Esempio n. 1
/* split on \r\n or just one */
static SEXP splitClipboardText(const char *s, int ienc)
    int cnt_r= 0, cnt_n = 0, n, nc, nl, line_len = 0;
    const char *p;
    char *line, *q, eol = '\n';
    Rboolean last = TRUE; /* does final line have EOL */
    Rboolean CRLF = FALSE;
    SEXP ans;

    for(p = s, nc = 0; *p; p++, nc++)
	switch(*p) {
	case '\n':
	    last = TRUE;
	    line_len = max(line_len, nc);
	    nc = -1;
	case '\r':
	    last = TRUE;
	    last = FALSE;
    if (!last) line_len = max(line_len, nc);  /* the unterminated last might be the longest */
    n = max(cnt_n, cnt_r) + (last ? 0 : 1);
    if (cnt_n == 0 && cnt_r > 0) eol = '\r';
    if (cnt_r == cnt_n) CRLF = TRUE;
    /* over-allocate a line buffer */
    line = R_chk_calloc(1+line_len, 1);
    PROTECT(ans = allocVector(STRSXP, n));
    for(p = s, q = line, nl = 0; *p; p++) {
	if (*p == eol) {
	    *q = '\0';
	    SET_STRING_ELT(ans, nl++, mkCharCE(line, ienc));
	    q = line;
	    *q = '\0';
	} else if(CRLF && *p == '\r')
	else *q++ = *p;
    if (!last) {
	*q = '\0';
	SET_STRING_ELT(ans, nl, mkCharCE(line, ienc));
Esempio n. 2
File: coxph.c Progetto: cran/mgcv
void coxpred(double *X,double *t,double *beta,double *Vb,double *a,double *h,double *q,
             double *tr,int *n,int *p, int *nt,double *s,double *se) {
/* Function to predict the survivor function for the new data in 
   X (n by p), t, given fit results in a, h, q, Vb, and original event times 
   tr (length nt). 
   The new data are in descending order on entry, as is tr. 
   On exit n - vectors s and se contain the estimated survival function and its se.
  double eta,*p1,*p2,*p3,*v,*pv,*pa,x,vVv,hi; 
  int ir=0,i=0;
  v = (double *)R_chk_calloc((size_t)*p,sizeof(double)); 
  for (i=0;i<*n;i++) { /* loop through new data */
    while (ir < *nt && t[i]<tr[ir]) { /* find current interval */
      a += *p; /* moving the a pointer to a vector for this interval */
    if (ir == *nt) { /* before start of fit data */
      se[i] = 0; 
      s[i] = 1;
    } else { /* in the range */
      hi = h[ir]; /* cumulative hazard for this point */
      pv = v;pa = a;
      for (eta=0,p1=X,p2=beta + *p,p3=beta;p3<p2;pa++,p3++,pv++,p1+= *n) { 
        eta += *p1 * *p3; /* X beta */
        *pv = *pa - *p1 * hi; /* v = a - x * h */
      s[i] = exp(-hi*exp(eta)); /* estimated survivor function */
      /* now get the s.e. for this... */
      p1 = Vb;pv = v;p2 = pv + *p;
      for (vVv=0;pv<p2;pv++) {
        for (x=0.0,p3 = v;p3<p2;p3++,p1++) x += *p3 * *p1;
        vVv += x * *pv; /* v'Vbv */
      se[i] = s[i]*sqrt(q[ir] + vVv); /* standard error on survivor function */
    X++; /* next prediction */
  } /* data loop */
} /* coxpred */
Esempio n. 3
File: coxph.c Progetto: cran/mgcv
void coxpp(double *eta,double *X,int *r, int *d,double *h,double *q,double *km, 
            int *n,int *p, int *nt) {
/* Cox PH post-processing code computing 
   1. Baseline hazard + variance
   2. The a vectors used to compute the survival function variance.

   On entry 'eta' is X%*%beta - the linear predictor. rows of 'X' and 'eta'
   are arranged in reverse time order. There are 'nt' unique times. 
   r[i] is the index of the unique time corresponding to row i of 'X'.
   The latest times have the lowest indices. Notionally tr[r[i]] is the 
   time corresponding to row i, although this functions does not use 'tr'.
   'X' is 'n' by 'p'.

   On exit:
   *  X is over written with the 'a' vectors. Each is length 'p' and all
      'nt' are stored one after the other. 
   * h is the cumulative hazard (h[i] at tr[i]) - an nt vector.
   * km is the basic Kaplan Meier hazard estimate
   * q is the variance of the hazard - an nt vector.

   - note that in R terms the log survivor function for the fit data is 
     -h[r+1]*eta ## r+1 to convert C indices to R indices.

