Esempio n. 1
void fifo_send_char(uint8_t c)
#ifdef __AVR_XMEGA__
        if ((FIFO_CTL_PORT.IN & _BV(FIFO_TXE_N)) !=  _BV(FIFO_TXE_N))
                FIFO_DATA_PORT.DIR = 0xff;
                #ifdef  FIFO_BIT_REVERSE
                FIFO_DATA_PORT.OUT = c;
                FIFO_DATA_PORT.DIR = 0xff;
                FIFO_CTL_PORT.OUTCLR = _BV(FIFO_WR_N);
                FIFO_DATA_PORT.DIR = 0;
                FIFO_CTL_PORT.OUTSET = _BV(FIFO_WR_N);
#else // __AVR_XMEGA__
        if ((FIFO_CTL_PORT_PIN & _BV(FIFO_TXE_N)) !=  _BV(FIFO_TXE_N))
                FIFO_DATA_PORT_DDR = 0xff;
                #ifdef  FIFO_BIT_REVERSE
                FIFO_DATA_PORT = c;
                FIFO_DATA_PORT_DDR = 0xff;
                FIFO_CTL_PORT &= ~_BV(FIFO_WR_N);
                FIFO_DATA_PORT_DDR = 0;
                FIFO_CTL_PORT |= _BV(FIFO_WR_N);
#endif // __AVR_XMEGA__
Esempio n. 2
void __attribute__ ((always_inline))  fifo_send_char(uint8_t c)
#ifdef __AVR_XMEGA__
    if ((FIFO_CTL_PORT.IN & FIFO_TXE_N_bm) !=  FIFO_TXE_N_bm)
        FIFO_DATA_PORT.DIR = 0xff;
        #ifdef  FIFO_BIT_REVERSE
        FIFO_DATA_PORT.OUT = c;
        FIFO_DATA_PORT.DIR = 0xff;
        FIFO_DATA_PORT.DIR = 0;
#else // __AVR_XMEGA__
    if ((FIFO_CTL_PORT_PIN & FIFO_TXE_N_bm) !=  FIFO_TXE_N_bm)
        FIFO_DATA_PORT_DDR = 0xff;
        #ifdef  FIFO_BIT_REVERSE
        FIFO_DATA_PORT = c;
        FIFO_DATA_PORT_DDR = 0xff;
        FIFO_CTL_PORT &= ~FIFO_WR_N_bm;
        FIFO_DATA_PORT_DDR = 0;
        FIFO_CTL_PORT |= FIFO_WR_N_bm;
#endif // __AVR_XMEGA__
static int s353xxa_rtc_set_time(struct device *dev, struct rtc_time *t)
	struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
	struct i2c_msg msgs[1];
	u8 buf[7];
	int ret;


	DEBUG_INFO("SET : %d/%d/%d(%d) %d:%d:%d\n",
		   t->tm_year + 2000, t->tm_mon + 1, t->tm_mday, t->tm_wday,
		   t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec);

	t->tm_year -= 100;
	t->tm_mon += 1;

	buf[0] = REVERSE(BIN2BCD(t->tm_year));
	buf[1] = REVERSE(BIN2BCD(t->tm_mon));
	buf[2] = REVERSE(BIN2BCD(t->tm_mday));
	buf[3] = REVERSE(BIN2BCD(t->tm_wday));
	buf[4] = REVERSE(BIN2BCD(t->tm_hour));
	buf[5] = REVERSE(BIN2BCD(t->tm_min));
	buf[6] = REVERSE(BIN2BCD(t->tm_sec));

	set_i2c_msg(&msgs[0], client->addr | 0x2, 0, 7, buf);
	ret = i2c_transfer(client->adapter, msgs, 1);
	if (ret != 1) {
		return -EIO;

	return 0;
static int s353xxa_rtc_read_time(struct device *dev, struct rtc_time *t)
	struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
	struct i2c_msg msgs[1];
	u8 buf[7];
	int ret;


	set_i2c_msg(&msgs[0], client->addr | 0x2, I2C_M_RD, 7, buf);
	ret = i2c_transfer(client->adapter, msgs, 1);
	if (ret != 1)
		return -EIO;

	t->tm_year = BCD2BIN(REVERSE(buf[0]));
	t->tm_mon = BCD2BIN(REVERSE(buf[1]));
	t->tm_mday = BCD2BIN(REVERSE(buf[2]));
	t->tm_wday = BCD2BIN(REVERSE(buf[3]));
	t->tm_hour = BCD2BIN(REVERSE(buf[4]) & 0x3f);
	t->tm_min = BCD2BIN(REVERSE(buf[5]));
	t->tm_sec = BCD2BIN(REVERSE(buf[6]));

	t->tm_year += 100;
	t->tm_mon -= 1;

