Esempio n. 1
  /* Run a glib GMainLoop which intercepts key and mouse button events from
     |  the top level loop.  When a mouse or key is hit in the Output drawing
     |  area, quit the loop so the top level loop can continue and use the
     |  the mouse pointer coordinates at the time of the mouse button event.
static gboolean
run_get_location_loop (const gchar * message)
  GMainLoop *loop;
  gulong button_handler, key_handler;
  gint oldObjState, oldLineState, oldBoxState;

  ghid_status_line_set_text (message);

  oldObjState = Crosshair.AttachedObject.State;
  oldLineState = Crosshair.AttachedLine.State;
  oldBoxState = Crosshair.AttachedBox.State;
  HideCrosshair (true);
  Crosshair.AttachedObject.State = STATE_FIRST;
  Crosshair.AttachedLine.State = STATE_FIRST;
  Crosshair.AttachedBox.State = STATE_FIRST;
  ghid_hand_cursor ();
  RestoreCrosshair (true);

  /* Stop the top level GMainLoop from getting user input from keyboard
     |  and mouse so we can install our own handlers here.  Also set the
     |  control interface insensitive so all the user can do is hit a key
     |  or mouse button in the Output drawing area.
  ghid_interface_input_signals_disconnect ();
  ghid_interface_set_sensitive (FALSE);

  got_location = TRUE;		/* Will be unset by hitting most keys */
  button_handler =
    g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (gport->drawing_area),
		      G_CALLBACK (loop_button_press_cb), &loop);
  key_handler =
    g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (gport->top_window),
		      G_CALLBACK (loop_key_press_cb), &loop);

  loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
  g_main_loop_run (loop);

  g_main_loop_unref (loop);

  g_signal_handler_disconnect (gport->drawing_area, button_handler);
  g_signal_handler_disconnect (gport->top_window, key_handler);

  ghid_interface_input_signals_connect ();	/* return to normal */
  ghid_interface_set_sensitive (TRUE);

  HideCrosshair (true);
  Crosshair.AttachedObject.State = oldObjState;
  Crosshair.AttachedLine.State = oldLineState;
  Crosshair.AttachedBox.State = oldBoxState;
  RestoreCrosshair (true);
  ghid_restore_cursor ();

  ghid_set_status_line_label ();

  return got_location;
Esempio n. 2
ghid_port_button_release_cb (GtkWidget * drawing_area,
			     GdkEventButton * ev, GtkUIManager * ui)
  ModifierKeysState mk;
  gboolean drag;
  GdkModifierType state;

  ghid_note_event_location (ev);
  state = (GdkModifierType) (ev->state);
  mk = ghid_modifier_keys_state (&state);

  drag = have_crosshair_attachments ();
  if (drag)
    HideCrosshair (TRUE);

  do_mouse_action(ev->button, mk + M_Release);

  if (drag)
      AdjustAttachedObjects ();
      ghid_invalidate_all ();
      RestoreCrosshair (TRUE);
      ghid_screen_update ();
  ghid_set_status_line_label ();
  g_idle_add (ghid_idle_cb, NULL);
  return TRUE;
Esempio n. 3
ghid_port_button_press_cb (GtkWidget * drawing_area,
			   GdkEventButton * ev, GtkUIManager * ui)
  ModifierKeysState mk;
  gboolean drag;
  GdkModifierType state;

