Esempio n. 1
static Scheme_Object *vector_to_immutable (int argc, Scheme_Object *argv[])
    Scheme_Object *vec, *ovec, *v;
    intptr_t len, i;

    vec = argv[0];
        vec = SCHEME_CHAPERONE_VAL(vec);

    if (!SCHEME_VECTORP(vec))
        scheme_wrong_contract("vector->immutable-vector", "vector?", 0, argc, argv);

        return argv[0];

    ovec = vec;
    len = SCHEME_VEC_SIZE(ovec);

    vec = scheme_make_vector(len, NULL);
    if (!SAME_OBJ(ovec, argv[0])) {
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            v = scheme_chaperone_vector_ref(argv[0], i);
            SCHEME_VEC_ELS(vec)[i] = v;
    } else {
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            SCHEME_VEC_ELS(vec)[i] = SCHEME_VEC_ELS(ovec)[i];

    return vec;
Esempio n. 2
static Scheme_Object *
immutablep (int argc, Scheme_Object *argv[])
  Scheme_Object *v = argv[0];

  return ((!SCHEME_INTP(v)
	   && (SCHEME_PAIRP(v)
	       || SCHEME_VECTORP(v)
	       || SCHEME_BOXP(v)))
	  ? scheme_true
	  : scheme_false);
Esempio n. 3
static Scheme_Object *hash_table_put(int argc, Scheme_Object *argv[])
  if (!(SCHEME_HASHTP(argv[0]) || SCHEME_BUCKTP(argv[0])) || SCHEME_IMMUTABLEP(argv[0]))
    scheme_wrong_type("hash-table-put!", "mutable hash-table", 0, argc, argv);

  if (SCHEME_BUCKTP(argv[0])) {
    Scheme_Bucket_Table *t = (Scheme_Bucket_Table *)argv[0];
    if (t->mutex) scheme_wait_sema(t->mutex,0);
    scheme_add_to_table(t, (char *)argv[1], (void *)argv[2], 0);
    if (t->mutex) scheme_post_sema(t->mutex);
  } else{
    Scheme_Hash_Table *t = (Scheme_Hash_Table *)argv[0];
    if (t->mutex) scheme_wait_sema(t->mutex, 0);
    scheme_hash_set(t, argv[1], argv[2]);
    if (t->mutex) scheme_post_sema(t->mutex);

  return scheme_void;
Esempio n. 4
static Scheme_Object *vector_to_immutable (int argc, Scheme_Object *argv[])
  Scheme_Object *vec, *ovec;
  long len, i;

  if (!SCHEME_VECTORP(argv[0]))
    scheme_wrong_type("vector->immutable-vector", "vector", 0, argc, argv);

  if (SCHEME_IMMUTABLEP(argv[0]))
    return argv[0];

  ovec = argv[0];
  len = SCHEME_VEC_SIZE(ovec);

  vec = scheme_make_vector(len, NULL);
  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    SCHEME_VEC_ELS(vec)[i] = SCHEME_VEC_ELS(ovec)[i];

  return vec;  
Esempio n. 5
static Scheme_Object *hash_table_remove(int argc, Scheme_Object *argv[])
  if (!(SCHEME_HASHTP(argv[0]) || SCHEME_BUCKTP(argv[0])) || SCHEME_IMMUTABLEP(argv[0]))
    scheme_wrong_type("hash-table-remove!", "mutable hash-table", 0, argc, argv);

  if (SCHEME_BUCKTP(argv[0])) {
    Scheme_Bucket *b;
    Scheme_Bucket_Table *t = (Scheme_Bucket_Table *)argv[0];
    if (t->mutex) scheme_wait_sema(t->mutex, 0);
    b = scheme_bucket_or_null_from_table((Scheme_Bucket_Table *)argv[0], (char *)argv[1], 0);
    if (b) {
      HT_EXTRACT_WEAK(b->key) = NULL;
      b->val = NULL;
    if (t->mutex) scheme_post_sema(t->mutex);
  } else{
    Scheme_Hash_Table *t = (Scheme_Hash_Table *)argv[0];
    if (t->mutex) scheme_wait_sema(t->mutex, 0);
    scheme_hash_set(t, argv[1], NULL);
    if (t->mutex) scheme_post_sema(t->mutex);

  return scheme_void;
Esempio n. 6
File: bool.c Progetto: SamB/racket
int is_equal (Scheme_Object *obj1, Scheme_Object *obj2, Equal_Info *eql)
  Scheme_Type t1, t2;
  int cmp;

  if (eql->next_next) {
    if (eql->next) {
      Scheme_Object *a[2];
      a[0] = obj1;
      a[1] = obj2;
      obj1 = _scheme_apply(eql->next, 2, a);
      return SCHEME_TRUEP(obj1);
    eql->next = eql->next_next;

