reg_t kResCheck(EngineState *s, int argc, reg_t *argv) { Resource *res = NULL; ResourceType restype = g_sci->getResMan()->convertResType(argv[0].toUint16()); if (restype == kResourceTypeVMD) { char fileName[10]; sprintf(fileName, "%d.vmd", argv[1].toUint16()); return make_reg(0, Common::File::exists(fileName)); } if ((restype == kResourceTypeAudio36) || (restype == kResourceTypeSync36)) { if (argc >= 6) { uint noun = argv[2].toUint16() & 0xff; uint verb = argv[3].toUint16() & 0xff; uint cond = argv[4].toUint16() & 0xff; uint seq = argv[5].toUint16() & 0xff; res = g_sci->getResMan()->testResource(ResourceId(restype, argv[1].toUint16(), noun, verb, cond, seq)); } } else { res = g_sci->getResMan()->testResource(ResourceId(restype, argv[1].toUint16())); } return make_reg(0, res != NULL); }
ImageViewer(IReplayDriver *proxy, const char *filename) : m_Proxy(proxy), m_Filename(filename), m_TextureID() { if(m_Proxy == NULL) RDCERR("Unexpectedly NULL proxy at creation of ImageViewer"); m_Props.pipelineType = ePipelineState_D3D11; m_Props.degraded = false; m_FrameRecord.frameInfo.fileOffset = 0; m_FrameRecord.frameInfo.firstEvent = 1; m_FrameRecord.frameInfo.frameNumber = 1; m_FrameRecord.frameInfo.immContextId = ResourceId(); RDCEraseEl(m_FrameRecord.frameInfo.stats); create_array_uninit(m_FrameRecord.drawcallList, 1); FetchDrawcall &d = m_FrameRecord.drawcallList[0]; d.context = ResourceId(); d.drawcallID = 1; d.eventID = 1; = filename; RefreshFile(); create_array_uninit(m_PipelineState.m_OM.RenderTargets, 1); m_PipelineState.m_OM.RenderTargets[0].Resource = m_TextureID; }
bool WrappedOpenGL::Serialise_glBindSamplers(GLuint first, GLsizei count, const GLuint *samplers) { SERIALISE_ELEMENT(uint32_t, First, first); SERIALISE_ELEMENT(int32_t, Count, count); GLuint *samps = NULL; if(m_State <= EXECUTING) samps = new GLuint[Count]; for(int32_t i = 0; i < Count; i++) { SERIALISE_ELEMENT(ResourceId, id, samplers && samplers[i] ? GetResourceManager()->GetID(SamplerRes(GetCtx(), samplers[i])) : ResourceId()); if(m_State <= EXECUTING) { if(id != ResourceId()) samps[i] = GetResourceManager()->GetLiveResource(id).name; else samps[i] = 0; } } if(m_State <= EXECUTING) { m_Real.glBindSamplers(First, Count, samps); delete[] samps; } return true; }
void SoundCommandParser::initSoundResource(MusicEntry *newSound) { if (newSound->resourceId && _resMan->testResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeSound, newSound->resourceId))) newSound->soundRes = new SoundResource(newSound->resourceId, _resMan, _soundVersion); else newSound->soundRes = 0; // In SCI1.1 games, sound effects are started from here. If we can find // a relevant audio resource, play it, otherwise switch to synthesized // effects. If the resource exists, play it using map 65535 (sound // effects map) bool checkAudioResource = getSciVersion() >= SCI_VERSION_1_1; // Hoyle 4 has garbled audio resources in place of the sound resources. // The demo of GK1 has no alternate sound effects. if ((g_sci->getGameId() == GID_HOYLE4) || (g_sci->getGameId() == GID_GK1 && g_sci->isDemo())) checkAudioResource = false; if (checkAudioResource && _resMan->testResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeAudio, newSound->resourceId))) { // Found a relevant audio resource, create an audio stream if there is // no associated sound resource, or if both resources exist and the // user wants the digital version. if (_bMultiMidi || !newSound->soundRes) { int sampleLen; newSound->pStreamAud = _audio->getAudioStream(newSound->resourceId, 65535, &sampleLen); newSound->soundType = Audio::Mixer::kSpeechSoundType; } } if (!newSound->pStreamAud && newSound->soundRes) _music->soundInitSnd(newSound); }
