Esempio n. 1
** Host Query (read) for information
void OnFlashImgBeginUpload( Dci_Context* pctxt)
	int ec;

	Dci_BinaryImageTransferQuery* pbitq = (Dci_BinaryImageTransferQuery*)pctxt->pMsg;	
	// Get flash header from flash.
	ec = Flash_Hdr_Read(&s_flashHdr);
	//If we were successful in reading header initiate transfer.
	if( ec == 0x0 && Flash_Hdr_Validate( &s_flashHdr) )
		//Send back the bit params we stored previously.
		Dciproc_SendMessage1((byte*) &(s_flashHdr.bitParams), 
			sizeof( Dci_BinaryImageTransfer), false, pctxt);
		//Initialize the frame id so we can begin sending.
		s_idFrame = 0;
	else // error reply
		byte buff[MAX_MSG_SIZE];
		int lenMsg = Dci_BinaryImageTransferStatus_Init( buff, WCACOMP_FLASH, 
					pbitq->idTransfer, s_idFrame, 0, BSE_ReadError);
		Dciproc_SendMessage1(buff, lenMsg, false, pctxt);

	pctxt->bHandled = true;
*      SetImageFileName
*      The file name of the image to be transferred.
bool ImageFileHandler::OpenImageFile()
    bool fileOpened = false;
    if(mImgFile != NULL)
        mImgFile = NULL;

    FILE *imgFile = NULL;              // The image file to transfer
    // Try to open the specified file
    if(0 == fopen_s(&imgFile, mAsciiFileName, "rb+"))
       //if(fopen_s(&mImgFile, "OTATemp.img", "w+")) == 0)
       CopyFileA(mAsciiFileName, mTempFileName, FALSE);

       if(0 == fopen_s(&mImgFile, mTempFileName, "rb+"))
          fileOpened = true;

          // Try to determine the length of the specified file
          mImgFileSize = readFileLength(mImgFile);

    return (fileOpened && (mImgFileSize > 0));
Esempio n. 3
** Receive data from the Host and save to flash
void OnFlashImgDowloadFrame( Dci_Context* pctxt)
	byte buff[MAX_MSG_SIZE];
	byte *pdata;
	int lenMsg, i, nErr, ec = 0;
	byte idStatus;
	long addr;
	ushort ctPad = 0;
	Dci_BinaryImageTransferFrame* pBitf = (Dci_BinaryImageTransferFrame*) pctxt->pMsg;

	// check transfer id
	if (!IsTransferring( pBitf->idTransfer ) )
	// Check frame id and set up status.
	idStatus = (pBitf->idFrame != s_idFrame)
		? BSE_FrameError 
		: ( s_idFrame < (s_flashHdr.bitParams.ctFrames-1)) 
			? BSE_ReadyNextFrame : BSE_TransferComplete;
	/*---- write frame to EEPROM ----*/
	addr = FLASH_IMAGE_OFFSET + (pBitf->idFrame * s_flashHdr.bitParams.sizeFrame);
	pdata = Dci_BinaryImageTransferFrame_GetData(pBitf);

	//Pad the frame with zero so we have writing on even boundaries.
	if( pBitf->ctBytes < s_flashHdr.bitParams.sizeFrame)
		//Calculate the number of bytes to pad out to boundary.
		ctPad = FLASH_FRAME_SIZE - (pBitf->ctBytes & (FLASH_FRAME_SIZE-1));
		memset( pdata + pBitf->ctBytes, 0, ctPad); //zero out remaining elements.
	//Write the data and/or any padded bytes to the flash.
	ec = Flash_Write( addr, pBitf->ctBytes + ctPad, pdata);
	if( ec ) {
		idStatus = BSE_WriteError;
	//Send the current status so process can continue.
	lenMsg = Dci_BinaryImageTransferStatus_Init( buff, WCACOMP_FLASH, 
		pBitf->idTransfer, s_idFrame, pBitf->ctBytes, idStatus);
	Dciproc_SendMessage1(buff, lenMsg, false, pctxt);
	if( !ec )
	// If transfer complete finish writing whole block and header.
	if( idStatus == BSE_TransferComplete )
		//Write Flash Header with calculated check sum value.
		s_flashHdr.crc = 0x0;				//TODO Calculate Checksum
	pctxt->bHandled = true;
Esempio n. 4
** Handle Bit Status Message to report Flash Data to the Host.
void OnFlashImgUploadFrame(Dci_Context* pctxt)
	byte buff[MAX_MSG_SIZE];
	uint32 addr;
	int lenMsg;
	int ec = 0x0;
	int i;
	int nErr = 0;
	//Switch on the Status Message ID.
	Dci_BinaryImageTransferStatus *pMsg = (Dci_BinaryImageTransferStatus *) pctxt->pMsg;
	//Do not proceed if we are not actually doing a binary transfer upload.
	if( !IsTransferring( pMsg->idTransfer))
		case(BSE_InitiatingTransfer):		// Ready to send.
			// Host indicates we can start sending now (Send Enable).
			s_ctBytesRemaining = s_flashHdr.bitParams.sizeImg;

			// Continue to respond with a frame.
		case(BSE_ReadyNextFrame):			// Send next frame.
			// Send a frame of data.
				byte *pdata;
				uint16 ctBytes;
				// Compute the Flash read address.		
				addr    = FLASH_IMAGE_OFFSET +
						 ((uint32)s_idFrame * (uint32)s_flashHdr.bitParams.sizeFrame);

				ctBytes = (s_ctBytesRemaining > s_flashHdr.bitParams.sizeFrame) 
						? s_flashHdr.bitParams.sizeFrame 
						: (uint16) s_ctBytesRemaining;
				// Create Frame message and get point to read data into it.
				lenMsg = Dci_BinaryImageTransferFrame_Init( buff, WCACOMP_FLASH, 
							pMsg->idTransfer, 0, s_idFrame, ctBytes, NULL);
				pdata  = Dci_BinaryImageTransferFrame_GetData( (Dci_BinaryImageTransferFrame *)buff );
				ec 	  = Flash_Read(addr, (int)ctBytes, pdata);
				// Verify.
				#if defined(CJC_VERIFIED_THIS_GOOD)
				for(i=0; i<256; i++)
					if( *(pdata+i) != (byte)i )
				//If everything ok, send it.
				if( ec == 0x0 )
					Dciproc_SendMessage1(buff, lenMsg, false, pctxt);
					s_ctBytesRemaining -= ctBytes;
					if( s_idFrame < s_flashHdr.bitParams.ctFrames)
						break; //Done get out.
				else // Send the error message and then quit.
					// If we get here, a read error of some sort ocurred, drop out 
					// and kill the transfer operation.
					lenMsg = Dci_BinaryImageTransferStatus_Init( buff, WCACOMP_FLASH, 
								pMsg->idTransfer, s_idFrame, 0, BSE_ReadError);
					Dciproc_SendMessage1(buff, lenMsg, false, pctxt);

				//if we get here, we failed
		// Default conditions hault transfer

	pctxt->bHandled = true;