  cmp = is_eqv(obj1, obj2);
  if (cmp > -1)
    return cmp;

  if (eql->for_chaperone 
      && SCHEME_CHAPERONEP(obj1)
          || (eql->for_chaperone > 1))) {
    obj1 = ((Scheme_Chaperone *)obj1)->prev;
    goto top;

  t1 = SCHEME_TYPE(obj1);
  t2 = SCHEME_TYPE(obj2);

  if (NOT_SAME_TYPE(t1, t2)) {
    if (!eql->for_chaperone) {
      if (SCHEME_CHAPERONEP(obj1)) {
        obj1 = ((Scheme_Chaperone *)obj1)->val;
        goto top;
      if (SCHEME_CHAPERONEP(obj2)) {
        obj2 = ((Scheme_Chaperone *)obj2)->val;
        goto top;
    return 0;
  } else if (t1 == scheme_pair_type) {
#   include ""
    if ((eql->car_depth > 2) || !scheme_is_list(obj1)) {
      if (union_check(obj1, obj2, eql))
        return 1;
    eql->car_depth += 2;
    if (is_equal(SCHEME_CAR(obj1), SCHEME_CAR(obj2), eql)) {
      eql->car_depth -= 2;
      obj1 = SCHEME_CDR(obj1);
      obj2 = SCHEME_CDR(obj2);
      goto top;
    } else
      return 0;
  } else if (t1 == scheme_mutable_pair_type) {
#   include ""
    if (eql->for_chaperone == 1)
      return 0;
    if (union_check(obj1, obj2, eql))
      return 1;
    if (is_equal(SCHEME_CAR(obj1), SCHEME_CAR(obj2), eql)) {
      obj1 = SCHEME_CDR(obj1);
      obj2 = SCHEME_CDR(obj2);
      goto top;
    } else
      return 0;
  } else if ((t1 == scheme_vector_type)
             || (t1 == scheme_fxvector_type)) {
#   include ""
    if ((eql->for_chaperone == 1) && (!SCHEME_IMMUTABLEP(obj1)
                                      || !SCHEME_IMMUTABLEP(obj2)))
      return 0;
    if (union_check(obj1, obj2, eql))
      return 1;
    return vector_equal(obj1, obj2, eql);
  } else if (t1 == scheme_flvector_type) {
    intptr_t l1, l2, i;
    l1 = SCHEME_FLVEC_SIZE(obj1);
    l2 = SCHEME_FLVEC_SIZE(obj2);
    if (l1 == l2) {
      for (i = 0; i < l1; i++) {
        if (!double_eqv(SCHEME_FLVEC_ELS(obj1)[i],
          return 0;
      return 1;
    return 0;
  } else if ((t1 == scheme_byte_string_type)
             || ((t1 >= scheme_unix_path_type) 
                 && (t1 <= scheme_windows_path_type))) {
    intptr_t l1, l2;
    if ((eql->for_chaperone == 1) && (!SCHEME_IMMUTABLEP(obj1)
                                      || !SCHEME_IMMUTABLEP(obj2)))
      return 0;
    l1 = SCHEME_BYTE_STRTAG_VAL(obj1);
    l2 = SCHEME_BYTE_STRTAG_VAL(obj2);
    return ((l1 == l2)
	    && !memcmp(SCHEME_BYTE_STR_VAL(obj1), SCHEME_BYTE_STR_VAL(obj2), l1));
  } else if (t1 == scheme_char_string_type) {
    intptr_t l1, l2;
    if ((eql->for_chaperone == 1) && (!SCHEME_IMMUTABLEP(obj1)
                                      || !SCHEME_IMMUTABLEP(obj2)))
      return 0;
    l1 = SCHEME_CHAR_STRTAG_VAL(obj1);
    l2 = SCHEME_CHAR_STRTAG_VAL(obj2);
    return ((l1 == l2)
	    && !memcmp(SCHEME_CHAR_STR_VAL(obj1), SCHEME_CHAR_STR_VAL(obj2), l1 * sizeof(mzchar)));
  } else if (t1 == scheme_regexp_type) {
    if (scheme_regexp_is_byte(obj1) != scheme_regexp_is_byte(obj2))
      return 0;
    if (scheme_regexp_is_pregexp(obj1) != scheme_regexp_is_pregexp(obj2))
      return 0;
    obj1 = scheme_regexp_source(obj1);
    obj2 = scheme_regexp_source(obj2);
    goto top;
  } else if ((t1 == scheme_structure_type)
             || (t1 == scheme_proc_struct_type)) {
    Scheme_Struct_Type *st1, *st2;
    Scheme_Object *procs1, *procs2;

    st1 = SCHEME_STRUCT_TYPE(obj1);
    st2 = SCHEME_STRUCT_TYPE(obj2);

