Esempio n. 1
		/** Async worker that checks the cache backend and if that fails, calls the deriver to build the data and then puts the results to the cache **/
		void DoWork()
			bool bGetResult;
				STAT(double ThisTime = 0);
					bGetResult = FDerivedDataBackend::Get().GetRoot().GetCachedData(*CacheKey, Data);
				INC_FLOAT_STAT_BY(STAT_DDC_SyncGetTime, bSynchronousForStats ? (float)ThisTime : 0.0f);
			if (bGetResult)
				bSuccess = true;
				delete DataDeriver;
				DataDeriver = NULL;
			else if (DataDeriver)
					STAT(double ThisTime = 0);
						bSuccess = DataDeriver->Build(Data);
					INC_FLOAT_STAT_BY(STAT_DDC_SyncBuildTime, bSynchronousForStats ? (float)ThisTime : 0.0f);
				delete DataDeriver;
				DataDeriver = NULL;
				if (bSuccess)
					STAT(double ThisTime = 0);
						FDerivedDataBackend::Get().GetRoot().PutCachedData(*CacheKey, Data, true);
					INC_FLOAT_STAT_BY(STAT_DDC_PutTime, bSynchronousForStats ? (float)ThisTime : 0.0f);
			if (!bSuccess)
Esempio n. 2
	virtual void Put(const TCHAR* CacheKey, TArray<uint8>& Data, bool bPutEvenIfExists = false) override
		STAT(double ThisTime = 0);
			FDerivedDataBackend::Get().GetRoot().PutCachedData(CacheKey, Data, bPutEvenIfExists);
Esempio n. 3
 * Constructor, initializing all member variables. It also reads .ini settings and caches them and creates the
 * database connection object and attempts to connect if bUseTaskPerfTracking is set.
: FTaskDatabase()
, bUseTaskPerfTracking(FALSE)
, TimeSpentTalkingWithDB(0)
#if !UDK
	// Read the ini settings and store them in the struct to aid debugging.
	GConfig->GetBool(TEXT("TaskPerfTracking"), TEXT("bUseTaskPerfTracking"	), bUseTaskPerfTracking, GEngineIni);

	// Only do work if task tracking is enabled.
	if( bUseTaskPerfTracking )
		// only attempt to get the data when we want to use the TaskPerfTracking
		verify(GConfig->GetString( TEXT("TaskPerfTracking"), TEXT("ConnectionString"), ConnectionString, GEngineIni ));
		verify(GConfig->GetString( TEXT("TaskPerfTracking"), TEXT("RemoteConnectionIP"), RemoteConnectionIP, GEngineIni ));
		verify(GConfig->GetString( TEXT("TaskPerfTracking"), TEXT("RemoteConnectionStringOverride"), RemoteConnectionStringOverride, GEngineIni ));

		// Track time spent talking with DB to ensure we don't introduce nasty stalls.

		// Create the connection object; needs to be deleted via "delete".
		Connection			= FDataBaseConnection::CreateObject();

		// Try to open connection to DB - this is a synchronous operation.
		if( Connection->Open( *ConnectionString, *RemoteConnectionIP, *RemoteConnectionStringOverride ) == TRUE )
			warnf(NAME_DevDataBase,TEXT("Connection to \"%s\" or \"%s\" succeeded"), *ConnectionString, *RemoteConnectionIP);

