void ExamineGridNoForSlantRoofExtraGraphic( INT32 sCheckGridNo ) { LEVELNODE *pNode = NULL; STRUCTURE *pStructure, *pBase; UINT8 ubLoop; DB_STRUCTURE_TILE ** ppTile; INT32 sGridNo; UINT16 usIndex; BOOLEAN fChanged = FALSE; // CHECK FOR A SLANTED ROOF HERE.... pStructure = FindStructure( sCheckGridNo, STRUCTURE_SLANTED_ROOF ); if ( pStructure != NULL ) { // We have a slanted roof here ... find base and remove... pBase = FindBaseStructure( pStructure ); // Get LEVELNODE for struct and remove! pNode = FindLevelNodeBasedOnStructure( pBase->sGridNo, pBase ); // Loop through each gridno and see if revealed.... for ( ubLoop = 0; ubLoop < pBase->pDBStructureRef->pDBStructure->ubNumberOfTiles; ubLoop++ ) { ppTile = pBase->pDBStructureRef->ppTile; #if 0//dnl ch83 080114 sGridNo = pBase->sGridNo + ppTile[ ubLoop ]->sPosRelToBase; #else sGridNo = AddPosRelToBase(pBase->sGridNo, ppTile[ubLoop]); #endif if (sGridNo < 0 || sGridNo > WORLD_MAX) { continue; } // Given gridno, // IF NOT REVEALED AND HIDDEN.... if ( !( gpWorldLevelData[ sGridNo ].uiFlags & MAPELEMENT_REVEALED ) && pNode->uiFlags & LEVELNODE_HIDDEN ) { // Add graphic if one does not already exist.... if ( !TypeExistsInRoofLayer( sGridNo, SLANTROOFCEILING, &usIndex ) ) { // Add AddRoofToHead( sGridNo, SLANTROOFCEILING1 ); fChanged = TRUE; } } // Revealed? if ( gpWorldLevelData[ sGridNo ].uiFlags & MAPELEMENT_REVEALED ) { ///Remove any slant roof items if they exist if ( TypeExistsInRoofLayer( sGridNo, SLANTROOFCEILING, &usIndex ) ) { RemoveRoof( sGridNo, usIndex ); fChanged = TRUE; } } } } if ( fChanged ) { // DIRTY THE WORLD! InvalidateWorldRedundency(); SetRenderFlags(RENDER_FLAG_FULL ); } }
void DeleteAniTile( ANITILE *pAniTile ) { ANITILE *pAniNode = NULL; ANITILE *pOldAniNode = NULL; TILE_ELEMENT *TileElem; pAniNode = pAniTileHead; while( pAniNode!= NULL ) { if ( pAniNode == pAniTile ) { // OK, set links // Check for head or tail if ( pOldAniNode == NULL ) { // It's the head pAniTileHead = pAniTile->pNext; } else { pOldAniNode->pNext = pAniNode->pNext; } if ( !(pAniNode->uiFlags & ANITILE_EXISTINGTILE ) ) { // Delete memory assosiated with item switch( pAniNode->ubLevelID ) { case ANI_STRUCT_LEVEL: RemoveStructFromLevelNode( pAniNode->sGridNo, pAniNode->pLevelNode ); break; case ANI_SHADOW_LEVEL: RemoveShadowFromLevelNode( pAniNode->sGridNo, pAniNode->pLevelNode ); break; case ANI_OBJECT_LEVEL: RemoveObject( pAniNode->sGridNo, pAniNode->usTileIndex ); break; case ANI_ROOF_LEVEL: RemoveRoof( pAniNode->sGridNo, pAniNode->usTileIndex ); break; case ANI_ONROOF_LEVEL: RemoveOnRoof( pAniNode->sGridNo, pAniNode->usTileIndex ); break; case ANI_TOPMOST_LEVEL: RemoveTopmostFromLevelNode( pAniNode->sGridNo, pAniNode->pLevelNode ); break; } if ( ( pAniNode->uiFlags & ANITILE_CACHEDTILE ) ) { RemoveCachedTile( pAniNode->sCachedTileID ); } if ( pAniNode->uiFlags & ANITILE_EXPLOSION ) { // Talk to the explosion data... RemoveExplosionData( pAniNode->uiUserData3 ); if ( !gfExplosionQueueActive ) { // turn on sighting again // the explosion queue handles all this at the end of the queue gTacticalStatus.uiFlags &= (~DISALLOW_SIGHT); } // Freeup attacker from explosion DebugMsg( TOPIC_JA2, DBG_LEVEL_3, String("@@@@@@@ Reducing attacker busy count..., EXPLOSION effect gone off") ); ReduceAttackBusyCount( (UINT8)pAniNode->ubUserData2, FALSE ); } if ( pAniNode->uiFlags & ANITILE_RELEASE_ATTACKER_WHEN_DONE ) { // First delete the bullet! RemoveBullet( pAniNode->uiUserData3 ); DebugMsg( TOPIC_JA2, DBG_LEVEL_3, String("@@@@@@@ Freeing up attacker - miss finished animation") ); FreeUpAttacker( (UINT8) pAniNode->ubAttackerMissed ); } } else { TileElem = &( gTileDatabase[ pAniNode->usTileIndex ] ); // OK, update existing tile usIndex.... Assert( TileElem->pAnimData != NULL ); pAniNode->pLevelNode->usIndex = TileElem->pAnimData->pusFrames[ pAniNode->pLevelNode->sCurrentFrame ]; // OK, set our frame data back to zero.... pAniNode->pLevelNode->sCurrentFrame = 0; // Set some flags to write to Z / update save buffer // pAniNode->pLevelNode->uiFlags |=( LEVELNODE_LASTDYNAMIC | LEVELNODE_UPDATESAVEBUFFERONCE ); pAniNode->pLevelNode->uiFlags &= ~( LEVELNODE_DYNAMIC | LEVELNODE_USEZ | LEVELNODE_ANIMATION ); if (pAniNode->uiFlags & ANITILE_DOOR) { // unset door busy! DOOR_STATUS * pDoorStatus; pDoorStatus = GetDoorStatus( pAniNode->sGridNo ); if (pDoorStatus) { pDoorStatus->ubFlags &= ~(DOOR_BUSY); } if ( GridNoOnScreen( pAniNode->sGridNo ) ) { SetRenderFlags(RENDER_FLAG_FULL); } } } MemFree( pAniNode ); return; } pOldAniNode = pAniNode; pAniNode = pAniNode->pNext; } }