	DEBUG_INFO("READ: %d/%d/%d(%d) %d:%d:%d\n",
		   t->tm_year + 1900, t->tm_mon + 1, t->tm_mday, t->tm_wday,
		   t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 5
uint8_t __attribute__ ((always_inline)) fifo_cur_char(void)
    uint8_t ret;
#ifdef __AVR_XMEGA__
    ret = FIFO_DATA_PORT.IN;
    #ifdef  FIFO_BIT_REVERSE
#else // __AVR_XMEGA__
    #ifdef  FIFO_BIT_REVERSE
#endif // __AVR_XMEGA__
    return ret;
Esempio n. 6
uint8_t fifo_cur_char(void)
        uint8_t ret;
#ifdef __AVR_XMEGA__
        ret = FIFO_DATA_PORT.IN;
        #ifdef  FIFO_BIT_REVERSE
#else // __AVR_XMEGA__
        FIFO_CTL_PORT &= ~_BV(FIFO_RD_N);
        ret = FIFO_DATA_PORT_PIN;
        #ifdef  FIFO_BIT_REVERSE
        FIFO_CTL_PORT |= _BV(FIFO_RD_N);
#endif // __AVR_XMEGA__
        return ret;
Esempio n. 7
static void FPath_Format (EncodeFlags f, const Packet* p, Packet* c, Layer* lyr)
    FPathHdr* ch = (FPathHdr*)lyr->start;

    if ( REVERSE(f) )
        int i = lyr - c->layers;
        FPathHdr* ph = (FPathHdr*)p->layers[i].start;

        memcpy(ch->fpath_dst, ph->fpath_src, sizeof(ch->fpath_dst));
        memcpy(ch->fpath_src, ph->fpath_dst, sizeof(ch->fpath_src));
Esempio n. 8
//Writes a byte of data to the LCD.
void writeLcd(u08 data)
	//Reverse the bit order of the data, due to LCD connections to data bus being backwards.
	//set the LCD's E (Enable) line high, so it can fall later
	sbi(PORTD, 6);
	//write the data to the bus
	PORTC = data;
	//delay to allow the data to fully propagate to the LCD
	//set the LCD's E (Enable) line low to latch in the data
	cbi(PORTD, 6);
Esempio n. 9
static void Eth_Format (EncodeFlags f, const Packet* p, Packet* c, Layer* lyr)
    EtherHdr* ch = (EtherHdr*)lyr->start;
    c->eh = ch;

    if ( REVERSE(f) )
        int i = lyr - c->layers;
        EtherHdr* ph = (EtherHdr*)p->layers[i].start;

        memcpy(ch->ether_dst, ph->ether_src, sizeof(ch->ether_dst));
        memcpy(ch->ether_src, ph->ether_dst, sizeof(ch->ether_src));
Esempio n. 10
 * Reed - Solomon Encoder. The Encoder uses a shift register algorithm,
 * as detailed in _Applied Modern Algebra_ by Dornhoff and Hohn (p.446).
 * Note that the message is reversed in the code array; this was done to
 * allow for (emergency) recovery of the message directly from the
 * data stream.
extern void ecc_encode(uint8_t m[ECC_PAYLOAD], uint8_t c[ECC_CAPACITY])
	uint8_t r[ECC_OFFSET] = { 0x0 };

	for (int i = 0; i < ECC_PAYLOAD; i++)
		c[(ECC_CAPACITY - 1) - i] = m[i];
		uint8_t rtmp = GF_ADD(m[i], r[5]);
		for (int j = ECC_OFFSET - 1; j > 0; j--)
			r[j] = GF_ADD(GF_MUL(rtmp, g[j]), r[j - 1]);
		r[0] = GF_MUL(rtmp, g[0]);
	for (int i = 0; i < ECC_OFFSET; i++)
		c[i] = r[i];

Esempio n. 11
//Writes a byte of data to the LCD.
void writeLcd(u08 data)
	//Reverse the bit order of the data, due to LCD connections to data bus being backwards.
	//The variable has local scope, so this can be done before the interrupts are disabled.
	//Disable interrupts to prevent the servo ISR (which shares the same data bus) 
	//from interrupting in the middle of the sequence and messing with the bus.
	//set the LCD's E (Enable) line high, so it can fall later
	sbi(PORTD, 6);
	//write the data to the bus
	PORTC = data;
	//delay to allow the data to fully propagate to the LCD
	//set the LCD's E (Enable) line low to latch in the data
	cbi(PORTD, 6);
	//re-enable interrupts
Esempio n. 12
//! Writes a byte of data to the LCD.
static void writeLcd(u08 data)
	//Reverse the bit order of the data, due to LCD connections to the data bus being backwards.
	//This line doesn't affect the bus, so this can be done before the interrupts are disabled.
	//Disable interrupts in this block to prevent the servo ISR (which shares the same data bus)
	//from interrupting in the middle of the sequence and messing with the bus.
	//ATOMIC_RESTORESTATE is used so that this function can be called from
	//user code/ISRs without unexpected side effects.
		//set the LCD's E (Enable) line high, so it can fall later
		sbi(PORTD, PD6);
		//write the data to the bus
		PORTC = data;
		//brief delay to allow the data to fully propagate to the LCD
		//set the LCD's E (Enable) line low to latch in the data
		cbi(PORTD, PD6);
Esempio n. 13
static void IP4_Format (EncodeFlags f, const Packet* p, Packet* c, Layer* lyr)
    // TBD handle nested ip layers
    IPHdr* ch = (IPHdr*)lyr->start;
    c->iph = ch;

