Esempio n. 1
bool CPersistantDebug::Init()
	// Init CVars
	m_pETLog = REGISTER_INT("cl_ETLog",0,VF_DUMPTODISK,"Logging (0=off, 1=editor.log, 2=editor.log + AIlog.log)");
	m_pETHideAll = REGISTER_INT("cl_ETHideAll",0,VF_DUMPTODISK,"Hide all tags (overrides all other options)");
	m_pETHideBehaviour = REGISTER_INT("cl_ETHideBehaviour",0,VF_DUMPTODISK,"Hide AI behavior tags");
	m_pETHideReadability = REGISTER_INT("cl_ETHideReadability",0,VF_DUMPTODISK,"Hide AI readability tags");
	m_pETHideAIDebug = REGISTER_INT("cl_ETHideAIDebug",0,VF_DUMPTODISK,"Hide AI debug tags");
	m_pETHideFlowgraph = REGISTER_INT("cl_ETHideFlowgraph",0,VF_DUMPTODISK,"Hide tags created by flowgraph");
	m_pETHideScriptBind = REGISTER_INT("cl_ETHideScriptBind",0,VF_DUMPTODISK,"Hide tags created by Lua script");
	m_pETFontSizeMultiplier = REGISTER_FLOAT("cl_ETFontSizeMultiplier",1.0f,VF_DUMPTODISK,"Global font size multiplier");
	m_pETMaxDisplayDistance = REGISTER_FLOAT("cl_ETMaxDisplayDistance",-2.0f,VF_DUMPTODISK,"Max display distance");
	m_pETColorOverrideEnable = REGISTER_INT("cl_ETColorOverrideEnable",0,VF_DUMPTODISK,"Global color override");
	m_pETColorOverrideR = REGISTER_FLOAT("cl_ETColorOverrideR",1.0f,VF_DUMPTODISK,"Global color override (RED)");
	m_pETColorOverrideG = REGISTER_FLOAT("cl_ETColorOverrideG",1.0f,VF_DUMPTODISK,"Global color override (GREEN)");
	m_pETColorOverrideB = REGISTER_FLOAT("cl_ETColorOverrideB",1.0f,VF_DUMPTODISK,"Global color override (BLUE)");

	m_pVisualConsole = REGISTER_INT_CB("VisualConsole", 0, VF_NULL, "writes console to screen", VisualLogCallback);
		m_pVisualConsoleSubStr = REGISTER_STRING("VisualConsoleSubStr", "", VF_NULL, "writes console to screen if it matches substr");


	return true;
Esempio n. 2
bool CEditorGame::Init(ISystem *pSystem,IGameToEditorInterface *pGameToEditorInterface)

	SSystemInitParams startupParams;
    FillSystemInitParams(startupParams, pSystem);

	m_pGameStartup = CreateGameStartup();

	m_pGame = m_pGameStartup->Init(startupParams);

	if (!m_pGame)
		return false;



	m_pEquipmentSystemInterface = new CEquipmentSystemInterface(this, pGameToEditorInterface);

	gEnv->bServer = true;
	gEnv->bMultiplayer = false;

#if !defined(CONSOLE)

	m_bUsingMultiplayerGameRules = (g_pGameCVars->g_multiplayerDefault != 0);

	if (IConsole* pConsole = gEnv->pConsole)
		s_pEditorGameMode = REGISTER_INT_CB("net_gamemode", 0, VF_NULL, "Should editor connect a new client?", &OnChangeEditorMode);


	REGISTER_COMMAND( "net_reseteditorclient", ResetClient, VF_NULL, "Resets player and gamerules!" );


	return true;
Esempio n. 3
void CVar::Init( struct IConsole *pConsole )