  /* Reject double and triple click events */
  if (ev->type != GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) return TRUE;

  ghid_note_event_location (ev);
  state = (GdkModifierType) (ev->state);
  mk = ghid_modifier_keys_state (&state);
  ghid_show_crosshair (FALSE);
  HideCrosshair (TRUE);
  drag = have_crosshair_attachments ();

  do_mouse_action(ev->button, mk);

  ghid_invalidate_all ();
  RestoreCrosshair (TRUE);
  ghid_set_status_line_label ();
  ghid_show_crosshair (TRUE);
  if (!gport->panning)
    g_idle_add (ghid_idle_cb, NULL);
  return TRUE;
Esempio n. 4
ghid_note_event_location (GdkEventButton * ev)
  gint x, y;
  gboolean moved;

  if (!ev)
      gdk_window_get_pointer (ghid_port.drawing_area->window, &x, &y, NULL);
      event_x = x;
      event_y = y;
      event_x = ev->x;
      event_y = ev->y;
  gport->view_x = event_x * gport->zoom + gport->view_x0;
  gport->view_y = event_y * gport->zoom + gport->view_y0;

  moved = MoveCrosshairAbsolute (SIDE_X (gport->view_x), 
				 SIDE_Y (gport->view_y));
  if (moved)
      AdjustAttachedObjects ();
      RestoreCrosshair (false);
  ghid_set_cursor_position_labels ();
  return moved;
Esempio n. 5
ghid_port_drawing_area_configure_event_cb (GtkWidget * widget,
					   GdkEventConfigure * ev,
					   GHidPort * out)
  static gboolean first_time_done;

  HideCrosshair (TRUE);
  gport->width = ev->width;
  gport->height = ev->height;

  if (gport->pixmap)
    gdk_pixmap_unref (gport->pixmap);

  gport->pixmap = gdk_pixmap_new (widget->window,
				  gport->width, gport->height, -1);
  gport->drawable = gport->pixmap;

  if (!first_time_done)
      gport->colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (gport->top_window);
      gport->bg_gc = gdk_gc_new (gport->drawable);
      if (gdk_color_parse (Settings.BackgroundColor, &gport->bg_color))
	gdk_color_alloc (gport->colormap, &gport->bg_color);
	gdk_color_white (gport->colormap, &gport->bg_color);
      gdk_gc_set_foreground (gport->bg_gc, &gport->bg_color);

      gport->offlimits_gc = gdk_gc_new (gport->drawable);
      if (gdk_color_parse (Settings.OffLimitColor, &gport->offlimits_color))
	gdk_color_alloc (gport->colormap, &gport->offlimits_color);
	gdk_color_white (gport->colormap, &gport->offlimits_color);
      gdk_gc_set_foreground (gport->offlimits_gc, &gport->offlimits_color);
      first_time_done = TRUE;
      PCBChanged (0, NULL, 0, 0);
  if (gport->mask)
      gdk_pixmap_unref (gport->mask);
      gport->mask = gdk_pixmap_new (0, gport->width, gport->height, 1);
  ghid_port_ranges_scale (FALSE);
  ghid_invalidate_all ();
  RestoreCrosshair (TRUE);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 6
ghid_port_key_release_cb (GtkWidget * drawing_area, GdkEventKey * kev,
			  GtkUIManager * ui)
  gint ksym = kev->keyval;

  if (ghid_is_modifier_key_sym (ksym))
    ghid_note_event_location (NULL);

  HideCrosshair (TRUE);
  AdjustAttachedObjects ();
  ghid_invalidate_all ();
  RestoreCrosshair (TRUE);
  ghid_screen_update ();
  g_idle_add (ghid_idle_cb, NULL);
  return FALSE;
Esempio n. 7
File: report.c Progetto: thequux/pcb
static int
ReportFoundPins (int argc, char **argv, int x, int y)
  static DynamicStringType list;
  char temp[64];
  int col = 0;

  DSClearString (&list);
  DSAddString (&list, "The following pins/pads are FOUND:\n");
    PIN_LOOP (element);
      if (TEST_FLAG (FOUNDFLAG, pin))
	  sprintf (temp, "%s-%s,%c",
		   NAMEONPCB_NAME (element),
		   ((col++ % (COLUMNS + 1)) == COLUMNS) ? '\n' : ' ');
	  DSAddString (&list, temp);
    PAD_LOOP (element);
      if (TEST_FLAG (FOUNDFLAG, pad))
	  sprintf (temp, "%s-%s,%c",
		   NAMEONPCB_NAME (element), pad->Number,
		   ((col++ % (COLUMNS + 1)) == COLUMNS) ? '\n' : ' ');
	  DSAddString (&list, temp);

