Esempio n. 1
void Agc_trace(
  SEGCTLPTR *heap_segments
  AREA    heap;
  AREA    area;			/* The current area being traced */
  TRACINGSTACK tstack;		/* Stack of areas to be traced */

  SEGCTLPTR segctlp;
  SEGCTLPTR *segctlpp;
  SIZE temp;

#ifndef	A_FUNNY_STEPAREAPTR	/* cop-out for weird architectures */
	/* Check that STEPAREAPTR works correctly on this machine for this nastily aligned structure */
	/* If C compiler does tight packing, this could be a problem for the garbage collector */

	ASSERT_DECL( struct { PTR p1; char c; PTR p2; } *ass_struct = NIL )
	ASSERT_INIT( ( area.addr = (PTR)&ass_struct->c , area.size = sizeof(*ass_struct) ) );
	ASSERT(area.addr == (PTR)&ass_struct->p2,Agc_collect,STEPAREA misbehaving);

  heap.addr = SEGSTART( *heap_segments ); heap.size = 0 ;/* inital values to be improved in loop*/

  REPORT1(3, "%s\n", "Started trace... setting up bitmaps...");

  for ( segctlp = *heap_segments; segctlp != NIL; segctlp = segctlp->next )
    REPORT6(6,"Agc_collect{mark}: segctlp=0x%p, elsize=%d, start=0x%p, end=0x%p, size=%d,els=%d\n",
	    (void *)segctlp,SEGELSIZE(segctlp),(void *)SEGSTART(segctlp),(void *)SEGEND(segctlp),SEGSIZE(segctlp),SEGELS(segctlp));

    if ( ! ( SEGELSIZE( segctlp ) > 0 && (char *)SEGEND( segctlp ) > (char *)SEGSTART( segctlp ) ) )
      /* Segment control information has been corrupted. */
      /* Most likely this is because of a user scope/bound error, or CTRANS bug; though possibly a collector bug. */
      GC_ERROR(HEAP segments corrupt);

    if ( (char *)SEGSTART( segctlp ) < (char *)(heap.addr) )
      heap.size += (SIZE)((char *)(heap.addr) - (char *)SEGSTART( segctlp ));
      heap.addr = SEGSTART( segctlp );
    if ( SEGEND( segctlp ) > (PTR)((char *)(heap.addr)+heap.size) )
      heap.size = (SIZE)((char *)SEGEND( segctlp ) - (char*)(heap.addr));

    GRAB_BITMAP( segctlp->bitmap, SEGELS( segctlp ) + 3 );
    SETMARK( segctlp->bitmap, SEGELS( segctlp ) + 0 );
    ASSERT(!TSTMARK(segctlp->bitmap,SEGELS(segctlp)+1),Agc_collect,bitmap trailer set at grab);
    SETMARK( segctlp->bitmap, SEGELS( segctlp ) + 2 );
    /* create an artificial endpoint which can be scanned to */
    REPORT2(6,"Agc_collect:\t\tbitmap, ptr=0x%p, size=%d\n", (void *)(segctlp->bitmap), SEGELS( segctlp ));

  REPORT2(5,"Agc_collect: heap address=0x%p, heap size=%d\n",(void *)heap.addr,heap.size);

  ASSERT_INIT(PUSH(tstack,(PTR)Agc_collect,-42)); /* Assertion mark */
  PUSH(tstack, NIL, 0);				  /* identifies exhausted stack */

  REPORT1(3, "%s\n", "Initialising stack scan...");

  INIT_AREA(area);   /* set area to first area to search - could also PUSH
                        any additional areas (or use NEXT_AREA) */

    for ( ; !NILAREA(area); /* POP() at end of loop as it may contain statements */ )

      REPORT3(6,"Agc_collect: AREA scan, ptr=0x%p -> 0x%p, size=%d\n",
	      (void *)area.addr,(void *)((char *)area.addr+area.size),area.size);

