Esempio n. 1
dgInt32 dgCollisionSphere::CalculateSignature (dgFloat32 radius)
	dgUnsigned32 buffer[2];
	radius = dgAbsf (radius);

	buffer[0] = m_sphereCollision;
	buffer[1] = Quantize (radius);
	return Quantize(buffer, sizeof (buffer));
dgInt32 dgCollisionCylinder::CalculateSignature (dgFloat32 radio0, dgFloat32 radio1, dgFloat32 height)
	dgUnsigned32 buffer[4];

	buffer[0] = m_cylinderCollision;
	buffer[1] = Quantize (radio0);
	buffer[2] = Quantize (radio1);
	buffer[3] = Quantize (height);
	return Quantize(buffer, sizeof (buffer));
dgInt32 dgCollisionTaperedCapsule::CalculateSignature (dgFloat32 radio0, dgFloat32 radio1, dgFloat32 height)
	dgUnsigned32 buffer[4];

	buffer[0] = m_taperedCapsuleCollision;
	buffer[1] = Quantize (radio0);
	buffer[2] = Quantize (radio1);
	buffer[3] = Quantize (height);
	return Quantize(buffer, sizeof (buffer));
avtOpacityMap::AddRange(double lo, double hi, RGBA &rgba)
    int low  = Quantize(lo);
    int high = Quantize(hi);
    for (int i = low ; i <= high ; i++)
        table[i].R = rgba.R;
        table[i].G = rgba.G;
        table[i].B = rgba.G;
        table[i].A = rgba.A;
dgInt32 dgCollisionBox::CalculateSignature (dgFloat32 dx, dgFloat32 dy, dgFloat32 dz)
	dgUnsigned32 buffer[4];

	dx = dgAbsf (dx);
	dy = dgAbsf (dy);
	dz = dgAbsf (dz);
	buffer[0] = m_boxCollision;
	buffer[1] = Quantize (dx * dgFloat32 (0.5f));
	buffer[2] = Quantize (dy * dgFloat32 (0.5f));
	buffer[3] = Quantize (dz * dgFloat32 (0.5f));
	return Quantize(buffer, sizeof (buffer));
Esempio n. 6
unsigned short AxisSweep3::AddHandle(const SimdPoint3& aabbMin,const SimdPoint3& aabbMax, void* pOwner,short int collisionFilterGroup,short int collisionFilterMask)
	// quantize the bounds
	unsigned short min[3], max[3];
	Quantize(min, aabbMin, 0);
	Quantize(max, aabbMax, 1);

	// allocate a handle
	unsigned short handle = AllocHandle();
	assert(handle!= 0xcdcd);

	Handle* pHandle = GetHandle(handle);
	pHandle->m_handleId = handle;
	//pHandle->m_pOverlaps = 0;
	pHandle->m_clientObject = pOwner;
	pHandle->m_collisionFilterGroup = collisionFilterGroup;
	pHandle->m_collisionFilterMask = collisionFilterMask;

	// compute current limit of edge arrays
	int limit = m_numHandles * 2;

	// insert new edges just inside the max boundary edge
	for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)
		m_pHandles[0].m_maxEdges[axis] += 2;

		m_pEdges[axis][limit + 1] = m_pEdges[axis][limit - 1];

		m_pEdges[axis][limit - 1].m_pos = min[axis];
		m_pEdges[axis][limit - 1].m_handle = handle;

		m_pEdges[axis][limit].m_pos = max[axis];
		m_pEdges[axis][limit].m_handle = handle;

		pHandle->m_minEdges[axis] = limit - 1;
		pHandle->m_maxEdges[axis] = limit;

	// now sort the new edges to their correct position
	SortMinDown(0, pHandle->m_minEdges[0], false);
	SortMaxDown(0, pHandle->m_maxEdges[0], false);
	SortMinDown(1, pHandle->m_minEdges[1], false);
	SortMaxDown(1, pHandle->m_maxEdges[1], false);
	SortMinDown(2, pHandle->m_minEdges[2], true);
	SortMaxDown(2, pHandle->m_maxEdges[2], true);


