Esempio n. 1


  Scheduler initialisation function.  Prepares scheduler
  data structures and sets up timer interrupts at required rate.

  Must call this function before using the scheduler.

void SCI_TICK1_SLAVE_Init(void)
    tByte i;

    // Sort out the tasks
    for (i = 0; i < SCH_MAX_TASKS; i++)

    // Reset the global error variable
    // - SCH_Delete_Task() will generate an error code,
    //   (because the task array is empty)
    Error_code_G = 0;

    // ---------- External interrupt 0 ----------
    // The slave is driven by an interrupt input
    // The interrupt is enabled
    // It is triggered by a falling edge at pin P3.2
    IT0 = 1;
    EX0 = 1;

    // Start the watchdog
 void setup_scheduler(void) {
  unsigned short int i;
  for (i = 0; i < SCH_MAX_TASKS; ++i) {


  This is the 'dispatcher' function.  When a task (function)
  is due to run, SCH_Dispatch_Tasks() will run it.
  This function must be called (repeatedly) from the main loop.

void SCH_Dispatch_Tasks(void) 
   tByte Index;

   // Dispatches (runs) the next task (if one is ready)
   for (Index = 0; Index < SCH_MAX_TASKS; Index++)
      if (SCH_tasks_G[Index].RunMe > 0) 
         (*SCH_tasks_G[Index].pTask)();  // Run the task

         SCH_tasks_G[Index].RunMe -= 1;   // Reset / reduce RunMe flag

         // Periodic tasks will automatically run again
         // - if this is a 'one shot' task, remove it from the array
         if (SCH_tasks_G[Index].Period == 0)

   // Report system status

   // The scheduler enters idle mode at this point 


  Scheduler initialisation function.  Prepares scheduler
  data structures and sets up timer interrupts at required rate.
  Must call this function before using the scheduler.  

void SCH_Init_T2(void) 
   tByte i;

   for (i = 0; i < SCH_MAX_TASKS; i++) 

   // Reset the global error variable
   // - SCH_Delete_Task() will generate an error code, 
   //   (because the task array is empty)
   Error_code_G = 0;  

   // Now set up Timer 2
   // 16-bit timer function with automatic reload

   // Crystal is assumed to be 12 MHz
   // The Timer 2 resolution is 0.000001 seconds (1 µs)
   // The required Timer 2 overflow is 0.001 seconds (1 ms)
   // - this takes 1000 timer ticks
   // Reload value is 65536 - 1000 = 64536 (dec) = 0xFC18

   T2CON = 0x04;   // load Timer 2 control register
   T2MOD = 0x00;   // load Timer 2 mode register

   TH2    = 0xFC;  // load timer 2 high byte
   RCAP2H = 0xFC;  // load timer 2 reload capture reg, high byte
   TL2    = 0x18;  // load timer 2 low byte
   RCAP2L = 0x18;  // load timer 2 reload capture reg, low byte
   ET2   = 1;  // Timer 2 interrupt is enabled

   TR2   = 1;  // Start Timer 2
void Init_timer0()

	int i =0;
	for (i=0;i< SCH_MAX_TASKS ;i++)
	// initialising the timer and start the timer	
	T0CON |= 0x86;// prescaler 128 and start the timer
	// initialisation of the interrupt
	INTCON |= 0xA0;
void SCH_Dispatcher_Tasks()
	unsigned int index;
	for(index =0; index <  SCH_MAX_TASKS;index++ )
		if (SCH_Tasks_G[index].RunMe >0)
			//SCH_Tasks_G[index].RunMe -= 1;
			if(SCH_Tasks_G[index].Repeat ==0)


  Scheduler initialisation function.  Prepares scheduler
  data structures and sets up timer interrupts at required rate.
  Must call this function before using the scheduler.  

void SCH_Init_T0(void) 
   tByte i;

   for (i = 0; i < SCH_MAX_TASKS; i++) 

   // Reset the global error variable
   // - SCH_Delete_Task() will generate an error code, 
   //   (because the task array is empty)
   Error_code_G = 0;

   // Using Timer 0, 16-bit manual reload
   TMOD &= 0xF0; // Clear all T0 bits (T1 left unchanged)
   TMOD |= 0x01; // Set required T0 bits (T1 left unchanged) 

   // Sets up timer reload values

   //  Interrupt Timer 0 enabled
   ET0  = 1;


  Scheduler initialisation function.  Prepares scheduler data 
  structures and sets up timer interrupts at required rate.
  Must call this function before using the scheduler.  

void SCH_Init_T2(void) 
   tByte i;

   // Sort out the tasks
   for (i = 0; i < SCH_MAX_TASKS; i++) 

   // Reset the global error variable
   // - SCH_Delete_Task() will generate an error code, 
   //   (because the task array is empty)
   Error_code_G = 0;

   // Now set up Timer 2
   // 16-bit timer function with automatic reload
   // Crystal is assumed to be 10 MHz
   // Using c515c, so timer can be incremented at 1/6 crystal frequency
   // if prescalar is not used

   // Prescaler not used -> Crystal/6
   T2PS = 0;

   // The Timer 2 resolution is  0.0000006 seconds (0.6 µs)
   // The required Timer 2 overflow is 0.001 seconds (1 ms)
   // - this takes  1666.666666667 timer ticks (can't get precise timing)
   // Reload value is 65536 - 1667 = 63869 (dec) = 0xF97D
   TH2 = 0xF9; 
   TL2 = 0x7D;
   // Compare/capture Channel 0 
   // Disabled
   // Compare Register CRC on: 0x0000;
   CRCH = 0xF9;
   CRCL = 0x7D;

