Esempio n. 1
void RageMatrixCommand( CString sCommandString, RageMatrix &mat )
	CStringArray asCommands;
	split( sCommandString, ";", asCommands, true );
	for( unsigned c=0; c<asCommands.size(); c++ )
		CStringArray asTokens;
		split( asCommands[c], ",", asTokens, true );

		int iMaxIndexAccessed = 0;

#define sParam(i) (GetParam(asTokens,i,iMaxIndexAccessed))
#define fParam(i) (strtof(sParam(i),NULL))
#define iParam(i) (atoi(sParam(i)))
#define bParam(i) (iParam(i)!=0)

		CString& sName = asTokens[0];

		RageMatrix b;
		// Act on command
		if( sName=="x" )					RageMatrixTranslation( &b, fParam(1),0,0 );
		else if( sName=="y" )				RageMatrixTranslation( &b, 0,fParam(1),0 );
		else if( sName=="z" )				RageMatrixTranslation( &b, 0,0,fParam(1) );
		else if( sName=="zoomx" )			RageMatrixScaling(&b, fParam(1),1,1 );
		else if( sName=="zoomy" )			RageMatrixScaling(&b, 1,fParam(1),1 );
		else if( sName=="zoomz" )			RageMatrixScaling(&b, 1,1,fParam(1) );
		else if( sName=="rotationx" )		RageMatrixRotationX( &b, fParam(1) );
		else if( sName=="rotationy" )		RageMatrixRotationY( &b, fParam(1) );
		else if( sName=="rotationz" )		RageMatrixRotationZ( &b, fParam(1) );
			CString sError = ssprintf( "MatrixCommand:  Unrecognized matrix command name '%s' in command string '%s'.", sName.c_str(), sCommandString.c_str() );
			LOG->Warn( sError );
			Dialog::OK( sError );

		if( iMaxIndexAccessed != (int)asTokens.size()-1 )
			CString sError = ssprintf( "MatrixCommand:  Wrong number of parameters in command '%s'.  Expected %d but there are %d.", join(",",asTokens).c_str(), iMaxIndexAccessed+1, (int)asTokens.size() );
			LOG->Warn( sError );
			Dialog::OK( sError );

		RageMatrix a(mat);
		RageMatrixMultiply(&mat, &a, &b);
Esempio n. 2
	// Left multiply the current matrix with the computed rotation
	// matrix. All angles are counterclockwise. (rotation is about the
	// local origin of the object)
	void RotateXLocal( float degrees )
		RageMatrix m;
		RageMatrixRotationX( &m, degrees );
		MultMatrixLocal( m );
Esempio n. 3
RageMatrix RageMatrixRotationX( float theta )
	RageMatrix m;
	RageMatrixRotationX( &m, theta );
	return m;