int get_cell(int col, float* buf_row, void* buf, RASTER_MAP_TYPE raster_type) { switch (raster_type) { case CELL_TYPE: if (Rast_is_null_value(&((CELL *) buf)[col],CELL_TYPE)) Rast_set_f_null_value(&buf_row[col],1); else buf_row[col] = (FCELL) ((CELL *) buf)[col]; break; case FCELL_TYPE: if (Rast_is_null_value(&((FCELL *) buf)[col],FCELL_TYPE)) Rast_set_f_null_value(&buf_row[col],1); else buf_row[col] = (FCELL) ((FCELL *) buf)[col]; break; case DCELL_TYPE: if (Rast_is_null_value(&((DCELL *) buf)[col],DCELL_TYPE)) Rast_set_f_null_value(&buf_row[col],1); else buf_row[col] = (FCELL) ((DCELL *) buf)[col]; break; } return 0; }
/* ************************************************************************* */ double get_raster_value_as_double(int MapType, void *ptr, double nullval) { double val = nullval; if (MapType == CELL_TYPE) { if (Rast_is_null_value(ptr, MapType)) { val = nullval; } else { val = *(CELL *) ptr; } } if (MapType == FCELL_TYPE) { if (Rast_is_null_value(ptr, MapType)) { val = nullval; } else { val = *(FCELL *) ptr; } } if (MapType == DCELL_TYPE) { if (Rast_is_null_value(ptr, MapType)) { val = nullval; } else { val = *(DCELL *) ptr; } } return val; }
/*! \brief Draw raster row in RGB mode \param A_row row number \param r_raster red data buffer \param g_raster green data buffer \param b_raster blue data buffer \param r_colors colors used for red channel \param g_colors colors used for green channel \param b_colors colors used for blue channel \param r_type raster type used for red channel \param g_type raster type used for red channel \param b_type raster type used for red channel \return */ int D_draw_raster_RGB(int A_row, const void *r_raster, const void *g_raster, const void *b_raster, struct Colors *r_colors, struct Colors *g_colors, struct Colors *b_colors, RASTER_MAP_TYPE r_type, RASTER_MAP_TYPE g_type, RASTER_MAP_TYPE b_type) { static unsigned char *r_buf, *g_buf, *b_buf, *n_buf; static int nalloc; int r_size = Rast_cell_size(r_type); int g_size = Rast_cell_size(g_type); int b_size = Rast_cell_size(b_type); int ncols = src[0][1] - src[0][0]; int i; /* reallocate color_buf if necessary */ if (nalloc < ncols) { nalloc = ncols; r_buf = G_realloc(r_buf, nalloc); g_buf = G_realloc(g_buf, nalloc); b_buf = G_realloc(b_buf, nalloc); n_buf = G_realloc(n_buf, nalloc); } /* convert cell values to bytes */ Rast_lookup_colors(r_raster, r_buf, n_buf, n_buf, n_buf, ncols, r_colors, r_type); Rast_lookup_colors(g_raster, n_buf, g_buf, n_buf, n_buf, ncols, g_colors, g_type); Rast_lookup_colors(b_raster, n_buf, n_buf, b_buf, n_buf, ncols, b_colors, b_type); if (D__overlay_mode) for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) { n_buf[i] = (Rast_is_null_value(r_raster, r_type) || Rast_is_null_value(g_raster, g_type) || Rast_is_null_value(b_raster, b_type)); r_raster = G_incr_void_ptr(r_raster, r_size); g_raster = G_incr_void_ptr(g_raster, g_size); b_raster = G_incr_void_ptr(b_raster, b_size); } A_row = COM_raster(ncols, A_row, r_buf, g_buf, b_buf, D__overlay_mode ? n_buf : NULL); return (A_row < src[1][1]) ? A_row : -1; }
static void embed_nulls(int fd, void *buf, int row, RASTER_MAP_TYPE map_type, int null_is_zero, int with_mask) { struct fileinfo *fcb = &R__.fileinfo[fd]; size_t size = Rast_cell_size(map_type); char *null_buf; int i; /* this is because without null file the nulls can be only due to 0's in data row or mask */ if (null_is_zero && !fcb->null_file_exists && (R__.auto_mask <= 0 || !with_mask)) return; null_buf = G_alloca(R__.rd_window.cols); get_null_value_row(fd, null_buf, row, with_mask); for (i = 0; i < R__.rd_window.cols; i++) { /* also check for nulls which might be already embedded by quant rules in case of fp map. */ if (null_buf[i] || Rast_is_null_value(buf, map_type)) { /* G__set_[f/d]_null_value() sets it to 0 is the embedded mode is not set and calls G_set_[f/d]_null_value() otherwise */ Rast__set_null_value(buf, 1, null_is_zero, map_type); } buf = G_incr_void_ptr(buf, size); } G_freea(null_buf); }
static int draw_cell(int A_row, const void *array, struct Colors *colors, RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type) { static unsigned char *red, *grn, *blu, *set; static int nalloc; int ncols = src[0][1] - src[0][0]; int i; if (nalloc < ncols) { nalloc = ncols; red = G_realloc(red, nalloc); grn = G_realloc(grn, nalloc); blu = G_realloc(blu, nalloc); set = G_realloc(set, nalloc); } Rast_lookup_colors(array, red, grn, blu, set, ncols, colors, data_type); if (D__overlay_mode) for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) { set[i] = Rast_is_null_value(array, data_type); array = G_incr_void_ptr(array, Rast_cell_size(data_type)); } A_row = COM_raster(ncols, A_row, red, grn, blu, D__overlay_mode ? set : NULL); return (A_row < src[1][1]) ? A_row : -1; }
static void put_data_gdal(int fd, const void *rast, int row, int n, int zeros_r_nulls, RASTER_MAP_TYPE map_type) { #ifdef HAVE_GDAL struct fileinfo *fcb = &R__.fileinfo[fd]; int size = Rast_cell_size(map_type); DCELL null_val = fcb->gdal->null_val; const void *src; void *work_buf, *dst; GDALDataType datatype; CPLErr err; int i; if (row < 0 || row >= fcb->cellhd.rows) return; if (n <= 0) return; work_buf = G__alloca(n * size); switch (map_type) { case CELL_TYPE: datatype = GDT_Int32; break; case FCELL_TYPE: datatype = GDT_Float32; break; case DCELL_TYPE: datatype = GDT_Float64; break; } src = rast; dst = work_buf; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (Rast_is_null_value(src, map_type) || (zeros_r_nulls && !*(CELL *) src)) Rast_set_d_value(dst, null_val, map_type); else memcpy(dst, src, size); src = G_incr_void_ptr(src, size); dst = G_incr_void_ptr(dst, size); } err = Rast_gdal_raster_IO(fcb->gdal->band, GF_Write, 0, row, n, 1, work_buf, n, 1, datatype, 0, 0); G__freea(work_buf); if (err != CE_None) G_fatal_error(_("Error writing data via GDAL for row %d of <%s>"), row, fcb->name); #endif }
int update_min(void *array, int cols, int row, int col, RASTER_MAP_TYPE map_type, double value) { void *ptr = get_cell_ptr(array, cols, row, col, map_type); DCELL old_val; if (Rast_is_null_value(ptr, map_type)) Rast_set_d_value(ptr, (DCELL) value, map_type); else { old_val = Rast_get_d_value(ptr, map_type); if (value < old_val) Rast_set_d_value(ptr, (DCELL) value, map_type); } return 0; }
static int calc_mu(int *fds, double *mu, int bands) { int i; int rows = Rast_window_rows(); int cols = Rast_window_cols(); void *rowbuf = NULL; for (i = 0; i < bands; i++) { RASTER_MAP_TYPE maptype; int row, col; double sum = 0.; maptype = Rast_get_map_type(fds[i]); /* don't assume each image is of the same type */ if (rowbuf) G_free(rowbuf); if ((rowbuf = Rast_allocate_buf(maptype)) == NULL) G_fatal_error(_("Unable allocate memory for row buffer")); G_message(_("Computing means for band %d..."), i + 1); for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) { void *ptr = rowbuf; G_percent(row, rows - 1, 2); Rast_get_row(fds[i], rowbuf, row, maptype); for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) { /* skip null cells */ if (Rast_is_null_value(ptr, maptype)) { ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(ptr, Rast_cell_size(maptype)); continue; } sum += Rast_get_d_value(ptr, maptype); ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(ptr, Rast_cell_size(maptype)); } } mu[i] = sum / (double)(rows * cols); } if (rowbuf) G_free(rowbuf); return 0; }
int mask_raster_array(void *rast, int ncols, int change_null, RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type) { DCELL x; while (ncols-- > 0) { x = Rast_get_d_value(rast, data_type); if (change_null && Rast_is_null_value(rast, data_type)) Rast_set_d_value(rast, new_null, data_type); if (mask_d_select(&x, &d_mask)) Rast_set_null_value(rast, 1, data_type); rast = G_incr_void_ptr(rast, Rast_cell_size(data_type)); } return 0; }
/*! * \brief Update range structure based on raster row (floating-point) * * This routine updates the <i>range</i> data just like * Rast_update_range(), but for <i>n</i> values from the <i>cell</i> * array. * * \param cell raster values * \param n number of values * \param range pointer to Range structure which holds range info * \param data_type raster type (CELL, FCELL, DCELL) */ void Rast_row_update_fp_range(const void *rast, int n, struct FPRange *range, RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type) { size_t size = Rast_cell_size(data_type); DCELL val = 0.0; while (n-- > 0) { switch (data_type) { case CELL_TYPE: val = (DCELL) * ((CELL *) rast); break; case FCELL_TYPE: val = (DCELL) * ((FCELL *) rast); break; case DCELL_TYPE: val = *((DCELL *) rast); break; } if (Rast_is_null_value(rast, data_type)) { rast = G_incr_void_ptr(rast, size); continue; } if (range->first_time) { range->first_time = 0; range->min = val; range->max = val; } else { if (val < range->min) range->min = val; if (val > range->max) range->max = val; } rast = G_incr_void_ptr(rast, size); } }
double calculateF(area_des ad, int fd, char **par, double *result) { FCELL *buf; FCELL corrCell; FCELL precCell; int i, j; int mask_fd = -1, *mask_buf; int ris = 0; int masked = FALSE; int a = 0; /* a=0 if all cells are null */ long m = 0; long tot = 0; long zero = 0; long totCorr = 0; double indice = 0; double somma = 0; double p = 0; double area = 0; double t; avl_tree albero = NULL; AVL_table *array; generic_cell uc; uc.t = FCELL_TYPE; /* open mask if needed */ if (ad->mask == 1) { if ((mask_fd = open(ad->mask_name, O_RDONLY, 0755)) < 0) return RLI_ERRORE; mask_buf = G_malloc(ad->cl * sizeof(int)); if (mask_buf == NULL) { G_fatal_error("malloc mask_buf failed"); return RLI_ERRORE; } masked = TRUE; } Rast_set_f_null_value(&precCell, 1); for (j = 0; j < ad->rl; j++) { /* for each row */ if (masked) { if (read(mask_fd, mask_buf, (ad->cl * sizeof(int))) < 0) { G_fatal_error("mask read failed"); return RLI_ERRORE; } } buf = RLI_get_fcell_raster_row(fd, j + ad->y, ad); for (i = 0; i < ad->cl; i++) { /* for each fcell in the row */ area++; corrCell = buf[i + ad->x]; if (masked && mask_buf[i + ad->x] == 0) { Rast_set_f_null_value(&corrCell, 1); area--; } if (!(Rast_is_null_value(&corrCell, uc.t))) { a = 1; if (Rast_is_null_value(&precCell, uc.t)) { precCell = corrCell; } if (corrCell != precCell) { if (albero == NULL) { uc.val.fc = precCell; albero = avl_make(uc, totCorr); if (albero == NULL) { G_fatal_error("avl_make error"); return RLI_ERRORE; } m++; } else { uc.val.fc = precCell; ris = avl_add(&albero, uc, totCorr); switch (ris) { case AVL_ERR: { G_fatal_error("avl_add error"); return RLI_ERRORE; } case AVL_ADD: { m++; break; } case AVL_PRES: { break; } default: { G_fatal_error("avl_make unknown error"); return RLI_ERRORE; } } } totCorr = 1; } /* endif not equal fcells */ else { /*equal fcells */ totCorr++; } precCell = corrCell; } } } /*last closing */ if (a != 0) { if (albero == NULL) { uc.val.fc = precCell; albero = avl_make(uc, totCorr); if (albero == NULL) { G_fatal_error("avl_make error"); return RLI_ERRORE; } m++; } else { uc.val.fc = precCell; ris = avl_add(&albero, uc, totCorr); switch (ris) { case AVL_ERR: { G_fatal_error("avl_add error"); return RLI_ERRORE; } case AVL_ADD: { m++; break; } case AVL_PRES: { break; } default: { G_fatal_error("avl_add unknown error"); return RLI_ERRORE; } } } } array = G_malloc(m * sizeof(AVL_tableRow)); if (array == NULL) { G_fatal_error("malloc array failed"); return RLI_ERRORE; } tot = avl_to_array(albero, zero, array); if (tot != m) { G_warning("avl_to_array unaspected value. the result could be wrong"); return RLI_ERRORE; } char *sval; sval = par[0]; double alpha_double; alpha_double = (double)atof(sval); /* calculate index summary */ for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { t = (double)(array[i]->tot); p = t / area; G_debug(1, "Valore p: %g, valore pow: %g", p, pow(p, alpha_double)); somma = somma + pow(p, alpha_double); } indice = (1 / (1 - alpha_double)) * log(somma); if (isnan(indice) || isinf(indice)) { indice = -1; } G_debug(1, "Valore somma: %g Valore indice: %g", somma, indice); *result = indice; G_free(array); if (masked) G_free(mask_buf); return RLI_OK; }
