Esempio n. 1
            std::string ResolveIgniteHome(const std::string* path, bool* found)
                if (path)
                    // 1. Check passed argument.
                    return ResolveIgniteHome0(*path, false, found);
                    // 2. Check environment variable.
                    bool envFound;
                    std::string env = GetEnv(IGNITE_HOME, &envFound);

                    if (envFound)
                        return ResolveIgniteHome0(env, false, found);

                    // 3. Check current work dir.
                    const DWORD curDirLen = GetCurrentDirectory(0, NULL);
                    char* curDir = new char[curDirLen];

                    GetCurrentDirectoryA(curDirLen, curDir);

                    std::string curDirStr = curDir;

                    delete[] curDir;

                    return ResolveIgniteHome0(curDirStr, true, found);
Esempio n. 2
        std::string ResolveIgniteHome(const std::string& path)
            // 1. Check passed argument.
            if (IsValidDirectory(path))
                return path;

            // 2. Check environment variable.
            std::string home = GetEnv(IGNITE_HOME);

            if (IsValidDirectory(home))
                return home;

            // 3. Check current work dir.
            DWORD curDirLen = GetCurrentDirectoryA(0, NULL);

            if (!curDirLen)
                return std::string();

            FixedSizeArray<char> curDir(curDirLen);

            curDirLen = GetCurrentDirectoryA(curDir.GetSize(), curDir.GetData());

            if (!curDirLen)
                return std::string();

            std::string curDirStr(curDir.GetData());

            return ResolveIgniteHome0(curDirStr);
Esempio n. 3
         * Helper function for Ignite home resolution.
         * Goes upwards in directory hierarchy and checks whether certain
         * folders exist in the path.
         * @param path Path to evaluate.
         * @return res Resolved directory. Empty string if not found.
        std::string ResolveIgniteHome0(const std::string& path)
            if (!IsValidDirectory(path))
                return std::string();

            // Remove trailing slashes, otherwise we will have an infinite loop.
            size_t last = path.find_last_not_of("/\\ ");

            if (last == std::string::npos)
                return std::string();

            std::string path0(path, 0, last + 1);

            if (LooksLikeBinaryReleaseHome(path0) || LooksLikeSourceReleaseHome(path0))
                return path0;

            // Evaluate parent directory.
            size_t slashPos = path0.find_last_of("/\\");

            if (slashPos == std::string::npos)
                return std::string();

            std::string parent(path0, 0, slashPos);

            return ResolveIgniteHome0(parent);
Esempio n. 4
             * Helper function for GG home resolution. Checks whether certain folders
             * exist in the path. Optionally goes upwards in directory hierarchy.
             * @param path Path to evaluate.
             * @param up Whether to go upwards.
             * @res Resolution result.
             * @return Resolved directory.
            std::string ResolveIgniteHome0(const std::string& path, bool up, bool* res)
                DWORD attrs = GetFileAttributesA(path.c_str());

                if (attrs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
                    // Remove trailing slashes, otherwise we will have an infinite loop.
                    std::string path0 = path;

                    while (true) {
                        char lastChar = *path0.rbegin();

                        if (lastChar == '/' || lastChar == '\\' || lastChar == ' ') {
                            size_t off = path0.find_last_of(lastChar);

                            path0.erase(off, 1);

                    std::string binStr = path0 + PROBE_BIN;
                    DWORD binAttrs = GetFileAttributesA(binStr.c_str());

                    std::string examplesStr = path0 + PROBE_EXAMPLES;
                    DWORD examplesAttrs = GetFileAttributesA(examplesStr.c_str());

                    if (binAttrs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (binAttrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) &&
                        examplesAttrs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (examplesAttrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
                        SetBoolResult(true, res);
                        return std::string(path0);

                    if (up)
                        // Evaluate parent directory.
                        size_t slashPos = path0.find_last_of("/\\");

                        if (slashPos != std::string::npos)
                            std::string parent = path0.substr(0, slashPos);

                            return ResolveIgniteHome0(parent, true, res);

                SetBoolResult(false, res);

                return std::string();
Esempio n. 5
        std::string ResolveIgniteHome(const std::string& path)
            // 1. Check passed argument.
            if (IsValidDirectory(path))
                return path;

            // 2. Check environment variable.
            std::string home = GetEnv(IGNITE_HOME);

            if (IsValidDirectory(home))
                return home;

            // 3. Check current work dir.
            FixedSizeArray<char> curDir(1024 * 16);

            char* res = getcwd(curDir.GetData(), curDir.GetSize());

            if (!res)
				return std::string();

            std::string curDirStr(curDir.GetData());

            return ResolveIgniteHome0(curDirStr);