  HideCrosshair (false);
  gui->report_dialog ("Report", list.Data);
  RestoreCrosshair (false);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 8
ghid_port_window_enter_cb (GtkWidget * widget,
			   GdkEventCrossing * ev, GHidPort * out)
  /* printf("enter: mode: %d detail: %d\n", ev->mode, ev->detail); */

  /* See comment in ghid_port_window_leave_cb() */

  if(ev->mode != GDK_CROSSING_NORMAL && ev->detail != GDK_NOTIFY_NONLINEAR) 
      return FALSE;

  if (!ghidgui->command_entry_status_line_active)
      out->has_entered = TRUE;
      /* Make sure drawing area has keyboard focus when we are in it.
      gtk_widget_grab_focus (out->drawing_area);
  ghidgui->in_popup = FALSE;

  /* Following expression is true if a you open a menu from the menu bar, 
   * move the mouse to the viewport and click on it. This closes the menu 
   * and moves the pointer to the viewport without the pointer going over 
   * the edge of the viewport */
  if(ev->mode == GDK_CROSSING_UNGRAB && ev->detail == GDK_NOTIFY_NONLINEAR)
      ghid_screen_update ();

  if(! cursor_in_viewport)
      RestoreCrosshair (TRUE);
      cursor_in_viewport = TRUE;
  return FALSE;
Esempio n. 9
ghid_invalidate_all ()
    int eleft, eright, etop, ebottom;
    BoxType region;

    if (!gport->pixmap)

    region.X1 = MIN(Px(0), Px(gport->width + 1));
    region.Y1 = MIN(Py(0), Py(gport->height + 1));
    region.X2 = MAX(Px(0), Px(gport->width + 1));
    region.Y2 = MAX(Py(0), Py(gport->height + 1));

    eleft = Vx (0);
    eright = Vx (PCB->MaxWidth);
    etop = Vy (0);
    ebottom = Vy (PCB->MaxHeight);
    if (eleft > eright)
        int tmp = eleft;
        eleft = eright;
        eright = tmp;
    if (etop > ebottom)
        int tmp = etop;
        etop = ebottom;
        ebottom = tmp;

    if (eleft > 0)
        gdk_draw_rectangle (gport->drawable, gport->offlimits_gc,
                            1, 0, 0, eleft, gport->height);
        eleft = 0;
    if (eright < gport->width)
        gdk_draw_rectangle (gport->drawable, gport->offlimits_gc,
                            1, eright, 0, gport->width - eright, gport->height);
        eright = gport->width;
    if (etop > 0)
        gdk_draw_rectangle (gport->drawable, gport->offlimits_gc,
                            1, eleft, 0, eright - eleft + 1, etop);
        etop = 0;
    if (ebottom < gport->height)
        gdk_draw_rectangle (gport->drawable, gport->offlimits_gc,
                            1, eleft, ebottom, eright - eleft + 1,
                            gport->height - ebottom);
        ebottom = gport->height;

    gdk_draw_rectangle (gport->drawable, gport->bg_gc, 1,
                        eleft, etop, eright - eleft + 1, ebottom - etop + 1);


    hid_expose_callback (&ghid_hid, &region, 0);
    ghid_draw_grid ();
    if (ghidgui->need_restore_crosshair)
        RestoreCrosshair (FALSE);
    ghidgui->need_restore_crosshair = FALSE;
    ghid_screen_update ();
Esempio n. 10
File: report.c Progetto: thequux/pcb
static int
ReportNetLength (int argc, char **argv, int x, int y)
  double length = 0;
  char *netname = 0;
  int found = 0;

  if (ResetConnections (true))
    Draw ();
  /* NB: XYtoNetLength calls LookupConnection, which performs an undo
   *     serial number update, so we don't need to add one here.
  gui->get_coords ("Click on a connection", &x, &y);

  length = XYtoNetLength (x, y, &found);

  if (!found)
      gui->log ("No net under cursor.\n");
      return 1;

