Esempio n. 1
cppbugs::MCMCObject* createMCMC(SEXP x_, vpArmaMapT& armaMap) {
    SEXP distributed_sexp;
    distributed_sexp = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("distributed"));
    SEXP class_sexp = Rf_getAttrib(x_,R_ClassSymbol);
    if(class_sexp == R_NilValue || TYPEOF(class_sexp) != STRSXP || CHAR(STRING_ELT(class_sexp,0))==NULL || strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(class_sexp,0)),"mcmc.object"))  {
        throw std::logic_error("ERROR: class attribute not defined or not equal to 'mcmc.object'.");

    if(distributed_sexp == R_NilValue) {
        throw std::logic_error("ERROR: 'distributed' attribute not defined. Is this an mcmc.object?");

    if(armaMap.count(rawAddress(x_))==0) {
        throw std::logic_error("ArmaContext not found (object should be mapped before call to createMCMC).");

    distT distributed = matchDistibution(std::string(CHAR(STRING_ELT(distributed_sexp,0))));
    cppbugs::MCMCObject* ans;

    switch(distributed) {
    // deterministic types
    case deterministicT:
        ans = createDeterministic(x_,armaMap);
    case linearDeterministicT:
        ans = createLinearDeterministic(x_,armaMap);
    case linearGroupedDeterministicT:
        ans = createLinearGroupedDeterministic(x_,armaMap);
    case logisticDeterministicT:
        ans = createLogisticDeterministic(x_,armaMap);
    // continuous types
    case normalDistT:
        ans = createNormal(x_,armaMap);
    case uniformDistT:
        ans = createUniform(x_,armaMap);
    case gammaDistT:
        ans = createGamma(x_,armaMap);
    case betaDistT:
        ans = createBeta(x_,armaMap);
    // discrete types
    case bernoulliDistT:
        ans = createBernoulli(x_,armaMap);
    case binomialDistT:
        ans = createBinomial(x_,armaMap);
        // not implemented
        ans = NULL;
        throw std::logic_error("ERROR: distribution not supported yet.");
    return ans;
Esempio n. 2
 size_t getColnamesSize() const {
   if (Rf_getAttrib(Robject, R_DimNamesSymbol) != R_NilValue &&
       VECTOR_ELT(Rf_getAttrib(Robject, R_DimNamesSymbol), 1) != R_NilValue) {
     return Rf_length(VECTOR_ELT(Rf_getAttrib(Robject, R_DimNamesSymbol), 1));
   return 0;
Esempio n. 3
/** Get the symmetric closure of a binary relation
 * @param x square logical matrix
 * @return square logical matrix
 * @version 0.2 (Marek Gagolewski)
SEXP rel_closure_symmetric(SEXP x)
    x = prepare_arg_logical_square_matrix(x, "R");
    SEXP dim = Rf_getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol);
    R_len_t n = INTEGER(dim)[0];
    int* xp = INTEGER(x);

    SEXP y = Rf_allocVector(LGLSXP, n*n);
    int* yp = INTEGER(y);
    Rf_setAttrib(y, R_DimSymbol, dim);
    Rf_setAttrib(y, R_DimNamesSymbol, Rf_getAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol)); // preserve dimnames

    for (R_len_t i=0; i<n*n; ++i) {
        if (xp[i] == NA_LOGICAL)
            Rf_error(MSG__ARG_EXPECTED_NOT_NA, "R"); // missing values are not allowed
        yp[i] = xp[i];

    for (R_len_t i=0; i<n-1; ++i) {
        for (R_len_t j=i+1; j<n; ++j) {
            if (yp[i+n*j] && !yp[j+n*i])
                yp[j+n*i] = TRUE;
            else if (yp[j+n*i] && !yp[i+n*j])
                yp[i+n*j] = TRUE;

    return y;
Esempio n. 4
SEXP check_grouped(RObject data) {
  static SEXP groups_symbol = Rf_install("groups");
  static SEXP vars_symbol = Rf_install("vars");

  // compat with old style grouped data frames
  SEXP vars = Rf_getAttrib(data, vars_symbol);
  if (!Rf_isNull(vars)) {
    DataFrame groups = build_index_cpp(data, SymbolVector(vars));
    data.attr("groups") = groups;

  // get the groups attribute and check for consistency
  SEXP groups = Rf_getAttrib(data, groups_symbol);

  // groups must be a data frame
  if (!is<DataFrame>(groups)) {
    bad_arg(".data", "is a corrupt grouped_df, the `\"groups\"` attribute must be a data frame");

  // it must have at least 1 column
  int nc = Rf_length(groups);
  if (nc <= 1) {
    bad_arg(".data", "is a corrupt grouped_df, the `\"groups\"` attribute must have at least two columns");

