/* task that renders a single screen tile */
Vec3fa renderPixelStandard(float x, float y, const ISPCCamera& camera, RayStats& stats)
  /* initialize ray */
  Ray ray(Vec3fa(camera.xfm.p), Vec3fa(normalize(x*camera.xfm.l.vx + y*camera.xfm.l.vy + camera.xfm.l.vz)), 0.0f, inf);

  /* intersect ray with scene */
  RTCIntersectContext context;

  /* shade pixels */
  Vec3fa color = Vec3fa(0.0f);
  if (ray.geomID != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)
    Vec3fa diffuse = colors[ray.geomID];
    color = color + diffuse*0.1f;
    Vec3fa lightDir = normalize(Vec3fa(-1,-1,-1));

    /* initialize shadow ray */
    Ray shadow(ray.org + ray.tfar*ray.dir, neg(lightDir), 0.001f, inf);

    /* trace shadow ray */

    /* add light contribution */
    if (shadow.tfar >= 0.0f)
      color = color + diffuse*clamp(-dot(lightDir,normalize(ray.Ng)),0.0f,1.0f);
  return color;
/* task that renders a single screen tile */
Vec3fa renderPixelStandard(float x, float y, const ISPCCamera& camera, RayStats& stats)
  RTCIntersectContext context;
  /* initialize ray */
  Ray ray(Vec3fa(camera.xfm.p), Vec3fa(normalize(x*camera.xfm.l.vx + y*camera.xfm.l.vy + camera.xfm.l.vz)), 0.0f, inf);

  /* intersect ray with scene */

  /* shade pixels */
  Vec3fa color = Vec3fa(0.0f);
  if (ray.geomID != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)
    /* interpolate diffuse color */
    Vec3fa diffuse = Vec3fa(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
    if (ray.geomID > 0)
      unsigned int geomID = ray.geomID; {
      //return diffuse;
      diffuse = 0.5f*diffuse;

    /* calculate smooth shading normal */
    Vec3fa Ng = ray.Ng;
    if (ray.geomID == 2 || ray.geomID == 3) {
      Vec3fa dPdu,dPdv;
      unsigned int geomID = ray.geomID; {
      //return dPdu;
      Ng = cross(dPdu,dPdv);
    Ng = normalize(Ng);
    color = color + diffuse*0.5f;
    Vec3fa lightDir = normalize(Vec3fa(-1,-1,-1));

    /* initialize shadow ray */
    Ray shadow(ray.org + ray.tfar*ray.dir, neg(lightDir), 0.001f, inf);

    /* trace shadow ray */

    /* add light contribution */
    if (shadow.tfar >= 0.0f) {
      Vec3fa r = normalize(reflect(ray.dir,Ng));
      float s = pow(clamp(dot(r,lightDir),0.0f,1.0f),10.0f);
      float d = clamp(-dot(lightDir,Ng),0.0f,1.0f);
      color = color + diffuse*d + 0.5f*Vec3fa(s);
  return color;
/* task that renders a single screen tile */
Vec3fa renderPixelStandard(float x, float y, const ISPCCamera& camera, RayStats& stats)
  /* initialize ray */
  RTCRay ray;
  ray.org = Vec3fa(camera.xfm.p);
  ray.dir = Vec3fa(normalize(x*camera.xfm.l.vx + y*camera.xfm.l.vy + camera.xfm.l.vz));
  ray.tnear = 0.0f;
  ray.tfar = (float)(inf);
  ray.instID = -1;
  ray.mask = -1;
  ray.time = 0;

  /* intersect ray with scene */

  /* shade pixels */
  Vec3fa color = Vec3fa(0.0f);
  if (ray.geomID != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)
    /* calculate shading normal in world space */
    Vec3fa Ns = ray.Ng;
    if (ray.instID != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)
      Ns = xfmVector(normal_xfm[ray.instID],Ns);
    Ns = normalize(Ns);

    /* calculate diffuse color of geometries */
    Vec3fa diffuse = Vec3fa(1,1,1);
    if (ray.instID != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)
      diffuse = colors[ray.instID][ray.geomID];
    color = color + diffuse*0.5;

    /* initialize shadow ray */
    Vec3fa lightDir = normalize(Vec3fa(-1,-1,-1));
    RTCRay shadow;
    shadow.org = ray.org + ray.tfar*ray.dir;
    shadow.dir = neg(lightDir);
    shadow.tnear = 0.001f;
    shadow.tfar = (float)(inf);
    shadow.geomID = 1;
    shadow.primID = 0;
    shadow.mask = -1;
    shadow.time = 0;

