Esempio n. 1
void MS_Popup_Menu_Draw(void)
	struct MS_Popup_Menu_Menu *menu;
	int c_r, c_b;
	int z;

	menu = popup_menus;
	c_r = RGBA_TO_COLOR(255, 0, 0, 255);
	c_b = RGBA_TO_COLOR(0, 0, 255, 255);

	z = 0;
	while (menu)
		if (menu->type == 0)
			Draw_AlphaCircleFillRGB(menu->x, menu->y, MSP_RADIUS -2, c_r);
			Draw_AlphaCircleFillRGB(menu->x, menu->y, MSP_RADIUS -2, c_b);
		menu = menu->next;

Esempio n. 2
// Label - Draws a label control.
int EZ_label_OnDraw(ez_control_t *self, void *ext_event_info)
	int x, y, i = 0;
	char line[LABEL_LINE_SIZE];
	ez_label_t *label		= (ez_label_t *)self;
	int scaled_char_size	= label->scaled_char_size;
	int last_index			= -1;
	int curr_row			= 0;
	int curr_col			= 0;
	clrinfo_t text_color	= {RGBA_TO_COLOR(255, 255, 255, 255), 0}; // TODO : Set this in the struct instead.
	color_t selection_color	= RGBA_TO_COLOR(178, 0, 255, 125);
	color_t caret_color		= RGBA_TO_COLOR(255, 0, 0, 125);

	// Let the super class draw first.
	EZ_control_OnDraw(self, NULL);

	// Get the position we're drawing at.
	EZ_control_GetDrawingPosition(self, &x, &y);

	// Find any newlines and draw line by line.
	for (i = 0; i <= label->text_length; i++)
		// Draw selection markers.
		if (label->ext_flags & label_selectable)
			if (((label->select_start > -1) && (label->select_end > -1)			// Is something selected at all?
				&& (label->select_end != label->select_start))					// Only highlight if we have at least 1 char selected.
				&& (((i >= label->select_start) && (i < label->select_end))		// Is this index selected?
					|| ((i >= label->select_end) && (i < label->select_start)))
				// If this is one of the selected letters, draw a selection thingie behind it.
				// TODO : Make this an XOR drawing ontop of the text instead?
					x + (curr_col * scaled_char_size), 
					y + (curr_row * scaled_char_size), 
					scaled_char_size, scaled_char_size, 

			if (i == label->caret_pos.index)
				// Draw the caret.
					x + (curr_col * scaled_char_size), 
					y + (curr_row * scaled_char_size), 
					max(5, Q_rint(scaled_char_size * 0.1)), scaled_char_size, 

		if (i == label->wordwraps[curr_row].index || label->text[i] == '\0')
			// We found the end of a line, copy the contents of the line to the line buffer.
			snprintf(line, min(LABEL_LINE_SIZE, (i - last_index) + 1), "%s", (label->text + last_index + 1));
			last_index = i;	// Skip the newline character

			if (label->ext_flags & label_largefont)
				Draw_BigString(x, y + (curr_row * scaled_char_size), line, &text_color, 1, label->scale, 1, 0);
				Draw_SColoredString(x, y + (curr_row * scaled_char_size), str2wcs(line), &text_color, 1, false, label->scale);

			curr_col = 0;

	// TODO : Remove this test stuff.
		char tmp[1024];

		int sublen = abs(label->select_end - label->select_start);
		if (sublen > 0)
			snprintf(tmp, sublen + 1, "%s", label->text + min(label->select_start, label->select_end));
			Draw_String(x + (self->width / 2), y + (self->height / 2) + 8, tmp);

	CONTROL_EVENT_HANDLER_CALL(NULL, self, ez_control_t, OnDraw, NULL);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
// Label - Sets the text color of a label.
void EZ_label_SetTextColor(ez_label_t *label, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte alpha)
	label->color.c = RGBA_TO_COLOR(r, g, b, alpha);