  // the last column must be a list and called `.rows`
  SEXP names = Rf_getAttrib(groups, R_NamesSymbol);
  SEXP last = VECTOR_ELT(groups, nc - 1);
  static String rows = ".rows";
  if (TYPEOF(last) != VECSXP || STRING_ELT(names, nc - 1) != rows) {
    bad_arg(".data", "is a corrupt grouped_df, the `\"groups\"` attribute must have a list column named `.rows` as last column");

  return data ;
Esempio n. 5
/** Get the transitive closure of a binary relation
 * @param x square logical matrix
 * @return square logical matrix
 * @version 0.2 (Marek Gagolewski)
SEXP rel_closure_transitive(SEXP x)
   x = prepare_arg_logical_square_matrix(x, "R");
   SEXP dim = Rf_getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol);
   R_len_t n = INTEGER(dim)[0];
   int* xp = INTEGER(x);

   SEXP y = Rf_allocVector(LGLSXP, n*n);
   int* yp = INTEGER(y);
   Rf_setAttrib(y, R_DimSymbol, dim);
   Rf_setAttrib(y, R_DimNamesSymbol, Rf_getAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol)); // preserve dimnames

   for (R_len_t i=0; i<n*n; ++i) {
      if (xp[i] == NA_LOGICAL)
         Rf_error(MSG__ARG_EXPECTED_NOT_NA, "R"); // missing values are not allowed
      yp[i] = xp[i];

   for (R_len_t k=0; k<n; ++k) { // Warshall's algorithm
      for (R_len_t i=0; i<n; ++i) {
         for (R_len_t j=0; j<n; ++j) {
            yp[i+n*j] = (yp[i+n*j] || (yp[i+n*k] && yp[k+n*j]));

   return y;
Esempio n. 6
 std::vector<std::string> getColnames() const {
   std::vector<std::string> ans;
   if (Rf_getAttrib(Robject, R_DimNamesSymbol) != R_NilValue &&
       VECTOR_ELT(Rf_getAttrib(Robject, R_DimNamesSymbol), 1) != R_NilValue) {
     SEXP cnames = VECTOR_ELT(Rf_getAttrib(Robject, R_DimNamesSymbol), 1);
     for (R_len_t i = 0; i < Rf_length(cnames); ++i) { ans.push_back(CHAR(STRING_ELT(cnames, i))); }
   return ans;
Esempio n. 7
cppbugs::MCMCObject* createLinearGroupedDeterministic(SEXP x_, vpArmaMapT& armaMap) {
    const int eval_limit = 10;
    cppbugs::MCMCObject* p;
    ArmaContext* x_arma = armaMap[rawAddress(x_)];

    SEXP env_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("env"));
    SEXP X_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("X"));
    SEXP b_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("b"));
    SEXP group_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("group"));

    if(x_ == R_NilValue || env_ == R_NilValue || X_ == R_NilValue || b_ == R_NilValue || group_ == R_NilValue) {
        throw std::logic_error("ERROR: createLinearDeterministic, missing or null argument.");

    // force substitutions
    X_ = forceEval(X_, env_, eval_limit);
    b_ = forceEval(b_, env_, eval_limit);
    group_ = forceEval(group_, env_, eval_limit);

    // map to arma types
    ArmaContext* X_arma = mapOrFetch(X_, armaMap);
    ArmaContext* b_arma = mapOrFetch(b_, armaMap);
    ArmaContext* group_arma = mapOrFetch(group_, armaMap);

    // little x
    if(x_arma->getArmaType() != matT) {
        throw std::logic_error("ERROR: createLinearGroupedDeterministic, x must be a real valued matrix.");

    // big X
    if(X_arma->getArmaType() != matT) {
        throw std::logic_error("ERROR: createLinearGroupedDeterministic, X must be a matrix.");

    // b -- coefs vector
    if(b_arma->getArmaType() != matT) {
        throw std::logic_error("ERROR: createLinearGroupedDeterministic, b must be a real valued matrix.");

    // group -- multilevel group
    if(group_arma->getArmaType() != ivecT) {
        throw std::logic_error("ERROR: createLinearGroupedDeterministic, group must be an integer vector.");

    switch(X_arma->getArmaType()) {
    case matT:
        p = new cppbugs::LinearGroupedDeterministic<arma::mat>(x_arma->getMat(),X_arma->getMat(),b_arma->getMat(),group_arma->getiVec());
    case imatT:
        p = new cppbugs::LinearGroupedDeterministic<arma::imat>(x_arma->getMat(),X_arma->getiMat(),b_arma->getMat(),group_arma->getiVec());
        throw std::logic_error("ERROR: createLinearGroupedDeterministic, combination of arguments not supported.");
    return p;
Esempio n. 8
cppbugs::MCMCObject* createNormal(SEXP x_,vpArmaMapT& armaMap) {
    const int eval_limit = 10;
    cppbugs::MCMCObject* p;
    ArmaContext* x_arma = armaMap[rawAddress(x_)];

