Esempio n. 1
PyObject* Connection_New(PyObject* pConnectString, bool fAutoCommit, bool fAnsi, bool fUnicodeResults, long timeout, bool fReadOnly)
    // pConnectString
    //   A string or unicode object.  (This must be checked by the caller.)
    // fAnsi
    //   If true, do not attempt a Unicode connection.
    // fUnicodeResults
    //   If true, return strings in rows as unicode objects.

    // Allocate HDBC and connect

    SQLRETURN ret;
    ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, henv, &hdbc);
    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
        return RaiseErrorFromHandle("SQLAllocHandle", SQL_NULL_HANDLE, SQL_NULL_HANDLE);

    if (!Connect(pConnectString, hdbc, fAnsi, timeout))
        // Connect has already set an exception.
        SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc);
        return 0;
Esempio n. 2
static PyObject* GetUUID(Cursor* cur, Py_ssize_t iCol)
    // REVIEW: Since GUID is a fixed size, do we need to pass the size or cbFetched?

    PYSQLGUID guid;
    SQLLEN cbFetched = 0;
    SQLRETURN ret;
    ret = SQLGetData(cur->hstmt, (SQLUSMALLINT)(iCol+1), SQL_GUID, &guid, sizeof(guid), &cbFetched);

    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
        return RaiseErrorFromHandle("SQLGetData", cur->cnxn->hdbc, cur->hstmt);

    if (cbFetched == SQL_NULL_DATA)

    const char* szFmt = "(yyy#)";
    const char* szFmt = "(sss#)";
    Object args(Py_BuildValue(szFmt, NULL, NULL, &guid, (int)sizeof(guid)));
    if (!args)
        return 0;

    PyObject* uuid_type = GetClassForThread("uuid", "UUID");
    if (!uuid_type)
        return 0;
    PyObject* uuid = PyObject_CallObject(uuid_type, args.Get());
    return uuid;
Esempio n. 3
static PyObject* GetDataTimestamp(Cursor* cur, Py_ssize_t iCol)

    SQLLEN cbFetched = 0;
    SQLRETURN ret;

    ret = SQLGetData(cur->hstmt, (SQLUSMALLINT)(iCol+1), SQL_C_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, &value, sizeof(value), &cbFetched);
    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
        return RaiseErrorFromHandle("SQLGetData", cur->cnxn->hdbc, cur->hstmt);

    if (cbFetched == SQL_NULL_DATA)

    switch (cur->colinfos[iCol].sql_type)
    case SQL_TYPE_TIME:
        int micros = (int)(value.fraction / 1000); // nanos --> micros
        return PyTime_FromTime(value.hour, value.minute, value.second, micros);

    case SQL_TYPE_DATE:
        return PyDate_FromDate(value.year, value.month,;

    int micros = (int)(value.fraction / 1000); // nanos --> micros
    return PyDateTime_FromDateAndTime(value.year, value.month,, value.hour, value.minute, value.second, micros);
Esempio n. 4
bool BindParameter(Cursor* cur, Py_ssize_t index, ParamInfo& info)
    TRACE("BIND: param=%d InputOutputType=%d (%s) ValueType=%d (%s) ParameterType=%d (%s) ColumnSize=%d DecimalDigits=%d BufferLength=%d *pcb=%d\n",
          (index+1), info.InputOutputType, CInputOutputName(info.InputOutputType), info.ValueType, CTypeName(info.ValueType), info.ParameterType, SqlTypeName(info.ParameterType), info.ColumnSize,
          info.DecimalDigits, info.BufferLength, info.StrLen_or_Ind);

    SQLRETURN ret = -1;
    ret = SQLBindParameter(cur->hstmt, (SQLUSMALLINT)(index + 1), info.InputOutputType, info.ValueType, info.ParameterType, info.ColumnSize, info.DecimalDigits, info.ParameterValuePtr, info.BufferLength, &info.StrLen_or_Ind);

    if (GetConnection(cur)->hdbc == SQL_NULL_HANDLE)
        // The connection was closed by another thread in the ALLOW_THREADS block above.
        RaiseErrorV(0, ProgrammingError, "The cursor's connection was closed.");
        return false;