      ASSERT(area.size >= 0 && area.size < 100*1024*1024 /* 100Mb */,Agc_collect,area size not sensible);

      for ( ; area.size >= sizeof(PTR); STEPAREA(area) )
	SIZE	els, el_in_seg;

	PTR p = * (PTR *) area.addr; /* View word as a pointer */

	REPORT3(9,"Agc_collect: AREA scan step, ptr=0x%p, size=%d, p=0x%p\n",
		(void *)area.addr,area.size,(void *)p);

	/* Continue loop if 'p' is unlikely to be a heap pointer.			*/
	/* Keeping the loop small may help some machines with small instruction caches.	*/

	if ( !VALIDPTR( p ) || !PTRINAREA(p,heap) ) continue;

	/* p is very likely to be a heap pointer */

	for ( segctlpp = heap_segments; (segctlp = *segctlpp) != NIL; segctlpp = &((segctlp)->next ))
	  if ( (char *)p >= (char *)SEGSTART(segctlp) && (char *)p < (char *)SEGEND(segctlp) )
	    /* Segment for heap pointer */

	    goto found_segment;

	/* Not a valid heap pointer */

	continue;		/* back to STEPAREA loop */


	REPORT3(6,"Agc_collect, found_segment: ptr=0x%p, segctlp=0x%p, elsize=%d\n",
		(void *)p,(void *)segctlp,SEGELSIZE(segctlp));

	 **  	Move segment to front of segment list, to effect a 'cacheing' as in allocation.
	 **	We believe that there is locality in types of heap pointers,
	 **	(consider lists and trees) so it is likely that next
	 **	lookup will immediately succeed.
	 **	However a fast search startegy might be better ???
	 **	Note that typical programs only have a small number of segs,
	 **	many of which are infrequently used.
	 **		Multics Algol68 compiler uses 12 segs;
	 **		ELLA uses ??? segs.

	*segctlpp = segctlp->next;
	segctlp->next = *heap_segments;
	*heap_segments = segctlp;

	 * Ignore pointers that are not word aligned,
	 * unless in a segment of objects of size that is not a multiple of word.

	if ( (SEGELSIZE(segctlp) & (WORDSIZE-1)) == 0 && (((CODEDPTR)(p) & (WORDSIZE-1)) != 0) )
	  continue;		/* p not to word aligned object, forget it */

	 * Ignore pointers that are not long word aligned,
	 * unless in a segment of objects of size that is not a multiple of long word.

	if ( (SEGELSIZE(segctlp) & (sizeof(long)-1)) == 0 && (((CODEDPTR)(p) & (sizeof(long)-1)) != 0) )
	  continue;		/* p not to long aligned object, forget it */

	IDENTIFY_ALIGN_EL( p, el_in_seg, segctlp );

	/* Ignore pointers that point within objects	*/
	/* This could be implemented more efficiently	*/

	if ( p != * (PTR *) area.addr )
	  continue;		/* p not to start of element, forget it */

#ifdef	NO_GCMARK
	els = 1;
	ANAL_DESC( els, p, area );

	REPORT3(6,"Agc_collect, aligned and analysed ptr: ptr=0x%p, element in seg=%d, elements=%d\n",
		(void *)p,el_in_seg,els);

      /* Interpret this as half word aligned (2byte) DJS 8/12/94 */
	/* +++ !!! ???
	 ** Crappy quick fix to keep elements word aligned for the Apollo
	 ** (also done for Sun/68000, though it has not been proved that this is necessary).
	 ** Apollo does not permit word objects to be aligned at any byte boundry,
	 ** even though 68020/68030 does.  This must be because C compiler generates
	 ** strange code, or page faults for words that straddle page boundries are
	 ** handled badly.

	if ( SEGELSIZE(segctlp) == 1 )
	  if ( (long)p & 1 )

	  if ( els & 1 )

	  if ( els <= 1 || els > SEGELS(segctlp) || p+(els*SEGELSIZE(segctlp)) > SEGEND(segctlp) )
	    els = 2;

