int main() { unsigned long long int num,n,i,count,temp; SCAN("%llu",&num); while(num--) { SCAN("%llu",&n); temp=S(n); count=temp*temp; count==n?(prime(temp)?PRINT("YES\n"):PRINT("NO\n")):PRINT("NO\n"); } return 0; }
RIGHT_TYPE askForAdminRight(void){ /*! * \todo Perhaps also other rights for ui applications * * \brief When an ui command has no right for the required application, admin password will be asked. */ PRINT("You has no right for this command! Password for admin: "); char input[10] = {0}; unsigned char hashvalue[HASH_SIZE]; for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){ int input_size = SCAN("%s", input); /*! * The hash value of the admin password is stored, so that, it is difficult for attacker to missuse the admin password * \todo configure the hash value */ //sha_construction.func((const unsigned char *)input, input_size, hashvalue); //if(0==memcmp(ADMIN_PASSWORD_HASH, hashvalue, sha_construction.size)){ // TODO change admin password hash value if(0==memcmp(input, ADMIN_PASSWORD_HASH, 1)){ return ADMIN_RIGHT; }else{ PRINT("Password error! Try again %d/3: ",j+1); } } return NO_RIGHT; }
/* >> TOK_STRING | TOK_INTEGER | TOK_BOOLEAN | TOK_KEYWORD | '{' */ static int parse_operand (section_t **section,scan_t *sc,char **keyword) { int result; SCAN(); if (!result) { parse_error (sc,"operand",0); return (ERR); } if (result == '{') return (parse_array_or_section (section,sc,keyword)); if (result == TOK_STRING || result == TOK_INTEGER || result == TOK_BOOLEAN || result == TOK_KEYWORD) { stmt_t *nw; if ((nw = stmt_init (keyword,result)) == NULL) return (ERR); if (stmt_add (nw,sc) < 0) { stmt_destroy (&nw); return (ERR); } stmt_save (*section,&nw); return (OK); } parse_error (sc,"TOK_STRING, TOK_INTEGER, TOK_BOOLEAN, TOK_ENUM, or '{'",result); return (ERR); }
static int parse_section (section_t **section,scan_t *sc,char **lookahead) { int result = OK; if (lookahead != NULL) { result = parse_assignment (section,sc,lookahead,SECTION_START); while (result == OK) { SCAN(); if (result == '}') return (OK); if (result != TOK_KEYWORD) { parse_error (sc,"'}', or TOK_KEYWORD",result); return (ERR); } result = parse_assignment (section,sc,&sc->token.keyword,SECTION_END); if (result == FIN) { parse_error (sc,"'}'",result); return (ERR); } } } else while (result == OK) result = parse_assignment (section,sc,NULL,0); return (result); }
static int t2 (void) { int result = 0; int n; long N; int retval; #define SCAN(INPUT, FORMAT, VAR, EXP_RES, EXP_VAL) \ VAR = -1; \ retval = sscanf (INPUT, FORMAT, &VAR); \ printf ("sscanf (\"%s\", \"%s\", &x) => %d, x = %ld\n", \ INPUT, FORMAT, retval, (long int) VAR); \ result |= retval != EXP_RES || VAR != EXP_VAL SCAN ("12345", "%ld", N, 1, 12345); SCAN ("12345", "%llllld", N, 0, -1); SCAN ("12345", "%LLLLLd", N, 0, -1); SCAN ("test ", "%*s%n", n, 0, 4); SCAN ("test ", "%2*s%n", n, 0, -1); SCAN ("12 ", "%l2d", n, 0, -1); SCAN ("12 ", "%2ld", N, 1, 12); n = -1; N = -1; retval = sscanf ("1 1", "%d %Z", &n, &N); printf ("sscanf (\"1 1\", \"%%d %%Z\", &n, &N) => %d, n = %d, N = %ld\n", \ retval, n, N); \ result |= retval != 1 || n != 1 || N != -1; return result; }
void main(void) { PASSWORD(); //Identication ROUTING Dsta(); //Splesh Screen SCAN(); //Animation ROUTING for LOADING clrscr(); //Clear the screen Window(1,1,80,25,LIGHTGRAY); //CREATE LIGHT GRAY screen status_bar(); //CREAT Status Bar Window(1,1,80,23,1); //CREAT Foure Ground Window MAINMENU(1); //CALLING Mainmenu_ROUTING }
int main() { int a,b,i,count=0,arr[25000],var,temp,x; int sum=0; SCAN("%d",&a); SCAN("%d",&b); temp=a; while(temp) { arr[count++]=temp%10; temp/=10; } temp=0; for(i=1;i<b;i++) { var=0; while(var<count) { x=arr[var]*a+temp; arr[var]=x%10; temp=x/10; var++; } while(temp) { arr[count++]=temp%10; temp=temp/10; } } for(i=count-1;i>=0;i--) { PRINT("%d",arr[i]); sum+=arr[i]; } PRINT("\n%d",sum); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; char buffer[1024]; char inputFilename[256] = "-\0"; FILE *argInput = stdin; size_t argChunkSize = 1; size_t haveRead; STRUCT_T *c1 = NEW(1, print_field, print_record_end, print_error); while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "s:i:h")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 's': argChunkSize = atoi(optarg); break; case 'i': if (strlen(optarg) > 1 || strncmp(optarg, "-", 1) != 0) { strncpy(inputFilename, optarg, strlen(optarg)); argInput = fopen(inputFilename, "r"); if (!argInput) { printf("Could not open file: %s\n", inputFilename); exit(1); } } break; case 'h': printf("Usage: test1 -s <N> Chunk size\n" " -i <filename> Input file\n" " -h Show help\n"); exit(0); break; default: printf("Unknown arg %s\n", optarg); } } while ((haveRead = fread(buffer, 1, argChunkSize, argInput)) > 0) { buffer[haveRead] = '\0'; /*fprintf(stderr, "Read %d %s\n", haveRead, buffer);*/ SCAN(c1, buffer, haveRead); } FREE(c1); return 0; }
static int t2 (void) { int result = 0; int n; long N; int retval; #define SCAN(INPUT, FORMAT, VAR, EXP_RES, EXP_VAL) \ VAR = -1; \ retval = sscanf (INPUT, FORMAT, &VAR); \ printf ("sscanf (\"%s\", \"%s\", &x) => %d, x = %ld\n", \ INPUT, FORMAT, retval, (long int) VAR); \ result |= retval != EXP_RES || VAR != EXP_VAL /* This function is testing corner cases of the scanf format string, so they do not all conform to -Wformat's expectations. */ DIAG_PUSH_NEEDS_COMMENT; DIAG_IGNORE_NEEDS_COMMENT (4.9, "-Wformat"); DIAG_IGNORE_NEEDS_COMMENT (4.9, "-Wformat-extra-args"); SCAN ("12345", "%ld", N, 1, 12345); SCAN ("12345", "%llllld", N, 0, -1); SCAN ("12345", "%LLLLLd", N, 0, -1); SCAN ("test ", "%*s%n", n, 0, 4); SCAN ("test ", "%2*s%n", n, 0, -1); SCAN ("12 ", "%l2d", n, 0, -1); SCAN ("12 ", "%2ld", N, 1, 12); n = -1; N = -1; retval = sscanf ("1 1", "%d %Z", &n, &N); printf ("sscanf (\"1 1\", \"%%d %%Z\", &n, &N) => %d, n = %d, N = %ld\n", \ retval, n, N); \ result |= retval != 1 || n != 1 || N != -1; DIAG_POP_NEEDS_COMMENT; return result; }
int main() { #ifdef DEBUG fp = fopen("test.txt","r"); #endif int figure = 0; point* buffer; int num_of_points; int i , j; double area; buffer = (point*)malloc(sizeof(point) * 1003 ); SCAN("%d",&num_of_points); while( num_of_points ) { figure++; if( figure != 1 ) printf("\n"); for( i = 0 ; i < num_of_points ; i++ ) { SCAN("%lf %lf" , &buffer[i].x , &buffer[i].y ); } if( num_of_points < 3 ) { printf("Figure %d: Impossible\n" , figure ); goto next; } buffer[i].x = buffer[0].x; buffer[i].y = buffer[0].y; for( i = 0 ; i < num_of_points ; i++ ) { for( j = i + 2; j < num_of_points ; j++ ) { if( i == 0 && j == num_of_points - 1 ) continue; if( is_crossed( buffer , i , j ) ) { printf("Figure %d: Impossible\n" , figure ); goto next; } } } area = calculate_area( buffer , num_of_points ) ; if( area < 0.001 ) printf("Figure %d: Impossible\n" , figure ); else printf("Figure %d: %.2lf\n" , figure , area ); next: SCAN( "%d" , &num_of_points ); } return 0; }
/* Gateway of LEMIRE_ND_MINENGINE */ void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { mxClassID ClassID; /* pointer to the index array */ double *idx, *minidx; /* Data pointers, which one are used depends on the class of A */ double *adouble, *valdouble; float *asingle, *valsingle; int64 *aint64, *valint64; int32 *aint32, *valint32; int16 *aint16, *valint16; int08 *aint08, *valint08; uint64 *auint64, *valuint64; uint32 *auint32, *valuint32; uint16 *auint16, *valuint16; uint08 *auint08, *valuint08; mwSize i, pleft, n, window; mwSize imax, margin, linidx; int left, lstart, size; mwSize *Wedge; /* wedge */ int nWedge; /* wedge number of elements (0 is empty wedge) */ int Wedgefirst, Wedgelast; /* Indices of two ends of the wedge */ int shape; mwSize p, q, j, k; mwIndex stepA, stepMinMax; const mwSize* dimA; mwSize dimOut[3]; void *adata, *valdata; double *idxdata, *minidxdata; /* Check number of arguments */ if (nrhs!=4) mexErrMsgTxt("LEMIRE_ND_MINENGINE: four arguments are required."); /* Get the shape */ shape = (int)mxGetScalar(SHAPE); /* Get class of input matrix A */ ClassID = mxGetClassID(A); if (mxGetClassID(IDX) != mxDOUBLE_CLASS) mexErrMsgTxt("LEMIRE_ND_MINENGINE: idx must be double."); /* Do not support on sparse */ if (mxIsSparse(A)) mexErrMsgTxt("LEMIRE_ND_MINENGINE: First input A must be full."); /* Get the number of elements of A */ /* Get the size, MUST BE two or three, no check */ dimA = mxGetDimensions(A); p = dimA[0]; n = dimA[1]; if (mxGetNumberOfDimensions(A)<3) q = 1; /* third dimension is singleton */ else q = dimA[2]; /* Window input must be double */ if (mxGetClassID(WINDOW)!