    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
        RaiseErrorFromHandle("SQLBindParameter", GetConnection(cur)->hdbc, cur->hstmt);
        return false;

    return true;
Esempio n. 5
static bool Connect(PyObject* pConnectString, HDBC hdbc, bool fAnsi, long timeout,
                    Object& encoding)
    // This should have been checked by the global connect function.
    I(PyString_Check(pConnectString) || PyUnicode_Check(pConnectString));

    const int cchMax = 600;

    if (PySequence_Length(pConnectString) >= cchMax)
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "connection string too long");
        return false;

    // The driver manager determines if the app is a Unicode app based on whether we call SQLDriverConnectA or
    // SQLDriverConnectW.  Some drivers, notably Microsoft Access/Jet, change their behavior based on this, so we try
    // the Unicode version first.  (The Access driver only supports Unicode text, but SQLDescribeCol returns SQL_CHAR
    // instead of SQL_WCHAR if we connect with the ANSI version.  Obviously this causes lots of errors since we believe
    // what it tells us (SQL_CHAR).)

    // Python supports only UCS-2 and UCS-4, so we shouldn't need to worry about receiving surrogate pairs.  However,
    // Windows does use UCS-16, so it is possible something would be misinterpreted as one.  We may need to examine
    // this more.

    SQLRETURN ret;

    if (timeout > 0)
        ret = SQLSetConnectAttr(hdbc, SQL_ATTR_LOGIN_TIMEOUT, (SQLPOINTER)(uintptr_t)timeout, SQL_IS_UINTEGER);
        if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
            RaiseErrorFromHandle("SQLSetConnectAttr(SQL_ATTR_LOGIN_TIMEOUT)", hdbc, SQL_NULL_HANDLE);
Esempio n. 6
static PyObject* GetDataDecimal(Cursor* cur, Py_ssize_t iCol)
    // The SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT support is hopeless (SQL Server ignores scale on input parameters and output columns,
    // Oracle does something else weird, and many drivers don't support it at all), so we'll rely on the Decimal's
    // string parsing.  Unfortunately, the Decimal author does not pay attention to the locale, so we have to modify
    // the string ourselves.
    // Oracle inserts group separators (commas in US, periods in some countries), so leave room for that too.
    // Some databases support a 'money' type which also inserts currency symbols.  Since we don't want to keep track of
    // all these, we'll ignore all characters we don't recognize.  We will look for digits, negative sign (which I hope
    // is universal), and a decimal point ('.' or ',' usually).  We'll do everything as Unicode in case currencies,
    // etc. are too far out.

    // TODO: Is Unicode a good idea for Python 2.7?  We need to know which drivers support Unicode.

    SQLWCHAR buffer[100];
    SQLLEN cbFetched = 0; // Note: will not include the NULL terminator.

    SQLRETURN ret;
    ret = SQLGetData(cur->hstmt, (SQLUSMALLINT)(iCol+1), SQL_C_WCHAR, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &cbFetched);
    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
        return RaiseErrorFromHandle("SQLGetData", cur->cnxn->hdbc, cur->hstmt);

    if (cbFetched == SQL_NULL_DATA)

    // Remove non-digits and convert the databases decimal to a '.' (required by decimal ctor).
    // We are assuming that the decimal point and digits fit within the size of SQLWCHAR.

    int cch = (int)(cbFetched / sizeof(SQLWCHAR));

    for (int i = (cch - 1); i >= 0; i--)
        if (buffer[i] == chDecimal)
            // Must force it to use '.' since the Decimal class doesn't pay attention to the locale.
            buffer[i] = '.';
        else if ((buffer[i] < '0' || buffer[i] > '9') && buffer[i] != '-')
            memmove(&buffer[i], &buffer[i] + 1, (cch - i) * sizeof(SQLWCHAR));

    I(buffer[cch] == 0);

    Object str(PyUnicode_FromSQLWCHAR(buffer, cch));
    if (!str)
        return 0;

    return PyObject_CallFunction(decimal_type, "O", str.Get());
Esempio n. 7
static PyObject*
GetDataDecimal(Cursor* cur, int iCol)
    // The SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT support is hopeless (SQL Server ignores scale on input parameters and output columns), so
    // we'll rely on the Decimal's string parsing.  Unfortunately, the Decimal author does not pay attention to the
    // locale, so we have to modify the string ourselves.
    // Oracle inserts group separators (commas in US, periods in some countries), so leave room for that too.

    ColumnInfo* pinfo = &cur->colinfos[iCol];

    SQLLEN cbNeeded = pinfo->column_size + 3 +      // sign, decimal, NULL
                      (pinfo->column_size / 3) + 2; // grouping.  I believe this covers all cases.