int patch_number(int fd, char **par, area_des ad, double *result) { CELL *buf, *sup; int count = 0, i, j, connected = 0, complete_line = 1, other_above = 0; struct Cell_head hd; CELL complete_value; int mask_fd = -1, *mask_buf, *mask_sup, null_count = 0; Rast_set_c_null_value(&complete_value, 1); Rast_get_cellhd(ad->raster, "", &hd); sup = Rast_allocate_c_buf(); /* open mask if needed */ if (ad->mask == 1) { if ((mask_fd = open(ad->mask_name, O_RDONLY, 0755)) < 0) return 0; mask_buf = malloc(ad->cl * sizeof(int)); mask_sup = malloc(ad->cl * sizeof(int)); } /*calculate number of patch */ for (i = 0; i < ad->rl; i++) { buf = RLI_get_cell_raster_row(fd, i + ad->y, ad); if (i > 0) { sup = RLI_get_cell_raster_row(fd, i - 1 + ad->y, ad); } /* mask values */ if (ad->mask == 1) { int k; if (i > 0) { int *tmp; tmp = mask_sup; mask_buf = mask_sup; } if (read(mask_fd, mask_buf, (ad->cl * sizeof(int))) < 0) return 0; for (k = 0; k < ad->cl; k++) { if (mask_buf[k] == 0) { Rast_set_c_null_value(mask_buf + k, 1); null_count++; } } } if (complete_line) { if (!Rast_is_null_value(&(buf[ad->x]), CELL_TYPE) && buf[ad->x] != complete_value) count++; for (j = 0; j < ad->cl - 1; j++) { if (buf[j + ad->x] != buf[j + 1 + ad->x]) { complete_line = 0; if (!Rast_is_null_value(&(buf[j + 1 + ad->x]), CELL_TYPE) && buf[j + 1 + ad->x] != complete_value) count++; } } if (complete_line) { complete_value = buf[ad->x]; } } else { complete_line = 1; connected = 0; other_above = 0; for (j = 0; j < ad->cl; j++) { if (sup[j + ad->x] == buf[j + ad->x]) { connected = 1; if (other_above) { other_above = 0; count--; } } else { if (connected && !Rast_is_null_value(&(buf[j + ad->x]), CELL_TYPE)) other_above = 1; } if (j < ad->cl - 1 && buf[j + ad->x] != buf[j + 1 + ad->x]) { complete_line = 0; if (!connected && !Rast_is_null_value(&(buf[j + ad->x]), CELL_TYPE)) { count++; connected = 0; other_above = 0; } else { connected = 0; other_above = 0; } } } if (!connected && sup[ad->cl - 1 + ad->x] != buf[ad->cl - 1 + ad->x]) { if (!Rast_is_null_value (&(buf[ad->cl - 1 + ad->x]), CELL_TYPE)) { count++; complete_line = 0; } } if (complete_line) complete_value = buf[ad->x]; } } *result = count; G_free(sup); return RLI_OK; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct Cell_head window; RASTER_MAP_TYPE raster_type, mag_raster_type = -1; int layer_fd; void *raster_row, *ptr; int nrows, ncols; int aspect_c = -1; float aspect_f = -1.0; double scale; int skip, no_arrow; char *mag_map = NULL; void *mag_raster_row = NULL, *mag_ptr = NULL; double length = -1; int mag_fd = -1; struct FPRange range; double mag_min, mag_max; struct GModule *module; struct Option *opt1, *opt2, *opt3, *opt4, *opt5, *opt6, *opt7, *opt8, *opt9; struct Flag *align; double t, b, l, r; G_gisinit(argv[0]); module = G_define_module(); G_add_keyword(_("display")); G_add_keyword(_("raster")); module->description = _("Draws arrows representing cell aspect direction " "for a raster map containing aspect data."); opt1 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_MAP); opt1->description = _("Name of raster aspect map to be displayed"); opt2 = G_define_option(); opt2->key = "type"; opt2->type = TYPE_STRING; opt2->required = NO; opt2->answer = "grass"; opt2->options = "grass,compass,agnps,answers"; opt2->description = _("Type of existing raster aspect map"); opt3 = G_define_option(); opt3->key = "arrow_color"; opt3->type = TYPE_STRING; opt3->required = NO; opt3->answer = "green"; opt3->gisprompt = "old_color,color,color"; opt3->description = _("Color for drawing arrows"); opt3->guisection = _("Colors"); opt4 = G_define_option(); opt4->key = "grid_color"; opt4->type = TYPE_STRING; opt4->required = NO; opt4->answer = "gray"; opt4->gisprompt = "old_color,color,color_none"; opt4->description = _("Color for drawing grid or \"none\""); opt4->guisection = _("Colors"); opt5 = G_define_option(); opt5->key = "x_color"; opt5->type = TYPE_STRING; opt5->required = NO; opt5->answer = DEFAULT_FG_COLOR; opt5->gisprompt = "old_color,color,color_none"; opt5->description = _("Color for drawing X's (null values)"); opt5->guisection = _("Colors"); opt6 = G_define_option(); opt6->key = "unknown_color"; opt6->type = TYPE_STRING; opt6->required = NO; opt6->answer = "red"; opt6->gisprompt = "old_color,color,color_none"; opt6->description = _("Color for showing unknown information"); opt6->guisection = _("Colors"); opt9 = G_define_option(); opt9->key = "skip"; opt9->type = TYPE_INTEGER; opt9->required = NO; opt9->answer = "1"; opt9->description = _("Draw arrow every Nth grid cell"); opt7 = G_define_option(); opt7->key = "magnitude_map"; opt7->type = TYPE_STRING; opt7->required = NO; opt7->multiple = NO; opt7->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster"; opt7->description = _("Raster map containing values used for arrow length"); opt8 = G_define_option(); opt8->key = "scale"; opt8->type = TYPE_DOUBLE; opt8->required = NO; opt8->answer = "1.0"; opt8->description = _("Scale factor for arrows (magnitude map)"); align = G_define_flag(); align->key = 'a'; align->description = _("Align grids with raster cells"); /* Check command line */ if (G_parser(argc, argv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); layer_name = opt1->answer; arrow_color = D_translate_color(opt3->answer); x_color = D_translate_color(opt5->answer); unknown_color = D_translate_color(opt6->answer); if (strcmp("none", opt4->answer) == 0) grid_color = -1; else grid_color = D_translate_color(opt4->answer); if (strcmp("grass", opt2->answer) == 0) map_type = 1; else if (strcmp("agnps", opt2->answer) == 0) map_type = 2; else if (strcmp("answers", opt2->answer) == 0) map_type = 3; else if (strcmp("compass", opt2->answer) == 0) map_type = 4; scale = atof(opt8->answer); if (scale <= 0.0) G_fatal_error(_("Illegal value for scale factor")); skip = atoi(opt9->answer); if (skip <= 0) G_fatal_error(_("Illegal value for skip factor")); if (opt7->answer) { if (map_type != 1 && map_type != 4) G_fatal_error(_("Magnitude is only supported for GRASS and compass aspect maps.")); mag_map = opt7->answer; } else if (scale != 1.0) G_warning(_("Scale option requires magnitude_map")); /* Setup driver and check important information */ if (D_open_driver() != 0) G_fatal_error(_("No graphics device selected. " "Use d.mon to select graphics device.")); D_setup(0); /* Read in the map window associated with window */ G_get_window(&window); if (align->answer) { struct Cell_head wind; Rast_get_cellhd(layer_name, "", &wind); /* expand window extent by one wind resolution */ wind.west += wind.ew_res * ((int)((window.west - wind.west) / wind.ew_res) - (window.west < wind.west)); wind.east += wind.ew_res * ((int)((window.east - wind.east) / wind.ew_res) + (window.east > wind.east)); wind.south += wind.ns_res * ((int)((window.south - wind.south) / wind.ns_res) - (window.south < wind.south)); wind.north += wind.ns_res * ((int)((window.north - wind.north) / wind.ns_res) + (window.north > wind.north)); wind.rows = (wind.north - wind.south) / wind.ns_res; wind.cols = (wind.east - wind.west) / wind.ew_res; Rast_set_window(&wind); nrows = wind.rows; ncols = wind.cols; t = (wind.north - window.north) * nrows / (wind.north - wind.south); b = t + (window.north - window.south) * nrows / (wind.north - wind.south); l = (window.west - wind.west) * ncols / (wind.east - wind.west); r = l + (window.east - window.west) * ncols / (wind.east - wind.west); } else { nrows = window.rows; ncols = window.cols; t = 0; b = nrows; l = 0; r = ncols; } D_set_src(t, b, l, r); D_update_conversions(); /* figure out arrow scaling if using a magnitude map */ if (opt7->answer) { Rast_init_fp_range(&range); /* really needed? */ if (Rast_read_fp_range(mag_map, "", &range) != 1) G_fatal_error(_("Problem reading range file")); Rast_get_fp_range_min_max(&range, &mag_min, &mag_max); scale *= 1.5 / fabs(mag_max); G_debug(3, "scaling=%.2f rast_max=%.2f", scale, mag_max); } if (grid_color > 0) { /* ie not "none" */ /* Set color */ D_use_color(grid_color); /* Draw vertical grids */ for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) D_line_abs(col, 0, col, nrows); /* Draw horizontal grids */ for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) D_line_abs(0, row, ncols, row); } /* open the raster map */ layer_fd = Rast_open_old(layer_name, ""); raster_type = Rast_get_map_type(layer_fd); /* allocate the cell array */ raster_row = Rast_allocate_buf(raster_type); if (opt7->answer) { /* open the magnitude raster map */ mag_fd = Rast_open_old(mag_map, ""); mag_raster_type = Rast_get_map_type(mag_fd); /* allocate the cell array */ mag_raster_row = Rast_allocate_buf(mag_raster_type); } /* loop through cells, find value, determine direction (n,s,e,w,ne,se,sw,nw), and call appropriate function to draw an arrow on the cell */ for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { Rast_get_row(layer_fd, raster_row, row, raster_type); ptr = raster_row; if (opt7->answer) { Rast_get_row(mag_fd, mag_raster_row, row, mag_raster_type); mag_ptr = mag_raster_row; } for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) { if (row % skip != 0) no_arrow = TRUE; else no_arrow = FALSE; if (col % skip != 0) no_arrow = TRUE; /* find aspect direction based on cell value */ if (raster_type == CELL_TYPE) aspect_f = *((CELL *) ptr); else if (raster_type == FCELL_TYPE) aspect_f = *((FCELL *) ptr); else if (raster_type == DCELL_TYPE) aspect_f = *((DCELL *) ptr); if (opt7->answer) { if (mag_raster_type == CELL_TYPE) length = *((CELL *) mag_ptr); else if (mag_raster_type == FCELL_TYPE) length = *((FCELL *) mag_ptr); else if (mag_raster_type == DCELL_TYPE) length = *((DCELL *) mag_ptr); length *= scale; if (Rast_is_null_value(mag_ptr, mag_raster_type)) { G_debug(5, "Invalid arrow length [NULL]. Skipping."); no_arrow = TRUE; } else if (length <= 0.0) { /* use fabs() or theta+=180? */ G_debug(5, "Illegal arrow length [%.3f]. Skipping.", length); no_arrow = TRUE; } } if (no_arrow) { ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(ptr, Rast_cell_size(raster_type)); if (opt7->answer) mag_ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(mag_ptr, Rast_cell_size(mag_raster_type)); no_arrow = FALSE; continue; } /* treat AGNPS and ANSWERS data like old zero-as-null CELL */ /* TODO: update models */ if (map_type == 2 || map_type == 3) { if (Rast_is_null_value(ptr, raster_type)) aspect_c = 0; else aspect_c = (int)(aspect_f + 0.5); } /** Now draw the arrows **/ /* case switch for standard GRASS aspect map measured in degrees counter-clockwise from east */ if (map_type == 1) { D_use_color(arrow_color); if (Rast_is_null_value(ptr, raster_type)) { D_use_color(x_color); draw_x(); D_use_color(arrow_color); } else if (aspect_f >= 0.0 && aspect_f <= 360.0) { if (opt7->answer) arrow_mag(aspect_f, length); else arrow_360(aspect_f); } else { D_use_color(unknown_color); unknown_(); D_use_color(arrow_color); } } /* case switch for AGNPS type aspect map */ else if (map_type == 2) { D_use_color(arrow_color); switch (aspect_c) { case 0: D_use_color(x_color); draw_x(); D_use_color(arrow_color); break; case 1: arrow_n(); break; case 2: arrow_ne(); break; case 3: arrow_e(); break; case 4: arrow_se(); break; case 5: arrow_s(); break; case 6: arrow_sw(); break; case 7: arrow_w(); break; case 8: arrow_nw(); break; default: D_use_color(unknown_color); unknown_(); D_use_color(arrow_color); break; } } /* case switch for ANSWERS type aspect map */ else if (map_type == 3) { D_use_color(arrow_color); if (aspect_c >= 15 && aspect_c <= 360) /* start at zero? */ arrow_360((double)aspect_c); else if (aspect_c == 400) { D_use_color(unknown_color); unknown_(); D_use_color(arrow_color); } else { D_use_color(x_color); draw_x(); D_use_color(arrow_color); } } /* case switch for compass type aspect map measured in degrees clockwise from north */ else if (map_type == 4) { D_use_color(arrow_color); if (Rast_is_null_value(ptr, raster_type)) { D_use_color(x_color); draw_x(); D_use_color(arrow_color); } else if (aspect_f >= 0.0 && aspect_f <= 360.0) { if (opt7->answer) arrow_mag(90 - aspect_f, length); else arrow_360(90 - aspect_f); } else { D_use_color(unknown_color); unknown_(); D_use_color(arrow_color); } } ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(ptr, Rast_cell_size(raster_type)); if (opt7->answer) mag_ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(mag_ptr, Rast_cell_size(mag_raster_type)); } } Rast_close(layer_fd); if (opt7->answer) Rast_close(mag_fd); D_save_command(G_recreate_command()); D_close_driver(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