GfxFontFromResource::GfxFontFromResource(ResourceManager *resMan, GfxScreen *screen, GuiResourceId resourceId) : _resourceId(resourceId), _screen(screen), _resMan(resMan) { assert(resourceId != -1); // Workaround: lsl1sci mixes its own internal fonts with the global // SCI ones, so we translate them here, by removing their extra bits if (!resMan->testResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeFont, resourceId))) resourceId = resourceId & 0x7ff; _resource = resMan->findResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeFont, resourceId), true); if (!_resource) { error("font resource %d not found", resourceId); } _resourceData = _resource->data; _numChars = READ_SCI32ENDIAN_UINT16(_resourceData + 2); _fontHeight = READ_SCI32ENDIAN_UINT16(_resourceData + 4); _chars = new Charinfo[_numChars]; // filling info for every char for (int16 i = 0; i < _numChars; i++) { _chars[i].offset = READ_SCI32ENDIAN_UINT16(_resourceData + 6 + i * 2); _chars[i].w = _resourceData[_chars[i].offset]; _chars[i].h = _resourceData[_chars[i].offset + 1]; } }
ReplayOutput::ReplayOutput(ReplayRenderer *parent, void *w) { m_pRenderer = parent; m_MainOutput.dirty = true; m_OverlayDirty = true; m_pDevice = parent->GetDevice(); m_OverlayResourceId = ResourceId(); RDCEraseEl(m_RenderData); m_PixelContext.wndHandle = 0; m_PixelContext.outputID = 0; m_PixelContext.texture = ResourceId(); m_PixelContext.depthMode = false; m_ContextX = -1.0f; m_ContextY = -1.0f; m_Config.m_Type = eOutputType_None; if(w) m_MainOutput.outputID = m_pDevice->MakeOutputWindow(w, true); else m_MainOutput.outputID = 0; m_MainOutput.texture = ResourceId(); m_pDevice->GetOutputWindowDimensions(m_MainOutput.outputID, m_Width, m_Height); m_FirstDeferredEvent = 0; m_LastDeferredEvent = 0; m_CustomShaderResourceId = ResourceId(); }
ResourceId ReplayRenderer::BuildCustomShader(const wchar_t *entry, const wchar_t *source, const uint32_t compileFlags, ShaderStageType type, rdctype::wstr *errors) { ResourceId id; string errs; switch(type) { case eShaderStage_Vertex: case eShaderStage_Hull: case eShaderStage_Domain: case eShaderStage_Geometry: case eShaderStage_Pixel: case eShaderStage_Compute: break; default: RDCERR("Unexpected type in BuildShader!"); return ResourceId(); } m_pDevice->BuildCustomShader(narrow(source), narrow(entry), compileFlags, type, &id, &errs); if(id != ResourceId()) m_CustomShaders.insert(id); if(errors) *errors = widen(errs); return id; }
bool WrappedOpenGL::Serialise_glNamedFramebufferTextureEXT(GLuint framebuffer, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level) { SERIALISE_ELEMENT(GLenum, Attach, attachment); SERIALISE_ELEMENT(ResourceId, id, GetResourceManager()->GetID(TextureRes(GetCtx(), texture))); SERIALISE_ELEMENT(int32_t, Level, level); SERIALISE_ELEMENT(ResourceId, fbid, (framebuffer == 0 ? ResourceId() : GetResourceManager()->GetID(FramebufferRes(GetCtx(), framebuffer)))); if(m_State < WRITING) { GLResource res = GetResourceManager()->GetLiveResource(id); if(fbid == ResourceId()) { glNamedFramebufferTextureEXT(0, Attach,, Level); } else { GLResource fbres = GetResourceManager()->GetLiveResource(fbid); glNamedFramebufferTextureEXT(, Attach,, Level); } if(m_State == READING) { m_Textures[GetResourceManager()->GetLiveID(id)].creationFlags |= eTextureCreate_RTV; } } return true; }