	return handle;
FullStateSenderPlayerV5::sendPlayer( const Player & p )
    const float quantize_step = .001;
    char side = ( p.side() == LEFT ? 'l' : 'r' );
    serializer().serializeFSPlayerBegin( transport(),
                                         false, // goalie info not sent
                                         0, // player type info not sent
                                         Quantize( p.pos().x,
                                                   quantize_step ), //pos_x
                                         Quantize( p.pos().y,
                                                   quantize_step ), //pos_y
                                         Quantize( p.vel().x,
                                                   quantize_step ), //vel_x
                                         Quantize( p.vel().y,
                                                   quantize_step ), //vel_y
                                         Quantize( Rad2Deg( p.angleBodyCommitted() ),
                                                   quantize_step ),
                                         Quantize( Rad2Deg( p.angleNeckCommitted() ),
                                                   quantize_step ) ); //neck_angle
    serializer().serializeFSPlayerStamina( transport(),
                                           int( p.stamina() ),
                                           Quantize( p.effort(), .0001 ),
                                           Quantize( p.recovery(), .0001 ),
                                           p.staminaCapacity() );
    serializer().serializeFSPlayerEnd( transport() );
    const float quantize_step = .001;
    serializer().serializeFSBall( transport(),
                                  Quantize( stadium().ball().pos().x,
                                            quantize_step ),
                                  Quantize( stadium().ball().pos().y,
                                            quantize_step ),
                                  Quantize( stadium().ball().vel().x,
                                            quantize_step ),
                                  Quantize( stadium().ball().vel().y,
                                            quantize_step ) );
Esempio n. 9
vector<intn> Quantize(
    const vector<floatn>& points, const Resln& resln,
    const BoundingBox<floatn>* customBB, const bool clamped) {
  if (points.empty())
    return vector<intn>();

  BoundingBox<floatn> bb;
  if (customBB) {
    bb = *customBB;
  } else {
    for (const floatn& p : points) {
  const float dwidth = bb.max_size();
  if (dwidth == 0) {
    vector<intn> ret;
    return ret;

  // Quantize points to integers
  vector<intn> qpoints(points.size());
  for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) {
    const floatn& p = points[i];
    const intn q = Quantize(p, resln, bb, dwidth, clamped);
    qpoints[i] = q;
  return qpoints;
Esempio n. 10
bool FGSensor::Run(void )
  Input = InputNodes[0]->getDoubleValue() * InputSigns[0];

  Output = Input; // perfect sensor

  // Degrade signal as specified

  if (fail_stuck) {
    Output = PreviousOutput;
    return true;

  if (lag != 0.0)            Lag();       // models sensor lag and filter
  if (noise_variance != 0.0) Noise();     // models noise
  if (drift_rate != 0.0)     Drift();     // models drift over time
  if (bias != 0.0)           Bias();      // models a finite bias

  if (delay != 0.0)          Delay();     // models system signal transport latencies

  if (fail_low)  Output = -HUGE_VAL;
  if (fail_high) Output =  HUGE_VAL;

  if (bits != 0)             Quantize();  // models quantization degradation

  Clip(); // Is it right to clip a sensor?
  return true;
Esempio n. 11
void StreamDisplay::DrawPrimitives()
	DrawMask( m_fTrailingPercent );		// this is the "right endcap" to the life
	const float fChamberWidthInPercent = 1.0f/m_iNumChambers;
	float fStripWidthInPercent = 1.0f/m_iNumStrips;
	float fPercentBetweenStrips = 1.0f/m_iNumStrips;

	// round down so that the chamber overflows align
	if( m_iNumChambers > 10 )
		fPercentBetweenStrips = Quantize( fPercentBetweenStrips-fChamberWidthInPercent/2, fChamberWidthInPercent );
	if( m_iNumChambers > 3 )
		fPercentBetweenStrips -= 2*fChamberWidthInPercent;

	float fPercentOffset = fmodf( GAMESTATE->m_fSongBeat/4+1000, fPercentBetweenStrips );
	ASSERT( fPercentOffset >= 0  &&  fPercentOffset <= fPercentBetweenStrips );

	// "+fPercentBetweenStrips" so that the whole area is overdrawn 2x
	for( float f=fPercentOffset+1+fPercentBetweenStrips; f>=0; f-=fPercentBetweenStrips )
		DrawMask( f );
		DrawStrip( f, fStripWidthInPercent );