/*! * \brief Returns 1 if the value of N_array_2d struct at position col, row * is of type null, otherwise 0 * * This function checks automatically the type of the array and checks for the * data type null value. * * \param data N_array_2d * * \param col int * \param row int * \return int - 1 = is null, 0 otherwise * */ int N_is_array_2d_value_null(N_array_2d * data, int col, int row) { if (data->offset == 0) { if (data->type == CELL_TYPE && data->cell_array != NULL) { G_debug(6, "N_is_array_2d_value_null: null value is of type CELL at pos [%i][%i]", col, row); return Rast_is_null_value((void *) &(data-> cell_array[row * data->cols_intern + col]), CELL_TYPE); } else if (data->type == FCELL_TYPE && data->fcell_array != NULL) { G_debug(6, "N_is_array_2d_value_null: null value is of type FCELL at pos [%i][%i]", col, row); return Rast_is_null_value((void *) &(data-> fcell_array[row * data->cols_intern + col]), FCELL_TYPE); } else if (data->type == DCELL_TYPE && data->dcell_array != NULL) { G_debug(6, "N_is_array_2d_value_null: null value is of type DCELL at pos [%i][%i]", col, row); return Rast_is_null_value((void *) &(data-> dcell_array[row * data->cols_intern + col]), DCELL_TYPE); } } else { if (data->type == CELL_TYPE && data->cell_array != NULL) { G_debug(6, "N_is_array_2d_value_null: null value is of type CELL at pos [%i][%i]", col, row); return Rast_is_null_value((void *) &(data-> cell_array[(row + data->offset) * data->cols_intern + col + data->offset]), CELL_TYPE); } else if (data->type == FCELL_TYPE && data->fcell_array != NULL) { G_debug(6, "N_is_array_2d_value_null: null value is of type FCELL at pos [%i][%i]", col, row); return Rast_is_null_value((void *) &(data-> fcell_array[(row + data->offset) * data->cols_intern + col + data->offset]), FCELL_TYPE); } else if (data->type == DCELL_TYPE && data->dcell_array != NULL) { G_debug(6, "N_is_array_2d_value_null: null value is of type DCELL at pos [%i][%i]", col, row); return Rast_is_null_value((void *) &(data-> dcell_array[(row + data->offset) * data->cols_intern + col + data->offset]), DCELL_TYPE); } } return 0; }
int null_distance(const char *name1, const char *name2, int *zerro_row, int *zerro_col) { RASTER_MAP_TYPE maptype1, maptype2; const char *mapset; int mapd1, mapd2; void *inrast1, *inrast2; int nrows, ncols, row, col; void *cell1, *cell2; /* NOTE: no need to controll, if the map exists. it should be checked in edge.c */ mapset = G_find_raster2(name1, ""); maptype1 = Rast_map_type(name1, mapset); mapd1 = Rast_open_old(name1, mapset); inrast1 = Rast_allocate_buf(maptype1); mapset = G_find_raster2(name2, ""); maptype2 = Rast_map_type(name2, mapset); mapd2 = Rast_open_old(name2, mapset); inrast2 = Rast_allocate_buf(maptype2); G_message(_("Reading maps <%s,%s> while finding 0 distance ..."), name1, name2); ncols = Rast_window_cols(); nrows = Rast_window_rows(); for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { G_percent(row, nrows, 2); Rast_get_row(mapd1, inrast1, row, maptype1); Rast_get_row(mapd2, inrast2, row, maptype2); for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) { /* first raster */ switch (maptype1) { case CELL_TYPE: cell1 = ((CELL **) inrast1)[col]; break; case FCELL_TYPE: cell1 = ((FCELL **) inrast1)[col]; break; case DCELL_TYPE: cell1 = ((DCELL **) inrast1)[col]; break; } /* second raster */ switch (maptype2) { case CELL_TYPE: cell2 = ((CELL **) inrast2)[col]; break; case FCELL_TYPE: cell2 = ((FCELL **) inrast2)[col]; break; case DCELL_TYPE: cell2 = ((DCELL **) inrast2)[col]; break; } if (!Rast_is_null_value(&cell1, maptype1) && !Rast_is_null_value(&cell2, maptype2)) { *zerro_row = row; *zerro_col = col; /* memory cleanup */ G_free(inrast1); G_free(inrast2); /* closing raster maps */ Rast_close(mapd1); Rast_close(mapd2); return 1; } } } /* memory cleanup */ G_free(inrast1); G_free(inrast2); /* closing raster maps */ Rast_close(mapd1); Rast_close(mapd2); return 0; }
int init_vars(int argc, char *argv[]) { int r, c; int ele_fd, wat_fd, fd = -1; int seg_rows, seg_cols, num_cseg_total, num_open_segs, num_open_array_segs; double memory_divisor, heap_mem, seg_factor, disk_space; /* int page_block, num_cseg; */ int max_bytes; CELL *buf, alt_value, *alt_value_buf, block_value; char asp_value; DCELL wat_value; DCELL dvalue; WAT_ALT wa, *wabuf; ASP_FLAG af, af_nbr, *afbuf; char MASK_flag; void *elebuf, *ptr, *watbuf, *watptr; int ele_map_type, wat_map_type; size_t ele_size, wat_size; int ct_dir, r_nbr, c_nbr; G_gisinit(argv[0]); /* input */ ele_flag = pit_flag = run_flag = ril_flag = 0; /* output */ wat_flag = asp_flag = bas_flag = seg_flag = haf_flag = tci_flag = 0; bas_thres = 0; /* shed, unused */ arm_flag = dis_flag = 0; /* RUSLE */ ob_flag = st_flag = sl_flag = sg_flag = ls_flag = er_flag = 0; nxt_avail_pt = 0; /* dep_flag = 0; */ max_length = d_zero = 0.0; d_one = 1.0; ril_value = -1.0; /* dep_slope = 0.0; */ max_bytes = 0; sides = 8; mfd = 1; c_fac = 5; abs_acc = 0; ele_scale = 1; segs_mb = 300; /* scan options */ for (r = 1; r < argc; r++) { if (sscanf(argv[r], "elevation=%s", ele_name) == 1) ele_flag++; else if (sscanf(argv[r], "accumulation=%s", wat_name) == 1) wat_flag++; else if (sscanf(argv[r], "tci=%s", tci_name) == 1) tci_flag++; else if (sscanf(argv[r], "drainage=%s", asp_name) == 1) asp_flag++; else if (sscanf(argv[r], "depression=%s", pit_name) == 1) pit_flag++; else if (sscanf(argv[r], "threshold=%d", &bas_thres) == 1) ; else if (sscanf(argv[r], "max_slope_length=%lf", &max_length) == 1) ; else if (sscanf(argv[r], "basin=%s", bas_name) == 1) bas_flag++; else if (sscanf(argv[r], "stream=%s", seg_name) == 1) seg_flag++; else if (sscanf(argv[r], "half_basin=%s", haf_name) == 1) haf_flag++; else if (sscanf(argv[r], "flow=%s", run_name) == 1) run_flag++; else if (sscanf(argv[r], "ar=%s", arm_name) == 1) arm_flag++; /* slope length else if (sscanf(argv[r], "slope_length=%s", sl_name) == 1) sl_flag++; */ else if (sscanf(argv[r], "slope_steepness=%s", sg_name) == 1) sg_flag++; else if (sscanf(argv[r], "length_slope=%s", ls_name) == 1) ls_flag++; else if (sscanf(argv[r], "blocking=%s", ob_name) == 1) ob_flag++; else if (sscanf(argv[r], "memory=%lf", &segs_mb) == 1) ; else if (sscanf(argv[r], "disturbed_land=%s", ril_name) == 1) { if (sscanf(ril_name, "%lf", &ril_value) == 0) { ril_value = -1.0; ril_flag++; } } /* slope deposition else if (sscanf (argv[r], "sd=%[^\n]", dep_name) == 1) dep_flag++; */ else if (sscanf(argv[r], "-%d", &sides) == 1) { if (sides != 4) usage(argv[0]); } else if (sscanf(argv[r], "convergence=%d", &c_fac) == 1) ; else if (strcmp(argv[r], "-s") == 0) mfd = 0; else if (strcmp(argv[r], "-a") == 0) abs_acc = 1; else usage(argv[0]); } /* check options */ if (mfd == 1 && (c_fac < 1 || c_fac > 10)) { G_fatal_error("Convergence factor must be between 1 and 10."); } if ((ele_flag != 1) || ((arm_flag == 1) && ((bas_thres <= 0) || ((haf_flag != 1) && (bas_flag != 1)))) || ((bas_thres <= 0) && ((bas_flag == 1) || (seg_flag == 1) || (haf_flag == 1) || (sl_flag == 1) || (sg_flag == 1) || (ls_flag == 1))) ) usage(argv[0]); tot_parts = 4; if (sl_flag || sg_flag || ls_flag) er_flag = 1; /* do RUSLE */ if (er_flag) tot_parts++; /* define basins */ if (seg_flag || bas_flag || haf_flag) tot_parts++; G_message(_n("SECTION 1 beginning: Initiating Variables. %d section total.", "SECTION 1 beginning: Initiating Variables. %d sections total.", tot_parts), tot_parts); this_mapset = G_mapset(); /* for sd factor if (dep_flag) { if (sscanf (dep_name, "%lf", &dep_slope) != 1) { dep_flag = -1; } } */ G_get_set_window(&window); nrows = Rast_window_rows(); ncols = Rast_window_cols(); if (max_length <= d_zero) max_length = 10 * nrows * window.ns_res + 10 * ncols * window.ew_res; if (window.ew_res < window.ns_res) half_res = .5 * window.ew_res; else half_res = .5 * window.ns_res; diag = sqrt(window.ew_res * window.ew_res + window.ns_res * window.ns_res); if (sides == 4) diag *= 0.5; /* Segment rows and cols: 64 */ seg_rows = SROW; seg_cols = SCOL; /* seg_factor * <size in bytes> = segment size in KB */ seg_factor = seg_rows * seg_rows / 1024.; if (segs_mb < 3.0) { segs_mb = 3; G_warning(_("Maximum memory to be used was smaller than 3 MB," " set to 3 MB.")); } /* balance segment files */ /* elevation + accumulation: * 2 */ memory_divisor = sizeof(WAT_ALT) * 2; disk_space = sizeof(WAT_ALT); /* aspect and flags: * 4 */ memory_divisor += sizeof(ASP_FLAG) * 4; disk_space += sizeof(ASP_FLAG); /* astar_points: / 16 */ /* ideally only a few but large segments */ memory_divisor += sizeof(POINT) / 16.; disk_space += sizeof(POINT); /* heap points: / 4 */ memory_divisor += sizeof(HEAP_PNT) / 4.; disk_space += sizeof(HEAP_PNT); /* TCI: as is */ if (tci_flag) { memory_divisor += sizeof(double); disk_space += sizeof(double); } /* RUSLE */ if (er_flag) { /* r_h */ memory_divisor += 4; disk_space += 4; /* s_l */ memory_divisor += 8; disk_space += 8; /* s_g */ if (sg_flag) { memory_divisor += 8; disk_space += 8; } /* l_s */ if (ls_flag) { memory_divisor += 8; disk_space += 8; } /* ril */ if (ril_flag) { memory_divisor += 8; disk_space += 8; } } /* KB -> MB */ memory_divisor = memory_divisor * seg_factor / 1024.; disk_space = disk_space * seg_factor / 1024.; num_open_segs = segs_mb / memory_divisor; heap_mem = num_open_segs * seg_factor * sizeof(HEAP_PNT) / (4. * 1024.); G_debug(1, "segs MB: %.0f", segs_mb); G_debug(1, "region rows: %d", nrows); G_debug(1, "seg rows: %d", seg_rows); G_debug(1, "region cols: %d", ncols); G_debug(1, "seg cols: %d", seg_cols); num_cseg_total = nrows / SROW + 1; G_debug(1, " row segments:\t%d", num_cseg_total); num_cseg_total = ncols / SCOL + 1; G_debug(1, "column segments:\t%d", num_cseg_total); num_cseg_total = (ncols / seg_cols + 1) * (nrows / seg_rows + 1); G_debug(1, " total segments:\t%d", num_cseg_total); G_debug(1, " open segments:\t%d", num_open_segs); /* nonsense to have more segments open than exist */ if (num_open_segs > num_cseg_total) num_open_segs = num_cseg_total; G_debug(1, " open segments after adjusting:\t%d", num_open_segs); disk_space *= num_cseg_total; if (disk_space < 1024.0) G_verbose_message(_("Will need up to %.2f MB of disk space"), disk_space); else G_verbose_message(_("Will need up to %.2f GB (%.0f MB) of disk space"), disk_space / 1024.0, disk_space); if (er_flag) { cseg_open(&r_h, seg_rows, seg_cols, num_open_segs); cseg_read_cell(&r_h, ele_name, ""); } /* read elevation input and mark NULL/masked cells */ /* scattered access: alt, watalt, bitflags, asp */ seg_open(&watalt, nrows, ncols, seg_rows, seg_cols, num_open_segs * 2, sizeof(WAT_ALT)); seg_open(&aspflag, nrows, ncols, seg_rows, seg_cols, num_open_segs * 4, sizeof(ASP_FLAG)); if (tci_flag) dseg_open(&tci, seg_rows, seg_cols, num_open_segs); /* open elevation input */ ele_fd = Rast_open_old(ele_name, ""); ele_map_type = Rast_get_map_type(ele_fd); ele_size = Rast_cell_size(ele_map_type); elebuf = Rast_allocate_buf(ele_map_type); afbuf = G_malloc(ncols * sizeof(ASP_FLAG)); if (ele_map_type == FCELL_TYPE || ele_map_type == DCELL_TYPE) ele_scale = 1000; /* should be enough to do the trick */ /* initial flow accumulation */ if (run_flag) { wat_fd = Rast_open_old(run_name, ""); wat_map_type = Rast_get_map_type(ele_fd); wat_size = Rast_cell_size(ele_map_type); watbuf = Rast_allocate_buf(ele_map_type); } else { watbuf = watptr = NULL; wat_fd = wat_size = wat_map_type = -1; } wabuf = G_malloc(ncols * sizeof(WAT_ALT)); alt_value_buf = Rast_allocate_buf(CELL_TYPE); /* read elevation input and mark NULL/masked cells */ G_message("SECTION 1a: Mark masked and NULL cells"); MASK_flag = 0; do_points = (GW_LARGE_INT) nrows * ncols; for (r = 0; r < nrows; r++) { G_percent(r, nrows, 1); Rast_get_row(ele_fd, elebuf, r, ele_map_type); ptr = elebuf; if (run_flag) { Rast_get_row(wat_fd, watbuf, r, wat_map_type); watptr = watbuf; } for (c = 0; c < ncols; c++) { afbuf[c].flag = 0; afbuf[c].asp = 0; /* check for masked and NULL cells */ if (Rast_is_null_value(ptr, ele_map_type)) { FLAG_SET(afbuf[c].flag, NULLFLAG); FLAG_SET(afbuf[c].flag, INLISTFLAG); FLAG_SET(afbuf[c].flag, WORKEDFLAG); Rast_set_c_null_value(&alt_value, 1); /* flow accumulation */ Rast_set_d_null_value(&wat_value, 1); do_points--; } else { if (ele_map_type == CELL_TYPE) { alt_value = *((CELL *)ptr); } else if (ele_map_type == FCELL_TYPE) { dvalue = *((FCELL *)ptr); dvalue *= ele_scale; alt_value = ele_round(dvalue); } else if (ele_map_type == DCELL_TYPE) { dvalue = *((DCELL *)ptr); dvalue *= ele_scale; alt_value = ele_round(dvalue); } /* flow accumulation */ if (run_flag) { if (Rast_is_null_value(watptr, wat_map_type)) { wat_value = 0; /* ok ? */ } else { if (wat_map_type == CELL_TYPE) { wat_value = *((CELL *)watptr); } else if (wat_map_type == FCELL_TYPE) { wat_value = *((FCELL *)watptr); } else if (wat_map_type == DCELL_TYPE) { wat_value = *((DCELL *)watptr); } } } else { wat_value = 1; } } wabuf[c].wat = wat_value; wabuf[c].ele = alt_value; alt_value_buf[c] = alt_value; ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(ptr, ele_size); if (run_flag) { watptr = G_incr_void_ptr(watptr, wat_size); } } seg_put_row(&watalt, (char *) wabuf, r); seg_put_row(&aspflag, (char *)afbuf, r); if (er_flag) { cseg_put_row(&r_h, alt_value_buf, r); } } G_percent(nrows, nrows, 1); /* finish it */ Rast_close(ele_fd); G_free(wabuf); G_free(afbuf); if (run_flag) { Rast_close(wat_fd); G_free(watbuf); } MASK_flag = (do_points < nrows * ncols); /* do RUSLE */ if (er_flag) { if (ob_flag) { fd = Rast_open_old(ob_name, ""); buf = Rast_allocate_c_buf(); for (r = 0; r < nrows; r++) { G_percent(r, nrows, 1); Rast_get_c_row(fd, buf, r); for (c = 0; c < ncols; c++) { block_value = buf[c]; if (!Rast_is_c_null_value(&block_value) && block_value) { seg_get(&aspflag, (char *)&af, r, c); FLAG_SET(af.flag, RUSLEBLOCKFLAG); seg_put(&aspflag, (char *)&af, r, c); } } } G_percent(nrows, nrows, 1); /* finish it */ Rast_close(fd); G_free(buf); } if (ril_flag) { dseg_open(&ril, seg_rows, seg_cols, num_open_segs); dseg_read_cell(&ril, ril_name, ""); } /* dseg_open(&slp, SROW, SCOL, num_open_segs); */ dseg_open(&s_l, seg_rows, seg_cols, num_open_segs); if (sg_flag) dseg_open(&s_g, seg_rows, seg_cols, num_open_segs); if (ls_flag) dseg_open(&l_s, seg_rows, seg_cols, num_open_segs); } G_debug(1, "open segments for A* points"); /* columns per segment */ seg_cols = seg_rows * seg_rows; num_cseg_total = do_points / seg_cols; if (do_points % seg_cols > 0) num_cseg_total++; /* no need to have more segments open than exist */ num_open_array_segs = num_open_segs / 16.; if (num_open_array_segs > num_cseg_total) num_open_array_segs = num_cseg_total; if (num_open_array_segs < 1) num_open_array_segs = 1; seg_open(&astar_pts, 1, do_points, 1, seg_cols, num_open_array_segs, sizeof(POINT)); /* one-based d-ary search_heap with astar_pts */ G_debug(1, "open segments for A* search heap"); G_debug(1, "heap memory %.2f MB", heap_mem); /* columns per segment */ /* larger is faster */ seg_cols = seg_rows * seg_rows; num_cseg_total = do_points / seg_cols; if (do_points % seg_cols > 0) num_cseg_total++; /* no need to have more segments open than exist */ num_open_array_segs = (1 << 20) * heap_mem / (seg_cols * sizeof(HEAP_PNT)); if (num_open_array_segs > num_cseg_total) num_open_array_segs = num_cseg_total; if (num_open_array_segs < 2) num_open_array_segs = 2; G_debug(1, "A* search heap open segments %d, total %d", num_open_array_segs, num_cseg_total); /* the search heap will not hold more than 5% of all points at any given time ? */ /* chances are good that the heap will fit into one large segment */ seg_open(&search_heap, 1, do_points + 1, 1, seg_cols, num_open_array_segs, sizeof(HEAP_PNT)); G_message(_("SECTION 1b: Determining Offmap Flow.")); /* heap is empty */ heap_size = 0; if (pit_flag) { buf = Rast_allocate_c_buf(); fd = Rast_open_old(pit_name, ""); } else buf = NULL; first_astar = first_cum = -1; for (r = 0; r < nrows; r++) { G_percent(r, nrows, 1); if (pit_flag) Rast_get_c_row(fd, buf, r); for (c = 0; c < ncols; c++) { seg_get(&aspflag, (char *)&af, r, c); if (!FLAG_GET(af.flag, NULLFLAG)) { if (er_flag) dseg_put(&s_l, &half_res, r, c); asp_value = af.asp; if (r == 0 || c == 0 || r == nrows - 1 || c == ncols - 1) { /* dseg_get(&wat, &wat_value, r, c); */ seg_get(&watalt, (char *)&wa, r, c); wat_value = wa.wat; if (wat_value > 0) { wat_value = -wat_value; /* dseg_put(&wat, &wat_value, r, c); */ wa.wat = wat_value; seg_put(&watalt, (char *)&wa, r, c); } if (r == 0) asp_value = -2; else if (c == 0) asp_value = -4; else if (r == nrows - 1) asp_value = -6; else if (c == ncols - 1) asp_value = -8; /* cseg_get(&alt, &alt_value, r, c); */ alt_value = wa.ele; add_pt(r, c, alt_value); FLAG_SET(af.flag, INLISTFLAG); FLAG_SET(af.flag, EDGEFLAG); af.asp = asp_value; seg_put(&aspflag, (char *)&af, r, c); } else { seg_get(&watalt, (char *)&wa, r, c); for (ct_dir = 0; ct_dir < sides; ct_dir++) { /* get r, c (r_nbr, c_nbr) for neighbours */ r_nbr = r + nextdr[ct_dir]; c_nbr = c + nextdc[ct_dir]; seg_get(&aspflag, (char *)&af_nbr, r_nbr, c_nbr); if (FLAG_GET(af_nbr.flag, NULLFLAG)) { af.asp = -1 * drain[r - r_nbr + 1][c - c_nbr + 1]; add_pt(r, c, wa.ele); FLAG_SET(af.flag, INLISTFLAG); FLAG_SET(af.flag, EDGEFLAG); seg_put(&aspflag, (char *)&af, r, c); wat_value = wa.wat; if (wat_value > 0) { wa.wat = -wat_value; seg_put(&watalt, (char *)&wa, r, c); } break; } } } /* real depression ? */ if (pit_flag && asp_value == 0) { if (!Rast_is_c_null_value(&buf[c]) && buf[c] != 0) { seg_get(&watalt, (char *)&wa, r, c); add_pt(r, c, wa.ele); FLAG_SET(af.flag, INLISTFLAG); FLAG_SET(af.flag, EDGEFLAG); seg_put(&aspflag, (char *)&af, r, c); wat_value = wa.wat; if (wat_value > 0) { wa.wat = -wat_value; seg_put(&watalt, (char *)&wa, r, c); } } } } /* end non-NULL cell */ } /* end column */ } G_percent(r, nrows, 1); /* finish it */ return 0; }
/* ************************************************************************* */ void rast3d_cross_section(void *map,RASTER3D_Region region, int elevfd, int outfd) { int col, row; int rows, cols, depths, typeIntern; FCELL *fcell = NULL; DCELL *dcell = NULL; void *elevrast; void *ptr; int intvalue; float fvalue; double dvalue; double elevation = 0; double north, east; struct Cell_head window; Rast_get_window(&window); rows = region.rows; cols = region.cols; depths = region.depths; /*Typ of the RASTER3D Tile */ typeIntern = Rast3d_tile_type_map(map); /*Allocate mem for the output maps row */ if (typeIntern == FCELL_TYPE) fcell = Rast_allocate_f_buf(); else if (typeIntern == DCELL_TYPE) dcell = Rast_allocate_d_buf(); /*Mem for the input map row */ elevrast = Rast_allocate_buf(globalElevMapType); for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) { G_percent(row, rows - 1, 10); /*Read the input map row */ Rast_get_row(elevfd, elevrast, row, globalElevMapType); for (col = 0, ptr = elevrast; col < cols; col++, ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(ptr, Rast_cell_size(globalElevMapType))) { if (Rast_is_null_value(ptr, globalElevMapType)) { if (typeIntern == FCELL_TYPE) Rast_set_null_value(&fcell[col], 1, FCELL_TYPE); else if (typeIntern == DCELL_TYPE) Rast_set_null_value(&dcell[col], 1, DCELL_TYPE); continue; } /*Read the elevation value */ if (globalElevMapType == CELL_TYPE) { intvalue = *(CELL *) ptr; elevation = intvalue; } else if (globalElevMapType == FCELL_TYPE) { fvalue = *(FCELL *) ptr; elevation = fvalue; } else if (globalElevMapType == DCELL_TYPE) { dvalue = *(DCELL *) ptr; elevation = dvalue; } /* Compute the coordinates */ north = Rast_row_to_northing((double)row + 0.5, &window); east = Rast_col_to_easting((double)col + 0.5, &window); /* Get the voxel value */ if (typeIntern == FCELL_TYPE) Rast3d_get_region_value(map, north, east, elevation, &fcell[col], FCELL_TYPE); if (typeIntern == DCELL_TYPE) Rast3d_get_region_value(map, north, east, elevation, &dcell[col], DCELL_TYPE); } /*Write the data to the output map */ if (typeIntern == FCELL_TYPE) Rast_put_f_row(outfd, fcell); if (typeIntern == DCELL_TYPE) Rast_put_d_row(outfd, dcell); } G_debug(3, "\nDone\n"); /*Free the mem */ if (elevrast) G_free(elevrast); if (dcell) G_free(dcell); if (fcell) G_free(fcell); }
int calculateF(int fd, area_des ad, struct Cell_head hd, double *result) { FCELL *buf; FCELL *buf_sup; FCELL corrCell; FCELL precCell; FCELL supCell; int i, j; int mask_fd = -1, *mask_buf; int ris = 0; int masked = FALSE; long npatch = 0; long tot = 0; long zero = 0; long uno = 1; long idCorr = 0; long lastId = 0; long doppi = 0; long *mask_patch_sup; long *mask_patch_corr; double indice = 0; double area = 0; /*if all cells are null area=0 */ double areaCorrect = 0; double EW_DIST1, EW_DIST2, NS_DIST1, NS_DIST2; avlID_tree albero = NULL; avlID_table *array; /* open mask if needed */ if (ad->mask == 1) { if ((mask_fd = open(ad->mask_name, O_RDONLY, 0755)) < 0) return RLI_ERRORE; mask_buf = G_malloc(ad->cl * sizeof(int)); if (mask_buf == NULL) { G_fatal_error("malloc mask_buf failed"); return RLI_ERRORE; } masked = TRUE; } mask_patch_sup = G_malloc(ad->cl * sizeof(long)); if (mask_patch_sup == NULL) { G_fatal_error("malloc mask_patch_sup failed"); return RLI_ERRORE; } mask_patch_corr = G_malloc(ad->cl * sizeof(long)); if (mask_patch_corr == NULL) { G_fatal_error("malloc mask_patch_corr failed"); return RLI_ERRORE; } buf_sup = Rast_allocate_f_buf(); if (buf_sup == NULL) { G_fatal_error("malloc buf_sup failed"); return RLI_ERRORE; } buf = Rast_allocate_f_buf(); if (buf == NULL) { G_fatal_error("malloc buf failed"); return RLI_ERRORE; } Rast_set_f_null_value(buf_sup + ad->x, ad->cl); /*the first time buf_sup is all null */ for (i = 0; i < ad->cl; i++) { mask_patch_sup[i] = 0; mask_patch_corr[i] = 0; } /*for each raster row */ for (j = 0; j < ad->rl; j++) { if (j > 0) { buf_sup = RLI_get_fcell_raster_row(fd, j - 1 + ad->y, ad); } buf = RLI_get_fcell_raster_row(fd, j + ad->y, ad); if (masked) { if (read(mask_fd, mask_buf, (ad->cl * sizeof(int))) < 0) { G_fatal_error("mask read failed"); return RLI_ERRORE; } } Rast_set_f_null_value(&precCell, 1); for (i = 0; i < ad->cl; i++) { /*for each cell in the row */ corrCell = buf[i + ad->x]; if (((masked) && (mask_buf[i + ad->x] == 0))) { Rast_set_f_null_value(&corrCell, 1); } if (!