    PIN_LOOP (element);
      if (TEST_FLAG (FOUNDFLAG, pin))
	  int ni, nei;
	  char *ename = element->Name[NAMEONPCB_INDEX].TextString;
	  char *pname = pin->Number;
	  char *n;

	  if (ename && pname)
	      n = Concat (ename, "-", pname, NULL);
	      for (ni = 0; ni < PCB->NetlistLib.MenuN; ni++)
		for (nei = 0; nei < PCB->NetlistLib.Menu[ni].EntryN; nei++)
		    if (strcmp (PCB->NetlistLib.Menu[ni].Entry[nei].ListEntry, n) == 0)
			netname = PCB->NetlistLib.Menu[ni].Name + 2;
			goto got_net_name; /* four for loops deep */
    PAD_LOOP (element);
      if (TEST_FLAG (FOUNDFLAG, pad))
	  int ni, nei;
	  char *ename = element->Name[NAMEONPCB_INDEX].TextString;
	  char *pname = pad->Number;
	  char *n;

	  if (ename && pname)
	      n = Concat (ename, "-", pname, NULL);
	      for (ni = 0; ni < PCB->NetlistLib.MenuN; ni++)
		for (nei = 0; nei < PCB->NetlistLib.Menu[ni].EntryN; nei++)
		    if (strcmp (PCB->NetlistLib.Menu[ni].Entry[nei].ListEntry, n) == 0)
			netname = PCB->NetlistLib.Menu[ni].Name + 2;
			goto got_net_name; /* four for loops deep */

  HideCrosshair (false);
    int prec = Settings.grid_units_mm? 4: 2;
    if (netname)
      gui->log ("Net \"%s\" length: %.*f %s\n", netname, prec, UNIT (length));
      gui->log ("Net length: %.*f %s\n", prec, UNIT (length));
  RestoreCrosshair (false);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 11
File: report.c Progetto: thequux/pcb
static int
ReportDialog (int argc, char **argv, int x, int y)
  void *ptr1, *ptr2, *ptr3;
  int type, prec = Settings.grid_units_mm? 4: 2;
  char report[2048];

  type = SearchScreen (x, y, REPORT_TYPES, &ptr1, &ptr2, &ptr3);
  if (type == NO_TYPE)
    type =
      SearchScreen (x, y, REPORT_TYPES | LOCKED_TYPE, &ptr1, &ptr2, &ptr3);

