Esempio n. 1
qboolean R_AliasCheckBBox(void)
	int					i, flags, frame, numv;
	aliashdr_t			*pahdr;
	float				zi, basepts[8][3], v0, v1, frac;
	finalvert_t			*pv0, *pv1, viewpts[16];
	auxvert_t			*pa0, *pa1, viewaux[16];
	maliasframedesc_t	*pframedesc;
	qboolean			zclipped, zfullyclipped;
	unsigned			anyclip, allclip;
	int					minz;

// expand, rotate, and translate points into worldspace

	currententity->trivial_accept = 0;
	pmodel = currententity->model;
	pahdr = Mod_Extradata(pmodel);
	pmdl = (mdl_t *)((byte *)pahdr + pahdr->model);


// construct the base bounding box for this frame
	frame = currententity->frame;
// TODO: don't repeat this check when drawing?
	if ((frame >= pmdl->numframes) || (frame < 0))
		Con_DPrintf("No such frame %d %s\n", frame,
		frame = 0;

	pframedesc = &pahdr->frames[frame];

// x worldspace coordinates
	basepts[0][0] = basepts[1][0] = basepts[2][0] = basepts[3][0] =
	basepts[4][0] = basepts[5][0] = basepts[6][0] = basepts[7][0] =

// y worldspace coordinates
	basepts[0][1] = basepts[3][1] = basepts[5][1] = basepts[6][1] =
	basepts[1][1] = basepts[2][1] = basepts[4][1] = basepts[7][1] =

// z worldspace coordinates
	basepts[0][2] = basepts[1][2] = basepts[4][2] = basepts[5][2] =
	basepts[2][2] = basepts[3][2] = basepts[6][2] = basepts[7][2] =

	zclipped = false;
	zfullyclipped = true;

	minz = 9999;
	for (i=0; i<8 ; i++)
		R_AliasTransformVector(&basepts[i][0], &viewaux[i].fv[0]);

		if (viewaux[i].fv[2] < ALIAS_Z_CLIP_PLANE)
			// we must clip points that are closer than the near clip plane
			viewpts[i].flags = ALIAS_Z_CLIP;
			zclipped = true;
			if (viewaux[i].fv[2] < minz)
				minz = viewaux[i].fv[2];
			viewpts[i].flags = 0;
			zfullyclipped = false;

	if (zfullyclipped)
		return false;	// everything was near-z-clipped

	numv = 8;

	if (zclipped)
		// organize points by edges, use edges to get new points (possible trivial
		// reject)
		for (i=0 ; i<12 ; i++)
			// edge endpoints
			pv0 = &viewpts[aedges[i].index0];
			pv1 = &viewpts[aedges[i].index1];
			pa0 = &viewaux[aedges[i].index0];
			pa1 = &viewaux[aedges[i].index1];

			// if one end is clipped and the other isn't, make a new point
			if (pv0->flags ^ pv1->flags)
				frac = (ALIAS_Z_CLIP_PLANE - pa0->fv[2]) /
					   (pa1->fv[2] - pa0->fv[2]);
				viewaux[numv].fv[0] = pa0->fv[0] +
									  (pa1->fv[0] - pa0->fv[0]) * frac;
				viewaux[numv].fv[1] = pa0->fv[1] +
									  (pa1->fv[1] - pa0->fv[1]) * frac;
				viewaux[numv].fv[2] = ALIAS_Z_CLIP_PLANE;
				viewpts[numv].flags = 0;

// project the vertices that remain after clipping
	anyclip = 0;
	allclip = ALIAS_XY_CLIP_MASK;

// TODO: probably should do this loop in ASM, especially if we use floats
	for (i=0 ; i<numv ; i++)
		// we don't need to bother with vertices that were z-clipped
		if (viewpts[i].flags & ALIAS_Z_CLIP)

		zi = 1.0 / viewaux[i].fv[2];

		// FIXME: do with chop mode in ASM, or convert to float
		v0 = (viewaux[i].fv[0] * xscale * zi) + xcenter;
		v1 = (viewaux[i].fv[1] * yscale * zi) + ycenter;

		flags = 0;

		if (v0 < r_refdef.fvrectx)
			flags |= ALIAS_LEFT_CLIP;
		if (v1 < r_refdef.fvrecty)
			flags |= ALIAS_TOP_CLIP;
		if (v0 > r_refdef.fvrectright)
			flags |= ALIAS_RIGHT_CLIP;
		if (v1 > r_refdef.fvrectbottom)
			flags |= ALIAS_BOTTOM_CLIP;

		anyclip |= flags;
		allclip &= flags;

	if (allclip)
		return false;    // trivial reject off one side

	currententity->trivial_accept = !anyclip & !zclipped;

	if (currententity->trivial_accept)
		if (minz > (r_aliastransition + (pmdl->size * r_resfudge)))
			currententity->trivial_accept |= 2;

	return true;
Esempio n. 2
** R_AliasCheckFrameBBox
** Checks a specific alias frame bounding box
static unsigned long
R_AliasCheckFrameBBox( daliasframe_t *frame, float worldxf[3][4] )
	unsigned long aggregate_and_clipcode = ~0U,
		          aggregate_or_clipcode = 0;
	int           i;
	vec3_t        mins, maxs;
	vec3_t        transformed_min, transformed_max;
	qboolean      zclipped = false, zfullyclipped = true;

	** get the exact frame bounding box
	for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
		mins[i] = frame->translate[i];
		maxs[i] = mins[i] + frame->scale[i]*255;

	** transform the min and max values into view space
	R_AliasTransformVector( mins, transformed_min, aliastransform );
	R_AliasTransformVector( maxs, transformed_max, aliastransform );

	if ( transformed_min[2] >= ALIAS_Z_CLIP_PLANE )
		zfullyclipped = false;
	if ( transformed_max[2] >= ALIAS_Z_CLIP_PLANE )
		zfullyclipped = false;

	if ( zfullyclipped )
	if ( zclipped )

	** build a transformed bounding box from the given min and max
	for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
		int      j;
		vec3_t   tmp, transformed;
		unsigned long clipcode = 0;

		if ( i & 1 )
			tmp[0] = mins[0];
			tmp[0] = maxs[0];

		if ( i & 2 )
			tmp[1] = mins[1];
			tmp[1] = maxs[1];

		if ( i & 4 )
			tmp[2] = mins[2];
			tmp[2] = maxs[2];

		R_AliasTransformVector( tmp, transformed, worldxf );

		for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
			float dp = DotProduct( transformed, view_clipplanes[j].normal );

			if ( ( dp - view_clipplanes[j].dist ) < 0.0F )
				clipcode |= 1 << j;

		aggregate_and_clipcode &= clipcode;
		aggregate_or_clipcode  |= clipcode;

	if ( aggregate_and_clipcode )
	if ( !aggregate_or_clipcode )