(Rast_is_null_value(&corrCell, FCELL_TYPE))) { area++; if (i > 0) precCell = buf[i - 1 + ad->x]; if (j == 0) Rast_set_f_null_value(&supCell, 1); else supCell = buf_sup[i + ad->x]; if (corrCell != precCell) { if (corrCell != supCell) { /*new patch */ if (idCorr == 0) { /*first patch */ lastId = 1; idCorr = 1; mask_patch_corr[i] = idCorr; } else { /*not first patch */ /* put in the tree previous value */ if (albero == NULL) { albero = avlID_make(idCorr, uno); if (albero == NULL) { G_fatal_error("avlID_make error"); return RLI_ERRORE; } npatch++; } else { /*tree not empty */ ris = avlID_add(&albero, idCorr, uno); switch (ris) { case AVL_ERR: { G_fatal_error("avlID_add error"); return RLI_ERRORE; } case AVL_ADD: { npatch++; break; } case AVL_PRES: { break; } default: { G_fatal_error ("avlID_add unknown error"); return RLI_ERRORE; } } } lastId++; idCorr = lastId; mask_patch_corr[i] = idCorr; } } else { /*current cell and upper cell are equal */ if ((corrCell == precCell) && (mask_patch_sup[i] != mask_patch_corr[i - 1])) { long r = 0; long del = mask_patch_sup[i]; r = avlID_sub(&albero, del); if (r == 0) { G_fatal_error("avlID_sub error"); return RLI_ERRORE; } /*Remove one patch because it makes part of a patch already found */ ris = avlID_add(&albero, idCorr, uno); switch (ris) { case AVL_ERR: { G_fatal_error("avlID_add error"); return RLI_ERRORE; } case AVL_ADD: { npatch++; break; } case AVL_PRES: { break; } default: { G_fatal_error("avlID_add unknown error"); return RLI_ERRORE; } } r = i; while (i < ad->cl) { if (mask_patch_sup[r] == del) { mask_patch_sup[r] = idCorr; } else { r = ad->cl + 1; } } } if (albero == NULL) { albero = avlID_make(idCorr, uno); if (albero == NULL) { G_fatal_error("avlID_make error"); return RLI_ERRORE; } npatch++; } else { /*the tree (albero) isn't null */ ris = avlID_add(&albero, idCorr, uno); switch (ris) { case AVL_ERR: { G_fatal_error("avlID_add error"); return RLI_ERRORE; } case AVL_ADD: { npatch++; break; } case AVL_PRES: { break; } default: { G_fatal_error("avlID_add unknown error"); return RLI_ERRORE; } } } idCorr = mask_patch_sup[i]; mask_patch_corr[i] = idCorr; } } else { /*current cell and previous cell are equal */ if ((corrCell == supCell) && (mask_patch_sup[i] != mask_patch_corr[i - 1])) { int l; mask_patch_corr[i] = mask_patch_sup[i]; l = i - 1; while (l >= 0) { if (mask_patch_corr[l] == idCorr) { mask_patch_corr[l] = mask_patch_sup[i]; l--; } else { l = (-1); } } lastId--; idCorr = mask_patch_sup[i]; } else { mask_patch_corr[i] = idCorr; } } } else { /*null cell or cell not to consider */ mask_patch_corr[i] = 0; } } mask_patch_sup = mask_patch_corr; } if (area != 0) { if (albero == NULL) { albero = avlID_make(idCorr, uno); if (albero == NULL) { G_fatal_error("avlID_make error"); return RLI_ERRORE; } npatch++; } else { ris = avlID_add(&albero, idCorr, uno); switch (ris) { case AVL_ERR: { G_fatal_error("avlID_add error"); return RLI_ERRORE; } case AVL_ADD: { npatch++; break; } case AVL_PRES: { break; } default: { G_fatal_error("avlID_add unknown error"); return RLI_ERRORE; } } } array = G_malloc(npatch * sizeof(avlID_tableRow)); if (array == NULL) { G_fatal_error("malloc array failed"); return RLI_ERRORE; } tot = avlID_to_array(albero, zero, array); if (tot != npatch) { G_warning ("avlID_to_array unaspected value. the result could be wrong"); return RLI_ERRORE; } for (i = 0; i < npatch; i++) { if (array[i]->tot == 0) doppi++; } npatch = npatch - doppi; /*calculate distance */ G_begin_distance_calculations(); /* EW Dist at North edge */ EW_DIST1 = G_distance(hd.east, hd.north, hd.west, hd.north); /* EW Dist at South Edge */ EW_DIST2 = G_distance(hd.east, hd.south, hd.west, hd.south); /* NS Dist at East edge */ NS_DIST1 = G_distance(hd.east, hd.north, hd.east, hd.south); /* NS Dist at West edge */ NS_DIST2 = G_distance(hd.west, hd.north, hd.west, hd.south); areaCorrect = (((EW_DIST1 + EW_DIST2) / 2) / hd.cols) * (((NS_DIST1 + NS_DIST2) / 2) / hd.rows) * (area); indice = areaCorrect / npatch; G_free(array); } else indice = (double)(0); *result = indice; if (masked) G_free(mask_buf); G_free(mask_patch_corr); return RLI_OK; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct History history; struct GModule *module; char *desc; struct Cell_head cellhd, orig_cellhd; void *inrast, *outrast; int infd, outfd; void *ptr; int nrows, ncols, row, col; RASTER_MAP_TYPE in_data_type; struct Option *input_prefix, *output_prefix, *metfn, *sensor, *adate, *pdate, *elev, *bgain, *metho, *perc, *dark, *atmo, *lsatmet, *oscale; char *inputname, *met, *outputname, *sensorname; struct Flag *frad, *print_meta, *named; lsat_data lsat; char band_in[GNAME_MAX], band_out[GNAME_MAX]; int i, j, q, method, pixel, dn_dark[MAX_BANDS], dn_mode[MAX_BANDS], dn_sat; int overwrite; double qcal, rad, ref, percent, ref_mode, rayleigh, scale; unsigned long hist[QCALMAX], h_max; struct Colors colors; struct FPRange range; double min, max; /* initialize GIS environment */ G_gisinit(argv[0]); /* initialize module */ module = G_define_module(); module->description = _("Calculates top-of-atmosphere radiance or reflectance and temperature for Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+/OLI"); G_add_keyword(_("imagery")); G_add_keyword(_("radiometric conversion")); G_add_keyword(_("radiance")); G_add_keyword(_("reflectance")); G_add_keyword(_("brightness temperature")); G_add_keyword(_("Landsat")); G_add_keyword(_("atmospheric correction")); module->overwrite = TRUE; /* It defines the different parameters */ input_prefix = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_BASENAME_INPUT); input_prefix->label = _("Base name of input raster bands"); input_prefix->description = _("Example: 'B.' for B.1, B.2, ..."); output_prefix = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_BASENAME_OUTPUT); output_prefix->label = _("Prefix for output raster maps"); output_prefix->description = _("Example: 'B.toar.' generates B.toar.1, B.toar.2, ..."); metfn = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_INPUT); metfn->key = "metfile"; metfn->required = NO; metfn->description = _("Name of Landsat metadata file (.met or MTL.txt)"); metfn->guisection = _("Metadata"); sensor = G_define_option(); sensor->key = "sensor"; sensor->type = TYPE_STRING; sensor->label = _("Spacecraft sensor"); sensor->description = _("Required only if 'metfile' not given (recommended for sanity)"); sensor->options = "mss1,mss2,mss3,mss4,mss5,tm4,tm5,tm7,oli8"; desc = NULL; G_asprintf(&desc, "mss1;%s;mss2;%s;mss3;%s;mss4;%s;mss5;%s;tm4;%s;tm5;%s;tm7;%s;oli8;%s", _("Landsat-1 MSS"), _("Landsat-2 MSS"), _("Landsat-3 MSS"), _("Landsat-4 MSS"), _("Landsat-5 MSS"), _("Landsat-4 TM"), _("Landsat-5 TM"), _("Landsat-7 ETM+"), _("Landsat_8 OLI/TIRS")); sensor->descriptions = desc; sensor->required = NO; /* perhaps YES for clarity */ sensor->guisection = _("Metadata"); metho = G_define_option(); metho->key = "method"; metho->type = TYPE_STRING; metho->required = NO; metho->options = "uncorrected,dos1,dos2,dos2b,dos3,dos4"; metho->label = _("Atmospheric correction method"); metho->description = _("Atmospheric correction method"); metho->answer = "uncorrected"; metho->guisection = _("Metadata"); adate = G_define_option(); adate->key = "date"; adate->type = TYPE_STRING; adate->required = NO; adate->key_desc = "yyyy-mm-dd"; adate->label = _("Image acquisition date (yyyy-mm-dd)"); adate->description = _("Required only if 'metfile' not given"); adate->guisection = _("Metadata"); elev = G_define_option(); elev->key = "sun_elevation"; elev->type = TYPE_DOUBLE; elev->required = NO; elev->label = _("Sun elevation in degrees"); elev->description = _("Required only if 'metfile' not given"); elev->guisection = _("Metadata"); pdate = G_define_option(); pdate->key = "product_date"; pdate->type = TYPE_STRING; pdate->required = NO; pdate->key_desc = "yyyy-mm-dd"; pdate->label = _("Image creation date (yyyy-mm-dd)"); pdate->description = _("Required only if 'metfile' not given"); pdate->guisection = _("Metadata"); bgain = G_define_option(); bgain->key = "gain"; bgain->type = TYPE_STRING; bgain->required = NO; bgain->label = _("Gain (H/L) of all Landsat ETM+ bands (1-5,61,62,7,8)"); bgain->description = _("Required only if 'metfile' not given"); bgain->guisection = _("Settings"); perc = G_define_option(); perc->key = "percent"; perc->type = TYPE_DOUBLE; perc->required = NO; perc->label = _("Percent of solar radiance in path radiance"); perc->description = _("Required only if 'method' is any DOS"); perc->answer = "0.01"; perc->guisection = _("Settings"); dark = G_define_option(); dark->key = "pixel"; dark->type = TYPE_INTEGER; dark->required = NO; dark->label = _("Minimum pixels to consider digital number as dark object"); dark->description = _("Required only if 'method' is any DOS"); dark->answer = "1000"; dark->guisection = _("Settings"); atmo = G_define_option(); atmo->key = "rayleigh"; atmo->type = TYPE_DOUBLE; atmo->required = NO; atmo->label = _("Rayleigh atmosphere (diffuse sky irradiance)"); /* scattering coefficient? */ atmo->description = _("Required only if 'method' is DOS3"); atmo->answer = "0.0"; atmo->guisection = _("Settings"); lsatmet = G_define_option(); lsatmet->key = "lsatmet"; lsatmet->type = TYPE_STRING; lsatmet->required = NO; lsatmet->multiple = YES; lsatmet->label = _("return value stored for a given metadata"); lsatmet->description = _("Required only if 'metfile' and -p given"); lsatmet->options = "number,creation,date,sun_elev,sensor,bands,sunaz,time"; desc = NULL; G_asprintf(&desc, "number;%s;creation;%s;date;%s;sun_elev;%s;sensor;%s;bands;%s;sunaz;%s;time;%s", _("Landsat Number"), _("Creation timestamp"), _("Date"), _("Sun Elevation"), _("Sensor"), _("Bands count"), _("Sun Azimuth Angle"), _("Time")); lsatmet->descriptions = desc; lsatmet->guisection = _("Settings"); oscale = G_define_option(); oscale->key = "scale"; oscale->type = TYPE_DOUBLE; oscale->answer = "1.0"; oscale->required = NO; oscale->description = _("Scale factor for output"); /* define the different flags */ frad = G_define_flag(); frad->key = 'r'; frad->description = _("Output at-sensor radiance instead of reflectance for all bands"); named = G_define_flag(); named->key = 'n'; named->description = _("Input raster maps use as extension the number of the band instead the code"); print_meta = G_define_flag(); print_meta->key = 'p'; print_meta->description = _("Print output metadata info"); /* options and afters parser */ if (G_parser(argc, argv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /***************************************** * ---------- START -------------------- * Stores options and flags to variables *****************************************/ met = metfn->answer; inputname = input_prefix->answer; outputname = output_prefix->answer; sensorname = sensor->answer ? sensor->answer : ""; overwrite = G_check_overwrite(argc, argv); Rast_get_window(&orig_cellhd); G_zero(&lsat, sizeof(lsat)); if (adate->answer != NULL) { strncpy(, adate->answer, 11);[10] = '\0'; if (strlen( != 10) G_fatal_error(_("Illegal date format: [%s] (yyyy-mm-dd)"),; } if (pdate->answer != NULL) { strncpy(lsat.creation, pdate->answer, 11); lsat.creation[10] = '\0'; if (strlen(lsat.creation) != 10) G_fatal_error(_("Illegal date format: [%s] (yyyy-mm-dd)"), lsat.creation); } lsat.sun_elev = elev->answer == NULL ? 0. : atof(elev->answer); percent = atof(perc->answer); pixel = atoi(dark->answer); rayleigh = atof(atmo->answer); scale = atof(oscale->answer); /* * Data from metadata file */ lsat.flag = NOMETADATAFILE; /* Unnecessary because G_zero filled, but for sanity */ if (met != NULL) { lsat.flag = METADATAFILE; lsat_metadata(met, &lsat); if (print_meta->answer) { char *lsatmeta; if (lsatmet->answer == NULL) { G_fatal_error(_("Please use a metadata keyword with -p")); } for (i = 0; lsatmet->answers[i] != NULL; i++) { lsatmeta = lsatmet->answers[i]; if (strcmp(lsatmeta, "number") == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "number=%d\n", lsat.number); } if (strcmp(lsatmeta, "creation") == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "creation=%s\n", lsat.creation); } if (strcmp(lsatmeta, "date") == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "date=%s\n",; } if (strcmp(lsatmeta, "sun_elev") == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "sun_elev=%f\n", lsat.sun_elev); } if (strcmp(lsatmeta, "sunaz") == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "sunaz=%f\n", lsat.sun_az); } if (strcmp(lsatmeta, "sensor") == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "sensor=%s\n", lsat.sensor); } if (strcmp(lsatmeta, "bands") == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "bands=%d\n", lsat.bands); } if (strcmp(lsatmet->answer, "time") == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "%f\n", lsat.time); } } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } G_debug(1, "lsat.number = %d, lsat.sensor = [%s]", lsat.number, lsat.sensor); if (!lsat.sensor || lsat.number > 8 || lsat.number < 1) G_fatal_error(_("Failed to identify satellite")); G_debug(1, "Landsat-%d %s with data set in metadata file [%s]", lsat.number, lsat.sensor, met); if (elev->answer != NULL) { lsat.sun_elev = atof(elev->answer); G_warning("Overwriting solar elevation of metadata file"); } } /* * Data from command line */ else if (adate->answer == NULL || elev->answer == NULL) { G_fatal_error(_("Lacking '%s' and/or '%s' for this satellite"), adate->key, elev->key); } else { if (strcmp(sensorname, "tm7") == 0) { if (bgain->answer == NULL || strlen(bgain->answer) != 9) G_fatal_error(_("Landsat-7 requires band gain with 9 (H/L) characters")); set_ETM(&lsat, bgain->answer); } else if (strcmp(sensorname, "oli8") == 0) set_OLI(&lsat); else if (strcmp(sensorname, "tm5") == 0) set_TM5(&lsat); else if (strcmp(sensorname, "tm4") == 