	// Don't leave the Zbuffer in a messy state for arrows and dancing characters
Mat RegionSaliency::GetRCNoColorConversion(const Mat &img3f, double sigmaDist, double segK, int segMinSize, double segSigma)
	Mat regIdx1i, colorIdx1i, regSal1v, tmp, _img3f, color3fv;
	if (Quantize(img3f, colorIdx1i, color3fv, tmp) <= 2) // Color quantization
		return Mat::zeros(img3f.size(), CV_32F);
  _img3f = img3f.clone();
// 	cvtColor(img3f, _img3f, CV_BGR2Lab);
// 	cvtColor(color3fv, color3fv, CV_BGR2Lab);
	int regNum = SegmentImage(_img3f, regIdx1i, segSigma, segK, segMinSize);	
	vector<Region> regs(regNum);
	BuildRegions(regIdx1i, regs, colorIdx1i, color3fv.cols);
	RegionContrast(regs, color3fv, regSal1v, sigmaDist);

	Mat sal1f = Mat::zeros(img3f.size(), CV_32F);
	cv::normalize(regSal1v, regSal1v, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX, CV_32F);
	float* regSal = (float*);
	for (int r = 0; r < img3f.rows; r++){
		const int* regIdx = regIdx1i.ptr<int>(r);
		float* sal = sal1f.ptr<float>(r);
		for (int c = 0; c < img3f.cols; c++)
			sal[c] = regSal[regIdx[c]];
	GaussianBlur(sal1f, sal1f, Size(3, 3), 0);
	return sal1f;
Esempio n. 13
void FGSensor::ProcessSensorSignal(void)
    Output = Input; // perfect sensor

    // Degrade signal as specified

    if (fail_stuck) {
        Output = PreviousOutput;
    } else {
        if (lag != 0.0)            Lag();       // models sensor lag and filter
        if (noise_variance != 0.0) Noise();     // models noise
        if (drift_rate != 0.0)     Drift();     // models drift over time
        if (gain != 0.0)           Gain();      // models a finite gain
        if (bias != 0.0)           Bias();      // models a finite bias

        if (delay != 0)            Delay();     // models system signal transport latencies

        if (fail_low)  Output = -HUGE_VAL;
        if (fail_high) Output =  HUGE_VAL;

        if (bits != 0)             Quantize();  // models quantization degradation

Esempio n. 14
void NoteDisplay::SetActiveFrame( float fNoteBeat, Actor &actorToSet, float fAnimationLengthInBeats, bool bVivid, bool bNoteColor )
	/* -inf ... inf */
	float fSongBeat = GAMESTATE->m_fSongBeat;
	/* -len ... +len */
	float fPercentIntoAnimation = fmodf( fSongBeat, fAnimationLengthInBeats );
	/* -1 ... 1 */
	fPercentIntoAnimation /= fAnimationLengthInBeats;

	if( bVivid )
		// changed to deal with the minor complaint that the color cycling is
		// one tick off in general
		const float fNoteBeatFraction = fmodf( fNoteBeat, 1.0f );
		const float fFraction = fNoteBeatFraction - 0.25f/fAnimationLengthInBeats;
		const float fInterval = 1.f / fAnimationLengthInBeats;
		fPercentIntoAnimation += Quantize(fFraction,fInterval);

		// just in case somehow we're majorly negative with the subtraction
		wrap( fPercentIntoAnimation, 1.f );
		/* 0 ... 1, wrapped */
		if( fPercentIntoAnimation < 0 )
			fPercentIntoAnimation += 1.0f;

	float fLengthSeconds = actorToSet.GetAnimationLengthSeconds();
	actorToSet.SetSecondsIntoAnimation( fPercentIntoAnimation*fLengthSeconds );
Esempio n. 15
void FGSensor::ProcessSensorSignal(void)
  Output = Input; // perfect sensor

  // Degrade signal as specified

  if (fail_stuck) {
    Output = PreviousOutput;
  } else if (fcs->GetTrimStatus()) {
    if (lag != 0.0)            {PreviousOutput = Output;    PreviousInput  = Input;}
    if (drift_rate != 0.0)     drift = 0;
    if (gain != 0.0)           Gain();      // models a finite gain
    if (bias != 0.0)           Bias();      // models a finite bias

    if (delay != 0)            for (int i=0; i<delay; i++) output_array[i] = Output;

