViewModel, 1) )
        trap->Print (S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: Failed to load right hand model.\n");
    trap->G2API_SetBoltInfo (weapon->g2ViewModel, 0, root);
    trap->G2API_InitGhoul2Model (&weapon->g2ViewModel, "models/weapons2/test3_l_hand/model.glm", 2, 0, trap->R_RegisterSkin ("models/weapons2/test3_l_hand/model_default.skin"), 0, 0);
    if ( !trap->G2API_HasGhoul2ModelOnIndex (&weapon->g2ViewModel, 2) )
        trap->Print (S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: Failed to load left hand model.\n");
    trap->G2API_SetBoltInfo (weapon->g2ViewModel, 0, root);*/
    memset (weapon->viewModelAnims, 0, sizeof (weapon->viewModelAnims));
    trap->G2API_GetGLAName (weapon->g2ViewModel, 0, file);
    if ( !file[0] )
    slash = Q_strrchr (file, '/');
    Q_strncpyz (slash, "/animation.cfg", sizeof (file) - (slash - file));
    CG_LoadViewWeaponAnimations (weapon, file);
Esempio n. 2
// The SDK launches the game with the full path to gameinfo.txt, so we need
// to strip off the path.
const char *GetModDirFromPath( const char *pszPath )
	char *pszSlash = Q_strrchr( pszPath, '\\' );
	if ( pszSlash )
		return pszSlash + 1;
	else if ( ( pszSlash  = Q_strrchr( pszPath, '/' ) ) != NULL )
		return pszSlash + 1;

	// Must just be a mod directory already.
	return pszPath;
Esempio n. 3
void S_Play_f( void )
    int 		i;
    sfxHandle_t	h;
    char		name[256];

    i = 1;
    while ( i<Cmd_Argc() )
        if ( !Q_strrchr(Cmd_Argv(i), '.') )
            Com_sprintf( name, sizeof(name), "%s.wav", Cmd_Argv(1) );
            Q_strncpyz( name, Cmd_Argv(i), sizeof(name) );
        h = S_RegisterSound( name, qfalse );
        if( h )
            S_StartLocalSound( h, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND );
Esempio n. 4
static void PlayerIntroSound( const char *modelAndSkin ) {
	char	model[MAX_QPATH];
	char	*skin;

	Q_strncpyz( model, modelAndSkin, sizeof(model) );
	skin = Q_strrchr( model, '/' );
	if ( skin ) {
		*skin++ = '\0';
	else {
		skin = model;

	if( Q_stricmp( skin, "default" ) == 0 ) {
		skin = model;
	if( Q_stricmp( skin, "red" ) == 0 ) {
		skin = model;
	if( Q_stricmp( skin, "blue" ) == 0 ) {
		skin = model;
	//precached in cg_info.c, CG_LoadingClient
	trap_SendConsoleCommand( EXEC_APPEND, va( "play sound/voice/computer/misc/%s.wav\n", skin ) );
Esempio n. 5
// UTIL_FileExtension
// returns file extension
const char *UTIL_FileExtension( const char *in )
	const char *separator, *backslash, *colon, *dot;

	separator = Q_strrchr( in, '/' );
	backslash = Q_strrchr( in, '\\' );
	if( !separator || separator < backslash )
		separator = backslash;
	colon = Q_strrchr( in, ':' );
	if( !separator || separator < colon )
		separator = colon;
	dot = Q_strrchr( in, '.' );
	if( dot == NULL || (separator && ( dot < separator )))
		return "";
	return dot + 1;
static void CG_LoadG2ModelWithSkin ( const char *modelPath, void **g2ModelPtr )
    void *g2Model = NULL;

    trap->G2API_InitGhoul2Model (g2ModelPtr, modelPath, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    g2Model = *g2ModelPtr;
    if ( trap->G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models (g2Model) && trap->G2API_SkinlessModel (g2Model, 0) )
        char skinName[MAX_QPATH];
        char *slash = NULL;
        int skinLen = 0;
        qhandle_t skin;
        Q_strncpyz (skinName, modelPath, sizeof (skinName));
        skinLen = strlen (skinName);
        slash = Q_strrchr (skinName, '/');
        Q_strncpyz (slash, "/model_default.skin", sizeof (skinName) - (slash - skinName));  
        skin = trap->R_RegisterSkin (skinName);
        trap->G2API_SetSkin (g2Model, 0, skin, skin);
Esempio n. 7
armorG2Reference_t* JKG_RegisterArmorGhoul2(const char* ref, char* model) {
	// Check and see if we've already registered a GHOUL2 instance with this refname
	for (int i = 0; i < numUsedG2; i++) {
		if (!Q_stricmp(g2Table[i].ref, ref)) {
			return &g2Table[i];

	if (numUsedG2 >= MAX_ARMOR_G2) {
		Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "Too many armor GHOUL2 instances. Ask the programmers for more space!\n");
		return nullptr; // too many

	// If not, try and register it
	// TODO: skins
	Q_strncpyz(g2Table[numUsedG2].ref, ref, MAX_QPATH);
#ifdef _GAME
	// Strip out the stuff after the *
	char* find = Q_strrchr(model, '*');
	if (find != nullptr)
		Q_strncpyz(model, model, find - model);
	g2Table[numUsedG2].skin = CG_HandleAppendedSkin(model);
	trap->G2API_InitGhoul2Model(&g2Table[numUsedG2].instance, model, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
#ifndef _GAME
	trap->G2API_SetSkin(g2Table[numUsedG2].instance, 0, g2Table[numUsedG2].skin, g2Table[numUsedG2].skin);
	g2Table[numUsedG2].numSurfaces = JKG_G2_GetNumberOfSurfaces_(model);
	return &g2Table[numUsedG2++];
int main ( int argc, char* argv[] )
#endif // IPHONE
  // int 	oldtime, newtime; // bk001204 - unused
  int   len, i;
  char  *cmdline;
  char	*cdpath, *sep;
  void Sys_SetDefaultCDPath(const char *path);

  // go back to real user for config loads
  saved_euid = geteuid();

  Sys_ParseArgs( argc, argv );  // bk010104 - added this for support

  // Can't use CopyString() or Z_Free() yet:
  cdpath = strdup(argv[0]);
  if ((sep = Q_strrchr(cdpath, '/')))
    *sep = '\0';

  // merge the command line, this is kinda silly
  for (len = 1, i = 1; i < argc; i++)
    len += strlen(argv[i]) + 1;
  cmdline = malloc(len);
  *cmdline = 0;
  for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
    if (i > 1)
      strcat(cmdline, " ");
    strcat(cmdline, argv[i]);

  // bk000306 - clear queues
  memset( &eventQue[0], 0, MAX_QUED_EVENTS*sizeof(sysEvent_t) ); 
  memset( &sys_packetReceived[0], 0, MAX_MSGLEN*sizeof(qbyte) );



  fcntl(0, F_SETFL, fcntl (0, F_GETFL, 0) | FNDELAY);
	// init here for dedicated, as we don't have GLimp_Init