    if ( REVERSE(f) )
        int i = lyr - c->layers;
        IPHdr* ph = (IPHdr*)p->layers[i].start;

        ch->ip_src.s_addr = ph->ip_dst.s_addr;
        ch->ip_dst.s_addr = ph->ip_src.s_addr;
    if ( f & ENC_FLAG_DEF )
        int i = lyr - c->layers;
        if ( i + 1 == p->next_layer )
            lyr->length = sizeof(*ch);
            ch->ip_len = htons(lyr->length);
            SET_IP_HLEN(ch, lyr->length >> 2);
Esempio n. 14
 * Full implementation of the three error correcting Peterson decoder. For
 * t<6, it is faster than Massey - Berlekamp. It is also somewhat more
 * intuitive.
extern void ecc_decode(uint8_t code[ECC_CAPACITY], uint8_t mesg[ECC_CAPACITY], int *errcode)

	uint8_t syn[ECC_OFFSET + 1], deter, z[4], e0, e1, e2, n0, n1, n2, w0, w1, w2, x0, x[3];
	int sols;

	*errcode = 0;

	 * First, get the message out of the code, so that even if we can't correct
	 * it, we return an estimate.
	for (int i = 0; i < ECC_PAYLOAD; i++)
		mesg[i] = code[(ECC_CAPACITY - 1) - i];

	syndrome(code, syn);

	if (syn[0] == 0)

	 * We now know we have at least one error. If there are no errors detected,
	 * we assume that something funny is going on, and so return with errcode 4,
	 * else pass the number of errors back via errcode.
	errnum(syn, &deter, errcode);

	if (*errcode == 4)

	/* Having obtained the syndrome, the number of errors, and the determinant,
	 * we now proceed to correct the block.	If we do not find exactly the
	 * number of solutions equal to the number of errors, we have exceeded our
	 * error capacity, and return with the block uncorrected, and errcode 4.

	switch (*errcode)
		case 1:
			x0 = GF_MUL(syn[2], GF_INV(syn[1]));
			w0 = GF_MUL(GF_EXP(syn[1], 2), GF_INV(syn[2]));
			if (v2e[x0] > 5)
				mesg[(ECC_CAPACITY - 1) - v2e[x0]] = GF_ADD(mesg[(ECC_CAPACITY - 1) - v2e[x0]], w0);

		case 2:
			z[0] = GF_MUL(GF_ADD(GF_MUL(syn[1], syn[3]), GF_EXP(syn[2], 2)), GF_INV(deter));
			z[1] = GF_MUL(GF_ADD(GF_MUL(syn[2], syn[3]), GF_MUL(syn[1], syn[4])), GF_INV(deter));
			z[2] = 1;
			z[3] = 0;
			polysolve(z, x, &sols);
			if (sols != 2)
				*errcode = 4;
			w0 = GF_MUL(z[0], syn[1]);
			w1 = GF_ADD(GF_MUL(z[0], syn[2]), GF_MUL(z[1], syn[1]));
			n0 = (ECC_CAPACITY - 1) - v2e[GF_INV(x[0])];
			n1 = (ECC_CAPACITY - 1) - v2e[GF_INV(x[1])];
			e0 = GF_MUL(GF_ADD(w0, GF_MUL(w1, x[0])), GF_INV(z[1]));
			e1 = GF_MUL(GF_ADD(w0, GF_MUL(w1, x[1])), GF_INV(z[1]));
			if (n0 < ECC_PAYLOAD)
				mesg[n0] = GF_ADD(mesg[n0], e0);
			if (n1 < ECC_PAYLOAD)
				mesg[n1] = GF_ADD(mesg[n1], e1);

		case 3:
			z[3] = 1;
			z[2] = GF_MUL(syn[1], GF_MUL(syn[4], syn[6]));
			z[2] = GF_ADD(z[2], GF_MUL(syn[1], GF_MUL(syn[5], syn[5])));
			z[2] = GF_ADD(z[2], GF_MUL(syn[5], GF_MUL(syn[3], syn[3])));
			z[2] = GF_ADD(z[2], GF_MUL(syn[3], GF_MUL(syn[4], syn[4])));
			z[2] = GF_ADD(z[2], GF_MUL(syn[2], GF_MUL(syn[5], syn[4])));
			z[2] = GF_ADD(z[2], GF_MUL(syn[2], GF_MUL(syn[3], syn[6])));
			z[2] = GF_MUL(z[2], GF_INV(deter));

			z[1] = GF_MUL(syn[1], GF_MUL(syn[3], syn[6]));
			z[1] = GF_ADD(z[1], GF_MUL(syn[1], GF_MUL(syn[5], syn[4])));
			z[1] = GF_ADD(z[1], GF_MUL(syn[4], GF_MUL(syn[3], syn[3])));
			z[1] = GF_ADD(z[1], GF_MUL(syn[2], GF_MUL(syn[4], syn[4])));
			z[1] = GF_ADD(z[1], GF_MUL(syn[2], GF_MUL(syn[3], syn[5])));
			z[1] = GF_ADD(z[1], GF_MUL(syn[2], GF_MUL(syn[2], syn[6])));
			z[1] = GF_MUL(z[1], GF_INV(deter));