    SQLLEN cbFetched = 0;
    char* sz = (char*)_alloca(cbNeeded);

    if (sz == 0)
        return PyErr_NoMemory();

    SQLRETURN ret;
    ret = SQLGetData(cur->hstmt, (SQLSMALLINT)(iCol+1), SQL_C_CHAR, sz, cbNeeded, &cbFetched);
    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
        return RaiseErrorFromHandle("SQLGetData", cur->cnxn->hdbc, cur->hstmt);

    if (cbFetched == SQL_NULL_DATA)

    // The decimal class requires the decimal to be a period and does not allow thousands separators.  Clean it up.
    // Unfortunately this code only handles single-character values, which might be good enough for decimals and
    // separators, but is certainly not good enough for currency symbols.
    // Note: cbFetched does not include the NULL terminator.

    for (int i = cbFetched - 1; i >=0; i--)
        if (sz[i] == chGroupSeparator || sz[i] == '$' || sz[i] == chCurrencySymbol)
            memmove(&sz[i], &sz[i] + 1, cbFetched - i);
        else if (sz[i] == chDecimal)
            sz[i] = '.';

    return PyObject_CallFunction(decimal_type, "s", sz);
Esempio n. 8
static PyObject* mod_drivers(PyObject* self)

    if (henv == SQL_NULL_HANDLE && !AllocateEnv())
        return 0;

    Object result(PyList_New(0));
    if (!result)
        return 0;

    SQLCHAR szDriverDesc[500];
    SWORD cbDriverDesc;
    SWORD cbAttrs;

    SQLRETURN ret;

    for (;;)
        ret = SQLDrivers(henv, nDirection, szDriverDesc, _countof(szDriverDesc), &cbDriverDesc, 0, 0, &cbAttrs);

        if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))

        // REVIEW: This is another reason why we really need a factory that we can use.  At this
        // point we don't have a global text encoding that we can assume for this.  Somehow it
        // seems to be working to use UTF-8, even on Windows.
        Object name(PyString_FromString((const char*)szDriverDesc));
        if (!name)
            return 0;

        if (PyList_Append(result, name.Get()) != 0)
            return 0;

        nDirection = SQL_FETCH_NEXT;

    if (ret != SQL_NO_DATA)
        return RaiseErrorFromHandle(0, "SQLDrivers", SQL_NULL_HANDLE, SQL_NULL_HANDLE);

    return result.Detach();
Esempio n. 9
static PyObject* GetDataDouble(Cursor* cur, Py_ssize_t iCol)
    double value;
    SQLLEN cbFetched = 0;
    SQLRETURN ret;

    ret = SQLGetData(cur->hstmt, (SQLUSMALLINT)(iCol+1), SQL_C_DOUBLE, &value, sizeof(value), &cbFetched);
    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
        return RaiseErrorFromHandle("SQLGetData", cur->cnxn->hdbc, cur->hstmt);

    if (cbFetched == SQL_NULL_DATA)

    return PyFloat_FromDouble(value);
Esempio n. 10
static PyObject* GetSqlServerTime(Cursor* cur, Py_ssize_t iCol)
    SQL_SS_TIME2_STRUCT value;

    SQLLEN cbFetched = 0;
    SQLRETURN ret;

    ret = SQLGetData(cur->hstmt, (SQLUSMALLINT)(iCol+1), SQL_C_BINARY, &value, sizeof(value), &cbFetched);
    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
        return RaiseErrorFromHandle("SQLGetData", cur->cnxn->hdbc, cur->hstmt);

    if (cbFetched == SQL_NULL_DATA)

    int micros = (int)(value.fraction / 1000); // nanos --> micros
    return PyTime_FromTime(value.hour, value.minute, value.second, micros);
Esempio n. 11
static PyObject*
mod_datasources(PyObject* self)
    if (henv == SQL_NULL_HANDLE && !AllocateEnv())
        return 0;

    PyObject* result = PyDict_New();
    if (!result)
        return 0;

    SWORD cbDSN;
    SQLCHAR szDesc[200];
    SWORD cbDesc;