void D3D12Descriptor::GetRefIDs(ResourceId &id, ResourceId &id2, FrameRefType &ref) { id = ResourceId(); id2 = ResourceId(); ref = eFrameRef_Read; switch(GetType()) { case D3D12Descriptor::TypeUndefined: case D3D12Descriptor::TypeSampler: // nothing to do - no resource here break; case D3D12Descriptor::TypeCBV: id = WrappedID3D12Resource::GetResIDFromAddr(nonsamp.cbv.BufferLocation); break; case D3D12Descriptor::TypeSRV: id = GetResID(nonsamp.resource); break; case D3D12Descriptor::TypeUAV: id2 = GetResID(nonsamp.uav.counterResource); // deliberate fall-through case D3D12Descriptor::TypeRTV: case D3D12Descriptor::TypeDSV: ref = eFrameRef_Write; id = GetResID(nonsamp.resource); break; } }
TEST(ReferenceLinkerTest, LinkMangledReferencesAndAttributes) { std::unique_ptr<IAaptContext> context = test::ContextBuilder() .setCompilationPackage(u"") .setPackageId(0x7f) .setNameManglerPolicy(NameManglerPolicy{ u"", { u"" } }) .addSymbolSource(test::StaticSymbolSourceBuilder() .addPublicSymbol(u"$foo", ResourceId(0x7f010000), test::AttributeBuilder() .setTypeMask(ResTable_map::TYPE_COLOR) .build()) .build()) .build(); std::unique_ptr<ResourceTable> table = test::ResourceTableBuilder() .setPackageId(u"", 0x7f) .addValue(u"", ResourceId(0x7f020000), test::StyleBuilder().addItem(u"", ResourceUtils::tryParseColor(u"#ff0000")) .build()) .build(); ReferenceLinker linker; ASSERT_TRUE(linker.consume(context.get(), table.get())); Style* style = test::getValue<Style>(table.get(), u""); ASSERT_NE(style, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(1u, style->entries.size()); AAPT_ASSERT_TRUE(style->entries.front(); EXPECT_EQ(style->entries.front(), ResourceId(0x7f010000)); }
void Script::init(int script_nr, ResourceManager *resMan) { Resource *script = resMan->findResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeScript, script_nr), 0); if (!script) error("Script %d not found", script_nr); _localsOffset = 0; _localsBlock = NULL; _localsCount = 0; _markedAsDeleted = false; _nr = script_nr; _buf = 0; _heapStart = 0; _scriptSize = script->size; _bufSize = script->size; _heapSize = 0; _lockers = 1; if (getSciVersion() == SCI_VERSION_0_EARLY) { _bufSize += READ_LE_UINT16(script->data) * 2; } else if (getSciVersion() >= SCI_VERSION_1_1 && getSciVersion() <= SCI_VERSION_2_1) { // In SCI1.1 - SCI2.1, the heap was in a separate space from the script. We append // it to the end of the script, and adjust addressing accordingly. // However, since we address the heap with a 16-bit pointer, the // combined size of the stack and the heap must be 64KB. So far this has // worked for SCI11, SCI2 and SCI21 games. SCI3 games use a different // script format, and theoretically they can exceed the 64KB boundary // using relocation. Resource *heap = resMan->findResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeHeap, script_nr), 0); _bufSize += heap->size; _heapSize = heap->size; // Ensure that the start of the heap resource can be word-aligned. if (script->size & 2) { _bufSize++; _scriptSize++; } // As mentioned above, the script and the heap together should not exceed 64KB if (script->size + heap->size > 65535) error("Script and heap sizes combined exceed 64K. This means a fundamental " "design bug was made regarding SCI1.1 and newer games.