  } else {
    if (lag != 0.0)            Lag();       // models sensor lag and filter
    if (noise_variance != 0.0) Noise();     // models noise
    if (drift_rate != 0.0)     Drift();     // models drift over time
    if (gain != 0.0)           Gain();      // models a finite gain
    if (bias != 0.0)           Bias();      // models a finite bias

    if (delay != 0)            Delay();     // models system signal transport latencies

    if (fail_low)  Output = -HUGE_VAL;
    if (fail_high) Output =  HUGE_VAL;

    if (bits != 0)             Quantize();  // models quantization degradation

  if (IsOutput) SetOutput();
Mat RegionSaliency::GetRCCB(const Mat &img3f, double sigmaDist, double segK, int segMinSize, double segSigma, 
        double centerBiasWeight, double centerBiasHeightSigma, double centerBiasWidthSigma, const CenterBiasCombinationType_t cbct)
	Mat regIdx1i, colorIdx1i, regSal1v, tmp, _img3f, color3fv;
	if (Quantize(img3f, colorIdx1i, color3fv, tmp) <= 2) // Color quantization
		return Mat::zeros(img3f.size(), CV_32F);
	cvtColor(img3f, _img3f, CV_BGR2Lab);
	cvtColor(color3fv, color3fv, CV_BGR2Lab);
	int regNum = SegmentImage(_img3f, regIdx1i, segSigma, segK, segMinSize);	
	vector<Region> regs(regNum);
	BuildRegions(regIdx1i, regs, colorIdx1i, color3fv.cols);
	RegionContrast(regs, color3fv, regSal1v, sigmaDist);
  float* regsCenterBias = new float[regNum]; // the center-bias for each region
  float w0 = (float)centerBiasWidthSigma;    // std. dev. of the Gaussian (width)
  float h0 = (float)centerBiasHeightSigma;   // std. dev. of the Gaussian (height)
  for (int i = 0; i < regNum; i++)
    const float x0 = 0.5;
    const float y0 = 0.5;

    regsCenterBias[i] = ( exp((-SQR(regs[i].centroid.x-x0))/SQR(w0)) * exp((-SQR(regs[i].centroid.y-y0))/SQR(h0)) );

	Mat sal1f = Mat::zeros(img3f.size(), CV_32F);
	cv::normalize(regSal1v, regSal1v, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX, CV_32F);
	float* regSal = (float*);
	for (int r = 0; r < img3f.rows; r++)
		const int* regIdx = regIdx1i.ptr<int>(r);
		float* sal = sal1f.ptr<float>(r);
		for (int c = 0; c < img3f.cols; c++)
      switch (cbct)
        case CB_LINEAR:
          sal[c] = (1-centerBiasWeight)*regSal[regIdx[c]] + centerBiasWeight*regsCenterBias[regIdx[c]];
        case CB_PRODUCT:
          sal[c] = regSal[regIdx[c]] * regsCenterBias[regIdx[c]]; // weighting in this case would have no influence
        case CB_MAX:
          sal[c] = std::max((1-centerBiasWeight)*regSal[regIdx[c]], centerBiasWeight*regsCenterBias[regIdx[c]]);
        case CB_MIN:
          sal[c] = std::min((1-centerBiasWeight)*regSal[regIdx[c]], centerBiasWeight*regsCenterBias[regIdx[c]]);
	GaussianBlur(sal1f, sal1f, Size(3, 3), 0);
  delete [] regsCenterBias;
	return sal1f;
Esempio n. 17
 void Quantizer::Quantize(const Gesture& gesture, TimeSlot& symbolSeq) const{
     symbolSeq.gestureName = gesture.gestureName;
     symbolSeq.quantizerName = name;
     symbolSeq.M = M;
     for(vector<Acceleration>::const_iterator i =; i<; i++)
Esempio n. 18
void AdjustSync::GetSyncChangeTextGlobal( vector<RString> &vsAddTo )
		float fOld = Quantize( AdjustSync::s_fGlobalOffsetSecondsOriginal, 0.001f );
		float fNew = Quantize( PREFSMAN->m_fGlobalOffsetSeconds, 0.001f ) ;
		float fDelta = fNew - fOld;

		if( fabsf(fDelta) > 0.0001f )
			vsAddTo.push_back( ssprintf( 
				(fDelta > 0 ? EARLIER:LATER).GetValue().c_str() ) );
Esempio n. 19
void CmSaliencyRC::SmoothByHist(CMat &img3f, Mat &sal1f, float delta)
	//imshow("Before", sal1f); imshow("Src", img3f);