    SQLRETURN ret;

    for (;;)
        ret = SQLDataSources(henv, SQL_FETCH_NEXT, szDSN,  _countof(szDSN),  &cbDSN, szDesc, _countof(szDesc), &cbDesc);
        if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
        PyDict_SetItemString(result, (const char*)szDSN, PyString_FromString((const char*)szDesc));
        nDirection = SQL_FETCH_NEXT;
    if (ret != SQL_NO_DATA)
        return RaiseErrorFromHandle("SQLDataSources", SQL_NULL_HANDLE, SQL_NULL_HANDLE);
    return result;
Esempio n. 12
static PyObject* GetDataBit(Cursor* cur, Py_ssize_t iCol)
    SQLCHAR ch;
    SQLLEN cbFetched;
    SQLRETURN ret;

    ret = SQLGetData(cur->hstmt, (SQLUSMALLINT)(iCol+1), SQL_C_BIT, &ch, sizeof(ch), &cbFetched);

    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
        return RaiseErrorFromHandle("SQLGetData", cur->cnxn->hdbc, cur->hstmt);

    if (cbFetched == SQL_NULL_DATA)

    if (ch == SQL_TRUE)

Esempio n. 13
static PyObject* GetDataLong(Cursor* cur, Py_ssize_t iCol)
    ColumnInfo* pinfo = &cur->colinfos[iCol];

    SQLINTEGER value;
    SQLLEN cbFetched;
    SQLRETURN ret;

    SQLSMALLINT nCType = pinfo->is_unsigned ? SQL_C_ULONG : SQL_C_LONG;

    ret = SQLGetData(cur->hstmt, (SQLUSMALLINT)(iCol+1), nCType, &value, sizeof(value), &cbFetched);
    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
        return RaiseErrorFromHandle("SQLGetData", cur->cnxn->hdbc, cur->hstmt);

    if (cbFetched == SQL_NULL_DATA)

    if (pinfo->is_unsigned)
        return PyInt_FromLong(*(SQLINTEGER*)&value);

    return PyInt_FromLong(value);
Esempio n. 14
bool PrepareAndBind(Cursor* cur, PyObject* pSql, PyObject* original_params, bool skip_first)
    // Normalize the parameter variables.

    // Since we may replace parameters (we replace objects with Py_True/Py_False when writing to a bit/bool column),
    // allocate an array and use it instead of the original sequence.  Since we don't change ownership we don't bother
    // with incref.  (That is, PySequence_GetItem will INCREF and ~ObjectArrayHolder will DECREF.)

    int        params_offset = skip_first ? 1 : 0;
    Py_ssize_t cParams       = original_params == 0 ? 0 : PySequence_Length(original_params) - params_offset;

    PyObject** params = (PyObject**)malloc(sizeof(PyObject*) * cParams);
    if (!params)
        return 0;
    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < cParams; i++)
        params[i] = PySequence_GetItem(original_params, i + params_offset);

    ObjectArrayHolder holder(cParams, params);

    // Prepare the SQL if necessary.

    if (pSql == cur->pPreparedSQL)
        // We've already prepared this SQL, so we don't need to do so again.  We've also cached the parameter
        // information in cur->paramdescs.

        if (cParams != cur->paramcount)
            RaiseErrorV(0, ProgrammingError, "The SQL contains %d parameter markers, but %d parameters were supplied",
                        cur->paramcount, cParams);
            return false;

        SQLRETURN ret;
        if (PyString_Check(pSql))
            ret = SQLPrepare(cur->hstmt, (SQLCHAR*)PyString_AS_STRING(pSql), SQL_NTS);
            ret = SQLPrepareW(cur->hstmt, (SQLWCHAR*)PyUnicode_AsUnicode(pSql), SQL_NTS);
        if (cur->cnxn->hdbc == SQL_NULL_HANDLE)
            // The connection was closed by another thread in the ALLOW_THREADS block above.
            RaiseErrorV(0, ProgrammingError, "The cursor's connection was closed.");
            return false;

        if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
            RaiseErrorFromHandle("SQLPrepare", GetConnection(cur)->hdbc, cur->hstmt);
            return false;
        if (!CacheParamDesc(cur))
            return false;

        cur->pPreparedSQL = pSql;
Esempio n. 15
static bool ReadVarColumn(Cursor* cur, Py_ssize_t iCol, SQLSMALLINT ctype, bool& isNull, byte*& pbResult, Py_ssize_t& cbResult)
    // Called to read a variable-length column and return its data in a newly-allocated heap
    // buffer.
    // Returns true if the read was successful and false if the read failed.  If the read
    // failed a Python exception will have been set.
    // If a non-null and non-empty value was read, pbResult will be set to a buffer containing
    // the data and cbResult will be set to the byte length.  This length does *not* include a
    // null terminator.  In this case the data *must* be freed using pyodbc_free.
    // If a null value was read, isNull is set to true and pbResult and cbResult will be set to
    // 0.
    // If a zero-length value was read, isNull is set to false and pbResult and cbResult will
    // be set to 0.