   These ingredients are to be supplied to 'coxpred' to obtain the predicted 
   survivor function for individuals. 
  double *b,*gamma_p,*gamma,*gamma_np,*bj,*bj1,*p1,*p2,gamma_i,*Xp,*aj,*aj1,x,y;
  int *dc,i,j;
  b = (double *)R_chk_calloc((size_t) *nt * *p,sizeof(double)); /* storage for the b vectors */
  gamma_p = (double *)R_chk_calloc((size_t) *nt,sizeof(double)); 
  gamma_np = (double *)R_chk_calloc((size_t) *nt,sizeof(double));
  dc = (int *)R_chk_calloc((size_t) *nt,sizeof(int)); /* storage for event counts at each time*/
  gamma = (double *)R_chk_calloc((size_t)*n,sizeof(double)); 
  if (*p>0) for (i=0;i<*n;i++) gamma[i] = exp(eta[i]);
  else for (p1=gamma,p2=p1 + *n;p1<p2;p1++) *p1 = 1.0;

  bj1 = bj = b;
  for (i=0,j=0;j<*nt;j++) { /* work back in time */
    if (j>0) {
      gamma_p[j] = gamma_p[j-1]; gamma_np[j] = gamma_np[j-1];
      /* copy b^+_{j-1}, bj1, into b^+_j, bj */
      for (p1=bj,p2=p1 + *p;p1<p2;p1++,bj1++) *p1 = *bj1;
    while (i < *n && r[i]==j+1) { /* accumulating this event's information */
      gamma_i = gamma[i];
      gamma_p[j] +=  gamma_i; gamma_np[j] += 1.0;
      dc[j] += d[i]; /* count the events */
      /* accumulate gamma[i]*X[i,] into bj */
      for (p1=bj,p2=p1 + *p,Xp = X + i;p1<p2;p1++,Xp += *n) *bj += *Xp * gamma_i; 
      i++; /* increase the data counter */
    bj += *p; /* move on to next b^+ vector */
  } /* back in time loop done */
  /* with gamma_p, dc and b computed, we can now do time forward accumulations 
     of h, q and a... */
  j = *nt - 1;
  x =  dc[j]/gamma_p[j];h[j] = x;km[j] = dc[j]/gamma_np[j];
  x /= gamma_p[j];q[j] = x;
  i = j * *p;
  for (aj=X+i,p1=aj+ *p,p2=b+i;aj<p1;p2++,aj++) *aj = *p1 * x;
  for (j--;j>=0;j--) { /* back recursion, forwards in time */
    y = dc[j];
    x = y/gamma_p[j];
    h[j] = h[j+1] + x;
    km[j] = km[j+1] + y; /* kaplan meier hazard estimate */
    x /= gamma_p[j];
    q[j] = q[j+1] + x;
    /* now accumulate the a vectors into X for return */
    i = j * *p;
    for (aj=X+i,aj1=p1=aj+ *p,p2=b+i;aj<p1;p2++,aj++) *aj = *aj1 + *p1 * x; 
} /* coxpp */
Esempio n. 4
File: coxph.c Progetto: cran/mgcv
void coxlpl(double *eta,double *X,int *r, int *d,double *tr, 
            int *n,int *p, int *nt,double *lp,double *g,double *H,
            double *d1beta,
            double *d1H,
            double *d2beta,
            double *d2H,
            int *n_sp,int *deriv)
/* rows of n by p model matrix X are arranged in decreasing order
   of time. The unique event times are in nt vector tr in time reverse order.
   The ith row of X corresponds to event time tr[r[i]]. If d[i] is 0 then the 
   event is censoring. 

   On output:
   lp is the log partial likelihood.
   g is the p vector of derivatives of lp w.r.t. beta.
   H is the p by p second derivative matrix of lp wrt beta
   The d1* are the derivatives of H and beta wrt rho=log(lambda), 
   the log smoothing parameters. In each case there are n_sp replicates
   of the same dimension as the original object stored end to end. 
   The d1* & d2* are unused unless deriv is non-zero. d1/2beta contains the derivatives
   of beta wrt the log smoothing parameters, on entry.

   *deriv controls which derivatives are returned. 
          * < 0 and only lp is returned 
          * 0 only lp, g and H are returned.
          * 1 the first derivative of the leading diagonal of H w.r.t. rho is 
              returned in d1H, using d1b. 
          * 2 the first derivative of H w.r.t. rho is returned in d1H, using 
	  * 3 is for first and second derivatives of H are returned in d1H
              and d2H. d2H contains only the derivatives of the leading 
              diagonal of H. This uses d1b and d2b.

   Except for the d2H structure, the d2* contain the 
   second derivative structures, packed as follows...   

