Esempio n. 1
void RB_RenderDrawSurfList( drawSurf_t *drawSurfs, int numDrawSurfs ) {
	shader_t        *shader, *oldShader;
	int fogNum, oldFogNum;
	int entityNum, oldEntityNum;
	int dlighted, oldDlighted;
	qboolean depthRange, oldDepthRange;
	int i;
	drawSurf_t      *drawSurf;
	int oldSort;
	float originalTime;
	int oldNumVerts, oldNumIndex;
//GR - tessellation flag
	int atiTess = 0, oldAtiTess;
#ifdef __MACOS__
	int macEventTime;

	Sys_PumpEvents();       // crutch up the mac's limited buffer queue size

	// we don't want to pump the event loop too often and waste time, so
	// we are going to check every shader change
	macEventTime = ri.Milliseconds() + MAC_EVENT_PUMP_MSEC;

	// save original time for entity shader offsets
	originalTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime;

	// clear the z buffer, set the modelview, etc

	// draw everything
	oldEntityNum = -1;
	backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity;
	oldShader = NULL;
	oldFogNum = -1;
	oldDepthRange = qfalse;
	oldDlighted = qfalse;
	oldSort = -1;
	depthRange = qfalse;
// GR - tessellation also forces to draw everything
	oldAtiTess = -1;

	backEnd.pc.c_surfaces += numDrawSurfs;

	for ( i = 0, drawSurf = drawSurfs ; i < numDrawSurfs ; i++, drawSurf++ ) {
		if ( drawSurf->sort == oldSort ) {
			// fast path, same as previous sort
			oldNumVerts = tess.numVertexes;
			oldNumIndex = tess.numIndexes;

			rb_surfaceTable[ *drawSurf->surface ]( drawSurf->surface );
			// RF, convert the newly created vertexes into dust particles, and overwrite
			if (backEnd.currentEntity->e.reFlags & REFLAG_ZOMBIEFX) {
				RB_ZombieFX( 0, drawSurf, oldNumVerts, oldNumIndex );
			else if (backEnd.currentEntity->e.reFlags & REFLAG_ZOMBIEFX2) {
				RB_ZombieFX( 1, drawSurf, oldNumVerts, oldNumIndex );
		oldSort = drawSurf->sort;
// GR - also extract tesselation flag
		R_DecomposeSort( drawSurf->sort, &entityNum, &shader, &fogNum, &dlighted, &atiTess );

		// change the tess parameters if needed
		// a "entityMergable" shader is a shader that can have surfaces from seperate
		// entities merged into a single batch, like smoke and blood puff sprites
		if ( shader != oldShader || fogNum != oldFogNum || dlighted != oldDlighted
// GR - force draw on tessellation flag change
			 || ( atiTess != oldAtiTess )
			 || ( entityNum != oldEntityNum && !shader->entityMergable ) ) {
			if ( oldShader != NULL ) {
#ifdef __MACOS__    // crutch up the mac's limited buffer queue size
				int t;

				t = ri.Milliseconds();
				if ( t > macEventTime ) {
					macEventTime = t + MAC_EVENT_PUMP_MSEC;
// GR - pass tessellation flag to the shader command
//		make sure to use oldAtiTess!!!
				tess.ATI_tess = ( oldAtiTess == ATI_TESS_TRUFORM );

			RB_BeginSurface( shader, fogNum );
			oldShader = shader;
			oldFogNum = fogNum;
			oldDlighted = dlighted;
// GR - update old tessellation flag
			oldAtiTess = atiTess;

		// change the modelview matrix if needed
		if ( entityNum != oldEntityNum ) {
			depthRange = qfalse;

			if ( entityNum != ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) {
				backEnd.currentEntity = &backEnd.refdef.entities[entityNum];
				backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime - backEnd.currentEntity->e.shaderTime;

				// we have to reset the shaderTime as well otherwise image animations start
				// from the wrong frame
//				tess.shaderTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime - tess.shader->timeOffset;

				// set up the transformation matrix
				R_RotateForEntity( backEnd.currentEntity, &backEnd.viewParms, &backEnd.or );

				// set up the dynamic lighting if needed
				if ( backEnd.currentEntity->needDlights ) {
					R_TransformDlights( backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights, &backEnd.or );

				if ( backEnd.currentEntity->e.renderfx & RF_DEPTHHACK ) {
					// hack the depth range to prevent view model from poking into walls
					depthRange = qtrue;
			} else {
				backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity;
				backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime;
				backEnd.or =;

				// we have to reset the shaderTime as well otherwise image animations on
				// the world (like water) continue with the wrong frame
//				tess.shaderTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime - tess.shader->timeOffset;

				R_TransformDlights( backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights, &backEnd.or );

			qglLoadMatrixf( backEnd.or.modelMatrix );

			// change depthrange if needed
			if ( oldDepthRange != depthRange ) {
				if ( depthRange ) {
					qglDepthRange( 0, 0.3 );
				} else {
					qglDepthRange( 0, 1 );
				oldDepthRange = depthRange;

			oldEntityNum = entityNum;

		// RF, ZOMBIEFX, store the tess indexes, so we can grab the calculated
		// vertex positions and normals, and convert them into dust particles
		oldNumVerts = tess.numVertexes;
		oldNumIndex = tess.numIndexes;

		// add the triangles for this surface
		rb_surfaceTable[ *drawSurf->surface ]( drawSurf->surface );

		// RF, convert the newly created vertexes into dust particles, and overwrite
		if ( backEnd.currentEntity->e.reFlags & REFLAG_ZOMBIEFX ) {
			RB_ZombieFX( 0, drawSurf, oldNumVerts, oldNumIndex );
		} else if ( backEnd.currentEntity->e.reFlags & REFLAG_ZOMBIEFX2 )     {
			RB_ZombieFX( 1, drawSurf, oldNumVerts, oldNumIndex );

	// draw the contents of the last shader batch
	if ( oldShader != NULL ) {
// GR - pass tessellation flag to the shader command
//		make sure to use oldAtiTess!!!
		tess.ATI_tess = ( oldAtiTess == ATI_TESS_TRUFORM );


	// go back to the world modelview matrix
	backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity;
	backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime;
	backEnd.or =;
	R_TransformDlights( backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights, &backEnd.or );

	qglLoadMatrixf( );
	if ( depthRange ) {
		qglDepthRange( 0, 1 );

	// (SA) draw sun

	// darken down any stencil shadows

	// add light flares on lights that aren't obscured

#ifdef __MACOS__
	Sys_PumpEvents();       // crutch up the mac's limited buffer queue size
Esempio n. 2
void RB_RenderDrawSurfList( drawSurf_t *drawSurfs, int numDrawSurfs ) {
	shader_t		*shader, *oldShader;
	int				fogNum, oldFogNum;
	int				entityNum, oldEntityNum;
	int				dlighted, oldDlighted;
	qboolean		depthRange, oldDepthRange;
	int				i;
	drawSurf_t		*drawSurf;
	int				oldSort;
	float			originalTime;
#ifdef __MACOS__
	int				macEventTime;