    SEXP env_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("env"));
    SEXP mu_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("mu"));
    SEXP tau_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("tau"));
    SEXP observed_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("observed"));

    //Rprintf("typeof mu: %d\n",TYPEOF(mu_));

    if(x_ == R_NilValue || env_ == R_NilValue || mu_ == R_NilValue || tau_ == R_NilValue || observed_ == R_NilValue) {
        throw std::logic_error("ERROR: createNormal, missing or null argument.");

    // force substitutions
    mu_ = forceEval(mu_, env_, eval_limit);
    tau_ = forceEval(tau_, env_, eval_limit);

    bool observed = Rcpp::as<bool>(observed_);

    // map to arma types
    ArmaContext* mu_arma = mapOrFetch(mu_, armaMap);
    ArmaContext* tau_arma = mapOrFetch(tau_, armaMap);

    switch(x_arma->getArmaType()) {
    case doubleT:
        if(observed) {
            p = assignNormalLogp<cppbugs::ObservedNormal>(x_arma->getDouble(),mu_arma,tau_arma);
        } else {
            p = assignNormalLogp<cppbugs::Normal>(x_arma->getDouble(),mu_arma,tau_arma);
    case vecT:
        if(observed) {
            p = assignNormalLogp<cppbugs::ObservedNormal>(x_arma->getVec(),mu_arma,tau_arma);
        } else {
            p = assignNormalLogp<cppbugs::Normal>(x_arma->getVec(),mu_arma,tau_arma);
    case matT:
        if(observed) {
            p = assignNormalLogp<cppbugs::ObservedNormal>(x_arma->getMat(),mu_arma,tau_arma);
        } else {
            p = assignNormalLogp<cppbugs::Normal>(x_arma->getMat(),mu_arma,tau_arma);
    case intT:
    case ivecT:
    case imatT:
        throw std::logic_error("ERROR: normal must be a continuous variable type (double, vec, or mat).");
    return p;
Esempio n. 9
cppbugs::MCMCObject* createBernoulli(SEXP x_, vpArmaMapT& armaMap) {
    const int eval_limit = 10;
    cppbugs::MCMCObject* p;
    ArmaContext* x_arma = armaMap[rawAddress(x_)];

    SEXP env_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("env"));
    SEXP p_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("p"));
    SEXP observed_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("observed"));

    if(x_ == R_NilValue || env_ == R_NilValue || p_ == R_NilValue || observed_ == R_NilValue) {
        REprintf("ERROR: missing argument.");
        return NULL;

    // force substitutions
    p_ = forceEval(p_, env_, eval_limit);
    bool observed = Rcpp::as<bool>(observed_);

    // map to arma types
    ArmaContext* p_arma = mapOrFetch(p_, armaMap);

    if(p_arma->getArmaType() != doubleT && p_arma->getArmaType() != vecT && p_arma->getArmaType() != matT) {
        throw std::logic_error("ERROR: createBernoulli, p must be a continuous variable.");

    switch(x_arma->getArmaType()) {
    case doubleT:
        if(observed) {
            p = assignBernoulliLogp<cppbugs::ObservedBernoulli>(x_arma->getDouble(),p_arma);
        } else {
            p = assignBernoulliLogp<cppbugs::Bernoulli>(x_arma->getDouble(),p_arma);
    case vecT:
        if(observed) {
            p = assignBernoulliLogp<cppbugs::ObservedBernoulli>(x_arma->getVec(),p_arma);
        } else {
            p = assignBernoulliLogp<cppbugs::Bernoulli>(x_arma->getVec(),p_arma);
    case matT:
        if(observed) {
            p = assignBernoulliLogp<cppbugs::ObservedBernoulli>(x_arma->getMat(),p_arma);
        } else {
            p = assignBernoulliLogp<cppbugs::Bernoulli>(x_arma->getMat(),p_arma);
    case intT:
    case ivecT:
    case imatT:
        throw std::logic_error("ERROR: Bernoulli must be a discrete valued continuous variable type (double, vec, or mat).  This is due to an issue in armadillo.");
    return p;
Esempio n. 10
cppbugs::MCMCObject* createGamma(SEXP x_, vpArmaMapT& armaMap) {
    const int eval_limit = 10;
    cppbugs::MCMCObject* p;
    ArmaContext* x_arma = armaMap[rawAddress(x_)];