			z[0] = GF_MUL(syn[2], GF_MUL(syn[3], syn[4]));
			z[0] = GF_ADD(z[0], GF_MUL(syn[3], GF_MUL(syn[2], syn[4])));
			z[0] = GF_ADD(z[0], GF_MUL(syn[3], GF_MUL(syn[5], syn[1])));
			z[0] = GF_ADD(z[0], GF_MUL(syn[4], GF_MUL(syn[4], syn[1])));
			z[0] = GF_ADD(z[0], GF_MUL(syn[3], GF_MUL(syn[3], syn[3])));
			z[0] = GF_ADD(z[0], GF_MUL(syn[2], GF_MUL(syn[2], syn[5])));
			z[0] = GF_MUL(z[0], GF_INV(deter));

			polysolve (z, x, &sols);
			if (sols != 3)
				*errcode = 4;

			w0 = GF_MUL(z[0], syn[1]);
			w1 = GF_ADD(GF_MUL(z[0], syn[2]), GF_MUL(z[1], syn[1]));
			w2 = GF_ADD(GF_MUL(z[0], syn[3]), GF_ADD(GF_MUL(z[1], syn[2]), GF_MUL(z[2], syn[1])));

			n0 = (ECC_CAPACITY - 1) - v2e[GF_INV(x[0])];
			n1 = (ECC_CAPACITY - 1) - v2e[GF_INV(x[1])];
			n2 = (ECC_CAPACITY - 1) - v2e[GF_INV(x[2])];

			e0 = GF_ADD(w0, GF_ADD(GF_MUL(w1, x[0]), GF_MUL(w2, GF_EXP(x[0], 2))));
			e0 = GF_MUL(e0, GF_INV(GF_ADD(z[1], GF_EXP(x[0], 2))));
			e1 = GF_ADD(w0, GF_ADD(GF_MUL(w1, x[1]), GF_MUL(w2, GF_EXP(x[1], 2))));
			e1 = GF_MUL(e1, GF_INV(GF_ADD(z[1], GF_EXP(x[1], 2))));
			e2 = GF_ADD(w0, GF_ADD(GF_MUL(w1, x[2]), GF_MUL(w2, GF_EXP(x[2], 2))));
			e2 = GF_MUL(e2, GF_INV(GF_ADD(z[1], GF_EXP(x[2], 2))));

			if (n0 < ECC_PAYLOAD)
				mesg[n0] = GF_ADD(mesg[n0], e0);
			if (n1 < ECC_PAYLOAD)
				mesg[n1] = GF_ADD(mesg[n1], e1);
			if (n2 < ECC_PAYLOAD)
				mesg[n2] = GF_ADD(mesg[n2], e2);
Esempio n. 15
static inline so_key_t so_dummykey(const key_t key)
    return REVERSE(key);
Esempio n. 16
static inline so_key_t so_regularkey(const key_t key)
    return REVERSE(key | MSB);
Esempio n. 17
int main(int argc, char **argv){

  int               iter, r;    /* dummies                                        */
  int               lsize;      /* logarithmic linear size of grid                */
  int               lsize2;     /* logarithmic size of grid                       */
  int               size;       /* linear size of grid                            */
  s64Int            size2;      /* matrix order (=total # points in grid)         */
  int               radius,     /* stencil parameters                             */
  s64Int            row, col, first, last; /* dummies                             */
  s64Int            i, j;       /* dummies                                        */
  int               iterations; /* number of times the multiplication is done     */
  s64Int            elm;        /* sequence number of matrix nonzero              */
  s64Int            nent;       /* number of nonzero entries                      */
  double            sparsity;   /* fraction of non-zeroes in matrix               */
  double            sparse_time,/* timing parameters                              */
                    avgtime = 0.0, 
                    maxtime = 0.0, 
                    mintime = 366.0*24.0*3600.0; /* set the minimum time to 
                             a large value; one leap year should be enough        */
  double * RESTRICT matrix;     /* sparse matrix entries                          */
  double * RESTRICT vector;     /* vector multiplying the sparse matrix           */
  double * RESTRICT result;     /* computed matrix-vector product                 */
  double            temp;       /* temporary scalar storing reduction data        */
  double            vector_sum; /* checksum of result                             */
  double            reference_sum; /* checksum of "rhs"                           */
  double            epsilon = 1.e-8; /* error tolerance                           */
  s64Int * RESTRICT colIndex;   /* column indices of sparse matrix entries        */
  int               nthread_input,  /* thread parameters                          */
  int               num_error=0; /* flag that signals that requested and 
                                   obtained numbers of threads are the same       */
  size_t            vector_space, /* variables used to hold malloc sizes          */

  if (argc != 5) {
    printf("Usage: %s <# threads> <# iterations> <2log grid size> <stencil radius>\n",*argv);

