Esempio n. 1

Determines which triangles of the surface are facing towards the light origin.

The facing array should be allocated with one extra index than
the number of surface triangles, which will be used to handle dangling
edge silhouettes.
void R_CalcInteractionFacing( const idRenderEntityLocal *ent, const srfTriangles_t *tri, const idRenderLightLocal *light, srfCullInfo_t &cullInfo ) {
	idVec3 localLightOrigin;

	if ( cullInfo.facing != NULL ) {

	R_GlobalPointToLocal( ent->modelMatrix, light->globalLightOrigin, localLightOrigin );

	int numFaces = tri->numIndexes / 3;

	if ( !tri->facePlanes || !tri->facePlanesCalculated ) {
		R_DeriveFacePlanes( const_cast<srfTriangles_t *>(tri) );

	cullInfo.facing = (byte *) R_StaticAlloc( ( numFaces + 1 ) * sizeof( cullInfo.facing[0] ) );

	// calculate back face culling
	float *planeSide = (float *) _alloca16( numFaces * sizeof( float ) );

	// exact geometric cull against face
	SIMDProcessor->Dot( planeSide, localLightOrigin, tri->facePlanes, numFaces );
	SIMDProcessor->CmpGE( cullInfo.facing, planeSide, 0.0f, numFaces );

	cullInfo.facing[ numFaces ] = 1;	// for dangling edges to reference
Esempio n. 2

static void RenderBumpTriangles( srfTriangles_t *lowMesh, renderBump_t *rb ) {
	int		i, j;


	qglDisable( GL_CULL_FACE );

	qglColor3f( 1, 1, 1 );

	qglMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
	qglOrtho( 0, 1, 1, 0, -1, 1 );
	qglDisable( GL_BLEND );
	qglMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );

	qglDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );


	qglColor3f( 1, 1, 1 );

	// create smoothed normals for the surface, which might be
	// different than the normals at the vertexes if the
	// surface uses unsmoothedNormals, which only takes the
	// normal from a single triangle.  We need properly smoothed
	// normals to make sure that the traces always go off normal
	// to the true surface.
	idVec3	*lowMeshNormals = (idVec3 *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( lowMesh->numVerts * sizeof( *lowMeshNormals ) );
	R_DeriveFacePlanes( lowMesh );
	R_CreateSilIndexes( lowMesh );	// recreate, merging the mirrored verts back together
	const idPlane *planes = lowMesh->facePlanes;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < lowMesh->numIndexes ; i += 3, planes++ ) {
		for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) {
			int		index;

			index = lowMesh->silIndexes[i+j];
			lowMeshNormals[index] += (*planes).Normal();
	// normalize and replicate from silIndexes to all indexes
	for ( i = 0 ; i < lowMesh->numIndexes ; i++ ) {
		lowMeshNormals[lowMesh->indexes[i]] = lowMeshNormals[lowMesh->silIndexes[i]];

	// rasterize each low poly face
	for ( j = 0 ; j < lowMesh->numIndexes ; j+=3 ) {
		// pump the event loop so the window can be dragged around

		RasterizeTriangle( lowMesh, lowMeshNormals, j/3, rb );

		qglRasterPos2f( 0, 1 );
		qglPixelZoom( glConfig.vidWidth / (float)rb->width, glConfig.vidHeight / (float)rb->height );
		qglDrawPixels( rb->width, rb->height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, rb->localPic );
		qglPixelZoom( 1, 1 );

	Mem_Free( lowMeshNormals );
Esempio n. 3
static void InitRenderBump( renderBump_t *rb ) {
	srfTriangles_t	*mesh;
	idBounds	bounds;
	int			i, c;

	// load the ase file
	common->Printf( "loading %s...\n", rb->highName );

	rb->highModel = renderModelManager->AllocModel();
	rb->highModel->PartialInitFromFile( rb->highName );
	if ( !rb->highModel ) {
		common->Error( "failed to load %s", rb->highName );

	// combine the high poly model into a single polyset
	if ( rb->highModel->NumSurfaces() != 1 ) {
		rb->highModel = CombineModelSurfaces( rb->highModel );

	const modelSurface_t *surf = rb->highModel->Surface( 0 );
	mesh = surf->geometry;

	rb->mesh = mesh;

	R_DeriveFacePlanes( mesh );

	// create a face hash table to accelerate the tracing
	rb->hash = CreateTriHash( mesh );

	// bound the entire file
	R_BoundTriSurf( mesh );
	bounds = mesh->bounds;

	// the traceDist will be the traceFrac times the larges bounds axis
	rb->traceDist = 0;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
		float	d;

		d = rb->traceFrac * ( bounds[1][i] - bounds[0][i] );
		if ( d > rb->traceDist ) {
			rb->traceDist = d;
	common->Printf( "trace fraction %4.2f = %6.2f model units\n", rb->traceFrac, rb->traceDist );

	c = rb->width * rb->height * 4;

	// local normal map
	rb->localPic = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( c );

	// global (object space, not surface space) normal map
	rb->globalPic = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( c );

	// color pic for artist reference
	rb->colorPic = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( c );

	// edgeDistance for marking outside-the-triangle traces
	rb->edgeDistances = (float *)Mem_Alloc( c );

	for ( i = 0 ; i < c ; i+=4 ) {
		rb->localPic[i+0] = 128;
		rb->localPic[i+1] = 128;
		rb->localPic[i+2] = 128;
		rb->localPic[i+3] = 0;	// the artists use this for masking traced pixels sometimes

		rb->globalPic[i+0] = 128;
		rb->globalPic[i+1] = 128;
		rb->globalPic[i+2] = 128;
		rb->globalPic[i+3] = 0;

		rb->colorPic[i+0] = 128;
		rb->colorPic[i+1] = 128;
		rb->colorPic[i+2] = 128;
		rb->colorPic[i+3] = 0;

		rb->edgeDistances[i/4] = -1;	// not traced yet