    SEXP env_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("env"));
    SEXP alpha_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("alpha"));
    SEXP beta_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("beta"));
    SEXP observed_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("observed"));

    if(x_ == R_NilValue || env_ == R_NilValue || alpha_ == R_NilValue || beta_ == R_NilValue || observed_ == R_NilValue) {
        REprintf("ERROR: missing argument.");
        return NULL;

    // force substitutions
    alpha_ = forceEval(alpha_, env_, eval_limit);
    beta_ = forceEval(beta_, env_, eval_limit);

    bool observed = Rcpp::as<bool>(observed_);

    // map to arma types
    ArmaContext* alpha_arma = mapOrFetch(alpha_, armaMap);
    ArmaContext* beta_arma = mapOrFetch(beta_, armaMap);

    switch(x_arma->getArmaType()) {
    case doubleT:
        if(observed) {
            p = assignGammaLogp<cppbugs::ObservedGamma>(x_arma->getDouble(),alpha_arma,beta_arma);
        } else {
            p = assignGammaLogp<cppbugs::Gamma>(x_arma->getDouble(),alpha_arma,beta_arma);
    case vecT:
        if(observed) {
            p = assignGammaLogp<cppbugs::ObservedGamma>(x_arma->getVec(),alpha_arma,beta_arma);
        } else {
            p = assignGammaLogp<cppbugs::Gamma>(x_arma->getVec(),alpha_arma,beta_arma);
    case matT:
        if(observed) {
            p = assignGammaLogp<cppbugs::ObservedGamma>(x_arma->getMat(),alpha_arma,beta_arma);
        } else {
            p = assignGammaLogp<cppbugs::Gamma>(x_arma->getMat(),alpha_arma,beta_arma);
    case intT:
    case ivecT:
    case imatT:
        throw std::logic_error("ERROR: gamma must be a continuous variable type (double, vec, or mat).");
    return p;
Esempio n. 11
cppbugs::MCMCObject* createUniform(SEXP x_,vpArmaMapT& armaMap) {
    const int eval_limit = 10;
    cppbugs::MCMCObject* p;
    ArmaContext* x_arma = armaMap[rawAddress(x_)];

    SEXP env_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("env"));
    SEXP lower_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("lower"));
    SEXP upper_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("upper"));
    SEXP observed_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("observed"));

    if(x_ == R_NilValue || env_ == R_NilValue || lower_ == R_NilValue || upper_ == R_NilValue || observed_ == R_NilValue) {
        REprintf("ERROR: missing argument.");
        return NULL;

    // force substitutions
    lower_ = forceEval(lower_, env_, eval_limit);
    upper_ = forceEval(upper_, env_, eval_limit);

    bool observed = Rcpp::as<bool>(observed_);

    // map to arma types
    ArmaContext* lower_arma = mapOrFetch(lower_, armaMap);
    ArmaContext* upper_arma = mapOrFetch(upper_, armaMap);

    switch(x_arma->getArmaType()) {
    case doubleT:
        if(observed) {
            p = assignUniformLogp<cppbugs::ObservedUniform>(x_arma->getDouble(),lower_arma,upper_arma);
        } else {
            p = assignUniformLogp<cppbugs::Uniform>(x_arma->getDouble(),lower_arma,upper_arma);
    case vecT:
        if(observed) {
            p = assignUniformLogp<cppbugs::ObservedUniform>(x_arma->getVec(),lower_arma,upper_arma);
        } else {
            p = assignUniformLogp<cppbugs::Uniform>(x_arma->getVec(),lower_arma,upper_arma);
    case matT:
        if(observed) {
            p = assignUniformLogp<cppbugs::ObservedUniform>(x_arma->getMat(),lower_arma,upper_arma);
        } else {
            p = assignUniformLogp<cppbugs::Uniform>(x_arma->getMat(),lower_arma,upper_arma);
    case intT:
    case ivecT:
    case imatT:
        throw std::logic_error("ERROR: uniform must be a continuous variable type (double, vec, or mat).");
    return p;
Esempio n. 12
SymbolVector GroupedDataFrame::group_vars(SEXP x) {

  static SEXP groups_symbol = Rf_install("groups");
  SEXP groups = Rf_getAttrib(x, groups_symbol);