0) set_TM4(&lsat); else if (strcmp(sensorname, "mss5") == 0) set_MSS5(&lsat); else if (strcmp(sensorname, "mss4") == 0) set_MSS4(&lsat); else if (strcmp(sensorname, "mss3") == 0) set_MSS3(&lsat); else if (strcmp(sensorname, "mss2") == 0) set_MSS2(&lsat); else if (strcmp(sensorname, "mss1") == 0) set_MSS1(&lsat); else G_fatal_error(_("Unknown satellite type (defined by '%s')"), sensorname); } /***************************************** * ------------ PREPARATION -------------- *****************************************/ if (strcasecmp(metho->answer, "corrected") == 0) /* deleted 2013 */ method = CORRECTED; else if (strcasecmp(metho->answer, "dos1") == 0) method = DOS1; else if (strcasecmp(metho->answer, "dos2") == 0) method = DOS2; else if (strcasecmp(metho->answer, "dos2b") == 0) method = DOS2b; else if (strcasecmp(metho->answer, "dos3") == 0) method = DOS3; else if (strcasecmp(metho->answer, "dos4") == 0) method = DOS4; else method = UNCORRECTED; /* if (metho->answer[3] == '2') method = (metho->answer[4] == '\0') ? DOS2 : DOS2b; else if (metho->answer[3] == '1') method = DOS1; else if (metho->answer[3] == '3') method = DOS3; else if (metho->answer[3] == '4') method = DOS4; else method = UNCORRECTED; */ for (i = 0; i < lsat.bands; i++) { dn_mode[i] = 0; dn_dark[i] = (int)[i].qcalmin; dn_sat = (int)(0.90 *[i].qcalmax); /* Begin: calculate dark pixel */ if (method > DOS && ![i].thermal) { for (q = 0; q <=[i].qcalmax; q++) hist[q] = 0L; sprintf(band_in, "%s%d", inputname,[i].code); Rast_get_cellhd(band_in, "", &cellhd); Rast_set_window(&cellhd); if ((infd = Rast_open_old(band_in, "")) < 0) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open raster map <%s>"), band_in); in_data_type = Rast_get_map_type(infd); if (in_data_type < 0) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read data type of raster map <%s>"), band_in); inrast = Rast_allocate_buf(in_data_type); nrows = Rast_window_rows(); ncols = Rast_window_cols(); G_message("Calculating dark pixel of <%s>... ", band_in); for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { Rast_get_row(infd, inrast, row, in_data_type); for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) { switch (in_data_type) { case CELL_TYPE: ptr = (void *)((CELL *) inrast + col); q = (int)*((CELL *) ptr); break; case FCELL_TYPE: ptr = (void *)((FCELL *) inrast + col); q = (int)*((FCELL *) ptr); break; case DCELL_TYPE: ptr = (void *)((DCELL *) inrast + col); q = (int)*((DCELL *) ptr); break; default: ptr = NULL; q = -1.; } if (!Rast_is_null_value(ptr, in_data_type) && q >=[i].qcalmin && q <=[i].qcalmax) hist[q]++; } } /* DN of dark object */ for (j =[i].qcalmin; j <=[i].qcalmax; j++) { if (hist[j] >= (unsigned int)pixel) { dn_dark[i] = j; break; } } /* Mode of DN (exclude potentially saturated) */ h_max = 0L; for (j =[i].qcalmin; j < dn_sat; j++) { /* G_debug(5, "%d-%ld", j, hist[j]); */ if (hist[j] > h_max) { h_max = hist[j]; dn_mode[i] = j; } } G_verbose_message ("... DN = %.2d [%lu] : mode %.2d [%lu], excluding DN > %d", dn_dark[i], hist[dn_dark[i]], dn_mode[i], hist[dn_mode[i]], dn_sat); G_free(inrast); Rast_close(infd); } /* End: calculate dark pixel */ /* Calculate transformation constants */ lsat_bandctes(&lsat, i, method, percent, dn_dark[i], rayleigh); } /* * unnecessary or necessary with more checking as acquisition date,... * if (strlen(lsat.creation) == 0) * G_fatal_error(_("Unknown production date (defined by '%s')"), pdate->key); */ if (G_verbose() > G_verbose_std()) { fprintf(stderr, "\n LANDSAT: %d SENSOR: %s\n", lsat.number, lsat.sensor); fprintf(stderr, " ACQUISITION DATE %s [production date %s]\n",, lsat.creation); fprintf(stderr, " Earth-sun distance = %.8lf\n", lsat.dist_es); fprintf(stderr, " Solar elevation angle = %.8lf\n", lsat.sun_elev); fprintf(stderr, " Atmospheric correction: %s\n", (method == UNCORRECTED ? "UNCORRECTED" : metho->answer)); if (method > DOS) { fprintf(stderr, " Percent of solar irradiance in path radiance = %.4lf\n", percent); } for (i = 0; i < lsat.bands; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "-------------------\n"); fprintf(stderr, " BAND %d %s(code %d)\n",[i].number, ([i].thermal ? "thermal " : ""),[i].code); fprintf(stderr, " calibrated digital number (DN): %.1lf to %.1lf\n",[i].qcalmin,[i].qcalmax); fprintf(stderr, " calibration constants (L): %.5lf to %.5lf\n",[i].lmin,[i].lmax); fprintf(stderr, " at-%s radiance = %.8lf * DN + %.5lf\n", (method > DOS ? "surface" : "sensor"),[i].gain,[i].bias); if ([i].thermal) { fprintf(stderr, " at-sensor temperature = %.5lf / log[(%.5lf / radiance) + 1.0]\n",[i].K2,[i].K1); } else { fprintf(stderr, " mean solar exoatmospheric irradiance (ESUN): %.5lf\n",[i].esun); fprintf(stderr, " at-%s reflectance = radiance / %.5lf\n", (method > DOS ? "surface" : "sensor"),[i].K1); if (method > DOS) { fprintf(stderr, " the darkness DN with a least %d pixels is %d\n", pixel, dn_dark[i]); fprintf(stderr, " the DN mode is %d\n", dn_mode[i]); } } } fprintf(stderr, "-------------------\n"); fflush(stderr); } /***************************************** * ------------ CALCULUS ----------------- *****************************************/ G_message(_("Calculating...")); for (i = 0; i < lsat.bands; i++) { sprintf(band_in, "%s%d", inputname, (named->answer ?[i].number :[i].code)); sprintf(band_out, "%s%d", outputname,[i].code); /* set same size as original band raster */ Rast_get_cellhd(band_in, "", &cellhd); Rast_set_window(&cellhd); if ((infd = Rast_open_old(band_in, "")) < 0) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open raster map <%s>"), band_in); if (G_find_raster2(band_out, "")) { if (overwrite) { G_warning(_("Raster map <%s> already exists and will be overwritten"), band_out); } else { G_warning(_("Raster map <%s> exists. Skipping."), band_out); continue; } } in_data_type = Rast_get_map_type(infd); if (in_data_type < 0) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read data type of raster map <%s>"), band_in); /* controlling, if we can write the raster */ if (G_legal_filename(band_out) < 0) G_fatal_error(_("<%s> is an illegal file name"), band_out); if ((outfd = Rast_open_new(band_out, DCELL_TYPE)) < 0) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create raster map <%s>"), band_out); /* allocate input and output buffer */ inrast = Rast_allocate_buf(in_data_type); outrast = Rast_allocate_buf(DCELL_TYPE); nrows = Rast_window_rows(); ncols = Rast_window_cols(); G_important_message(_("Writing %s of <%s> to <%s>..."), (frad-> answer ? _("radiance") : ([i]. thermal) ? _("temperature") : _("reflectance")), band_in, band_out); for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { G_percent(row, nrows, 2); Rast_get_row(infd, inrast, row, in_data_type); for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) { switch (in_data_type) { case CELL_TYPE: ptr = (void *)((CELL *) inrast + col); qcal = (double)((CELL *) inrast)[col]; break; case FCELL_TYPE: ptr = (void *)((FCELL *) inrast + col); qcal = (double)((FCELL *) inrast)[col]; break; case DCELL_TYPE: ptr = (void *)((DCELL *) inrast + col); qcal = (double)((DCELL *) inrast)[col]; break; default: ptr = NULL; qcal = -1.; } if (Rast_is_null_value(ptr, in_data_type) || qcal <[i].qcalmin) { Rast_set_d_null_value((DCELL *) outrast + col, 1); } else { rad = lsat_qcal2rad(qcal, &[i]); if (frad->answer) { ref = rad; } else { if ([i].thermal) { ref = lsat_rad2temp(rad, &[i]); } else { ref = lsat_rad2ref(rad, &[i]) * scale; if (ref < 0. && method > DOS) ref = 0.; } } ((DCELL *) outrast)[col] = ref; } } Rast_put_row(outfd, outrast, DCELL_TYPE); } G_percent(1, 1, 1); ref_mode = 0.; if (method > DOS && ![i].thermal) { ref_mode = lsat_qcal2rad(dn_mode[i], &[i]); ref_mode = lsat_rad2ref(ref_mode, &[i]); } G_free(inrast); Rast_close(infd); G_free(outrast); Rast_close(outfd); /* * needed? * if (out_type != CELL_TYPE) * G_quantize_fp_map_range(band_out, G_mapset(), 0., 360., 0, * 360); */ /* set grey255 colortable */ Rast_init_colors(&colors); Rast_read_fp_range(band_out, G_mapset(), &range); Rast_get_fp_range_min_max(&range, &min, &max); Rast_make_grey_scale_fp_colors(&colors, min, max); Rast_write_colors(band_out, G_mapset(), &colors); /* Initialize the 'history' structure with basic info */ Rast_short_history(band_out, "raster", &history); Rast_append_format_history(&history, " %s of Landsat-%d %s (method %s)", (frad-> answer ? "Radiance" : ([i]. thermal ? "Temperature" : "Reflectance")), lsat.number, lsat.sensor, metho->answer); Rast_append_history(&history, "-----------------------------------------------------------------"); Rast_append_format_history(&history, " Acquisition date (and time) ........... %s (%.4lf h)",, lsat.time); Rast_append_format_history(&history, " Production date ....................... %s\n", lsat.creation); Rast_append_format_history(&history, " Earth-sun distance (d) ................ %.7lf", lsat.dist_es); Rast_append_format_history(&history, " Sun elevation (and azimuth) ........... %.5lf (%.5lf)", lsat.sun_elev, lsat.sun_az); Rast_append_format_history(&history, " Digital number (DN) range ............. %.0lf to %.0lf",[i].qcalmin,[i].qcalmax); Rast_append_format_history(&history, " Calibration constants (Lmin to Lmax) .. %+.5lf to %+.5lf",[i].lmin,[i].lmax); Rast_append_format_history(&history, " DN to Radiance (gain and bias) ........ %+.5lf and %+.5lf",[i].gain,[i].bias); if ([i].thermal) { Rast_append_format_history(&history, " Temperature (K1 and K2) ............... %.3lf and %.3lf",[i].K1,[i].K2); } else { Rast_append_format_history(&history, " Mean solar irradiance (ESUN) .......... %.3lf",[i].esun); Rast_append_format_history(&history, " Radiance to Reflectance (divide by) ... %+.5lf",[i].K1); if (method > DOS) { Rast_append_format_history(&history, " "); Rast_append_format_history(&history, " Dark object (%4d pixels) DN = ........ %d", pixel, dn_dark[i]); Rast_append_format_history(&history, " Mode in reflectance histogram ......... %.5lf", ref_mode); } } Rast_append_history(&history, "------------------------------------------------------------------"); Rast_command_history(&history); Rast_write_history(band_out, &history); if ([i].thermal) Rast_write_units(band_out, "Kelvin"); else if (frad->answer) Rast_write_units(band_out, "W/(m^2 sr um)"); else Rast_write_units(band_out, "unitless"); /* set raster timestamp from acq date? (see r.timestamp module) */ } Rast_set_window(&orig_cellhd); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
static int calc_covariance(int *fds, double **covar, double *mu, int bands) { int j, k; int rows = Rast_window_rows(); int cols = Rast_window_cols(); int row, col; for (j = 0; j < bands; j++) { RASTER_MAP_TYPE maptype = Rast_get_map_type(fds[j]); void *rowbuf1 = NULL; void *rowbuf2 = NULL; /* don't assume each image is of the same type */ if (rowbuf1) G_free(rowbuf1); if ((rowbuf1 = Rast_allocate_buf(maptype)) == NULL) G_fatal_error(_("Unable allocate memory for row buffer")); G_message(_("Computing row %d (of %d) of covariance matrix..."), j + 1, bands); for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) { void *ptr1, *ptr2; G_percent(row, rows - 1, 2); Rast_get_row(fds[j], rowbuf1, row, maptype); for (k = j; k < bands; k++) { RASTER_MAP_TYPE maptype2 = Rast_get_map_type(fds[k]); /* don't assume each image is of the same type */ if (rowbuf2) G_free(rowbuf2); if ((rowbuf2 = Rast_allocate_buf(maptype2)) == NULL) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to allocate memory for row buffer")); Rast_get_row(fds[k], rowbuf2, row, maptype2); ptr1 = rowbuf1; ptr2 = rowbuf2; for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) { /* skip null cells */ if (Rast_is_null_value(ptr1, maptype) || Rast_is_null_value(ptr2, maptype2)) { ptr1 = G_incr_void_ptr(ptr1, Rast_cell_size(maptype)); ptr2 = G_incr_void_ptr(ptr2, Rast_cell_size(maptype2)); continue; } covar[j][k] += ((double)Rast_get_d_value(ptr1, maptype) - mu[j]) * ((double)Rast_get_d_value(ptr2, maptype2) - mu[k]); ptr1 = G_incr_void_ptr(ptr1, Rast_cell_size(maptype)); ptr2 = G_incr_void_ptr(ptr2, Rast_cell_size(maptype2)); } covar[k][j] = covar[j][k]; } } } return 0; }