  switch (type)
    case VIA_TYPE:
	PinTypePtr via;
#ifndef NDEBUG
	if (gui->shift_is_pressed ())
	    __r_dump_tree (PCB->Data->via_tree->root, 0);
	    return 0;
	via = (PinTypePtr) ptr2;
	  sprintf (&report[0], "VIA ID# %ld; Flags:%s\n"
		   "(X,Y) = (%.*f, %.*f) %s.\n"
		   "It is a pure hole of diameter %.*f %s.\n"
		   "Name = \"%s\"."
		   "%s", via->ID, flags_to_string (via->Flags, VIA_TYPE),
		   prec, units (via->X), prec, UNIT (via->Y),
		   prec, UNIT (via->DrillingHole),
		   EMPTY (via->Name), TEST_FLAG (LOCKFLAG,
						 via) ? "It is LOCKED.\n" :
	  sprintf (&report[0], "VIA ID# %ld;  Flags:%s\n"
		   "(X,Y) = (%.*f, %.*f) %s.\n"
		   "Copper width = %0.*f %s. Drill width = %0.*f %s.\n"
		   "Clearance width in polygons = %0.*f %s.\n"
		   "Annulus = %0.*f %s.\n"
		   "Solder mask hole = %0.*f %s (gap = %0.*f %s).\n"
		   "Name = \"%s\"."
		   "%s", via->ID, flags_to_string (via->Flags, VIA_TYPE),
		   prec, units (via->X), prec, UNIT (via->Y),
		   prec, UNIT (via->Thickness),
		   prec, UNIT (via->DrillingHole),
		   prec, UNIT (via->Clearance / 2.),
		   prec, UNIT ((via->Thickness - via->DrillingHole)/2),
		   prec, UNIT (via->Mask),
		   prec, UNIT ((via->Mask - via->Thickness)/2),
		   EMPTY (via->Name), TEST_FLAG (LOCKFLAG, via) ?
		   "It is LOCKED.\n" : "");
    case PIN_TYPE:
	PinTypePtr Pin;
	ElementTypePtr element;
#ifndef NDEBUG
	if (gui->shift_is_pressed ())
	    __r_dump_tree (PCB->Data->pin_tree->root, 0);
	    return 0;
	Pin = (PinTypePtr) ptr2;
	element = (ElementTypePtr) ptr1;

	PIN_LOOP (element);
	  if (pin == Pin)
	  sprintf (&report[0], "PIN ID# %ld; Flags:%s\n"
		   "(X,Y) = (%.*f, %.*f) %s.\n"
		   "It is a mounting hole. Drill width = %0.*f %s.\n"
		   "It is owned by element %s.\n"
		   "%s", Pin->ID, flags_to_string (Pin->Flags, PIN_TYPE),
		   prec, units (Pin->X), prec, UNIT (Pin->Y),
		   prec, UNIT (Pin->DrillingHole),
		   EMPTY (element->Name[1].TextString),
		   TEST_FLAG (LOCKFLAG, Pin) ? "It is LOCKED.\n" : "");
	  sprintf (&report[0],
		   "PIN ID# %ld;  Flags:%s\n" "(X,Y) = (%.*f, %.*f) %s.\n"
		   "Copper width = %0.*f %s. Drill width = %0.*f %s.\n"
		   "Clearance width to Polygon = %0.*f %s.\n"
		   "Annulus = %0.*f %s.\n"
		   "Solder mask hole = %0.*f %s (gap = %0.*f %s).\n"
		   "Name = \"%s\".\n"
		   "It is owned by element %s\n as pin number %s.\n"
		   Pin->ID, flags_to_string (Pin->Flags, PIN_TYPE),
		   prec, units(Pin->X), prec, UNIT(Pin->Y),
		   prec, UNIT (Pin->Thickness),
		   prec, UNIT (Pin->DrillingHole),
		   prec, UNIT (Pin->Clearance / 2.),
		   prec, UNIT ((Pin->Thickness - Pin->DrillingHole)/2),
		   prec, UNIT (Pin->Mask),
		   prec, UNIT ((Pin->Mask - Pin->Thickness)/2),
		   EMPTY (Pin->Name),
		   EMPTY (element->Name[1].TextString), EMPTY (Pin->Number),
		   TEST_FLAG (LOCKFLAG, Pin) ? "It is LOCKED.\n" : "");
    case LINE_TYPE:
	LineTypePtr line;
#ifndef NDEBUG
	if (gui->shift_is_pressed ())
	    LayerTypePtr layer = (LayerTypePtr) ptr1;
	    __r_dump_tree (layer->line_tree->root, 0);
	    return 0;
	line = (LineTypePtr) ptr2;
	sprintf (&report[0], "LINE ID# %ld;  Flags:%s\n"
		 "FirstPoint(X,Y)  = (%.*f, %.*f) %s, ID = %ld.\n"
		 "SecondPoint(X,Y) = (%.*f, %.*f) %s, ID = %ld.\n"
		 "Width = %0.*f %s.\nClearance width in polygons = %0.*f %s.\n"
		 "It is on layer %d\n"
		 "and has name \"%s\".\n"
		 line->ID, flags_to_string (line->Flags, LINE_TYPE),
		 prec, units (line->Point1.X), prec, UNIT (line->Point1.Y),
		 line->Point1.ID, prec, units (line->Point2.X), prec, UNIT (line->Point2.Y),
		 line->Point2.ID, prec, UNIT (line->Thickness),
		 prec, UNIT (line->Clearance / 2.), GetLayerNumber (PCB->Data,
							 (LayerTypePtr) ptr1),
						    line) ? "It is LOCKED.\n" :
    case RATLINE_TYPE:
	RatTypePtr line;
#ifndef NDEBUG
	if (gui->shift_is_pressed ())
	    __r_dump_tree (PCB->Data->rat_tree->root, 0);
	    return 0;
	line = (RatTypePtr) ptr2;
	sprintf (&report[0], "RAT-LINE ID# %ld;  Flags:%s\n"
		 "FirstPoint(X,Y)  = (%.*f, %.*f) %s; ID = %ld; "
		 "connects to layer group %d.\n"
		 "SecondPoint(X,Y) = (%.*f, %.*f) %s; ID = %ld; "
		 "connects to layer group %d.\n",
		 line->ID, flags_to_string (line->Flags, LINE_TYPE),
		 prec, units (line->Point1.X), prec, UNIT (line->Point1.Y),
		 line->Point1.ID, line->group1,
		 prec, units (line->Point2.X), prec, UNIT (line->Point2.Y),
		 line->Point2.ID, line->group2);
    case ARC_TYPE:
	ArcTypePtr Arc;
	BoxTypePtr box;
#ifndef NDEBUG
	if (gui->shift_is_pressed ())
	    LayerTypePtr layer = (LayerTypePtr) ptr1;
	    __r_dump_tree (layer->arc_tree->root, 0);
	    return 0;
	Arc = (ArcTypePtr) ptr2;
	box = GetArcEnds (Arc);