  /* Take number of threads to request from command line                          */
  nthread_input = atoi(*++argv); 

  if ((nthread_input < 1) || (nthread_input > MAX_THREADS)) {
    printf("ERROR: Invalid number of threads: %d\n", nthread_input);

  iterations = atoi(*++argv);
  if (iterations < 1){
    printf("ERROR: Iterations must be positive : %d \n", iterations);

  lsize = atoi(*++argv);
  lsize2 = 2*lsize;
  size = 1<<lsize;
  if (lsize <0) {
    printf("ERROR: Log of grid size must be greater than or equal to zero: %d\n", 
           (int) lsize);
  /* compute number of points in the grid                                         */
  size2 = size*size;

  radius = atoi(*++argv);
  if (radius <0) {
    printf("ERROR: Stencil radius must be non-negative: %d\n", (int) size);

  /* emit error if (periodic) stencil overlaps with itself                        */
  if (size <2*radius+1) {
    printf("ERROR: Grid extent %d smaller than stencil diameter 2*%d+1= %d\n",
           size, radius, radius*2+1);
  /* compute total size of star stencil in 2D                                     */
  stencil_size = 4*radius+1;
  /* sparsity follows from number of non-zeroes per row                           */
  sparsity = (double)(4*radius+1)/(double)size2;

  /* compute total number of non-zeroes                                           */
  nent = size2*stencil_size;

  matrix_space = nent*sizeof(double);
  if (matrix_space/sizeof(double) != nent) {
    printf("ERROR: Cannot represent space for matrix: %ld\n", matrix_space);

  matrix = (double *) malloc(matrix_space);
  if (!matrix) {
    printf("ERROR: Could not allocate space for sparse matrix: "FSTR64U"\n", nent);

  vector_space = 2*size2*sizeof(double);
  if (vector_space/sizeof(double) != 2*size2) {
    printf("ERROR: Cannot represent space for vectors: %ld\n", vector_space);

  vector = (double *) malloc(vector_space);
  if (!vector) {
    printf("ERROR: Could not allocate space for vectors: %d\n", (int)(2*size2));
  result = vector + size2;

  index_space = nent*sizeof(s64Int);
  if (index_space/sizeof(s64Int) != nent) {
    printf("ERROR: Cannot represent space for column indices: %ld\n", index_space);
  colIndex = (s64Int *) malloc(index_space);
  if (!colIndex) {
    printf("ERROR: Could not allocate space for column indices: "FSTR64U"\n",

  #pragma omp parallel private (row, col, elm, first, last, iter)

  #pragma omp master 
  nthread = omp_get_num_threads();

  printf("OpenMP Sparse matrix-vector multiplication\n");
  if (nthread != nthread_input) {
    num_error = 1;
    printf("ERROR: number of requested threads %d does not equal ",
    printf("number of spawned threads %d\n", nthread);
  else {
    printf("Number of threads     = %16d\n",nthread_input);
    printf("Matrix order          = "FSTR64U"\n", size2);
    printf("Stencil diameter      = %16d\n", 2*radius+1);
    printf("Sparsity              = %16.10lf\n", sparsity);
    printf("Using scrambled indexing\n");
    printf("Using canonical indexing\n");
    printf("Number of iterations  = %16d\n", iterations);

  /* initialize the input and result vectors                                      */
  #pragma omp for
  for (row=0; row<size2; row++) result[row] = vector[row] = 0.0;

  /* fill matrix with nonzeroes corresponding to difference stencil. We use the 
     scrambling for reordering the points in the grid.                            */

  #pragma omp for private (i,j,r)
  for (row=0; row<size2; row++) {
    j = row/size; i=row%size;
    elm = row*stencil_size;
    colIndex[elm] = REVERSE(LIN(i,j),lsize2);
    for (r=1; r<=radius; r++, elm+=4) {
      colIndex[elm+1] = REVERSE(LIN((i+r)%size,j),lsize2);
      colIndex[elm+2] = REVERSE(LIN((i-r+size)%size,j),lsize2);
      colIndex[elm+3] = REVERSE(LIN(i,(j+r)%size),lsize2);
      colIndex[elm+4] = REVERSE(LIN(i,(j-r+size)%size),lsize2);
    // sort colIndex to make sure the compressed row accesses
    // vector elements in increasing order
    qsort(&(colIndex[row*stencil_size]), stencil_size, sizeof(s64Int), compare);
    for (elm=row*stencil_size; elm<(row+1)*stencil_size; elm++)
      matrix[elm] = 1.0/(double)(colIndex[elm]+1);

  for (iter=0; iter<iterations; iter++) {

    #pragma omp barrier
    #pragma omp master
    sparse_time = wtime();

    /* fill vector                                                                */
    #pragma omp for 
    for (row=0; row<size2; row++) vector[row] += (double) (row+1);

    /* do the actual matrix-vector multiplication                                 */
    #pragma omp for
    for (row=0; row<size2; row++) {
      temp = 0.0;
      first = stencil_size*row; last = first+stencil_size-1;
      #pragma simd reduction(+:temp) 
      for (col=first; col<=last; col++) {
        temp += matrix[col]*vector[colIndex[col]];
      result[row] += temp;