	Sys_PumpEvents();		// crutch up the mac's limited buffer queue size

	// we don't want to pump the event loop too often and waste time, so
	// we are going to check every shader change
	macEventTime = ri.Milliseconds() + MAC_EVENT_PUMP_MSEC;

	// save original time for entity shader offsets
	originalTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime;

	// clear the z buffer, set the modelview, etc
	RB_BeginDrawingView ();

	// draw everything
	oldEntityNum = -1;
	backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity;
	oldShader = NULL;
	oldFogNum = -1;
	oldDepthRange = qfalse;
	oldDlighted = qfalse;
	oldSort = -1;
	depthRange = qfalse;

	backEnd.pc.c_surfaces += numDrawSurfs;

	for (i = 0, drawSurf = drawSurfs ; i < numDrawSurfs ; i++, drawSurf++) {
		if ( drawSurf->sort == oldSort ) {
			// fast path, same as previous sort
			rb_surfaceTable[ *drawSurf->surface ]( drawSurf->surface );
		oldSort = drawSurf->sort;
		R_DecomposeSort( drawSurf->sort, &entityNum, &shader, &fogNum, &dlighted );

		// change the tess parameters if needed
		// a "entityMergable" shader is a shader that can have surfaces from seperate
		// entities merged into a single batch, like smoke and blood puff sprites
		if (shader != oldShader || fogNum != oldFogNum || dlighted != oldDlighted 
			|| ( entityNum != oldEntityNum && !shader->entityMergable ) ) {
			if (oldShader != NULL) {
#ifdef __MACOS__	// crutch up the mac's limited buffer queue size
				int		t;

				t = ri.Milliseconds();
				if ( t > macEventTime ) {
					macEventTime = t + MAC_EVENT_PUMP_MSEC;
			RB_BeginSurface( shader, fogNum );
			oldShader = shader;
			oldFogNum = fogNum;
			oldDlighted = dlighted;

#ifdef _NPATCH
			// See if we can n-patch surface
			if ( drawSurf->sort & ( 1 << QSORT_NPATCH_SHIFT ) )
				tess.npatched = qtrue;
#endif // _NPATCH
		// change the modelview matrix if needed
		if ( entityNum != oldEntityNum ) {
			depthRange = qfalse;

			if ( entityNum != ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) {
				backEnd.currentEntity = &backEnd.refdef.entities[entityNum];
				backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime - backEnd.currentEntity->e.shaderTime;

				// set up the transformation matrix
				R_RotateForEntity( backEnd.currentEntity, &backEnd.viewParms, &backEnd.or );

				// set up the dynamic lighting if needed
				if ( backEnd.currentEntity->needDlights ) {
					R_TransformDlights( backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights, &backEnd.or );

				if ( backEnd.currentEntity->e.renderfx & RF_DEPTHHACK ) {
					// hack the depth range to prevent view model from poking into walls
					depthRange = qtrue;
			} else {
				backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity;
				backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime;
				backEnd.or =;
				R_TransformDlights( backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights, &backEnd.or );

			qglLoadMatrixf( backEnd.or.modelMatrix );

			// change depthrange if needed
			if ( oldDepthRange != depthRange ) {
				if ( depthRange ) {
					qglDepthRange (0, 0.3);
				} else {
					qglDepthRange (0, 1);
				oldDepthRange = depthRange;

			oldEntityNum = entityNum;

		// add the triangles for this surface
		rb_surfaceTable[ *drawSurf->surface ]( drawSurf->surface );

	// draw the contents of the last shader batch
	if (oldShader != NULL) {

	// go back to the world modelview matrix
	qglLoadMatrixf( );
	if ( depthRange ) {
		qglDepthRange (0, 1);

#if 0
	// darken down any stencil shadows

	// add light flares on lights that aren't obscured
//	RB_RenderFlares();

#ifdef __MACOS__
	Sys_PumpEvents();		// crutch up the mac's limited buffer queue size
Esempio n. 3
** SurfIsOffscreen
** Determines if a surface is completely offscreen.
static qboolean SurfIsOffscreen( const drawSurf_t *drawSurf, vec4_t clipDest[128] ) {
	float shortest = 100000000;
	int entityNum;
	int numTriangles;
	shader_t *shader;
	int		fogNum;
	int dlighted;
	vec4_t clip, eye;
	int i;
	unsigned int pointOr = 0;
	unsigned int pointAnd = (unsigned int)~0;

	if ( glConfig.smpActive ) {		// FIXME!  we can't do RB_BeginSurface/RB_EndSurface stuff with smp!
		return qfalse;


	R_DecomposeSort( drawSurf->sort, &entityNum, &shader, &fogNum, &dlighted );
	RB_BeginSurface( shader, fogNum );
	rb_surfaceTable[ *drawSurf->surface ]( drawSurf->surface );

	assert( tess.numVertexes < 128 );

	for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++ )
		int j;
		unsigned int pointFlags = 0;

		R_TransformModelToClip([i], tr.or.modelMatrix, tr.viewParms.projectionMatrix, eye, clip );

		for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
			if ( clip[j] >= clip[3] )
				pointFlags |= (1 << (j*2));
			else if ( clip[j] <= -clip[3] )
				pointFlags |= ( 1 << (j*2+1));
		pointAnd &= pointFlags;
		pointOr |= pointFlags;

	// trivially reject
	if ( pointAnd )
		return qtrue;

	// determine if this surface is backfaced and also determine the distance
	// to the nearest vertex so we can cull based on portal range.  Culling
	// based on vertex distance isn't 100% correct (we should be checking for
	// range to the surface), but it's good enough for the types of portals
	// we have in the game right now.
	numTriangles = tess.numIndexes / 3;

	for ( i = 0; i < tess.numIndexes; i += 3 )
		vec3_t normal;
		float dot;
		float len;

		VectorSubtract([tess.indexes[i]], tr.viewParms.or.origin, normal );

		len = VectorLengthSquared( normal );			// lose the sqrt
		if ( len < shortest )
			shortest = len;

		if ( ( dot = DotProduct( normal, tess.normal[tess.indexes[i]] ) ) >= 0 )
	if ( !numTriangles )
		return qtrue;