	  REPORT3(6,"Agc_collect, adjusted to: ptr=0x%x, element in seg=%d, elements=%d\n",

	  goto els_sensible;


	/* +++ !!! ???
	 ** Crappy quick fix to keep elements word aligned.

	if ( SEGELSIZE(segctlp) == 1 )
	  if ( !WORDALIGNED(p) )
	    int	offset = (int)((CODEDPTR)p & (WORDSIZE-1));
	    p = (char *)p - offset;
	    el_in_seg -= offset;
	    els += offset;

	  if ( !WORDALIGNED(els) )
	    els = (SIZE)ALIGN_NEXT(els,WORDSIZE);

	  if ( (els < WORDSIZE) || (els > SEGELS(segctlp)) || ((char *)p+(els*SEGELSIZE(segctlp)) > (char *)SEGEND(segctlp) ))
	    els = WORDSIZE;

	  REPORT3(6,"Agc_collect, adjusted to: ptr=0x%p, element in seg=%d, elements=%d\n",
		  (void *)p,el_in_seg,els);

	  goto els_sensible;

	/* 'els' may be a very silly number, check it is reasonable	*/
	/* before doing arithmetic that may overflow.			*/

	if ( els <= 1 || els > SEGELS(segctlp) || (char *)p+(els*SEGELSIZE(segctlp)) > (char *)SEGEND(segctlp) )
	  /* els = 1; assumed in case array descriptor mis analysed, the ptr is still valid */

	  if ( !TSTMARK( segctlp->bitmap, el_in_seg ) )
	    SETMARK( segctlp->bitmap, el_in_seg );

	    if ( SEGELSIZE(segctlp) >= PTRSIZE )
	      /* need only scan elements that are large enough to hold pointer */
	      PUSH( tstack, p, SEGELSIZE(segctlp) );

	      REPORT2(6,"Agc_collect: PUSH( ptr=0x%p, size=%d )\n",
		      (void *)p,SEGELSIZE(segctlp));
	  CALCTSTMARKS( segctlp->bitmap, el_in_seg, els, temp );
	  if ( !RESTSTMARKS( segctlp->bitmap, el_in_seg, els, temp ) )
	     ** At least one element in area has not been marked before.
	     ** We could just mark and push unmarked areas,
	     ** but this complicates logic for a fairly rare eventuality,
	     ** mainly caused by the trimming of heap rows.

	    SETMARKS( segctlp->bitmap, el_in_seg, els );

	    if ( SEGELSIZE(segctlp) >= PTRSIZE )
	      /* need only scan elements that are large enough to hold pointer */
	      PUSH( tstack, p, els*SEGELSIZE(segctlp) );

	      REPORT2(6,"Agc_collect: PUSH( ptr=0x%p, size=%d )\n",
		      (void *)p,els*SEGELSIZE(segctlp));
      area = POP(tstack);
    /* Stack is exhausted, replace end marker */

    PUSH(tstack, NIL, 0);	/* identifies exhausted stack */


    REPORT2(6,"Agc_collect: NEXT_AREA, ptr=0x%p, size=%d\n",(void *)area.addr,area.size);
  while( area.addr != NIL );

  area = POP(tstack);		/* pop of (NIL, 0) to leave stack empty and tidy before calling FREE_STACK() */

  ASSERT_INIT( area=POP(tstack) );
  ASSERT(area.addr == (PTR)Agc_collect && area.size == -42,Agc_collect,tracing stack misuse);

