bool DPO_BasicSequenceFit::ReadFromFile() { ReadObjectHeader(); // base class ReadFuncObjRef(simResultsObjRef); fitCalcType = FitCalcType(ReadInt()); fitSigma = ReadDouble(); fitIsNormed = ReadBool(); if (currentObjReadMajorVersion > 0) { minCoverage = ReadDouble(); coveragePenalty = ReadDouble(); } if (currentObjReadMajorVersion > 1) { removeFieldDuplicates = ReadBool(); removeSimDuplicates = ReadBool(); duplicateEps = ReadDouble(); } // derived current ReadFuncObjRef(xyInputObjRef); ReadTimeLimits(timeLimits); ReadInterpPoints(interpPoints); CheckForInputFailure("Reading DPO_BasicSequenceFit"); return true; }
void ReadContourSpec(PSC_ContourSpec& contourSpec) { int scalarReadVer = ReadInt(); ReadFuncObjRef(contourSpec.dataObjRef); ReadFuncObjRef(contourSpec.specMasterObjRef); contourSpec.specIsMaster = ReadBool(); contourSpec.calcIncVal = ReadBool(); contourSpec.doLogInc = ReadBool(); contourSpec.startVal = ReadDouble(); contourSpec.endVal = ReadDouble(); contourSpec.incVal = ReadDouble(); contourSpec.nIncs = ReadInt(); contourSpec.contourLineSpec.linePen = ReadInt(); contourSpec.contourLineSpec.lineThickness= ReadInt(); contourSpec.contourLineSpec.lineType = PlotLineType(ReadInt()); if (scalarReadVer > 1) contourSpec.contourLineSpec.mitreLines = ReadBool(); if (scalarReadVer > 0) contourSpec.overrideMasterLineSpec = ReadBool(); ReadLegendOverride(contourSpec.legendGC); }
bool PPO_SeriesLegend::ReadFromFile() { ReadObjectHeader(); PPO_AnnoBase::ReadFromFile(); ReadFuncObjRef(penSetObjRef); int nRead = 6; // old max if (currentObjReadMajorVersion > 0) nRead = ReadInt(); for ( int i = 0; i < nRead; i++) { ReadFuncObjRef(legendData[i].seriesObjRef); legendData[i].doSeries = ReadBool(); } ulLocation.pX = ReadDouble(); ulLocation.pY = ReadDouble(); seriesSize = ReadDouble(); seriesNpts = ReadInt(); ReadText(legendTitle, PSC_AnnoSpec::legendTitleLen); frameLegend = ReadBool(); frameThick = ReadInt(); opaqueBackground = ReadBool(); legendPen = ReadInt(); ReadFont(legendFont); CheckForInputFailure("Reading PPO_SeriesLegend"); return true; }
bool DPO_CurveInterp::ReadFromFile() { ReadObjectHeader(); ReadFuncObjRef(curveObjRef); ReadFuncObjRef(xyInputObjRef); if ( currentObjReadMajorVersion == 0) { bool isXYInput = ReadBool(); bool isLinear = ReadBool(); if (isXYInput) { interpData.interpPointsOp = DSC_InterpPoints::ipoAtInput; } else if (isLinear) { interpData.interpPointsOp = DSC_InterpPoints::ipoLinear; } else { interpData.interpPointsOp = DSC_InterpPoints::ipoLogRelative; } interpData.useDataLimits = ReadBool(); interpData.minUserLimit = ReadDouble(); interpData.maxUserLimit = ReadDouble(); interpData.numInterpPoints = ReadInt(); } else ReadInterpPoints(interpData); CheckForInputFailure("Reading DPO_CurveInterp"); return true; }
/// reads vector Vector3d ReadVector() { double x = ReadDouble(); double y = ReadDouble(); double z = ReadDouble(); return Vector3d(x,y,z); }
void ReadThreshold(DSC_Threshold& threshold) { int readVer = ReadInt(); threshold.minThreshold = DSC_Threshold::ThresholdOp(ReadInt()); threshold.maxThreshold = DSC_Threshold::ThresholdOp(ReadInt()); threshold.minVal = ReadDouble(); threshold.maxVal = ReadDouble(); }