    #pragma omp master
    sparse_time = wtime() - sparse_time;
    if (iter>0 || iterations==1) { /* skip the first iteration                    */
      avgtime = avgtime + sparse_time;
      mintime = MIN(mintime, sparse_time);
      maxtime = MAX(maxtime, sparse_time);


  } /* end of parallel region                                                     */

  /* verification test                                                            */
  reference_sum = 0.5 * (double) nent * (double) iterations * 
                        (double) (iterations +1);

  vector_sum = 0.0;
  for (row=0; row<size2; row++) vector_sum += result[row];
  if (ABS(vector_sum-reference_sum) > epsilon) {
    printf("ERROR: Vector sum = %lf, Reference vector sum = %lf\n",
           vector_sum, reference_sum);
  else {
    printf("Solution validates\n");
#ifdef VERBOSE
    printf("Reference sum = %lf, vector sum = %lf\n", 
           reference_sum, vector_sum);

  avgtime = avgtime/(double)(MAX(iterations-1,1));
  printf("Rate (MFlops/s): %lf,  Avg time (s): %lf,  Min time (s): %lf",
         1.0E-06 * (2.0*nent)/mintime, avgtime, mintime);
  printf(", Max time (s): %lf\n", maxtime);

Esempio n. 18
BOOL APIENTRY GuiDlgAbout::DlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
#ifdef DEBUG
  //printf("GuiDlgAbout::DlgProc(): Message 0x%08X received.\n",message);
  BYTE *logo    = (BYTE *)LockResource(LoadResource(myInstance,FindResource(myInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_LOGO),RT_BITMAP)));
  char *license = (char *)LockResource(LoadResource(myInstance,FindResource(myInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_TEXT_LICENSE),"TEXT")));
  char *history = (char *)LockResource(LoadResource(myInstance,FindResource(myInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_TEXT_HISTORY),"TEXT")));

  TCITEM tci;

  switch (message)

      tab_hwnd = NULL;

      // init tab control
      tci.mask = TCIF_TEXT;

      tci.pszText = " General ";
      tci.pszText = " License ";
      tci.pszText = " What's New ";

      // set default tab index

    case WM_UPDATE:

      // delete old tab window
      if (tab_hwnd)

	  tab_hwnd = NULL;

      // display new tab window
      tab_index = (int)SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg,IDC_ATABS,TCM_GETCURSEL,0,0);

      switch (tab_index)
	case 0:

	  // fix logo
	  *(DWORD *)&logo[0x28 + (logo[0x428] << 2)] = REVERSE(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE));

	  tab_hwnd = CreateDialogParam(myInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ABT_ADPLUG),GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_ATABWND),(DLGPROC)TabDlgProc_Wrapper,(LPARAM)this);

	  // plugin
	  SetDlgItemText(tab_hwnd,IDC_PLUGIN_VER,PLUGIN_VER " (" __DATE__ /*" " __TIME__ */")");


	case 1:
	  tab_hwnd = CreateDialogParam(myInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ABT_LICENSE),GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_ATABWND),(DLGPROC)TabDlgProc_Wrapper,(LPARAM)this);

	  // license


	case 2:

	  tab_hwnd = CreateDialogParam(myInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ABT_HISTORY),GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_ATABWND),(DLGPROC)TabDlgProc_Wrapper,(LPARAM)this);

	  // history


      return FALSE;

    case WM_NOTIFY:
      switch (((NMHDR *)lParam)->code)
	  return FALSE;

    case WM_COMMAND:
      switch (LOWORD(wParam))
	  return 0;

  return FALSE;
Esempio n. 19
int move_down(board_t src, board_t dst) {
    movefunc(src[REVERSE(j)][i], dst[REVERSE(j2 - 1)][i], dst[REVERSE(j2)][i]);
Esempio n. 20
int move_right(board_t src, board_t dst) {
    movefunc(src[i][REVERSE(j)], dst[i][REVERSE(j2 - 1)], dst[i][REVERSE(j2)]);
Esempio n. 21
int main(int argc, char **argv){

  int               Num_procs;  /* Number of ranks                                */
  int               my_ID;      /* rank                                           */
  int               root=0;
  int               iter, r;    /* dummies                                        */
  int               lsize;      /* logarithmic linear size of grid                */
  int               lsize2;     /* logarithmic size of grid                       */
  int               size;       /* linear size of grid                            */
  s64Int            size2;      /* matrix order (=total # points in grid)         */
  int               radius,     /* stencil parameters                             */
  s64Int            row, col, first, last; /* dummies                             */
  u64Int            i, j;       /* dummies                                        */
  int               iterations; /* number of times the multiplication is done     */