=mxDOUBLE_CLASS) mexErrMsgTxt("LEMIRE_ND_MINENGINE: Second input WINDOW must be double."); /* Get the window size, cast it in mwSize */ window = (mwSize)(*mxGetPr(WINDOW)); margin = window-1; if (window<1) /* Check if it's valid */ mexErrMsgTxt("LEMIRE_ND_MINENGINE: windows must be 1 or greater."); if (window>n || window>MAXINT) mexErrMsgTxt("LEMIRE_ND_MINENGINE: windows larger than data length."); /* Allocate wedges buffers for L and U, each is size (window+1) */ size = (int)(window+1); Wedge = mxMalloc(size*sizeof(mwSize)); if (Wedge==NULL) mexErrMsgTxt("LEMIRE_ND_MINENGINE: out of memory."); /* This parameters configure for three cases: * - full scan (minimum 1-element intersecting with window), or * - same scan (output has the same size as input) * - valid scan (full overlapping with window) */ if (shape==FULL_SHAPE) { dimOut[1] = n+margin; lstart = -(int)(margin); } else if (shape==SAME_SHAPE) { dimOut[1] = n; lstart = -(int)(margin/2); } else { /* if (shape==VALID_SHAPE) */ dimOut[1] = n-margin; lstart = 0; } /* The last index to be scanned */ imax = (dimOut[1] + margin) + lstart; /* Create output arrays */ dimOut[0] = p; dimOut[2] = q; MINVAL = mxCreateNumericArray(3, dimOut, ClassID, mxREAL); MINIDX = mxCreateNumericArray(3, dimOut, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL); /* Check if allocation is succeeded */ if ((MINVAL==NULL) || (MINIDX==NULL)) mexErrMsgTxt("LEMIRE_ND_MINENGINE: out of memory."); /* Jump step of the third dimension */ stepA = p*n; /* for A */ stepMinMax = p*dimOut[1]; /* step for output */ /* Get data pointers */ adata = mxGetData(A); idxdata = mxGetPr(IDX); valdata = mxGetData(MINVAL); minidxdata = mxGetPr(MINIDX); /* Call the engine depending on ClassID */ switch (ClassID) { case mxDOUBLE_CLASS: SCAN(adouble, valdouble, double); break; case mxSINGLE_CLASS: SCAN(asingle, valsingle, float); break; case mxINT64_CLASS: SCAN(aint64, valint64, int64); break; case mxUINT64_CLASS: SCAN(auint64, valuint64, uint64); break; case mxINT32_CLASS: SCAN(aint32, valint32, int32); break; case mxUINT32_CLASS: SCAN(auint32, valuint32, uint32); break; case mxCHAR_CLASS: SCAN(auint16, valuint16, uint16); break; case mxINT16_CLASS: SCAN(aint16, valint16, int16); break; case mxUINT16_CLASS: SCAN(auint16, valuint16, uint16); break; case mxLOGICAL_CLASS: SCAN(auint08, valuint08, uint08); break; case mxINT8_CLASS: SCAN(aint08, valint08, int08); break; case mxUINT8_CLASS: SCAN(auint08, valuint08, uint08); break; default: mexErrMsgTxt("LEMIRE_ND_MINENGINE: Class not supported."); } /* switch */ /* Free the buffer */ mxFree(Wedge); return; } /* Gateway LEMIRE_ND_MINENGINE */
void loop(void) { char s[2048]; char file[256]; int num; for (;;) { if (!fgets(s, 2048, stdin)) { Sleep( 100 ); continue; } if (SCAN("uci")) { printf("id name Irina %s\n", VERSION); printf("id author Lucas Monge\n"); printf("option name Hash type spin min 2 max 1024 default 32"); printf("option name Personality type combo default Irina var Irina var Steven var Monkey var Donkey var Bull var Wolf var Lion var Rat var Snake var Material var Random var Capture var Advance\n"); printf("option name Min Time type spin default 0 min 0 max 99\n"); printf("option name Max Time type spin default 0 min 0 max 99\n"); printf("uciok\n"); } else if (SCAN("isready")) { printf("readyok\n"); } else if (SCAN("stop")) { continue; } else if (SCAN("quit")) { break; } else if (SCAN("fen")) { board_fen(s); printf("%s\n", s); } else if (SCAN("test")) { test(); } else if (SCAN("perft file ")) { strcpy(file, s+11); strip(file); perft_file( file ); } else if (SCAN("perft")) { num = scan_int(s,"perft"); perft( num ); } else if (SCAN("ucinewgame")) { continue; } else if (SCAN("position")) { set_position(s); } else if (SCAN("go")) { go(s); } else if (SCAN("setoption name")) { set_option(s); } } }
/* >> TOK_KEYWORD '=' operand */ static int parse_assignment (section_t **section,scan_t *sc,char **lookahead,int why) { int result; char *keyword; stmt_t *stmt = (*section)->stmt; /* * wtf is lookahead and why don't you parse TOK_KEYWORD '=' when it's not * NULL, I hear you say (; * * The reason for this hack is because if we parse a section (i.e. not the main * section), we've already looked at the keyword and the '=' sign (it's the only * way to distinguish between an array of enumerations and a section, so we need * to pass this information along and make this one exception. * * There is another instance where we need to peek at the next token and that is * to look for the '}' at the end of nested sections. We use why to distinguish * between the two cases. * * See parse_array_or_section() for more details. */ if (lookahead == NULL) { SCAN(); if (!result) return (FIN); if (result != TOK_KEYWORD) { parse_error (sc,"TOK_KEYWORD",result); return (ERR); } keyword = sc->token.keyword; } else keyword = *lookahead; if (stmt != NULL) do { if (!strcmp (stmt->name,keyword)) { log_printf (LOG_ERROR,"Parse error on line %d: Duplicate keyword: %s\n",sc->line,keyword); mem_free (keyword); return (ERR); } stmt = stmt->next; } while (stmt != (*section)->stmt); if (lookahead == NULL || why != SECTION_START) { /* we can't use SCAN() here since we need to free keyword */ if ((result = scan (sc)) < 0) { mem_free (keyword); return (ERR); } if (result != '=') { parse_error (sc,"'='",result); mem_free (keyword); return (ERR); } } result = parse_operand (section,sc,&keyword); if (result != OK) return (ERR); return (result); }
/* * value = TOK_STRING | TOK_INTEGER | TOK_BOOLEAN | TOK_KEYWORD * >> value (',' value)* '}' */ static int parse_array_or_section (section_t **section,scan_t *sc,char **keyword) { int result,saved = 0; stmt_t *nw = NULL; SCAN(); if (result == TOK_KEYWORD) { char *tmp = sc->token.keyword; if ((result = scan (sc)) < 0) { mem_free (tmp); return (ERR); } saved = result; if (result == '=') { if ((*section)->child == NULL) { if (((*section)->child = (section_t **) mem_alloc (sizeof (section_t *))) == NULL) { out_of_memory: log_printf (LOG_ERROR,"Out of memory\n"); mem_free (tmp); return (ERR); } if (((*section)->child[0] = (section_t *) mem_alloc (sizeof (section_t))) == NULL) { mem_free ((*section)->child); (*section)->child = NULL; goto out_of_memory; } } else { section_t **ptr; if ((ptr = (section_t **) mem_realloc ((*section)->child,((*section)->n + 1) * sizeof (section_t *))) == NULL) goto out_of_memory; (*section)->child = ptr; if (((*section)->child[(*section)->n] = (section_t *) mem_alloc (sizeof (section_t))) == NULL) goto out_of_memory; } (*section)->child[(*section)->n]->n = 0; (*section)->child[(*section)->n]->name = *keyword; (*section)->child[(*section)->n]->stmt = NULL; (*section)->child[(*section)->n]->child = NULL; ((*section)->n)++; return (parse_section (&(*section)->child[(*section)->n - 1],sc,&tmp)); } result = TOK_KEYWORD; sc->token.keyword = tmp; } if (result != TOK_STRING && result != TOK_INTEGER && result != TOK_BOOLEAN && result != TOK_KEYWORD) { mem_free (*keyword); missing_value: parse_error (sc,"TOK_STRING, TOK_INTEGER, TOK_BOOLEAN, or TOK_ENUM",result); goto error; } if ((nw = stmt_init (keyword,result)) == NULL) { unable_to_add: if (result == TOK_STRING) mem_free (sc->token.string); else if (result == TOK_KEYWORD) mem_free (sc->token.keyword); goto error; } if (stmt_add (nw,sc) < 0) goto unable_to_add; if (result == TOK_KEYWORD) result = saved; else if ((result = scan (sc)) < 0) goto error; while (result == ',') { if ((result = scan (sc)) < 0) goto error; if (result != TOK_STRING && result != TOK_INTEGER && result != TOK_BOOLEAN && result != TOK_KEYWORD) goto missing_value; if (result != nw->type && (result != TOK_KEYWORD || nw->type != TOK_ENUM)) { type_mismatch (sc,nw->type,result); goto error; } if (stmt_add (nw,sc) < 0) goto unable_to_add; if ((result = scan (sc)) < 0) goto error; } if (result != '}') { parse_error (sc,"'}'",result); goto error; } stmt_save (*section,&nw); return (OK); error: if (nw != NULL) stmt_destroy (&nw); return (ERR); }
int main() { int status = 0; /* exit status to be returned */ OPENTEST(); /* <stdint.h> features: */ fprintf(outfile,"CHAR_BIT=%u\n", (unsigned)CHAR_BIT ); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(char)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(char)); /* s.b. 1 */ fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(short)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(short)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(long)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(long)); #ifdef __Q8_QT fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(long long)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(__Q8_QT)); #else fprintf(outfile,"*** long long isn't defined ***\n"); #endif fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(intmax_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(intmax_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(ptrdiff_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(ptrdiff_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(size_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(size_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(sig_atomic_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(sig_atomic_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(wchar_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(wchar_t)); #if defined(WINT_MAX) || __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901 fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(wint_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(wint_t)); #else fprintf(outfile,"*** wint_t isn't defined ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; #endif #ifdef INT8_MAX fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int8_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int8_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint8_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint8_t)); #endif #ifdef INT9_MAX fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int9_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int9_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint9_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint9_t)); #endif #ifdef INT12_MAX fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int12_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int12_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint12_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint12_t)); #endif #ifdef INT16_MAX fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int16_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int16_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint16_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint16_t)); #endif #ifdef INT18_MAX fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int18_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int18_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint18_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint18_t)); #endif #ifdef INT24_MAX fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int24_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int24_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint24_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint24_t)); #endif #ifdef INT32_MAX fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int32_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int32_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint32_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint32_t)); #endif #ifdef INT36_MAX fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int36_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int36_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint36_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint36_t)); #endif #ifdef INT40_MAX fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int40_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int40_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint40_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint40_t)); #endif #ifdef INT48_MAX fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int48_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int48_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint48_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint48_t)); #endif #ifdef INT60_MAX fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int60_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int60_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint60_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint60_t)); #endif #ifdef INT64_MAX fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int64_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int64_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint64_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint64_t)); #endif #ifdef INT72_MAX fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int72_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int72_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint72_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint72_t)); #endif #ifdef INT128_MAX fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int128_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int128_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint128_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint128_t)); #endif fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int_least8_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int_least8_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint_least8_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint_least8_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int_least16_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int_least16_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint_least16_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint_least16_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int_least32_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int_least32_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint_least32_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint_least32_t)); #ifdef INT_LEAST64_MAX fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int_least64_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int_least64_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint_least64_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint_least64_t)); #else fprintf(outfile,"*** uint_least64_t isn't defined ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; #endif #ifdef INT_LEAST128_MAX fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int_least128_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int_least128_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint_least128_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint_least128_t)); #endif fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int_fast8_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int_fast8_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint_fast8_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint_fast8_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int_fast16_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int_fast16_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint_fast16_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint_fast16_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int_fast32_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int_fast32_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint_fast32_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint_fast32_t)); #ifdef INT_FAST64_MAX fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int_fast64_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int_fast64_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint_fast64_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint_fast64_t)); #else fprintf(outfile,"*** int_fast64_t isn't defined ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; #endif #ifdef INT_FAST128_MAX fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(int_fast128_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(int_fast128_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uint_fast128_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uint_fast128_t)); #endif #if defined(INTPTR_MAX) fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(intptr_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(intptr_t)); #if defined(UINTPTR_MAX) fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uintptr_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uintptr_t)); #else fprintf(outfile,"*** intptr_t is defined but uintptr_t isn't ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; #endif #elif defined(UINTPTR_MAX) fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uintptr_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uintptr_t)); fprintf(outfile,"*** uintptr_t is defined but intptr_t isn't ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; #else fprintf(outfile,"*** neither intptr_t nor uintptr_t is defined ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; #endif #ifdef INTMAX_MAX fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(intmax_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(intmax_t)); fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(uintmax_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(uintmax_t)); #else fprintf(outfile,"*** intmax_t isn't defined ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; #endif #ifdef INT8_MAX fprintf(outfile,"INT8_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT8_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT8_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT8_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT8_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT8_MAX); #endif #ifdef INT9_MAX fprintf(outfile,"INT9_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT9_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT9_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT9_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT9_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT9_MAX); #endif #ifdef INT12_MAX fprintf(outfile,"INT12_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT12_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT12_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT12_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT12_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT12_MAX); #endif #ifdef INT16_MAX fprintf(outfile,"INT16_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT16_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT16_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT16_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT16_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT16_MAX); #endif #ifdef INT18_MAX