			// Create format string for calling procedure.
			FormatString = FString(TEXT("EXEC BEGINRUN "));
#if _DEBUG
			FormatString += TEXT(" @ConfigName='DEBUG', ");
			FormatString += TEXT(" @ConfigName='FINAL_RELEASE_DEBUGCONSOLE', ");
			FormatString += TEXT(" @ConfigName='FINAL_RELEASE', ");
			FormatString += TEXT(" @ConfigName='RELEASE', ");
			FormatString += FString(TEXT("@GameName='")) + GGameName + TEXT("', @MachineName='") + appComputerName() + TEXT("', ");
			FormatString += FString(TEXT("@CmdLine='")) + appCmdLine() + TEXT("', @UserName='******', ");		
			FormatString += FString(TEXT("@TaskDescription='%s', @TaskParameter='%s', @Changelist=")) + appItoa(GBuiltFromChangeList);
		// Connection failed :(
			warnf(NAME_DevDataBase,TEXT("Connection to \"%s\" or \"%s\" failed"), *ConnectionString, *RemoteConnectionIP);
			// Only delete object - no need to close as connection failed.
			delete Connection;
			Connection = NULL;
#endif	//#if !UDK
Esempio n. 4
	virtual bool CachedDataProbablyExists(const TCHAR* CacheKey) override
		bool bResult;
		STAT(double ThisTime = 0);
			bResult = FDerivedDataBackend::Get().GetRoot().CachedDataProbablyExists(CacheKey);
		INC_FLOAT_STAT_BY(STAT_DDC_ExistTime, (float)ThisTime);
		return bResult;
Esempio n. 5
	virtual void WaitAsynchronousCompletion(uint32 Handle) override
		STAT(double ThisTime = 0);
			FAsyncTask<FBuildAsyncWorker>* AsyncTask = NULL;
				FScopeLock ScopeLock(&SynchronizationObject);
				AsyncTask = PendingTasks.FindRef(Handle);
Esempio n. 6
void FShaderResource::InitializePixelShaderRHI() 
	if (!IsInitialized())
		STAT(double ShaderInitializationTime = 0);



 * Frees allocation associated with passed in pointer.
 * @param	Pointer		Pointer to free.
void FBestFitAllocator::Free( void* Pointer )

	// Look up pointer in TMap.
	FMemoryChunk* MatchingChunk = PointerToChunkMap.FindRef( (PTRINT) Pointer );
	check( MatchingChunk );
	// Remove the entry
	PointerToChunkMap.Remove((PTRINT) Pointer);

	// Update usage stats in a thread safe way.
	appInterlockedAdd( &AllocatedMemorySize, -MatchingChunk->Size );
	appInterlockedAdd( &AvailableMemorySize, +MatchingChunk->Size );

	// Free the chunk.
Esempio n. 8
	virtual void WaitAsynchronousCompletion(uint32 Handle) override
		STAT(double ThisTime = 0);
			FScopeLock ScopeLock(&SynchronizationObject);
			for (TSet<FDerivedDataRollup*>::TIterator Iter(PendingRollups); Iter; ++Iter)
				if ((*Iter)->Contains(Handle))
Esempio n. 9
void FAsyncIOSystemBase::InternalRead( IFileHandle* FileHandle, int64 Offset, int64 Size, void* Dest )
	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("FAsyncIOSystemBase::InternalRead"), STAT_AsyncIOSystemBase_InternalRead, STATGROUP_AsyncIO_Verbose);

	FScopeLock ScopeLock( ExclusiveReadCriticalSection );

	STAT(double ReadTime = 0);
		PlatformReadDoNotCallDirectly( FileHandle, Offset, Size, Dest );

	// The platform might actually read more than Size due to aligning and internal min read sizes
	// though we only really care about throttling requested bandwidth as it's not very accurate
	// to begin with.
	STAT(ConstrainBandwidth(Size, ReadTime));
void FPackageDependencyInfo::ResolveCircularDependencies(FPackageDependencyTrackingInfo* InPkgInfo)
    double Seconds = 0.0f;

        NumResolvePasses = 0;
        NumResolveIterations = 0;
        NumCirculars = 0;


    UE_LOG(LogPackageDependencyInfo, Verbose, TEXT("Resolve circular dependencies for package %s took %.1f ms (Iter=%i, Passes=%i, Circulars=%i)"),
           NumCirculars );
Esempio n. 11
const FHullShaderRHIRef& FShaderResource::GetHullShader() 
	checkSlow(Target.Frequency == SF_Hull);
	if (!IsInitialized())
		STAT(double ShaderInitializationTime = 0);




	return HullShader; 
Esempio n. 12
 * Adds a task to track to the DB.
 * @param	Task					Name of task
 * @param	TaskParameter			Additional information, e.g. name of map if task is lighting rebuild
 * @param	DurationInSeconds		Duration of task in seconds
void FTaskPerfTracker::AddTask( const TCHAR* Task, const TCHAR* TaskParameter, FLOAT DurationInSeconds )
	// A valid connection means that tracking is enabled.
	if( Connection )
		// Track time spent talking with DB to ensure we don't introduce nasty stalls.