	// mirrors can early out at this point, since we don't do a fade over distance
	// with them (although we could)
	if ( IsMirror( drawSurf, entityNum ) )
		return qfalse;

	if ( shortest > (tess.shader->portalRange*tess.shader->portalRange) )
		return qtrue;

	return qfalse;
Esempio n. 4
 * RB_RenderDrawSurfList
RB_RenderDrawSurfList(drawSurf_t *drawSurfs, int numDrawSurfs)
	material_t	*shader, *oldShader;
	int		fogNum, oldFogNum;
	int		entityNum, oldEntityNum;
	int		dlighted, oldDlighted;
	int		pshadowed, oldPshadowed;
	qbool		depthRange, oldDepthRange, isCrosshair, wasCrosshair;
	int		i;
	drawSurf_t              *drawSurf;
	int		oldSort;
	float		originalTime;
	float		depth[2];
	FBO_t		* fbo	= NULL;
	qbool		inQuery = qfalse;

	/* save original time for entity shader offsets */
	originalTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime;

	/* clear the z buffer, set the modelview, etc */
	RB_BeginDrawingView ();

	fbo = glState.currentFBO;

	/* draw everything */
	oldEntityNum = -1;
	backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity;
	oldShader = NULL;
	oldFogNum = -1;
	oldDepthRange	= qfalse;
	wasCrosshair	= qfalse;
	oldDlighted	= qfalse;
	oldPshadowed	= qfalse;
	oldSort = -1;
	depthRange = qfalse;
	depth[0] = 0.f;
	depth[1] = 1.f;

	backEnd.pc.c_surfaces += numDrawSurfs;

	for(i = 0, drawSurf = drawSurfs; i < numDrawSurfs; i++, drawSurf++){
		if(drawSurf->sort == oldSort){
			/* fast path, same as previous sort */
			rb_surfaceTable[ *drawSurf->surface ](drawSurf->surface);
		oldSort = drawSurf->sort;
		R_DecomposeSort(drawSurf->sort, &entityNum, &shader, &fogNum, &dlighted, &pshadowed);

		 * change the tess parameters if needed
		 * a "entityMergable" shader is a shader that can have surfaces from seperate
		 * entities merged into a single batch, like smoke and blood puff sprites */
		if(shader != oldShader || fogNum != oldFogNum || dlighted != oldDlighted || pshadowed !=
		   || (entityNum != oldEntityNum && !shader->entityMergable)){
			if(oldShader != NULL){
			RB_BeginSurface(shader, fogNum);
			oldShader = shader;
			oldFogNum = fogNum;
			oldDlighted = dlighted;
			oldPshadowed = pshadowed;

		 * change the modelview matrix if needed
		 *  */
		if(entityNum != oldEntityNum){
			qbool sunflare = qfalse;
			depthRange = isCrosshair = qfalse;

			/* if we were rendering to a FBO and the previous entity was a sunflare
			 * and the current one isn't, switch back to the main fbo */
			if(oldEntityNum != -1 && fbo &&
			   RF_SUNFLARE == (backEnd.refdef.entities[oldEntityNum].e.renderfx & RF_SUNFLARE) &&
			   0 == (backEnd.refdef.entities[entityNum].e.renderfx & RF_SUNFLARE)){
					inQuery = qfalse;
				qglDepthRange(depth[0], depth[1]);

			if(entityNum != ENTITYNUM_WORLD){
				backEnd.currentEntity = &backEnd.refdef.entities[entityNum];
				backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime - backEnd.currentEntity->e.shaderTime;
				/* we have to reset the shaderTime as well otherwise image animations start
				 * from the wrong frame */
				tess.shaderTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime - tess.shader->timeOffset;

				/* set up the transformation matrix */
				R_RotateForEntity(backEnd.currentEntity, &backEnd.viewParms, &backEnd.or);

				/* set up the dynamic lighting if needed */
					R_TransformDlights(backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights,

				/* if the current entity is a sunflare */
				if(backEnd.currentEntity->e.renderfx & RF_SUNFLARE){
					/* if we're rendering to a fbo */
						/* switch FBO */

						qglClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

						qglDepthRange(1.f, 1.f);
						if(glRefConfig.occlusionQuery && !inQuery &&
							inQuery = qtrue;
							tr.sunFlareQueryActive[tr.sunFlareQueryIndex] = qtrue;
						/* backEnd.hasSunFlare = qtrue; */
						sunflare = qtrue;
						depthRange = qtrue;

				if(backEnd.currentEntity->e.renderfx & RF_DEPTHHACK){
					/* hack the depth range to prevent view model from poking into walls */
					depthRange = qtrue;

					if(backEnd.currentEntity->e.renderfx & RF_CROSSHAIR)
						isCrosshair = qtrue;
				backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity;
				backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime;
				backEnd.or =;
				/* we have to reset the shaderTime as well otherwise image animations on
				 * the world (like water) continue with the wrong frame */
				tess.shaderTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime - tess.shader->timeOffset;
				R_TransformDlights(backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights,


			 * change depthrange. Also change projection matrix so first person weapon does not look like coming
			 * out of the screen.
			 *  */
			if(oldDepthRange != depthRange || wasCrosshair != isCrosshair){
					if(backEnd.viewParms.stereoFrame != STEREO_CENTER){
								/* was not a crosshair but now is, change back proj matrix */
							viewParms_t temp = backEnd.viewParms;

							R_SetupProjection(&temp, r_znear->value, 0, qfalse);


						depth[0] = 0;
						depth[1] = 0.3f;
						qglDepthRange (0, 0.3);
					if(!wasCrosshair && backEnd.viewParms.stereoFrame != STEREO_CENTER){

						qglDepthRange (0, 1);
					depth[0] = 0;
					depth[1] = 1;

				oldDepthRange	= depthRange;
				wasCrosshair	= isCrosshair;

			oldEntityNum = entityNum;

		/* add the triangles for this surface */
		rb_surfaceTable[ *drawSurf->surface ](drawSurf->surface);

	backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime;

	/* draw the contents of the last shader batch */
	if(oldShader != NULL){

		inQuery = qfalse;

	/* go back to the world modelview matrix */

	/* if ( depthRange ) { */
	qglDepthRange (0, 1);
	/* } */

#if 0
	/* darken down any stencil shadows */

	/* add light flares on lights that aren't obscured */

Esempio n. 5
void RB_RenderDrawSurfList( drawSurf_t *drawSurfs, int numDrawSurfs ) {
    shader_t		*shader, *oldShader;
    int				fogNum, oldFogNum;
    int				entityNum, oldEntityNum;
    int				dlighted, oldDlighted;
    qboolean		depthRange, oldDepthRange, isCrosshair, wasCrosshair;
    int				i;
    drawSurf_t		*drawSurf;
    int				oldSort;
    float			originalTime;

    // save original time for entity shader offsets
    originalTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime;

    // clear the z buffer, set the modelview, etc
    RB_BeginDrawingView ();

