static int SetAndCloseMap( MAP *m, const ATTRIBUTES *a) { double angle; if (! (IS_MV_REAL8(&(a->angle)))) { if (a->angle < 0) angle = -Deg2Rad(-a->angle); else angle = Deg2Rad(a->angle); } if (RuseAs(m, CR_REAL8)) goto error2; if (a->projection != PT_UNDEFINED) MputProjection(m,a->projection); if (! (IS_MV_REAL8(&(a->xUL)))) RputXUL(m, a->xUL); if (! (IS_MV_REAL8(&(a->yUL)))) RputYUL(m, a->yUL); if (! (IS_MV_REAL8(&(a->angle)))) RputAngle(m, angle); if (! (IS_MV_REAL8(&(a->cellSize)))) RputCellSize(m, a->cellSize); if(a->gisFileId != MV_UINT4) MputGisFileId(m,a->gisFileId); if (Merrno) goto error2; return 0; error2: return RetError(1,"Can not write to '%s': %s",MgetFileName(m),MstrError()); }
static int CreateMap( const char *name, const ATTRIBUTES *a) { UINT1 *buf; size_t i; double angle; MAP *m; size_t CELLMAX = (long int)(pow(2,30) - 1); if(((size_t)a->nrRows * (size_t)a->nrCols) > CELLMAX){ printf("WARNING:\n The specified amount of cells exceeds 2^30 - 1.\n Not all PCRaster applications accept maps of this size.\n"); } if (a->angle < 0) angle = -Deg2Rad(-a->angle); else angle = Deg2Rad(a->angle); m = Rcreate(name,(size_t)a->nrRows,(size_t)a->nrCols, a->cellRepr, a->valueScale, a->projection, a->xUL, a->yUL, angle, a->cellSize); if (m == NULL) goto error1; PRECOND(a->gisFileId != MV_UINT4); if (MputGisFileId(m,a->gisFileId) == MV_UINT4) goto error2; if (RuseAs(m, CR_UINT1)) goto error2; buf = (UINT1 *)Rmalloc(m, (size_t)a->nrCols); if (buf == NULL) { Mclose(m); remove(name); return 1; } for(i=0; i < a->nrRows; i++) { memset(buf,1,(size_t)a->nrCols); RputRow(m,i,buf); } Free(buf); Mclose(m); return 0; error2: Mclose(m); remove(name); error1: return RetError(1,"Can not create '%s': %s",name,MstrError()); }
static int ReadAttr( ATTRIBUTES *a, MAP *m, BOOL readOnly) /* are the attribute only used for teh PRINT op */ { DefaultAttr(a); if (RuseAs(m, CR_REAL8)) goto failure; RgetMinVal(m, &(a->minVal)); RgetMaxVal(m, &(a->maxVal)); a->projection = MgetProjection(m); a->xUL = RgetXUL(m); a->yUL = RgetYUL(m); a->nrRows = RgetNrRows(m); a->nrCols = RgetNrCols(m); a->cellSize = RgetCellSize(m); a->version = MgetVersion(m); a->gisFileId = MgetGisFileId(m); a->byteOrder = m->main.byteOrder; a->attrTable = m->main.attrTable; if (Merrno) goto failure; if (a->version == 2 || readOnly) { /* otherwise use defaults */ a->valueScale = RgetValueScale(m); a->cellRepr = RgetCellRepr(m); a->angle = RgetAngle(m); if (a->angle < 0) a->angle = -Rad2Deg(-a->angle); else a->angle = Rad2Deg(a->angle); } return 0; failure: return 1; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MAP *out, *clone = NULL; int c; size_t colNr[3] = {0 /*X*/, 1 /*Y*/, 2 /*V*/}; /* internal indices */ const char *mv = "1e31"; char *cloneFileName; COMP_CELL compCell = NOTHING; CSF_CR cellRepr; CSF_VS valueScale = VS_UNDEFINED; int parseVal; int sepChar = ','; if (InstallArgs(argc, argv, "x#y#v#m*(BLNOSDV)(atHM)(hl)s*", "col2map", __DATE__)) goto failure; while ((c = GetOpt()) != 0) switch (c) { case 'x': parseVal = (*((const int *)OptArg)) - 1; if (parseVal < 0) { Error("-x: x column should be greater than 0"); goto failure; } colNr[POS_X] = (size_t)parseVal; break; case 'y': parseVal = (*((const int *)OptArg)) - 1; if (parseVal < 0) { Error("-y: y column should be greater than 0"); goto failure; } colNr[POS_Y] = (size_t)parseVal; break; case 'v': parseVal = (*((const int *)OptArg)) - 1; if (parseVal < 0) { Error("-v: value