	sprintf (&report[0], "ARC ID# %ld;  Flags:%s\n"
		 "CenterPoint(X,Y) = (%.*f, %.*f) %s.\n"
		 "Radius = %0.*f %s, Thickness = %0.*f %s.\n"
		 "Clearance width in polygons = %0.*f %s.\n"
		 "StartAngle = %ld degrees, DeltaAngle = %ld degrees.\n"
		 "Bounding Box is (%.*f,%.*f), (%.*f,%.*f) %s.\n"
		 "That makes the end points at (%.*f,%.*f) %s and (%.*f,%.*f) %s.\n"
		 "It is on layer %d.\n"
		 "%s", Arc->ID, flags_to_string (Arc->Flags, ARC_TYPE),
		 prec, units(Arc->X), prec, UNIT(Arc->Y),
		 prec, UNIT (Arc->Width), prec, UNIT (Arc->Thickness),
		 prec, UNIT (Arc->Clearance / 2.), Arc->StartAngle, Arc->Delta,
		 prec, units (Arc->BoundingBox.X1),
		 prec, units (Arc->BoundingBox.Y1),
		 prec, units (Arc->BoundingBox.X2),
		 prec, UNIT (Arc->BoundingBox.Y2),
		 prec, units (box->X1), prec, UNIT (box->Y1),
		 prec, units (box->X2), prec, UNIT (box->Y2),
		 GetLayerNumber (PCB->Data, (LayerTypePtr) ptr1),
		 TEST_FLAG (LOCKFLAG, Arc) ? "It is LOCKED.\n" : "");
    case POLYGON_TYPE:
	PolygonTypePtr Polygon;
#ifndef NDEBUG
	if (gui->shift_is_pressed ())
	    LayerTypePtr layer = (LayerTypePtr) ptr1;
	    __r_dump_tree (layer->polygon_tree->root, 0);
	    return 0;
	Polygon = (PolygonTypePtr) ptr2;

