static void Init(void) { /*if (RAPP_SetThisNodeAddr(RNWK_ADDR_BROADCAST)!=ERR_OK) { set a default address //APP_DebugPrint((unsigned char*)"ERR: Failed setting node address\r\n"); }*/ #if defined(PL_CONFIG_BOARD_IS_ROBO) RAPP_SetThisNodeAddr(0xD); /* address of this network node */ #else RAPP_SetThisNodeAddr(0xD1); /* address of this network node */ #endif }
static portTASK_FUNCTION(RNetTask, pvParameters) { uint32_t cntr; uint8_t msgCntr; (void)pvParameters; /* not used */ if (RAPP_SetThisNodeAddr(RNWK_ADDR_BROADCAST)!=ERR_OK) { /* set a default address */ for(;;); /* "ERR: Failed setting node address" */ } cntr = 0; /* initialize LED counter */ msgCntr = 0; /* initialize message counter */ appState = RNETA_INITIAL; /* initialize state machine state */ for(;;) { Process(); /* process state machine */ cntr++; if (cntr==100) { /* with an RTOS 10 ms/100 Hz tick rate, this is every second */ LED3_On(); /* blink blue LED for 20 ms */ RAPP_SendPayloadDataBlock(&msgCntr, sizeof(msgCntr), RAPP_MSG_TYPE_PING, RNWK_ADDR_BROADCAST, RPHY_PACKET_FLAGS_NONE); msgCntr++; cntr = 0; FRTOS1_vTaskDelay(20/portTICK_RATE_MS); LED3_Off(); /* blink blue LED */ } FRTOS1_vTaskDelay(10/portTICK_RATE_MS); } /* for */ }
static void Init(void) { // if (RAPP_SetThisNodeAddr(RNWK_ADDR_BROADCAST)!=ERR_OK) { /* set a default address */ #if PL_IS_ROBO #define RNWK_ADDR ADDR_ROBO #elif PL_IS_FRDM #define RNWK_ADDR ADDR_FRDM #endif if (RAPP_SetThisNodeAddr(RNWK_ADDR)!=ERR_OK) { /* set a default address */ APP_DebugPrint((unsigned char*)"ERR: Failed setting node address\r\n"); } }
void RMT_Init() { #ifdef G13_HAS_REMOTE RSTACK_Init(); /* initialize stack */ if (RAPP_SetMessageHandlerTable(handlerTable)!=ERR_OK) { /* assign application message handler */ for(;;){} /* error */ } if (RAPP_SetThisNodeAddr(RNWK_ADDR_BROADCAST)!=ERR_OK) { /* set a default address */ for(;;){} /* error */ } RTOS_AddTask(vRemoteTask, "RemoteTask"); #endif }
static portTASK_FUNCTION(MainTask, pvParameters) { #if PL_HAS_SHELL static unsigned char localConsole_buf[48]; #endif #if PL_HAS_RSTDIO static unsigned char radio_cmd_buf[48]; CLS1_ConstStdIOType *ioRemote = RSTDIO_GetStdioRx(); #endif #if PL_HAS_RSTDIO || PL_HAS_SHELL CLS1_ConstStdIOTypePtr ioLocal = CLS1_GetStdio(); #endif #if PL_HAS_RSTDIO radio_cmd_buf[0] = '\0'; #endif #if PL_HAS_SHELL localConsole_buf[0] = '\0'; CLS1_SendStr((unsigned char*)"nRF24L01+ Demo\r\n", ioLocal->stdOut); #endif RSTACK_Init(); /* initialize stack */ if (RAPP_SetMessageHandlerTable(handlerTable)!=ERR_OK) { /* assign application message handler */ Err((unsigned char*)"Failed setting message handler!\r\n"); } if (RAPP_SetThisNodeAddr(RNWK_ADDR_BROADCAST)!=ERR_OK) { /* set a default address */ Err((unsigned char*)"Failed setting source address!\r\n"); } #if PL_HAS_SHELL (void)CLS1_ParseWithCommandTable((unsigned char*)CLS1_CMD_HELP, ioLocal, CmdParserTable); #endif for(;;) { #if PL_HAS_SHELL (void)CLS1_ReadAndParseWithCommandTable(localConsole_buf, sizeof(localConsole_buf), ioLocal, CmdParserTable); #endif #if PL_HAS_RSTDIO RSTDIO_Print(ioLocal); /* handle stdout/stderr messages coming in */ (void)CLS1_ReadAndParseWithCommandTable(radio_cmd_buf, sizeof(radio_cmd_buf), ioRemote, CmdParserTable); #endif LED1_Neg(); FRTOS1_vTaskDelay(10/portTICK_RATE_MS); } }
void RNETA_Init(void) { RSTACK_Init(); /* initialize stack */ if (RAPP_SetMessageHandlerTable(handlerTable)!=ERR_OK) { /* assign application message handler */ for(;;){} /* error */ } if (RAPP_SetThisNodeAddr(RNWK_ADDR_BROADCAST)!=ERR_OK) { /* set a default address */ for(;;){} /* error */ } if (FRTOS1_xTaskCreate( RadioTask, /* pointer to the task */ "Radio", /* task name for kernel awareness debugging */ configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, /* task stack size */ (void*)NULL, /* optional task startup argument */ tskIDLE_PRIORITY+1, /* initial priority */ (xTaskHandle*)NULL /* optional task handle to create */ ) != pdPASS) { /*lint -e527 */ for(;;){}; /* error! probably out of memory */ /*lint +e527 */ } }
static void Init(void) { if (RAPP_SetThisNodeAddr(RNWK_ADDR_BROADCAST)!=ERR_OK) { /* set a default address */ APP_DebugPrint((unsigned char*)"ERR: Failed setting node address\r\n"); } }