  s64Int            elm;        /* sequence number of matrix nonzero              */
  s64Int            elm_start;  /* auxiliary variable                             */
  int               jstart,     /* active grid rows parameters                    */
  s64Int            nent;       /* number of nonzero entries                      */
  double            sparsity;   /* fraction of non-zeroes in matrix               */
  double            local_sparse_time,/* timing parameters                        */
  double * RESTRICT matrix;     /* sparse matrix entries                          */
  double * RESTRICT vector;     /* vector multiplying the sparse matrix           */
  double * RESTRICT result;     /* computed matrix-vector product                 */
  double            temp;       /* temporary scalar storing reduction data        */
  double * RESTRICT rhs;        /* known matrix-vector product                    */
  double * RESTRICT dense;      /* dense matrix equivalent of "matrix"            */
  double            vector_sum; /* checksum of result                             */
  double            reference_sum, /* local checksum of "rhs"                     */
                    check_sum;  /* aggregate checksum of "rhs"                    */
  double            epsilon = 1.e-8; /* error tolerance                           */
  s64Int * RESTRICT colIndex;   /* column indices of sparse matrix entries        */
  int               error=0;    /* error flag                                     */
  size_t            vector_space, /* variables used to hold malloc sizes          */
  int               procsize;   /* number of ranks per OS process                 */

** Initialize the MPI environment
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_ID);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &Num_procs);

** process, test and broadcast input parameters

  if (my_ID == root){
    if (argc != 4){
      printf("Usage: %s <# iterations> <2log grid size> <stencil radius>\n",*argv);
      error = 1;
      goto ENDOFTESTS;

    iterations = atoi(*++argv);
    if (iterations < 1){
      printf("ERROR: Iterations must be positive : %d \n", iterations);
      error = 1;
      goto ENDOFTESTS;

    lsize = atoi(*++argv);
    if (lsize <0) {
      printf("ERROR: Log of grid size must be non-negative: %d\n", 
           (int) lsize);
      error = 1;
      goto ENDOFTESTS;
    lsize2 = 2*lsize;
    size = 1<<lsize;
    if (size < Num_procs) {
      printf("ERROR: Grid size %d must be at least equal to # procs %d\n",
             (int) size, Num_procs);
      error = 1;
      goto ENDOFTESTS;

    if ((int)(size%Num_procs)) {
      printf("ERROR: Grid size %d must be multiple of # procs %d\n", 
             (int) size, Num_procs);
      error = 1;
      goto ENDOFTESTS;

    /* compute number of points in the grid                                         */
    size2 = size*size;

    radius = atoi(*++argv);
    if (radius <0) {
      printf("ERROR: Stencil radius must be non-negative: %d\n", radius);
      error = 1;
      goto ENDOFTESTS;

    /* emit error if (periodic) stencil overlaps with itself                        */
    if (size <2*radius+1) {
      printf("ERROR: Grid extent %d smaller than stencil diameter 2*%d+1= %d\n",
             size, radius, radius*2+1);
      error = 1;
      goto ENDOFTESTS;
    /* sparsity follows from number of non-zeroes per row                           */
    sparsity = (double)(4*radius+1)/(double)size2;

    printf("FG_MPI Sparse matrix-vector multiplication\n");
    printf("Number of ranks          = "FSTR64U"\n", Num_procs);
    printf("Number of ranks/process  = "FSTR64U"\n", procsize);
    printf("Matrix order             = "FSTR64U"\n", size2);
    printf("Stencil diameter         = %16d\n", 2*radius+1);
    printf("Sparsity                 = %16.10lf\n", sparsity);
    printf("Number of iterations     = %16d\n", iterations);
    printf("Using scrambled indexing\n");
    printf("Using canonical indexing\n");


  /* Broadcast benchmark data to all ranks */
  MPI_Bcast(&lsize,      1, MPI_INT,           root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  MPI_Bcast(&lsize2,     1, MPI_INT,           root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  MPI_Bcast(&size,       1, MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  MPI_Bcast(&size2,      1, MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  MPI_Bcast(&radius,     1, MPI_INT,           root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  MPI_Bcast(&iterations, 1, MPI_INT,           root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /* compute total size of star stencil in 2D                                     */
  stencil_size = 4*radius+1;
  /* compute number of rows owned by each rank                                    */
  nrows = size2/Num_procs;

  /* compute total number of non-zeroes for this rank                             */
  nent = nrows*stencil_size;

  matrix_space = nent*sizeof(double);
  if (matrix_space/sizeof(double) != nent) {
    printf("ERROR: rank %d cannot represent space for matrix: %ul\n", 
           my_ID, matrix_space);
    error = 1;

  matrix = (double *) malloc(matrix_space);
  if (!matrix) {
    printf("ERROR: rank %d could not allocate space for sparse matrix: "FSTR64U"\n", 
           my_ID, matrix_space);
    error = 1;

  vector_space = (size2 + nrows)*sizeof(double);
  if (vector_space/sizeof(double) != (size2+nrows)) {
    printf("ERROR: rank %d Cannot represent space for vectors: %ul\n", 
           my_ID, vector_space);
    error = 1; 

  vector = (double *) malloc(vector_space);
  if (!vector) {
    printf("ERROR: rank %d could not allocate space for vectors: %d\n", 
           my_ID, (int)(2*nrows));
    error = 1;
  result = vector + size2;

  index_space = nent*sizeof(s64Int);
  if (index_space/sizeof(s64Int) != nent) {
    printf("ERROR: rank %d cannot represent space for column indices: %ul\n", 
           my_ID, index_space);
    error = 1;

  colIndex = (s64Int *) malloc(index_space);
  if (!colIndex) {
    printf("ERROR: rank %d Could not allocate space for column indices: "FSTR64U"\n",
           my_ID, nent*sizeof(s64Int));
    error = 1;