Pointf Painter::ReadPoint(CParser& p, Pointf current, bool rel) { Pointf t; t.x = ReadDouble(p); t.y = ReadDouble(p); if(rel) t += current; return t; }
void LoadTIMER(SAVESTATE_t* save, timerc* time) { CHUNK_t* chunk = FindChunk(save,TIMER_tag); chunk->pnt = 0; time->tstates = ReadLong(chunk); time->freq = (uint32_t) ReadLong(chunk); time->elapsed = ReadDouble(chunk); time->lasttime = ReadDouble(chunk); // this isn't used. }
void ReadPointArray(SC_PointArray& pointArray) { int nPt = ReadInt(); pointArray.Alloc(nPt); Point2D tmp; for (int i = 0; i < nPt; i++) { tmp.pX = ReadDouble(); tmp.pY = ReadDouble(); pointArray += tmp; // pointArray += Point2D(ReadDouble(), ReadDouble()); // MS bug -- reads Y first } }
size_t PlayerPositionAndLook::deserialize(const Buffer& _src, size_t _offset) { _offset = _pm_checkPacketId(_src, _offset); _offset = ReadDouble(_src, _offset, _pf_x); _offset = ReadDouble(_src, _offset, _pf_stance); _offset = ReadDouble(_src, _offset, _pf_y); _offset = ReadDouble(_src, _offset, _pf_z); _offset = ReadFloat(_src, _offset, _pf_yaw); _offset = ReadFloat(_src, _offset, _pf_pitch); _offset = ReadBool(_src, _offset, _pf_onGround); _pf_initialized = true; return _offset; }
bool DPO_ExtractSASteps::ReadFromFile() { ReadObjectHeader(); ReadFuncObjRef(inputTableObjRef); extractByIndexes = ReadBool(); minIndex = ReadInt(); maxIndex = ReadInt(); indexIncrement = ReadInt(); minValue = ReadDouble(); maxValue = ReadDouble(); CheckForInputFailure("Reading DPO_ExtractSASteps"); return true; }
int main (void) { printf ("Hello World\n"); OpenIniFile ("Test.Ini"); #ifdef INIFILE_TEST_READ_AND_WRITE WriteString ("Test", "Name", "Value"); WriteString ("Test", "Name", "OverWrittenValue"); WriteString ("Test", "Port", "COM1"); WriteString ("Test", "User", "James Brown jr."); WriteString ("Configuration", "eDriver", "MBM2.VXD"); WriteString ("Configuration", "Wrap", "LPT.VXD"); WriteInt ("IO-Port", "Com", 2); WriteBool ("IO-Port", "IsValid", 0); WriteDouble ("TheMoney", "TheMoney", 67892.00241); WriteInt ("Test" , "ToDelete", 1234); WriteIniFile ("Test.Ini"); printf ("Key ToDelete created. Check ini file. Any key to continue"); while (!kbhit()); OpenIniFile ("Test.Ini"); DeleteKey ("Test" , "ToDelete"); WriteIniFile ("Test.Ini"); #endif printf ("[Test] Name = %s\n", ReadString ("Test", "Name", "NotFound")); printf ("[Test] Port = %s\n", ReadString ("Test", "Port", "NotFound")); printf ("[Test] User = %s\n", ReadString ("Test", "User", "NotFound")); printf ("[Configuration] eDriver = %s\n", ReadString ("Configuration", "eDriver", "NotFound")); printf ("[Configuration] Wrap = %s\n", ReadString ("Configuration", "Wrap", "NotFound")); printf ("[IO-Port] Com = %d\n", ReadInt ("IO-Port", "Com", 0)); printf ("[IO-Port] IsValid = %d\n", ReadBool ("IO-Port", "IsValid", 0)); printf ("[TheMoney] TheMoney = %1.10lf\n", ReadDouble ("TheMoney", "TheMoney", 111)); CloseIniFile (); return 0; }