   * v2 will contain d^2v/d\rho_0d\rho_0, d^2v/d\rho_1d\rho_0,... but rows will not be
     stored if they duplicate an existing row (e.g. d^2v/d\rho_0d\rho_1 would not be 
     stored as it already exists and can be accessed by interchanging the sp indices).
     So to get d^2v_k/d\rho_id\rho_j: 
     i)   if i<j interchange the indices
     ii)  off = (j*m-(j+1)*j/2+i)*q (m is number of rho, q is dim(v))
     iii) v2[off+k] is the required derivative.       

   d2H contains second derivatives of the leading diagonal of H, only.


{ int dr,i,j,tB=0,tC=0,k,l,m,off,nhh;
  double lpl=0.0,*gamma,gamma_p=0.0,
  gamma = (double *)R_chk_calloc((size_t)*n,sizeof(double)); 
  if (*deriv >=0) {
    b_p = (double *)R_chk_calloc((size_t)*p,sizeof(double));
    A_p = (double *)R_chk_calloc((size_t)(*p * *p),sizeof(double));
  /* form exponential of l.p. */

  for (i=0;i<*n;i++) gamma[i] = exp(eta[i]);

  if (*deriv>0) { /* prepare for first derivatives */
    /* Get basic first derivatives given d1beta */
    d1eta = (double *)R_chk_calloc((size_t)(*n * *n_sp),sizeof(double));
    p1=d1gamma = (double *)R_chk_calloc((size_t)(*n * *n_sp),sizeof(double));
    for (j=0;j<*n_sp;j++) 
    for (i=0;i<*n;i++) {
	*p1 = *p2 * gamma[i]; p1++; p2++;
    /* accumulation storage */
    d1gamma_p = (double *)R_chk_calloc((size_t)*n_sp,sizeof(double));
    d1b_p = (double *)R_chk_calloc((size_t)(*n_sp * *p),sizeof(double));   

  if (*deriv>2) { /* prepare for second derivative calculations */
    /* Basic second derivative derived from d2beta */ 
    nhh = *n_sp * (*n_sp+1) / 2; /* elements in `half hessian' */
    d2eta  = (double *)R_chk_calloc((size_t)(*n * nhh),sizeof(double));
    p1=d2gamma  = (double *)R_chk_calloc((size_t)(*n * nhh),sizeof(double));
    for (j=0;j<*n_sp;j++) {  /* create d2gamma */
      for (k=j;k<*n_sp;k++) {
        p3 = d1eta + j * *n;
        p4 = d1eta + k * *n; 
        for (i=0;i<*n;i++) {
          *p1 = gamma[i] * (*p2 + *p3 * *p4);
    } /* end of d2gamma loop */  
    /* accumulation storage */
    d2gamma_p = (double *)R_chk_calloc((size_t) nhh,sizeof(double));
    d2b_p = (double *)R_chk_calloc((size_t)( nhh * *p),sizeof(double));

  if (*deriv>0) { /* Derivatives of H are required */
    /* create storage for accumulating derivatives */
    d1A_p = (double *)R_chk_calloc((size_t)(*n_sp * *p * *p),sizeof(double));
    /* clear incoming storage */
    for (j = *n_sp * *p * *p,k=0;k<j;k++) d1H[k] = 0.0;
    /* note that only leading diagonal of d2H is obtained and stored */ 
    if (*deriv>2) {   
      d2ldA_p = (double *)R_chk_calloc((size_t)(nhh * *p),sizeof(double));
      for (j = nhh * *p,k=0;k<j;k++) d2H[k] = 0.0; 

  /* now accumulate the log partial likelihood */
  for (k=0;k<*p;k++) g[k] =0.0; 
  for (k = 0;k < *p;k++) for (m = 0;m < *p ;m++)  H[k + *p * m] = 0.0;
  i=0; /* the row index */

  for (j=0;j<*nt;j++) { /* work back in time */
    while (i < *n && r[i]==j+1) { /* accumulating this event's information */
      /* lpl part first */ 
      gamma_p += gamma[i];
      if (d[i]==1) { dr++;eta_sum+=eta[i];}
      /* now the first derivatives */
      if (*deriv >= 0) {
        for (k=0;k<*p;k++) b_p[k] += gamma[i]*X[i + *n * k];
        if (d[i]==1) for (k=0;k<*p;k++) g[k] += X[i + *n * k];
        /* and second derivatives */
        for (k = 0;k < *p;k++) for (m = k;m < *p ;m++)
	    A_p[k + *p *m] +=  gamma[i]*X[i + *n * k] * X[i + *n * m];
      /* derivatives w.r.t. smoothing parameters */
      if (*deriv >0 ) { /* first derivative stuff only */
        for (k=0;k<*n_sp;k++) d1gamma_p[k] += d1gamma[i + *n * k];
        for (m=0;m<*n_sp;m++) {
          xx = d1gamma[i + *n * m];
          for (k=0;k<*p;k++) d1b_p[k + *p * m] += xx * X[i + *n * k];
      } /* end of first derivative accumulation */
      if (*deriv>2) { /* second derivative accumulation */
         off = 0;         
         for (m=0;m<*n_sp;m++)   
         for (k=m;k<*n_sp;k++) { /* second derivates loop */
	      d2gamma_p[off] += d2gamma[i+ off * *n];
              for (l=0;l<*p;l++) 
              d2b_p[l + off * *p] +=  d2gamma[i+ off * *n] * X[i + *n * l];
         } /* end k-loop */