    /* trace shadow ray */

    /* add light contribution */
    if (shadow.geomID)
      color = color + diffuse*clamp(-dot(lightDir,Ns),0.0f,1.0f);
  return color;
Esempio n. 4
/* task that renders a single screen tile */
Vec3fa renderPixelStandard(float x, float y, const ISPCCamera& camera, RayStats& stats)
  /* initialize sampler */
  RandomSampler sampler;
  RandomSampler_init(sampler, (int)x, (int)y, 0);

  /* initialize ray */
  Ray ray(Vec3fa(camera.xfm.p), Vec3fa(normalize(x*camera.xfm.l.vx + y*camera.xfm.l.vy + camera.xfm.l.vz)), 0.0f, inf, RandomSampler_get1D(sampler));

  /* intersect ray with scene */
  RTCIntersectContext context;
  context.flags = g_iflags_coherent;

  /* shade background black */
  if (ray.geomID == RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID) {
    return Vec3fa(0.0f);

  /* shade all rays that hit something */
  Vec3fa color = Vec3fa(0.5f);

  /* compute differential geometry */
  DifferentialGeometry dg;
  dg.geomID = ray.geomID;
  dg.primID = ray.primID;
  dg.u = ray.u;
  dg.v = ray.v;
  dg.P  = ray.org+ray.tfar*ray.dir;
  dg.Ng = ray.Ng;
  dg.Ns = ray.Ng;

  if (g_use_smooth_normals)
    if (ray.geomID != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID) // FIXME: workaround for ISPC bug, location reached with empty execution mask
      Vec3fa dPdu,dPdv;
      unsigned int geomID = ray.geomID; {
      dg.Ns = cross(dPdv,dPdu);

  int materialID = postIntersect(ray,dg);
  dg.Ng = face_forward(ray.dir,normalize(dg.Ng));
  dg.Ns = face_forward(ray.dir,normalize(dg.Ns));

  /* shade */
  if (g_ispc_scene->materials[materialID]->type == MATERIAL_OBJ) {
    ISPCOBJMaterial* material = (ISPCOBJMaterial*) g_ispc_scene->materials[materialID];
    color = Vec3fa(material->Kd);

  return color*dot(neg(ray.dir),dg.Ns);
/* task that renders a single screen tile */
Vec3fa renderPixelStandard(float x, float y, const ISPCCamera& camera, RayStats& stats)
  RTCIntersectContext context;
  /* initialize ray */
  Ray ray(Vec3fa(camera.xfm.p), Vec3fa(normalize(x*camera.xfm.l.vx + y*camera.xfm.l.vy + camera.xfm.l.vz)), 0.0f, inf);

  /* intersect ray with scene */

  /* shade pixels */
  Vec3fa color = Vec3fa(0.0f);
  if (ray.geomID != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)
    Vec3fa diffuse = ray.geomID != 0 ? Vec3fa(0.9f,0.6f,0.5f) : Vec3fa(0.8f,0.0f,0.0f);
    color = color + diffuse*0.5f;
    Vec3fa lightDir = normalize(Vec3fa(-1,-1,-1));

    Vec3fa Ng = normalize(ray.Ng);
    Vec3fa P = ray.org + ray.tfar*ray.dir;
    if (ray.geomID > 0) {
      Vec3fa dPdu,dPdv;
      unsigned int geomID = ray.geomID; {
      Ng = normalize(cross(dPdu,dPdv));
      dPdu = dPdu + Ng*displacement_du(P,dPdu);
      dPdv = dPdv + Ng*displacement_dv(P,dPdv);
      Ng = normalize(cross(dPdu,dPdv));

    /* initialize shadow ray */
    Ray shadow(ray.org + ray.tfar*ray.dir, neg(lightDir), 0.001f, inf, 0.0f);

    /* trace shadow ray */

    /* add light contribution */
    if (shadow.tfar >= 0.0f)
      color = color + diffuse*clamp(-(dot(lightDir,Ng)),0.0f,1.0f);
  return color;
/* renders a single screen tile */
void renderTileStandardStream(int taskIndex,
                              int threadIndex,
                              int* pixels,
                              const unsigned int width,
                              const unsigned int height,
                              const float time,
                              const ISPCCamera& camera,
                              const int numTilesX,
                              const int numTilesY)
  const unsigned int tileY = taskIndex / numTilesX;
  const unsigned int tileX = taskIndex - tileY * numTilesX;
  const unsigned int x0 = tileX * TILE_SIZE_X;
  const unsigned int x1 = min(x0+TILE_SIZE_X,width);
  const unsigned int y0 = tileY * TILE_SIZE_Y;
  const unsigned int y1 = min(y0+TILE_SIZE_Y,height);