#ifndef IPHONE
  while (1)
#ifdef __linux__
    Com_Frame ();
#endif // !IPHONE
Esempio n. 9
void CG_LoadingClient( int clientNum ) {
	const char		*info;
	char			*skin;
	char			personality[MAX_QPATH];
	char			model[MAX_QPATH];
	char			iconName[MAX_QPATH];

	info = CG_ConfigString( CS_PLAYERS + clientNum );

	if ( loadingPlayerIconCount < MAX_LOADING_PLAYER_ICONS ) {
		Q_strncpyz( model, Info_ValueForKey( info, "model" ), sizeof( model ) );
		skin = Q_strrchr( model, '/' );
		if ( skin ) {
			*skin++ = '\0';
		} else {
			skin = "default";

		Com_sprintf( iconName, MAX_QPATH, "models/aw_players/%s/icon_%s.tga", model, skin );
		loadingPlayerIcons[loadingPlayerIconCount] = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( iconName );
		if ( !loadingPlayerIcons[loadingPlayerIconCount] ) {
			Com_sprintf( iconName, MAX_QPATH, "models/aw_players/%s/icon_%s.tga", DEFAULT_MODEL, "default" );
			loadingPlayerIcons[loadingPlayerIconCount] = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( iconName );
		if ( loadingPlayerIcons[loadingPlayerIconCount] ) {

	Q_strncpyz( personality, Info_ValueForKey( info, "n" ), sizeof(personality) );
	Q_CleanStr( personality );

	CG_LoadingString( personality );
Esempio n. 10
int UDP_Init (void)
	struct hostent *local;
	struct qsockaddr addr;
	char *colon;

	if (COM_CheckParm ("-noudp"))
		return -1;

#if 1 // Android
	// determine my name & address
	gethostname(buff, MAXHOSTNAMELEN);
	local = gethostbyname(buff);

		Con_Printf("Could not gethostbyname(\"%s\")\n", buff);
		return -1;

	myAddr = *(int *)local->h_addr_list[0];

	// if the quake hostname isn't set, set it to the machine name
	if (Q_strcmp(hostname.string, "UNNAMED") == 0)
		buff[15] = 0;
		Cvar_Set ("hostname", buff);
	if ((net_controlsocket = UDP_OpenSocket (0)) == -1)
		Sys_Error("UDP_Init: Unable to open control socket\n");

	sockaddr_in temp;

	memcpy(&temp, &broadcastaddr, sizeof(temp));

	temp.sin_family = AF_INET;
	temp.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST;
	temp.sin_port = htons(net_hostport);

	memcpy(&broadcastaddr, &temp, sizeof(temp));

	UDP_GetSocketAddr (net_controlsocket, &addr);
	Q_strcpy(my_tcpip_address,  UDP_AddrToString (&addr));
	colon = Q_strrchr (my_tcpip_address, ':');
	if (colon)
		*colon = 0;

	Con_Printf("UDP Initialized\n");
	tcpipAvailable = true;

	return net_controlsocket;
Esempio n. 11

Forces a client's skin (for teamplay)
static void ForceClientSkin( gclient_t *client, char *model, const char *skin ) {
	char *p;

	if ((p = Q_strrchr(model, '/')) != 0) {
		*p = 0;

	Q_strcat(model, MAX_QPATH, "/");
	Q_strcat(model, MAX_QPATH, skin);
Esempio n. 12
// Message handler for PyNetworkCls
void __MsgFunc_PyNetworkCls( bf_read &msg )
	char clientClass[PYNETCLS_BUFSIZE];
	char networkName[PYNETCLS_BUFSIZE];

	int iType = msg.ReadByte();
	msg.ReadString(clientClass, PYNETCLS_BUFSIZE);
	msg.ReadString(networkName, PYNETCLS_BUFSIZE);

	DbgStrPyMsg( "__MsgFunc_PyNetworkCls: Registering Python network class message %d %s %s\n", iType, clientClass, networkName );

	// Get module path
	const char *pch = Q_strrchr( networkName, '.' );
	if( !pch )
		Warning( "Invalid python class name %s\n", networkName );
	int n = pch - networkName + 1;

	char modulePath[PYNETCLS_BUFSIZE];
	Q_strncpy( modulePath, networkName, n );

	// Make sure the client class is imported
	SrcPySystem()->Import( modulePath );

	// Read which client class we are modifying
	PyClientClassBase *p = FindPyClientClass( clientClass );
	if( !p )
		Warning( "__MsgFunc_PyNetworkCls: Invalid networked class %s\n", clientClass );
	// Set type
	p->SetType( iType );
	SetupClientClassRecv( p, iType );

	// Read network class name
	Q_strncpy( p->m_strPyNetworkedClassName, networkName, PYNETCLS_BUFSIZE );

	// Attach if a network class exists
	unsigned short lookup = m_NetworkClassDatabase.Find( networkName );
	if ( lookup != m_NetworkClassDatabase.InvalidIndex() )
		m_NetworkClassDatabase.Element(lookup)->AttachClientClass( p );
		Warning( "__MsgFunc_PyNetworkCls: Invalid networked class %s\n", networkName );
Esempio n. 13
static void PlayerIntroSound( const char *modelAndSkin ) {
	char model[MAX_QPATH];
	char    *skin;

	Q_strncpyz( model, modelAndSkin, sizeof( model ) );
	skin = Q_strrchr( model, '/' );
	if ( skin ) {
		*skin++ = '\0';
	} else {
		skin = model;

	if ( Q_stricmp( skin, "default" ) == 0 ) {
		skin = model;

	trap_SendConsoleCommand( EXEC_APPEND, va( "play sound/player/announce/%s.wav\n", skin ) );
Esempio n. 14
static void PlayerIcon( const char *modelAndSkin, char *iconName, int iconNameMaxSize ) {
	char	*skin;
	char	model[MAX_QPATH];

	Q_strncpyz( model, modelAndSkin, sizeof(model));
	skin = Q_strrchr( model, '/' );
	if ( skin ) {
		*skin++ = '\0';
	else {
		skin = "default";

	Com_sprintf(iconName, iconNameMaxSize, "models/players/%s/icon_%s.tga", model, skin );

	if( !trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( iconName ) && Q_stricmp( skin, "default" ) != 0 ) {
		Com_sprintf(iconName, iconNameMaxSize, "models/players/%s/icon_default.tga", model );
Esempio n. 15
UDP_Init ( void )
	struct hostent *local;
	struct qsockaddr addr;
	char *colon;

	if (COM_CheckParm ("-noudp"))
		return -1;

	// determine my name & address
	gethostname(buff, MAXHOSTNAMELEN);
	if ((local = gethostbyname(buff)) == NULL)
		myAddr = *(int *)local->h_addr_list[0];

	// if the quake hostname isn't set, set it to the machine name
	if (Q_strcmp(hostname->string, "UNNAMED") == 0)
		buff[15] = 0;
		Cvar_Set (hostname, buff);

	if ((net_controlsocket = UDP_OpenSocket (0)) == -1)
		Sys_Error("UDP_Init: Unable to open control socket\n");