    if (eql->for_chaperone == 1)
      procs1 = NULL;
      procs1 = scheme_struct_type_property_ref(scheme_impersonator_of_property, (Scheme_Object *)st1);
    if (procs1)
      procs1 = apply_impersonator_of(eql->for_chaperone, procs1, obj1);
    if (eql->for_chaperone)
      procs2 = NULL;
    else {
      procs2 = scheme_struct_type_property_ref(scheme_impersonator_of_property, (Scheme_Object *)st2);
      if (procs2)
        procs2 = apply_impersonator_of(eql->for_chaperone, procs2, obj2);

    if (procs1 || procs2) {
      /* impersonator-of property trumps other forms of checking */
      if (procs1) obj1 = procs1;
      if (procs2) obj2 = procs2;
      goto top;
    } else {
      procs1 = scheme_struct_type_property_ref(scheme_equal_property, (Scheme_Object *)st1);
      if (procs1 && (st1 != st2)) {
        procs2 = scheme_struct_type_property_ref(scheme_equal_property, (Scheme_Object *)st2);
        if (!procs2
            || !SAME_OBJ(SCHEME_VEC_ELS(procs1)[0], SCHEME_VEC_ELS(procs2)[0]))
          procs1 = NULL;

      if (procs1) {
        /* Has an equality property: */
        Scheme_Object *a[3], *recur;
        Equal_Info *eql2;
#     include ""

        if (union_check(obj1, obj2, eql))
          return 1;

        /* Create/cache closure to use for recursive equality checks: */
        if (eql->recur) {
          recur = eql->recur;
          eql2 = (Equal_Info *)SCHEME_PRIM_CLOSURE_ELS(recur)[0];
        } else {
          eql2 = (Equal_Info *)scheme_malloc(sizeof(Equal_Info));
          a[0] = (Scheme_Object *)eql2;
          recur = scheme_make_prim_closure_w_arity(equal_recur,
                                                   1, a,
                                                   2, 2);
          eql->recur = recur;
        memcpy(eql2, eql, sizeof(Equal_Info));

        a[0] = obj1;
        a[1] = obj2;
        a[2] = recur;

        procs1 = SCHEME_VEC_ELS(procs1)[1];

        recur = _scheme_apply(procs1, 3, a);

        memcpy(eql, eql2, sizeof(Equal_Info));

        return SCHEME_TRUEP(recur);
      } else if (st1 != st2) {
        return 0;
      } else if ((eql->for_chaperone == 1)
                 && !(MZ_OPT_HASH_KEY(&st1->iso) & STRUCT_TYPE_ALL_IMMUTABLE)) {
        return 0;
      } else {
        /* Same types, but doesn't have an equality property
           (or checking for chaperone), so check transparency: */
        Scheme_Object *insp;
        insp = scheme_get_param(scheme_current_config(), MZCONFIG_INSPECTOR);
        if (scheme_inspector_sees_part(obj1, insp, -2)
            && scheme_inspector_sees_part(obj2, insp, -2)) {
#       include ""
          if (union_check(obj1, obj2, eql))
            return 1;
          return struct_equal(obj1, obj2, eql);
        } else
          return 0;
  } else if (t1 == scheme_box_type) {
    if ((eql->for_chaperone == 1) && (!SCHEME_IMMUTABLEP(obj1)
                                      || !SCHEME_IMMUTABLEP(obj2)))
      return 0;
    if (union_check(obj1, obj2, eql))
      return 1;
    obj1 = SCHEME_BOX_VAL(obj1);
    obj2 = SCHEME_BOX_VAL(obj2);
    goto top;
  } else if (t1 == scheme_hash_table_type) {
#   include ""
    if (eql->for_chaperone == 1) 
      return 0;
    if (union_check(obj1, obj2, eql))
      return 1;
    return scheme_hash_table_equal_rec((Scheme_Hash_Table *)obj1, (Scheme_Hash_Table *)obj2, eql);
  } else if (t1 == scheme_hash_tree_type) {
#   include ""
    if (union_check(obj1, obj2, eql))
      return 1;
    return scheme_hash_tree_equal_rec((Scheme_Hash_Tree *)obj1, (Scheme_Hash_Tree *)obj2, eql);
  } else if (t1 == scheme_bucket_table_type) {
#   include ""
    if (eql->for_chaperone == 1) 
      return 0;
    if (union_check(obj1, obj2, eql))
      return 1;
    return scheme_bucket_table_equal_rec((Scheme_Bucket_Table *)obj1, (Scheme_Bucket_Table *)obj2, eql);
  } else if (t1 == scheme_cpointer_type) {
    return (((char *)SCHEME_CPTR_VAL(obj1) + SCHEME_CPTR_OFFSET(obj1))
            == ((char *)SCHEME_CPTR_VAL(obj2) + SCHEME_CPTR_OFFSET(obj2)));
  } else if (t1 == scheme_wrap_chunk_type) {
    return vector_equal(obj1, obj2, eql);
  } else if (t1 == scheme_resolved_module_path_type) {
    obj1 = SCHEME_PTR_VAL(obj1);
    obj2 = SCHEME_PTR_VAL(obj2);
    goto top;
  } else if (t1 == scheme_place_bi_channel_type) {
    Scheme_Place_Bi_Channel *bc1, *bc2;
    bc1 = (Scheme_Place_Bi_Channel *)obj1;
    bc2 = (Scheme_Place_Bi_Channel *)obj2;
   return (SAME_OBJ(bc1->recvch, bc2->recvch)
           && SAME_OBJ(bc1->sendch, bc2->sendch));
  } else if (!eql->for_chaperone && ((t1 == scheme_chaperone_type)
                                     || (t1 == scheme_proc_chaperone_type))) {
    /* both chaperones */
    obj1 = ((Scheme_Chaperone *)obj1)->val;
    obj2 = ((Scheme_Chaperone *)obj2)->val;
    goto top;
  } else {
    Scheme_Equal_Proc eqlp = scheme_type_equals[t1];
    if (eqlp) {
      if (union_check(obj1, obj2, eql))
        return 1;
      return eqlp(obj1, obj2, eql);
    } else
      return 0;
Esempio n. 7
File: sema.c Progetto: edmore/racket
int scheme_wait_semas_chs(int n, Scheme_Object **o, int just_try, Syncing *syncing)
     /* When syncing is supplied, o can contain Scheme_Channel_Syncer
	and never-evt values, and just_try must be 0. */
  Scheme_Sema **semas = (Scheme_Sema **)o;
  int v, i, ii;