    isNull   = false;
    pbResult = 0;
    cbResult = 0;

    const Py_ssize_t cbElement = (Py_ssize_t)(IsWideType(ctype) ? sizeof(ODBCCHAR) : 1);
    const Py_ssize_t cbNullTerminator = IsBinaryType(ctype) ? 0 : cbElement;

    // TODO: Make the initial allocation size configurable?
    Py_ssize_t cbAllocated = 4096;
    Py_ssize_t cbUsed = 0;
    byte* pb = (byte*)malloc((size_t)cbAllocated);
    if (!pb)
        return false;


        // Call SQLGetData in a loop as long as it keeps returning partial data (ret ==
        // SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO).  Each time through, update the buffer pb, cbAllocated, and
        // cbUsed.

        Py_ssize_t cbAvailable = cbAllocated - cbUsed;
        SQLLEN cbData;

        ret = SQLGetData(cur->hstmt, (SQLUSMALLINT)(iCol+1), ctype, &pb[cbUsed], (SQLLEN)cbAvailable, &cbData);

        TRACE("ReadVarColumn: SQLGetData avail=%d --> ret=%d cbData=%d\n", (int)cbAvailable, (int)ret, (int)cbData);

        if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret) && ret != SQL_NO_DATA)
            RaiseErrorFromHandle("SQLGetData", cur->cnxn->hdbc, cur->hstmt);
            return false;

        if (ret == SQL_SUCCESS && cbData < 0)
            // HACK: FreeTDS 0.91 on OS/X returns -4 for NULL data instead of SQL_NULL_DATA
            // (-1).  I've traced into the code and it appears to be the result of assigning -1
            // to a SQLLEN.  We are going to treat all negative values as NULL.
            ret = SQL_NULL_DATA;
            cbData = 0;

        // SQLGetData behavior is incredibly quirky: It doesn't tell us the total, the total
        // we've read, or even the amount just read.  It returns the amount just read, plus any
        // remaining.  Unfortunately, the only way to pick them apart is to subtract out the
        // amount of buffer we supplied.

        if (ret == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
            // This means we read some data, but there is more.  SQLGetData is very weird - it
            // sets cbRead to the number of bytes we read *plus* the amount remaining.

            Py_ssize_t cbRemaining = 0; // How many more bytes do we need to allocate, not including null?
            Py_ssize_t cbRead = 0; // How much did we just read, not including null?

            if (cbData == SQL_NO_TOTAL)
                // This special value indicates there is more data but the driver can't tell us
                // how much more, so we'll just add whatever we want and try again.  It also
                // tells us, however, that the buffer is full, so the amount we read equals the
                // amount we offered.  Remember that if the type requires a null terminator, it
                // will be added *every* time, not just at the end, so we need to subtract it.

                cbRead = (cbAvailable - cbNullTerminator);
                cbRemaining = 1024 * 1024;
            else if ((Py_ssize_t)cbData >= cbAvailable)
                // We offered cbAvailable space, but there was cbData data.  The driver filled
                // the buffer with what it could.  Remember that if the type requires a null
                // terminator, the driver is going to append one on *every* read, so we need to
                // subtract them out.  At least we know the exact data amount now and we can
                // allocate a precise amount.

                cbRead = (cbAvailable - cbNullTerminator);
                cbRemaining = cbData - cbRead;
                // I would not expect to get here - we apparently read all of the data but the
                // driver did not return SQL_SUCCESS?
                cbRead = (cbData - cbNullTerminator);
                cbRemaining = 0;

            cbUsed += cbRead;

            if (cbRemaining > 0)
                // This is a tiny bit complicated by the fact that the data is null terminated,
                // meaning we haven't actually used up the entire buffer (cbAllocated), only
                // cbUsed (which should be cbAllocated - cbNullTerminator).
                Py_ssize_t cbNeed = cbUsed + cbRemaining + cbNullTerminator;
                pb = ReallocOrFreeBuffer(pb, cbNeed);
                if (!pb)
                    return false;
                cbAllocated = cbNeed;
        else if (ret == SQL_SUCCESS)
            // We read some data and this is the last batch (so we'll drop out of the
            // loop).
            // If I'm reading the documentation correctly, SQLGetData is not going to
            // include the null terminator in cbRead.