	((struct sockaddr_in *)&broadcastaddr)->sin_family = AF_INET;
	((struct sockaddr_in *)&broadcastaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST;
	((struct sockaddr_in *)&broadcastaddr)->sin_port = htons(net_hostport);

	UDP_GetSocketAddr (net_controlsocket, &addr);
	Q_strcpy(my_tcpip_address, UDP_AddrToString (&addr));
	colon = Q_strrchr (my_tcpip_address, ':');
	if (colon)
		*colon = 0;

	Con_Printf("UDP Initialized\n");
	tcpipAvailable = true;

	return net_controlsocket;
Esempio n. 16
// Finds all .VMT files in a particular directory
bool CMaterial::LoadMaterialsInDirectory( char const* pDirectoryName, int nDirectoryNameLen,
						IMaterialEnumerator *pEnum, int nContext, int nFlags )
	//Assert( Q_strnicmp( pDirectoryName, "materials", 9 ) == 0 );

	char *pWildCard;
	pWildCard = ( char * )stackalloc( nDirectoryNameLen + 7 );
	Q_snprintf( pWildCard, nDirectoryNameLen + 7, "%s/*.vmt", pDirectoryName );

	if ( !g_pFileSystem )
		return false;

	FileFindHandle_t findHandle;
	const char *pFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirstEx( pWildCard, "GAME", &findHandle );
	while( pFileName )
		if( !g_pFullFileSystem->FindIsDirectory( findHandle ) )
			// Strip off the 'materials/' part of the material name.
			char *pFileNameWithPath;
			int nAllocSize = nDirectoryNameLen + Q_strlen(pFileName) + 2;
			pFileNameWithPath = (char *)stackalloc( nAllocSize );
			Q_snprintf(	pFileNameWithPath, nAllocSize, "%s/%s", &pDirectoryName[MATERIAL_PREFIX_LEN], pFileName ); 
			Q_strnlwr( pFileNameWithPath, nAllocSize );

			// Strip off the extension...
			char *pExt = Q_strrchr( pFileNameWithPath, '.');
			if (pExt)
				*pExt = 0;

			if (!pEnum->EnumMaterial( pFileNameWithPath, nContext ))
				return false;
		pFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( findHandle );
	g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( findHandle );
	return true;
Esempio n. 17
static void S_Play (void)
	static int hash = 345;
	int		i;
	char	name[256];
	sfx_t	*sfx;

	i = 1;
	while (i < Cmd_Argc())
		q_strlcpy(name, Cmd_Argv(i), sizeof(name));
		if (!Q_strrchr(Cmd_Argv(i), '.'))
			q_strlcat(name, ".wav", sizeof(name));
		sfx = S_PrecacheSound(name);
		S_StartSound(hash++, 0, sfx, listener_origin, 1.0, 1.0);
Esempio n. 18
// recognize ip:port (based on ProQuake)
static const char *Strip_Port (const char *host)
	static char	noport[MAX_QPATH];
			/* array size as in Host_Connect_f() */
	char		*p;
	int		port;

	if (!host || !*host)
		return host;
	q_strlcpy (noport, host, sizeof(noport));
	if ((p = Q_strrchr(noport, ':')) == NULL)
		return host;
	*p++ = '\0';
	port = Q_atoi (p);
	if (port > 0 && port < 65536 && port != net_hostport)
		net_hostport = port;
		Con_Printf("Port set to %d\n", net_hostport);
	return noport;
Esempio n. 19
void CG_LoadingClient( int clientNum ) {
	const char      *info;
	char            *skin;
	char personality[MAX_QPATH];
	char model[MAX_QPATH];
	char iconName[MAX_QPATH];

	if ( cgs.gametype == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER  && clientNum > 0 ) { // for now only show the player's icon in SP games

	info = CG_ConfigString( CS_PLAYERS + clientNum );

	Q_strncpyz( model, Info_ValueForKey( info, "model" ), sizeof( model ) );
	skin = Q_strrchr( model, '/' );
	if ( skin ) {
		*skin++ = '\0';
	} else {
		skin = "default";

	Com_sprintf( iconName, MAX_QPATH, "models/players/%s/icon_%s.tga", model, skin );

// (SA) ignore player icons for the moment
	if ( !( cg_entities[clientNum].currentState.aiChar ) ) {
//		if ( loadingPlayerIconCount < MAX_LOADING_PLAYER_ICONS ) {
//			loadingPlayerIcons[loadingPlayerIconCount++] = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( iconName );
//		}

	Q_strncpyz( personality, Info_ValueForKey( info, "n" ), sizeof( personality ) );
	Q_CleanStr( personality );

	if ( cgs.gametype == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER ) {
		trap_S_RegisterSound( va( "sound/player/announce/%s.wav", personality ) );

	CG_LoadingString( personality );
Esempio n. 20
static void S_PlayVol (void)
	static int hash = 543;
	int		i;
	float	vol;
	char	name[256];
	sfx_t	*sfx;

	i = 1;
	while (i < Cmd_Argc())
		q_strlcpy(name, Cmd_Argv(i), sizeof(name));
		if (!Q_strrchr(Cmd_Argv(i), '.'))
			q_strlcat(name, ".wav", sizeof(name));
		sfx = S_PrecacheSound(name);
		vol = Q_atof(Cmd_Argv(i + 1));
		S_StartSound(hash++, 0, sfx, listener_origin, vol, 1.0);
		i += 2;
Esempio n. 21
void SetupGameGhoul2Model(gclient_t *client, char *modelname)
	int handle;
	char		afilename[MAX_QPATH];
	char		/**GLAName,*/ *slash;
	char		GLAName[MAX_QPATH];
	vec3_t	tempVec = {0,0,0};

	// First things first.  If this is a ghoul2 model, then let's make sure we demolish this first.
	if (client->ghoul2 && trap_G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models(client->ghoul2))

	Com_sprintf( afilename, sizeof( afilename ), "models/players/%s/model.glm", modelname );
	handle = trap_G2API_InitGhoul2Model(&client->ghoul2, afilename, 0, 0, -20, 0, 0);
	if (handle<0)
		Com_sprintf( afilename, sizeof( afilename ), "models/players/kyle/model.glm" );
		handle = trap_G2API_InitGhoul2Model(&client->ghoul2, afilename, 0, 0, -20, 0, 0);

		if (handle<0)

	//rww - just load the "standard" model for the server"
	if (!precachedKyle)
		Com_sprintf( afilename, sizeof( afilename ), "models/players/kyle/model.glm" );
		handle = trap_G2API_InitGhoul2Model(&precachedKyle, afilename, 0, 0, -20, 0, 0);

		if (handle<0)

	if (precachedKyle && trap_G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models(precachedKyle))
		trap_G2API_DuplicateGhoul2Instance(precachedKyle, &client->ghoul2);

	// The model is now loaded.