	REGISTER_COMMAND("es_dump_entities", (ConsoleCommandFunc)DumpEntities, 0, "Dumps current entities and their states!");
	REGISTER_COMMAND("es_dump_entity_classes_in_use", (ConsoleCommandFunc)DumpEntityClassesInUse, 0, "Dumps all used entity classes");
	REGISTER_COMMAND("es_compile_area_grid", (ConsoleCommandFunc)CompileAreaGrid, 0, "Trigger a recompile of the area grid");
	REGISTER_COMMAND("es_dump_bookmarks", (ConsoleCommandFunc)DumpEntityBookmarks, 0, "Dumps information about all bookmarked entities");
	REGISTER_COMMAND("es_AudioListenerOffset", (ConsoleCommandFunc)SetAudioListenerOffsets, 0,
		"Sets by how much the audio listener offsets its position and rotation in regards to its entity.\n"
		"Usage: es_AudioListenerOffset PosX PosY PosZ RotX RotY RotZ\n");

	REGISTER_CVAR( es_SortUpdatesByClass, 0, 0, "Sort entity updates by class (possible optimization)" );
	pDebug = REGISTER_INT("es_debug",0,VF_CHEAT,
		"Enable entity debugging info\n"
		"Usage: es_debug [0/1]\n"
		"Default is 0 (on).");
	pCharacterIK = REGISTER_INT("p_CharacterIK",1,VF_CHEAT,
		"Toggles character IK.\n"
		"Usage: p_characterik [0/1]\n"
		"Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable inverse kinematics.");	
	pEntityBBoxes = REGISTER_INT("es_bboxes",0,VF_CHEAT,
		"Toggles entity bounding boxes.\n"
		"Usage: es_bboxes [0/1]\n"
		"Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to display bounding boxes.");
	pEntityHelpers = REGISTER_INT("es_helpers",0,VF_CHEAT,
		"Toggles helpers.\n"
		"Usage: es_helpers [0/1]\n"
		"Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to display entity helpers.");
	pProfileEntities = REGISTER_INT("es_profileentities",0,VF_CHEAT,
		"Usage: es_profileentities 1,2,3\n"
		"Default is 0 (off).");
/*	pUpdateInvisibleCharacter = REGISTER_INT("es_UpdateInvisibleCharacter",0,VF_CHEAT,
		"Usage: \n"
		"Default is 0 (off).");
	pUpdateBonePositions = REGISTER_INT("es_UpdateBonePositions",1,VF_CHEAT,
		"Usage: \n"
		"Default is 1 (on).");
*/	pUpdateScript = REGISTER_INT("es_UpdateScript",1,VF_CHEAT,
		"Usage: es_UpdateScript [0/1]\n"
		"Default is 1 (on).");
	pUpdatePhysics = REGISTER_INT("es_UpdatePhysics",1,VF_CHEAT,
		"Toggles updating of entity physics.\n"
		"Usage: es_UpdatePhysics [0/1]\n"
		"Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to prevent entity physics from updating.");
	pUpdateAI = REGISTER_INT("es_UpdateAI",1,VF_CHEAT,
		"Toggles updating of AI entities.\n"
		"Usage: es_UpdateAI [0/1]\n"
		"Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to prevent AI entities from updating.");
	pUpdateEntities = REGISTER_INT("es_UpdateEntities",1,VF_CHEAT,
		"Toggles entity updating.\n"
		"Usage: es_UpdateEntities [0/1]\n"
		"Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to prevent all entities from updating.");
	pUpdateCollision= REGISTER_INT("es_UpdateCollision",1,VF_CHEAT,
		"Toggles updating of entity collisions.\n"
		"Usage: es_UpdateCollision [0/1]\n"
		"Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable entity collision updating.");
	pUpdateContainer= REGISTER_INT("es_UpdateContainer",1,VF_CHEAT,
		"Usage: es_UpdateContainer [0/1]\n"
		"Default is 1 (on).");
	pUpdateTimer = REGISTER_INT("es_UpdateTimer",1,VF_CHEAT,
		"Usage: es_UpdateTimer [0/1]\n"
		"Default is 1 (on).");
	pUpdateCollisionScript = REGISTER_INT("es_UpdateCollisionScript",1,VF_CHEAT,
		"Usage: es_UpdateCollisionScript [0/1]\n"
		"Default is 1 (on).");
	pVisCheckForUpdate = REGISTER_INT("es_VisCheckForUpdate",1,VF_CHEAT,
		"Usage: es_VisCheckForUpdate [0/1]\n"
		"Default is 1 (on).");
	pMinImpulseVel = REGISTER_FLOAT("es_MinImpulseVel",0.0f,VF_CHEAT,
		"Usage: es_MinImpulseVel 0.0");
	pImpulseScale = REGISTER_FLOAT("es_ImpulseScale",0.0f,VF_CHEAT,
		"Usage: es_ImpulseScale 0.0");
	pMaxImpulseAdjMass = REGISTER_FLOAT("es_MaxImpulseAdjMass",2000.0f,VF_CHEAT,
		"Usage: es_MaxImpulseAdjMass 2000.0");
	pDebrisLifetimeScale = REGISTER_FLOAT("es_DebrisLifetimeScale",1.0f,0,
		"Usage: es_DebrisLifetimeScale 1.0");
	pSplashThreshold = REGISTER_FLOAT("es_SplashThreshold",1.0f,VF_CHEAT,
		"minimum instantaneous water resistance that is detected as a splash"
		"Usage: es_SplashThreshold 200.0");
	pSplashTimeout = REGISTER_FLOAT("es_SplashTimeout",3.0f,VF_CHEAT,
		"minimum time interval between consecutive splashes"
		"Usage: es_SplashTimeout 3.0");
	pHitCharacters = REGISTER_INT("es_HitCharacters",1,0,
		"specifies whether alive characters are affected by bullet hits (0 or 1)");
	pHitDeadBodies = REGISTER_INT("es_HitDeadBodies",1,0,
		"specifies whether dead bodies are affected by bullet hits (0 or 1)");
	pCharZOffsetSpeed = REGISTER_FLOAT("es_CharZOffsetSpeed",2.0f,VF_DUMPTODISK,
		"sets the character Z-offset change speed (in m/s), used for IK");