    // draw everything
    oldEntityNum = -1;
    backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity;
    oldShader = NULL;
    oldFogNum = -1;
    oldDepthRange = qfalse;
    wasCrosshair = qfalse;
    oldDlighted = qfalse;
    oldSort = -1;
    depthRange = qfalse;

    backEnd.pc.c_surfaces += numDrawSurfs;

    for (i = 0, drawSurf = drawSurfs ; i < numDrawSurfs ; i++, drawSurf++) {
        if ( drawSurf->sort == oldSort ) {
            // fast path, same as previous sort
            rb_surfaceTable[ *drawSurf->surface ]( drawSurf->surface );
        oldSort = drawSurf->sort;
        R_DecomposeSort( drawSurf->sort, &entityNum, &shader, &fogNum, &dlighted );

        // change the tess parameters if needed
        // a "entityMergable" shader is a shader that can have surfaces from seperate
        // entities merged into a single batch, like smoke and blood puff sprites
        if (shader != oldShader || fogNum != oldFogNum || dlighted != oldDlighted
                || ( entityNum != oldEntityNum && !shader->entityMergable ) ) {
            if (oldShader != NULL) {
            RB_BeginSurface( shader, fogNum );
            oldShader = shader;
            oldFogNum = fogNum;
            oldDlighted = dlighted;

        // change the modelview matrix if needed
        if ( entityNum != oldEntityNum ) {
            depthRange = isCrosshair = qfalse;

            if ( entityNum != REFENTITYNUM_WORLD ) {
                backEnd.currentEntity = &backEnd.refdef.entities[entityNum];
                backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime - backEnd.currentEntity->e.shaderTime;
                // we have to reset the shaderTime as well otherwise image animations start
                // from the wrong frame
                tess.shaderTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime - tess.shader->timeOffset;

                // set up the transformation matrix
                R_RotateForEntity( backEnd.currentEntity, &backEnd.viewParms, &backEnd.or );

                // set up the dynamic lighting if needed
                if ( backEnd.currentEntity->needDlights ) {
                    R_TransformDlights( backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights, &backEnd.or );

                if(backEnd.currentEntity->e.renderfx & RF_DEPTHHACK)
                    // hack the depth range to prevent view model from poking into walls
                    depthRange = qtrue;

                    if(backEnd.currentEntity->e.renderfx & RF_CROSSHAIR)
                        isCrosshair = qtrue;
            } else {
                backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity;
                backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime;
                backEnd.or =;
                // we have to reset the shaderTime as well otherwise image animations on
                // the world (like water) continue with the wrong frame
                tess.shaderTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime - tess.shader->timeOffset;
                R_TransformDlights( backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights, &backEnd.or );

            qglLoadMatrixf( backEnd.or.modelMatrix );

            // change depthrange. Also change projection matrix so first person weapon does not look like coming
            // out of the screen.
            if (oldDepthRange != depthRange || wasCrosshair != isCrosshair)
                if (depthRange)
                    if(backEnd.viewParms.stereoFrame != STEREO_CENTER)
                                // was not a crosshair but now is, change back proj matrix
                            viewParms_t temp = backEnd.viewParms;

                            R_SetupProjection(&temp, r_znear->value, qfalse);


                        qglDepthRange (0, 0.3);
                    if(!wasCrosshair && backEnd.viewParms.stereoFrame != STEREO_CENTER)

                    qglDepthRange (0, 1);

                oldDepthRange = depthRange;
                wasCrosshair = isCrosshair;

            oldEntityNum = entityNum;

        // add the triangles for this surface
        rb_surfaceTable[ *drawSurf->surface ]( drawSurf->surface );

    backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime;

    // draw the contents of the last shader batch
    if (oldShader != NULL) {

    // go back to the world modelview matrix
    qglLoadMatrixf( );
    if ( depthRange ) {
        qglDepthRange (0, 1);

#if 0
    // darken down any stencil shadows

    // add light flares on lights that aren't obscured
Esempio n. 6
void RB_RenderDrawSurfList( drawSurf_t *drawSurfs, int numDrawSurfs ) 
	shader_t		/**shader,*/ *oldShader;
	int				/*fogNum,*/ oldFogNum;
	int				entityNum, oldEntityNum;
	int				/*dlighted,*/ oldDlighted;
	qboolean		depthRange, oldDepthRange;
	int				i;
	drawSurf_t		*drawSurf;
	int				oldSort;
//	float			originalTime;

	// save original time for entity shader offsets
	originalTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime;

	// clear the z buffer, set the modelview, etc
	RB_BeginDrawingView ();
	// draw everything
	oldEntityNum = -1;
//MODVIEWREM	backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity;
	oldShader = NULL;
	oldFogNum = -1;
	oldDepthRange = qfalse;
	oldDlighted = qfalse;
	oldSort = -1;
	depthRange = qfalse;

//MODVIEWREM	backEnd.pc.c_surfaces += numDrawSurfs;

	for (i = 0, drawSurf = drawSurfs ; i < numDrawSurfs ; i++, drawSurf++) 
		if ( drawSurf->sort == oldSort ) {
			// fast path, same as previous sort
			rb_surfaceTable[ *drawSurf->surface ]( drawSurf->surface );
		oldSort = drawSurf->sort;
		GLuint gluiTextureBind = 0;
		R_DecomposeSort( drawSurf->sort, &entityNum, &gluiTextureBind);//MODVIEWREM	, &shader, &fogNum, &dlighted );
		// change the tess parameters if needed
		// a "entityMergable" shader is a shader that can have surfaces from seperate
		// entities merged into a single batch, like smoke and blood puff sprites
		if (shader != oldShader || fogNum != oldFogNum || dlighted != oldDlighted 
			|| ( entityNum != oldEntityNum && !shader->entityMergable ) ) {
			if (oldShader != NULL) {
			RB_BeginSurface( shader, fogNum );
			oldShader = shader;
			oldFogNum = fogNum;
			oldDlighted = dlighted;

		// change the modelview matrix if needed
		if ( entityNum != oldEntityNum ) {
			depthRange = qfalse;

			if ( entityNum != ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) {
				backEnd.currentEntity = &backEnd.refdef.entities[entityNum];
				backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime - backEnd.currentEntity->e.shaderTime;

				// set up the transformation matrix
				////////////////////////////////R_RotateForEntity( backEnd.currentEntity, &backEnd.viewParms, &backEnd.or );
				// set up the dynamic lighting if needed
				if ( backEnd.currentEntity->needDlights ) {
					R_TransformDlights( backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights, &backEnd.or );

				if ( backEnd.currentEntity->e.renderfx & RF_DEPTHHACK ) {
					// hack the depth range to prevent view model from poking into walls
					depthRange = qtrue;
			} else {
				backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity;
				backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime;
				backEnd.or =;
				R_TransformDlights( backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights, &backEnd.or );
			//////////////////////////////////////glLoadMatrixf( backEnd.or.modelMatrix );
			// change depthrange if needed
			if ( oldDepthRange != depthRange ) {
				if ( depthRange ) {
					qglDepthRange (0, 0.3);
				} else {
					qglDepthRange (0, 1);
				oldDepthRange = depthRange;

			oldEntityNum = entityNum;