	GLAName[0] = 0;

	if (!BGPAFtextLoaded)
		//get the location of the animation.cfg
		//GLAName = trap_G2API_GetGLAName( client->ghoul2, 0);
		trap_G2API_GetGLAName( client->ghoul2, 0, GLAName);

		if (!GLAName[0])
			if (!BG_ParseAnimationFile("models/players/_humanoid/animation.cfg"))
				Com_Printf( "Failed to load animation file %s\n", afilename );
		Q_strncpyz( afilename, GLAName, sizeof( afilename ));
		slash = Q_strrchr( afilename, '/' );
		if ( slash )
			strcpy(slash, "/animation.cfg");
		}	// Now afilename holds just the path to the animation.cfg
		{	// Didn't find any slashes, this is a raw filename right in base (whish isn't a good thing)

		// Try to load the animation.cfg for this model then.
		if ( !BG_ParseAnimationFile( afilename ) )
		{	// The GLA's animations failed
			if (!BG_ParseAnimationFile("models/players/_humanoid/animation.cfg"))
				Com_Printf( "Failed to load animation file %s\n", afilename );

	trap_G2API_AddBolt(client->ghoul2, 0, "*r_hand");
	trap_G2API_AddBolt(client->ghoul2, 0, "*l_hand");

	// NOTE - ensure this sequence of bolt and bone accessing are always the same because the client expects them in a certain order
	trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(client->ghoul2, 0, "model_root", 0, 12, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP, 1.0f, level.time, -1, -1);
	trap_G2API_SetBoneAngles(client->ghoul2, 0, "upper_lumbar", tempVec, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, NULL, 0, level.time);
	trap_G2API_SetBoneAngles(client->ghoul2, 0, "cranium", tempVec, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_Z, NEGATIVE_Y, POSITIVE_X, NULL, 0, level.time);

	if (!g2SaberInstance)
		trap_G2API_InitGhoul2Model(&g2SaberInstance, "models/weapons2/saber/saber_w.glm", 0, 0, -20, 0, 0);

		if (g2SaberInstance)
			// indicate we will be bolted to model 0 (ie the player) on bolt 0 (always the right hand) when we get copied
			trap_G2API_SetBoltInfo(g2SaberInstance, 0, 0);
			// now set up the gun bolt on it
			trap_G2API_AddBolt(g2SaberInstance, 0, "*flash");

	if (g2SaberInstance)
		trap_G2API_CopySpecificGhoul2Model(g2SaberInstance, 0, client->ghoul2, 1); 
Esempio n. 22
int WIPX_Init (void)
	int		i;
	struct qsockaddr addr;
	char	*p;
	int		r;
	WORD	wVersionRequested; 

	if (COM_CheckParm ("-noipx"))
		return -1;

// make sure LoadLibrary has happened successfully
	if (!winsock_lib_initialized)
		return -1;

	if (winsock_initialized == 0)
		wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(1, 1); 

		r = pWSAStartup (MAKEWORD(1, 1), &winsockdata);

		if (r)
			Con_Printf ("Winsock initialization failed.\n");
			return -1;

	for (i = 0; i < IPXSOCKETS; i++)
		ipxsocket[i] = 0;

	// determine my name & address
	if (pgethostname(buff, MAXHOSTNAMELEN) == 0)
		// if the quake hostname isn't set, set it to the machine name
		if (Q_strcmp(hostname.string, "UNNAMED") == 0)
			// see if it's a text IP address (well, close enough)
			for (p = buff; *p; p++)
				if ((*p < '0' || *p > '9') && *p != '.')

			// if it is a real name, strip off the domain; we only want the host
			if (*p)
				for (i = 0; i < 15; i++)
					if (buff[i] == '.')
				buff[i] = 0;
			Cvar_Set ("hostname", buff);

	if ((net_controlsocket = WIPX_OpenSocket (0)) == -1)
		Con_Printf("WIPX_Init: Unable to open control socket\n");
		if (--winsock_initialized == 0)
			pWSACleanup ();
		return -1;

	((struct sockaddr_ipx *)&broadcastaddr)->sa_family = AF_IPX;
	memset(((struct sockaddr_ipx *)&broadcastaddr)->sa_netnum, 0, 4);
	memset(((struct sockaddr_ipx *)&broadcastaddr)->sa_nodenum, 0xff, 6);
	((struct sockaddr_ipx *)&broadcastaddr)->sa_socket = htons((unsigned short)net_hostport);

	WIPX_GetSocketAddr (net_controlsocket, &addr);
	Q_strcpy(my_ipx_address,  WIPX_AddrToString (&addr));
	p = Q_strrchr (my_ipx_address, ':');
	if (p)
		*p = 0;

	Con_Printf("Winsock IPX Initialized\n");
	ipxAvailable = true;

	return net_controlsocket;
Esempio n. 23
qboolean Netchan_CopyFileFragments(netchan_t *chan)
	fragbuf_t *p;
	int nsize;
	unsigned char *buffer;
	int pos;
	signed int cursize;
	char filename[MAX_PATH];
	char compressor[32];
	fragbuf_s *n;
	qboolean bCompressed;
	unsigned int uncompressedSize;

	if (!chan->incomingready[FRAG_FILE_STREAM])
		return FALSE;

	p = chan->incomingbufs[FRAG_FILE_STREAM];
	if (!p)
		Con_Printf("%s:  Called with no fragments readied\n", __func__);
		chan->incomingready[FRAG_FILE_STREAM] = FALSE;
		return FALSE;

	bCompressed = FALSE;
	SZ_Write(&net_message, p->frag_message.data, p->frag_message.cursize);
	Q_strncpy(filename, MSG_ReadString(), sizeof(filename) - 1);
	filename[sizeof(filename) - 1] = 0;

	Q_strncpy(compressor, MSG_ReadString(), sizeof(compressor) - 1);
	compressor[sizeof(compressor) - 1] = 0;
	if (!Q_stricmp(compressor, "bz2"))
		bCompressed = TRUE;

	uncompressedSize = (unsigned int)MSG_ReadLong();

	// TODO: this condition is invalid for server->client
	// TODO: add console message for client
	// TODO: add client name to message
	if (uncompressedSize > 1024 * 64) {
		Con_Printf("Received too large file (size=%u)\nFlushing input queue\n", uncompressedSize);
		Netchan_FlushIncoming(chan, 1);
		return FALSE;

	if (Q_strlen(filename) <= 0)
		Con_Printf("File fragment received with no filename\nFlushing input queue\n");
		Netchan_FlushIncoming(chan, 1);
		return FALSE;

	if (Q_strstr(filename, ".."))
		Con_Printf("File fragment received with relative path, ignoring\n");
		Netchan_FlushIncoming(chan, 1);
		return FALSE;

	if (filename[0] != '!' && !IsSafeFileToDownload(filename))
		Con_Printf("File fragment received with bad path, ignoring\n");
		Netchan_FlushIncoming(chan, 1);
		return FALSE;
	// This prohibits to write files to FS on server
	if (g_pcls.state == ca_dedicated && filename[0] != '!')
		Con_Printf("File fragment received with bad path, ignoring (2)\n");
		Netchan_FlushIncoming(chan, 1);
		return FALSE;