		// Execute BeginRun with baked format string.
		FDataBaseRecordSet* RecordSet = NULL;
		if( Connection->Execute( *FString::Printf( *FormatString, Task, TaskParameter ), RecordSet ) && RecordSet )
			// Retrieve RunID from recordset. It's the return value of the EXEC.
			INT RunID = RecordSet->GetInt(TEXT("Return Value"));
			// Add stat entry.
			Connection->Execute( *FString::Printf(TEXT("EXEC ADDRUNDATA @RunID=%i, @StatGroupName='Ungrouped', @StatName='Duration', @StatValue='%f'"), RunID, DurationInSeconds) );
			// End the run, marking it as 'passed'.
			Connection->Execute( *FString::Printf(TEXT("EXEC ENDRUN @RunID=%i, @ResultDescription='Passed'"), RunID ) );

			delete RecordSet;
			RecordSet = NULL;
 * Tries to reallocate texture memory in-place (without relocating),
 * by adjusting the base address of the allocation but keeping the end address the same.
 * @param	OldBaseAddress	Pointer to the original allocation
 * @param	NewBaseAddress	New desired baseaddress for the allocation (adjusting the size so the end stays the same)
 * @returns	TRUE if it succeeded
UBOOL FBestFitAllocator::Reallocate( void* OldBaseAddress, void* NewBaseAddress )

	// Look up pointer in TMap.
	FMemoryChunk* MatchingChunk = PointerToChunkMap.FindRef( PTRINT(OldBaseAddress) );
	check( MatchingChunk && PTRINT(OldBaseAddress) == PTRINT(MatchingChunk->Base) );

	INT MemoryAdjustment = Abs<INT>(PTRINT(NewBaseAddress) - PTRINT(OldBaseAddress));

	// Are we growing the allocation?
	if ( PTRINT(NewBaseAddress) < PTRINT(OldBaseAddress) )
		// Is there enough free memory immediately before this chunk?
		FMemoryChunk* PrevChunk = MatchingChunk->PreviousChunk;
		if ( PrevChunk && PrevChunk->bIsAvailable && PrevChunk->Size >= MemoryAdjustment )
			PointerToChunkMap.Remove( PTRINT(OldBaseAddress) );

			// Shrink the previous and grow the current chunk.
			PrevChunk->Size -= MemoryAdjustment;
			MatchingChunk->Base -= MemoryAdjustment;
			MatchingChunk->Size += MemoryAdjustment;

			check(PTRINT(NewBaseAddress) == PTRINT(MatchingChunk->Base));
			PointerToChunkMap.Set( PTRINT(NewBaseAddress), MatchingChunk );

			if ( PrevChunk->Size == 0 )
				delete PrevChunk;

			// Update usage stats in a thread safe way.
			appInterlockedAdd( &AllocatedMemorySize, +MemoryAdjustment );
			appInterlockedAdd( &AvailableMemorySize, -MemoryAdjustment );
			return TRUE;
		// We're shrinking the allocation.
		check( MemoryAdjustment <= MatchingChunk->Size );

		FMemoryChunk* PrevChunk = MatchingChunk->PreviousChunk;
		if ( PrevChunk )
			// Shrink the current chunk.
			MatchingChunk->Base += MemoryAdjustment;
			MatchingChunk->Size -= MemoryAdjustment;

			// Grow the previous chunk.
			INT OriginalPrevSize = PrevChunk->Size;
			PrevChunk->Size += MemoryAdjustment;

