Esempio n. 1
bool iupPlotAxis::ZoomTo(double inMin, double inMax)

  iPlotCheckMinMax(inMin, inMax);

  if (inMin > mNoZoomMax || inMax < mNoZoomMin)
    return false;

  if (inMin < mNoZoomMin) inMin = mNoZoomMin;
  if (inMax > mNoZoomMax) inMax = mNoZoomMax;

  mMin = inMin;
  mMax = inMax;

  if (mMin == mNoZoomMin && mMax == mNoZoomMax)

  return true;
Esempio n. 2
bool iupPlotAxis::ZoomOut(double inCenter)
  if (inCenter < mMin || inCenter > mMax)
    return false;

  if (!mHasZoom)
    return false;

  double theRange = mMax - mMin;
  double theNewRange = theRange * 1.1; // 10%
  double theFactor = (inCenter - mMin) / theRange;
  double theOffset = (theNewRange - theRange);

  mMin -= theOffset*theFactor;
  mMax += theOffset*(1.0 - theFactor);


  if (mMin == mNoZoomMin && mMax == mNoZoomMax)

  return true;
Esempio n. 3
Getting input for actions that are the same for "editing mode" and "in game mode"
void Listener::ListenCommon()
	// -------------------- Text --------------------

	// Update info-text
	strcpy (mText, mModeName);

	// -------------------- Time measurement --------------------

	mDelta = mI->_render->getFrameTime() / 1000.0f;

	// -------------------- Get mouse position --------------------

	mMouseX = mI->_input->getMouseX();
	mMouseY = mI->_input->getMouseY();

	// -------------------- Update IndieLib cameras  --------------------

	// Update the position of the cameras
	mCameraB->setPosition		(mCameraBX, mCameraBY);
	mCameraN->setPosition		(mCameraNX, mCameraNY);
	mCameraM->setPosition		(mCameraMX, mCameraMY);
	mCameraLayers->setPosition	(mCameraLayersX, mCameraLayersY);

	// Update the zoom factor of the cameras
	mCameraB->setZoom			(mCameraZoomB);
	mCameraN->setZoom			(mCameraZoomN);
	mCameraM->setZoom			(mCameraZoomM);
	mCameraLayers->setZoom		(mCameraZoomLayers);

	// -------------------- Switch between "editing" and "in game" mode when pressing tab --------------------

	if (mI->_input->onKeyRelease (IND_TAB)) 
		if (mMode)				
			strcpy (mModeName, "In game mode");					// Set text		
			if (mBackDropNodeOver) mBackDropNodeOver->GetEntity()->showGridAreas (false);
			mMode = false;
			strcpy (mModeName, "Editing mode  |  ");			// Set text
			mMode = true;

	// -------------------- Save Map --------------------

	if (mI->_input->isKeyPressed (IND_LCTRL) && mI->_input->onKeyPress (IND_S))
		mMap->SaveMap (mResources->GetTilesetPath());

	// -------------------- New Map --------------------

	if (mI->_input->isKeyPressed (IND_LCTRL) && mI->_input->onKeyPress (IND_N))
		char *mTilesetPath = mMap->GetPathToTileset ();
		if (mTilesetPath)
			// We try to load a new tileset
			if (mResources->LoadTileset (mTilesetPath))
				DeleteBackDropBrushes();			// Delete old brushes. TODO-> Check is the tileset is already loaded
				CreateBackDropBrushes();			// Create the new brushes using the new loaded tileset
				mMap->FreeMap();					// Free old map
				exit (0);							// Just exit if we can't load it: TODO -> Show a message

	// -------------------- Load Map --------------------

	if (mI->_input->isKeyPressed (IND_LCTRL) && mI->_input->onKeyPress (IND_L))
		// Try to load the map
		if (mMap->LoadMap (mResources))
			DeleteBackDropBrushes();				// Delete old brushes. TODO-> Check is the tileset is already loaded
			CreateBackDropBrushes();				// Create the new brushes using the new loaded tileset
			exit (0);								// Just exit if we can't load it: TODO -> Show a message

	// -------------------- Camera position --------------------

	// The camera movement is time dependent, each camera has a different speed

	if (mI->_input->isKeyPressed	(IND_A))
		mCameraBX		-= CAMERA_SPEED_B		* mDelta;
		mCameraNX		-= CAMERA_SPEED_N		* mDelta;
		mCameraMX		-= CAMERA_SPEED_M		* mDelta;
		mCameraLayersX	-= CAMERA_SPEED_LAYERS	* mDelta;

	if (mI->_input->isKeyPressed	(IND_D))
		mCameraBX		+= CAMERA_SPEED_B		* mDelta;
		mCameraNX		+= CAMERA_SPEED_N		* mDelta;
		mCameraMX		+= CAMERA_SPEED_M		* mDelta;
		mCameraLayersX	+= CAMERA_SPEED_LAYERS	* mDelta;

	if (mI->_input->isKeyPressed	(IND_W))
		mCameraBY		-= CAMERA_SPEED_B		* mDelta;
		mCameraNY		-= CAMERA_SPEED_N		* mDelta;
		mCameraMY		-= CAMERA_SPEED_M		* mDelta;
		mCameraLayersY	-= CAMERA_SPEED_LAYERS	* mDelta;

	if (mI->_input->isKeyPressed	(IND_S))
		mCameraBY		+= CAMERA_SPEED_B		* mDelta;
		mCameraNY		+= CAMERA_SPEED_N		* mDelta;
		mCameraMY		+= CAMERA_SPEED_M		* mDelta;
		mCameraLayersY	+= CAMERA_SPEED_LAYERS	* mDelta;