   //  Mode 0 for all channels
   T2CON |= 0x11;

   //  timer 2 overflow interrupt is enabled
   ET2 = 1;
   //  timer 2 external reload interrupt is disabled
   EXEN2 = 0;
   //  CC0/ext3 interrupt is disabled
   EX3 = 0;
   // Compare/capture Channel 1-3 
   // Disabled
   CCL1 = 0x00;
   CCH1 = 0x00;
   CCL2 = 0x00;
   CCH2 = 0x00;
   CCL3 = 0x00;
   CCH3 = 0x00;
   // Interrupts Channel 1-3 
   // Disabled
   EX4 = 0;
   EX5 = 0;
   EX6 = 0;
   // all above mentioned modes for Channel 0 to Channel 3 
   CCEN = 0x00;
   // ------ Set up Timer 2 (end) ----------------------------------


  Scheduler initialisation function.  Prepares scheduler
  data structures and sets up timer interrupts at required rate.
  Must call this function before using the scheduler.  

void SCC_A_SLAVE_Init_CAN(void) 
   tByte i;
   tByte Message;

   // Sort out the tasks
   for (i = 0; i < SCH_MAX_TASKS; i++) 

   // Reset the global error variable
   // - SCH_Delete_Task() will generate an error code, 
   //   (because the task array is empty)
   Error_code_G = 0;

   // Set the network error pin (reset when tick message received)
   Network_error_pin = NETWORK_ERROR;

   // ------ SYSCON Register 
   // The access to XRAM and CAN controller is enabled.
   // The signals !RD and !WR are not activated during accesses
   // to the XRAM/CAN controller.
   // ALE generation is enabled.
   SYSCON = 0x20;  
   //  ------------ CAN Control/Status Register --------------
   //  Start to init the CAN module
   CAN_cr  = 0x41;  // INIT and CCE

   //  ------------ Bit Timing Register ---------------------
   // Baudrate = 333.333 kbaud 
   // - Need 308+ kbaud plus for 1ms ticks, 8 data bytes
   // - See text for details  
   // There are 5 time quanta before sample point
   // There are 4 time quanta after sample point
   // The (re)synchronization jump width is 2 time quanta
   CAN_btr1  = 0x34;  // Bit Timing Register
   CAN_btr0  = 0x42; 

   CAN_gms1  = 0xFF;  // Global Mask Short Register 1
   CAN_gms0  = 0xFF;  // Global Mask Short Register 0

   CAN_ugml1 = 0xFF;  // Upper Global Mask Long Register 1
   CAN_ugml0 = 0xFF;  // Upper Global Mask Long Register 0

   CAN_lgml1 = 0xF8;  // Lower Global Mask Long Register 1
   CAN_lgml0 = 0xFF;  // Lower Global Mask Long Register 0

   //  ------ Configure 'Tick' Message Object 
   //  Message object 1 is valid
   //  enable receive interrupt
   CAN_messages[0].MCR1 = 0x55;    // Message Ctrl. Reg. 1
   CAN_messages[0].MCR0 = 0x99;    // Message Ctrl. Reg. 0

   //  message direction is receive
   //  extended 29-bit identifier
   CAN_messages[0].MCFG = 0x04;    // Message Config. Reg.

   CAN_messages[0].UAR1 = 0x00;    // Upper Arbit. Reg. 1
   CAN_messages[0].UAR0 = 0x00;    // Upper Arbit. Reg. 0
   CAN_messages[0].LAR1 = 0x00;    // Lower Arbit. Reg. 1
   CAN_messages[0].LAR0 = 0x00;    // Lower Arbit. Reg. 0

   //  ------ Configure 'Ack' Message Object 
   CAN_messages[1].MCR1 = 0x55;    // Message Ctrl. Reg. 1
   CAN_messages[1].MCR0 = 0x95;    // Message Ctrl. Reg. 0

   // Message direction is transmit
   // extended 29-bit identifier
   // 5 valid data bytes
   CAN_messages[1].MCFG = 0x5C;      // Message Config. Reg.

   CAN_messages[1].UAR1 = 0x00;    // Upper Arbit. Reg. 1
   CAN_messages[1].UAR0 = 0x00;    // Upper Arbit. Reg. 0
   CAN_messages[1].LAR1 = 0xF8;    // Lower Arbit. Reg. 1
   CAN_messages[1].LAR0 = 0x07;    // Lower Arbit. Reg. 0

   CAN_messages[1].Data[0] = 0x00;   // data byte 0
   CAN_messages[1].Data[1] = 0x00;   // data byte 1
   CAN_messages[1].Data[2] = 0x00;   // data byte 2
   CAN_messages[1].Data[3] = 0x00;   // data byte 3
   CAN_messages[1].Data[4] = 0x00;   // data byte 4

   //  ------ Configure other objects ------------------------------
   // Configure remaining message objects (2-14) - none are valid
   for (Message = 2; Message <= 14; ++Message)
      CAN_messages[Message].MCR1 = 0x55;  // Message Ctrl. Reg. 1
      CAN_messages[Message].MCR0 = 0x55;  // Message Ctrl. Reg. 0

   // ------------ CAN Ctrl. Reg. ---------------------
   //  reset CCE and INIT
   // enable interrupt generation from CAN Modul
   // enable CAN-interrupt of Controller
   CAN_cr = 0x02;
   IEN2 |= 0x02;

   // Start the watchdog