  int n = Rf_length(groups) - 1;
  CharacterVector vars = Rf_getAttrib(groups, R_NamesSymbol);
  return SymbolVector(vars);
Esempio n. 13
 // SEXP constructor assumes an existing fts object
 // throw if fts class is missing or index is missing
 BackendBase(const SEXP x) : Robject(PROTECT(x)) {
   if (Rf_getAttrib(Robject, R_ClassSymbol) == R_NilValue) {
     throw std::logic_error("BackendBase(const SEXP x): Object has no classname.");
   if (strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(Rf_getAttrib(Robject, R_ClassSymbol), 0)), "fts") != 0) {
     throw std::logic_error("BackendBase(const SEXP x): not an fts object.");
   if (Rf_getAttrib(Robject, Rf_install("index")) == R_NilValue) {
     throw std::logic_error("BackendBase(const SEXP x): Object has no index.");
Esempio n. 14
cppbugs::MCMCObject* createDeterministic(SEXP x_, vpArmaMapT& armaMap) {
    SEXP args_;
    cppbugs::MCMCObject* p;
    ArmaContext* x_arma = armaMap[rawAddress(x_)];

    // function should be in position 1 (excluding fun/call name)
    SEXP fun_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("update.method"));
    if(fun_ == R_NilValue || (TYPEOF(fun_) != CLOSXP && TYPEOF(fun_) != BCODESXP)) {
        throw std::logic_error("ERROR: update method must be a function.");

    SEXP env_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("env"));
    if(env_ == R_NilValue || TYPEOF(env_) != ENVSXP) {
        throw std::logic_error("ERROR: bad environment passed to deterministic.");
    SEXP call_ = Rf_getAttrib(x_,Rf_install("call"));
    if(TYPEOF(call_) != LANGSXP) {
        throw std::logic_error("ERROR: function arguments not LANGSXP.");
    if(Rf_length(call_) <= 2) {
        throw std::logic_error("ERROR: function must have at least one argument.");

    // advance by 2
    args_ = CDR(call_);
    args_ = CDR(args_);

    // map to arma types
    try {
        switch(x_arma->getArmaType()) {
        case doubleT:
            p = new cppbugs::RDeterministic<double>(x_arma->getDouble(),fun_,args_,env_);
        case vecT:
            p = new cppbugs::RDeterministic<arma::vec>(x_arma->getVec(),fun_,args_,env_);
        case matT:
            p = new cppbugs::RDeterministic<arma::mat>(x_arma->getMat(),fun_,args_,env_);
        case intT:
        case ivecT:
        case imatT:
            throw std::logic_error("ERROR: deterministic must be a continuous variable type (double, vec, or mat) for now (under development).");
    } catch(std::logic_error &e) {
        return NULL;
    return p;
Esempio n. 15
SEXP vflatten_impl(SEXP x, SEXP type_) {
  if (TYPEOF(x) != VECSXP) {
    stop_bad_type(x, "a list", NULL, ".x");
  int m = Rf_length(x);

  SEXPTYPE type = Rf_str2type(CHAR(Rf_asChar(type_)));

  // Determine output size and type
  int n = 0;
  int has_names = 0;
  for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
    SEXP x_j = VECTOR_ELT(x, j);

    n += Rf_length(x_j);
    if (!has_names && !Rf_isNull(Rf_getAttrib(x_j, R_NamesSymbol))) {
      has_names = 1;

  SEXP out = PROTECT(Rf_allocVector(type, n));
  SEXP names = PROTECT(Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, n));
  if (has_names)
    Rf_setAttrib(out, R_NamesSymbol, names);

  int i = 0;
  for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
    SEXP x_j = VECTOR_ELT(x, j);
    int n_j = Rf_length(x_j);

    SEXP names_j = PROTECT(Rf_getAttrib(x_j, R_NamesSymbol));
    int has_names_j = !Rf_isNull(names_j);

    for (int k = 0; k < n_j; ++k, ++i) {
      set_vector_value(out, i, x_j, k);

      if (has_names)
        SET_STRING_ELT(names, i, has_names_j ? STRING_ELT(names_j, k) : Rf_mkChar(""));
      if (i % 1024 == 0)


  return out;
/** Read settings flags from a list
 * may call Rf_error
 * @param opts_fixed list
 * @param allow_overlap
 * @return flags
 * @version 0.4-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-12-07)
 * @version 0.4-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-12-08)
 *    add `overlap` option
uint32_t StriContainerByteSearch::getByteSearchFlags(SEXP opts_fixed, bool allow_overlap)
   uint32_t flags = 0;
   if (!isNull(opts_fixed) && !Rf_isVectorList(opts_fixed))
      Rf_error(MSG__ARG_EXPECTED_LIST, "opts_fixed"); // error() call allowed here