  REPORT1(3, "%s\n", "End of trace");
Esempio n. 2
pcsl_mem_malloc_impl0(unsigned int size, char* filename, int lineno) {
pcsl_mem_malloc_impl0(unsigned int size) {
    unsigned int   numBytesToAllocate = size;
    void*          loc     = NULL;
    _PcslMemHdrPtr tempHdr = NULL;
    char*          temp    = NULL;
    char*          pcslMemoryPtr;
    _PcslMemHdrPtr pcslMemoryHdr;

    int   guardSize = 0;
    void* guardPos = NULL;
    int   i = 0;
    numBytesToAllocate += GUARD_SIZE;

    while ( (numBytesToAllocate & ALIGNMENT) != 0 ) {

    /* find a free slot */
    for (pcslMemoryPtr = PcslMemoryStart;
         pcslMemoryPtr < PcslMemoryEnd;
         pcslMemoryPtr += pcslMemoryHdr->size + sizeof(_PcslMemHdr)) {
        pcslMemoryHdr = (_PcslMemHdrPtr)pcslMemoryPtr;
        if (pcslMemoryHdr->magic != MAGIC) {
            REPORT1("ERROR: Memory corruption at 0x%p\n", pcslMemoryPtr); 
            return((void *) 0);
        } else {
            while ( 1 ) {
                /* coalescing */
                if (pcslMemoryHdr->free == 1) {
                    /* if current block is free */
                    temp = (char*)pcslMemoryHdr;
                    temp += pcslMemoryHdr->size + sizeof(_PcslMemHdr);
                    tempHdr = (_PcslMemHdrPtr)temp;

                    if ((temp < PcslMemoryEnd) && 
                        (tempHdr->free == 1) && (tempHdr->magic == MAGIC)) {
                        /* and the next block is free too */
                        /* then coalesce */
                        pcslMemoryHdr->size += tempHdr->size
                            + sizeof(_PcslMemHdr);
                        pcslMemoryHdr->guardSize = 0;
                        REPORT2("DEBUG: Coalescing blocks 0x%p and 0x%p\n",
                                pcslMemoryHdr, tempHdr);

                    } else {
                } else {
            } /* while */

            /* allocating */
            if ((pcslMemoryHdr->free == 1) && 
                (pcslMemoryHdr->size >= numBytesToAllocate)) {
                if (pcslMemoryHdr->size > (numBytesToAllocate 
                                              + sizeof(_PcslMemHdr) + 4)) {
                    /* split block */
                    _PcslMemHdrPtr nextHdr;
                    nextHdr = (_PcslMemHdrPtr)((char *)pcslMemoryPtr
                                               + numBytesToAllocate
                                               + sizeof(_PcslMemHdr));
                    nextHdr->magic = MAGIC;
                    nextHdr->free = 1;
                    nextHdr->size = pcslMemoryHdr->size 
                                    - numBytesToAllocate 
                                    - sizeof(_PcslMemHdr);
                    nextHdr->guard    = GUARD_WORD;
                    nextHdr->guardSize = 0;
                    pcslMemoryHdr->size     = numBytesToAllocate;
                pcslMemoryHdr->free     = 0;
                loc = (void*)((char*)pcslMemoryHdr + sizeof(_PcslMemHdr));

                pcslMemoryHdr->guard    = GUARD_WORD;      /* Add head guard */
                pcslMemoryHdr->filename = filename;
                pcslMemoryHdr->lineno   = lineno;

                /* Add tail guard */
                guardSize = pcslMemoryHdr->size - size;

                pcslMemoryHdr->guardSize = guardSize;
                guardPos = (void*)((char*)loc + pcslMemoryHdr->size 
                                   - guardSize);
                for(i=0; i<guardSize; i++) {
                    ((unsigned char*)guardPos)[i] = GUARD_BYTE;
                PcslMemoryAllocated += numBytesToAllocate;
                if (PcslMemoryAllocated > PcslMemoryHighWaterMark) {
                    PcslMemoryHighWaterMark = PcslMemoryAllocated;

                report("DEBUG: Requested %d provided %d at 0x%p\n",
                       numBytesToAllocate, pcslMemoryHdr->size, loc);
                print_alloc("allocated", filename, lineno);
            } /* end of allocating */
        } /* end of else */
    } /* end of for */
    REPORT1("DEBUG: Unable to allocate %d bytes\n", numBytesToAllocate);
    return((void *)0);