Esempio n. 1
OGRPGResultLayer::OGRPGResultLayer( OGRPGDataSource *poDSIn, 
                                    const char * pszRawQueryIn,
                                    PGresult *hInitialResultIn )
    poDS = poDSIn;

    iNextShapeId = 0;

    pszRawStatement = CPLStrdup(pszRawQueryIn);

    osWHERE = "";



    pszGeomTableName = NULL;
    pszGeomTableSchemaName = NULL;

    /* Find at which index the geometry column is */
    int iGeomCol = -1;
    if (poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldCount() == 1)
        int iRawField;
        for( iRawField = 0; iRawField < PQnfields(hInitialResultIn); iRawField++ )
            if( strcmp(PQfname(hInitialResultIn,iRawField),
                    poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldDefn(0)->GetNameRef()) == 0 )
                iGeomCol = iRawField;

#ifndef PG_PRE74
    /* Determine the table from which the geometry column is extracted */
    if (iGeomCol != -1)
        Oid tableOID = PQftable(hInitialResultIn, iGeomCol);
        if (tableOID != InvalidOid)
            CPLString osGetTableName;
            osGetTableName.Printf("SELECT c.relname, n.nspname FROM pg_class c "
                                  "JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace=n.oid WHERE c.oid = %d ", tableOID);
            PGresult* hTableNameResult = OGRPG_PQexec(poDS->GetPGConn(), osGetTableName );
            if( hTableNameResult && PQresultStatus(hTableNameResult) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
                if ( PQntuples(hTableNameResult) > 0 )
                    pszGeomTableName = CPLStrdup(PQgetvalue(hTableNameResult,0,0));
                    pszGeomTableSchemaName = CPLStrdup(PQgetvalue(hTableNameResult,0,1));
            OGRPGClearResult( hTableNameResult );
Esempio n. 2
OGRPGResultLayer::OGRPGResultLayer( OGRPGDataSource *poDSIn, 
                                    const char * pszRawQueryIn,
                                    PGresult *hInitialResultIn )
    poDS = poDSIn;

    iNextShapeId = 0;

    pszRawStatement = CPLStrdup(pszRawQueryIn);

    osWHERE = "";


    poFeatureDefn = ReadResultDefinition(hInitialResultIn);

    /* We have to get the SRID of the geometry column, so to be able */
    /* to do spatial filtering */
    if (bHasPostGISGeometry)
        CPLString osGetSRID;
        osGetSRID += "SELECT getsrid(\"";
        osGetSRID += pszGeomColumn;
        osGetSRID += "\") FROM (";
        osGetSRID += pszRawStatement;
        osGetSRID += ") AS ogrpggetsrid LIMIT 1";

        PGresult* hSRSIdResult = PQexec(poDS->GetPGConn(), osGetSRID );

        if( hSRSIdResult && PQresultStatus(hSRSIdResult) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
            if ( PQntuples(hSRSIdResult) > 0 )
                nSRSId = atoi(PQgetvalue(hSRSIdResult, 0, 0));
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                        "%s", PQerrorMessage(poDS->GetPGConn()) );

    else if (bHasPostGISGeography)
        // FIXME? But for the moment, PostGIS 1.5 only handles SRID:4326.
        nSRSId = 4326;

    /* Now set the cursor that will fetch the first rows */
    /* This is usefull when used in situations like */
    /* ds->ReleaseResultSet(ds->ExecuteSQL("SELECT AddGeometryColumn(....)")) */
    /* when people don't actually try to get elements */
Esempio n. 3
OGRMySQLResultLayer::OGRMySQLResultLayer( OGRMySQLDataSource *poDSIn,
                                          const char * pszRawQueryIn,
                                          MYSQL_RES *hResultSetIn ) :
    poDS = poDSIn;
    iNextShapeId = 0;
    hResultSet = hResultSetIn;
    poFeatureDefn = ReadResultDefinition();
Esempio n. 4
OGRIngresResultLayer::OGRIngresResultLayer( OGRIngresDataSource *poDSIn,
                                            const char * pszRawQueryIn,
                                            OGRIngresStatement *poResultSetIn )
    poDS = poDSIn;