/*! * \brief Get a raster category label * * This routine looks up category <i>rast</i> in the <i>pcats</i> * structure and returns a pointer to a string which is the label for * the category. A legal pointer is always returned. If the category * does not exist in <i>pcats</i>, then a pointer to the empty string * "" is returned. * * <b>Warning:</b> The pointer that is returned points to a hidden * static buffer. Successive calls to Rast_get_c_cat() overwrite this * buffer. * * \param rast cell value * \param pcats pointer to Categories structure * \param data_type map type (CELL, FCELL, DCELL) * * \return pointer to category label * \return "" if category is not found */ char *Rast_get_cat(void *rast, struct Categories *pcats, RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type) { static char label[1024]; char *f, *l, *v; CELL i; DCELL val; float a[2]; char fmt[30], value_str[30]; if (Rast_is_null_value(rast, data_type)) { sprintf(label, "no data"); return label; } /* first search the list of labels */ *label = 0; val = Rast_get_d_value(rast, data_type); i = Rast_quant_get_cell_value(&pcats->q, val); G_debug(5, "Rast_get_cat(): val %lf found i %d", val, i); if (!Rast_is_c_null_value(&i) && i < pcats->ncats) { if (pcats->labels[i] != NULL) return pcats->labels[i]; return label; } /* generate the label */ if ((f = pcats->fmt) == NULL) return label; a[0] = (float)val *pcats->m1 + pcats->a1; a[1] = (float)val *pcats->m2 + pcats->a2; l = label; while (*f) { if (*f == '$') { f++; if (*f == '$') *l++ = *f++; else if (*f == '?') { f++; get_cond(&f, v = value_str, val); while (*v) *l++ = *v++; } else if (get_fmt(&f, fmt, &i)) { sprintf(v = value_str, fmt, a[i]); while (*v) *l++ = *v++; } else *l++ = '$'; } else { *l++ = *f++; } } *l = 0; return label; }
static int write_pca(double **eigmat, int *inp_fd, char *out_basename, int bands, int scale, int scale_min, int scale_max) { int i, j; void *outbuf, *outptr; double min = 0.; double max = 0.; double old_range = 0.; double new_range = 0.; int rows = Rast_window_rows(); int cols = Rast_window_cols(); int cell_mapsiz = Rast_cell_size(CELL_TYPE); int dcell_mapsiz = Rast_cell_size(DCELL_TYPE); DCELL *d_buf; /* 2 passes for rescale. 1 pass for no rescale */ int PASSES = (scale) ? 2 : 1; /* temporary row storage */ d_buf = (DCELL *) G_malloc(cols * sizeof(double)); /* allocate memory for output row buffer */ outbuf = (scale) ? Rast_allocate_buf(CELL_TYPE) : Rast_allocate_buf(DCELL_TYPE); if (!outbuf) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to allocate memory for raster row")); for (i = 0; i < bands; i++) { char name[100]; int out_fd; int pass; sprintf(name, "%s.%d", out_basename, i + 1); G_message(_("Transforming <%s>..."), name); /* open a new file for output */ if (scale) out_fd = Rast_open_c_new(name); else { out_fd = Rast_open_fp_new(name); Rast_set_fp_type(DCELL_TYPE); } for (pass = 1; pass <= PASSES; pass++) { void *rowbuf = NULL; int row, col; if (scale && (pass == PASSES)) { G_message(_("Rescaling <%s> to range %d,%d..."), name, scale_min, scale_max); old_range = max - min; new_range = (double)(scale_max - scale_min); } for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) { void *rowptr; G_percent(row, rows, 2); /* reset d_buf */ for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) d_buf[col] = 0.; for (j = 0; j < bands; j++) { RASTER_MAP_TYPE maptype = Rast_get_map_type(inp_fd[j]); /* don't assume each image is of the same type */ if (rowbuf) G_free(rowbuf); if (!(rowbuf = Rast_allocate_buf(maptype))) G_fatal_error(_("Unable allocate memory for row buffer")); Rast_get_row(inp_fd[j], rowbuf, row, maptype); rowptr = rowbuf; outptr = outbuf; /* add into the output cell eigmat[i][j] * corresp cell * of j-th band for current j */ for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) { /* handle null cells */ if (Rast_is_null_value(rowptr, maptype)) { if (scale) { Rast_set_null_value(outptr, 1, CELL_TYPE); outptr = G_incr_void_ptr(outptr, cell_mapsiz); } else { Rast_set_null_value(outptr, 1, DCELL_TYPE); outptr = G_incr_void_ptr(outptr, dcell_mapsiz); } rowptr = G_incr_void_ptr(rowptr, Rast_cell_size(maptype)); continue; } /* corresp. cell of j-th band */ d_buf[col] += eigmat[i][j] * Rast_get_d_value(rowptr, maptype); /* the cell entry is complete */ if (j == (bands - 1)) { if (scale && (pass == 1)) { if ((row == 0) && (col == 0)) min = max = d_buf[0]; if (d_buf[col] < min) min = d_buf[col]; if (d_buf[col] > max) max = d_buf[col]; } else if (scale) { if (min == max) { Rast_set_c_value(outptr, 1, CELL_TYPE); } else { /* map data to 0, (new_range-1) and then adding new_min */ CELL tmpcell = round_c((new_range * (d_buf[col] - min) / old_range) + scale_min); Rast_set_c_value(outptr, tmpcell, CELL_TYPE); } } else { /* (!scale) */ Rast_set_d_value(outptr, d_buf[col], DCELL_TYPE); } } outptr = (scale) ? G_incr_void_ptr(outptr, cell_mapsiz) : G_incr_void_ptr(outptr, dcell_mapsiz); rowptr = G_incr_void_ptr(rowptr, Rast_cell_size(maptype)); } } /* for j = 0 to bands */ if (pass == PASSES) { if (scale) Rast_put_row(out_fd, outbuf, CELL_TYPE); else Rast_put_row(out_fd, outbuf, DCELL_TYPE); } } G_percent(row, rows, 2); /* close output file */ if (pass == PASSES) Rast_close(out_fd); } } if (d_buf) G_free(d_buf); if (outbuf) G_free(outbuf); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { void *raster, *ptr; /* char *null_row; */ RASTER_MAP_TYPE out_type, map_type; char *outfile; char null_str[80]; char cell_buf[300]; int fd; int row, col; int nrows, ncols, dp; int do_stdout; FILE *fp; double cellsize; struct GModule *module; struct { struct Option *map; struct Option *output; struct Option *dp; struct Option *null; } parm; struct { struct Flag *noheader; struct Flag *singleline; struct Flag *ccenter; } flag; G_gisinit(argv[0]); module = G_define_module(); G_add_keyword(_("raster")); G_add_keyword(_("export")); module->description = _("Converts a raster map layer into an ESRI ARCGRID file."); /* Define the different options */ = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT); parm.output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT); parm.output->gisprompt = "new_file,file,output"; parm.output->description = _("Name of an output ARC-GRID map (use out=- for stdout)"); parm.dp = G_define_option(); parm.dp->key = "dp"; parm.dp->type = TYPE_INTEGER; parm.dp->required = NO; parm.dp->answer = "8"; parm.dp->description = _("Number of decimal places"); flag.noheader = G_define_flag(); flag.noheader->key = 'h'; flag.noheader->description = _("Suppress printing of header information"); /* Added to optionally produce a single line output. -- emes -- 12.10.92 */ flag.singleline = G_define_flag(); flag.singleline->key = '1'; flag.singleline->description = _("List one entry per line instead of full row"); /* use cell center in header instead of cell corner */ flag.ccenter = G_define_flag(); flag.ccenter->key = 'c'; flag.ccenter->description = _("Use cell center reference in header instead of cell corner"); if (G_parser(argc, argv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); sscanf(parm.dp->answer, "%d", &dp); if (dp > 20 || dp < 0) G_fatal_error("dp has to be from 0 to 20"); outfile = parm.output->answer; if ((strcmp("-", outfile)) == 0) do_stdout = 1; else do_stdout = 0; sprintf(null_str, "-9999"); fd = Rast_open_old(>answer, ""); map_type = Rast_get_map_type(fd); out_type = map_type; /* null_row = Rast_allocate_null_buf(); */ raster = Rast_allocate_buf(out_type); nrows = Rast_window_rows(); ncols = Rast_window_cols(); /* open arc file for writing */ if (do_stdout) fp = stdout; else if (NULL == (fp = fopen(outfile, "w"))) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open file <%s>"), outfile); if (!flag.noheader->answer) { struct Cell_head region; char buf[128]; G_get_window(®ion); fprintf(fp, "ncols %d\n", region.cols); fprintf(fp, "nrows %d\n", region.rows); cellsize = fabs(region.east - region.west) / region.cols; if (G_projection() != PROJECTION_LL) { /* Is Projection != LL (3) */ if (!flag.ccenter->answer) { G_format_easting(region.west, buf, region.proj); fprintf(fp, "xllcorner %s\n", buf); G_format_northing(region.south, buf, region.proj); fprintf(fp, "yllcorner %s\n", buf); } else { G_format_easting(region.west + cellsize / 2., buf, region.proj); fprintf(fp, "xllcenter %s\n", buf); G_format_northing(region.south + cellsize / 2., buf, region.proj); fprintf(fp, "yllcenter %s\n", buf); } } else { /* yes, lat/long */ fprintf(fp, "xllcorner %f\n", region.west); fprintf(fp, "yllcorner %f\n", region.south); } fprintf(fp, "cellsize %f\n", cellsize); fprintf(fp, "NODATA_value %s\n", null_str); } for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { G_percent(row, nrows, 2); Rast_get_row(fd, raster, row, out_type); /* Rast_get_null_value_row(fd, null_row, row); */ for (col = 0, ptr = raster; col < ncols; col++, ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(ptr, Rast_cell_size(out_type))) { if (!Rast_is_null_value(ptr, out_type)) { if (out_type == CELL_TYPE) fprintf(fp, "%d", *((CELL *) ptr)); else if (out_type == FCELL_TYPE) { sprintf(cell_buf, "%.*f", dp, *((FCELL *) ptr)); G_trim_decimal(cell_buf); fprintf(fp, "%s", cell_buf); } else if (out_type == DCELL_TYPE) { sprintf(cell_buf, "%.*f", dp, *((DCELL *) ptr)); G_trim_decimal(cell_buf); fprintf(fp, "%s", cell_buf); } } else fprintf(fp, "%s", null_str); if (!flag.singleline->answer) fprintf(fp, " "); else fprintf(fp, "\n"); } if (!flag.singleline->answer) fprintf(fp, "\n"); /* for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) fprintf (fp,"%d ", null_row[col]); fprintf (fp,"\n"); */ } /* make sure it got to 100% */ G_percent(1, 1, 2); Rast_close(fd); fclose(fp); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int zoom(struct Cell_head *window, const char *name, const char *mapset) { int fd; void *raster, *rast_ptr; RASTER_MAP_TYPE map_type; int row, col; int nrows, ncols; int top, bottom, left, right, mark; double north, south, east, west; G_adjust_Cell_head3(window, 0, 0, 0); Rast_set_window(window); nrows = window->rows; ncols = window->cols; fd = Rast_open_old(name, mapset); map_type = Rast_get_map_type(fd); raster = Rast_allocate_buf(map_type); /* find first non-null row */ top = nrows; bottom = -1; left = ncols; right = -1; for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { Rast_get_row(fd, rast_ptr = raster, row, map_type); for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) { if (!Rast_is_null_value(rast_ptr, map_type)) break; rast_ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(rast_ptr, Rast_cell_size(map_type)); } if (col == ncols) continue; if (row < top) top = row; if (row > bottom) bottom = row; if (col < left) left = col; for (mark = col; col < ncols; col++) { if (!Rast_is_null_value(rast_ptr, map_type)) mark = col; rast_ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(rast_ptr, Rast_cell_size(map_type)); } if (mark > right) right = mark; } Rast_close(fd); G_free(raster); /* no data everywhere? */ if (bottom < 0) return 0; north = window->north - top * window->ns_res; south = window->north - (bottom + 1) * window->ns_res; west = window->west + left * window->ew_res; east = window->west + (right + 1) * window->ew_res; window->north = north; window->south = south; window->east = east; window->west = west; return 1; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, row, col; /* counters */ unsigned long filesize; int endianness; /* 0=little, 1=big */ int data_format; /* 0=double 1=float 2=32bit signed int 5=8bit unsigned int (ie text) */ int data_type; /* 0=numbers 1=text */ int format_block; /* combo of endianness, 0, data_format, and type */ int realflag = 0; /* 0=only real values used */ /* should type be specifically uint32 ??? */ char array_name[32]; /* variable names must start with a letter (case sensitive) followed by letters, numbers, or underscores. 