				RB_BeginSurface( 0,0, gluiTextureBind);//shader, fogNum );				

				tess.hModel = tr.refdef.entities[entityNum].e.hModel;

		// add the triangles for this surface
		rb_surfaceTable[ *drawSurf->surface ]( drawSurf->surface );


				// stats...
				if (!tess.bSurfaceIsG2Tag || AppVars.bShowTagSurfaces)
					*tr.refdef.entities[entityNum].e.piRenderedTris += giSurfaceTrisDrawn;
					*tr.refdef.entities[entityNum].e.piRenderedVerts+= giSurfaceVertsDrawn;
					*tr.refdef.entities[entityNum].e.piRenderedSurfs+= 1;		// NOT ++!
					*tr.refdef.entities[entityNum].e.piRenderedBoneWeights += giRenderedBoneWeights;
					*tr.refdef.entities[entityNum].e.piOmittedBoneWeights  += giOmittedBoneWeights;
	// draw the contents of the last shader batch
	if (oldShader != NULL) {

	// go back to the world modelview matrix
	qglLoadMatrixf( );
	if ( depthRange ) {
		qglDepthRange (0, 1);
Esempio n. 7
void RB_RenderDrawSurfList( drawSurf_t *drawSurfs, int numDrawSurfs ) {
	shader_t		*shader, *oldShader;
	int				fogNum, oldFogNum;
	int				entityNum, oldEntityNum;
	int				dlighted, oldDlighted;
	int				pshadowed, oldPshadowed;
	int             cubemapIndex, oldCubemapIndex;
	qboolean		depthRange, oldDepthRange, isCrosshair, wasCrosshair;
	int				i;
	drawSurf_t		*drawSurf;
	int				oldSort;
	float			originalTime;
	FBO_t*			fbo = NULL;
	qboolean		inQuery = qfalse;

	float			depth[2];

	// save original time for entity shader offsets
	originalTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime;

	fbo = glState.currentFBO;

	// draw everything
	oldEntityNum = -1;
	backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity;
	oldShader = NULL;
	oldFogNum = -1;
	oldDepthRange = qfalse;
	wasCrosshair = qfalse;
	oldDlighted = qfalse;
	oldPshadowed = qfalse;
	oldCubemapIndex = -1;
	oldSort = -1;

	depth[0] = 0.f;
	depth[1] = 1.f;

	backEnd.pc.c_surfaces += numDrawSurfs;

	for (i = 0, drawSurf = drawSurfs ; i < numDrawSurfs ; i++, drawSurf++) {
		if ( drawSurf->sort == oldSort && drawSurf->cubemapIndex == oldCubemapIndex) {
			if (backEnd.depthFill && shader && shader->sort != SS_OPAQUE)

			// fast path, same as previous sort
			rb_surfaceTable[ *drawSurf->surface ]( drawSurf->surface );
		oldSort = drawSurf->sort;
		R_DecomposeSort( drawSurf->sort, &entityNum, &shader, &fogNum, &dlighted, &pshadowed );
		cubemapIndex = drawSurf->cubemapIndex;

		// change the tess parameters if needed
		// a "entityMergable" shader is a shader that can have surfaces from seperate
		// entities merged into a single batch, like smoke and blood puff sprites
		if ( shader != NULL && ( shader != oldShader || fogNum != oldFogNum || dlighted != oldDlighted || pshadowed != oldPshadowed || cubemapIndex != oldCubemapIndex
			|| ( entityNum != oldEntityNum && !shader->entityMergable ) ) ) {
			if (oldShader != NULL) {
			RB_BeginSurface( shader, fogNum, cubemapIndex );
			oldShader = shader;
			oldFogNum = fogNum;
			oldDlighted = dlighted;
			oldPshadowed = pshadowed;
			oldCubemapIndex = cubemapIndex;

		if (backEnd.depthFill && shader && shader->sort != SS_OPAQUE)

		// change the modelview matrix if needed
		if ( entityNum != oldEntityNum ) {
			qboolean sunflare = qfalse;
			depthRange = isCrosshair = qfalse;

			if ( entityNum != REFENTITYNUM_WORLD ) {
				backEnd.currentEntity = &backEnd.refdef.entities[entityNum];
				backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime - backEnd.currentEntity->e.shaderTime;
				// we have to reset the shaderTime as well otherwise image animations start
				// from the wrong frame
				tess.shaderTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime - tess.shader->timeOffset;

				// set up the transformation matrix
				R_RotateForEntity( backEnd.currentEntity, &backEnd.viewParms, &backEnd.or );

				// set up the dynamic lighting if needed
				if ( backEnd.currentEntity->needDlights ) {
					R_TransformDlights( backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights, &backEnd.or );

				if(backEnd.currentEntity->e.renderfx & RF_DEPTHHACK)
					// hack the depth range to prevent view model from poking into walls
					depthRange = qtrue;
					if(backEnd.currentEntity->e.renderfx & RF_CROSSHAIR)
						isCrosshair = qtrue;
			} else {
				backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity;
				backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime;
				backEnd.or =;
				// we have to reset the shaderTime as well otherwise image animations on
				// the world (like water) continue with the wrong frame
				tess.shaderTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime - tess.shader->timeOffset;
				R_TransformDlights( backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights, &backEnd.or );

			GL_SetModelviewMatrix( backEnd.or.modelMatrix );

			// change depthrange. Also change projection matrix so first person weapon does not look like coming
			// out of the screen.
			if (oldDepthRange != depthRange || wasCrosshair != isCrosshair)
				if (depthRange)
					if(backEnd.viewParms.stereoFrame != STEREO_CENTER)
								// was not a crosshair but now is, change back proj matrix
								GL_SetProjectionMatrix( backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix );
							viewParms_t temp = backEnd.viewParms;

							R_SetupProjection(&temp, r_znear->value, 0, qfalse);

							GL_SetProjectionMatrix( temp.projectionMatrix );

						depth[0] = 0;
						depth[1] = 0.3f;
 						qglDepthRange (depth[0], depth[1]);
					if(!wasCrosshair && backEnd.viewParms.stereoFrame != STEREO_CENTER)
						GL_SetProjectionMatrix( backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix );

					if (!sunflare)
						qglDepthRange (0, 1);

					depth[0] = 0;
					depth[1] = 1;

				oldDepthRange = depthRange;
				wasCrosshair = isCrosshair;

			oldEntityNum = entityNum;

		// add the triangles for this surface
		rb_surfaceTable[ *drawSurf->surface ]( drawSurf->surface );

	backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime;

	// draw the contents of the last shader batch
	if (oldShader != NULL) {

	if (inQuery) {

	if (glRefConfig.framebufferObject)