fprintf(outfile,"INT18_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT18_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT18_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT18_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT18_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT18_MAX); #endif #ifdef INT24_MAX fprintf(outfile,"INT24_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT24_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT24_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT24_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT24_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT24_MAX); #endif #ifdef INT32_MAX fprintf(outfile,"INT32_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT32_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT32_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT32_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT32_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT32_MAX); #endif #ifdef INT36_MAX fprintf(outfile,"INT36_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT36_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT36_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT36_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT36_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT36_MAX); #endif #ifdef INT40_MAX fprintf(outfile,"INT40_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT40_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT40_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT40_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT40_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT40_MAX); #endif #ifdef INT48_MAX fprintf(outfile,"INT48_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT48_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT48_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT48_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT48_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT48_MAX); #endif #ifdef INT60_MAX fprintf(outfile,"INT60_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT60_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT60_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT60_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT60_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT60_MAX); #endif #ifdef INT64_MAX fprintf(outfile,"INT64_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT64_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT64_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT64_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT64_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT64_MAX); #endif #ifdef INT72_MAX fprintf(outfile,"INT72_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT72_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT72_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT72_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT72_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT72_MAX); #endif #ifdef INT128_MAX fprintf(outfile,"INT128_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT128_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT128_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT128_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT128_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT128_MAX); #endif fprintf(outfile,"INT_LEAST8_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT_LEAST8_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT_LEAST8_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT_LEAST8_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT_LEAST8_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT_LEAST8_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"INT_LEAST16_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT_LEAST16_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT_LEAST16_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT_LEAST16_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT_LEAST16_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT_LEAST16_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"INT_LEAST32_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT_LEAST32_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT_LEAST32_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT_LEAST32_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT_LEAST32_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT_LEAST32_MAX); #ifdef INT_LEAST64_MAX fprintf(outfile,"INT_LEAST64_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT_LEAST64_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT_LEAST64_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT_LEAST64_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT_LEAST64_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT_LEAST64_MAX); #endif #ifdef INT_LEAST128_MAX fprintf(outfile,"INT_LEAST128_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT_LEAST128_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT_LEAST128_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT_LEAST128_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT_LEAST128_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT_LEAST128_MAX); #endif fprintf(outfile,"INT_FAST8_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT_FAST8_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT_FAST8_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT_FAST8_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT_FAST8_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT_FAST8_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"INT_FAST16_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT_FAST16_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT_FAST16_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT_FAST16_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT_FAST16_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT_FAST16_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"INT_FAST32_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT_FAST32_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT_FAST32_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT_FAST32_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT_FAST32_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT_FAST32_MAX); #ifdef INT_FAST64_MAX fprintf(outfile,"INT_FAST64_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT_FAST64_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT_FAST64_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT_FAST64_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT_FAST64_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT_FAST64_MAX); #endif #ifdef INT_FAST128_MAX fprintf(outfile,"INT_FAST128_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT_FAST128_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INT_FAST128_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INT_FAST128_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINT_FAST128_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT_FAST128_MAX); #endif #ifdef INTPTR_MAX fprintf(outfile,"INTPTR_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INTPTR_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INTPTR_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INTPTR_MAX); #endif #ifdef UINTPTR_MAX fprintf(outfile,"UINTPTR_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINTPTR_MAX); #endif #ifdef INTMAX_MAX fprintf(outfile,"INTMAX_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INTMAX_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"INTMAX_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)INTMAX_MAX); fprintf(outfile,"UINTMAX_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINTMAX_MAX); #endif #ifdef PTRDIFF_MAX fprintf(outfile,"PTRDIFF_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)PTRDIFF_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"PTRDIFF_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)PTRDIFF_MAX); #endif #ifdef SIG_ATOMIC_MAX #if SIG_ATOMIC_MIN < 0 fprintf(outfile,"SIG_ATOMIC_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)SIG_ATOMIC_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"SIG_ATOMIC_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)SIG_ATOMIC_MAX); #else fprintf(outfile,"SIG_ATOMIC_MIN=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)SIG_ATOMIC_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"SIG_ATOMIC_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)SIG_ATOMIC_MAX); #endif #endif #ifdef SIZE_MAX fprintf(outfile,"SIZE_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)SIZE_MAX); #endif #ifdef WCHAR_MAX #if WCHAR_MIN < 0 fprintf(outfile,"WCHAR_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)WCHAR_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"WCHAR_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)WCHAR_MAX); #else fprintf(outfile,"WCHAR_MIN=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)WCHAR_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"WCHAR_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)WCHAR_MAX); #endif #endif #ifdef WINT_MAX #if WINT_MIN < 0 