31 chars max. */ int name_len; int mrows, ncols; /* text/data/map array dimensions */ int val_i; /* for misc use */ float val_f; /* for misc use */ double val_d; /* for misc use */ char *infile, *outfile, *maptitle, *basename; struct Cell_head region; void *raster, *ptr; RASTER_MAP_TYPE map_type; struct Option *inputfile, *outputfile; struct GModule *module; int fd; FILE *fp1; G_gisinit(argv[0]); module = G_define_module(); G_add_keyword(_("raster")); G_add_keyword(_("export")); module->description = _("Exports a GRASS raster to a binary MAT-File."); /* Define the different options */ inputfile = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT); outputfile = G_define_option(); outputfile->key = "output"; outputfile->type = TYPE_STRING; outputfile->required = YES; outputfile->gisprompt = "new_file,file,output"; outputfile->description = _("Name for the output binary MAT-File"); if (G_parser(argc, argv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); infile = inputfile->answer; basename = G_store(outputfile->answer); G_basename(basename, "mat"); outfile = G_malloc(strlen(basename) + 5); sprintf(outfile, "%s.mat", basename); fd = Rast_open_old(infile, ""); map_type = Rast_get_map_type(fd); /* open bin file for writing */ fp1 = fopen(outfile, "wb"); if (NULL == fp1) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open output file <%s>"), outfile); /* Check Endian State of Host Computer */ if (G_is_little_endian()) endianness = 0; /* ie little endian */ else endianness = 1; /* ie big endian */ G_debug(1, "Machine is %s endian.\n", endianness ? "big" : "little"); G_get_window(®ion); /********** Write map **********/ /** write text element (map name) **/ strncpy(array_name, "map_name", 31); mrows = 1; ncols = strlen(infile); data_format = 5; /* 0=double 1=float 2=32bit signed int 5=8bit unsigned int(text) */ data_type = 1; /* 0=numbers 1=text */ G_verbose_message(_("Exporting <%s>"), infile); /* 4 byte data format */ format_block = endianness * 1000 + data_format * 10 + data_type; fwrite(&format_block, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); /* fprintf(stderr, "name data format is [%04ld]\n", format_block); */ /* 4 byte number of rows & columns */ fwrite(&mrows, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); fwrite(&ncols, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); /* 4 byte real/imag flag 0=real vals only */ fwrite(&realflag, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); /* length of array_name+1 */ name_len = strlen(array_name) + 1; fwrite(&name_len, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); /* array name */ fprintf(fp1, "%s%c", array_name, '\0'); /* array data */ fprintf(fp1, "%s", infile); /********** Write title (if there is one) **********/ maptitle = Rast_get_cell_title(infile, ""); if (strlen(maptitle) >= 1) { /** write text element (map title) **/ strncpy(array_name, "map_title", 31); mrows = 1; ncols = strlen(maptitle); data_format = 5; /* 0=double 1=float 2=32bit signed int 5=8bit unsigned int(text) */ data_type = 1; /* 0=numbers 1=text */ /* 4 byte data format */ format_block = endianness * 1000 + data_format * 10 + data_type; fwrite(&format_block, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); /* 4 byte number of rows & columns */ fwrite(&mrows, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); fwrite(&ncols, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); /* 4 byte real/imag flag 0=real vals only */ fwrite(&realflag, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); /* length of array_name+1 */ name_len = strlen(array_name) + 1; fwrite(&name_len, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); /* array name */ fprintf(fp1, "%s%c", array_name, '\0'); /* array data */ fprintf(fp1, "%s", maptitle); } /***** Write bounds *****/ G_verbose_message(""); G_verbose_message(_("Using the Current Region settings:")); G_verbose_message(_("northern edge=%f"), region.north); G_verbose_message(_("southern edge=%f"), region.south); G_verbose_message(_("eastern edge=%f"), region.east); G_verbose_message(_("western edge=%f"), region.west); G_verbose_message(_("nsres=%f"), region.ns_res); G_verbose_message(_("ewres=%f"), region.ew_res); G_verbose_message(_("rows=%d"), region.rows); G_verbose_message(_("cols=%d"), region.cols); G_verbose_message(""); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: strncpy(array_name, "map_northern_edge", 31); val_d = region.north; break; case 1: strncpy(array_name, "map_southern_edge", 31); val_d = region.south; break; case 2: strncpy(array_name, "map_eastern_edge", 31); val_d = region.east; break; case 3: strncpy(array_name, "map_western_edge", 31); val_d = region.west; break; default: fclose(fp1); G_fatal_error("please contact development team"); break; } /** write data element **/ data_format = 0; /* 0=double 1=float 2=32bit signed int 5=8bit unsigned int(text) */ data_type = 0; /* 0=numbers 1=text */ mrows = 1; ncols = 1; /* 4 byte data format */ format_block = endianness * 1000 + data_format * 10 + data_type; fwrite(&format_block, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); /* fprintf(stderr, "bounds data format is [%04ld]\n", format_block); */ /* 4 byte number of rows , 4 byte number of colums */ fwrite(&mrows, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); fwrite(&ncols, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); /* 4 byte real/imag flag 0=only real */ fwrite(&realflag, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); /* length of array_name+1 */ name_len = strlen(array_name) + 1; fwrite(&name_len, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); /* array name */ fprintf(fp1, "%s%c", array_name, '\0'); /* write array data, by increasing column */ fwrite(&val_d, sizeof(double), 1, fp1); /** end of data element **/ } /***** Write map data *****/ strncpy(array_name, "map_data", 31); switch (map_type) { /* data_format: 0=double 1=float 2=32bit signed int 5=8bit unsigned int (ie text) */ case CELL_TYPE: data_format = 2; G_verbose_message(_("Exporting raster as integer values")); break; case FCELL_TYPE: data_format = 1; G_verbose_message(_("Exporting raster as floating point values")); break; case DCELL_TYPE: data_format = 0; G_verbose_message(_("Exporting raster as double FP values")); break; default: fclose(fp1); G_fatal_error("Please contact development team"); break; } data_type = 0; /* 0=numbers 1=text */ mrows = region.rows; ncols = region.cols; /* 4 byte data format */ format_block = (endianness * 1000) + (data_format * 10) + data_type; fwrite(&format_block, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); G_debug(3, "map data format is [%04d]\n", format_block); /* 4 byte number of rows & columns */ fwrite(&mrows, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); fwrite(&ncols, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); /* 4 byte real/imag flag 0=only real */ fwrite(&realflag, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); /* length of array_name+1 */ name_len = strlen(array_name) + 1; fwrite(&name_len, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); /* array name */ fprintf(fp1, "%s%c", array_name, '\0'); /* data array, by increasing column */ raster = G_calloc((Rast_window_rows() + 1) * (Rast_window_cols() + 1), Rast_cell_size(map_type)); G_debug(1, "mem alloc is %d bytes\n", /* I think _cols()+1 is unneeded? */ Rast_cell_size(map_type) * (Rast_window_rows() + 1) * (Rast_window_cols() + 1)); G_verbose_message(_("Reading in map ... ")); /* load entire map into memory */ for (row = 0, ptr = raster; row < mrows; row++, ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(ptr, (Rast_window_cols() + 1) * Rast_cell_size(map_type))) { Rast_get_row(fd, ptr, row, map_type); G_percent(row, mrows, 2); } G_percent(row, mrows, 2); /* finish it off */ G_verbose_message(_("Writing out map...")); /* then write it to disk */ /* NoGood: fwrite(raster, Rast_cell_size(map_type), mrows*ncols, fp1); */ for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) { for (row = 0; row < mrows; row++) { ptr = raster; ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(ptr, (col + row * (ncols + 1)) * Rast_cell_size(map_type)); if (!Rast_is_null_value(ptr, map_type)) { if (map_type == CELL_TYPE) { val_i = *((CELL *) ptr); fwrite(&val_i, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); } else if (map_type == FCELL_TYPE) { val_f = *((FCELL *) ptr); fwrite(&val_f, sizeof(float), 1, fp1); } else if (map_type == DCELL_TYPE) { val_d = *((DCELL *) ptr); fwrite(&val_d, sizeof(double), 1, fp1); } } else { /* ie if NULL cell -> write IEEE NaN value */ if (map_type == CELL_TYPE) { val_i = *((CELL *) ptr); /* int has no NaN value, so use whatever GRASS uses */ fwrite(&val_i, sizeof(int), 1, fp1); } else if (map_type == FCELL_TYPE) { if (endianness) /* ie big */ fprintf(fp1, "%c%c%c%c", 0xff, 0xf8, 0, 0); else /* ie little */ fprintf(fp1, "%c%c%c%c", 0, 0, 0xf8, 0xff); } else if (map_type == DCELL_TYPE) { if (endianness) fprintf(fp1, "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", 0xff, 0xf8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); else fprintf(fp1, "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xf8, 0xff); } } } G_percent(col, ncols, 2); } G_percent(col, ncols, 2); /* finish it off */ /*** end of data element ***/ /* done! */ filesize = G_ftell(fp1); fclose(fp1); G_verbose_message(_("%ld bytes written to '%s'"), filesize, outfile); G_done_msg(""); G_free(basename); G_free(outfile); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int patch_density(int fd, char **par, area_des ad, double *result) { CELL *buf, *sup; int count = 0, i, j, connected = 0, complete_line = 1, other_above = 0; double area; struct Cell_head hd; CELL complete_value; double EW_DIST1, EW_DIST2, NS_DIST1, NS_DIST2; int mask_fd = -1, *mask_buf, *mask_sup, null_count = 0; Rast_set_c_null_value(&complete_value, 1); Rast_get_cellhd(ad->raster, "", &hd); sup = Rast_allocate_c_buf(); /* open mask if needed */ if (ad->mask == 1) { if ((mask_fd = open(ad->mask_name, O_RDONLY, 0755)) < 0) return 0; mask_buf = malloc(ad->cl * sizeof(int)); mask_sup = malloc(ad->cl * sizeof(int)); } /*calculate distance */ G_begin_distance_calculations(); /* EW Dist at North edge */ EW_DIST1 = G_distance(hd.east, hd.north, hd.west, hd.north); /* EW Dist at South Edge */ EW_DIST2 = G_distance(hd.east, hd.south, hd.west, hd.south); /* NS Dist at East edge */ NS_DIST1 = G_distance(hd.east, hd.north, hd.east, hd.south); /* NS Dist at West edge */ NS_DIST2 = G_distance(hd.west, hd.north, hd.west, hd.south); /*calculate number of patch */ for (i = 0; i < ad->rl; i++) { buf = RLI_get_cell_raster_row(fd, i + ad->y, ad); if (i > 0) { sup = RLI_get_cell_raster_row(fd, i - 1 + ad->y, ad); } /* mask values */ if (ad->mask == 1) { int k; if (i > 0) { int *tmp; tmp = mask_sup; mask_buf = mask_sup; } if (read(mask_fd, mask_buf, (ad->cl * sizeof(int))) < 0) return 0; for (k = 0; k < ad->cl; k++) { if (mask_buf[k] == 0) { Rast_set_c_null_value(mask_buf + k, 1); null_count++; } } } if (complete_line) { if (!Rast_is_null_value(&(buf[ad->x]), CELL_TYPE) && buf[ad->x] != complete_value) count++; for (j = 0; j < ad->cl - 1; j++) { if (buf[j + ad->x] != buf[j + 1 + ad->x]) { complete_line = 0; if (!Rast_is_null_value(&(buf[j + 1 + ad->x]), CELL_TYPE) && buf[j + 1 + ad->x] != complete_value) count++; } } if (complete_line) { complete_value = buf[ad->x]; } } else { complete_line = 1; connected = 0; other_above = 0; for (j = 0; j < ad->cl; j++) { if (sup[j + ad->x] == buf[j + ad->x]) { connected = 1; if (other_above) { other_above = 0; count--; } } else { if (connected && !Rast_is_null_value(&(buf[j + ad->x]), CELL_TYPE)) other_above = 1; } if (j < ad->cl - 1 && buf[j + ad->x] != buf[j + 1 + ad->x]) { complete_line = 0; if (!connected && !Rast_is_null_value(&(buf[j + ad->x]), CELL_TYPE)) { count++; connected = 0; other_above = 0; } else { connected = 0; other_above = 0; } } } if (!connected && sup[ad->cl - 1 + ad->x] != buf[ad->cl - 1 + ad->x]) { if (!Rast_is_null_value (&(buf[ad->cl - 1 + ad->x]), CELL_TYPE)) { count++; complete_line = 0; } } if (complete_line) complete_value = buf[ad->x]; } } area = (((EW_DIST1 + EW_DIST2) / 2) / hd.cols) * (((NS_DIST1 + NS_DIST2) / 2) / hd.rows) * (ad->rl * ad->cl - null_count); if (area != 0) *result = (count / area) * 1000000; else *result = -1; G_free(sup); return RLI_OK; }