\n" "Please report this error to the ScummVM team"); } else if (getSciVersion() == SCI_VERSION_3) { // Check for scripts over 64KB. These won't work with the current 16-bit address // scheme. We need an overlaying mechanism, or a mechanism to split script parts // in different segments to handle these. For now, simply stop when such a script // is found. // TODO: Remove this once such a mechanism is in place if (script->size > 65535) error("TODO: SCI script %d is over 64KB - it's %d bytes long. This can't " "be handled at the moment, thus stopping", script_nr, script->size); } }
bool WrappedOpenGL::Serialise_glUseProgramStages(GLuint pipeline, GLbitfield stages, GLuint program) { SERIALISE_ELEMENT(ResourceId, pipe, GetResourceManager()->GetID(ProgramPipeRes(GetCtx(), pipeline))); SERIALISE_ELEMENT(uint32_t, Stages, stages); SERIALISE_ELEMENT(ResourceId, prog, (program ? GetResourceManager()->GetID(ProgramRes(GetCtx(), program)) : ResourceId())); if(m_State < WRITING) { if(prog != ResourceId()) { ResourceId livePipeId = GetResourceManager()->GetLiveID(pipe); ResourceId liveProgId = GetResourceManager()->GetLiveID(prog); PipelineData &pipeDetails = m_Pipelines[livePipeId]; ProgramData &progDetails = m_Programs[liveProgId]; for(size_t s=0; s < 6; s++) { if(Stages & ShaderBit(s)) { for(size_t sh=0; sh < progDetails.shaders.size(); sh++) { if(m_Shaders[ progDetails.shaders[sh] ].type == ShaderEnum(s)) { pipeDetails.stagePrograms[s] = liveProgId; pipeDetails.stageShaders[s] = progDetails.shaders[sh]; break; } } } } m_Real.glUseProgramStages(GetResourceManager()->GetLiveResource(pipe).name, Stages, GetResourceManager()->GetLiveResource(prog).name); } else { ResourceId livePipeId = GetResourceManager()->GetLiveID(pipe); PipelineData &pipeDetails = m_Pipelines[livePipeId]; for(size_t s=0; s < 6; s++) { if(Stages & ShaderBit(s)) { pipeDetails.stagePrograms[s] = ResourceId(); pipeDetails.stageShaders[s] = ResourceId(); } } m_Real.glUseProgramStages(GetResourceManager()->GetLiveResource(pipe).name, Stages, 0); } } return true; }
void Script::load(ResourceManager *resMan) { Resource *script = resMan->findResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeScript, _nr), 0); assert(script != 0); uint extraLocalsWorkaround = 0; if (g_sci->getGameId() == GID_FANMADE && _nr == 1 && script->size == 11140) { // WORKAROUND: Script 1 in Ocean Battle doesn't have enough locals to // fit the string showing how many shots are left (a nasty script bug, // corrupting heap memory). We add 10 more locals so that it has enough // space to use as the target for its kFormat operation. Fixes bug // #3059871. extraLocalsWorkaround = 10; } _bufSize += extraLocalsWorkaround * 2; _buf = (byte *)malloc(_bufSize); assert(_buf); assert(_bufSize >= script->size); memcpy(_buf, script->data, script->size); // Check scripts for matching signatures and patch those, if found matchSignatureAndPatch(_nr, _buf, script->size); if (getSciVersion() >= SCI_VERSION_1_1 && getSciVersion() <= SCI_VERSION_2_1) { Resource *heap = resMan->findResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeHeap, _nr), 0); assert(heap != 0); _heapStart = _buf + _scriptSize; assert(_bufSize - _scriptSize <= heap->size); memcpy(_heapStart, heap->data, heap->size); } _exportTable = 0; _numExports = 0; _synonyms = 0; _numSynonyms = 0; if (getSciVersion() <= SCI_VERSION_1_LATE) { _exportTable = (const uint16 *)findBlockSCI0(SCI_OBJ_EXPORTS); if (_exportTable) { _numExports = READ_SCI11ENDIAN_UINT16(_exportTable + 1); _exportTable += 3; // skip header plus 2 bytes (_exportTable is a uint16 pointer) } _synonyms = findBlockSCI0(SCI_OBJ_SYNONYMS); if (_synonyms) { _numSynonyms = READ_SCI11ENDIAN_UINT16(_synonyms + 2) / 4; _synonyms += 4; // skip header } const byte* localsBlock = findBlockSCI0(SCI_OBJ_LOCALVARS); if (localsBlock) { _localsOffset = localsBlock - _buf + 4; _localsCount = (READ_LE_UINT16(_buf + _localsOffset - 2) - 4) >> 1; // half block size } } else if (getSciVersion() >= SCI_VERSION_1_1 && getSciVersion() <= SCI_VERSION_2_1) {
uint32_t ReplayOutput::PickVertex(uint32_t eventID, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t *pickedInstance) { FetchDrawcall *draw = m_pRenderer->GetDrawcallByEID(eventID); if(!draw) return ~0U; if(m_RenderData.meshDisplay.type == eMeshDataStage_Unknown) return ~0U; if((draw->flags & eDraw_Drawcall) == 0) return ~0U; MeshDisplay cfg = m_RenderData.meshDisplay; if(cfg.position.buf == ResourceId()) return ~0U; cfg.position.buf = m_pDevice->GetLiveID(cfg.position.buf); cfg.position.idxbuf = m_pDevice->GetLiveID(cfg.position.idxbuf); cfg.second.buf = m_pDevice->GetLiveID(cfg.second.buf); cfg.second.idxbuf = m_pDevice->GetLiveID(cfg.second.idxbuf); *pickedInstance = 0; if(draw->flags & eDraw_Instanced) { uint32_t maxInst = 0; if(m_RenderData.meshDisplay.showPrevInstances) maxInst = RDCMAX(1U, m_RenderData.meshDisplay.curInstance); if(m_RenderData.meshDisplay.showAllInstances) maxInst = RDCMAX(1U, draw->numInstances); for(uint32_t inst = 0; inst < maxInst; inst++) { // get the 'most final' stage MeshFormat fmt = m_pDevice->GetPostVSBuffers(draw->eventID, inst, eMeshDataStage_GSOut); if(fmt.buf == ResourceId()) fmt = m_pDevice->GetPostVSBuffers(draw->eventID, inst, eMeshDataStage_VSOut); cfg.position = fmt; uint32_t ret = m_pDevice->PickVertex(m_EventID, cfg, x, y); if(ret != ~0U) { *pickedInstance = inst; return ret; } } return ~0U; } else { return m_pDevice->PickVertex(m_EventID, cfg, x, y); } }
ResourceId ResourceId::getParentResourceId() const { if (isRelationAccess()) { return ResourceId(db_id_); } else if (isBlockAccess()) { return ResourceId(db_id_, rel_id_); } else if (isTupleAccess()) { return ResourceId(db_id_, rel_id_, block_id_); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "Database level does not have any parent level."; } }
ResourceId D3D12RenderState::GetDSVID() const { if(dsv.heap != ResourceId()) { const D3D12Descriptor *desc = DescriptorFromPortableHandle(GetResourceManager(), dsv); RDCASSERT(desc->GetType() == D3D12Descriptor::TypeDSV); return GetResID(desc->nonsamp.resource); } return ResourceId(); }