			// If the previous chunk was "in use", split it and insert a 2nd free chunk.
			if ( !PrevChunk->bIsAvailable )
				Split( PrevChunk, OriginalPrevSize );
			// This was the first chunk, split it.
			Split( MatchingChunk, MemoryAdjustment );

			// We're going to use the new chunk. Mark it as "used memory".
			MatchingChunk = MatchingChunk->NextChunk;

			// Make the original chunk "free memory".
			FreeChunk( MatchingChunk->PreviousChunk );

		check(PTRINT(NewBaseAddress) == PTRINT(MatchingChunk->Base));
		PointerToChunkMap.Remove( PTRINT(OldBaseAddress) );
		PointerToChunkMap.Set( PTRINT(NewBaseAddress), MatchingChunk );

		// Update usage stats in a thread safe way.
		appInterlockedAdd( &AllocatedMemorySize, -MemoryAdjustment );
		appInterlockedAdd( &AvailableMemorySize, +MemoryAdjustment );
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
 * Allocate physical memory.
 * @param	AllocationSize	Size of allocation
 * @param	bAllowFailure	Whether to allow allocation failure or not
 * @return	Pointer to allocated memory
void* FBestFitAllocator::Allocate( INT AllocationSize, UBOOL bAllowFailure )
	check( FirstChunk );

	// Make sure everything is appropriately aligned.
	AllocationSize = Align( AllocationSize, AllocationAlignment );

	// Perform a "best fit" search, returning first perfect fit if there is one.
	FMemoryChunk* CurrentChunk	= FirstFreeChunk;
	FMemoryChunk* BestChunk		= NULL;
	while( CurrentChunk )
		// Check whether chunk is available and large enough to hold allocation.
		check( CurrentChunk->bIsAvailable );
		if( CurrentChunk->Size >= AllocationSize )
			// Compare with current best chunk if one exists. 
			if( BestChunk )
				// Tighter fits are preferred.
				if( CurrentChunk->Size < BestChunk->Size )
					BestChunk = CurrentChunk;
			// No existing best chunk so use this one.
				BestChunk = CurrentChunk;

			// We have a perfect fit, no need to iterate further.
			if( BestChunk->Size == AllocationSize )
		CurrentChunk = CurrentChunk->NextFreeChunk;

	// Dump allocation info and return NULL if we weren't able to satisfy allocation request.
	if( !BestChunk )
		if ( !bAllowFailure )
			debugf(TEXT("Ran out of memory for allocation in best-fit allocator of size %i KByte"), AllocationSize / 1024);
		return NULL;

	// Mark as being in use.

	// Split chunk to avoid waste.
	if( BestChunk->Size > AllocationSize )
		Split( BestChunk, AllocationSize );

	// Ensure that everything's in range.
	check( (BestChunk->Base + BestChunk->Size) <= (MemoryBase + MemorySize) );
	check( BestChunk->Base >= MemoryBase );

	// Update usage stats in a thread safe way.
	appInterlockedAdd( &AllocatedMemorySize, +BestChunk->Size );
	appInterlockedAdd( &AvailableMemorySize, -BestChunk->Size );

	// Keep track of mapping and return pointer.
	PointerToChunkMap.Set( (PTRINT) BestChunk->Base, BestChunk );
	return BestChunk->Base;
Esempio n. 15
void FAsyncIOSystemBase::FulfillCompressedRead( const FAsyncIORequest& IORequest, IFileHandle* FileHandle )
	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("FAsyncIOSystemBase::FulfillCompressedRead"), STAT_AsyncIOSystemBase_FulfillCompressedRead, STATGROUP_AsyncIO_Verbose);

	if (GbLogAsyncLoading == true)
		LogIORequest(TEXT("FulfillCompressedRead"), IORequest);

	// Initialize variables.
	FAsyncUncompress*		Uncompressor			= NULL;
	uint8*					UncompressedBuffer		= (uint8*) IORequest.Dest;
	// First compression chunk contains information about total size so we skip that one.
	int32						CurrentChunkIndex		= 1;
	int32						CurrentBufferIndex		= 0;
	bool					bHasProcessedAllData	= false;