	Q_strncpy(chan->incomingfilename, filename, MAX_PATH - 1);
	chan->incomingfilename[MAX_PATH - 1] = 0;

	if (filename[0] != '!' && FS_FileExists(filename))
		Con_Printf("Can't download %s, already exists\n", filename);
		Netchan_FlushIncoming(chan, 1);
		return TRUE;

	nsize = 0;
	while (p)
		nsize += p->frag_message.cursize;
		if (p == chan->incomingbufs[FRAG_FILE_STREAM])
			nsize -= msg_readcount;
		p = p->next;

	buffer = (unsigned char*)Mem_ZeroMalloc(nsize + 1);
	if (!buffer)
		Con_Printf("Buffer allocation failed on %i bytes\n", nsize + 1);
		Netchan_FlushIncoming(chan, 1);
		return FALSE;

	p = chan->incomingbufs[FRAG_FILE_STREAM];
	pos = 0;
	while (p)
		n = p->next;

		cursize = p->frag_message.cursize;
		// First message has the file name, don't write that into the data stream, just write the rest of the actual data
		if (p == chan->incomingbufs[FRAG_FILE_STREAM])
			// Copy it in
			cursize -= msg_readcount;
			Q_memcpy(&buffer[pos], &p->frag_message.data[msg_readcount], cursize);
			p->frag_message.cursize = cursize;
			Q_memcpy(&buffer[pos], p->frag_message.data, cursize);
		pos += p->frag_message.cursize;
		p = n;


	if (bCompressed)
		unsigned char* uncompressedBuffer = (unsigned char*)Mem_Malloc(uncompressedSize);
		Con_DPrintf("Decompressing file %s (%d -> %d)\n", filename, nsize, uncompressedSize);
		BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress((char*)uncompressedBuffer, &uncompressedSize, (char*)buffer, nsize, 1, 0);
		pos = uncompressedSize;
		buffer = uncompressedBuffer;

	if (filename[0] == '!')
		if (chan->tempbuffer)
			Con_DPrintf("Netchan_CopyFragments:  Freeing holdover tempbuffer\n");
		chan->tempbuffer = buffer;
		chan->tempbuffersize = pos;
		char filedir[MAX_PATH];
		char *pszFileName;
		FileHandle_t handle;

		Q_strncpy(filedir, filename, sizeof(filedir) - 1);
		filedir[sizeof(filedir) - 1] = 0;
		Q_strncpy(filedir, filename, sizeof(filedir));
		pszFileName = Q_strrchr(filedir, '\\');
		if (pszFileName)
			*pszFileName = 0;

			FS_CreateDirHierarchy(filedir, "GAMEDOWNLOAD");

		FS_CreateDirHierarchy(filedir, "GAMEDOWNLOAD");
		handle = FS_OpenPathID(filename, "wb", "GAMEDOWNLOAD");
		if (!handle)
			Con_Printf("File open failed %s\n", filename);
			Netchan_FlushIncoming(chan, 1);

			return FALSE;

		Sys_Printf("COM_WriteFile: %s\n", filename);
		FS_Write(buffer, pos, 1, handle);

	chan->incomingbufs[FRAG_FILE_STREAM] = nullptr;
	chan->incomingready[FRAG_FILE_STREAM] = FALSE;
	msg_readcount = 0;
	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 24
MPATH_Init ( void )
	int		i;
	struct hostent *local = NULL;
	struct qsockaddr addr;
	char	*p;

	if (COM_CheckParm ("-mpath") == 0)
		return -1;

	flat_selector = __dpmi_allocate_ldt_descriptors(1);
	if (flat_selector == -1) {
		Con_Printf("MPATH_Init: Can't get flat selector\n");
		return -1;
	if (__dpmi_set_segment_base_address(flat_selector, 0) == -1) {
		Con_Printf("MPATH_Init: Can't seg flat base!\n");
		return -1;
	if (__dpmi_set_segment_limit(flat_selector, 0xffffffff) == -1) {
		Con_Printf("MPATH_Init: Can't set segment limit\n");
		return -1;
	// determine my name & address
	if (gethostname(buff, MAXHOSTNAMELEN) == 0)
		local = gethostbyname(buff);
	if (local)
		myAddr = *(int *)local->h_addr_list[0];

		// if the quake hostname isn't set, set it to the machine name
		if (Q_strcmp(hostname -> string, "UNNAMED") == 0)
			// see if it's a text IP address (well, close enough)
			for (p = buff; *p; p++)
				if ((*p < '0' || *p > '9') && *p != '.')

			// if it is a real name, strip off the domain; we only want the host
			if (*p)
				for (i = 0; i < 15; i++)
					if (buff[i] == '.')
				buff[i] = 0;
			Cvar_Set (hostname, buff);

	if ((net_controlsocket = MPATH_OpenSocket (0)) == -1)
		Sys_Error("MPATH_Init: Unable to open control socket\n");

	((struct sockaddr_in *)&broadcastaddr)->sin_family = AF_INET;
	((struct sockaddr_in *)&broadcastaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST;
	((struct sockaddr_in *)&broadcastaddr)->sin_port = htons(net_hostport);

	MPATH_GetSocketAddr (net_controlsocket, &addr);
	Q_strcpy(my_tcpip_address, MPATH_AddrToString (&addr));
	p = Q_strrchr (my_tcpip_address, ':');
	if (p)
		*p = 0;

	Con_Printf("MPath Initialized\n");
	tcpipAvailable = true;

	return net_controlsocket;
Esempio n. 25
void CG_LoadingClient(int clientNum)
	const char		*info;
	char			*skin;
	char			personality[MAX_QPATH];
	char			model[MAX_QPATH];
	char			iconName[MAX_QPATH];

	info = CG_ConfigString(CS_PLAYERS + clientNum);

	if (loadingPlayerIconCount < MAX_LOADING_PLAYER_ICONS)
		Q_strncpyz(model, Info_ValueForKey(info, "model"), sizeof(model));
		skin = Q_strrchr(model, '/');
		if (skin)
			*skin++ = '\0';
			switch (atoi(Info_ValueForKey(info, "t")))
				case TEAM_BLUE:
					skin = "default";
					skin = "red";

		if (!model[0])
			strcpy(model, DEFAULT_MODEL);

		Com_sprintf(iconName, MAX_QPATH, "models/players/%s/icon_%s.tga", model, skin);

		loadingPlayerIcons[loadingPlayerIconCount] = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(iconName);
		if (!loadingPlayerIcons[loadingPlayerIconCount])
			Com_sprintf( iconName, MAX_QPATH, "models/players/characters/%s/icon_%s.tga", model, skin );
			loadingPlayerIcons[loadingPlayerIconCount] = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( iconName );
		if (!loadingPlayerIcons[loadingPlayerIconCount])
			Com_sprintf(iconName, MAX_QPATH, "models/players/%s/icon_%s.tga", DEFAULT_MODEL, "default");
			loadingPlayerIcons[loadingPlayerIconCount] = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(iconName);
		if (loadingPlayerIcons[loadingPlayerIconCount])