void ReplayOutput::DisplayContext() { if(m_PixelContext.outputID == 0) return; float color[4] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; m_pDevice->BindOutputWindow(m_PixelContext.outputID, false); if((m_Config.m_Type != eOutputType_TexDisplay) || (m_ContextX < 0.0f && m_ContextY < 0.0f) || (m_RenderData.texDisplay.texid == ResourceId())) { m_pDevice->RenderCheckerboard(Vec3f(0.666f, 0.666f, 0.666f), Vec3f(0.333f, 0.333f, 0.333f)); m_pDevice->FlipOutputWindow(m_PixelContext.outputID); return; } m_pDevice->ClearOutputWindowColour(m_PixelContext.outputID, color); TextureDisplay disp = m_RenderData.texDisplay; disp.rawoutput = false; disp.CustomShader = ResourceId(); if(m_RenderData.texDisplay.CustomShader != ResourceId()) disp.texid = m_CustomShaderResourceId; if((m_RenderData.texDisplay.overlay == eTexOverlay_QuadOverdrawDraw || m_RenderData.texDisplay.overlay == eTexOverlay_QuadOverdrawPass) && m_OverlayResourceId != ResourceId()) disp.texid = m_OverlayResourceId; disp.scale = 8.0f; int32_t width = 0, height = 0; m_pDevice->GetOutputWindowDimensions(m_PixelContext.outputID, width, height); float w = (float)width; float h = (float)height; disp.offx = -m_ContextX * disp.scale; disp.offy = -m_ContextY * disp.scale; disp.offx += w / 2.0f; disp.offy += h / 2.0f; disp.texid = m_pDevice->GetLiveID(disp.texid); m_pDevice->RenderTexture(disp); m_pDevice->RenderHighlightBox(w, h, disp.scale); m_pDevice->FlipOutputWindow(m_PixelContext.outputID); }
bool ReplayOutput::PickPixel(ResourceId tex, bool customShader, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t sliceFace, uint32_t mip, uint32_t sample, PixelValue *ret) { if(ret == NULL || tex == ResourceId()) return false; RDCEraseEl(ret->value_f); bool decodeRamp = false; FormatComponentType typeHint = m_RenderData.texDisplay.typeHint; if(customShader && m_RenderData.texDisplay.CustomShader != ResourceId() && m_CustomShaderResourceId != ResourceId()) { tex = m_CustomShaderResourceId; typeHint = eCompType_None; } if((m_RenderData.texDisplay.overlay == eTexOverlay_QuadOverdrawDraw || m_RenderData.texDisplay.overlay == eTexOverlay_QuadOverdrawPass) && m_OverlayResourceId != ResourceId()) { decodeRamp = true; tex = m_OverlayResourceId; typeHint = eCompType_None; } m_pDevice->PickPixel(m_pDevice->GetLiveID(tex), x, y, sliceFace, mip, sample, typeHint, ret->value_f); if(decodeRamp) { for(size_t c = 0; c < ARRAY_COUNT(overdrawRamp); c++) { if(fabs(ret->value_f[0] - overdrawRamp[c].x) < 0.00005f && fabs(ret->value_f[1] - overdrawRamp[c].y) < 0.00005f && fabs(ret->value_f[2] - overdrawRamp[c].z) < 0.00005f) { ret->value_i[0] = (int32_t)c; ret->value_i[1] = 0; ret->value_i[2] = 0; ret->value_i[3] = 0; break; } } } return true; }
TEST_F(TransactionTableTest, NormalOperations) { const AccessMode is_lock_mode = AccessMode::IsLockMode(); const AccessMode x_lock_mode = AccessMode::XLockMode(); EXPECT_EQ(TransactionTableResult::kPlacedInOwned, transaction_table_.putOwnEntry(tid_1_, ResourceId(3), is_lock_mode)); EXPECT_EQ(TransactionTableResult::kPlacedInPending, transaction_table_.putPendingEntry(tid_1_, ResourceId(5), x_lock_mode)); }
static void console_command_reload(ConsoleServer& /*cs*/, TCPSocket /*client*/, const char* json) { TempAllocator4096 ta; JsonObject obj(ta); DynamicString type(ta); DynamicString name(ta); sjson::parse(json, obj); sjson::parse_string(obj["resource_type"], type); sjson::parse_string(obj["resource_name"], name); logi("Reloading resource '%s.%s'", name.c_str(), type.c_str()); device()->reload(ResourceId(type.c_str()), ResourceId(name.c_str())); logi("Reloaded resource '%s.%s'", name.c_str(), type.c_str()); }