int main(void) { // initialize to zeros struct Product prod = { 0 }; printf("Enter item number: "); ReadInt(&, &OnInvalidInputHandler); printf("Enter unit price: "); ReadDouble(&prod.price, &OnInvalidInputHandler); printf("Enter purchase date (mm/dd/yyyy): "); ReadDate(&prod.purchaseDate, &OnInvalidInputHandler); printf("%s\t%s\t%s\n", "Item", "Unit Price", "Purchase Date"); printf("%d\t$%.2Lf\t\t%02d/%02d/%d\n",, prod.price, prod.purchaseDate.tm_mon, prod.purchaseDate.tm_mday, prod.purchaseDate.tm_year); getchar(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
bool DPO_PATTRN::ReadFromFile() { ReadObjectHeader(); ReadFuncObjRef(indepVarObjRef); ReadFuncObjRef(depVarObjRef); ReadText(title, titleLen); ReadText(obsStr, inpStrLen); ReadText(mcRepStr, inpStrLen); nreplicates = ReadInt(); randSeed = ReadInt(); nxintInp = ReadInt(); nyintInp = ReadInt(); nrandomPatterns = ReadInt(); logarithms = ReadBool(); alphaCutoff = ReadDouble(); mtest1 = ReadInt(); ReadRealFormat(coeffFormat); verbose = ReadBool(); verboseMC = ReadBool(); verboseCV = ReadBool(); coefficients = ReadBool(); rankCoefficients = ReadBool(); for (int i = ptCC; i < ptLastTest; i++) tests[i] = ReadBool(); CheckForInputFailure("Reading DPO_PATTRN"); return true; }
void ReadFont(PSC_Font& font) { int readVer = ReadInt(); font.fontFamily = PSC_Font::FontFamily(ReadInt()); font.slantRegular = ReadBool(); font.weightMedium = ReadBool(); font.fontSize = double(ReadInt()); if (readVer > 0) { if (readVer < 3) { int strokeFontWeight = ReadInt(); font.weightMedium = (strokeFontWeight < 2); } if (readVer > 1) font.fontRotation = PSC_Font::FontRotation(ReadInt()); if (readVer > 2) font.fontThickness = ReadDouble(); } }
bool DPO_XYRemoveDuplicate::ReadFromFile() { ReadObjectHeader(); ReadFuncObjRef(xyInputObjRef); ReadText(outputDesc, DFO_XYBase::outputDescLen); removeDuplicateXValues = ReadBool(); yValueToKeepOp = DFO_XYRemoveDuplicate::RemoveDuplicateOp(ReadInt()); duplicateXLimit = ReadDouble(); removeOutOfSeq = ReadBool(); removeDuplicateYValues = ReadBool(); duplicateYLimit = ReadDouble(); CheckForInputFailure("Reading DPO_XYRemoveDuplicate"); return true; }
bool Loader::ReadBool(bool *k) { double d = 0; char token[LOADER_INPUT_LENGTH]; if (ReadDouble(d)) { if (IsEqual(d, 1.0)) *k = true; else if (IsZero(d)) *k = false; else return false; return true; } else if (ReadToken(token)) { if (token[0] == 't') *k = true; else if (token[0] == 'f') *k = false; else return false; return true; } else return false; }
void LoadSTDINT(SAVESTATE_t* save, STDINT_t* stdint) { int i; CHUNK_t* chunk = FindChunk(save,STDINT_tag); chunk->pnt = 0; stdint->intactive = ReadChar(chunk); stdint->lastchk1 = ReadDouble(chunk); stdint->timermax1 = ReadDouble(chunk); stdint->lastchk2 = ReadDouble(chunk); stdint->timermax2 = ReadDouble(chunk); for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { stdint->freq[i] = ReadDouble(chunk); } stdint->mem = ReadInt(chunk); stdint->xy = ReadInt(chunk); }
size_t Explosion::deserialize(const Buffer& _src, size_t _offset) { _offset = _pm_checkPacketId(_src, _offset); _offset = ReadDouble(_src, _offset, _pf_x); _offset = ReadDouble(_src, _offset, _pf_y); _offset = ReadDouble(_src, _offset, _pf_z); _offset = ReadFloat(_src, _offset, _pf_radius); _offset = ReadInt32(_src, _offset, _pf_recordCount); _offset = ReadByteArray(_src, _offset, _pf_recordCount * 3, _pf_records); _offset = ReadFloat(_src, _offset, _pf_playerMotionX); _offset = ReadFloat(_src, _offset, _pf_playerMotionY); _offset = ReadFloat(_src, _offset, _pf_playerMotionZ); _pf_initialized = true; return _offset; }