	pNotSeenTimeout = REGISTER_INT("es_not_seen_timeout", 30, VF_DUMPTODISK,
		"number of seconds after which to cleanup temporary render buffers in entity");
	pDebugNotSeenTimeout = REGISTER_INT("es_debug_not_seen_timeout", 0, VF_DUMPTODISK,
		"if true, log messages when entities undergo not seen timeout");

	pEnableFullScriptSave = REGISTER_INT("es_enable_full_script_save",0,
		VF_DUMPTODISK,"Enable (experimental) full script save functionality");
	pLogCollisions = REGISTER_INT("es_log_collisions",0,0,"Enables collision events logging" );
		"This is for profiling and debugging (for game coders and level designer)\n"
		"By enabling this you get a lot of console printouts that show all entities that receive OnTimer\n"
		"events - it's good to minimize the call count. Certain entities might require this feature and\n"
		"using less active entities can often be defined by the level designer.\n"
		"Usage: es_DebugTimers 0/1");
	REGISTER_CVAR(es_DebugFindEntity,0,VF_CHEAT,"" );
	REGISTER_CVAR(es_DebugEvents,0,VF_CHEAT,"Enables logging of entity events" );
	REGISTER_CVAR(es_DisableTriggers,0,0,"Disable enter/leave events for proximity and area triggers");
		"Shows Proximity Triggers.\n"
		"Usage: es_DrawProximityTriggers [0-255].  The parameter sets the transparency (alpha) level.\n"
		"Value 1 will be changed to 70.\n"
		"Default is 0 (off)\n");

		"Draws information to the screen to show how entities are being used, per class, including total, active and hidden counts and memory usage"
		"\nUsage: es_DebugEntityUsage update_rate"
		"\nupdate_rate - Time in ms to refresh memory usage calculation or 0 to disable");
	REGISTER_CVAR(es_DebugEntityUsageFilter,"",0,"Filter entity usage debugging to classes which have this string in their name");

		"Force toggle the use of entity pools on/off.\n"
		"Usage: es_EnablePoolUse 1\n"
		"Default is -1, or normal behavior. 0 forces system off. 1 forces system on.");