	Q_strncpyz(personality, Info_ValueForKey(info, "n"), sizeof(personality));

	if (cgs.gametype == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER)
		trap_S_RegisterSound(va("sound/player/announce/%s.wav", personality), qtrue);

Esempio n. 26

Check to see if the client wants a file, open it if needed and start pumping the client
Fill up msg with data 
void SV_WriteDownloadToClient( client_t *cl , msg_t *msg )
	int curindex;
	int rate;
	int blockspersnap;
	int idPack = 0, missionPack = 0, unreferenced = 1;
	char errorMessage[1024];
	char pakbuf[MAX_QPATH], *pakptr;
	int numRefPaks;

	if (!*cl->downloadName)
		return;	// Nothing being downloaded

	if (!cl->download) {
 		// Chop off filename extension.
		Com_sprintf(pakbuf, sizeof(pakbuf), "%s", cl->downloadName);
		pakptr = Q_strrchr(pakbuf, '.');
			*pakptr = '\0';

			// Check for pk3 filename extension
			if(!Q_stricmp(pakptr + 1, "pk3"))
				const char *referencedPaks = FS_ReferencedPakNames();

				// Check whether the file appears in the list of referenced
				// paks to prevent downloading of arbitrary files.
				numRefPaks = Cmd_Argc();

				for(curindex = 0; curindex < numRefPaks; curindex++)
					if(!FS_FilenameCompare(Cmd_Argv(curindex), pakbuf))
						unreferenced = 0;

						// now that we know the file is referenced,
						// check whether it's legal to download it.
						missionPack = FS_idPak(pakbuf, "missionpack");
						idPack = missionPack || FS_idPak(pakbuf, BASEGAME);


		cl->download = 0;

		// We open the file here
		if ( !(sv_allowDownload->integer & DLF_ENABLE) ||
			(sv_allowDownload->integer & DLF_NO_UDP) ||
			idPack || unreferenced ||
			( cl->downloadSize = FS_SV_FOpenFileRead( cl->downloadName, &cl->download ) ) < 0 ) {
			// cannot auto-download file
				Com_Printf("clientDownload: %d : \"%s\" is not referenced and cannot be downloaded.\n", (int) (cl - svs.clients), cl->downloadName);
				Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "File \"%s\" is not referenced and cannot be downloaded.", cl->downloadName);
			else if (idPack) {
				Com_Printf("clientDownload: %d : \"%s\" cannot download id pk3 files\n", (int) (cl - svs.clients), cl->downloadName);
				if (missionPack) {
					Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "Cannot autodownload Team Arena file \"%s\"\n"
									"The Team Arena mission pack can be found in your local game store.", cl->downloadName);
				else {
					Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "Cannot autodownload id pk3 file \"%s\"", cl->downloadName);
			else if ( !(sv_allowDownload->integer & DLF_ENABLE) ||
				(sv_allowDownload->integer & DLF_NO_UDP) ) {

				Com_Printf("clientDownload: %d : \"%s\" download disabled", (int) (cl - svs.clients), cl->downloadName);
				if (sv_pure->integer) {
					Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "Could not download \"%s\" because autodownloading is disabled on the server.\n\n"
										"You will need to get this file elsewhere before you "
										"can connect to this pure server.\n", cl->downloadName);
				} else {
					Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "Could not download \"%s\" because autodownloading is disabled on the server.\n\n"
                    "The server you are connecting to is not a pure server, "
                    "set autodownload to No in your settings and you might be "
                    "able to join the game anyway.\n", cl->downloadName);
			} else {
        // NOTE TTimo this is NOT supposed to happen unless bug in our filesystem scheme?
        //   if the pk3 is referenced, it must have been found somewhere in the filesystem
				Com_Printf("clientDownload: %d : \"%s\" file not found on server\n", (int) (cl - svs.clients), cl->downloadName);
				Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "File \"%s\" not found on server for autodownloading.\n", cl->downloadName);
			MSG_WriteByte( msg, svc_download );
			MSG_WriteShort( msg, 0 ); // client is expecting block zero
			MSG_WriteLong( msg, -1 ); // illegal file size
			MSG_WriteString( msg, errorMessage );

			*cl->downloadName = 0;
		Com_Printf( "clientDownload: %d : beginning \"%s\"\n", (int) (cl - svs.clients), cl->downloadName );
		// Init
		cl->downloadCurrentBlock = cl->downloadClientBlock = cl->downloadXmitBlock = 0;
		cl->downloadCount = 0;
		cl->downloadEOF = qfalse;

	// Perform any reads that we need to
	while (cl->downloadCurrentBlock - cl->downloadClientBlock < MAX_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW &&
		cl->downloadSize != cl->downloadCount) {

		curindex = (cl->downloadCurrentBlock % MAX_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW);

		if (!cl->downloadBlocks[curindex])
			cl->downloadBlocks[curindex] = Z_Malloc( MAX_DOWNLOAD_BLKSIZE );

		cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex] = FS_Read( cl->downloadBlocks[curindex], MAX_DOWNLOAD_BLKSIZE, cl->download );

		if (cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex] < 0) {
			// EOF right now
			cl->downloadCount = cl->downloadSize;

		cl->downloadCount += cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex];

		// Load in next block

	// Check to see if we have eof condition and add the EOF block
	if (cl->downloadCount == cl->downloadSize &&
		!cl->downloadEOF &&
		cl->downloadCurrentBlock - cl->downloadClientBlock < MAX_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW) {

		cl->downloadBlockSize[cl->downloadCurrentBlock % MAX_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW] = 0;

		cl->downloadEOF = qtrue;  // We have added the EOF block

	// Loop up to window size times based on how many blocks we can fit in the
	// client snapMsec and rate

	// based on the rate, how many bytes can we fit in the snapMsec time of the client
	// normal rate / snapshotMsec calculation
	rate = cl->rate;
	if ( sv_maxRate->integer ) {
		if ( sv_maxRate->integer < 1000 ) {
			Cvar_Set( "sv_MaxRate", "1000" );
		if ( sv_maxRate->integer < rate ) {
			rate = sv_maxRate->integer;
	if ( sv_minRate->integer ) {
		if ( sv_minRate->integer < 1000 )
			Cvar_Set( "sv_minRate", "1000" );
		if ( sv_minRate->integer > rate )
			rate = sv_minRate->integer;

	if (!rate) {
		blockspersnap = 1;
	} else {
		blockspersnap = ( (rate * cl->snapshotMsec) / 1000 + MAX_DOWNLOAD_BLKSIZE ) /

	if (blockspersnap < 0)
		blockspersnap = 1;

	while (blockspersnap--) {

		// Write out the next section of the file, if we have already reached our window,
		// automatically start retransmitting

		if (cl->downloadClientBlock == cl->downloadCurrentBlock)
			return; // Nothing to transmit

		if (cl->downloadXmitBlock == cl->downloadCurrentBlock) {
			// We have transmitted the complete window, should we start resending?