  RayStats& stats = g_stats[threadIndex];

  RTCRay2 primary_stream[TILE_SIZE_X*TILE_SIZE_Y];
  RTCRay2 shadow_stream[TILE_SIZE_X*TILE_SIZE_Y];
  Vec3fa color_stream[TILE_SIZE_X*TILE_SIZE_Y];
  float weight_stream[TILE_SIZE_X*TILE_SIZE_Y];
  bool valid_stream[TILE_SIZE_X*TILE_SIZE_Y];

  /* generate stream of primary rays */
  int N = 0;
  int numActive = 0;
  for (unsigned int y=y0; y<y1; y++) for (unsigned int x=x0; x<x1; x++)
    /* ISPC workaround for mask == 0 */

    /* initialize variables */
    color_stream[N] = Vec3fa(0.0f);
    weight_stream[N] = 1.0f;
    bool mask = 1; { valid_stream[N] = mask; }

    /* initialize ray */
    RTCRay2& primary = primary_stream[N];
    primary.org = Vec3fa(camera.xfm.p);
    primary.dir = Vec3fa(normalize((float)x*camera.xfm.l.vx + (float)y*camera.xfm.l.vy + camera.xfm.l.vz));
    mask = 1; { // invalidates inactive rays
      primary.tnear = mask ? 0.0f         : (float)(pos_inf);
      primary.tfar  = mask ? (float)(inf) : (float)(neg_inf);
    primary.geomID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID;
    primary.primID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID;
    primary.mask = 0xFFFF0000 + N*1 + 0;
    primary.time = 0.0f;
    primary.transparency = 0.0f;

  Vec3fa lightDir = normalize(Vec3fa(-1,-1,-1));

  while (numActive)
    /* trace rays */
    RTCIntersectContext primary_context;
    primary_context.flags = g_iflags_coherent;
    primary_context.userRayExt = &primary_stream;

    /* terminate rays and update color */
    N = -1;
    for (unsigned int y=y0; y<y1; y++) for (unsigned int x=x0; x<x1; x++)
      /* ISPC workaround for mask == 0 */

      /* invalidate shadow rays by default */
      RTCRay2& shadow = shadow_stream[N];
        shadow.tnear = (float)(pos_inf);
        shadow.tfar  = (float)(neg_inf);

      /* ignore invalid rays */
      if (valid_stream[N] == false) continue;

      /* terminate rays that hit nothing */
      if (primary_stream[N].geomID == RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID) {
        valid_stream[N] = false;

      /* update color */
      RTCRay2& primary = primary_stream[N];
      float opacity = 1.0f-primary.transparency;
      Vec3fa diffuse = colors[primary.primID];
      Vec3fa La = diffuse*0.5f;
      color_stream[N] = color_stream[N] + weight_stream[N]*opacity*La;

      /* initialize shadow ray */
      shadow.org = primary.org + primary.tfar*primary.dir;
      shadow.dir = neg(lightDir);
      bool mask = 1; {
        shadow.tnear = mask ? 0.001f       : (float)(pos_inf);
        shadow.tfar  = mask ? (float)(inf) : (float)(neg_inf);
      shadow.geomID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID;
      shadow.primID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID;
      shadow.mask = 0xFFFF0000 + N*1 + 0;
      shadow.time = 0;
      shadow.transparency = 1.0f;
      shadow.firstHit = 0;
      shadow.lastHit = 0;

    /* trace shadow rays */
    RTCIntersectContext shadow_context;
    shadow_context.flags = g_iflags_coherent;
    shadow_context.userRayExt = &shadow_stream;

    /* add light contribution and generate transmission ray */
    N = -1;
    numActive = 0;
    for (unsigned int y=y0; y<y1; y++) for (unsigned int x=x0; x<x1; x++)
      /* ISPC workaround for mask == 0 */

      /* invalidate rays by default */
      RTCRay2& primary = primary_stream[N];
      float primary_tfar = primary.tfar;
        primary.tnear = (float)(pos_inf);
        primary.tfar  = (float)(neg_inf);

      /* ignore invalid rays */
      if (valid_stream[N] == false) continue;

      /* add light contrinution */
      float opacity = 1.0f-primary.transparency;
      Vec3fa diffuse = colors[primary.primID];
      RTCRay2& shadow = shadow_stream[N];
      if (shadow.geomID) {
        Vec3fa Ll = diffuse*shadow.transparency*clamp(-dot(lightDir,normalize(primary.Ng)),0.0f,1.0f);
        color_stream[N] = color_stream[N] + weight_stream[N]*opacity*Ll;