  if (just_try) {
    /* assert: n == 1, !syncing */
    Scheme_Sema *sema = semas[0];
    if (just_try > 0) {
      if (sema->so.type == scheme_sema_type) {
        v = scheme_try_plain_sema((Scheme_Object *)sema);
      } else {
	v = try_channel(sema, syncing, 0, NULL);
    } else {
      Scheme_Cont_Frame_Data cframe;

      scheme_push_break_enable(&cframe, 1, 1);

      scheme_wait_sema((Scheme_Object *)sema, 0);

      scheme_pop_break_enable(&cframe, 0);

      return 1;
  } else {
    int start_pos;

#if 0
    /* Use the "immutable" flag bit on a semaphore to check for
       inconsistent use in atomic and non-atomic modes, which
       can lead to an attempt to suspend in atomic mode. */
    if ((n == 1) && SCHEME_SEMAP(o[0])) {
      if (!do_atomic) {
      } else if (SCHEME_IMMUTABLEP(o[0])) {
        if (!on_atomic_timeout
            || (do_atomic > atomic_timeout_atomic_level)) {
          scheme_signal_error("using a seaphore in both atomic and non-atomic mode");

    if (n > 1) {
      if (syncing)
	start_pos = syncing->start_pos;
      else {
	Scheme_Object *rand_state;
	rand_state = scheme_get_param(scheme_current_config(), MZCONFIG_SCHEDULER_RANDOM_STATE);
	start_pos = scheme_rand((Scheme_Random_State *)rand_state);
    } else
      start_pos = 0;

    /* Initial poll */
    while (1) {
      i = 0;
      for (ii = 0; ii < n; ii++) {
        /* Randomized start position for poll ensures fairness: */
        i = (start_pos + ii) % n;

        if (semas[i]->so.type == scheme_sema_type) {
          if (semas[i]->value) {
            if ((semas[i]->value > 0) && (!syncing || !syncing->reposts || !syncing->reposts[i]))
            if (syncing) {
	      syncing->result = i + 1;
	      if (syncing->accepts && syncing->accepts[i])
		scheme_accept_sync(syncing, i);
        } else if (semas[i]->so.type == scheme_never_evt_type) {
          /* Never ready. */
        } else if (semas[i]->so.type == scheme_channel_syncer_type) {
          if (((Scheme_Channel_Syncer *)semas[i])->picked)
        } else if (try_channel(semas[i], syncing, i, NULL))

      if (ii >= n) {
        if (!scheme_wait_until_suspend_ok()) {
        } else {
          /* there may have been some action on one of the waitables;
             try again, if no result, yet */
          if (syncing && syncing->result) {
            i = syncing->result - 1;
            ii = 0;
      } else