	sprintf (&report[0], "POLYGON ID# %ld;  Flags:%s\n"
		 "Its bounding box is (%.*f,%.*f) (%.*f,%.*f) %s.\n"
		 "It has %d points and could store %d more\n"
		 "  without using more memory.\n"
		 "It has %d holes and resides on layer %d.\n"
		 "%s", Polygon->ID,
		 flags_to_string (Polygon->Flags, POLYGON_TYPE),
		 prec, units(Polygon->BoundingBox.X1),
		 prec, units(Polygon->BoundingBox.Y1),
		 prec, units(Polygon->BoundingBox.X2),
		 prec, UNIT(Polygon->BoundingBox.Y2),
		 Polygon->PointN, Polygon->PointMax - Polygon->PointN,
		 GetLayerNumber (PCB->Data, (LayerTypePtr) ptr1),
		 TEST_FLAG (LOCKFLAG, Polygon) ? "It is LOCKED.\n" : "");
    case PAD_TYPE:
	int len, dx, dy, mgap;
	PadTypePtr Pad;
	ElementTypePtr element;
#ifndef NDEBUG
	if (gui->shift_is_pressed ())
	    __r_dump_tree (PCB->Data->pad_tree->root, 0);
	    return 0;
	Pad = (PadTypePtr) ptr2;
	element = (ElementTypePtr) ptr1;

	PAD_LOOP (element);
	    if (pad == Pad)
	dx = Pad->Point1.X - Pad->Point2.X;
	dy = Pad->Point1.Y - Pad->Point2.Y;
	len = sqrt (dx*dx+dy*dy);
	mgap = (Pad->Mask - Pad->Thickness)/2;
	sprintf (&report[0], "PAD ID# %ld;  Flags:%s\n"
		 "FirstPoint(X,Y)  = (%.*f, %.*f) %s; ID = %ld.\n"
		 "SecondPoint(X,Y) = (%.*f, %.*f) %s; ID = %ld.\n"
		 "Width = %0.*f %s.  Length = %0.*f %s.\n"
		 "Clearance width in polygons = %0.*f %s.\n"
		 "Solder mask = %0.*f x %0.*f %s (gap = %0.*f %s).\n"
		 "Name = \"%s\".\n"
		 "It is owned by SMD element %s\n"
		 "  as pin number %s and is on the %s\n"
		 "side of the board.\n"
		 "%s", Pad->ID,
		 flags_to_string (Pad->Flags, PAD_TYPE),
		 prec, units (Pad->Point1.X),
		 prec, UNIT (Pad->Point1.Y), Pad->Point1.ID,
		 prec, units (Pad->Point2.X),
		 prec, UNIT (Pad->Point2.Y), Pad->Point2.ID,
		 prec, UNIT (Pad->Thickness),
		 prec, UNIT (len + Pad->Thickness),
		 prec, UNIT (Pad->Clearance / 2.),
		 prec, units (Pad->Mask), prec, UNIT (Pad->Mask + len),
		 prec, UNIT (mgap),
		 EMPTY (Pad->Name),
		 EMPTY (element->Name[1].TextString),
		 EMPTY (Pad->Number),
			    Pad) ? "solder (bottom)" : "component",
		 TEST_FLAG (LOCKFLAG, Pad) ? "It is LOCKED.\n" : "");
    case ELEMENT_TYPE:
	ElementTypePtr element;
#ifndef NDEBUG
	if (gui->shift_is_pressed ())
	    __r_dump_tree (PCB->Data->element_tree->root, 0);
	    return 0;
	element = (ElementTypePtr) ptr2;
	sprintf (&report[0], "ELEMENT ID# %ld;  Flags:%s\n"
		 "BoundingBox (%.*f,%.*f) (%.*f,%.*f) %s.\n"
		 "Descriptive Name \"%s\".\n"
		 "Name on board \"%s\".\n"
		 "Part number name \"%s\".\n"
		 "It is %.*f %s tall and is located at (X,Y) = (%.*f,%.*f)%s.\n"
		 "Mark located at point (X,Y) = (%.*f,%.*f).\n"
		 "It is on the %s side of the board.\n"
		 element->ID, flags_to_string (element->Flags, ELEMENT_TYPE),
		 prec, units(element->BoundingBox.X1),
		 prec, units (element->BoundingBox.Y1),
		 prec, units(element->BoundingBox.X2),
		 prec, UNIT (element->BoundingBox.Y2),
		 EMPTY (element->Name[0].TextString),
		 EMPTY (element->Name[1].TextString),
		 EMPTY (element->Name[2].TextString),
		 prec, UNIT (0.45 * element->Name[1].Scale * 100.),
		 prec, units(element->Name[1].X),
		 prec, units(element->Name[1].Y),
		 ",\n  but it's hidden" : "", prec, units(element->MarkX),
		 prec, units(element->MarkY),
		 TEST_FLAG (ONSOLDERFLAG, element) ? "solder (bottom)" :
		 "component", TEST_FLAG (LOCKFLAG, element) ?
		 "It is LOCKED.\n" : "");
    case TEXT_TYPE:
#ifndef NDEBUG
      if (gui->shift_is_pressed ())
	  LayerTypePtr layer = (LayerTypePtr) ptr1;
	  __r_dump_tree (layer->text_tree->root, 0);
	  return 0;
	char laynum[32];
	TextTypePtr text;
#ifndef NDEBUG
	if (gui->shift_is_pressed ())
	    __r_dump_tree (PCB->Data->name_tree[NAME_INDEX (PCB)]->root, 0);
	    return 0;
	text = (TextTypePtr) ptr2;