      /* initialize transmission ray */
      weight_stream[N] *= primary.transparency;
      bool mask = 1; {
        primary.tnear = mask ? 1.001f*primary_tfar : (float)(pos_inf);
        primary.tfar  = mask ? (float)(inf)        : (float)(neg_inf);
      primary.geomID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID;
      primary.primID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID;
      primary.transparency = 0.0f;

  /* framebuffer writeback */
  N = 0;
  for (unsigned int y=y0; y<y1; y++) for (unsigned int x=x0; x<x1; x++)
    /* ISPC workaround for mask == 0 */

    /* write color to framebuffer */
    unsigned int r = (unsigned int) (255.0f * clamp(color_stream[N].x,0.0f,1.0f));
    unsigned int g = (unsigned int) (255.0f * clamp(color_stream[N].y,0.0f,1.0f));
    unsigned int b = (unsigned int) (255.0f * clamp(color_stream[N].z,0.0f,1.0f));
    pixels[y*width+x] = (b << 16) + (g << 8) + r;
/* task that renders a single screen tile */
Vec3fa renderPixelStandard(float x, float y, const ISPCCamera& camera, RayStats& stats)
  float weight = 1.0f;
  Vec3fa color = Vec3fa(0.0f);

  /* initialize ray */
  RTCRay2 primary;
  primary.org = Vec3fa(camera.xfm.p);
  primary.dir = Vec3fa(normalize(x*camera.xfm.l.vx + y*camera.xfm.l.vy + camera.xfm.l.vz));
  primary.tnear = 0.0f;
  primary.tfar = (float)(inf);
  primary.mask = -1;
  primary.time = 0;
  primary.transparency = 0.0f;

  while (true)
    /* intersect ray with scene */

    /* shade pixels */
    if (primary.geomID == RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)

    float opacity = 1.0f-primary.transparency;
    Vec3fa diffuse = colors[primary.primID];
    Vec3fa La = diffuse*0.5f;
    color = color + weight*opacity*La;
    Vec3fa lightDir = normalize(Vec3fa(-1,-1,-1));

    /* initialize shadow ray */
    RTCRay2 shadow;
    shadow.org = primary.org + primary.tfar*primary.dir;
    shadow.dir = neg(lightDir);
    shadow.tnear = 0.001f;
    shadow.tfar = (float)(inf);
    shadow.geomID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID;
    shadow.primID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID;
    shadow.mask = -1;
    shadow.time = 0;
    shadow.transparency = 1.0f;
    shadow.firstHit = 0;
    shadow.lastHit = 0;

    /* trace shadow ray */

    /* add light contribution */
    if (shadow.geomID) {
      Vec3fa Ll = diffuse*shadow.transparency*clamp(-dot(lightDir,normalize(primary.Ng)),0.0f,1.0f);
      color = color + weight*opacity*Ll;

    /* shoot transmission ray */
    weight *= primary.transparency;
    primary.tnear = 1.001f*primary.tfar;
    primary.tfar = (float)(inf);
    primary.geomID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID;
    primary.primID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID;
    primary.transparency = 0.0f;
  return color;
/* renders a single screen tile */
void renderTileStandardStream(int taskIndex,
                              int threadIndex,
                              int* pixels,
                              const unsigned int width,
                              const unsigned int height,
                              const float time,
                              const ISPCCamera& camera,
                              const int numTilesX,
                              const int numTilesY)
  const unsigned int tileY = taskIndex / numTilesX;
  const unsigned int tileX = taskIndex - tileY * numTilesX;
  const unsigned int x0 = tileX * TILE_SIZE_X;
  const unsigned int x1 = min(x0+TILE_SIZE_X,width);
  const unsigned int y0 = tileY * TILE_SIZE_Y;
  const unsigned int y1 = min(y0+TILE_SIZE_Y,height);

  RayStats& stats = g_stats[threadIndex];

  RTCRay primary_stream[TILE_SIZE_X*TILE_SIZE_Y];
  RTCRay shadow_stream[TILE_SIZE_X*TILE_SIZE_Y];
  Vec3fa color_stream[TILE_SIZE_X*TILE_SIZE_Y];
  bool valid_stream[TILE_SIZE_X*TILE_SIZE_Y];