    /* In the following, syncers get changed back to channels,
       and channel puts */
    if (ii >= n) {
      Scheme_Channel_Syncer **ws, *w;

      ws = MALLOC_N(Scheme_Channel_Syncer*, n);
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	if (semas[i]->so.type == scheme_channel_syncer_type) {
	  ws[i] = (Scheme_Channel_Syncer *)semas[i];
	  semas[i] = (Scheme_Sema *)ws[i]->obj;
	} else {
	  w = MALLOC_ONE_RT(Scheme_Channel_Syncer);
	  ws[i] = w;
	  w->so.type = scheme_channel_syncer_type;
	  w->p = scheme_current_thread;
	  w->syncing = syncing;
	  w->obj = (Scheme_Object *)semas[i];
	  w->syncing_i = i;
      while (1) {
	int out_of_a_line;

	/* Get into line */
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	  if (!ws[i]->in_line) {
	    get_into_line(semas[i], ws[i]);

	if (!scheme_current_thread->next) {
	  void **a;

	  /* We're not allowed to suspend the main thread. Delay
	     breaks so we get a chance to clean up. */

	  a = MALLOC_N(void*, 3);
	  a[0] = scheme_make_integer(n);
	  a[1] = ws;
	  a[2] = scheme_current_thread;
	  scheme_main_was_once_suspended = 0;

	  scheme_block_until(out_of_line, NULL, (Scheme_Object *)a, (float)0.0);
	} else {
	  /* Mark the thread to indicate that we need to clean up
	     if the thread is killed. */
	  int old_nkc;
	  old_nkc = (scheme_current_thread->running & MZTHREAD_NEED_KILL_CLEANUP);
	  if (!old_nkc)
	    scheme_current_thread->running += MZTHREAD_NEED_KILL_CLEANUP;
	  if (!old_nkc && (scheme_current_thread->running & MZTHREAD_NEED_KILL_CLEANUP))
	    scheme_current_thread->running -= MZTHREAD_NEED_KILL_CLEANUP;

	/* We've been resumed. But was it for the semaphore, or a signal? */
	out_of_a_line = 0;
	/* If we get the post, we must return WITHOUT BLOCKING. 
	   GRacket, for example, depends on this special property, which
	   ensures that the thread can't be broken or killed between
	   receiving the post and returning. */

	if (!syncing) {
	  /* Poster can't be sure that we really will get it,
	     so we have to decrement the sema count here. */
	  i = 0;
	  for (ii = 0; ii < n; ii++) {
	    i = (start_pos + ii) % n;
	    if (ws[i]->picked) {
	      out_of_a_line = 1;
	      if (semas[i]->value) {
		if (semas[i]->value > 0)
	  if (ii >= n)
	    i = n;
	} else {
	  if (syncing->result) {
	    out_of_a_line = 1;
	    i = syncing->result - 1;
	  } else {
	    out_of_a_line = 0;
	    i = n;

	if (!out_of_a_line) {
	  /* We weren't woken by any semaphore/channel. Get out of line, block once 
	     (to handle breaks/kills) and then loop to get back into line. */
	  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	    if (ws[i]->in_line)
	      get_outof_line(semas[i], ws[i]);
	  scheme_thread_block(0); /* ok if it returns multiple times */ 
	  scheme_current_thread->ran_some = 1;
	  /* [but why would it return multiple times?! there must have been a reason...] */
	} else {

	  if ((scheme_current_thread->running & MZTHREAD_KILLED)
	      || ((scheme_current_thread->running & MZTHREAD_USER_SUSPENDED)
		  && !(scheme_current_thread->running & MZTHREAD_NEED_SUSPEND_CLEANUP))) {
	    /* We've been killed or suspended! */
	    i = -1;

	  /* We got a post from semas[i], or we were killed. 
	     Did any (other) semaphore pick us?
	     (This only happens when syncing == NULL.) */
	  if (!syncing) {
	    int j;

	    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
	      if (j != i) {
		if (ws[j]->picked) {
		  if (semas[j]->value) {
		    /* Consume the value and repost, because no one else
		       has been told to go, and we're accepting a different post. */
		    if (semas[j]->value > 0)
		    scheme_post_sema((Scheme_Object *)semas[j]);

	  /* If we're done, get out of all lines that we're still in. */
	  if (i < n) {
	    int j;
	    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
	      if (ws[j]->in_line)
		get_outof_line(semas[j], ws[j]);

	  if (i == -1) {
	    scheme_thread_block(0); /* dies or suspends */
	    scheme_current_thread->ran_some = 1;

	  if (i < n)