	// -------------------- Camera zoom --------------------

	// Zoom in
	if (mI->_input->isKeyPressed	(IND_KEYUP))		
		mCameraZoomB		+= (DIST_CAMERA_B		* mDelta) / 1000;
		mCameraZoomN		+= (DIST_CAMERA_N		* mDelta) / 1000;
		mCameraZoomM		+= (DIST_CAMERA_M		* mDelta) / 1000;
		mCameraZoomLayers	+= (DIST_CAMERA_LAYERS	* mDelta) / 1000;	

	// Zoom out
	if (mCameraZoomB > 0) // Avoid too much zoom-out 
		if (mI->_input->isKeyPressed	(IND_KEYDOWN))	
			mCameraZoomB		-= (DIST_CAMERA_B		* mDelta) / 1000;
			mCameraZoomN		-= (DIST_CAMERA_N		* mDelta) / 1000;
			mCameraZoomM		-= (DIST_CAMERA_M		* mDelta) / 1000;
			mCameraZoomLayers	-= (DIST_CAMERA_LAYERS	* mDelta) / 1000;	

	// reset zoom
	if (mI->_input->onKeyPress (IND_R)) ResetZoom ();

	// -------------------- Toggle full screen--------------------

	if (mI->_input->onKeyPress (IND_F1)) 
		//Toggle full screen
		IND_WindowProperties props ("",mScreenWidth,mScreenHeight, 32,0,!mI->_window->isFullScreen());
		props._fullscreen = !mI->_window->isFullScreen();
		mI->_render->reset (props);

	// -------------------- Change screen resolution --------------------

	if (mI->_input->onKeyPress (IND_F2)) 
		if (!ResetScreen (640, 480)) exit (0);

	if (mI->_input->onKeyPress (IND_F3))
		if (!ResetScreen (800, 600)) exit (0);

	if (mI->_input->onKeyPress (IND_F4))
		if (!ResetScreen (1024, 768)) exit (0);

	if (mI->_input->onKeyPress (IND_F5))
		if (!ResetScreen (1440, 900)) exit (0);
Esempio n. 4
Listener::Listener(Resources *pResources, Map *pMap) 
	// Get IndieLib instante
	mI = CIndieLib::instance();

	// Classes
	mResources = pResources;
	mMap = pMap;

	// Screen dimensions and fullscreen flag
	mScreenWidth = mI->_window->getWidth();
	mScreenHeight = mI->_window->getHeight();

	// Backdrop
	mBackDropNodeOver			= 0;			// The mouse cursor is over this backdrop
	mIsRotatingBackDrop		= false;			// Flag used when rotating a backdrop
	mIsTranslatingBackDrop	= false;			// Flag used when translating a backdrop
	mIsScalingBackDrop		= false;			// Flag used when scaling a backdrop
	mIsTintingBackDrop		= false;			// Flag used when tinting a backdrop

	// Text showed
	mText [0] = 0;		

	// Init mode = editing
	mMode =		true;							// Editing / In game
	strcpy (mModeName, "Editing mode  |  ");

	// All the backdrop objects in this editor are on one of 13 layers.
	// The first 3 layers are parallax layers, mapped to "B", "N" and "M" keys in they 
	// keyboard.
	// The following nine layers are mapped to the 1-9 keys. Layers 8-9 are the only layers that 
	// go over active entities, like the main player!
	// The final layer is the "dark layer", layer mapped to "J". Is another layer that you
	// could use in order to draw semi-translucent dark sprites in order to simulate darkness.
	// For coding all this in the editor we only need a variable called mLayer that stores
	// the number of the layer we are working on. Later, when dropping a piece, we just have
	// to check in which layer we are working and to add the IndieLib entity of the dropped node
	// to the proper layer user IndieLib Entity2dManger class, that let you choose in which layer
	// you want to add an entity. Later, in the main loop, we just render each layer, starting
	// from 0 to the last layer, using Entity2dManger::RenderEntities2d() method.
	// On the following list you can see in the first colum the number for coding the layer 
	// and in the second colum its real name.  Don't make a mistake thinking for example 
	// than the layer named "1" is coded in mLayer variable as 1:
	// 0	= b
	// 1	= n
	// 2	= m
	// 3-11 = 1-9
	// 12	= j
	mLayer =	3;	// (Layer 1)
	strcpy (mLayerName, "Layer 1 (Tiled surfaces)");

	// Camera initialization (middle of the screen area)
	mCameraLayersX = mCameraBX = mCameraNX = mCameraMX = (float) mI->_window->getWidth () / 2;
	mCameraLayersY = mCameraBY = mCameraNY = mCameraMY = (float) mI->_window->getHeight () / 2;

	// We use 4 cameras, one for each parallax scroll and one for the rest of layers
	mCameraB =		new IND_Camera2d (mCameraLayersX, mCameraLayersY);
	mCameraN =		new IND_Camera2d (mCameraLayersX, mCameraLayersY);
	mCameraM =		new IND_Camera2d (mCameraLayersX, mCameraLayersY);
	mCameraLayers =	new IND_Camera2d (mCameraLayersX, mCameraLayersY);
	mCameraGui =	new IND_Camera2d (mCameraLayersX, mCameraLayersY);

	// Set the camera zoom
	ResetZoom ();

	// Create the backdrop entities that are used to show on the screen which backdrop
	// sprite is currently as a brush and ready to be dropped.
	CreateBackDropBrushes ();
Esempio n. 5
void ImageView::OnZoomAndDragReset()