	if (type == TEXT_TYPE)
	  sprintf (laynum, "It is on layer %d.",
		   GetLayerNumber (PCB->Data, (LayerTypePtr) ptr1));
	sprintf (&report[0], "TEXT ID# %ld;  Flags:%s\n"
		 "Located at (X,Y) = (%.*f,%.*f) %s.\n"
		 "Characters are %0.*f %s tall.\n"
		 "Value is \"%s\".\n"
		 "Direction is %d.\n"
		 "The bounding box is (%.*f,%.*f) (%.*f, %.*f) %s.\n"
		 "%s", text->ID, flags_to_string (text->Flags, TEXT_TYPE),
		 prec, units(text->X), prec, UNIT (text->Y),
		 prec, UNIT (0.45 * text->Scale * 100.),
		 text->TextString, text->Direction,
		 prec, units(text->BoundingBox.X1),
		 prec, units(text->BoundingBox.Y1),
		 prec, units(text->BoundingBox.X2),
		 prec, UNIT (text->BoundingBox.Y2),
		 (type == TEXT_TYPE) ? laynum : "It is an element name.",
		 TEST_FLAG (LOCKFLAG, text) ? "It is LOCKED.\n" : "");
	PointTypePtr point = (PointTypePtr) ptr2;
	sprintf (&report[0], "POINT ID# %ld.\n"
		 "Located at (X,Y) = (%.*f,%.*f) %s.\n"
		 "It belongs to a %s on layer %d.\n", point->ID,
		 prec, units (point->X), prec, UNIT (point->Y),
		 (type == LINEPOINT_TYPE) ? "line" : "polygon",
		 GetLayerNumber (PCB->Data, (LayerTypePtr) ptr1));
    case NO_TYPE:
      report[0] = '\0';

      sprintf (&report[0], "Unknown\n");

  if (report[0] == '\0')
      Message (_("Nothing found to report on\n"));
      return 1;
  HideCrosshair (false);
  /* create dialog box */
  gui->report_dialog ("Report", &report[0]);

  RestoreCrosshair (false);
  return 0;