bool QSICCD::SelectFilter(int targetFilter) { short filter = targetFilter - 1; try { QSICam.put_Position(filter); } catch (std::runtime_error err) { FilterSlotNP.s = IPS_ALERT; DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_ERROR, "put_Position() failed. %s.", err.what()); return false; } // Check current filter position short newFilter = QueryFilter(); if (newFilter == targetFilter) { FilterSlotN[0].value = targetFilter; FilterSlotNP.s = IPS_OK; DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "Filter set to slot #%d", targetFilter); IDSetNumber(&FilterSlotNP, nullptr); return true; } IDSetNumber(&FilterSlotNP, nullptr); FilterSlotNP.s = IPS_ALERT; return false; }
bool QSICCD::ISNewNumber(const char *dev, const char *name, double values[], char *names[], int n) { INumber *np; if(strcmp(dev,getDeviceName())==0) { if (!strcmp(, name)) { targetFilter = values[0]; np = IUFindNumber(&FilterSlotNP, names[0]); if (!np) { FilterSlotNP.s = IPS_ALERT; IDSetNumber(&FilterSlotNP, "Unknown error. %s is not a member of %s property.", names[0], name); return false; } int filter_count; try { QSICam.get_FilterCount(filter_count); } catch (std::runtime_error err) { DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_ERROR, "get_FilterCount() failed. %s.", err.what()); IDSetNumber(&FilterSlotNP, NULL); } if (targetFilter < FIRST_FILTER || targetFilter > filter_count) { FilterSlotNP.s = IPS_ALERT; DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_ERROR, "Error: valid range of filter is from %d to %d", FIRST_FILTER, LAST_FILTER); IDSetNumber(&FilterSlotNP, NULL); return false; } IUUpdateNumber(&FilterSlotNP, values, names, n); FilterSlotNP.s = IPS_BUSY; DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "Setting current filter to slot %d", targetFilter); IDSetNumber(&FilterSlotNP, NULL); SelectFilter(targetFilter); /* Check current filter position */ short newFilter = QueryFilter(); if (newFilter == targetFilter) { FilterSlotN[0].value = targetFilter; FilterSlotNP.s = IPS_OK; DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "Filter set to slot #%d", targetFilter); IDSetNumber(&FilterSlotNP, NULL); return true; } else return false; } } // if we didn't process it, continue up the chain, let somebody else // give it a shot return INDI::CCD::ISNewNumber(dev,name,values,names,n); }
void QSICCD::turnWheel() { short current_filter; switch (FilterS[0].s) { case ISS_ON: if (current_filter < LAST_FILTER) current_filter++; else current_filter = FIRST_FILTER; try { current_filter = QueryFilter(); if(current_filter < LAST_FILTER) current_filter++; else current_filter = FIRST_FILTER; SelectFilter(current_filter); } catch (std::runtime_error err) { FilterSP.s = IPS_IDLE; FilterS[0].s = ISS_OFF; FilterS[1].s = ISS_OFF; DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_ERROR, "QSICamera::get_FilterPos() failed. %s.", err.what()); return; } FilterSlotN[0].value = current_filter; FilterS[0].s = ISS_OFF; FilterS[1].s = ISS_OFF; FilterSP.s = IPS_OK; DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "The current filter is %d", current_filter); IDSetSwitch(&FilterSP, NULL); break; case ISS_OFF: try { current_filter = QueryFilter(); if(current_filter > FIRST_FILTER) current_filter--; else current_filter = LAST_FILTER; SelectFilter(current_filter); } catch (std::runtime_error err) { FilterSP.s = IPS_IDLE; FilterS[0].s = ISS_OFF; FilterS[1].s = ISS_OFF; DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_ERROR, "QSICamera::get_FilterPos() failed. %s.", err.what()); return; } FilterSlotN[0].value = current_filter; FilterS[0].s = ISS_OFF; FilterS[1].s = ISS_OFF; FilterSP.s = IPS_OK; DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "The current filter is %d\n", current_filter); IDSetSwitch(&FilterSP, NULL); IDSetNumber(&FilterSlotNP, NULL); break; } }
Filter* QueryFilter::clone() const { return _CLNEW QueryFilter(*this ); }