	// Quantize colors
	CV_Assert(img3f.size() == sal1f.size() && img3f.type() == CV_32FC3 && sal1f.type() == CV_32FC1);
	Mat idx1i, binColor3f, colorNums1i;
	int binN = Quantize(img3f, idx1i, binColor3f, colorNums1i);
	//CmShow::HistBins(binColor3f, colorNums1i, "Frequency");
	// Get initial color saliency
	Mat _colorSal =  Mat::zeros(1, binN, CV_64FC1);
	int rows = img3f.rows, cols = img3f.cols;{
		double* colorSal = (double*);
		if (img3f.isContinuous() && sal1f.isContinuous())
			cols *= img3f.rows, rows = 1;
		for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++){
			const int* idx = idx1i.ptr<int>(y);
			const float* initialS = sal1f.ptr<float>(y);
			for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++)
				colorSal[idx[x]] += initialS[x];
		const int *colorNum = (int*)(;
		for (int i = 0; i < binN; i++)
			colorSal[i] /= colorNum[i];
		normalize(_colorSal, _colorSal, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX, CV_32F);
	// Find similar colors & Smooth saliency value for color bins
	vector<vector<CostfIdx>> similar(binN); // Similar color: how similar and their index
	Vec3f* color = (Vec3f*)(;
	cvtColor(binColor3f, binColor3f, CV_BGR2Lab);
	for (int i = 0; i < binN; i++){
		vector<CostfIdx> &similari = similar[i];
		similari.push_back(make_pair(0.f, i));
		for (int j = 0; j < binN; j++)
			if (i != j)
				similari.push_back(make_pair(vecDist<float, 3>(color[i], color[j]), j));
		sort(similari.begin(), similari.end());
	cvtColor(binColor3f, binColor3f, CV_Lab2BGR);
	//CmShow::HistBins(binColor3f, _colorSal, "BeforeSmooth", true);
	SmoothSaliency(colorNums1i, _colorSal, delta, similar);
	//CmShow::HistBins(binColor3f, _colorSal, "AfterSmooth", true);

	// Reassign pixel saliency values
	float* colorSal = (float*)(;
	for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++){
		const int* idx = idx1i.ptr<int>(y);
		float* resSal = sal1f.ptr<float>(y);
		for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++)
			resSal[x] = colorSal[idx[x]];
	//imshow("After", sal1f);
Esempio n. 20
void mainQ(const TBlocks  *input, TBlocks *output)

	// Y1
	Quantize((int*)(*input).Y1.pixel, LuminanceQTable.QCoef);
	ZigzagMatrix((int*)(*input).Y1.pixel, (*output).Y1.pixel);

	// Y2
	Quantize((int*)(*input).Y2.pixel, LuminanceQTable.QCoef);
	ZigzagMatrix((int*)(*input).Y2.pixel, (*output).Y2.pixel);

	// U1
	Quantize((int*)(*input).U1.pixel, ChrominanceQTable.QCoef);
	ZigzagMatrix((int*)(*input).U1.pixel, (*output).U1.pixel);

	// V1
	Quantize((int*)(*input).V1.pixel, ChrominanceQTable.QCoef);
	ZigzagMatrix((int*)(*input).V1.pixel, (*output).V1.pixel);

Esempio n. 21
void AxisSweep3::UpdateHandle(unsigned short handle, const SimdPoint3& aabbMin,const SimdPoint3& aabbMax)
//	assert(bounds.IsFinite());

	Handle* pHandle = GetHandle(handle);

	// quantize the new bounds
	unsigned short min[3], max[3];
	Quantize(min, aabbMin, 0);
	Quantize(max, aabbMax, 1);

	// update changed edges
	for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)
		unsigned short emin = pHandle->m_minEdges[axis];
		unsigned short emax = pHandle->m_maxEdges[axis];

		int dmin = (int)min[axis] - (int)m_pEdges[axis][emin].m_pos;
		int dmax = (int)max[axis] - (int)m_pEdges[axis][emax].m_pos;

		m_pEdges[axis][emin].m_pos = min[axis];
		m_pEdges[axis][emax].m_pos = max[axis];