   R_len_t narg = isNull(opts_fixed)?0:LENGTH(opts_fixed);

   if (narg > 0) {

      SEXP names = Rf_getAttrib(opts_fixed, R_NamesSymbol);
      if (names == R_NilValue || LENGTH(names) != narg)
         Rf_error(MSG__FIXED_CONFIG_FAILED); // error() call allowed here

      for (R_len_t i=0; i<narg; ++i) {
         if (STRING_ELT(names, i) == NA_STRING)
            Rf_error(MSG__FIXED_CONFIG_FAILED); // error() call allowed here

         const char* curname = CHAR(STRING_ELT(names, i));

         if  (!strcmp(curname, "case_insensitive")) {
            bool val = stri__prepare_arg_logical_1_notNA(VECTOR_ELT(opts_fixed, i), "case_insensitive");
            if (val) flags |= BYTESEARCH_CASE_INSENSITIVE;
         } else if  (!strcmp(curname, "overlap") && allow_overlap) {
            bool val = stri__prepare_arg_logical_1_notNA(VECTOR_ELT(opts_fixed, i), "overlap");
            if (val) flags |= BYTESEARCH_OVERLAP;
         } else {
            Rf_warning(MSG__INCORRECT_FIXED_OPTION, curname);

   return flags;
Esempio n. 17
void ifaGroup::verifyFactorNames(SEXP mat, const char *matName)
	static const char *dimname[] = { "row", "col" };

	SEXP dimnames;
	Rf_protect(dimnames = Rf_getAttrib(mat, R_DimNamesSymbol));
	if (!Rf_isNull(dimnames) && Rf_length(dimnames) == 2) {
		for (int dx=0; dx < 2; ++dx) {
			SEXP names;
			Rf_protect(names = VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, dx));
			if (!Rf_length(names)) continue;
			if (int(factorNames.size()) != Rf_length(names)) {
				mxThrow("%s %snames must be length %d",
					 matName, dimname[dx], (int) factorNames.size());
			int nlen = Rf_length(names);
			for (int nx=0; nx < nlen; ++nx) {
				const char *name = CHAR(STRING_ELT(names, nx));
				if (strEQ(factorNames[nx].c_str(), name)) continue;
				mxThrow("%s %snames[%d] is '%s', does not match factor name '%s'",
					 matName, dimname[dx], 1+nx, name, factorNames[nx].c_str());
Esempio n. 18
File: r8.c Progetto: renkun-ken/R6
SEXP get_function_from_env_attrib(SEXP x, SEXP attribSym, SEXP nameSym) {
  SEXP methods_env = Rf_getAttrib(x, attribSym);
  if (isEnvironment(methods_env)) {
    return Rf_findVarInFrame(methods_env, nameSym);
  return R_NilValue;
Esempio n. 19
File: r8.c Progetto: renkun-ken/R6
SEXP subset_R8(SEXP x, SEXP name) {
  // Look in x (an environment) for the object
  SEXP nameSym = Rf_install(CHAR(STRING_ELT(name, 0)));
  SEXP foundVar = Rf_findVarInFrame(x, nameSym);
  if (foundVar != R_UnboundValue) {
    return foundVar;

  // if not found in x, look in methods
  SEXP fun = get_function_from_env_attrib(x, Rf_install("methods"), nameSym);

  // If not found in methods, search in methods2. This is present only for
  // storing private methods in a superclass.
  if (!isFunction(fun)) {
    fun = get_function_from_env_attrib(x, Rf_install("methods2"), nameSym);
  if (!isFunction(fun)) {
    return R_NilValue;

  // Make a copy of the function, with a new environment
  SEXP fun2 = PROTECT(duplicate(fun));
  SEXP eval_env = Rf_getAttrib(x, Rf_install("eval_env"));
  if (!isEnvironment(eval_env)) {
    return R_NilValue;
  SET_CLOENV(fun2, eval_env);
  return fun2;
Esempio n. 20
/** Check if a binary relation is cyclic
 * @param x square logical matrix
 * @return logical scalar
 * @version 0.2 (Marek Gagolewski)
SEXP rel_is_cyclic(SEXP x)
   x = prepare_arg_logical_square_matrix(x, "R");
   SEXP dim = Rf_getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol);
   R_len_t n = INTEGER(dim)[0];
   int* xp = INTEGER(x);

   for (int i=0; i<n*n; ++i)
      if (xp[i] == NA_LOGICAL)
         return Rf_ScalarLogical(NA_LOGICAL);

   int* helper = new int[n];
   for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
      helper[i] = 0;

   bool ret = false;
   int i=0;
   do {
      while (i < n) { if (helper[i] == 0) break; i++; } // get an unmarked node
      if (i == n) break;
      ret = rel_is_cyclic(i, xp, n, helper);
   } while(!ret);

   delete[] helper;
   return Rf_ScalarLogical(ret);
Esempio n. 21
  std::string get_single_class(SEXP x) {
    SEXP klass = Rf_getAttrib(x, R_ClassSymbol);
    if (!Rf_isNull(klass)) {
      CharacterVector classes(klass);
      return collapse_utf8(classes);

    if (Rf_isMatrix(x)) {
      return "matrix";

    switch (TYPEOF(x)) {
    case INTSXP:
      return "integer";
    case REALSXP :
      return "numeric";
    case LGLSXP:
      return "logical";
    case STRSXP:
      return "character";

    case VECSXP:
      return "list";