	// read the first two ints, which will contain the magic bytes (to detect byteswapping)
	// and the original size the chunks were compressed from
	int64						HeaderData[2];
	int32						HeaderSize = sizeof(HeaderData);

	InternalRead(FileHandle, IORequest.Offset, HeaderSize, HeaderData);

	// if the magic bytes don't match, then we are byteswapped (or corrupted)
	bool bIsByteswapped = HeaderData[0] != PACKAGE_FILE_TAG;
	// if its potentially byteswapped, make sure it's not just corrupted
	if (bIsByteswapped)
		// if it doesn't equal the swapped version, then data is corrupted
		if (HeaderData[0] != PACKAGE_FILE_TAG_SWAPPED)
			UE_LOG(LogStreaming, Warning, TEXT("Detected data corruption [header] trying to read %lld bytes at offset %lld from '%s'. Please delete file and recook."),
				IORequest.Offset ,
				*IORequest.FileName );
		// otherwise, we have a valid byteswapped file, so swap the chunk size
			HeaderData[1] = BYTESWAP_ORDER64(HeaderData[1]);

	int32						CompressionChunkSize	= HeaderData[1];
	// handle old packages that don't have the chunk size in the header, in which case
	// we can use the old hardcoded size
	if (CompressionChunkSize == PACKAGE_FILE_TAG)

	// calculate the number of chunks based on the size they were compressed from
	int32						TotalChunkCount = (IORequest.UncompressedSize + CompressionChunkSize - 1) / CompressionChunkSize + 1;

	// allocate chunk info data based on number of chunks
	FCompressedChunkInfo*	CompressionChunks		= (FCompressedChunkInfo*)FMemory::Malloc(sizeof(FCompressedChunkInfo) * TotalChunkCount);
	int32						ChunkInfoSize			= (TotalChunkCount) * sizeof(FCompressedChunkInfo);
	void*					CompressedBuffer[2]		= { 0, 0 };
	// Read table of compression chunks after seeking to offset (after the initial header data)
	InternalRead( FileHandle, IORequest.Offset + HeaderSize, ChunkInfoSize, CompressionChunks );

	// Handle byte swapping. This is required for opening a cooked file on the PC.
	int64 CalculatedUncompressedSize = 0;
	if (bIsByteswapped)
		for( int32 ChunkIndex=0; ChunkIndex<TotalChunkCount; ChunkIndex++ )
			CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].CompressedSize	= BYTESWAP_ORDER64(CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].CompressedSize);
			CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].UncompressedSize	= BYTESWAP_ORDER64(CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].UncompressedSize);
			if (ChunkIndex > 0)
				CalculatedUncompressedSize += CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].UncompressedSize;
		for( int32 ChunkIndex=1; ChunkIndex<TotalChunkCount; ChunkIndex++ )
			CalculatedUncompressedSize += CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].UncompressedSize;

	if (CompressionChunks[0].UncompressedSize != CalculatedUncompressedSize)
		UE_LOG(LogStreaming, Warning, TEXT("Detected data corruption [incorrect uncompressed size] calculated %i bytes, requested %i bytes at offset %i from '%s'. Please delete file and recook."),
			IORequest.Offset ,
			*IORequest.FileName );

	if (ChunkInfoSize + HeaderSize + CompressionChunks[0].CompressedSize > IORequest.Size )
		UE_LOG(LogStreaming, Warning, TEXT("Detected data corruption [undershoot] trying to read %lld bytes at offset %lld from '%s'. Please delete file and recook."),
			IORequest.Offset ,
			*IORequest.FileName );

	if (IORequest.UncompressedSize != CalculatedUncompressedSize)
		UE_LOG(LogStreaming, Warning, TEXT("Detected data corruption [incorrect uncompressed size] calculated %lld bytes, requested %lld bytes at offset %lld from '%s'. Please delete file and recook."),
			IORequest.Offset ,
			*IORequest.FileName );

