Esempio n. 1
char *test_destroy()
    mu_assert(queue != NULL, "Failed toc reate queue #2");

    return NULL;
Esempio n. 2
static void*
start_consumer(void* data)
	Consumer* consumer = (Consumer*)data;

	int* x;
	int has_item = 0;

	while ((has_item = consumer->f_get_item(consumer->queue, &x)) != -1)
		if (has_item == 1)
			int i = *x;

			XFLOG("Consumer[%d] - received %d", consumer->id, i);

			/* simulate processing delay */
			usleep((rand() % PROCESSING_DELAY_MAX_MSEC) * 1000);

			// queue is destroyed on the last request
			if (i == (NITERATATIONS - 1))
				XFDBG("Consumer[%d] I'm processing the last request", consumer->id);
	XFDBG("Consumer[%d] Leaving inactive queue", consumer->id);
Esempio n. 3
Connection_free(Connection* conn)
	if (conn->f_free_state)

Esempio n. 4
 * Pretty formatting of a binary tree to the output stream
 * Parameters:
 * fp           FILE * to print to. Just use 'stdout' if you are unsure.
 * root         Root of Huffman Coding Tree that we're printing
 * level        Control how wide you want the tree to sparse (eg, level 1 has
 *              the minimum space between nodes, while level 2 has a larger
 *              space between nodes)
 * indent       Change this to add some indent space to the left (eg,
 *              indent of 0 means the lowest level of the left node will
 *              stick to the left margin)
static void HuffNode_printPretty_Worker(FILE * fp, HuffNode * root, int level, 
					int indent) 
    int r, i; // for-loop indices
    int h = HuffNode_height(root);

    // eq of the length of branch for each node of each level
    int branch_sz = 2*((1 << h) - 1) - (3-level)*(1 << (h-1));

    // distance between left neighbor node's right arm and right neighbor 
    // node's left arm
    int node_spacing_sz = 2 + (level+1)*(1 << h);

    // starting space to the first node to print of each level 
    // (for the left most node of each level only)
    int start_sz = branch_sz + (3-level) + indent;  
    Queue * Q = Queue_create();
    Queue_pushBack(Q, root);
    int curr_tree_width = 1;
    for (r = 1; r < h; r++) {
	print_branches(fp, Q, branch_sz, node_spacing_sz, 
		       start_sz, curr_tree_width);
	branch_sz = branch_sz / 2 - 1;
	node_spacing_sz = node_spacing_sz / 2 + 1;
	start_sz = branch_sz + (3-level) + indent;
	print_nodes(fp, Q, branch_sz, node_spacing_sz, 
		    start_sz, curr_tree_width);
	for (i = 0; i < curr_tree_width; i++) {
	    HuffNode * currNode = Queue_popFront(Q);
	    if(currNode) {
		Queue_pushBack(Q, currNode->left);
		Queue_pushBack(Q, currNode->right);
	    } else {
		Queue_pushBack(Q, NULL);
		Queue_pushBack(Q, NULL);
	curr_tree_width *= 2;
    print_branches(fp, Q, branch_sz, node_spacing_sz, 
		   start_sz, curr_tree_width);
    print_leaves(fp, Q, indent, level, curr_tree_width);