  /* generate stream of primary rays */
  int N = 0;
  for (unsigned int y=y0; y<y1; y++) for (unsigned int x=x0; x<x1; x++)
    /* ISPC workaround for mask == 0 */

    /* initialize variables */
    color_stream[N] = Vec3fa(0.0f);
    bool mask = 1; { valid_stream[N] = mask; }

    /* initialize ray */
    RTCRay& primary = primary_stream[N];
    primary.org = Vec3fa(camera.xfm.p);
    primary.dir = Vec3fa(normalize((float)x*camera.xfm.l.vx + (float)y*camera.xfm.l.vy + camera.xfm.l.vz));
    mask = 1; { // invalidates inactive rays
      primary.tnear = mask ? 0.0f         : (float)(pos_inf);
      primary.tfar  = mask ? (float)(inf) : (float)(neg_inf);
    primary.instID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID;
    primary.geomID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID;
    primary.primID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID;
    primary.mask = -1;
    primary.time = 0.0f;

  Vec3fa lightDir = normalize(Vec3fa(-1,-1,-1));

  /* trace rays */
  RTCIntersectContext primary_context;
  primary_context.flags = g_iflags_coherent;
  primary_context.userRayExt = primary_stream;

  /* terminate rays and update color */
  N = -1;
  for (unsigned int y=y0; y<y1; y++) for (unsigned int x=x0; x<x1; x++)
    /* ISPC workaround for mask == 0 */

    /* invalidate shadow rays by default */
    RTCRay& shadow = shadow_stream[N];
      shadow.tnear = (float)(pos_inf);
      shadow.tfar  = (float)(neg_inf);

    /* ignore invalid rays */
    if (valid_stream[N] == false) continue;

    /* terminate rays that hit nothing */
    if (primary_stream[N].geomID == RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID) {
      valid_stream[N] = false;

    /* calculate shading normal in world space */
    RTCRay& primary = primary_stream[N];
    Vec3fa Ns = primary.Ng;
    if (primary.instID != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)
      Ns = xfmVector(normal_xfm[primary.instID],Ns);
    Ns = normalize(Ns);

    /* calculate diffuse color of geometries */
    Vec3fa diffuse = Vec3fa(1,1,1);
    if (primary.instID != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)
      diffuse = colors[primary.instID][primary.geomID];
    color_stream[N] = color_stream[N] + diffuse*0.5;

    /* initialize shadow ray */
    shadow.org = primary.org + primary.tfar*primary.dir;
    shadow.dir = neg(lightDir);
    bool mask = 1; {
      shadow.tnear = mask ? 0.001f       : (float)(pos_inf);
      shadow.tfar  = mask ? (float)(inf) : (float)(neg_inf);
    shadow.geomID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID;
    shadow.primID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID;
    shadow.mask = -1;
    shadow.time = 0;

  /* trace shadow rays */
  RTCIntersectContext shadow_context;
  shadow_context.flags = g_iflags_coherent;
  shadow_context.userRayExt = shadow_stream;

  /* add light contribution */
  N = -1;
  for (unsigned int y=y0; y<y1; y++) for (unsigned int x=x0; x<x1; x++)
    /* ISPC workaround for mask == 0 */

    /* ignore invalid rays */
    if (valid_stream[N] == false) continue;

    /* calculate shading normal in world space */
    RTCRay& primary = primary_stream[N];
    Vec3fa Ns = primary.Ng;
    if (primary.instID != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)
      Ns = xfmVector(normal_xfm[primary.instID],Ns);
    Ns = normalize(Ns);

    /* calculate diffuse color of geometries */
    Vec3fa diffuse = Vec3fa(1,1,1);
    if (primary.instID != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)
      diffuse = colors[primary.instID][primary.geomID];

    /* add light contrinution */
    RTCRay& shadow = shadow_stream[N];
    if (shadow.geomID) {
      color_stream[N] = color_stream[N] + diffuse*clamp(-dot(lightDir,Ns),0.0f,1.0f);

  /* framebuffer writeback */
  N = 0;
  for (unsigned int y=y0; y<y1; y++) for (unsigned int x=x0; x<x1; x++)
    /* ISPC workaround for mask == 0 */

    /* write color to framebuffer */
    unsigned int r = (unsigned int) (255.0f * clamp(color_stream[N].x,0.0f,1.0f));
    unsigned int g = (unsigned int) (255.0f * clamp(color_stream[N].y,0.0f,1.0f));
    unsigned int b = (unsigned int) (255.0f * clamp(color_stream[N].z,0.0f,1.0f));
    pixels[y*width+x] = (b << 16) + (g << 8) + r;