	/* Otherwise: !syncing and someone stole the post, or we were
	   suspended and we have to start over. Either way, poll then
	   loop to get back in line an try again. */
	for (ii = 0; ii < n; ii++) {
	  i = (start_pos + ii) % n;

	  if (semas[i]->so.type == scheme_sema_type) {
	    if (semas[i]->value) {
	      if ((semas[i]->value > 0) && (!syncing || !syncing->reposts || !syncing->reposts[i]))
              if (syncing && syncing->accepts && syncing->accepts[i])
                scheme_accept_sync(syncing, i);
	  }  else if (semas[i]->so.type == scheme_never_evt_type) {
	    /* Never ready. */
	  } else if (try_channel(semas[i], syncing, i, NULL))

	if (ii < n) {
	  /* Get out of any line that we still might be in: */
	  int j;
	  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
	    if (ws[j]->in_line)
	      get_outof_line(semas[j], ws[j]);


	if (!syncing) {
	  /* Looks like this thread is a victim of unfair semaphore access.
	     Go into fair mode by allocating a syncing: */
	  syncing = MALLOC_ONE_RT(Syncing);
	  syncing->type = scheme_rt_syncing;
	  syncing->start_pos = start_pos;

	  /* Get out of all lines, and set syncing field before we get back in line: */
	    int j;
	    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
	      if (ws[j]->in_line)
		get_outof_line(semas[j], ws[j]);
	      ws[j]->syncing = syncing;
	/* Back to top of loop to sync again */
Esempio n. 8
int is_equal (Scheme_Object *obj1, Scheme_Object *obj2, Equal_Info *eql)
  Scheme_Type t1, t2;
  int cmp;
  Scheme_Object *orig_obj1, *orig_obj2;

  orig_obj1 = obj1;
  orig_obj2 = obj2;

  if (eql->next_next) {
    if (eql->next) {
      Scheme_Object *a[2];
      a[0] = obj1;
      a[1] = obj2;
      obj1 = _scheme_apply(eql->next, 2, a);
      return SCHEME_TRUEP(obj1);
    eql->next = eql->next_next;

  cmp = is_fast_equal(obj1, obj2, eql->for_chaperone == 1);
  if (cmp > -1)
    return cmp;

  if (eql->for_chaperone 
      && SCHEME_CHAPERONEP(obj2)
      && scheme_is_noninterposing_chaperone(obj2)) {
    obj2 = ((Scheme_Chaperone *)obj2)->prev;
    goto top_after_next;

  if (eql->for_chaperone 
      && SCHEME_CHAPERONEP(obj1)
          || (eql->for_chaperone > 1))) {
    /* `obj1` and `obj2` are not eq, otherwise is_fast_equal()
       would have returned true */
    if (SCHEME_CHAPERONEP(obj2)) {
      /* for immutable hashes, it's ok for the two objects to not be eq,
         as long as the interpositions are the same and the underlying
         values are `{impersonator,chaperone}-of?`: */
      if (SCHEME_HASHTRP(((Scheme_Chaperone *)obj1)->val)
          && SCHEME_HASHTRP(((Scheme_Chaperone *)obj2)->val)
          /* eq redirects means redirects were propagated: */
          && SAME_OBJ(((Scheme_Chaperone *)obj1)->redirects,
                      ((Scheme_Chaperone *)obj2)->redirects))
        obj2 = ((Scheme_Chaperone *)obj2)->prev;
    obj1 = ((Scheme_Chaperone *)obj1)->prev;
    goto top_after_next;

  t1 = SCHEME_TYPE(obj1);
  t2 = SCHEME_TYPE(obj2);