    iNextShapeId = 0;

    pszRawStatement = CPLStrdup(pszRawQueryIn);

    poResultSet = poResultSetIn;


    poFeatureDefn = ReadResultDefinition();
    nFeatureCount = 0;
Esempio n. 5
OGRPGResultLayer::OGRPGResultLayer( OGRPGDataSource *poDSIn, 
                                    const char * pszRawQueryIn,
                                    PGresult *hInitialResultIn )
    poDS = poDSIn;

    iNextShapeId = 0;

    pszRawStatement = CPLStrdup(pszRawQueryIn);

    osWHERE = "";



    pszGeomTableName = NULL;
    pszGeomTableSchemaName = NULL;

    /* Find at which index the geometry column is */
    /* and prepare a request to identify not-nullable fields */
    int iGeomCol = -1;
    CPLString osRequest;
    std::map< std::pair<int,int>, int> oMapAttributeToFieldIndex;

    int iRawField;
    for( iRawField = 0; iRawField < PQnfields(hInitialResultIn); iRawField++ )
        if( poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldCount() == 1 &&
                poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldDefn(0)->GetNameRef()) == 0 )
            iGeomCol = iRawField;

        Oid tableOID = PQftable(hInitialResultIn, iRawField);
        int tableCol = PQftablecol(hInitialResultIn, iRawField);
        if( tableOID != InvalidOid && tableCol > 0 )
            if( osRequest.size() )
                osRequest += " OR ";
            osRequest += "(attrelid = ";
            osRequest += CPLSPrintf("%d", tableOID); 
            osRequest += " AND attnum = ";
            osRequest += CPLSPrintf("%d)", tableCol); 
            oMapAttributeToFieldIndex[std::pair<int,int>(tableOID,tableCol)] = iRawField;

    if( osRequest.size() )
        osRequest = "SELECT attnum, attrelid FROM pg_attribute WHERE attnotnull = 't' AND (" + osRequest + ")";
        PGresult* hResult = OGRPG_PQexec(poDS->GetPGConn(), osRequest );
        if( hResult && PQresultStatus(hResult) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
            int iCol;
            for( iCol = 0; iCol < PQntuples(hResult); iCol++ )
                const char* pszAttNum = PQgetvalue(hResult,iCol,0);
                const char* pszAttRelid = PQgetvalue(hResult,iCol,1);
                int iRawField = oMapAttributeToFieldIndex[std::pair<int,int>(atoi(pszAttRelid),atoi(pszAttNum))];
                const char* pszFieldname = PQfname(hInitialResultIn,iRawField);
                int iFieldIdx = poFeatureDefn->GetFieldIndex(pszFieldname);
                if( iFieldIdx >= 0 )
                    iFieldIdx = poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldIndex(pszFieldname);
                    if( iFieldIdx >= 0 )
        OGRPGClearResult( hResult );

#ifndef PG_PRE74
    /* Determine the table from which the geometry column is extracted */
    if (iGeomCol != -1)
        Oid tableOID = PQftable(hInitialResultIn, iGeomCol);
        if (tableOID != InvalidOid)
            CPLString osGetTableName;
            osGetTableName.Printf("SELECT c.relname, n.nspname FROM pg_class c "
                                  "JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace=n.oid WHERE c.oid = %d ", tableOID);
            PGresult* hTableNameResult = OGRPG_PQexec(poDS->GetPGConn(), osGetTableName );
            if( hTableNameResult && PQresultStatus(hTableNameResult) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
                if ( PQntuples(hTableNameResult) > 0 )
                    pszGeomTableName = CPLStrdup(PQgetvalue(hTableNameResult,0,0));
                    pszGeomTableSchemaName = CPLStrdup(PQgetvalue(hTableNameResult,0,1));
            OGRPGClearResult( hTableNameResult );