	REGISTER_CVAR(es_DebugPool,0,0,"Enable debug drawing of entity pools");
	REGISTER_CVAR(es_TestPoolSignatures,0,VF_CHEAT,"Enable signature testing on entity classes the first time they're prepared from an entity pool");
	REGISTER_CVAR(es_DebugPoolFilter,"",0,"Filter entity pool debugging for just this pool and draw more info about it");

	REGISTER_CVAR(es_LayerSaveLoadSerialization, 0, VF_CHEAT, 
		"Switches layer entity serialization: \n" 
		"0 - serialize all \n"
		"1 - automatically ignore entities on disabled layers \n"
		"2 - only ignore entities on non-save layers.");
	REGISTER_CVAR(es_LayerDebugInfo, 0, VF_CHEAT, 
		"Render debug info on active layers: \n"
		"0 - inactive \n"
		"1 - active brush layers \n"
		"2 - all layer info \n"
		"3 - all layer and all layer pak info");
	REGISTER_CVAR(es_SaveLoadUseLUANoSaveFlag, 0, VF_CHEAT, "Save&Load optimization : use lua flag to not serialize entities, for example rigid bodies.");
	REGISTER_CVAR(es_ClearPoolBookmarksOnLayerUnload, 1, VF_CHEAT, "Clear pool bookmarks when a layer is unloaded (saves memory and makes smaller saves)");
	pUpdateType = REGISTER_INT_CB("es_updateType", CComponentEventDistributer::EEventUpdatePolicy_UseDistributer, VF_CHEAT, "Defines how we update type for the entities", OnUpdateTypeChange);

	pDrawAreas = REGISTER_INT("es_DrawAreas",0,VF_CHEAT,"Enables drawing of Areas" );
	pDrawAreaGrid = REGISTER_INT("es_DrawAreaGrid",0,VF_CHEAT,"Enables drawing of Area Grid" );
	pDrawAreaDebug = REGISTER_INT("es_DrawAreaDebug",0,VF_CHEAT,"Enables debug drawing of Areas, set 2 for log details" );
	pDrawAudioProxyZRay = REGISTER_INT("es_DrawAudioProxyZRay",0,VF_CHEAT,"Enables drawing of Z ray on check for Z visibility" );

	REGISTER_CVAR(es_UsePhysVisibilityChecks, 1, 0,
		"Activates physics quality degradation and forceful sleeping for invisible and faraway entities" );
	REGISTER_CVAR(es_MaxPhysDist, 300.0f, 0,
		"Physical entities farther from the camera than this are forcefully deactivated" );
	REGISTER_CVAR(es_MaxPhysDistCloth, 300.0f, 0,
		"Cloth entities farther from the camera than this are forcefully deactivated" );
	REGISTER_CVAR(es_MaxPhysDistInvisible, 40.0f, 0,
		"Invisible physical entities farther from the camera than this are forcefully deactivated" );
	REGISTER_CVAR(es_FarPhysTimeout, 4.0f, 0,
		"Timeout for faraway physics forceful deactivation" );

  pMotionBlur = gEnv->pConsole->GetCVar("r_MotionBlur");
	pSysSpecLight = gEnv->pConsole->GetCVar("sys_spec_light");
	if (pSysSpecLight && gEnv->IsEditor())
		pSysSpecLight->SetOnChangeCallback( OnSysSpecLightChange );

		"Debug entities creation and deletion time" );

	REGISTER_COMMAND("es_debugAnim", (ConsoleCommandFunc)EnableDebugAnimText, 0, "Debug entity animation (toggle on off)");

  REGISTER_CVAR(es_EntityUpdatePosDelta, 0.1f, 0,
    "Indicates the position delta by which an entity must move before the AreaManager updates position relevant data.\n"
    "Default: 0.1 (10 cm)");

	REGISTER_CVAR(es_debugDrawEntityIDs, 0, VF_CHEAT,
		"Displays the EntityId of all entities.\n"
		"Default is 0 (off), any other number enables it.\n"
		"Note: es_debug must be set to 1 also (or else the EntityId won't be displayed)");