	// Figure out maximum size of compressed data chunk.
	int64 MaxCompressedSize = 0;
	for (int32 ChunkIndex = 1; ChunkIndex < TotalChunkCount; ChunkIndex++)
		MaxCompressedSize = FMath::Max(MaxCompressedSize, CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].CompressedSize);
		// Verify the all chunks are 'full size' until the last one...
		if (CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].UncompressedSize < CompressionChunkSize)
			if (ChunkIndex != (TotalChunkCount - 1))
				checkf(0, TEXT("Calculated too many chunks: %d should be last, there are %d from '%s'"), ChunkIndex, TotalChunkCount, *IORequest.FileName);
		check( CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].UncompressedSize <= CompressionChunkSize );

	int32 Padding = 0;

	// Allocate memory for compressed data.
	CompressedBuffer[0]	= FMemory::Malloc( MaxCompressedSize + Padding );
	CompressedBuffer[1] = FMemory::Malloc( MaxCompressedSize + Padding );

	// Initial read request.
	InternalRead( FileHandle, FileHandle->Tell(), CompressionChunks[CurrentChunkIndex].CompressedSize, CompressedBuffer[CurrentBufferIndex] );

	// Loop till we're done decompressing all data.
	while( !bHasProcessedAllData )
		FAsyncTask<FAsyncUncompress> UncompressTask(
			(Padding > 0)


		// Advance destination pointer.
		UncompressedBuffer += CompressionChunks[CurrentChunkIndex].UncompressedSize;
		// Check whether we are already done reading.
		if( CurrentChunkIndex < TotalChunkCount-1 )
			// Can't postincrement in if statement as we need it to remain at valid value for one more loop iteration to finish
		// the decompression.
			// Swap compression buffers to read into.
			CurrentBufferIndex = 1 - CurrentBufferIndex;
			// Read more data.
			InternalRead( FileHandle, FileHandle->Tell(), CompressionChunks[CurrentChunkIndex].CompressedSize, CompressedBuffer[CurrentBufferIndex] );
		// We were already done reading the last time around so we are done processing now.
			bHasProcessedAllData = true;
		//@todo async loading: should use event for this
		STAT(double UncompressorWaitTime = 0);
			UncompressTask.EnsureCompletion(); // just decompress on this thread if it isn't started yet

	FMemory::Free(CompressedBuffer[1] );
void FNetworkPlatformFile::InitializeAfterSetActive()
	double NetworkFileStartupTime = 0.0;

		// send the filenames and timestamps to the server
		FNetworkFileArchive Payload(NFS_Messages::GetFileList);
		FillGetFileList(Payload, false);

		// send the directories over, and wait for a response
		FArrayReader Response;
		if (!SendPayloadAndReceiveResponse(Payload, Response))
			delete Transport; 
			// receive the cooked version information
			int32 ServerPackageVersion = 0;
			int32 ServerPackageLicenseeVersion = 0;
			ProcessServerInitialResponse(Response, ServerPackageVersion, ServerPackageLicenseeVersion);

			// receive a list of the cache files and their timestamps
			TMap<FString, FDateTime> ServerCachedFiles;
			Response << ServerCachedFiles;

			bool bDeleteAllFiles = true;
			// Check the stored cooked version
			FString CookedVersionFile = FPaths::GeneratedConfigDir() / TEXT("CookedVersion.txt");

			if (InnerPlatformFile->FileExists(*CookedVersionFile) == true)
				IFileHandle* FileHandle = InnerPlatformFile->OpenRead(*CookedVersionFile);
				if (FileHandle != NULL)
					int32 StoredPackageCookedVersion;
					int32 StoredPackageCookedLicenseeVersion;
					if (FileHandle->Read((uint8*)&StoredPackageCookedVersion, sizeof(int32)) == true)
						if (FileHandle->Read((uint8*)&StoredPackageCookedLicenseeVersion, sizeof(int32)) == true)
							if ((ServerPackageVersion == StoredPackageCookedVersion) &&
								(ServerPackageLicenseeVersion == StoredPackageCookedLicenseeVersion))
								bDeleteAllFiles = false;
								UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Display, 
									TEXT("Engine version mismatch: Server %d.%d, Stored %d.%d\n"), 
									ServerPackageVersion, ServerPackageLicenseeVersion,
									StoredPackageCookedVersion, StoredPackageCookedLicenseeVersion);

