Esempio n. 1
void OVR_CalculateState(vr_param_t *state)
	vr_param_t ovrState;
	float ovrScale = vr_ovr_supersample->value;
	int eye = 0;

	for (eye = 0; eye < 2; eye++) {
		ovrDistortionMesh meshData;
		ovr_vert_t *mesh = NULL;
		ovr_vert_t *v = NULL;
		ovrDistortionVertex *ov = NULL;
		unsigned int i = 0;
		float vignette_factor;
		if (vr_ovr_maxfov->value)
			renderInfo[eye].eyeFov = hmd->MaxEyeFov[eye];
		} else
			renderInfo[eye].eyeFov = hmd->DefaultEyeFov[eye];

		ovrState.eyeFBO[eye] = &renderInfo[eye].eyeFBO;

		ovrState.renderParams[eye].projection.x.scale = 2.0f / ( renderInfo[eye].eyeFov.LeftTan + renderInfo[eye].eyeFov.RightTan );
		ovrState.renderParams[eye].projection.x.offset = ( renderInfo[eye].eyeFov.LeftTan - renderInfo[eye].eyeFov.RightTan ) * ovrState.renderParams[eye].projection.x.scale * 0.5f;
		ovrState.renderParams[eye].projection.y.scale = 2.0f / ( renderInfo[eye].eyeFov.UpTan + renderInfo[eye].eyeFov.DownTan );
		ovrState.renderParams[eye].projection.y.offset = ( renderInfo[eye].eyeFov.UpTan - renderInfo[eye].eyeFov.DownTan ) * ovrState.renderParams[eye].projection.y.scale * 0.5f;

		// set up rendering info
		eyeDesc[eye] = ovrHmd_GetRenderDesc(hmd,(ovrEyeType) eye,renderInfo[eye].eyeFov);


		ovrHmd_CreateDistortionMesh(hmd, eyeDesc[eye].Eye, eyeDesc[eye].Fov, ovrDistortionCap_Chromatic | ovrDistortionCap_SRGB | ovrDistortionCap_TimeWarp | ovrDistortionCap_Vignette, &meshData);

		mesh = (ovr_vert_t *) Z_TagMalloc(sizeof(ovr_vert_t) * meshData.VertexCount, TAG_RENDERER);
		v = mesh;
		ov = meshData.pVertexData; 
		for (i = 0; i < meshData.VertexCount; i++)

			// DK2 display not rotated - rotate the coordinates manually
			if (vid.width < vid.height) {
				v->pos.x = -ov->ScreenPosNDC.y;
				v->pos.y = ov->ScreenPosNDC.x;
			} else {
				v->pos.x = ov->ScreenPosNDC.x;
				v->pos.y = ov->ScreenPosNDC.y;

			v->texR = (*(ovrVector2f*)&ov->TanEyeAnglesR); 
			v->texG = (*(ovrVector2f*)&ov->TanEyeAnglesG);
			v->texB = (*(ovrVector2f*)&ov->TanEyeAnglesB); 
			vignette_factor = ov->VignetteFactor;
			if (vignette_factor < 0) vignette_factor = 0;
			v->color[0] = v->color[1] = v->color[2] = (GLubyte)(vignette_factor  * 255.99f);
			v->color[3] = (GLubyte)( ov->TimeWarpFactor * 255.99f );
			v++; ov++;