    // just call R to deal with other cases
    // we could call R_data_class directly but we might get a "this is not part of the api"
    klass = Rf_eval(Rf_lang2(Rf_install("class"), x), R_GlobalEnv);
    return CHAR(STRING_ELT(klass,0));
Esempio n. 22
int find_offset(SEXP x, SEXP index, int i) {
  if (!Rf_isVector(index) || Rf_length(index) != 1)
    Rf_errorcall(R_NilValue, "Index %i is not a length 1 vector", i + 1);

  int n = Rf_length(x);

  if (TYPEOF(index) == INTSXP) {
    int val = INTEGER(index)[0];

    if (val == NA_INTEGER)
      return -1;

    if (val < 0 || val >= n)
      return -1;

    return val;
  } if (TYPEOF(index) == REALSXP) {
    double val = REAL(index)[0];

    if (!R_finite(val))
      return -1;

    if (val < 0 || val >= n)
      return -1;

    return val;
  } else if (TYPEOF(index) == STRSXP) {
    SEXP names = Rf_getAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol);
    if (names == R_NilValue) // vector doesn't have names
      return -1;

    if (STRING_ELT(index, 0) == NA_STRING)
      return -1;

    const char* val = Rf_translateCharUTF8(STRING_ELT(index, 0));
    if (val[0] == '\0') // "" matches nothing
      return -1;

    for (int j = 0; j < Rf_length(names); ++j) {
      if (STRING_ELT(names, j) == NA_STRING)

      const char* names_j = Rf_translateCharUTF8(STRING_ELT(names, j));
      if (strcmp(names_j, val) == 0)
        return j;

    return -1;

  } else {
      "Don't know how to index with object of type %s at level %i",
      Rf_type2char(TYPEOF(index)), i + 1

Esempio n. 23
void getMatrixDims(SEXP r_theta, int *rows, int *cols)
    SEXP matrixDims;
    ScopedProtect p1(matrixDims, Rf_getAttrib(r_theta, R_DimSymbol));
    int *dimList = INTEGER(matrixDims);
    *rows = dimList[0];
    *cols = dimList[1];
Esempio n. 24
void getMatrixDims(SEXP r_theta, int *rows, int *cols)
    SEXP matrixDims;
    Rf_protect(matrixDims = Rf_getAttrib(r_theta, R_DimSymbol));
    int *dimList = INTEGER(matrixDims);
    *rows = dimList[0];
    *cols = dimList[1];
Esempio n. 25
 * Gets the dim attribute vector of a SEXP. This may be the only
 * place were we use R's low-level macros, and these functions
 * are not really needed anyway since the dimension info is
 * directly available from Rcpp::NumericVector, Rcpp::NumericMatrix.
std::vector<int> getRDims(SEXP s) {
    SEXP dimAttr = Rf_getAttrib(s, R_DimSymbol);
    if(dimAttr == R_NilValue)
	return std::vector<int>(0);
    int len = Rf_length(dimAttr);
    std::vector<int> dims(len);
    for(int i=0; i < len; ++i)
	dims[i] = INTEGER(dimAttr)[i];
    return dims;
Esempio n. 26
/* get the list element named str, or return NULL */
SEXP getListElement(SEXP list, const char *str)
  SEXP elmt = R_NilValue, names = Rf_getAttrib(list, R_NamesSymbol);
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < Rf_length(list); i++)
    if(strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(names, i)), str) == 0) {
      elmt = VECTOR_ELT(list, i);
  return elmt;
Esempio n. 27
File: cutil.c Progetto: cbb280/icd9
SEXP getRListOrDfElement(SEXP list_or_df, const char* element_name) {
	SEXP names = Rf_getAttrib(list_or_df, R_NamesSymbol);
	SEXP element = R_NilValue;
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < Rf_length(list_or_df); i++) {
		if (strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(names, i)), element_name) == 0) {
			element = VECTOR_ELT(list_or_df, i);
	return element;
Esempio n. 28
 std::vector<int> GetArrayDimensions(SEXP array) {
   if (!Rf_isArray(array)) {
     report_error("GetArrayDimensions called on a non-array object.");
   SEXP r_dims = PROTECT(Rf_getAttrib(array, R_DimSymbol));
   std::vector<int> dims(Rf_length(r_dims));
   int *rdims = INTEGER(r_dims);
   for (int i = 0; i < dims.size(); ++i) {
     dims[i] = rdims[i];
   return dims;
Esempio n. 29
 * used both in stri_sub and stri_sub_replacement
 * @return number of objects PROTECTEd
R_len_t stri__sub_prepare_from_to_length(SEXP& from, SEXP& to, SEXP& length,
   R_len_t& from_len, R_len_t& to_len, R_len_t& length_len,
   int*& from_tab, int*& to_tab, int*& length_tab)
   R_len_t sub_protected = 0;
   bool from_ismatrix = Rf_isMatrix(from);
   if (from_ismatrix) {
      SEXP t;
      PROTECT(t = Rf_getAttrib(from, R_DimSymbol));
      if (INTEGER(t)[1] == 1)
         from_ismatrix = false; /* it's a column vector */
      else if (INTEGER(t)[1] > 2) {
         /* error() is allowed here */
         UNPROTECT(1); // t
         Rf_error(MSG__ARG_EXPECTED_MATRIX_WITH_GIVEN_COLUMNS, "from", 2);
      UNPROTECT(1); // t