            cbUsed += cbData;
    while (ret == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO);

    isNull = (ret == SQL_NULL_DATA);

    if (!isNull && cbUsed > 0)
        pbResult = pb;
        cbResult = cbUsed;

    return true;
Esempio n. 16
static PyObject* GetDataString(Cursor* cur, Py_ssize_t iCol)
    // Returns a string, unicode, or bytearray object for character and binary data.
    // In Python 2.6+, binary data is returned as a byte array.  Earlier versions will return an ASCII str object here
    // which will be wrapped in a buffer object by the caller.
    // NULL terminator notes:
    //  * pinfo->column_size, from SQLDescribeCol, does not include a NULL terminator.  For example, column_size for a
    //    char(10) column would be 10.  (Also, when dealing with SQLWCHAR, it is the number of *characters*, not bytes.)
    //  * When passing a length to PyString_FromStringAndSize and similar Unicode functions, do not add the NULL
    //    terminator -- it will be added automatically.  See objects/stringobject.c
    //  * SQLGetData does not return the NULL terminator in the length indicator.  (Therefore, you can pass this value
    //    directly to the Python string functions.)
    //  * SQLGetData will write a NULL terminator in the output buffer, so you must leave room for it.  You must also
    //    include the NULL terminator in the buffer length passed to SQLGetData.
    // ODBC generalization:
    //  1) Include NULL terminators in input buffer lengths.
    //  2) NULL terminators are not used in data lengths.

    ColumnInfo* pinfo = &cur->colinfos[iCol];

    // Some Unix ODBC drivers do not return the correct length.
    if (pinfo->sql_type == SQL_GUID)
        pinfo->column_size = 36;

    SQLSMALLINT nTargetType;

    switch (pinfo->sql_type)
    case SQL_CHAR:
    case SQL_VARCHAR:
    case SQL_GUID:
    case SQL_SS_XML:
        if (cur->cnxn->unicode_results)
            nTargetType  = SQL_C_WCHAR;
            nTargetType  = SQL_C_CHAR;
        nTargetType  = SQL_C_WCHAR;


    case SQL_WCHAR:
    case SQL_WVARCHAR:
        nTargetType  = SQL_C_WCHAR;

        nTargetType  = SQL_C_BINARY;

    char tempBuffer[1024];
    DataBuffer buffer(nTargetType, tempBuffer, sizeof(tempBuffer));

    for (int iDbg = 0; iDbg < 10; iDbg++) // failsafe
        SQLRETURN ret;
        SQLLEN cbData = 0;

        ret = SQLGetData(cur->hstmt, (SQLUSMALLINT)(iCol+1), nTargetType, buffer.GetBuffer(), buffer.GetRemaining(), &cbData);

        if (cbData == SQL_NULL_DATA || (ret == SQL_SUCCESS && cbData < 0))
            // HACK: FreeTDS 0.91 on OS/X returns -4 for NULL data instead of SQL_NULL_DATA (-1).  I've traced into the
            // code and it appears to be the result of assigning -1 to a SQLLEN:
            //   if (colinfo->column_cur_size < 0) {
            //       /* TODO check what should happen if pcbValue was NULL */
            //       *pcbValue = SQL_NULL_DATA;
            // I believe it will be fine to treat all negative values as NULL for now.


        if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret) && ret != SQL_NO_DATA)
            return RaiseErrorFromHandle("SQLGetData", cur->cnxn->hdbc, cur->hstmt);

        // The SQLGetData behavior is incredibly quirky.  It doesn't tell us the total, the total we've read, or even
        // the amount just read.  It returns the amount just read, plus any remaining.  Unfortunately, the only way to
        // pick them apart is to subtract out the amount of buffer we supplied.

        SQLLEN cbBuffer = buffer.GetRemaining(); // how much we gave SQLGetData

        if (ret == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
            // There is more data than fits in the buffer.  The amount of data equals the amount of data in the buffer
            // minus a NULL terminator.