		R_VertexData(&renderInfo[eye].eye,sizeof(ovr_vert_t) * meshData.VertexCount, mesh);
		R_IndexData(&renderInfo[eye].eye,GL_TRIANGLES,GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT,meshData.IndexCount,sizeof(uint16_t) * meshData.IndexCount,meshData.pIndexData);
		ovrHmd_DestroyDistortionMesh( &meshData );
		// calculate this to give the engine a rough idea of the fov
		float combinedTanHalfFovHorizontal = max ( max ( renderInfo[0].eyeFov.LeftTan, renderInfo[0].eyeFov.RightTan ), max ( renderInfo[1].eyeFov.LeftTan, renderInfo[1].eyeFov.RightTan ) );
		float combinedTanHalfFovVertical = max ( max ( renderInfo[0].eyeFov.UpTan, renderInfo[0].eyeFov.DownTan ), max ( renderInfo[1].eyeFov.UpTan, renderInfo[1].eyeFov.DownTan ) );
		float horizontalFullFovInRadians = 2.0f * atanf ( combinedTanHalfFovHorizontal ); 
		float fovX = RAD2DEG(horizontalFullFovInRadians);
		float fovY = RAD2DEG(2.0 * atanf(combinedTanHalfFovVertical));
		ovrState.aspect = combinedTanHalfFovHorizontal / combinedTanHalfFovVertical;
		ovrState.viewFovY = fovY;
		ovrState.viewFovX = fovX;
		ovrState.pixelScale = ovrScale * vid.width / (float) hmd->Resolution.w;

	*state = ovrState;
Esempio n. 2
void R_VR_GenerateHud()
	int i, j;
	float numsegments = floor(vr_hud_segments->value);
	float horizFOV = vr_hud_fov->value;
	float depth = vr_hud_depth->value;
	float horizInterval = 2.0 / numsegments;
	float vertBounds = (float) hud.height / (float) hud.width;
	float vertInterval = horizInterval * vertBounds;

	int numindices = (numsegments) * (numsegments + 1) * 2 + (numsegments * 2);
	int numverts = (numsegments) * (numsegments + 1) * 2;

	vert_t *hudverts = NULL;
	GLushort *indices = NULL;
	uint32_t hudNumVerts = 0;
	GLushort currIndex = 0;
	uint32_t iboSize = sizeof(GLushort) * numindices;
	uint32_t vboSize = sizeof(vert_t) * numverts;

	// calculate coordinates for hud
	float xoff = tanf(horizFOV * (M_PI / 180.0f) * 0.5) * (depth);
	float zoff = depth * cosf(horizFOV * (M_PI / 180.0f) * 0.5);
	vec3_t offsetScale;
	VectorSet(offsetScale, xoff, xoff, zoff);

	hudverts = (vert_t *) malloc(vboSize);
	memset(hudverts, 0, vboSize);

	indices = (GLushort *) malloc(iboSize);
	memset(indices, 0, iboSize);

	for (j = 0; j < numsegments; j++)
		float ypos, ypos1;
		qboolean verticalHalf = (j >= numsegments / 2);
		ypos = j * vertInterval - vertBounds;
		ypos1 = (j + 1) * vertInterval - vertBounds;

		for (i = 0; i <= numsegments; i++)
			float xpos;
			vert_t vert1, vert2;
			GLushort vertNum1, vertNum2;
			qboolean horizontalHalf = (i >= (numsegments+1) / 2);

			xpos = i * horizInterval - 1;

			VectorSet(vert1.position, xpos, ypos, -1);
			sphereProject(vert1.position, offsetScale, vert1.position);
			vert1.texCoords[0] = (float) i / (float) (numsegments);
			vert1.texCoords[1] = (float) j / (float) (numsegments);

			VectorSet(vert2.position, xpos, ypos1, -1);
			sphereProject(vert2.position, offsetScale, vert2.position);
			vert2.texCoords[0] = (float) i / (float) (numsegments);
			vert2.texCoords[1] = (float) (j + 1) / (float) (numsegments);

			vertNum1 = hudNumVerts++;
			vertNum2 = hudNumVerts++;

			if (verticalHalf)
				hudverts[vertNum2] = vert1;
				hudverts[vertNum1] = vert2;
			} else {
				hudverts[vertNum1] = vert1;
				hudverts[vertNum2] = vert2;

			if (j > 0 && i == 0)
				indices[currIndex++] = vertNum1;

			indices[currIndex++] = vertNum1;
			indices[currIndex++] = vertNum2;

			if (i == numsegments && j < (numsegments - 1))
				indices[currIndex++] = vertNum2;

	R_VertexData(&hudVBO,hudNumVerts * sizeof(vert_t),hudverts);
	R_IndexData(&hudVBO,GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT,currIndex,currIndex * sizeof(GLushort),indices);