	// go back to the world modelview matrix

	GL_SetModelviewMatrix( );

	qglDepthRange (0, 1);
Esempio n. 8
 * @brief RB_RenderDrawSurfList
 * @param[in] drawSurfs
 * @param[in] numDrawSurfs
void RB_RenderDrawSurfList(drawSurf_t *drawSurfs, int numDrawSurfs)
	shader_t   *shader, *oldShader;
	int        fogNum, oldFogNum;
	int        entityNum, oldEntityNum;
	int        frontFace;
	int        dlighted, oldDlighted;
	qboolean   depthRange, oldDepthRange;
	int        i;
	drawSurf_t *drawSurf;
	int        oldSort;
	double     originalTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime; // save original time for entity shader offsets

	// clear the z buffer, set the modelview, etc

	// draw everything
	oldEntityNum          = -1;
	backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity;
	oldShader             = NULL;
	oldFogNum             = -1;
	oldDepthRange         = qfalse;
	oldDlighted           = qfalse;
	oldSort               = -1;
	depthRange            = qfalse;

	backEnd.pc.c_surfaces += numDrawSurfs;

	for (i = 0, drawSurf = drawSurfs ; i < numDrawSurfs ; i++, drawSurf++)
		if (drawSurf->sort == oldSort)
			// fast path, same as previous sort
			rb_surfaceTable[*drawSurf->surface] (drawSurf->surface);
		oldSort = drawSurf->sort;
		R_DecomposeSort(drawSurf->sort, &entityNum, &shader, &fogNum, &frontFace, &dlighted);

		// change the tess parameters if needed
		// a "entityMergable" shader is a shader that can have surfaces from seperate
		// entities merged into a single batch, like smoke and blood puff sprites
		if (shader && (shader != oldShader || fogNum != oldFogNum || dlighted != oldDlighted
		               || (entityNum != oldEntityNum && !shader->entityMergable)))
			if (oldShader != NULL)
			RB_BeginSurface(shader, fogNum);
			oldShader   = shader;
			oldFogNum   = fogNum;
			oldDlighted = dlighted;

		// change the modelview matrix if needed
		if (entityNum != oldEntityNum)
			depthRange = qfalse;

			if (entityNum != ENTITYNUM_WORLD)
				backEnd.currentEntity = &backEnd.refdef.entities[entityNum];

				// FIXME: e.shaderTime must be passed as int to avoid fp-precision loss issues
				backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime; // - backEnd.currentEntity->e.shaderTime; // JPW NERVE pulled this to match q3ta

				// we have to reset the shaderTime as well otherwise image animations start
				// from the wrong frame
				// tess.shaderTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime - tess.shader->timeOffset;

				// set up the transformation matrix
				R_RotateForEntity(backEnd.currentEntity, &backEnd.viewParms, &backEnd.orientation);

				// set up the dynamic lighting if needed
				if (backEnd.currentEntity->needDlights)
					R_TransformDlights(backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights, &backEnd.orientation);

				if (backEnd.currentEntity->e.renderfx & RF_DEPTHHACK)
					// hack the depth range to prevent view model from poking into walls
					depthRange = qtrue;
				backEnd.currentEntity    = &tr.worldEntity;
				backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime;
				backEnd.orientation      =;

				// we have to reset the shaderTime as well otherwise image animations on
				// the world (like water) continue with the wrong frame
				// tess.shaderTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime - tess.shader->timeOffset;

				R_TransformDlights(backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights, &backEnd.orientation);


			// change depthrange if needed
			if (oldDepthRange != depthRange)
				if (depthRange)
					qglDepthRange(0, 0.3);
					qglDepthRange(0, 1);
				oldDepthRange = depthRange;

			oldEntityNum = entityNum;

		// add the triangles for this surface
		rb_surfaceTable[*drawSurf->surface] (drawSurf->surface);

	// draw the contents of the last shader batch
	if (oldShader != NULL)

	// go back to the world modelview matrix
	backEnd.currentEntity    = &tr.worldEntity;
	backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime;
	backEnd.orientation      =;
	R_TransformDlights(backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights, &backEnd.orientation);

	if (depthRange)
		qglDepthRange(0, 1);

	// draw sun

	// darken down any stencil shadows

	// add light flares on lights that aren't obscured
Esempio n. 9
void RB_RenderDrawSurfList( drawSurf_t *drawSurfs, int numDrawSurfs ) {
	shader_t		*shader, *oldShader;
	int				fogNum, oldFogNum;
	int				entityNum, oldEntityNum;
	int				dlighted, oldDlighted;
	int				depthRange, oldDepthRange;
	int				i;
	drawSurf_t		*drawSurf;
	unsigned int	oldSort;
	float			originalTime;
	trRefEntity_t	*curEnt;
	postRender_t	*pRender;
	bool			didShadowPass = false;
#ifdef __MACOS__
	int				macEventTime;

	Sys_PumpEvents();		// crutch up the mac's limited buffer queue size

	// we don't want to pump the event loop too often and waste time, so
	// we are going to check every shader change
	macEventTime = ri.Milliseconds() + MAC_EVENT_PUMP_MSEC;

	if (g_bRenderGlowingObjects)
	{ //only shadow on initial passes
		didShadowPass = true;

	// save original time for entity shader offsets
	originalTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime;

	// clear the z buffer, set the modelview, etc
	RB_BeginDrawingView ();

	// draw everything
	oldEntityNum = -1;
	backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity;
	oldShader = NULL;
	oldFogNum = -1;
	oldDepthRange = qfalse;
	oldDlighted = qfalse;
	oldSort = (unsigned int) -1;
	depthRange = qfalse;

	backEnd.pc.c_surfaces += numDrawSurfs;

	for (i = 0, drawSurf = drawSurfs ; i < numDrawSurfs ; i++, drawSurf++) {
		if ( drawSurf->sort == oldSort ) {
			// fast path, same as previous sort
			rb_surfaceTable[ *drawSurf->surface ]( drawSurf->surface );
		R_DecomposeSort( drawSurf->sort, &entityNum, &shader, &fogNum, &dlighted );

		// If we're rendering glowing objects, but this shader has no stages with glow, skip it!
		if ( g_bRenderGlowingObjects && !shader->hasGlow )
			shader = oldShader;
			entityNum = oldEntityNum;
			fogNum = oldFogNum;
			dlighted = oldDlighted;

		oldSort = drawSurf->sort;