            SQLLEN cbRead;
            SQLLEN cbMore;

            if (cbData == SQL_NO_TOTAL)
                // We don't know how much more, so just guess.
                cbRead = cbBuffer - buffer.null_size;
                cbMore = 2048;
            else if (cbData >= cbBuffer)
                // There is more data.  We supplied cbBuffer, but there was cbData (more).  We received cbBuffer, so we
                // need to subtract that, allocate enough to read the rest (cbData-cbBuffer).

                cbRead = cbBuffer - buffer.null_size;
                cbMore = cbData - cbRead;
                // I'm not really sure why I would be here ... I would have expected SQL_SUCCESS
                cbRead = cbData - buffer.null_size;
                cbMore = 0;

            if (!buffer.AllocateMore(cbMore))
                return PyErr_NoMemory();
        else if (ret == SQL_SUCCESS)
            // For some reason, the NULL terminator is used in intermediate buffers but not in this final one.

        if (ret == SQL_SUCCESS || ret == SQL_NO_DATA)
            return buffer.DetachValue();

    // REVIEW: Add an error message.
    return 0;
Esempio n. 17
static bool Connect(PyObject* pConnectString, HDBC hdbc, bool fAnsi, long timeout)
    // This should have been checked by the global connect function.
    I(PyString_Check(pConnectString) || PyUnicode_Check(pConnectString));

    const int cchMax = 600;

    if (PySequence_Length(pConnectString) >= cchMax)
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "connection string too long");
        return false;

    // The driver manager determines if the app is a Unicode app based on whether we call SQLDriverConnectA or
    // SQLDriverConnectW.  Some drivers, notably Microsoft Access/Jet, change their behavior based on this, so we try
    // the Unicode version first.  (The Access driver only supports Unicode text, but SQLDescribeCol returns SQL_CHAR
    // instead of SQL_WCHAR if we connect with the ANSI version.  Obviously this causes lots of errors since we believe
    // what it tells us (SQL_CHAR).)

    // Python supports only UCS-2 and UCS-4, so we shouldn't need to worry about receiving surrogate pairs.  However,
    // Windows does use UCS-16, so it is possible something would be misinterpreted as one.  We may need to examine
    // this more.

    SQLRETURN ret;

    if (timeout > 0)
        ret = SQLSetConnectAttr(hdbc, SQL_ATTR_LOGIN_TIMEOUT, (SQLPOINTER)timeout, SQL_IS_UINTEGER);
        if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
            RaiseErrorFromHandle("SQLSetConnectAttr(SQL_ATTR_LOGIN_TIMEOUT)", hdbc, SQL_NULL_HANDLE);

    if (!fAnsi)
        SQLWChar connectString(pConnectString);
        ret = SQLDriverConnectW(hdbc, 0, connectString.get(), (SQLSMALLINT)connectString.size(), 0, 0, 0, SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT);
        if (SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
            return true;
        RaiseErrorFromHandle("SQLDriverConnect", hdbc, SQL_NULL_HANDLE);
        return false;

        // The Unicode function failed.  If the error is that the driver doesn't have a Unicode version (IM001), continue
        // to the ANSI version.
        // I've commented this out since a number of common drivers are returning different errors.  The MySQL 5
        // driver, for example, returns IM002 "Data source name not found...".
        // PyObject* error = GetErrorFromHandle("SQLDriverConnectW", hdbc, SQL_NULL_HANDLE);
        // if (!HasSqlState(error, "IM001"))
        // {
        //     RaiseErrorFromException(error);
        //     return false;
        // }
        // Py_XDECREF(error);
    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Non-unicode connection strings not supported.");
    return false;
Esempio n. 18
static PyObject*
GetDataLongLong(Cursor* cur, int iCol)
    ColumnInfo* pinfo = &cur->colinfos[iCol];

    INT64 value = 0;
    SQLLEN cbFetched = 0;
    SQLRETURN ret;

    SQLSMALLINT nCType = pinfo->is_unsigned ? SQL_C_UBIGINT : SQL_C_SBIGINT;

    ret = SQLGetData(cur->hstmt, (SQLSMALLINT)(iCol+1), nCType, &value, sizeof(value), &cbFetched);

    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
        return RaiseErrorFromHandle("SQLGetData", cur->cnxn->hdbc, cur->hstmt);

    if (cbFetched == SQL_NULL_DATA)

    if (pinfo->is_unsigned)
        return PyLong_FromLongLong(*(UINT64*)&value);

    return PyLong_FromLongLong(*(INT64*)&value);