		// expand (only adds overlaps)
		if (dmin < 0)
			SortMinDown(axis, emin);

		if (dmax > 0)
			SortMaxUp(axis, emax);

		// shrink (only removes overlaps)
		if (dmin > 0)
			SortMinUp(axis, emin);

		if (dmax < 0)
			SortMaxDown(axis, emax);

Esempio n. 22
	 * Compresses the raw lightmap data to a buffer for writing over Swarm
	void FLightMapData2D::Compress(int32 DebugSampleIndex)
		// make sure the data has been quantized already

		// calculate the uncompressed size
		UncompressedDataSize = sizeof(FQuantizedLightSampleData) * QuantizedData.Num();

		// compress the array
		CompressData((uint8*)QuantizedData.GetData(), UncompressedDataSize, CompressedData, CompressedDataSize);

		// we no longer need the source data now that we're compressed
Esempio n. 23
	void FSignedDistanceFieldShadowMapData2D::Compress(int32 DebugSampleIndex)
		// Make sure the data has been quantized already

		// Calculate the uncompressed size
		UncompressedDataSize = sizeof(FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSampleData) * QuantizedData.Num();

		// Compress the array
		CompressData((uint8*)QuantizedData.GetData(), UncompressedDataSize, CompressedData, CompressedDataSize);

		// Discard the source data now that we're compressed
Esempio n. 24
* @name DynamicLoadIcon
* Returns the respective icon as per the current battery capacity.
* It also does the work of setting global parameters of battery capacity and tooltips.
* @param hinst
*        A handle to a instance of the module.
* @return The handle to respective battery icon.
static HICON DynamicLoadIcon(HINSTANCE hinst)
    HICON hBatIcon;
    UINT index = -1;

    if (!GetSystemPowerStatus(&PowerStatus) ||
        PowerStatus.ACLineStatus == AC_LINE_UNKNOWN ||
        PowerStatus.BatteryFlag == BATTERY_FLAG_UNKNOWN)
        hBatIcon = LoadIcon(hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_BATTCAP_ERR));
        return hBatIcon;

    if (((PowerStatus.BatteryFlag & BATTERY_FLAG_NO_BATTERY) == 0) &&
        ((PowerStatus.BatteryFlag & BATTERY_FLAG_CHARGING) == BATTERY_FLAG_CHARGING))
        index = Quantize(PowerStatus.BatteryLifePercent);
        hBatIcon = LoadIcon(hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(bc_icons[index])); 
        g_strTooltip.Format(IDS_PWR_CHARGING, PowerStatus.BatteryLifePercent);
    else if (((PowerStatus.BatteryFlag & BATTERY_FLAG_NO_BATTERY) == 0) &&
             ((PowerStatus.BatteryFlag & BATTERY_FLAG_CHARGING) == 0))
        index = Quantize(PowerStatus.BatteryLifePercent);
        hBatIcon = LoadIcon(hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(br_icons[index]));
        g_strTooltip.Format(IDS_PWR_PERCENT_REMAINING, PowerStatus.BatteryLifePercent);
        hBatIcon = LoadIcon(hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_POWER_AC));

    return hBatIcon;
Esempio n. 25
// High level control
void CMotionDef::Load(IReader* MP, u32 fl, u16 version)
	// params
	bone_or_part= MP->r_u16(); // bCycle?part_id:bone_id;
	motion		= MP->r_u16(); // motion_id
	speed		= Quantize(MP->r_float());
	power		= Quantize(MP->r_float());
	accrue		= Quantize(MP->r_float());
	falloff		= Quantize(MP->r_float());
	flags		= (u16)fl;
	if (!(flags&esmFX) && (falloff>=accrue)) falloff = u16(accrue-1);

		u32	cnt				= MP->r_u32();
            marks.resize		(cnt);

            for(u32 i=0; i<cnt; ++i)
                marks[i].Load	(MP);
dgInt32 dgCollisionConvexHull::CalculateSignature (dgInt32 vertexCount, const dgFloat32* const vertexArray, dgInt32 strideInBytes)
	dgStack<dgUnsigned32> buffer(1 + 3 * vertexCount);  
	dgInt32 stride = dgInt32 (strideInBytes / sizeof (dgFloat32));