      if (*deriv>0) { /* H derivatives needed */	                
          for (m=0;m<*n_sp;m++) { /* First derivatives of A_p */
	      xx = d1gamma[i + *n * m];
              for (k = 0;k < *p;k++) for (l = k;l < *p ;l++) 
              d1A_p[k + *p * l + m * *p * *p] += xx * X[i + *n * k] * X[i + *n * l];             
          if (*deriv>2) {      
            off = 0;         
            for (m=0;m<*n_sp;m++)   
	    for (k=m;k<*n_sp;k++) { /* second derivates of leading diagonal of A_p loop */
                for (l=0;l<*p;l++) 
                d2ldA_p[l + off * *p] +=  d2gamma[i+ off * *n] * X[i + *n * l] * X[ i + *n *l];
            } /* end m/k -loop */

    } /* finished getting this event's information */

    lpl += eta_sum - dr * log(gamma_p);
    if (*deriv>=0) {
      for (k=0;k<*p;k++) g[k] += - dr/gamma_p * b_p[k]; 
      for (k = 0;k < *p;k++) for (m = k;m < *p ;m++) 
      H[k + *p * m] += - dr * A_p[k + *p *m] /gamma_p +
        	        dr * b_p[k]*b_p[m]/(gamma_p*gamma_p); 

    if (*deriv>0) { /* need derivatives of H */
        for (m=0;m<*n_sp;m++) { /* first derivatives of H */
	    xx0 =dr/gamma_p;
            xx = d1gamma_p[m]*xx0/gamma_p;        
            xx1 = xx0/gamma_p;
            xx2 = xx1*2*d1gamma_p[m]/gamma_p;
            for (k = 0;k < *p;k++) for (l = k;l < *p ;l++) {
		off = k + *p * l + m * *p * *p;
                d1H[off] += xx1 * (d1b_p[k + *p *m] * b_p[l] + b_p[k] * d1b_p[l + *p *m]) -
		    xx2 * b_p[k] * b_p[l] + xx * A_p[k + *p * l] - xx0 * d1A_p[off];
        } /* m-loop end */
        if (*deriv>2) {
          xx = dr/gamma_p;
          xx0 = xx/gamma_p; /* dr/gamma_p^2 */
          xx1 = xx0/gamma_p; /* dr/gamma_p^3 */
          xx2 = xx1/gamma_p;
          off = 0;         
          for (m=0;m<*n_sp;m++) {
	    xx3 = -2*xx1*d1gamma_p[m];
	    for (k=m;k<*n_sp;k++) { /* second derivates of leading diagonal of H */
              for (l=0;l<*p;l++) {
		  d2H[l + off * *p] += xx3 * (A_p[l + *p *l] * d1gamma_p[k] + 
                                              2 * d1b_p[l + *p * k] * b_p[l]) + 
		                       xx0 * (d1A_p[l + l * *p + m * *p * *p] * d1gamma_p[k] 
                                              + A_p[l + *p * l] * d2gamma_p[off] + 
                                              d2b_p[l + off * *p] * b_p[l] + 
                                              2 * d1b_p[l + *p * k] * d1b_p[ l + *p * m] + 
		                              b_p[l] * d2b_p[l + off * *p]) +
                                       xx0 * d1gamma_p[m] * d1A_p[l + l * *p + k * *p * *p] -
                                       xx * d2ldA_p[l + off * *p] + 
                                       6 * xx2 * d1gamma_p[m] * b_p[l] * b_p[l] * d1gamma_p[k] -
		                       2 * xx1 * (2*d1b_p[l + *p * m] * b_p[l] * d1gamma_p[k] +
            } /* end k -loop */    
	  } /* end m - loop */
        } /* end if (*deriv>2) */
     } /* end of H derivatives */
  } /* end of j loop (work back in time) */

  for (k=0;k<*p;k++) for (m=0;m<k;m++) H[k + *p *m] = H[m + *p *k];
  if (*deriv>1) for (m=0;m<*n_sp;m++) {
    off = *p * *p * m;
    for (k = 0;k < *p;k++) for (l = 0;l < k ;l++) 
	d1H[k + *p * l + off] = d1H[l + *p * k + off];
  if (*deriv>=0) { R_chk_free(A_p);R_chk_free(b_p);}

  if (*deriv > 0) { /* clear up first derivative storage */

  if (*deriv > 2) { /* clear up second derivative storage */
  *lp = lpl;
} /* end coxlpl */