   PROTECT(from = stri_prepare_arg_integer(from, "from"));
   /* may remove R_DimSymbol */

   if (from_ismatrix) {
      from_len      = LENGTH(from)/2;
      to_len        = from_len;
      from_tab      = INTEGER(from);
      to_tab        = from_tab+from_len;
      //PROTECT(to); /* fake - not to provoke stack imbalance */
      //PROTECT(length); /* fake - not to provoke stack imbalance */
   else if (isNull(length)) {
      PROTECT(to    = stri_prepare_arg_integer(to, "to"));
      from_len      = LENGTH(from);
      from_tab      = INTEGER(from);
      to_len        = LENGTH(to);
      to_tab        = INTEGER(to);
      //PROTECT(length); /* fake - not to provoke stack imbalance */
   else {
      PROTECT(length= stri_prepare_arg_integer(length, "length"));
      from_len      = LENGTH(from);
      from_tab      = INTEGER(from);
      length_len    = LENGTH(length);
      length_tab    = INTEGER(length);
      //PROTECT(to); /* fake - not to provoke stack imbalance */
   return sub_protected;
Esempio n. 30
SEXP as_output_matrix(SEXP sMat, SEXP sNrow, SEXP sNcol, SEXP sSep, SEXP sNsep, SEXP sRownamesFlag, SEXP sConn) {
    R_xlen_t nrow = asLong(sNrow, -1);
    R_xlen_t ncol = asLong(sNcol, -1);
    if (nrow < 0 || ncol < 0)
	Rf_error("invalid/missing matrix dimensions");

    int rownamesFlag = asInteger(sRownamesFlag);

    if (TYPEOF(sSep) != STRSXP || LENGTH(sSep) != 1)
	Rf_error("sep must be a single string");
    if (TYPEOF(sNsep) != STRSXP || LENGTH(sNsep) != 1)
	Rf_error("nsep must be a single string");

    char sep = CHAR(STRING_ELT(sSep, 0))[0];
    char nsep = CHAR(STRING_ELT(sNsep, 0))[0];
    char lend = '\n';
    SEXPTYPE what = TYPEOF(sMat);
    SEXP sRnames = Rf_getAttrib(sMat, R_DimNamesSymbol);
    sRnames = isNull(sRnames) ? 0 : VECTOR_ELT(sRnames,0);
    int isConn = inherits(sConn, "connection");

    R_xlen_t row_len = ((R_xlen_t) guess_size(what)) * (R_xlen_t) ncol;

    if (rownamesFlag) row_len += 8;

    SEXP buf = dybuf_alloc(isConn ? DEFAULT_CONN_BUFFER_SIZE : (row_len * nrow), sConn);
    R_xlen_t i, j;

    for (i = 0; i < nrow; i++) {
	if (rownamesFlag) {
	    if (sRnames) {
		const char *c = CHAR(STRING_ELT(sRnames, i));
		dybuf_add(buf, c, strlen(c));
	    dybuf_add1(buf, nsep);

	for (j = 0; j < ncol; j++) {
	    R_xlen_t pos = j;
	    pos *= nrow;
	    pos += i;
	    if (j) dybuf_add1(buf, sep);
	    store(buf, sMat, pos);
	dybuf_add1(buf, lend);

    SEXP res = dybuf_collect(buf);
    UNPROTECT(1); /* buffer */
    return res;