Esempio n. 1
bool SDFfile::ReadHeader() {
  if (!IsOpen()) return true;
  // Read title
  title_ = GetLine();
  RemoveTrailingWhitespace( title_ );
  // Read past info and comment
  if (NextLine() == 0) return true;
  if (NextLine() == 0) return true;
  // Read Connection table
  const char* ptr = NextLine();
  if (ptr == 0) return true;
  if (sscanf(ptr, "%i %i", &Natoms_, &Nbonds_) != 2) return true;
  return false;
Esempio n. 2
bool Traj_Gro::ID_TrajFormat(CpptrajFile& infile) {
    // Title line, atoms line, then resnum, resname, atomname, atomnum, X, Y, Z
    if (infile.OpenFile()) return false;
    int nread = 0;
    if (infile.NextLine() != 0) { // Title
        const char* ptr = infile.NextLine(); // Natom
        if (ptr != 0) {
            // Ensure only a single value on # atoms line
            std::string natom_str( ptr );
            RemoveTrailingWhitespace( natom_str );
            if (validInteger(natom_str)) {
                ptr = infile.NextLine(); // First atom
                if (ptr != 0) {
                    char resnum[6], resname[6], atname[6], atnum[6];
                    float XYZ[3];
                    nread = sscanf(ptr, "%5c%5c%5c%5c%f %f %f", resnum, resname,
                                   atname, atnum, XYZ, XYZ+1, XYZ+2);
    return (nread == 7);
Esempio n. 3
std::string NoTrailingWhitespace(std::string const& line) {
  std::string duplicate(line);
  return duplicate;
Esempio n. 4
int Traj_Gro::setupTrajin(FileName const& fnameIn, Topology* trajParm)
    float fXYZ[9];
    fname_ = fnameIn; // TODO SetupRead for BufferedLine
    // Open file for reading
    if (file_.OpenFileRead( fname_ )) return TRAJIN_ERR;
    // Read the title. May contain time value, 't= <time>'
    const char* ptr = file_.Line();
    if (ptr == 0) {
        mprinterr("Error: Reading title.\n");
        return TRAJIN_ERR;
    std::string title( ptr );
    mprintf("DBG: Title: %s\n", title.c_str());
    bool hasTime = true;
    // TODO Is it OK to assume there will never be a negative time value?
    double timeVal = GetTimeValue( ptr );
    if (timeVal < 0.0) hasTime = false;
    mprintf("DBG: Timeval= %g HasTime= %i\n", timeVal, (int)hasTime);
    // Read number of atoms
    ptr = file_.Line();
    if (ptr == 0) return TRAJIN_ERR;
    natom_ = atoi(ptr);
    if (natom_ < 1) {
        mprinterr("Error: Reading number of atoms.\n");
        return TRAJIN_ERR;
    if (natom_ != trajParm->Natom()) {
        mprinterr("Error: Number of atoms %i does not match associated parm %s (%i)\n",
                  natom_, trajParm->c_str(), trajParm->Natom());
        return TRAJIN_ERR;
    // Read first atom to see if there are velocities
    ptr = file_.Line();
    int nread = sscanf(ptr, "%*5c%*5c%*5c%*5c%f %f %f %f %f %f",
                       fXYZ, fXYZ+1, fXYZ+2, fXYZ+3, fXYZ+4, fXYZ+5);
    bool hasV = false;
    if (nread == 6)
        hasV = true;
    else if (nread != 3) {
        mprinterr("Error: Reading first atom, expected 3 or 6 coordinates, got %i\n", nread);
        return TRAJIN_ERR;
    // Read past the rest of the atoms
    for (int i = 1; i != natom_; i++)
        if (file_.Line() == 0) {
            mprinterr("Error: Reading atom %i of first frame.\n", i+1);
            return TRAJIN_ERR;
    // Attempt to read box line
    // v1(x) v2(y) v3(z) [v1(y) v1(z) v2(x) v2(z) v3(x) v3(y)]
    ptr = file_.Line();
    Box groBox;
    if (ptr != 0)
        groBox = GetBox( ptr );
    // Set trajectory information. No temperature info.
    SetCoordInfo( CoordinateInfo(groBox, hasV, false, hasTime) );
    SetTitle( title );
    // Check for multiple frames. If nothing was read above, 1 frame, no box. If
    // box info was read but nothing more can be read, 1 frame. Otherwise there
    // are more frames.
    bool hasMultipleFrames = false;
    if (ptr != 0) {
        if (groBox.Type() == Box::NOBOX) // Assume another title read.
            hasMultipleFrames = true;
        else {
            ptr = file_.Line(); // Read line after box info
            if (ptr != 0)
                hasMultipleFrames = true;
    // Set up some info for performing blank reads.
    linesToRead_ = natom_;
    if (groBox.Type() != Box::NOBOX)
        linesToRead_ += 1;
    int nframes = 1;
    if (hasMultipleFrames) {
        // Since there is no guarantee that each frame is the same size we cannot
        // just seek. Blank reads for as many times as possible. Should currently
        // be positioned at the title line of the next frame.
        while (ptr != 0 ) {
            ptr = file_.Line(); // Natoms
            int Nat = atoi(ptr);
            if (Nat != natom_) {
                mprinterr("Error: Frame %i # atoms (%i) does not match first frame (%i).\n"
                          "Error: Only reading %i frames.\n", nframes+1, Nat, natom_, nframes);
            for (int i = 0; i != linesToRead_; i++)
                ptr = file_.Line();
            if (ptr == 0) break;
            ptr = file_.Line(); // Next title or EOF
    return nframes;