			//FIXME:  This uses a hardcoded one second timeout for lost blocks
			//the timeout should be based on client rate somehow
			if (svs.time - cl->downloadSendTime > 1000)
				cl->downloadXmitBlock = cl->downloadClientBlock;

		// Send current block
		curindex = (cl->downloadXmitBlock % MAX_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW);

		MSG_WriteByte( msg, svc_download );
		MSG_WriteShort( msg, cl->downloadXmitBlock );

		// block zero is special, contains file size
		if ( cl->downloadXmitBlock == 0 )
			MSG_WriteLong( msg, cl->downloadSize );
		MSG_WriteShort( msg, cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex] );

		// Write the block
		if ( cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex] ) {
			MSG_WriteData( msg, cl->downloadBlocks[curindex], cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex] );

		Com_DPrintf( "clientDownload: %d : writing block %d\n", (int) (cl - svs.clients), cl->downloadXmitBlock );

		// Move on to the next block
		// It will get sent with next snap shot.  The rate will keep us in line.

		cl->downloadSendTime = svs.time;
Esempio n. 27
int UDP_Init (void)
	struct hostent *local;
	char*	buff;
	struct qsockaddr addr;
	char *colon;
	if (COM_CheckParm ("-noudp"))
		return -1;

    // determine my name & address

    struct ifaddrs *allInterfaces;
    if (getifaddrs(&allInterfaces) == 0)
        struct ifaddrs *interface;
        for (interface = allInterfaces; interface != NULL; interface = interface->ifa_next)
            unsigned int flags = interface->ifa_flags;
            struct sockaddr *addr = interface->ifa_addr;
            if ((flags & (IFF_UP|IFF_RUNNING|IFF_LOOPBACK)) == (IFF_UP|IFF_RUNNING))
                if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET)
                    buff = malloc(MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1);
                    getnameinfo(addr, addr->sa_len, buff, MAXHOSTNAMELEN, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST);

                    if (net_ipaddressescount >= net_ipaddressessize)
                        int newsize = net_ipaddressescount + 4;
                        char** newipaddresses = malloc(newsize * sizeof(char*));
                        if (net_ipaddresses != NULL)
                            memcpy(newipaddresses, net_ipaddresses, net_ipaddressescount * sizeof(char*));
                        net_ipaddresses = newipaddresses;
                        net_ipaddressessize = newsize;
                    net_ipaddresses[net_ipaddressescount] = buff;
        if (net_ipaddressescount == 0)
            return -1;
        if (net_ipaddress == NULL)
            buff = net_ipaddresses[net_ipaddressescount - 1];
            local = gethostbyname(buff);
            if (local == NULL)
                return -1;
            myAddr = *(int *)local->h_addr_list[0];
            qboolean found = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < net_ipaddressescount; i++)
                buff = net_ipaddresses[i];
                if (strcmp(net_ipaddress, buff) == 0)
                    local = gethostbyname(buff);
                    if (local == NULL)
                        return -1;
                    myAddr = *(int *)local->h_addr_list[0];
                    found = true;
            if (!found)
                return -1;
        return -1;

    // if the quake hostname isn't set, set it to the machine name
	if (Q_strcmp(hostname.string, "UNNAMED") == 0)
		buff[15] = 0;
		Cvar_Set ("hostname", buff);

	if ((net_controlsocket = UDP_OpenSocket (0)) == -1)
		Sys_Error("UDP_Init: Unable to open control socket\n");

	((struct sockaddr_in *)&broadcastaddr)->sin_family = AF_INET;
	((struct sockaddr_in *)&broadcastaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST;
	((struct sockaddr_in *)&broadcastaddr)->sin_port = htons(net_hostport);

	UDP_GetSocketAddr (net_controlsocket, &addr);
	Q_strcpy(my_tcpip_address,  UDP_AddrToString (&addr));
	colon = Q_strrchr (my_tcpip_address, ':');
	if (colon)
		*colon = 0;

	Con_Printf("UDP Initialized\n");
	tcpipAvailable = true;

	return net_controlsocket;
Esempio n. 28
int main( int argc, char **argv )
	SpewOutputFunc( VTF2TGAOutputFunc );
	CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv );
	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 1.0f, false, false, false, false );

	const char *pVTFFileName = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-i" );
	const char *pTGAFileName = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-o" );
	bool bGenerateMipLevels = CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-mip" ) != NULL;
	if ( !pVTFFileName )

	if ( !pTGAFileName )
		pTGAFileName = pVTFFileName;

	char pCurrentDirectory[MAX_PATH];
	if ( _getcwd( pCurrentDirectory, sizeof(pCurrentDirectory) ) == NULL )
		fprintf( stderr, "Unable to get the current directory\n" );
		return -1;
	Q_StripTrailingSlash( pCurrentDirectory );

	char pBuf[MAX_PATH];
	if ( !Q_IsAbsolutePath( pTGAFileName ) )
		Q_snprintf( pBuf, sizeof(pBuf), "%s\\%s", pCurrentDirectory, pTGAFileName );
		Q_strncpy( pBuf, pTGAFileName, sizeof(pBuf) );
	Q_FixSlashes( pBuf );

	char pOutFileNameBase[MAX_PATH];
	Q_StripExtension( pBuf, pOutFileNameBase, MAX_PATH );

	char pActualVTFFileName[MAX_PATH];
	Q_strncpy( pActualVTFFileName, pVTFFileName, MAX_PATH );
	if ( !Q_strstr( pActualVTFFileName, ".vtf" ) )
		Q_strcat( pActualVTFFileName, ".vtf", MAX_PATH ); 

	FILE *vtfFp = fopen( pActualVTFFileName, "rb" );
	if( !vtfFp )
		Error( "Can't open %s\n", pActualVTFFileName );
		exit( -1 );

	fseek( vtfFp, 0, SEEK_END );
	int srcVTFLength = ftell( vtfFp );
	fseek( vtfFp, 0, SEEK_SET );

	CUtlBuffer buf;
	buf.EnsureCapacity( srcVTFLength );
	int nBytesRead = fread( buf.Base(), 1, srcVTFLength, vtfFp );
	fclose( vtfFp );
	buf.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, nBytesRead );

	IVTFTexture *pTex = CreateVTFTexture();
	if (!pTex->Unserialize( buf ))
		Error( "*** Error reading in .VTF file %s\n", pActualVTFFileName );
	Msg( "vtf width: %d\n", pTex->Width() );
	Msg( "vtf height: %d\n", pTex->Height() );
	Msg( "vtf numFrames: %d\n", pTex->FrameCount() );