fprintf(outfile,"WINT_MIN=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)WINT_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"WINT_MAX=%"PRIdMAX"\n", (__Q8_MT)WINT_MAX); #else fprintf(outfile,"WINT_MIN=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)WINT_MIN); fprintf(outfile,"WINT_MAX=%"PRIuMAX"\n", (U__Q8_MT)WINT_MAX); #endif #endif /* 7.18.4 Macros for integer constants */ /* INTn_C for n=8 and 16 were at one point unimplementable on most platforms, so they're treated as "optional": */ #ifdef INT8_C if ( INT8_C(-123) != -123 ) fprintf(outfile,"*** INT8_C(-123) produced %"PRIdMAX" ***\n", (__Q8_MT)INT8_C(-123) ); if ( UINT8_C(123) != 123 ) fprintf(outfile,"*** UINT8_C(123) produced %"PRIuMAX" ***\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT8_C(123) ); #endif #ifdef INT16_C if ( INT16_C(-12345) != -12345 ) fprintf(outfile,"*** INT16_C(-12345) produced %"PRIdMAX" ***\n", (__Q8_MT)INT16_C(-12345) ); if ( UINT16_C(12345) != 12345 ) fprintf(outfile,"*** UINT16_C(12345) produced %"PRIuMAX" ***\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT16_C(12345) ); #endif if ( INT32_C(-123456789) != -123456789 ) fprintf(outfile,"*** INT32_C(-123456789) produced %"PRIdMAX" ***\n", (__Q8_MT)INT32_C(-123456789) ); if ( UINT32_C(123456789) != 123456789 ) fprintf(outfile,"*** UINT32_C(123456789) produced %"PRIuMAX" ***\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT32_C(123456789) ); #ifdef INT_LEAST64_MAX if ( INT64_C(-1234567890123456789) != -1234567890123456789 ) fprintf(outfile,"*** INT64_C(-1234567890123456789) produced %"PRIdMAX " ***\n", (__Q8_MT)INT64_C(-1234567890123456789) ); if ( UINT64_C(1234567890123456789) != 1234567890123456789 ) fprintf(outfile,"*** UINT64_C(1234567890123456789) produced %"PRIuMAX " ***\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINT64_C(1234567890123456789) ); #endif #ifdef INTMAX_MAX if ( INTMAX_C(-1234567890123456789) != -1234567890123456789 ) fprintf(outfile,"*** INTMAX_C(-1234567890123456789) produced %"PRIdMAX " ***\n", (__Q8_MT)INTMAX_C(-1234567890123456789) ); if ( UINTMAX_C(1234567890123456789) != 1234567890123456789 ) fprintf(outfile,"*** UINTMAX_C(1234567890123456789) produced %"PRIuMAX " ***\n", (U__Q8_MT)UINTMAX_C(1234567890123456789) ); #endif /* <inttypes.h> features: */ #if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901 fprintf(outfile,"sizeof(imaxdiv_t)=%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(imaxdiv_t)); #endif /* 7.8.1 Macros for format specifiers */ { /* scanf these strings */ static const char in_dn[] = "Z119bZ"; static const char in_dmo[] = "Z-0119bZ"; static const char in_dspx[] = "Z \t\n +0X119bZ"; static const char in_dsmx[] = "Z \t\n -0x119bZ"; static const char in_dsn[] = "Z \t\n 119bZ"; static const char in_dp[] = "Z+119bZ"; static const char in_dpx[] = "Z+0X119bz"; /* sprintf into this */ static char buffer[1024]; #if 1 #define SCAN(buf,fs,var,exp) if ( sscanf(buf, "Z%" fs, &var) != 1 ) \ { \ fprintf(outfile,"***%s=",fs, STR_SUB(fs) \ " failed ***\n" \ ); \ status = EXIT_FAILURE; \ } \ else if ( var != (exp) ) \ { \ fprintf(outfile,"***%s=",fs, STR_SUB(fs) \ " should be: " STR_SUB(exp) \ ", was: %" fs " ***\n", var \ ); \ status = EXIT_FAILURE; \ } \ else /* for trailing semicolon */ #define PRINT(fs,var,exp) if ( sprintf(buffer, "%" fs, var ) <= 0 ) \ { \ fprintf(outfile,"***%s=",fs, STR_SUB(fs) \ " failed ***\n" \ ); \ status = EXIT_FAILURE; \ } \ else if ( strcmp(buffer, STR_SUB(exp)) != 0 ) \ { \ fprintf(outfile,"***%s=",fs, STR_SUB(fs) \ " should be: " STR_SUB(exp) \ ", was: %s ***\n", buffer \ ); \ status = EXIT_FAILURE; \ } \ else /* for trailing semicolon */ #else #define SCAN(buf,fs,var,exp) #define PRINT(fs,var,exp) #endif #ifdef SCNo32 SCAN(in_dn, SCNo32, int32, 9); #endif #ifdef PRIo32 PRINT(PRIo32, int32, 11); #endif SCAN(in_dmo, SCNiLEAST16, intl16, -9); SCAN(in_dspx, SCNdLEAST16, intl16, 0); SCAN(in_dsmx, SCNiLEAST16, intl16, -4507); PRINT(PRIdLEAST16, intl16, -4507); PRINT(PRIiLEAST16, intl16, -4507); SCAN(in_dsn, SCNxLEAST16, uintl16, 4507); PRINT(PRIoLEAST16, uintl16, 10633); PRINT(PRIuLEAST16, uintl16, 4507); PRINT(PRIxLEAST16, uintl16, 119b); PRINT(PRIXLEAST16, uintl16, 119B); SCAN(in_dp, SCNxFAST16, uintf16, 4507); PRINT(PRIxFAST16, uintf16, 119b); #ifdef SCNdMAX SCAN(in_dp, SCNdMAX, intmax, 119); #endif #ifdef PRIiMAX PRINT(PRIiMAX, intmax, 119); #endif #ifdef SCNoMAX SCAN(in_dpx, SCNoMAX, uintmax, 0); #endif #ifdef PRIxMAX PRINT(PRIxMAX, uintmax, 0); #endif /* Obviously there should be a much larger battery of such tests. */ } #if defined(INTMAX_MAX) /* <inttypes.h> has C99 features */ /* 7.8.2 Functions for greatest-width integer types */ { static struct { intmax_t input; intmax_t expect; } abs_data[] = { #ifdef INT8_MAX { INT8_MAX, INT8_MAX, }, { -INT8_MAX, INT8_MAX, }, { UINT8_MAX, UINT8_MAX, }, #endif #if 0 #ifdef INT16_MAX { INT16_MAX, INT16_MAX, }, { -INT16_MAX, INT16_MAX, }, { UINT16_MAX, UINT16_MAX, }, #endif #ifdef INT32_MAX { INT32_MAX, INT32_MAX, }, { -INT32_MAX, INT32_MAX, }, #ifdef INT_LEAST64_MAX /* else might support only 32 bits */ { UINT32_MAX, UINT32_MAX, }, #endif #endif #ifdef INT64_MAX { INT64_MAX, INT64_MAX, }, { -INT64_MAX, INT64_MAX, }, #endif { INT_LEAST8_MAX, INT_LEAST8_MAX, }, { -INT_LEAST8_MAX, INT_LEAST8_MAX, }, { UINT_LEAST8_MAX, UINT_LEAST8_MAX, }, { INT_LEAST16_MAX, INT_LEAST16_MAX, }, { -INT_LEAST16_MAX, INT_LEAST16_MAX, }, { UINT_LEAST16_MAX, UINT_LEAST16_MAX, }, { INT_LEAST32_MAX, INT_LEAST32_MAX, }, { -INT_LEAST32_MAX, INT_LEAST32_MAX, }, #ifdef INT_LEAST64_MAX { UINT_LEAST32_MAX, UINT_LEAST32_MAX, }, { INT_LEAST64_MAX, INT_LEAST64_MAX, }, { -INT_LEAST64_MAX, INT_LEAST64_MAX, }, #endif { INT_FAST8_MAX, INT_FAST8_MAX, }, { -INT_FAST8_MAX, INT_FAST8_MAX, }, { UINT_FAST8_MAX, UINT_FAST8_MAX, }, { INT_FAST16_MAX, INT_FAST16_MAX, }, { -INT_FAST16_MAX, INT_FAST16_MAX, }, { UINT_FAST16_MAX, UINT_FAST16_MAX, }, { INT_FAST32_MAX, INT_FAST32_MAX, }, { -INT_FAST32_MAX, INT_FAST32_MAX, }, #ifdef INT_FAST64_MAX { UINT_FAST32_MAX, UINT_FAST32_MAX, }, { INT_FAST64_MAX, INT_FAST64_MAX, }, { -INT_FAST64_MAX, INT_FAST64_MAX, }, #endif #ifdef INTPTR_MAX { INTPTR_MAX, INTPTR_MAX, }, { -INTPTR_MAX, INTPTR_MAX, }, #endif #ifdef UINTPTR_MAX { UINTPTR_MAX, UINTPTR_MAX, }, #endif { INTMAX_MAX, INTMAX_MAX, }, #ifdef PTRDIFF_MAX { PTRDIFF_MAX, PTRDIFF_MAX, }, #endif #ifdef SIG_ATOMIC_MAX { SIG_ATOMIC_MAX, SIG_ATOMIC_MAX, }, #if SIG_ATOMIC_MIN < 0 { -SIG_ATOMIC_MAX, SIG_ATOMIC_MAX, }, #endif #endif #ifdef SIZE_MAX { SIZE_MAX, SIZE_MAX, }, #endif #ifdef WCHAR_MAX { WCHAR_MAX, WCHAR_MAX, }, #if WCHAR_MIN < 0 { -WCHAR_MAX, WCHAR_MAX, }, #endif #endif #ifdef WINT_MAX { WINT_MAX, WINT_MAX, }, #if WINT_MIN < 0 { -WINT_MAX, WINT_MAX, }, #endif #endif { 127, 127, }, { -127, 127, }, { 128, 128, }, { -127-1, 128, }, { 255, 255, }, { -256+1, 255, }, { 256, 256, }, { -256, 256, }, { 32767, 32767, }, { -32767, 32767, }, { 32768, 32768, }, { -32767-1, 32768, }, { 65535, 65535, }, { -65536+1, 65535, }, { 65536, 65536, }, { -65536, 65536, }, { 2147483647, 2147483647, }, { -2147483647, 2147483647, }, { 2147483648, 2147483648, }, { -2147483647-1, 2147483648, }, #ifdef INT_LEAST64_MAX /* else might support only 32 bits */ { 4294967295, 4294967295, }, { -4294967296+1, 4294967295, }, { 4294967296, 4294967296, }, { -4294967296, 4294967296, }, { 9223372036854775807, 9223372036854775807, }, { -9223372036854775807, 9223372036854775807, }, { 1234567890123456789, 1234567890123456789, }, { -1234567890123456789, 1234567890123456789, }, #endif { 1, 1, }, { -1, 1, }, { 2, 2, }, { -2, 2, }, { 10, 10, }, { -10, 10, }, { 16, 16, }, { -16, 16, }, #endif /* Other test cases can be added here. */ { 0, 0 /* terminates the list */ }, }, *adp = abs_data; do { if ( (intmax = imaxabs(adp->input)) != adp->expect ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** imaxabs(%"PRIdMAX") failed; should be: %" PRIdMAX", was: %"PRIdMAX" ***\n", adp->input, adp->expect, intmax ); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } // } while ( adp++->input != 0 ); } while ( (adp++)->input != 0 ); } { imaxdiv_t result; static struct { intmax_t numer; intmax_t denom; intmax_t exp_quot; intmax_t exp_rem; } div_data[] = { { 0, 1, 0, 0, }, #if 0 { 0, -1, 0, 0, }, { 0, 2, 0, 0, }, { 0, -2, 0, 0, }, { 0, 5, 0, 0, }, { 0, -5, 0, 0, }, { 1, 1, 1, 0, }, { 1, -1, -1, 0, }, { 1, 2, 0, 1, }, { 1, -2, 0, 1, }, { 1, 5, 0, 1, }, { 1, -5, 0, 1, }, { -1, 1, -1, 0, }, { -1, -1, 1, 0, }, { -1, 2, 0, -1, }, { -1, -2, 0, -1, }, { -1, 5, 0, -1, }, { -1, -5, 0, -1, }, { 2, 1, 2, 0, }, { 2, -1, -2, 0, }, { 2, 2, 1, 0, }, { 2, -2, -1, 0, }, { 2, 5, 0, 2, }, { 2, -5, 0, 2, }, { -2, 1, -2, 0, }, { -2, -1, 2, 0, }, { -2, 2, -1, 0, }, { -2, -2, 1, 0, }, { -2, 5, 0, -2, }, { -2, -5, 0, -2, }, { 17, 5, 3, 2, }, { -17, -5, 3, -2, }, { 17, -5, -3, 2, }, { -17, 5, -3, -2, }, { 2147483647, 1, 2147483647, 0, }, { -2147483647, 1, -2147483647, 0, }, { 2147483648, 1, 2147483648, 0, }, { -2147483647-1, 1, -2147483647-1, 0, }, { 2147483647, 2, 1073741823, 1, }, { -2147483647, 2, -1073741823, -1, }, { 2147483648, 2, 1073741824, 0, }, { -2147483647-1, 2, -1073741824, 0, }, #ifdef INT_LEAST64_MAX /* else might support only 32 bits */ { 4294967295, 1, 4294967295, 