					delete FileHandle;
				UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Display, TEXT("Cooked version file missing: %s\n"), *CookedVersionFile);

			if (bDeleteAllFiles == true)
				// Make sure the config file exists...
				// Update the cooked version file
				IFileHandle* FileHandle = InnerPlatformFile->OpenWrite(*CookedVersionFile);
				if (FileHandle != NULL)
					FileHandle->Write((const uint8*)&ServerPackageVersion, sizeof(int32));
					FileHandle->Write((const uint8*)&ServerPackageLicenseeVersion, sizeof(int32));
					delete FileHandle;

			// list of directories to skip
			TArray<FString> DirectoriesToSkip;
			TArray<FString> DirectoriesToNotRecurse;
			// use the timestamp grabbing visitor to get all the content times
			FLocalTimestampDirectoryVisitor Visitor(*InnerPlatformFile, DirectoriesToSkip, DirectoriesToNotRecurse, false);

			TArray<FString> RootContentPaths;
			FPackageName::QueryRootContentPaths( RootContentPaths );
			for( TArray<FString>::TConstIterator RootPathIt( RootContentPaths ); RootPathIt; ++RootPathIt )
				const FString& RootPath = *RootPathIt;
				const FString& ContentFolder = FPackageName::LongPackageNameToFilename(RootPath);

				InnerPlatformFile->IterateDirectory( *ContentFolder, Visitor);

			// delete out of date files using the server cached files
			for (TMap<FString, FDateTime>::TIterator It(ServerCachedFiles); It; ++It)
				bool bDeleteFile = bDeleteAllFiles;
				FString ServerFile = It.Key();

				// Convert the filename to the client version

				// Set it in the visitor file times list
				Visitor.FileTimes.Add(ServerFile, FDateTime::MinValue());

				if (bDeleteFile == false)
					// Check the time stamps...
					// get local time
					FDateTime LocalTime = InnerPlatformFile->GetTimeStamp(*ServerFile);
					// If local time == MinValue than the file does not exist in the cache.
					if (LocalTime != FDateTime::MinValue())
						FDateTime ServerTime = It.Value();
						// delete if out of date
						// We will use 1.0 second as the tolerance to cover any platform differences in resolution
						FTimespan TimeDiff = LocalTime - ServerTime;
						double TimeDiffInSeconds = TimeDiff.GetTotalSeconds();
						bDeleteFile = (TimeDiffInSeconds > 1.0) || (TimeDiffInSeconds < -1.0);
						if (bDeleteFile == true)
							if (InnerPlatformFile->FileExists(*ServerFile) == true)
								UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Display, TEXT("Deleting cached file: TimeDiff %5.3f, %s"), TimeDiffInSeconds, *It.Key());
								// It's a directory
								bDeleteFile = false;
				if (bDeleteFile == true)

			// Any content files we have locally that were not cached, delete them
			for (TMap<FString, FDateTime>::TIterator It(Visitor.FileTimes); It; ++It)
				if (It.Value() != FDateTime::MinValue())
					// This was *not* found in the server file list... delete it
					UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Display, TEXT("Deleting cached file: %s"), *It.Key());

			// make sure we can sync a file
			FString TestSyncFile = FPaths::Combine(*(FPaths::EngineDir()), TEXT("Config/BaseEngine.ini"));