  /* fill matrix with nonzeroes corresponding to difference stencil. We use the 
     scrambling for reordering the points in the grid.                            */

  jstart = (size/Num_procs)*my_ID;
  jend   = (size/Num_procs)*(my_ID+1);

  for (j=jstart; j<jend; j++) for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
    elm_start = (i+(j-jstart)*size)*stencil_size;
    elm = elm_start;
    colIndex[elm] = REVERSE(LIN(i,j),lsize2);
    for (r=1; r<=radius; r++, elm+=4) {
      colIndex[elm+1] = REVERSE(LIN((i+r)%size,j),lsize2);
      colIndex[elm+2] = REVERSE(LIN((i-r+size)%size,j),lsize2);
      colIndex[elm+3] = REVERSE(LIN(i,(j+r)%size),lsize2);
      colIndex[elm+4] = REVERSE(LIN(i,(j-r+size)%size),lsize2);
    /* sort colIndex to make sure the compressed row accesses
       vector elements in increasing order                                        */
    qsort(&(colIndex[elm_start]), stencil_size, sizeof(s64Int), compare);
    for (elm=elm_start; elm<elm_start+stencil_size; elm++) 
      matrix[elm] = 1.0/(double)(colIndex[elm]+1);   

#if defined(TESTDENSE) && defined(VERBOSE)
  /* fill dense matrix to test                                                    */
  matrix_space = size2*size2/Num_procs*sizeof(double);
  if (matrix_space/sizeof(double) != size2*size2/Num_procs) {
    printf("ERROR: Cannot represent space for matrix: %ul\n", matrix_space);
  dense = (double *) malloc(matrix_space);
  if (!dense) {
    printf("ERROR: Could not allocate space for dense matrix of order: %d\n",
           (int) size2);
  rhs   = (double *) malloc(vector_space);
  if (!rhs) {
    printf("ERROR: Could not allocate space for rhs: %d\n", (int) size2);
  for (row=0; row<nrows; row++) {
    for (col=0; col<size2; col++) DENSE(col,row) = 0.0;
    first = row*stencil_size; last = first+stencil_size-1;
    rhs[row] = (double) (last-first+1) * (double) iterations;
    for (elm=first; elm<=last; elm++) DENSE(colIndex[elm],row) = matrix[elm];

  /* initialize the input and result vectors                                      */
  for (row=0; row<nrows; row++) result[row] = vector[row] = 0.0;

  for (iter=0; iter<=iterations; iter++) {

    /* start timer after a warmup iteration */
    if (iter == 1) { 
      local_sparse_time = wtime();

    /* fill vector                                                                */
    row_offset = nrows*my_ID;
    for (row=row_offset; row<nrows+row_offset; row++) vector[row] += (double) (row+1);

    /* replicate vector on all rankors                                         */
    MPI_Allgather(MPI_IN_PLACE, nrows, MPI_DOUBLE, vector, nrows, MPI_DOUBLE,

    /* do the actual matrix multiplication                                        */
    for (row=0; row<nrows; row++) {
      first = stencil_size*row; last = first+stencil_size-1;
      #pragma simd reduction(+:temp) 
      for (temp=0.0,col=first; col<=last; col++) {
        temp += matrix[col]*vector[colIndex[col]];
      result[row] += temp;
  } /* end of iterations                                                          */

  local_sparse_time = wtime() - local_sparse_time;
  MPI_Reduce(&local_sparse_time, &sparse_time, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, root,

#if defined(TESTDENSE) && defined(VERBOSE)
  /* print matrix, vector, rhs, plus computed solution                            */
  for (row=0; row<nrows; row++) {
    printf("( ");
    for (col=0; col<size2; col++) printf("%1.3lf  ", DENSE(col,row));
    printf(" ) ( %1.3lf ) = ( %1.3lf ) | ( %1.3lf )\n", 
           vector[row], result[row], rhs[row]);

  /* verification test                                                            */
  reference_sum = 0.5 * (double) size2 * (double) stencil_size * 
    (double) (iterations+1) * (double) (iterations + 2);

  vector_sum = 0.0;
  for (row=0; row<nrows; row++) vector_sum += result[row];

  MPI_Reduce(&vector_sum, &check_sum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  if (my_ID == root) {
    if (ABS(check_sum-reference_sum) > epsilon) {
      printf("ERROR: Vector sum = %lf, Reference vector sum = %lf, my_ID = %d\n",
             check_sum, reference_sum, my_ID);
      error = 1;
    else {
      printf("Solution validates\n");
#ifdef VERBOSE
      printf("Reference sum = %lf, check sum = %lf\n", 
             reference_sum, check_sum);
    avgtime = sparse_time/iterations;
    printf("Rate (MFlops/s): %lf  Avg time (s): %lf\n",
           1.0E-06 * (2.0*nent*Num_procs)/avgtime, avgtime);