0, }, { -4294967296+1, 1, -4294967296+1, 0, }, { 4294967296, 1, 4294967296, 0, }, { -4294967296, 1, -4294967296, 0, }, { 4294967295, -1, -4294967296+1, 0, }, { -4294967296+1, -1, 4294967295, 0, }, { 4294967296, -1, -4294967296, 0, }, { -4294967296, -1, 4294967296, 0, }, { 4294967295, 2, 2147483647, 1, }, { -4294967296+1, 2, -2147483647, -1, }, { 4294967296, 2, 2147483648, 0, }, { -4294967296, 2, -2147483647-1, 0, }, { 4294967295, 2147483647, 2, 1, }, { -4294967296+1, 2147483647, -2, -1, }, { 4294967296, 2147483647, 2, 2, }, { -4294967296, 2147483647, -2, -2, }, { 4294967295, -2147483647, -2, 1, }, { -4294967296+1, -2147483647, 2, -1, }, { 4294967296, -2147483647, -2, 2, }, { -4294967296, -2147483647, 2, -2, }, { 4294967295, 2147483648, 1, 2147483647, }, { -4294967296+1, 2147483648, -1, -2147483647, }, { 4294967296, 2147483648, 2, 0, }, { -4294967296, 2147483648, -2, 0, }, { 4294967295, -2147483647-1, -1, 2147483647, }, { -4294967296+1, -2147483647-1, 1, -2147483647,}, { 4294967296, -2147483647-1, -2, 0, }, { -4294967296, -2147483647-1, 2, 0, }, { 9223372036854775807, 1, 9223372036854775807, 0, }, { -9223372036854775807, 1, -9223372036854775807, 0, }, { 9223372036854775807, 2, 4611686018427387903, 1, }, { -9223372036854775807, 2, -4611686018427387903, -1, }, #endif #endif /* There should be a much larger battery of such tests. */ { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, /* 0 denom terminates the list */ }, *ddp; #if 0 for ( ddp = div_data; ddp->denom != 0; ++ddp ) if ( (result = imaxdiv(ddp->numer, ddp->denom)).quot != ddp->exp_quot || result.rem != ddp->exp_rem ) { // fprintf(outfile,"*** imaxdiv(%"PRIdMAX",%"PRIdMAX // ") failed; should be: (%"PRIdMAX",%"PRIdMAX // "), was: (%"PRIdMAX",%"PRIdMAX") ***\n", // ddp->numer, ddp->denom, ddp->exp_quot, // ddp->exp_rem, result.quot, result.rem // ); fprintf(outfile,"err:imaxdiv(%"PRIdMAX",%"PRIdMAX ") = (%"PRIdMAX",%"PRIdMAX "), is: (%"PRIdMAX",%"PRIdMAX")\n", ddp->numer, ddp->denom, ddp->exp_quot, ddp->exp_rem, result.quot, result.rem ); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } #endif } { char *endptr; wchar_t *wendptr; static char saved[64]; /* holds copy of input string */ static wchar_t wnptr[64]; /* holds wide copy of test string */ static int warned; /* "warned for null endptr" flag */ register int i; static struct { char * nptr; int base; intmax_t exp_val; int exp_len; } str_data[] = { { "", 0, 0, 0, }, { "", 2, 0, 0, }, { "", 8, 0, 0, }, { "", 9, 0, 0, }, { "", 10, 0, 0, }, { "", 16, 0, 0, }, { "", 36, 0, 0, }, { "0", 0, 0, 1, }, { "0", 2, 0, 1, }, { "0", 8, 0, 1, }, { "0", 9, 0, 1, }, { "0", 10, 0, 1, }, { "0", 16, 0, 1, }, { "0", 36, 0, 1, }, { "+0", 0, 0, 2, }, { "+0", 2, 0, 2, }, { "+0", 8, 0, 2, }, { "+0", 9, 0, 2, }, { "+0", 10, 0, 2, }, { "+0", 16, 0, 2, }, { "+0", 36, 0, 2, }, { "-0", 0, 0, 2, }, { "-0", 2, 0, 2, }, { "-0", 8, 0, 2, }, { "-0", 9, 0, 2, }, { "-0", 10, 0, 2, }, { "-0", 16, 0, 2, }, { "-0", 36, 0, 2, }, { "Inf", 0, 0, 0, }, { "Inf", 2, 0, 0, }, { "Inf", 8, 0, 0, }, { "Inf", 9, 0, 0, }, { "Inf", 10, 0, 0, }, { "Inf", 16, 0, 0, }, { "Inf", 36, 24171, 3, }, { "+Inf", 0, 0, 0, }, { "+Inf", 2, 0, 0, }, { "+Inf", 8, 0, 0, }, { "+Inf", 9, 0, 0, }, { "+Inf", 10, 0, 0, }, { "+Inf", 16, 0, 0, }, { "+Inf", 36, 24171, 4, }, { "-Inf", 0, 0, 0, }, { "-Inf", 2, 0, 0, }, { "-Inf", 8, 0, 0, }, { "-Inf", 9, 0, 0, }, { "-Inf", 10, 0, 0, }, { "-Inf", 16, 0, 0, }, { "-Inf", 36, -24171, 4, }, { "inf", 0, 0, 0, }, { "inf", 2, 0, 0, }, { "inf", 8, 0, 0, }, { "inf", 9, 0, 0, }, { "inf", 10, 0, 0, }, { "inf", 16, 0, 0, }, { "inf", 36, 24171, 3, }, { "+inf", 0, 0, 0, }, { "+inf", 2, 0, 0, }, { "+inf", 8, 0, 0, }, { "+inf", 9, 0, 0, }, { "+inf", 10, 0, 0, }, { "+inf", 16, 0, 0, }, { "+inf", 36, 24171, 4, }, { "-inf", 0, 0, 0, }, { "-inf", 2, 0, 0, }, { "-inf", 8, 0, 0, }, { "-inf", 9, 0, 0, }, { "-inf", 10, 0, 0, }, { "-inf", 16, 0, 0, }, { "-inf", 36, -24171, 4, }, { "119b8Z", 0, 119, 3, }, { "119bZ", 0, 119, 3, }, { "-0119bZ", 0, -9, 4, }, { " \t\n 0X119bZ", 0, 4507, 10, }, { " \t\n +0X119bZ", 0, 4507, 11, }, { " \t\n -0x119bZ", 0, -4507, 11, }, { " \t\n 119bZ", 0, 119, 7, }, { "+119bZ", 0, 119, 4, }, { "+0X119bz", 0, 4507, 7, }, { "119b8Z", 2, 3, 2, }, { "119bZ", 2, 3, 2, }, { "-0119bZ", 2, -3, 4, }, { " \t\n 0X119bZ", 2, 0, 5, }, { " \t\n +0X119bZ", 2, 0, 6, }, { " \t\n -0x119bZ", 2, 0, 6, }, { " \t\n 119bZ", 2, 3, 6, }, { "+119bZ", 2, 3, 3, }, { "+0X119bz", 2, 0, 2, }, { "119b8Z", 8, 9, 2, }, { "119bZ", 8, 9, 2, }, { "-0119bZ", 8, -9, 4, }, { " \t\n 0X119bZ", 8, 0, 5, }, { " \t\n +0X119bZ", 8, 0, 6, }, { " \t\n -0x119bZ", 8, 0, 6, }, { " \t\n 119bZ", 8, 9, 6, }, { "+119bZ", 8, 9, 3, }, { "+0X119bz", 8, 0, 2, }, { "119b8Z", 9, 10, 2, }, { "119bZ", 9, 10, 2, }, { "-0119bZ", 9, -10, 4, }, { " \t\n 0X119bZ", 9, 0, 5, }, { " \t\n +0X119bZ", 9, 0, 6, }, { " \t\n -0x119bZ", 9, 0, 6, }, { " \t\n 119bZ", 9, 10, 6, }, { "+119bZ", 9, 10, 3, }, { "+0X119bz", 9, 0, 2, }, { "119b8Z", 10, 119, 3, }, { "119bZ", 10, 119, 3, }, { "-0119bZ", 10, -119, 5, }, { " \t\n 0X119bZ", 10, 0, 5, }, { " \t\n +0X119bZ", 10, 0, 6, }, { " \t\n -0x119bZ", 10, 0, 6, }, { " \t\n 119bZ", 10, 119, 7, }, { "+119bZ", 10, 119, 4, }, { "+0X119bz", 10, 0, 2, }, { "119b8Z", 16, 72120, 5, }, { "119bZ", 16, 4507, 4, }, { "-0119bZ", 16, -4507, 6, }, { " \t\n 0X119bZ", 16, 4507, 10, }, { " \t\n +0X119bZ", 16, 4507, 11, }, { " \t\n -0x119bZ", 16, -4507, 11, }, { " \t\n 119bZ", 16, 4507,8, }, { "+119bZ", 16, 4507, 5, }, { "+0X119bz", 16, 4507, 7, }, { "119b8Z", 36, 62580275, 6, }, { "119bZ", 36, 1738367, 5, }, { "-0119bZ", 36, -1738367, 7, }, { " \t\n 0X119bZ", 36, 1997122175, 11, }, { " \t\n +0X119bZ", 36, 1997122175, 12, }, { " \t\n -0x119bZ", 36, -1997122175, 12, }, { " \t\n 119bZ", 36, 1738367, 9, }, { "+119bZ", 36, 1738367, 6, }, { "+0X119bz", 36, 1997122175, 8, }, /* There should be a much larger battery of such tests. */ { "127", 0, 127, 3, }, { "-127", 0, -127, 4, }, { "128", 0, 128, 3, }, { "-128", 0, -127-1, 4, }, { "255", 0, 255, 3, }, { "-255", 0, -255, 4, }, { "256", 0, 256, 3, }, { "-256", 0, -255-1, 4, }, { "32767", 0, 32767, 5, }, { "-32767", 0, -32767, 6, }, { "32768", 0, 32768, 5, }, { "-32768", 0, -32767-1, 6, }, { "65535", 0, 65535, 5, }, { "-65535", 0, -65536+1, 6, }, { "65536", 0, 65536, 5, }, { "-65536", 0, -65536, 6, }, { "2147483647", 0, 2147483647, 10, }, { "-2147483647", 0, -2147483647, 11, }, { "2147483648", 0, 2147483648, 10, }, { "-2147483648", 0, -2147483647-1, 11, }, { "4294967295", 0, 4294967295, 10, }, { "-4294967295", 0, -4294967296+1, 11, }, { "4294967296", 0, 4294967296, 10, }, { "-4294967296", 0, -4294967296, 11, }, { "9223372036854775807", 0, 9223372036854775807, 19, }, { "-9223372036854775807", 0, -9223372036854775807, 20, }, { "1234567890123456789", 0, 1234567890123456789, 19, }, { "-1234567890123456789", 0, -1234567890123456789, 20, }, { "1", 0, 1, 1, }, { "-1", 0, -1, 2, }, { "2", 0, 2, 1, }, { "-2", 0, -2, 2, }, { "10", 0, 10, 2, }, { "-10", 0, -10, 3, }, { "16", 0, 16, 2, }, { "-16", 0, -16, 3, }, /* Other test cases can be added here. */ { NULL, 0, 0, 0 }, /* terminates the list */ }, *sdp; for ( sdp = str_data; sdp->nptr != NULL ; ++sdp ) { /* The strtoimax and strtoumax functions */ strcpy(saved, sdp->nptr); errno = 0; /* shouldn't be changed */ if ( (intmax = strtoimax(sdp->nptr, &endptr, sdp->base)) != sdp->exp_val ) { int save = errno; fprintf(outfile,"*** strtoimax(%s,,%d) failed; should be: %" PRIdMAX", was: %"PRIdMAX" ***\n", sdp->nptr, sdp->base, sdp->exp_val, intmax ); status = EXIT_FAILURE; errno = save; } else if ( endptr != sdp->nptr + sdp->exp_len ) { int save = errno; fprintf(outfile,"*** strtoimax(%s,,%d) returned wrong endptr" " ***\n", sdp->nptr, sdp->base ); status = EXIT_FAILURE; errno = save; } if ( errno != 0 ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** strtoimax modified errno ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( strcmp(sdp->nptr, saved) != 0 ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** strtoimax modified its input ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; strcpy(saved, sdp->nptr); } if ( sdp->exp_val >= 0 ) /* else some sign extension */ { errno = 0; /* shouldn't be changed */ if ( (uintmax = strtoumax(sdp->nptr, &endptr, sdp->base ) ) != sdp->exp_val ) { int save = errno; fprintf(outfile,"*** strtoumax(%s,,%d) failed; " "should be: %"PRIuMAX", was: %"PRIuMAX " ***\n", sdp->nptr, sdp->base, sdp->exp_val, uintmax ); status = EXIT_FAILURE; errno = save; } else if ( endptr != sdp->nptr + sdp->exp_len ) { int save = errno; fprintf(outfile,"*** strtoumax(%s,,%d) returned wrong " "endptr ***\n", sdp->nptr, sdp->base ); status = EXIT_FAILURE; errno = save; } if ( errno != 0 ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** strtoumax modified errno ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( strcmp(sdp->nptr, saved) != 0 ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** strtoumax" " modified its input ***\n" ); status = EXIT_FAILURE; strcpy(saved, sdp->nptr); } } /* tests for null endptr */ #define WARN() if (!warned) warned = 1, fprintf(outfile,"*** Using null endptr: ***\n") warned = 0; errno = 0; /* shouldn't be changed */ if ( (intmax = strtoimax(sdp->nptr, (char **)NULL, sdp->base)) != sdp->exp_val ) { int save = errno; WARN(); fprintf(outfile,"*** strtoimax(%s,NULL,%d) failed; " "should be: %"PRIdMAX", was: %"PRIdMAX" ***\n", sdp->nptr, sdp->base, sdp->exp_val, intmax ); status = EXIT_FAILURE; errno = save; } if ( errno != 0 ) { WARN(); fprintf(outfile,"*** strtoimax modified errno ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( strcmp(sdp->nptr, saved) != 0 ) { WARN(); fprintf(outfile,"*** strtoimax modified its input ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; strcpy(saved, sdp->nptr); } if ( sdp->exp_val >= 0 ) /* else some sign extension */ { errno = 0; /* shouldn't be changed */ if ( (uintmax = strtoumax(sdp->nptr, (char **)NULL, sdp->base ) ) != sdp->exp_val ) { int save = errno; WARN(); fprintf(outfile,"*** strtoumax(%s,NULL,%d) failed; " "should be: %"PRIuMAX", was: %"PRIuMAX " ***\n", sdp->nptr, sdp->base, sdp->exp_val, uintmax ); status = EXIT_FAILURE; errno = save; } if ( errno != 0 ) { WARN(); fprintf(outfile,"*** strtoumax modified errno ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( strcmp(sdp->nptr, saved) != 0 ) { WARN(); fprintf(outfile,"*** strtoumax" " modified its input ***\n" ); status = EXIT_FAILURE; strcpy(saved, sdp->nptr); } } /* The wcstoimax and wcstoumax functions */ for ( i = 0; i < 64; ++i ) if ( (wnptr[i] = sdp->nptr[i]) == '\0' ) break; errno = 0; /* shouldn't be changed */ if ( (intmax = wcstoimax(wnptr, &wendptr, sdp->base)) != sdp->exp_val ) { int save = errno; fprintf(outfile,"*** wcstoimax(%s,,%d) failed; should be: %" PRIdMAX", was: %"PRIdMAX" ***\n", sdp->nptr, sdp->base, sdp->exp_val, intmax ); status = EXIT_FAILURE; errno = save; } else if ( wendptr != wnptr + sdp->exp_len ) { int save = errno; fprintf(outfile,"*** wcstoimax(%s,,%d) returned wrong endptr" " ***\n", sdp->nptr, sdp->base ); status = EXIT_FAILURE; errno = save; } if ( errno != 0 ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** wcstoimax modified errno ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } for ( i = 0; i < 64; ++i ) if ( wnptr[i] != sdp->nptr[i] ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** wcstoimax modified its input ***\n" ); status = EXIT_FAILURE; for ( ; i < 64; ++i ) if ( (wnptr[i] = sdp->nptr[i]) == '\0' ) break; break; } else if ( wnptr[i] == '\0' ) break; if ( sdp->exp_val >= 0 ) /* else some sign extension */ { errno = 0; /* shouldn't be changed */ if ( (uintmax = wcstoumax(wnptr, &wendptr, sdp->base) ) != sdp->exp_val ) { int save = errno; fprintf(outfile,"*** wcstoumax(%s,,%d) failed; " "should be: %"PRIuMAX", was: %"PRIuMAX " ***\n", sdp->nptr, sdp->base, sdp->exp_val, uintmax ); status = EXIT_FAILURE; errno = save; } else if ( wendptr != wnptr + sdp->exp_len ) { int save = errno; fprintf(outfile,"*** wcstoumax(%s,,%d) returned wrong " "endptr ***\n", sdp->nptr, sdp->base ); status = EXIT_FAILURE; errno = save; } if ( errno != 0 ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** wcstoumax modified errno ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } for ( i = 0; i < 64; ++i ) if ( wnptr[i] != sdp->nptr[i] ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** wcstoumax" " modified its input ***\n" ); status = EXIT_FAILURE; for ( ; i < 64; ++i ) if ( (wnptr[i] = sdp->nptr[i]) == '\0' ) break; break; } else if ( wnptr[i] == '\0' ) break; } /* tests for null endptr */ warned = 0; errno = 0; /* shouldn't be changed */ if ( (intmax = wcstoimax(wnptr, (wchar_t **)NULL, sdp->base)) != sdp->exp_val ) { int save = errno; WARN(); fprintf(outfile,"*** wcstoimax(%s,NULL,%d) failed; should be: %" PRIdMAX", was: %"PRIdMAX" ***\n", sdp->nptr, sdp->base, sdp->exp_val, intmax ); status = EXIT_FAILURE; errno = save; } if ( errno != 0 ) { WARN(); fprintf(outfile,"*** wcstoimax modified errno ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } for ( i = 0; i < 64; ++i ) if ( wnptr[i] != sdp->nptr[i] ) { WARN(); fprintf(outfile,"*** wcstoimax modified its input ***\n" ); status = EXIT_FAILURE; for ( ; i < 64; ++i ) if ( (wnptr[i] = sdp->nptr[i]) == '\0' ) break; break; } else if ( wnptr[i] == '\0' ) break; if ( sdp->exp_val >= 0 ) /* else some sign extension */ { errno = 0; /* shouldn't be changed */ if ( (uintmax = wcstoumax(wnptr, (wchar_t **)NULL, sdp->base ) ) != sdp->exp_val ) { int save = errno; WARN(); fprintf(outfile,"*** wcstoumax(%s,NULL,%d) failed; " "should be: %"PRIuMAX", was: %"PRIuMAX " ***\n", sdp->nptr, sdp->base, sdp->exp_val, uintmax ); status = EXIT_FAILURE; errno = save; } if ( errno != 0 ) { WARN(); fprintf(outfile,"*** wcstoumax modified errno ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } for ( i = 0; i < 64; ++i ) if ( wnptr[i] != sdp->nptr[i] ) { WARN(); fprintf(outfile,"*** wcstoumax" " modified its input ***\n" ); status = EXIT_FAILURE; for ( ; i < 64; ++i ) if ( (wnptr[i] = sdp->nptr[i]) == '\0' ) break; break; } else if ( wnptr[i] == '\0' ) break; } } /* The strtoimax and strtoumax functions (continued) */ if ( (intmax = strtoimax("1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", &endptr, 0 ) ) != INTMAX_MAX || errno != ERANGE ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** strtoimax failed overflow test ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( (intmax = strtoimax("+1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", &endptr, 0 ) ) != INTMAX_MAX || errno != ERANGE ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** strtoimax failed +overflow test ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( (intmax = strtoimax("-1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", &endptr, 0 ) ) != INTMAX_MIN || errno != ERANGE ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** strtoimax failed -overflow test ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( (uintmax = strtoumax("1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", &endptr, 0 ) ) != UINTMAX_MAX || errno != ERANGE ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** strtoumax failed overflow test ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( (uintmax = strtoumax("+1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", &endptr, 0 ) ) != UINTMAX_MAX || errno != ERANGE ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** strtoumax failed +overflow test ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( (uintmax = strtoumax("-1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", &endptr, 0 ) ) != UINTMAX_MAX || errno != ERANGE ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** strtoumax failed -overflow test ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } /* The wcstoimax and wcstoumax functions (continued) */ #ifdef NO_INTERNAL_WCHAR fprintf(outfile,"NO_INTERNAL_WCHAR\n"); #else if ( (intmax = wcstoimax(L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", &wendptr, 0 ) ) != INTMAX_MAX || errno != ERANGE ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** wcstoimax failed overflow test ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( (intmax = wcstoimax(L"+1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", &wendptr, 0 ) ) != INTMAX_MAX || errno != ERANGE ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** wcstoimax failed +overflow test ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( (intmax = wcstoimax(L"-1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", &wendptr, 0 ) ) != INTMAX_MIN || errno != ERANGE ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** wcstoimax failed -overflow test ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( (uintmax = wcstoumax(L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", &wendptr, 0 ) ) != UINTMAX_MAX || errno != ERANGE ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** wcstoumax failed overflow test ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( (uintmax = wcstoumax(L"+1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", &wendptr, 0 ) ) != UINTMAX_MAX || errno != ERANGE ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** wcstoumax failed +overflow test ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( (uintmax = wcstoumax(L"-1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" L"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", &wendptr, 0 ) ) != UINTMAX_MAX || errno != ERANGE ) { fprintf(outfile,"*** wcstoumax failed -overflow test ***\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } #endif // NO_INTERNAL_WCHAR } #endif /* defined(INTMAX_MAX) */ if ( status != 0 ) fprintf(outfile, "sitest failed.\n"); CLOSETEST(); return status; }
