Esempio n. 1
static void
averagePixels(int          const boxStart,
              int          const boxSize,
              tupletable2  const colorfreqtable, 
              unsigned int const depth,
              tuple        const newTuple) {

    unsigned int n;
        /* Number of tuples represented by the box */
    unsigned int plane;
    unsigned int i;

    /* Count the tuples in question */
    n = 0;  /* initial value */
    for (i = 0; i < boxSize; ++i)
        n += colorfreqtable.table[boxStart + i]->value;

    for (plane = 0; plane < depth; ++plane) {
        sample sum;
        int i;

        sum = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < boxSize; ++i) 
            sum += colorfreqtable.table[boxStart+i]->tuple[plane]
                * colorfreqtable.table[boxStart+i]->value;

        newTuple[plane] = ROUNDDIV(sum, n);
Esempio n. 2
static void
averageColors(int          const boxStart,
              int          const boxSize,
              tupletable2  const colorfreqtable, 
              unsigned int const depth,
              tuple        const newTuple) {

    unsigned int plane;

    for (plane = 0; plane < depth; ++plane) {
        sample sum;
        int i;

        sum = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < boxSize; ++i) 
            sum += colorfreqtable.table[boxStart+i]->tuple[plane];

        newTuple[plane] = ROUNDDIV(sum, boxSize);
/* Function:   DecomposeOneLevelInt()
   Description: Pyramid Decompose one level of wavelet coefficients
   Width  -- Width of Image; 
   Height -- Height of Image;
   level -- current decomposition level
   Filter     -- Filter Used.
   MaxCoeff, MinCoeff -- bounds of the output data;

   OutCoeff   -- Ouput wavelet coefficients
   OutMask    -- Output mask corresponding to wavelet coefficients

   Return: DWT_OK if success.
Int VTCDWT:: DecomposeOneLevelInt(Int *OutCoeff, UChar *OutMask, Int Width,
				Int Height, Int level, FILTER *Filter,
				Int MaxCoeff, Int MinCoeff)
  Int *InBuf, *OutBuf ;
  UChar *InMaskBuf, *OutMaskBuf;
  Int width = Width>>(level-1);
  Int height = Height>>(level-1);
  Int MaxLength = (width > height)?width:height;
  Int i,k,ret;
  Int *a;
  UChar *c,*d;
  Int *e;

  /* double check filter type */
  if(Filter->DWT_Type != DWT_INT_TYPE) return(DWT_INTERNAL_ERROR);
  /* allocate line buffers */
  InBuf = (Int *) malloc(sizeof(Int)*MaxLength);
  InMaskBuf = (UChar *) malloc(sizeof(UChar)*MaxLength);
  OutBuf = (Int *) malloc(sizeof(Int)*MaxLength);
  OutMaskBuf = (UChar *) malloc(sizeof(UChar)*MaxLength);
  if(InBuf==NULL || InMaskBuf ==NULL || OutBuf == NULL || OutMaskBuf==NULL) 
  /* horizontal decomposition first*/
  for(i=0,k=0;i<height;i++,k+=Width) {
    /* get a line of coefficients */
    for(a=InBuf, e=OutCoeff+k;a<InBuf+width;a++,e++) {
      *a = (Int) *e;
    /* get a line of mask */
    memcpy(InMaskBuf, OutMask+k, sizeof(UChar)*width);
    /* Perform horizontal SA-DWT */
    ret=SADWT1dInt(InBuf, InMaskBuf, OutBuf, OutMaskBuf, width, Filter, 
    if(ret!=DWT_OK) {
    /* put the transformed line back */
    for(a=OutBuf,e=OutCoeff+k;a<OutBuf+width;a++,e++) {
      /* Scale and Leave 3 extra bits for precision reason */
      *a = ROUNDDIV((*a <<3), Filter->Scale);
      if(*a > MaxCoeff || *a < MinCoeff) {
      *e = (Int) *a;
    memcpy(OutMask+k, OutMaskBuf, sizeof(UChar)*width);

  /* then vertical decomposition */
  for(i=0;i<width;i++) {
    /* get a column of coefficients */
    for(a=InBuf, e=OutCoeff+i, c= InMaskBuf, d= OutMask+i;
	a<InBuf+height; a++, c++, e+=Width, d+=Width) {
      *a=(Int) *e;
      *c = *d;
    /* perform vertical SA-DWT */
    ret=SADWT1dInt(InBuf, InMaskBuf, OutBuf, OutMaskBuf, height, Filter, 
    if(ret!=DWT_OK) {
    /* put the transformed column back */
    for(a=OutBuf, e=OutCoeff+i, c= OutMaskBuf, d= OutMask+i;
	a<OutBuf+height; a++, c++, e+=Width, d+=Width) {
      /*Scale and leave the sqrt(2)*sqrt(2) factor in the scale */
      *a = ROUNDDIV(*a, (Filter->Scale<<2)); 
      if(*a > MaxCoeff || *a < MinCoeff) {
      *e= (Int) *a;
      *d = *c;