Esempio n. 1
RaiseException(IN DWORD dwExceptionCode,
               IN DWORD dwExceptionFlags,
               IN DWORD nNumberOfArguments,
               IN CONST ULONG_PTR *lpArguments)
    // PERF_ENTRY_ONLY is used here because RaiseException may or may not
    // return. We can not get latency data without PERF_EXIT. For this reason,
    // PERF_ENTRY_ONLY is used to profile frequency only.
    ENTRY("RaiseException(dwCode=%#x, dwFlags=%#x, nArgs=%u, lpArguments=%p)\n",
          dwExceptionCode, dwExceptionFlags, nNumberOfArguments, lpArguments);

    /* Validate parameters */
    if (dwExceptionCode & RESERVED_SEH_BIT)
        WARN("Exception code %08x has bit 28 set; clearing it.\n", dwExceptionCode);
        dwExceptionCode ^= RESERVED_SEH_BIT;

    if (nNumberOfArguments > EXCEPTION_MAXIMUM_PARAMETERS)
        WARN("Number of arguments (%d) exceeds the limit "
            "EXCEPTION_MAXIMUM_PARAMETERS (%d); ignoring extra parameters.\n",
            nNumberOfArguments, EXCEPTION_MAXIMUM_PARAMETERS);
        nNumberOfArguments = EXCEPTION_MAXIMUM_PARAMETERS;

    CONTEXT *contextRecord;
    EXCEPTION_RECORD *exceptionRecord;
    AllocateExceptionRecords(&exceptionRecord, &contextRecord);

    ZeroMemory(exceptionRecord, sizeof(EXCEPTION_RECORD));

    exceptionRecord->ExceptionCode = dwExceptionCode;
    exceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags = dwExceptionFlags;
    exceptionRecord->ExceptionRecord = NULL;
    exceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress = NULL; // will be set by RtlpRaiseException
    exceptionRecord->NumberParameters = nNumberOfArguments;
    if (nNumberOfArguments)
        CopyMemory(exceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation, lpArguments,
                   nNumberOfArguments * sizeof(ULONG_PTR));

    // Capture the context of RaiseException.
    ZeroMemory(contextRecord, sizeof(CONTEXT));
    contextRecord->ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL;

    // We have to unwind one level to get the actual context user code could be resumed at.
    PAL_VirtualUnwind(contextRecord, NULL);

    exceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress = (void *)CONTEXTGetPC(contextRecord);

    RtlpRaiseException(exceptionRecord, contextRecord);

    LOGEXIT("RaiseException returns\n");
Esempio n. 2
// no PAL_NORETURN, as callers must assume this can return for continuable exceptions.
RaiseException(IN DWORD dwExceptionCode,
               IN DWORD dwExceptionFlags,
               IN DWORD nNumberOfArguments,
               IN CONST ULONG_PTR *lpArguments)
    // PERF_ENTRY_ONLY is used here because RaiseException may or may not
    // return. We can not get latency data without PERF_EXIT. For this reason,
    // PERF_ENTRY_ONLY is used to profile frequency only.
    ENTRY("RaiseException(dwCode=%#x, dwFlags=%#x, nArgs=%u, lpArguments=%p)\n",
          dwExceptionCode, dwExceptionFlags, nNumberOfArguments, lpArguments);

    /* Validate parameters */
    if (dwExceptionCode & RESERVED_SEH_BIT)
        WARN("Exception code %08x has bit 28 set; clearing it.\n", dwExceptionCode);
        dwExceptionCode ^= RESERVED_SEH_BIT;

    if (nNumberOfArguments > EXCEPTION_MAXIMUM_PARAMETERS)
        WARN("Number of arguments (%d) exceeds the limit "
            "EXCEPTION_MAXIMUM_PARAMETERS (%d); ignoring extra parameters.\n",
            nNumberOfArguments, EXCEPTION_MAXIMUM_PARAMETERS);
        nNumberOfArguments = EXCEPTION_MAXIMUM_PARAMETERS;

    EXCEPTION_RECORD exceptionRecord;
    ZeroMemory(&exceptionRecord, sizeof(EXCEPTION_RECORD));

    exceptionRecord.ExceptionCode = dwExceptionCode;
    exceptionRecord.ExceptionFlags = dwExceptionFlags;
    exceptionRecord.ExceptionRecord = NULL;
    exceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress = NULL; // will be set by RtlpRaiseException
    exceptionRecord.NumberParameters = nNumberOfArguments;
    if (nNumberOfArguments)
        CopyMemory(exceptionRecord.ExceptionInformation, lpArguments,
                   nNumberOfArguments * sizeof(ULONG_PTR));

    LOGEXIT("RaiseException returns\n");