void CaptureContext::LoadRenames(const QString &data) { QVariantMap root = JSONToVariant(data); if(root.contains(lit("CustomResourceNames"))) { QVariantMap resources = root[lit("CustomResourceNames")].toMap(); for(const QString &str : resources.keys()) { ResourceId id; if(str.startsWith(lit("resourceid::"))) { qulonglong num = str.mid(sizeof("resourceid::") - 1).toULongLong(); memcpy(&id, &num, sizeof(num)); } else { qCritical() << "Unrecognised resourceid encoding" << str; } if(id != ResourceId()) m_CustomNames[id] = resources[str].toString(); } } }
void GfxMacIconBar::drawIcons() { // Draw the icons to the bottom of the screen byte *pal = new byte[256 * 4]; Graphics::PictDecoder *pict = new Graphics::PictDecoder(Graphics::PixelFormat::createFormatCLUT8()); uint32 lastX = 0; for (uint32 i = 0; i < _iconBarObjects.size(); i++) { uint32 iconIndex = readSelectorValue(g_sci->getEngineState()->_segMan, _iconBarObjects[i], SELECTOR(iconIndex)); Resource *res = g_sci->getResMan()->findResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeMacIconBarPictN, iconIndex + 1), false); if (!res) continue; Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = new Common::MemoryReadStream(res->data, res->size); Graphics::Surface *surf = pict->decodeImage(stream, pal); remapColors(surf, pal); g_system->copyRectToScreen((byte *)surf->pixels, surf->pitch, lastX, 200, MIN<uint32>(surf->w, 320 - lastX), surf->h); lastX += surf->w; surf->free(); delete surf; delete stream; } delete pict; delete[] pal; }
bool ReplayOutput::GetMinMax(PixelValue *minval, PixelValue *maxval) { PixelValue *a = minval; PixelValue *b = maxval; PixelValue dummy; if(a == NULL) a = &dummy; if(b == NULL) b = &dummy; ResourceId tex = m_pDevice->GetLiveID(m_RenderData.texDisplay.texid); FormatComponentType typeHint = m_RenderData.texDisplay.typeHint; uint32_t slice = m_RenderData.texDisplay.sliceFace; uint32_t mip = m_RenderData.texDisplay.mip; uint32_t sample = m_RenderData.texDisplay.sampleIdx; if(m_RenderData.texDisplay.CustomShader != ResourceId() && m_CustomShaderResourceId != ResourceId()) { tex = m_CustomShaderResourceId; typeHint = eCompType_None; slice = 0; sample = 0; } return m_pDevice->GetMinMax(tex, slice, mip, sample, typeHint, &a->value_f[0], &b->value_f[0]); }
bool ReplayOutput::GetHistogram(float minval, float maxval, bool channels[4], rdctype::array<uint32_t> *histogram) { if(histogram == NULL) return false; vector<uint32_t> hist; ResourceId tex = m_pDevice->GetLiveID(m_RenderData.texDisplay.texid); FormatComponentType typeHint = m_RenderData.texDisplay.typeHint; uint32_t slice = m_RenderData.texDisplay.sliceFace; uint32_t mip = m_RenderData.texDisplay.mip; uint32_t sample = m_RenderData.texDisplay.sampleIdx; if(m_RenderData.texDisplay.CustomShader != ResourceId() && m_CustomShaderResourceId != ResourceId()) { tex = m_CustomShaderResourceId; typeHint = eCompType_None; slice = 0; sample = 0; } bool ret = m_pDevice->GetHistogram(tex, slice, mip, sample, typeHint, minval, maxval, channels, hist); if(ret) *histogram = hist; return ret; }