		// change the tess parameters if needed
		// a "entityMergable" shader is a shader that can have surfaces from seperate
		// entities merged into a single batch, like smoke and blood puff sprites
		if (entityNum != TR_WORLDENT &&
			g_numPostRenders < MAX_POST_RENDERS)
			if ( (backEnd.refdef.entities[entityNum].e.renderfx & RF_DISTORTION)/* ||
				(backEnd.refdef.entities[entityNum].e.renderfx & RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA)*/)
				//not sure if we need this alpha fix for sp or not, leaving it out for now -rww
			{ //must render last
				curEnt = &backEnd.refdef.entities[entityNum];
				pRender = &g_postRenders[g_numPostRenders];


				depthRange = 0;
				//figure this stuff out now and store it
				if ( curEnt->e.renderfx & RF_NODEPTH )
					depthRange = 2;
				else if ( curEnt->e.renderfx & RF_DEPTHHACK )
					depthRange = 1;
				pRender->depthRange = depthRange;

				//It is not necessary to update the old* values because
				//we are not updating now with the current values.
				depthRange = oldDepthRange;

				//store off the ent num
				pRender->entNum = entityNum;

				//remember the other values necessary for rendering this surf
				pRender->drawSurf = drawSurf;
				pRender->dlighted = dlighted;
				pRender->fogNum = fogNum;
				pRender->shader = shader;

				//assure the info is back to the last set state
				shader = oldShader;
				entityNum = oldEntityNum;
				fogNum = oldFogNum;
				dlighted = oldDlighted;

				oldSort = (unsigned int)-1; //invalidate this thing, cause we may want to postrender more surfs of the same sort

				//continue without bothering to begin a draw surf

		if (shader != oldShader || fogNum != oldFogNum || dlighted != oldDlighted 
			|| ( entityNum != oldEntityNum && !shader->entityMergable ) )
			if (oldShader != NULL) {
#ifdef __MACOS__	// crutch up the mac's limited buffer queue size
				int		t;

				t = ri.Milliseconds();
				if ( t > macEventTime ) {
					macEventTime = t + MAC_EVENT_PUMP_MSEC;

				if (!didShadowPass && shader && shader->sort > SS_BANNER)
					didShadowPass = true;
			RB_BeginSurface( shader, fogNum );
			oldShader = shader;
			oldFogNum = fogNum;
			oldDlighted = dlighted;

		// change the modelview matrix if needed
		if ( entityNum != oldEntityNum ) {
			depthRange = qfalse;

			if ( entityNum != TR_WORLDENT ) {
				backEnd.currentEntity = &backEnd.refdef.entities[entityNum];
				backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime - backEnd.currentEntity->e.shaderTime;

				// set up the transformation matrix
				R_RotateForEntity( backEnd.currentEntity, &backEnd.viewParms, &backEnd.ori );

				// set up the dynamic lighting if needed
				if ( backEnd.currentEntity->needDlights ) {
					VVLightMan.R_TransformDlights( &backEnd.ori );
					R_TransformDlights( backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights, &backEnd.ori );

				if ( backEnd.currentEntity->e.renderfx & RF_NODEPTH ) {
					// No depth at all, very rare but some things for seeing through walls
					depthRange = 2;
				else if ( backEnd.currentEntity->e.renderfx & RF_DEPTHHACK ) {
					// hack the depth range to prevent view model from poking into walls
					depthRange = qtrue;
			} else {
				backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity;
				backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime;
				backEnd.ori =;
				VVLightMan.R_TransformDlights( &backEnd.ori );
				R_TransformDlights( backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights, &backEnd.ori );

			qglLoadMatrixf( backEnd.ori.modelMatrix );

			// change depthrange if needed
			if ( oldDepthRange != depthRange ) {
				switch ( depthRange ) {
					case 0:
						qglDepthRange (0, 1);	

					case 1:
						qglDepthRange (0, .3);	

					case 2:
						qglDepthRange (0, 0);

				oldDepthRange = depthRange;

			oldEntityNum = entityNum;

		// add the triangles for this surface
		rb_surfaceTable[ *drawSurf->surface ]( drawSurf->surface );

	// draw the contents of the last shader batch
	if (oldShader != NULL) {

	if (tr_stencilled && tr_distortionPrePost)
	{ //ok, cap it now

	//render distortion surfs (or anything else that needs to be post-rendered)
	if (g_numPostRenders > 0)
		int lastPostEnt = -1;

		while (g_numPostRenders > 0)
			pRender = &g_postRenders[g_numPostRenders];

			RB_BeginSurface( pRender->shader, pRender->fogNum );

			backEnd.currentEntity = &backEnd.refdef.entities[pRender->entNum];

			backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime - backEnd.currentEntity->e.shaderTime;

			// set up the transformation matrix
			R_RotateForEntity( backEnd.currentEntity, &backEnd.viewParms, &backEnd.ori );

			// set up the dynamic lighting if needed
			if ( backEnd.currentEntity->needDlights )
				VVLightMan.R_TransformDlights( &backEnd.ori );
				R_TransformDlights( backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights, &backEnd.ori );

			qglLoadMatrixf( backEnd.ori.modelMatrix );

			depthRange = pRender->depthRange;
			switch ( depthRange )
				case 0:
					qglDepthRange (0, 1);	

				case 1:
					qglDepthRange (0, .3);	

				case 2:
					qglDepthRange (0, 0);

			if ((backEnd.currentEntity->e.renderfx & RF_DISTORTION) &&
				lastPostEnt != pRender->entNum)
			{ //do the capture now, we only need to do it once per ent
				int x, y;
				int rad = backEnd.currentEntity->e.radius;
				//We are going to just bind this, and then the CopyTexImage is going to
				//stomp over this texture num in texture memory.
				GL_Bind( tr.screenImage );

				if (R_WorldCoordToScreenCoord( backEnd.currentEntity->e.origin, &x, &y ))
					int cX, cY;
					cX = glConfig.vidWidth-x-(rad/2);
					cY = glConfig.vidHeight-y-(rad/2);

					if (cX+rad > glConfig.vidWidth)
					{ //would it go off screen?
						cX = glConfig.vidWidth-rad;
					else if (cX < 0)
					{ //cap it off at 0
						cX = 0;

					if (cY+rad > glConfig.vidHeight)
					{ //would it go off screen?
						cY = glConfig.vidHeight-rad;
					else if (cY < 0)
					{ //cap it off at 0
						cY = 0;

					//now copy a portion of the screen to this texture
					qglCopyTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA16, cX, cY, rad, rad, 0);

					lastPostEnt = pRender->entNum;

			rb_surfaceTable[ *pRender->drawSurf->surface ]( pRender->drawSurf->surface );

	// go back to the world modelview matrix
	qglLoadMatrixf( );
	if ( depthRange ) {
		qglDepthRange (0, 1);

#if 0
	if (tr_stencilled && !tr_distortionPrePost)
	{ //draw in the stencil buffer's cutout
	if (!didShadowPass)
		// darken down any stencil shadows
		didShadowPass = true;

// add light flares on lights that aren't obscured
//	RB_RenderFlares();