void ReadHistogram(PSC_Histogram& histogram) { ReadEdgeSpec(histogram); int ver = ReadInt(); histogram.orientationX = ReadBool(); histogram.baselineIsValue = ReadBool(); histogram.baselineValue = ReadDouble(); histogram.positionIsValue = ReadBool(); histogram.widthSpec = PSC_Histogram::WidthSpec(ReadInt()); histogram.widthLineThk = ReadInt(); histogram.widthSpecValue = ReadDouble(); histogram.widthSpecPixel = ReadInt(); histogram.widthSpecPct = ReadDouble(); if (ver > 0) histogram.indexOffset = ReadDouble(); }
void ReadAnnoSpec(PSC_AnnoSpec& annoSpec) { int ver = ReadInt(); annoSpec.ulLocation.pX = ReadDouble(); annoSpec.ulLocation.pY = ReadDouble(); ReadText(annoSpec.legendTitle, PSC_AnnoSpec::legendTitleLen); annoSpec.frameLegend = ReadBool(); annoSpec.frameThick = ReadInt (); annoSpec.opaqueBackground = ReadBool(); annoSpec.legendPen = ReadInt (); ReadFont(annoSpec.legendFont); }
double Reader::ReadDoubleOrDie(void) { double d; if (! ReadDouble(&d)) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't read double: file %s\n", filename_.c_str()); exit(-1); } return d; }
__int32 MarketBuy(const std::string& symbol, const double& price, double& volume, double& amount) { MemoryBuffer buffer; m_channel->Initialize(buffer); WriteAString(symbol, buffer); WriteDouble(price, buffer); WriteDouble(volume, buffer); const HRESULT _status = m_channel->Invoke(1, 1, buffer); Throw(_status, buffer); volume = ReadDouble(buffer); amount = ReadDouble(buffer); auto _result = ReadInt32(buffer); return _result; }
void ReadEdgeSpec(PSC_EdgeSpec& edgeSpec) { int readVer = ReadInt(); edgeSpec.plotEdges = ReadBool(); edgeSpec.edgePen = ReadInt(); edgeSpec.edgeThk = ReadInt(); edgeSpec.edgePolyOffset = ReadDouble(); }
void ReadColorLegendSpec(PSC_ColorLegendSpec& legendSpec) { int ver = ReadInt(); ReadFuncObjRef(legendSpec.colorLegendObjRef); legendSpec.barLength = ReadDouble(); legendSpec.barAspect = ReadDouble(); legendSpec.orientation = PSC_Font::FontRotation(ReadInt()); legendSpec.ticsAtIncs = ReadBool(); legendSpec.dataTypeLabel = ReadBool(); legendSpec.dataLabelAboveLeft = ReadBool(); legendSpec.incLabelAboveLeft = ReadBool(); legendSpec.overrideLabel = ReadBool(); ReadText(legendSpec.newLabel, stdMsgStrLen); }
bool PPD_LinLogAxis::ReadFromFile() { ReadDefaultObjectHeader(); axisData.autoScaleAxes = ReadBool(); axisData.axesAreLinear = ReadBool(); if (currentObjReadMajorVersion > 4) axisData.incrFont.fontRotation = PSC_Font::FontRotation(ReadInt()); axisData.axisLinMin = ReadDouble(); axisData.axisLinMax = ReadDouble(); axisData.axisLogMin = ReadDouble(); axisData.axisLogMax = ReadDouble(); axisData.axisMajorIncs = PC_Axes::AxesIncType(ReadInt()); axisData.autoMajorIncs = ReadBool(); axisData.majorIncVal = ReadDouble(); if (currentObjReadMajorVersion > 3) axisData.startAtFirst = ReadBool(); axisData.axisMinorIncs = PC_Axes::AxesIncType(ReadInt()); axisData.autoMinorIncs = ReadBool(); axisData.nminorPerMajor = ReadInt(); axisData.axisIncFormat.format = NumConvFormat(ReadInt()); axisData.axisIncFormat.digitsPrecision = ReadInt(); if (currentObjReadMajorVersion > 2) { axisData.cursorReportFormat.format = NumConvFormat(ReadInt()); axisData.cursorReportFormat.digitsPrecision = ReadInt(); } if (currentObjReadMajorVersion > 1) { // to get inc settings right setaxisData = axisData; setaxisData.autoScaleAxes = false; // by definition setaxisData.axesAreLinear = ReadBool(); setaxisData.axisLinMin = ReadDouble(); setaxisData.axisLinMax = ReadDouble(); setaxisData.axisLogMin = ReadDouble(); setaxisData.axisLogMax = ReadDouble(); if (axisPD.axesHaveBeenSet) // this should have already been read axisData = setaxisData; } CheckForInputFailure("Reading PPD_LinLogAxis"); return true; }
bool DPO_XYReduction::ReadFromFile() { ReadObjectHeader(); ReadFuncObjRef(xyInputObjRef); ReadText(outputDesc, DFO_XYBase::outputDescLen); dataReductionOperation = ReductionOp(ReadInt()); pointSkipInterval = ReadInt(); maxXChange = ReadDouble(); maxYChange = ReadDouble(); if (currentObjReadMajorVersion > 0) { logXChange = ReadBool(); logYChange = ReadBool(); } CheckForInputFailure("Reading DPO_XYReduction"); return true; }
void ReadTubeExtrusionSpec(PSC_TubeExtrusionSpec& extrusionSpec) { int readVer = ReadInt(); extrusionSpec.nextrusionPoints = ReadInt(); extrusionSpec.usePixelSizing = ReadBool(); extrusionSpec.extrusionPixelSize = ReadInt(); extrusionSpec.extrusionRealSize = ReadDouble(); extrusionSpec.capEnds = ReadBool(); extrusionSpec.adjustForScaling = ReadBool(); }
bool DPO_Normalize::ReadFromFile() { int stVer = ReadInt(); ReadRealMSSpec(bpRef.normPowerMS); bpRef.isMaster = ReadBool(); bpRef.normalizeDC.normalizeOp = DC_Normalize::NormalizeOp(ReadInt()); bpRef.normalizeDC.autoLimit = ReadBool(); bpRef.normalizeDC.inputMinimum = ReadDouble(); bpRef.normalizeDC.inputMaximum = ReadDouble(); bpRef.normalizeDC.outputMinimum = ReadDouble(); bpRef.normalizeDC.outputMaximum = ReadDouble(); bpRef.normalizeDC.normPower = ReadDouble(); exposedNormPower.ReadExposed(); CheckForInputFailure("Reading DPO_Normalize"); return true; }
bool PPO_DataLabels::ReadFromFile() { ReadObjectHeader(); PPO_AnnoBase::ReadFromFile(); ReadFuncObjRef(penSetObjRef); int nread = PFO_DataLabels::maxDataLabels; if (currentObjReadMajorVersion < 1) nread = 6; for ( int i = 0; i < nread; i++) { ReadFuncObjRef(labelData[i].labelObjRef); labelData[i].doLabel = ReadBool(); labelData[i].labAlign = HorizontalTextAlignment(ReadInt()); labelData[i].overrideFormat = ReadBool(); labelData[i].labelFormat.format = NumConvFormat(ReadInt()); labelData[i].labelFormat.digitsPrecision = ReadInt(); labelData[i].overrideMainLabel = ReadBool(); ReadText(labelData[i].mainLabel, DO_Label::maxLabelLen); ReadText(labelData[i].unitsLabel, DO_Label::maxLabelLen); } ulLocation.pX = ReadDouble(); ulLocation.pY = ReadDouble(); ReadText(legendTitle, PSC_AnnoSpec::legendTitleLen); frameLegend = ReadBool(); frameThick = ReadInt(); opaqueBackground = ReadBool(); legendPen = ReadInt(); minDataFieldWidth = ReadInt(); ReadFont(legendFont); CheckForInputFailure("Reading PPO_DataLabels"); return true; }