Esempio n. 1
extern int ResWriteString( char *string, uint_8 use_unicode, int handle )
    size_t  stringlen;
    int     ret;

    /* if string is NULL output the null string */
    if (string == NULL) {
        string = "";

    /* the +1 is so we will output the '\0' as well */
    stringlen = strlen( string ) + 1;
    ret = ResWriteStringLen( string, use_unicode, handle, stringlen );
    return( ret );
Esempio n. 2
bool ResWriteString( const char *string, bool use_unicode, WResFileID handle )
    size_t  stringlen;
    bool    ret;

    /* if string is NULL output the null string */
    if( string == NULL ) {
        string = "";

    /* the +1 is so we will output the '\0' as well */
    stringlen = strlen( string ) + 1;
    ret = ResWriteStringLen( string, use_unicode, handle, stringlen );
    return( ret );
Esempio n. 3
void SemWriteRawDataItem( RawDataItem item )
    uint_16     num16;
    uint_32     num32;
    bool        error;

    if( item.IsString ) {
        int     len = item.StrLen;

        if( item.WriteNull ) {
        if( ResWriteStringLen( item.Item.String, item.LongItem, CurrResFile.handle, len ) ) {
            RcError( ERR_WRITTING_RES_FILE, CurrResFile.filename, LastWresErrStr() );
            ErrorHasOccured = true;
        if( item.TmpStr ) {
            RCFREE( item.Item.String );
    } else {
        if( !item.LongItem ) {
            if( (int_32)item.Item.Num < 0 ) {
                if( (int_32)item.Item.Num < SHRT_MIN ) {
                    RcWarning( ERR_RAW_DATA_TOO_SMALL, item.Item.Num, SHRT_MIN );
            } else {
                if( item.Item.Num > USHRT_MAX ) {
                    RcWarning( ERR_RAW_DATA_TOO_BIG, item.Item.Num, USHRT_MAX );
        if( !ErrorHasOccured ) {
            if( !item.LongItem ) {
                num16 = item.Item.Num;
                error = ResWriteUint16( &(num16), CurrResFile.handle );
            } else {
                num32 = item.Item.Num;
                error = ResWriteUint32( &(num32), CurrResFile.handle );
            if( error ) {
                RcError( ERR_WRITTING_RES_FILE, CurrResFile.filename, LastWresErrStr() );
                ErrorHasOccured = true;
Esempio n. 4
extern int ResOS2WriteStringTableBlock( StringTableBlock *currblock,
                                        int handle, uint_32 codepage )
    int         stringid;
    int         error;
    WResIDName  *name;
    uint_16     tmp16;
    uint_8      tmp8;
    uint_8      tmpzero = 0;

    // Write string table codepage
    tmp16 = codepage;
    error = ResWriteUint16( &tmp16, handle );
    if( error )
        return( error );

    tmp16 = 1;

    for( stringid = 0, error = FALSE; stringid < STRTABLE_STRS_PER_BLOCK
                        && !error; stringid++ ) {
        name = currblock->String[ stringid ];
        if( name == NULL ) {
            // Write an empty string
            error = ResWriteUint16( &tmp16, handle );
        } else {
            // The string can't be longer than 255 chars
            tmp8  = (name->NumChars + 1) & 0xFF;
            error = ResWriteUint8( &tmp8, handle );
            if( !error )
                error = ResWriteStringLen( name->Name, FALSE, handle, tmp8 - 1 );
            // The terminating NULL is not stored in the table, need to add it now
            if( !error )
                error = ResWriteUint8( &tmpzero, handle );

    return( error );
} /* ResOS2WriteStringTableBlock */
Esempio n. 5
static bool ResOS2WriteStringTableBlock( StringTableBlock *currblock, WResFileID fid, uint_32 codepage )
    int         stringid;
    bool        error;
    WResIDName  *name;

    // Write string table codepage
    error = ResWriteUint16( codepage, fid );
    if( error )
        return( error );

    error = false;
    for( stringid = 0; stringid < STRTABLE_STRS_PER_BLOCK && !error; stringid++ ) {
        name = currblock->String[stringid];
        if( name == NULL ) {
            // Write an empty string
            error = ResWriteUint16( 1, fid );
        } else {
            size_t  len;
            // The string can't be longer than 255 chars
            len = name->NumChars + 1;
            if( len > 255 )
                len = 255;
            error = ResWriteUint8( len, fid );
            if( !error )
                error = ResWriteStringLen( name->Name, false, fid, len - 1 );
            // The terminating NULL is not stored in the table, need to add it now
            if( !error ) {
                error = ResWriteUint8( 0, fid );

    return( error );
} /* ResOS2WriteStringTableBlock */