reg_t SoundCommandParser::kDoSoundSetPriority(int argc, reg_t *argv, reg_t acc) { reg_t obj = argv[0]; int16 value = argv[1].toSint16(); debugC(kDebugLevelSound, "kDoSound(setPriority): %04x:%04x, %d", PRINT_REG(obj), value); MusicEntry *musicSlot = _music->getSlot(obj); if (!musicSlot) { debugC(kDebugLevelSound, "kDoSound(setPriority): Slot not found (%04x:%04x)", PRINT_REG(obj)); return acc; } if (value == -1) { uint16 resourceId = musicSlot->resourceId; // Set priority from the song data Resource *song = _resMan->findResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeSound, resourceId), 0); if (song->data[0] == 0xf0) _music->soundSetPriority(musicSlot, song->data[1]); else warning("kDoSound(setPriority): Attempt to unset song priority when there is no built-in value"); //pSnd->prio=0;field_15B=0 writeSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(flags), readSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(flags)) & 0xFD); } else { // Scripted priority //pSnd->field_15B=1; writeSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(flags), readSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(flags)) | 2); //DoSOund(0xF,hobj,w) } return acc; }
void LockerImpl<IsForMMAPV1>::getLockerInfo(LockerInfo* lockerInfo) const { invariant(lockerInfo); // Zero-out the contents lockerInfo->locks.clear(); lockerInfo->waitingResource = ResourceId(); lockerInfo->stats.reset(); _lock.lock(); LockRequestsMap::ConstIterator it = _requests.begin(); while (!it.finished()) { OneLock info; info.resourceId = it.key(); info.mode = it->mode; lockerInfo->locks.push_back(info);; } _lock.unlock(); std::sort(lockerInfo->locks.begin(), lockerInfo->locks.end()); lockerInfo->waitingResource = getWaitingResource(); lockerInfo->stats.append(_stats); }
void TextureViewer::OnEventSelected(uint32_t frameID, uint32_t eventID) { m_Core->Renderer()->AsyncInvoke([this](IReplayRenderer *) { TextureDisplay d; if(m_Core->APIProps().pipelineType == ePipelineState_D3D11) d.texid = m_Core->CurD3D11PipelineState.m_OM.RenderTargets[0].Resource; else d.texid = m_Core->CurGLPipelineState.m_FB.m_DrawFBO.Color[0]; d.mip = 0; d.sampleIdx = ~0U; d.overlay = eTexOverlay_None; d.CustomShader = ResourceId(); d.HDRMul = -1.0f; d.linearDisplayAsGamma = true; d.FlipY = false; d.rangemin = 0.0f; d.rangemax = 1.0f; d.scale = -1.0f; d.offx = 0.0f; d.offy = 0.0f; d.sliceFace = 0; d.rawoutput = false; d.lightBackgroundColour = d.darkBackgroundColour = FloatVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); d.Red = d.Green = d.Blue = true; d.Alpha = false; m_Output->SetTextureDisplay(d); GUIInvoke::call([this]() { ui->render->update(); }); }); }
ResourceId parse_resource_id(const char* json) { TempAllocator1024 ta; DynamicString str(ta); sjson::parse_string(json, str); return ResourceId(str.c_str()); }
D3D12RenderState::D3D12RenderState() { views.clear(); scissors.clear(); rts.clear(); rtSingle = false; dsv = PortableHandle(); m_ResourceManager = NULL; heaps.clear(); pipe = graphics.rootsig = compute.rootsig = ResourceId(); graphics.sigelems.clear(); compute.sigelems.clear(); topo = D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_UNDEFINED; stencilRef = 0; RDCEraseEl(blendFactor); RDCEraseEl(ibuffer); vbuffers.clear(); }
GLsync WrappedOpenGL::glFenceSync(GLenum condition, GLbitfield flags) { GLsync sync = m_Real.glFenceSync(condition, flags); GLuint name = 0; ResourceId id = ResourceId(); GetResourceManager()->RegisterSync(sync, name, id); GLResource res = SyncRes(name); if(m_State == WRITING_CAPFRAME) { Chunk *chunk = NULL; { SCOPED_SERIALISE_CONTEXT(FENCE_SYNC); Serialise_glFenceSync(sync, condition, flags); chunk = scope.Get(); } m_ContextRecord->AddChunk(chunk); } else { GetResourceManager()->AddLiveResource(id, res); } return sync; }