  if (NOT_SAME_TYPE(t1, t2)) {
    if (!eql->for_chaperone) {
      if (SCHEME_CHAPERONEP(obj1)) {
        obj1 = ((Scheme_Chaperone *)obj1)->val;
        goto top_after_next;
      } else if (t1 == scheme_hash_tree_indirection_type) {
        obj1 = (Scheme_Object *)scheme_hash_tree_resolve_placeholder((Scheme_Hash_Tree *)obj1);
        goto top_after_next;
      if (SCHEME_CHAPERONEP(obj2)) {
        obj2 = ((Scheme_Chaperone *)obj2)->val;
        goto top_after_next;
      } else if (t2 == scheme_hash_tree_indirection_type) {
        obj2 = (Scheme_Object *)scheme_hash_tree_resolve_placeholder((Scheme_Hash_Tree *)obj2);
        goto top_after_next;
    return 0;
  } else {
    switch (t1) {
    case scheme_pair_type:
#   include ""
        if ((eql->car_depth > 2) || !scheme_is_list(obj1)) {
          if (union_check(obj1, obj2, eql))
            return 1;
        eql->car_depth += 2;
        if (is_equal(SCHEME_CAR(obj1), SCHEME_CAR(obj2), eql)) {
          eql->car_depth -= 2;
          obj1 = SCHEME_CDR(obj1);
          obj2 = SCHEME_CDR(obj2);
          goto top;
        } else
          return 0;
    case scheme_mutable_pair_type:
#   include ""
        if (eql->for_chaperone == 1)
          return 0;
        if (union_check(obj1, obj2, eql))
          return 1;
        if (is_equal(SCHEME_CAR(obj1), SCHEME_CAR(obj2), eql)) {
          obj1 = SCHEME_CDR(obj1);
          obj2 = SCHEME_CDR(obj2);
          goto top;
        } else
          return 0;
    case scheme_vector_type:
    case scheme_fxvector_type:
#   include ""
        if ((eql->for_chaperone == 1) && (!SCHEME_IMMUTABLEP(obj1)
                                          || !SCHEME_IMMUTABLEP(obj2)))
          return 0;
        if (union_check(obj1, obj2, eql))
          return 1;
        return vector_equal(obj1, orig_obj1, obj2, orig_obj2, eql);
    case scheme_byte_string_type:
    case scheme_unix_path_type:
    case scheme_windows_path_type:
        intptr_t l1, l2;
        if ((eql->for_chaperone == 1) && (!SCHEME_IMMUTABLEP(obj1)
                                          || !SCHEME_IMMUTABLEP(obj2)))
          return 0;
        l1 = SCHEME_BYTE_STRTAG_VAL(obj1);
        l2 = SCHEME_BYTE_STRTAG_VAL(obj2);
        return ((l1 == l2)
                && !memcmp(SCHEME_BYTE_STR_VAL(obj1), SCHEME_BYTE_STR_VAL(obj2), l1));
    case scheme_char_string_type:
        intptr_t l1, l2;
        if ((eql->for_chaperone == 1) && (!SCHEME_IMMUTABLEP(obj1)
                                          || !SCHEME_IMMUTABLEP(obj2)))
          return 0;
        l1 = SCHEME_CHAR_STRTAG_VAL(obj1);
        l2 = SCHEME_CHAR_STRTAG_VAL(obj2);
        return ((l1 == l2)
                && !memcmp(SCHEME_CHAR_STR_VAL(obj1), SCHEME_CHAR_STR_VAL(obj2), l1 * sizeof(mzchar)));
    case scheme_regexp_type:
        if (scheme_regexp_is_byte(obj1) != scheme_regexp_is_byte(obj2))
          return 0;
        if (scheme_regexp_is_pregexp(obj1) != scheme_regexp_is_pregexp(obj2))
          return 0;
        obj1 = scheme_regexp_source(obj1);
        obj2 = scheme_regexp_source(obj2);
        goto top;
    case scheme_structure_type:
    case scheme_proc_struct_type:
        Scheme_Struct_Type *st1, *st2;
        Scheme_Object *procs1, *procs2;

        st1 = SCHEME_STRUCT_TYPE(obj1);
        st2 = SCHEME_STRUCT_TYPE(obj2);

        if (eql->for_chaperone == 1)
          procs1 = NULL;
          procs1 = scheme_struct_type_property_ref(scheme_impersonator_of_property, (Scheme_Object *)st1);
        if (procs1)
          procs1 = scheme_apply_impersonator_of(eql->for_chaperone, procs1, obj1);
        if (eql->for_chaperone)
          procs2 = NULL;
        else {
          procs2 = scheme_struct_type_property_ref(scheme_impersonator_of_property, (Scheme_Object *)st2);
          if (procs2)
            procs2 = scheme_apply_impersonator_of(eql->for_chaperone, procs2, obj2);

        if (procs1 || procs2) {
          /* impersonator-of property trumps other forms of checking */
          if (procs1) { obj1 = procs1; orig_obj1 = obj1; }
          if (procs2) { obj2 = procs2; orig_obj2 = obj2; }
          goto top_after_next;
        } else {
          procs1 = scheme_struct_type_property_ref(scheme_equal_property, (Scheme_Object *)st1);
          if (procs1 && (st1 != st2)) {
            procs2 = scheme_struct_type_property_ref(scheme_equal_property, (Scheme_Object *)st2);
            if (!procs2
                || !SAME_OBJ(SCHEME_VEC_ELS(procs1)[0], SCHEME_VEC_ELS(procs2)[0]))
              procs1 = NULL;

          if (procs1) {
            /* Has an equality property: */
            Scheme_Object *a[3], *recur;
            Equal_Info *eql2;
#     include ""

            if (union_check(obj1, obj2, eql))
              return 1;