int main() { int num; int i , j , k; int p; int len; int lines; int pos[3]; char enigma[3][27]; char code[1024]; int c1 , c2 , c3; #ifdef DEBUG fp = fopen("test.txt","r"); #endif num = 0; SCAN("%d" , &len ); while( len ) { if( num ) printf("\n"); printf("Enigma %d:\n" , ++num ); for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) SCAN("%s",enigma[i] ); for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { for( j = 0 ; j < len ; j++ ) { enigma[i][j] = ( enigma[i][j] - 'A' - j + len) % len ; PRINT("%d " , enigma[i][j]); } PRINT("\n"); } SCAN("%d" , &lines ); while( lines-- ) { SCAN("%s" , code ); p = 0; pos[0] = pos[1] = pos[2] = 0; while( 1 ) { for( j = 0 ; j < len ; j++ ) { for( k = 0 ; k < len ; k++ ) { if( code[p] == '\0' ) goto done; for( i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) { c1 = i + enigma[0][(i+pos[0])%len]; if( c1 >= len ) c1 -= len; c2 = c1 + enigma[1][(c1+pos[1])%len]; if( c2 >= len ) c2 -= len; c3 = c2 + enigma[2][(c2+pos[2])%len]; if( c3 >= len ) c3 -= len; if( c3 + 'A' == code[p] ) { code[p] = i + 'a'; break; } } p++; if( pos[0] == 0 ) pos[0] = len - 1; else pos[0]--; } if( pos[1] == 0 ) pos[1] = len - 1; else pos[1]--; } if( pos[2] == 0 ) pos[2] = len - 1; else pos[2]--; } done: printf("%s\n" , code ); } SCAN("%d" , &len ); } return 0; }
int main() { #ifdef DEBUG fp = fopen("test.txt","r"); #endif int n , m , k; int i , j; int t1 , t2; list *tmp_list; int l; tree_node* levels[11]; tree_node* tmp_node; tree_node* node_prev_level; tree_node* tmp_parent; char tmp_char; char c1 , c2; int tmp_type; int ac1 , ac2; int valid; int cases; cases = 0; while( 1 ) { SCAN("%d %d %d" , &n , &m , &k ); if( n == 0 ) break; cases++; if( cases != 1 ) printf("\n"); printf("NTA%d:\n" , cases ); for( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) for( j = 0 ; j < k ; j++ ) { SCAN("%d %d" , &t1 , &t2 ); signal_table[i][j].l = t1; signal_table[i][j].r = t2; tmp_list = &signal_table[i][j]; while( GETCHAR() != '\n' ) { SCAN("%d %d" , &t1 , &t2 ); tmp_list->next = (list*)malloc( sizeof(list) ); tmp_list = tmp_list->next; tmp_list->l = t1; tmp_list->r = t2; } tmp_list->next = NULL; } /*for( i = 0 ; i < n ;i++ ) for( j = 0 ; j < k; j++ ) { tmp_list = &signal_table[i][j]; while( tmp_list ) { printf("%d %d " , tmp_list->l , tmp_list->r ); tmp_list = tmp_list->next; } printf("\n"); } */ while( 1 ) { SCAN("%d\n" , &l ); if( l == -1 ) break; format_cache(); valid = 0; /*PRINT("REACH 1:l=%d\n" , l);*/ levels[0] = get_node(); tmp_node = levels[0]; tmp_char = GETCHAR(); GETCHAR(); tmp_node->type = tmp_char - 'a'; tmp_node->next = get_node(); for( i = 1 ; i <= l ; i++ ) { node_prev_level = levels[i-1]; levels[i] = get_node(); tmp_node = levels[i]; do { /*while( node_prev_level->type == '*'-'a' ) node_prev_level = node_prev_level->next;*/ SCAN("%c %c" , &c1 , &c2 ); /*PRINT("REACH 2: c1=%c c2=%c\n" , c1 , c2 );*/ tmp_node->next = get_node(); tmp_node->parent = node_prev_level; tmp_node->type = c1 - 'a'; if( c1 == '*' ) tmp_node->accept = 0xffff<<(n-m) & 0xffff>>(16-n); tmp_node = tmp_node->next; tmp_node->next = get_node(); tmp_node->parent = node_prev_level; tmp_node->type = c2 - 'a'; if( c2 == '*' ) tmp_node->accept = 0xffff<<(n-m) & 0xffff>>(16-n); tmp_node = tmp_node->next; node_prev_level = node_prev_level->next; if( node_prev_level == NULL ) { malloc(1000000); return 0; } tmp_char = GETCHAR(); }while(tmp_char == ' '); } /* for( i = 1 ; i <= l ; i++ ) { tmp_node = levels[i]; while( tmp_node->next ) { printf("%c(%c) " , tmp_node->type+'a' , tmp_node->parent->type+'a' ); tmp_node = tmp_node->next; } printf("\n"); } */ tmp_node = levels[l]; while( tmp_node->next ) { tmp_type = tmp_node->type; if( tmp_type != '*' - 'a' ) { tmp_node->accept = 0; for( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) { tmp_list = &signal_table[i][tmp_type]; while( tmp_list ) { if( tmp_list->l >= n-m && tmp_list->r >= n-m ) { tmp_node->accept |= 1<<i; break; } tmp_list = tmp_list->next; } } if( tmp_node-> accept == 0 ) { valid = 0; goto print; } } tmp_node = tmp_node->next; } for( j = l ; j > 0 ; j-- ) { tmp_node = levels[j]; while( tmp_node-> next ) { tmp_parent = tmp_node->parent; tmp_type = tmp_parent->type; ac1 = tmp_node->accept; tmp_node = tmp_node->next; ac2 = tmp_node->accept; tmp_node = tmp_node->next; if( tmp_type == '*' - 'a' ) continue; tmp_parent->accept = 0; PRINT("REACH 3: node=%c ac1=0x%x ac2=0x%x\n" , tmp_type+'a' , ac1 , ac2 ); for( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) { tmp_list = &signal_table[i][tmp_type]; while( tmp_list ) { PRINT("REACH 3.5: l=%d r=%d\n" , tmp_list->l , tmp_list->r ); if( ( ( ac1 & (1<<tmp_list->l) ) ) && ( ac2 & (1<<tmp_list->r) ) ) { tmp_parent->accept |= 1<<i; PRINT("REACH 4: node=%c signal=%d\n" , tmp_type+'a' , i ); break; } tmp_list = tmp_list->next; } } if( tmp_parent->accept == 0 ) { valid = 0; goto print; } } PRINT("REACH 5: j=%d\n" , j); } if( levels[0]->accept & 1 ) valid = 1; else valid = 0; print: if( valid ) printf("Valid\n"); else printf("Invalid\n"); } } return 0;
static void whois(const char *query, const char *hostname, int flags) { FILE *fp; struct addrinfo *hostres, *res; char *buf, *host, *nhost, *p; int s = -1, f; nfds_t i, j; size_t len, count; struct pollfd *fds; int timeout = 180; hostres = gethostinfo(hostname, 1); for (res = hostres, count = 0; res; res = res->ai_next) count++; fds = calloc(count, sizeof(*fds)); if (fds == NULL) err(EX_OSERR, "calloc()"); /* * Traverse the result list elements and make non-block * connection attempts. */ count = i = 0; for (res = hostres; res != NULL; res = res->ai_next) { s = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype | SOCK_NONBLOCK, res->ai_protocol); if (s < 0) continue; if (connect(s, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen) < 0) { if (errno == EINPROGRESS) { /* Add the socket to poll list */ fds[i].fd = s; fds[i].events = POLLERR | POLLHUP | POLLIN | POLLOUT; count++; i++; } else { close(s); s = -1; /* * Poll only if we have something to poll, * otherwise just go ahead and try next * address */ if (count == 0) continue; } } else goto done; /* * If we are at the last address, poll until a connection is * established or we failed all connection attempts. */ if (res->ai_next == NULL) timeout = INFTIM; /* * Poll the watched descriptors for successful connections: * if we still have more untried resolved addresses, poll only * once; otherwise, poll until all descriptors have errors, * which will be considered as ETIMEDOUT later. */ do { int n; n = poll(fds, i, timeout); if (n == 0) { /* * No event reported in time. Try with a * smaller timeout (but cap at 2-3ms) * after a new host have been added. */ if (timeout >= 3) timeout <<= 1; break; } else if (n < 0) { /* * errno here can only be EINTR which we would * want to clean up and bail out. */ s = -1; goto done; } /* * Check for the event(s) we have seen. */ for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (fds[j].fd == -1 || fds[j].events == 0 || fds[j].revents == 0) continue; if (fds[j].revents & ~(POLLIN | POLLOUT)) { close(s); fds[j].fd = -1; fds[j].events = 0; count--; continue; } else if (fds[j].revents & (POLLIN | POLLOUT)) { /* Connect succeeded. */ s = fds[j].fd; goto done; } } } while (timeout == INFTIM && count != 0); } /* All attempts were failed */ s = -1; if (count == 0) errno = ETIMEDOUT; done: if (s == -1) err(EX_OSERR, "connect()"); /* Close all watched fds except the succeeded one */ for (j = 0; j < i; j++) if (fds[j].fd != s && fds[j].fd != -1) close(fds[j].fd); free(fds); /* Restore default blocking behavior. */ if ((f = fcntl(s, F_GETFL)) == -1) err(EX_OSERR, "fcntl()"); f &= ~O_NONBLOCK; if (fcntl(s, F_SETFL, f) == -1) err(EX_OSERR, "fcntl()"); fp = fdopen(s, "r+"); if (fp == NULL) err(EX_OSERR, "fdopen()"); if (!(flags & WHOIS_SPAM_ME) && (strcasecmp(hostname, DENICHOST) == 0 || strcasecmp(hostname, "de" QNICHOST_TAIL) == 0)) { const char *q; int idn = 0; for (q = query; *q != '\0'; q++) if (!isascii(*q)) idn = 1; fprintf(fp, "-T dn%s %s\r\n", idn ? "" : ",ace", query); } else if (!(flags & WHOIS_SPAM_ME) && (strcasecmp(hostname, DKNICHOST) == 0 || strcasecmp(hostname, "dk" QNICHOST_TAIL) == 0)) fprintf(fp, "--show-handles %s\r\n", query); else if ((flags & WHOIS_SPAM_ME) || strchr(query, ' ') != NULL) fprintf(fp, "%s\r\n", query); else if (strcasecmp(hostname, ANICHOST) == 0) { if (strncasecmp(query, "AS", 2) == 0 && strspn(query+2, "0123456789") == strlen(query+2)) fprintf(fp, "+ a %s\r\n", query+2); else fprintf(fp, "+ %s\r\n", query); } else if (strcasecmp(hostres->ai_canonname, VNICHOST) == 0) fprintf(fp, "domain %s\r\n", query); else fprintf(fp, "%s\r\n", query); fflush(fp); nhost = NULL; while ((buf = fgetln(fp, &len)) != NULL) { /* Nominet */ if (!(flags & WHOIS_SPAM_ME) && len == 5 && strncmp(buf, "-- \r\n", 5) == 0) break; printf("%.*s", (int)len, buf); if ((flags & WHOIS_RECURSE) && nhost == NULL) { for (i = 0; whois_referral[i].prefix != NULL; i++) { p = buf; SCAN(p, buf+len, *p == ' '); if (strncasecmp(p, whois_referral[i].prefix, whois_referral[i].len) != 0) continue; p += whois_referral[i].len; SCAN(p, buf+len, *p == ' '); host = p; SCAN(p, buf+len, ishost(*p)); /* avoid loops */ if (strncmp(hostname, host, p - host) != 0) s_asprintf(&nhost, "%.*s", (int)(p - host), host); break; } for (i = 0; actually_arin[i] != NULL; i++) { if (strncmp(buf, actually_arin[i], len) == 0) { s_asprintf(&nhost, "%s", ANICHOST); break; } } } /* Verisign etc. */ if (!(flags & WHOIS_SPAM_ME) && len >= sizeof(CHOPSPAM)-1 && (strncasecmp(buf, CHOPSPAM, sizeof(CHOPSPAM)-1) == 0 || strncasecmp(buf, CHOPSPAM+4, sizeof(CHOPSPAM)-5) == 0)) { printf("\n"); break; } } fclose(fp); freeaddrinfo(hostres); if (nhost != NULL) { whois(query, nhost, flags); free(nhost); } }