	memset (&buffer[0], 0, size_t (buffer.GetSizeInBytes()));
	buffer[0] = m_convexHullCollision;
	for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < vertexCount; i ++) {
		buffer[1 + i * 3 + 0] = dgCollision::Quantize (vertexArray[i * stride + 0]);
		buffer[1 + i * 3 + 1] = dgCollision::Quantize (vertexArray[i * stride + 1]);
		buffer[1 + i * 3 + 2] = dgCollision::Quantize (vertexArray[i * stride + 2]);
	return Quantize(&buffer[0], buffer.GetSizeInBytes());
Esempio n. 27
// used by ArrowGetAlpha and ArrowGetGlow below
float ArrowGetPercentVisible( const PlayerState* pPlayerState, int iCol, float fYOffset, float fYReverseOffsetPixels )
	/* Get the YPos without reverse (that is, factor in EFFECT_TIPSY). */
	float fYPos = ArrowEffects::GetYPos( pPlayerState, iCol, fYOffset, fYReverseOffsetPixels, false );

	const float fDistFromCenterLine = fYPos - GetCenterLine( pPlayerState );

	if( fYPos < 0 )	// past Gray Arrows
		return 1;	// totally visible

	const float* fAppearances = pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fAppearances;

	float fVisibleAdjust = 0;

	if( fAppearances[PlayerOptions::APPEARANCE_HIDDEN] != 0 )
		float fHiddenVisibleAdjust = SCALE( fYPos, GetHiddenStartLine(pPlayerState), GetHiddenEndLine(pPlayerState), 0, -1 );
		CLAMP( fHiddenVisibleAdjust, -1, 0 );
		fVisibleAdjust += fAppearances[PlayerOptions::APPEARANCE_HIDDEN] * fHiddenVisibleAdjust;
	if( fAppearances[PlayerOptions::APPEARANCE_SUDDEN] != 0 )
		float fSuddenVisibleAdjust = SCALE( fYPos, GetSuddenStartLine(pPlayerState), GetSuddenEndLine(pPlayerState), -1, 0 );
		CLAMP( fSuddenVisibleAdjust, -1, 0 );
		fVisibleAdjust += fAppearances[PlayerOptions::APPEARANCE_SUDDEN] * fSuddenVisibleAdjust;

	if( fAppearances[PlayerOptions::APPEARANCE_STEALTH] != 0 )
		fVisibleAdjust -= fAppearances[PlayerOptions::APPEARANCE_STEALTH];
	if( fAppearances[PlayerOptions::APPEARANCE_BLINK] != 0 )
		float f = RageFastSin(RageTimer::GetTimeSinceStartFast()*10);
		f = Quantize( f, 0.3333f );
		fVisibleAdjust += SCALE( f, 0, 1, -1, 0 );
	if( fAppearances[PlayerOptions::APPEARANCE_RANDOMVANISH] != 0 )
		const float fRealFadeDist = 80;
		fVisibleAdjust += SCALE( fabsf(fDistFromCenterLine), fRealFadeDist, 2*fRealFadeDist, -1, 0 )
			* fAppearances[PlayerOptions::APPEARANCE_RANDOMVANISH];

	return clamp( 1+fVisibleAdjust, 0, 1 );
Esempio n. 28
Mat CmSaliencyRC::GetHC(CMat &img3f) 
	// Quantize colors and
	Mat idx1i, binColor3f, colorNums1i, _colorSal;
	Quantize(img3f, idx1i, binColor3f, colorNums1i);
	cvtColor(binColor3f, binColor3f, CV_BGR2Lab);

	GetHC(binColor3f, colorNums1i, _colorSal);
	float* colorSal = (float*)(;
	Mat salHC1f(img3f.size(), CV_32F);
	for (int r = 0; r < img3f.rows; r++){
		float* salV = salHC1f.ptr<float>(r);
		int* _idx = idx1i.ptr<int>(r);
		for (int c = 0; c < img3f.cols; c++)
			salV[c] = colorSal[_idx[c]];
	GaussianBlur(salHC1f, salHC1f, Size(3, 3), 0);
	normalize(salHC1f, salHC1f, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX);
	return salHC1f;
Esempio n. 29
// used by ArrowGetAlpha and ArrowGetGlow below
float ArrowGetPercentVisible(float fYPosWithoutReverse)
	const float fDistFromCenterLine = fYPosWithoutReverse - GetCenterLine();