	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_POINTSAMPLE=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_POINTSAMPLE ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_TRILINEAR=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_TRILINEAR ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPS=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPS ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPT=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPT ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPU=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPU ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_BORDER=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_BORDER ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_ANISOTROPIC=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_ANISOTROPIC ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_HINT_DXT5=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_HINT_DXT5 ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_SRGB=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_SRGB ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_NORMAL=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_NORMAL ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_NOMIP=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_NOMIP ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_NOLOD=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_NOLOD ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_ALL_MIPS=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_ALL_MIPS ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_PROCEDURAL=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_PROCEDURAL ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_ONEBITALPHA=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_ONEBITALPHA ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_EIGHTBITALPHA=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_EIGHTBITALPHA ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_ENVMAP=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_ENVMAP ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_RENDERTARGET=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_RENDERTARGET ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_SINGLECOPY=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_SINGLECOPY ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Vector vecReflectivity = pTex->Reflectivity();
	Msg( "vtf reflectivity: %f %f %f\n", vecReflectivity[0], vecReflectivity[1], vecReflectivity[2] );
	Msg( "transparency: " );
		Msg( "eightbitalpha\n" );
	else if( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_ONEBITALPHA )
		Msg( "onebitalpha\n" );
		Msg( "noalpha\n" );
	ImageFormat srcFormat = pTex->Format();
	Msg( "vtf format: %s\n", ImageLoader::GetName( srcFormat ) );
	int iTGANameLen = Q_strlen( pOutFileNameBase );

	int iFaceCount = pTex->FaceCount();
	int nFrameCount = pTex->FrameCount();
	bool bIsCubeMap = pTex->IsCubeMap();

	int iLastMipLevel = bGenerateMipLevels ? pTex->MipCount() - 1 : 0;
	for( int iFrame = 0; iFrame < nFrameCount; ++iFrame )
		for ( int iMipLevel = 0; iMipLevel <= iLastMipLevel; ++iMipLevel )
			int iWidth, iHeight, iDepth;
			pTex->ComputeMipLevelDimensions( iMipLevel, &iWidth, &iHeight, &iDepth );

			for (int iCubeFace = 0; iCubeFace < iFaceCount; ++iCubeFace)
				for ( int z = 0; z < iDepth; ++z )
					// Construct output filename
					char *pTempNameBuf = (char *)stackalloc( iTGANameLen + 13 );
					Q_strncpy( pTempNameBuf, pOutFileNameBase, iTGANameLen + 1 );
					char *pExt = Q_strrchr( pTempNameBuf, '.' );
					if ( pExt )
						pExt = 0;

					if ( bIsCubeMap )
						Assert( pTex->Depth() == 1 ); // shouldn't this be 1 instead of 0?
						static const char *pCubeFaceName[7] = { "rt", "lf", "bk", "ft", "up", "dn", "sph" };
						Q_strcat( pTempNameBuf, pCubeFaceName[iCubeFace], iTGANameLen + 13 ); 

					if ( nFrameCount > 1 )
						char pTemp[4];
						Q_snprintf( pTemp, 4, "%03d", iFrame );
						Q_strcat( pTempNameBuf, pTemp, iTGANameLen + 13 ); 

					if ( iLastMipLevel != 0 )
						char pTemp[8];
						Q_snprintf( pTemp, 8, "_mip%d", iMipLevel );
						Q_strcat( pTempNameBuf, pTemp, iTGANameLen + 13 ); 

					if ( pTex->Depth() > 1 )
						char pTemp[6];
						Q_snprintf( pTemp, 6, "_z%03d", z );
						Q_strcat( pTempNameBuf, pTemp, iTGANameLen + 13 ); 

					if( srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616F )
						Q_strcat( pTempNameBuf, ".pfm", iTGANameLen + 13 ); 
						Q_strcat( pTempNameBuf, ".tga", iTGANameLen + 13 ); 

					unsigned char *pSrcImage = pTex->ImageData( iFrame, iCubeFace, iMipLevel, 0, 0, z );

					ImageFormat dstFormat;
					if( srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616F )
						dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB323232F;
						if( ImageLoader::IsTransparent( srcFormat ) || (srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_ATI1N ) || (srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_ATI2N ))
							dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888;
							dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR888;
				//	dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888;
				//	dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888;
				//	dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888;
				//	dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR888;
				//	dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA5551;
				//	dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR565;
				//	dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA4444;
				//	printf( "dstFormat: %s\n", ImageLoader::GetName( dstFormat ) );
					unsigned char *pDstImage = new unsigned char[ImageLoader::GetMemRequired( iWidth, iHeight, 1, dstFormat, false )];
					if( !ImageLoader::ConvertImageFormat( pSrcImage, srcFormat, 
						pDstImage, dstFormat, iWidth, iHeight, 0, 0 ) )
						Error( "Error converting from %s to %s\n",
							ImageLoader::GetName( srcFormat ), ImageLoader::GetName( dstFormat ) );
						exit( -1 );

					if( dstFormat != IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB323232F )
						if( ImageLoader::IsTransparent( dstFormat ) && ( dstFormat != IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888 ) )
							unsigned char *tmpImage = pDstImage;
							pDstImage = new unsigned char[ImageLoader::GetMemRequired( iWidth, iHeight, 1, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888, false )];
							if( !ImageLoader::ConvertImageFormat( tmpImage, dstFormat, pDstImage, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888,
								iWidth, iHeight, 0, 0 ) )
								Error( "Error converting from %s to %s\n",
									ImageLoader::GetName( dstFormat ), ImageLoader::GetName( IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888 ) );
							dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888;
						else if( !ImageLoader::IsTransparent( dstFormat ) && ( dstFormat != IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888 ) )
							unsigned char *tmpImage = pDstImage;
							pDstImage = new unsigned char[ImageLoader::GetMemRequired( iWidth, iHeight, 1, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888, false )];
							if( !ImageLoader::ConvertImageFormat( tmpImage, dstFormat, pDstImage, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888,
								iWidth, iHeight, 0, 0 ) )
								Error( "Error converting from %s to %s\n",
									ImageLoader::GetName( dstFormat ), ImageLoader::GetName( IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888 ) );
							dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888;

						CUtlBuffer outBuffer;
						TGAWriter::WriteToBuffer( pDstImage, outBuffer, iWidth, iHeight,
							dstFormat, dstFormat );
						if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( pTempNameBuf, NULL, outBuffer ) )
							fprintf( stderr, "unable to write %s\n", pTempNameBuf );
						PFMWrite( ( float * )pDstImage, pTempNameBuf, iWidth, iHeight );

	// leak leak leak leak leak, leak leak, leak leak (Blue Danube)
	return 0;
Esempio n. 29
	for ( int hh = 0; hh < MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS; ++hh )
		usermessages->HookMessage( "PyNetworkCls", __MsgFunc_PyNetworkCls );

	int iType = atoi(args[1]);

	DbgStrPyMsg( "register_py_class: Registering Python network class message %d %s %s\n", iType, args[2], args[3] );

	// Get module path
	const char *pch = Q_strrchr( args[3], '.' );
	if( !pch )
		Warning("Invalid python class name %s\n", args[3] );
	int n = pch - args[3] + 1;

	char modulePath[PYNETCLS_BUFSIZE];
	Q_strncpy( modulePath, args[3], n );

	SrcPySystem()->Import( modulePath );
	PyClientClassBase *p = FindPyClientClass(args[2]);
	if( !p )
		Warning("register_py_class: Invalid networked class %s\n", args[2]);