#ifdef __MACOS__
	Sys_PumpEvents();		// crutch up the mac's limited buffer queue size
Esempio n. 10
void RB_RenderDrawSurfList( drawSurf_t *drawSurfs, int numDrawSurfs ) {
	shader_t        *shader, *oldShader;
	int fogNum, oldFogNum;
	int entityNum, oldEntityNum;
	int dlighted, oldDlighted;
	qboolean depthRange, oldDepthRange, isCrosshair, wasCrosshair;
	int i;
	drawSurf_t      *drawSurf;
	int oldSort;
	float originalTime;
	int oldNumVerts, oldNumIndex;
//GR - tessellation flag
	int atiTess = 0, oldAtiTess;

	// save original time for entity shader offsets
	originalTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime;

	// clear the z buffer, set the modelview, etc

	// draw everything
	oldEntityNum = -1;
	backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity;
	oldShader = NULL;
	oldFogNum = -1;
	oldDepthRange = qfalse;
	wasCrosshair = qfalse;
	oldDlighted = qfalse;
	oldSort = -1;
	depthRange = qfalse;
// GR - tessellation also forces to draw everything
	oldAtiTess = -1;

	backEnd.pc.c_surfaces += numDrawSurfs;

	for ( i = 0, drawSurf = drawSurfs ; i < numDrawSurfs ; i++, drawSurf++ ) {
		if ( drawSurf->sort == oldSort ) {
			// fast path, same as previous sort
			oldNumVerts = tess.numVertexes;
			oldNumIndex = tess.numIndexes;

			rb_surfaceTable[ *drawSurf->surface ]( drawSurf->surface );

			// RF, convert the newly created vertexes into dust particles, and overwrite
			if (backEnd.currentEntity->e.reFlags & REFLAG_ZOMBIEFX) {
				RB_ZombieFX( 0, drawSurf, oldNumVerts, oldNumIndex );
			else if (backEnd.currentEntity->e.reFlags & REFLAG_ZOMBIEFX2) {
				RB_ZombieFX( 1, drawSurf, oldNumVerts, oldNumIndex );
		oldSort = drawSurf->sort;
// GR - also extract tesselation flag
		R_DecomposeSort( drawSurf->sort, &entityNum, &shader, &fogNum, &dlighted, &atiTess );

		// change the tess parameters if needed
		// a "entityMergable" shader is a shader that can have surfaces from seperate
		// entities merged into a single batch, like smoke and blood puff sprites
		if ( shader != NULL && ( shader != oldShader || fogNum != oldFogNum || dlighted != oldDlighted
// GR - force draw on tessellation flag change
			 || ( atiTess != oldAtiTess )
			 || ( entityNum != oldEntityNum && !shader->entityMergable ) ) ){
			if ( oldShader != NULL ) {
// GR - pass tessellation flag to the shader command
//		make sure to use oldAtiTess!!!
				tess.ATI_tess = ( oldAtiTess == ATI_TESS_TRUFORM );

			RB_BeginSurface( shader, fogNum );
			oldShader = shader;
			oldFogNum = fogNum;
			oldDlighted = dlighted;
// GR - update old tessellation flag
			oldAtiTess = atiTess;

		// change the modelview matrix if needed
		if ( entityNum != oldEntityNum ) {
			depthRange = isCrosshair = qfalse;

			if ( entityNum != REFENTITYNUM_WORLD ) {
				backEnd.currentEntity = &backEnd.refdef.entities[entityNum];
				backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime - backEnd.currentEntity->e.shaderTime;

				// we have to reset the shaderTime as well otherwise image animations start
				// from the wrong frame
//				tess.shaderTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime - tess.shader->timeOffset;

				// set up the transformation matrix
				R_RotateForEntity( backEnd.currentEntity, &backEnd.viewParms, &backEnd.or );

				// set up the dynamic lighting if needed
				if ( backEnd.currentEntity->needDlights ) {
					R_TransformDlights( backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights, &backEnd.or );

				if ( backEnd.currentEntity->e.renderfx & RF_DEPTHHACK ) {
					// hack the depth range to prevent view model from poking into walls
					depthRange = qtrue;

					if(backEnd.currentEntity->e.renderfx & RF_CROSSHAIR)
						isCrosshair = qtrue;
			} else {
				backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity;
				backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime;
				backEnd.or =;

				// we have to reset the shaderTime as well otherwise image animations on
				// the world (like water) continue with the wrong frame
//				tess.shaderTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime - tess.shader->timeOffset;

				R_TransformDlights( backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights, &backEnd.or );

			qglLoadMatrixf( backEnd.or.modelMatrix );

			// change depthrange. Also change projection matrix so first person weapon does not look like coming
			// out of the screen.
			if (oldDepthRange != depthRange || wasCrosshair != isCrosshair)
				if (depthRange)
					if(backEnd.viewParms.stereoFrame != STEREO_CENTER)
								// was not a crosshair but now is, change back proj matrix
							viewParms_t temp = backEnd.viewParms;

							R_SetupProjection(&temp, r_znear->value, qfalse);


						qglDepthRange (0, 0.3);
					if(!wasCrosshair && backEnd.viewParms.stereoFrame != STEREO_CENTER)
					qglDepthRange( 0, 1 );

				oldDepthRange = depthRange;
				wasCrosshair = isCrosshair;

			oldEntityNum = entityNum;

		// RF, ZOMBIEFX, store the tess indexes, so we can grab the calculated
		// vertex positions and normals, and convert them into dust particles
		oldNumVerts = tess.numVertexes;
		oldNumIndex = tess.numIndexes;

		// add the triangles for this surface
		rb_surfaceTable[ *drawSurf->surface ]( drawSurf->surface );

		// RF, convert the newly created vertexes into dust particles, and overwrite
		if ( backEnd.currentEntity->e.reFlags & REFLAG_ZOMBIEFX ) {
			RB_ZombieFX( 0, drawSurf, oldNumVerts, oldNumIndex );
		} else if ( backEnd.currentEntity->e.reFlags & REFLAG_ZOMBIEFX2 )     {
			RB_ZombieFX( 1, drawSurf, oldNumVerts, oldNumIndex );

	// draw the contents of the last shader batch
	if ( oldShader != NULL ) {
// GR - pass tessellation flag to the shader command
//		make sure to use oldAtiTess!!!
		tess.ATI_tess = ( oldAtiTess == ATI_TESS_TRUFORM );


	// go back to the world modelview matrix
	backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity;
	backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime;
	backEnd.or =;
	R_TransformDlights( backEnd.refdef.num_dlights, backEnd.refdef.dlights, &backEnd.or );

	qglLoadMatrixf( );
	if ( depthRange ) {
		qglDepthRange( 0, 1 );

	if (r_drawSun->integer) {
		RB_DrawSun(0.2, tr.sunShader);

	// darken down any stencil shadows

	// add light flares on lights that aren't obscured