            /* Create/cache closure to use for recursive equality checks: */
            if (eql->recur) {
              recur = eql->recur;
              eql2 = (Equal_Info *)SCHEME_PRIM_CLOSURE_ELS(recur)[0];
            } else {
              eql2 = (Equal_Info *)scheme_malloc(sizeof(Equal_Info));
              a[0] = (Scheme_Object *)eql2;
              recur = scheme_make_prim_closure_w_arity(equal_recur,
                                                       1, a,
                                                       2, 2);
              eql->recur = recur;
            memcpy(eql2, eql, sizeof(Equal_Info));

            a[0] = orig_obj1;
            a[1] = orig_obj2;
            a[2] = recur;

            procs1 = SCHEME_VEC_ELS(procs1)[1];

            recur = _scheme_apply(procs1, 3, a);

            memcpy(eql, eql2, sizeof(Equal_Info));

            return SCHEME_TRUEP(recur);
          } else if (st1 != st2) {
            return 0;
          } else if ((eql->for_chaperone == 1)
                     && !(MZ_OPT_HASH_KEY(&st1->iso) & STRUCT_TYPE_ALL_IMMUTABLE)) {
            return 0;
          } else {
            /* Same types, but doesn't have an equality property
               (or checking for chaperone), so check transparency: */
            Scheme_Object *insp;
            if (scheme_struct_is_transparent(obj1))
              insp = NULL;
            else {
              insp = scheme_get_param(scheme_current_config(), MZCONFIG_INSPECTOR);
            if (!insp || scheme_inspector_sees_part(obj1, insp, -2)) {
#       include ""
              if (union_check(obj1, obj2, eql))
                return 1;
              return struct_equal(obj1, orig_obj1, obj2, orig_obj2, eql);
            } else
              return 0;
    case scheme_box_type:
        if ((eql->for_chaperone == 1) && (!SCHEME_IMMUTABLEP(obj1)
                                          || !SCHEME_IMMUTABLEP(obj2)))
          return 0;
        if (union_check(obj1, obj2, eql))
          return 1;
        if (SAME_OBJ(obj1, orig_obj1))
          obj1 = SCHEME_BOX_VAL(obj1);
          obj1 = scheme_unbox(orig_obj1);
        if (SAME_OBJ(obj2, orig_obj2))
          obj2 = SCHEME_BOX_VAL(obj2);
          obj2 = scheme_unbox(orig_obj2);
        goto top;
    case scheme_hash_table_type:
#   include ""
        if (eql->for_chaperone == 1) 
          return 0;
        if (union_check(obj1, obj2, eql))
          return 1;
        return scheme_hash_table_equal_rec((Scheme_Hash_Table *)obj1, orig_obj1, 
                                           (Scheme_Hash_Table *)obj2, orig_obj2,
    case scheme_hash_tree_type:
    case scheme_eq_hash_tree_type:
    case scheme_eqv_hash_tree_type:
    case scheme_hash_tree_indirection_type:
#   include ""
        if (union_check(obj1, obj2, eql))
          return 1;
        return scheme_hash_tree_equal_rec((Scheme_Hash_Tree *)obj1, orig_obj1,
                                          (Scheme_Hash_Tree *)obj2, orig_obj2,
    case scheme_bucket_table_type:
#   include ""
        if (eql->for_chaperone == 1) 
          return 0;
        if (union_check(obj1, obj2, eql))
          return 1;
        return scheme_bucket_table_equal_rec((Scheme_Bucket_Table *)obj1, orig_obj1,
                                             (Scheme_Bucket_Table *)obj2, orig_obj2,
    case scheme_wrap_chunk_type: {
      return vector_equal(obj1, obj1, obj2, obj2, eql);
    case scheme_resolved_module_path_type:
        obj1 = SCHEME_PTR_VAL(obj1);
        obj2 = SCHEME_PTR_VAL(obj2);
        goto top;
    case scheme_module_index_type:
        Scheme_Modidx *midx1, *midx2;
#   include ""
        midx1 = (Scheme_Modidx *)obj1;
        midx2 = (Scheme_Modidx *)obj2;
        if (eql->eq_for_modidx
            && (SCHEME_FALSEP(midx1->path)
                || SCHEME_FALSEP(midx2->path)))
          return 0;
        else if (is_equal(midx1->path, midx2->path, eql)) {
          obj1 = midx1->base;
          obj2 = midx2->base;
          goto top;
    case scheme_scope_table_type:
        Scheme_Scope_Table *mt1 = (Scheme_Scope_Table *)obj1;
        Scheme_Scope_Table *mt2 = (Scheme_Scope_Table *)obj2;
        if (!is_equal((Scheme_Object *)mt1->simple_scopes, (Scheme_Object *)mt2->simple_scopes, eql))
          return 0;
        obj1 = mt1->multi_scopes;
        obj2 = mt2->multi_scopes;
        goto top;
      if (!eql->for_chaperone && ((t1 == scheme_chaperone_type)
                                  || (t1 == scheme_proc_chaperone_type))) {
        /* both chaperones */
        obj1 = ((Scheme_Chaperone *)obj1)->val;
        obj2 = ((Scheme_Chaperone *)obj2)->val;
        goto top_after_next;
      } else {
        Scheme_Equal_Proc eqlp = scheme_type_equals[t1];
        if (eqlp) {
          if (union_check(obj1, obj2, eql))
            return 1;
          return eqlp(obj1, obj2, eql);
        } else
          return 0;