column should be greater than 0"); goto failure; } colNr[POS_V] = (size_t)parseVal; break; case 'm': mv = (const char *)OptArg; break; case 'a': compCell = AVERAGE; break; case 'H': compCell = HIGHEST; break; case 'h': compCell = MAJORITY; break; case 'M': compCell = LOWEST; break; case 'l': compCell = MINORITY; break; case 't': compCell = TOTAL; break; case 's': sepChar = ((const char *)OptArg)[0]; if (isdigit(sepChar)) { Error("-s: separator must be a non-digit (not [0-9])"); goto failure; } break; #include "case_vs.h" } argv = ArgArguments(&argc); if (argv == NULL) goto failure; if (AppArgCountCheck(argc, 3, 3, USAGE)) goto failure; if (AppInputTest(argv[1])) goto failure; /* open the clone map */ clone = AppOpenClone(&cloneFileName, NULL); if (clone == NULL) goto failure; if (valueScale == VS_UNDEFINED) { valueScale = RgetValueScale(clone); cellRepr = RgetCellRepr(clone); } else cellRepr = AppDefaultCellRepr(valueScale); if (!RvalueScale2(valueScale)) { Error("clone map '%s' has an illegal value scale", cloneFileName); goto failure2; } if (compCell == NOTHING) { /* defaults */ switch (valueScale) { case VS_SCALAR: compCell = AVERAGE; break; case VS_DIRECTION: compCell = DIR_AVERAGE; break; default: compCell = MAJORITY; break; } } else { BOOL conflict = FALSE; CSF_VS vs = valueScale; switch (compCell) { case AVERAGE: conflict = (vs != VS_SCALAR && vs != VS_DIRECTION); if (vs == VS_DIRECTION) compCell = DIR_AVERAGE; break; case LOWEST: case HIGHEST: conflict = (vs != VS_SCALAR && vs != VS_ORDINAL); break; case MAJORITY: case MINORITY: conflict = (vs == VS_SCALAR || vs == VS_DIRECTION); break; case TOTAL: conflict = vs != VS_SCALAR; break; default: POSTCOND(FALSE); } if (conflict) { CompCellError(compCell, vs); goto failure2; } } out = Rdup(argv[2], clone, cellRepr, valueScale); if (out == NULL) { Error("output map '%s' can not be created", argv[2]); goto failure2; } Mclose(clone); clone = NULL; RuseAs(out, CR_REAL8); if (Col2Map(out, argv[1], compCell, mv, colNr, sepChar)) { Mclose(out); (void)remove(argv[2]); goto failure; } Mclose(out); AppEnd(); exit(0); return 0; failure2: if (clone == NULL) Mclose(clone); failure: AppEnd(); exit(1); return 1; } /* main */
/*! \warning The source raster must have only 1 band. Currently, the values in the source raster must be stored in one of the supported cell representations (CR_UINT1, CR_INT4, CR_REAL4, CR_REAL8). The meta data item PCRASTER_VALUESCALE will be checked to see what value scale to use. Otherwise a value scale is determined using GDALType2ValueScale(GDALDataType). This function always writes rasters using CR_UINT1, CR_INT4 or CR_REAL4 cell representations. */ GDALDataset* PCRasterDataset::createCopy( char const* filename, GDALDataset* source, CPL_UNUSED int strict, CPL_UNUSED char** options, GDALProgressFunc progress, void* progressData) { // Checks. int nrBands = source->GetRasterCount(); if(nrBands != 1) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "PCRaster driver: Too many bands ('%d'): must be 1 band", nrBands); return 0; } GDALRasterBand* raster = source->GetRasterBand(1); // Create PCRaster raster. Determine properties of raster to create. size_t nrRows = raster->GetYSize(); size_t nrCols = raster->GetXSize(); std::string string; // The in-file type of the cells. CSF_CR fileCellRepresentation = GDALType2CellRepresentation( raster->GetRasterDataType(), false); if(fileCellRepresentation == CR_UNDEFINED) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "PCRaster driver: Cannot determine a valid cell representation"); return 0; } // The value scale of the values. CSF_VS valueScale = VS_UNDEFINED; if(source->GetMetadataItem("PCRASTER_VALUESCALE")) { string = source->GetMetadataItem("PCRASTER_VALUESCALE"); } valueScale = !string.empty() ? string2ValueScale(string) : GDALType2ValueScale(raster->GetRasterDataType()); if(valueScale == VS_UNDEFINED) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "PCRaster driver: Cannot determine a valid value scale"); return 0; } CSF_PT const projection = PT_YDECT2B; REAL8 const angle = 0.0; REAL8 west = 0.0; REAL8 north = 0.0; REAL8 cellSize = 1.0; double transform[6]; if(source->GetGeoTransform(transform) == CE_None) { if(transform[2] == 0.0 && transform[4] == 0.0) { west = static_cast<REAL8>(transform[0]); north = static_cast<REAL8>(transform[3]); cellSize = static_cast<REAL8>(transform[1]); } } // The in-memory type of the cells. CSF_CR appCellRepresentation = CR_UNDEFINED; appCellRepresentation = GDALType2CellRepresentation( raster->GetRasterDataType(), true); if(appCellRepresentation == CR_UNDEFINED) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "PCRaster driver: Cannot determine a valid cell representation"); return 0; } // Check whether value scale fits the cell representation. Adjust when // needed. valueScale = fitValueScale(valueScale, appCellRepresentation); // Create a raster with the in file cell representation. MAP* map = Rcreate(filename, nrRows, nrCols, fileCellRepresentation, valueScale, projection, west, north, angle, cellSize); if(!map) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "PCRaster driver: Unable to create raster %s", filename); return 0; } // Try to convert in app cell representation to the cell representation // of the file. if(RuseAs(map, appCellRepresentation)) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "PCRaster driver: Cannot convert cells: %s", MstrError()); Mclose(map); return 0; } int hasMissingValue; double missingValue = raster->GetNoDataValue(&hasMissingValue); // This is needed to get my (KDJ) unit tests running. // I am still uncertain why this is needed. If the input raster has float32 // values and the output int32, than the missing value in the dataset object // is not updated like the values are. if(missingValue == ::missingValue(CR_REAL4) && fileCellRepresentation == CR_INT4) { missingValue = ::missingValue(fileCellRepresentation); } // TODO conversie van INT2 naar INT4 ondersteunen. zie ruseas.c regel 503. // conversie op r 159. // Create buffer for one row of values. void* buffer = Rmalloc(map, nrCols); // Copy values from source to target. CPLErr errorCode = CE_None; for(size_t row = 0; errorCode == CE_None && row < nrRows; ++row) { // Get row from source. if(raster->RasterIO(GF_Read, 0, row, nrCols, 1, buffer, nrCols, 1, raster->GetRasterDataType(), 0, 0, NULL) != CE_None) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "PCRaster driver: Error reading from source raster"); errorCode = CE_Failure; break; } // Upon reading values are converted to the // right data type. This includes the missing value. If the source // value cannot be represented in the target data type it is set to a // missing value. if(hasMissingValue) { alterToStdMV(buffer, nrCols, appCellRepresentation, missingValue); } if(valueScale == VS_BOOLEAN) { castValuesToBooleanRange(buffer, nrCols, appCellRepresentation); } // Write row in target. RputRow(map, row, buffer); if(!progress((row + 1) / (static_cast<double>(nrRows)), 0, progressData)) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "PCRaster driver: User terminated CreateCopy()"); errorCode = CE_Failure; break; } } Mclose(map); map = 0; free(buffer); buffer = 0; if( errorCode != CE_None ) return NULL; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Re-open dataset, and copy any auxiliary pam information. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ GDALPamDataset *poDS = (GDALPamDataset *) GDALOpen( filename, GA_Update ); if( poDS ) poDS->CloneInfo( source, GCIF_PAM_DEFAULT ); return poDS; }
/* Function for resampling N input maps into 1 output map. * Assumes a map "" and N ""s present. Checks on * options for percentage and maximum value. * Determines type and characteristics of output map. * Returns nothing, exits with 1 in case of error. */ int main(int argc, /* number of arguments */ char *argv[]) /* list of arguments */ { MAP *clone, *out, *tmp, **in; char *outputName, *cloneName; int c, borderval; size_t nrMaps,i; REAL8 X0, Y0, cellSize, angleIn, angleOut; size_t nrRows, nrCols; CSF_PT projection; CSF_CR cellRepr; CSF_VS valueScale; double percent = 0, errFactor = 2.5, resampleN = 0.0; BOOL aligned = TRUE; BOOL keepInputMinMax = FALSE; REAL8 minAllInput=0, maxAllInput=0; BOOL onlyReal4 = TRUE, contract = FALSE; BOOL onlyUint1 = TRUE; if(InstallArgs(argc, argv,"axmp$r$c#b#e$RBCk", "resample", __DATE__)) exit(1); while((c = GetOpt()) != 0) { switch(c) { case 'b': opB = TRUE; borderval = *((int *) OptArg); break; case 'B': opB = TRUE; borderval = 0; break; case 'C': opMV = TRUE; borderval = 0; break; case 'c': opMV = TRUE; borderval = *((int *) OptArg); break; case 'a':contract = TRUE; break; case 'x':contract = FALSE; break; case 'm':opMax = 1; break; case 'p':opPer = 1; percent = *((double*) OptArg); if(percent < 0 || 100 < percent) { Error("illegal percentage"); exit(1); } break; case 'R':opR = 1; resampleN = 1; break; case 'r':opR = 1; resampleN = *((double*) OptArg); break; case 'e':optionAcc = 1; errFactor = *((double*) OptArg); break; case 'k': keepInputMinMax = TRUE; break; } } argv = ArgArguments(&argc); if (AppArgCountCheck(argc,3,-1,USAGE)) exit(1); outputName = argv[argc-1]; nrMaps = argc-2; /* Read the desired specifics out of the clone map * or use first input as clone map */ cloneName = NO_CLONE_NEEDED ? argv[1] : NULL; if ( (clone = AppOpenClone(&cloneName,cloneName)) == NULL) exit(1); /* Determine the valueScale out of 1st input map */ tmp = Mopen(argv[1], M_READ); if(tmp == NULL) MperrorExit(argv[1], 1); /* all input maps have same value scale */ valueScale = RgetValueScale(tmp); if(valueScale == VS_LDD && !opMV) { Error("can not do this type of resampling on map '%s' with type ldd", argv[1]); exit(1); } /* adjust old ones */ if(valueScale == VS_CLASSIFIED) valueScale = VS_ORDINAL; if(valueScale == VS_CONTINUOUS) valueScale = VS_SCALAR; /* get location attributes of clone or of 1st input map */ projection = MgetProjection(clone); nrRows = RgetNrRows(clone); nrCols = RgetNrCols(clone); X0 = RgetX0(clone); Y0 = RgetY0(clone); cellRepr = RgetCellRepr(clone); angleOut = RgetAngle(clone); /* resample option -> cell size(inputmap) * factor * Number of rows and columns are divided by resample * factor. */ if(opR == 1) { /* setting for unit */ if(!appUnitTrue) { cellSize = resampleN; resampleN /= (double) RgetCellSize(tmp); } else cellSize = RgetCellSize(tmp) * resampleN; if(contract) { nrRows = floor((double) nrRows / (double) resampleN); nrCols = floor((double) nrCols / (double) resampleN); /* Prevent an illegal map */ if(nrRows == 0) nrRows = 1; if(nrCols == 0) nrCols = 1; } else { nrRows = ceil((double) nrRows / (double) resampleN); nrCols = ceil((double) nrCols / (double) resampleN); } } else cellSize = RgetCellSize(clone); /* Allocate memory for the input map pointers */ in = (MAP **)ChkMalloc(sizeof(MAP *) * nrMaps); if(in == NULL) { AppEnd(); exit(1); } /* Read all input maps with desired cell representation */ for(i = 0; i < nrMaps; i++) { REAL8 tmpMin, tmpMax; tmp = Mopen(argv[1 + i], M_READ); angleIn = RgetAngle(tmp); if(angleIn != 0) aligned = FALSE; if(tmp == NULL) MperrorExit(argv[1 + i], 1); if(!RvalueScaleIs(tmp, valueScale)) { Error("%s has illegal data type: '%s'\n", argv[1 + i], RstrValueScale(valueScale)); exit(1); } in[i] = tmp; /* Determine which cell representation should be used */ onlyReal4 = RgetCellRepr(in[i]) == CR_REAL4; onlyUint1 = RgetCellRepr(in[i]) == CR_UINT1; RuseAs(in[i], CR_REAL8); RgetMinVal(tmp, &tmpMin); RgetMaxVal(tmp, &tmpMax); if (i==0) {minAllInput = tmpMin; maxAllInput = tmpMax; } minAllInput = MIN(minAllInput,tmpMin); maxAllInput = MAX(maxAllInput,tmpMax); if(AppIsClassified(valueScale)) RuseAs(in[i], CR_INT4); else RuseAs(in[i], CR_REAL8); } if(opB == 1 || opMV == 1) { if(CheckInputMaps(in, nrMaps, projection, angleIn, cellSize)) { Error(""); FreeMaps(in, nrMaps); exit(1); } if(opB == 1) { if(SmallestFittingRectangle(&X0, &Y0, &nrRows, &nrCols, in, borderval, nrMaps, cellSize, angleIn, projection, contract)) { FreeMaps(in, nrMaps); AppEnd(); exit(1); } } else { if(SmallestNonMVRect(&X0, &Y0, &nrRows, &nrCols, in, borderval, nrMaps, valueScale, cellSize, angleIn, projection, contract)) { FreeMaps(in, nrMaps); AppEnd(); exit(1); } } } /* Create output map with suitable cell representation */ /* NOTE ! Create map with smallest representation possible */ out = Rcreate(outputName, nrRows, nrCols, AppIsClassified(valueScale) ? (onlyUint1 ? CR_UINT1 : CR_INT4) : (onlyReal4 ? CR_REAL4 : CR_REAL8), valueScale, projection, X0, Y0, angleOut, cellSize); if(out == NULL) { FreeMaps(in, nrMaps); Error("can not create output map '%s': %s", argv[1], MstrError()); exit(1); } RuseAs(out, AppIsClassified(valueScale) ? CR_INT4 : CR_REAL8); if(angleOut != 0) aligned = FALSE; /* determine raster size according wanted accuracy */ if(opB != 1 && opMV != 1) { if(DetRasterSize(out, in, nrMaps, errFactor)) { Error("Illegal cell size\n"); exit(1); } } else rasterSize = 1; if(nrMaps > 1 && percent > 0) AppProgress("rasterSize: %d\n", rasterSize); else AppProgress("No raster used\n"); /* Call function */ if(AppIsClassified(valueScale)) { /* Call resample function for classified maps */ if(SampleClass(out, in, percent, nrMaps, nrRows, nrCols, aligned, angleOut)) { EndResample(in, nrMaps, out); exit(1); /* Memory allocation failed */ } } else { /* Call resample function for continuous maps */ if(SampleCont(out, in, percent, nrMaps, nrRows, nrCols, aligned, angleOut)) { EndResample(in, nrMaps, out); exit(1); /* Memory allocation failed */ } } /* End of call */ if (keepInputMinMax) { RuseAs(out, CR_REAL8); RputMinVal(out, &minAllInput); RputMaxVal(out, &maxAllInput); } EndResample(in, nrMaps, out); exit(0); /* Successful exit */ return 0; /* Never reached */ } /* main */