	if( fYPosWithoutReverse < 0 && HIDDEN_SUDDEN_PAST_RECEPTOR)	// past Gray Arrows
		return 1;	// totally visible

	const float* fAppearances = curr_options->m_fAppearances;

	float fVisibleAdjust = 0;

	if( fAppearances[PlayerOptions::APPEARANCE_HIDDEN] != 0 )
		float fHiddenVisibleAdjust = SCALE( fYPosWithoutReverse, GetHiddenStartLine(), GetHiddenEndLine(), 0, -1 );
		CLAMP( fHiddenVisibleAdjust, -1, 0 );
		fVisibleAdjust += fAppearances[PlayerOptions::APPEARANCE_HIDDEN] * fHiddenVisibleAdjust;
	if( fAppearances[PlayerOptions::APPEARANCE_SUDDEN] != 0 )
		float fSuddenVisibleAdjust = SCALE( fYPosWithoutReverse, GetSuddenStartLine(), GetSuddenEndLine(), -1, 0 );
		CLAMP( fSuddenVisibleAdjust, -1, 0 );
		fVisibleAdjust += fAppearances[PlayerOptions::APPEARANCE_SUDDEN] * fSuddenVisibleAdjust;

	if( fAppearances[PlayerOptions::APPEARANCE_STEALTH] != 0 )
		fVisibleAdjust -= fAppearances[PlayerOptions::APPEARANCE_STEALTH];
	if( fAppearances[PlayerOptions::APPEARANCE_BLINK] != 0 )
		float f = RageFastSin(RageTimer::GetTimeSinceStartFast()*10);
		f = Quantize( f, BLINK_MOD_FREQUENCY );
		fVisibleAdjust += SCALE( f, 0, 1, -1, 0 );
	if( fAppearances[PlayerOptions::APPEARANCE_RANDOMVANISH] != 0 )
		const float fRealFadeDist = 80;
		fVisibleAdjust += SCALE( fabsf(fDistFromCenterLine), fRealFadeDist, 2*fRealFadeDist, -1, 0 )
			* fAppearances[PlayerOptions::APPEARANCE_RANDOMVANISH];

	return clamp( 1+fVisibleAdjust, 0, 1 );
Esempio n. 30
Mat CmSaliencyRC::GetRC(CMat &img3f, CMat &regIdx1i, int regNum, double sigmaDist)
	Mat colorIdx1i, regSal1v, tmp, color3fv;
	int QuatizeNum = Quantize(img3f, colorIdx1i, color3fv, tmp);
	if (QuatizeNum == 2){
		printf("QuatizeNum == 2, %d: %s\n", __LINE__, __FILE__);
		Mat sal;
		compare(colorIdx1i, 1, sal, CMP_EQ);
		sal.convertTo(sal, CV_32F, 1.0/255);
		return sal;
	if (QuatizeNum <= 2) // Color quantization
		return Mat::zeros(img3f.size(), CV_32F);
	cvtColor(color3fv, color3fv, CV_BGR2Lab);
	vector<Region> regs(regNum);
	BuildRegions(regIdx1i, regs, colorIdx1i, color3fv.cols);
	RegionContrast(regs, color3fv, regSal1v, sigmaDist);

	Mat sal1f = Mat::zeros(img3f.size(), CV_32F);
	cv::normalize(regSal1v, regSal1v, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX, CV_32F);
	float* regSal = (float*);
	for (int r = 0; r < img3f.rows; r++){
		const int* regIdx = regIdx1i.ptr<int>(r);
		float* sal = sal1f.ptr<float>(r);
		for (int c = 0; c < img3f.cols; c++)
			sal[c] = regSal[regIdx[c]];

	Mat bdReg1u = GetBorderReg(regIdx1i, regNum, 0.02, 0.4);
	sal1f.setTo(0, bdReg1u); 
	SmoothByHist(img3f, sal1f, 0.1f); 
	SmoothByRegion(sal1f, regIdx1i, regNum); 
	sal1f.setTo(0, bdReg1u);

	GaussianBlur(sal1f, sal1f, Size(3, 3), 0);
	return sal1f;