			InnerPlatformFile->SetReadOnly(*TestSyncFile, false);
			if (InnerPlatformFile->FileExists(*TestSyncFile))
				UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Fatal, TEXT("Could not delete file sync test file %s."), *TestSyncFile);


			if (!InnerPlatformFile->FileExists(*TestSyncFile) || InnerPlatformFile->FileSize(*TestSyncFile) < 1)
				UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Fatal, TEXT("Could not sync test file %s."), *TestSyncFile);

	FPlatformMisc::LowLevelOutputDebugStringf(TEXT("Network file startup time: %5.3f seconds\n"), NetworkFileStartupTime);

// Compiles a blueprint.
void FKismet2CompilerModule::CompileBlueprint(class UBlueprint* Blueprint, const FKismetCompilerOptions& CompileOptions, FCompilerResultsLog& Results, FBlueprintCompileReinstancer* ParentReinstancer, TArray<UObject*>* ObjLoaded)


	const bool bIsBrandNewBP = (Blueprint->SkeletonGeneratedClass == NULL) && (Blueprint->GeneratedClass == NULL) && (Blueprint->ParentClass != NULL) && !CompileOptions.bIsDuplicationInstigated;

	for ( IBlueprintCompiler* Compiler : Compilers )

	if (CompileOptions.CompileType != EKismetCompileType::Cpp)

		FBlueprintCompileReinstancer SkeletonReinstancer(Blueprint->SkeletonGeneratedClass);

		FCompilerResultsLog SkeletonResults;
		SkeletonResults.bSilentMode = true;
		FKismetCompilerOptions SkeletonCompileOptions;
		SkeletonCompileOptions.CompileType = EKismetCompileType::SkeletonOnly;
		CompileBlueprintInner(Blueprint, SkeletonCompileOptions, SkeletonResults, ObjLoaded);

	// If this was a full compile, take appropriate actions depending on the success of failure of the compile
	if( CompileOptions.IsGeneratedClassCompileType() )

		// Perform the full compile
		CompileBlueprintInner(Blueprint, CompileOptions, Results, ObjLoaded);

		if (Results.NumErrors == 0)
			// Blueprint is error free.  Go ahead and fix up debug info
			Blueprint->Status = (0 == Results.NumWarnings) ? BS_UpToDate : BS_UpToDateWithWarnings;
			Blueprint->BlueprintSystemVersion = UBlueprint::GetCurrentBlueprintSystemVersion();

			// Reapply breakpoints to the bytecode of the new class
			for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Blueprint->Breakpoints.Num(); ++Index)
				UBreakpoint* Breakpoint = Blueprint->Breakpoints[Index];
			// Should never get errors from a brand new blueprint!
			ensure(!bIsBrandNewBP || (Results.NumErrors == 0));

			// There were errors.  Compile the generated class to have function stubs
			Blueprint->Status = BS_Error;

			static const FBoolConfigValueHelper ReinstanceOnlyWhenNecessary(TEXT("Kismet"), TEXT("bReinstanceOnlyWhenNecessary"), GEngineIni);

			// Reinstance objects here, so we can preserve their memory layouts to reinstance them again
			if( ParentReinstancer != NULL )


			FBlueprintCompileReinstancer StubReinstancer(Blueprint->GeneratedClass);

			// Toss the half-baked class and generate a stubbed out skeleton class that can be used
			FCompilerResultsLog StubResults;
			StubResults.bSilentMode = true;
			FKismetCompilerOptions StubCompileOptions(CompileOptions);
			StubCompileOptions.CompileType = EKismetCompileType::StubAfterFailure;

			CompileBlueprintInner(Blueprint, StubCompileOptions, StubResults, ObjLoaded);

			if( !Blueprint->bIsRegeneratingOnLoad )

	for ( IBlueprintCompiler* Compiler : Compilers )

	UPackage* Package = Blueprint->GetOutermost();
	if( Package )
		UMetaData* MetaData =  Package->GetMetaData();
Esempio n. 18
 * Serializes and compresses/ uncompresses data. This is a shared helper function for compression
 * support. The data is saved in a way compatible with FIOSystem::LoadCompressedData.
 * @note: the way this code works needs to be in line with FIOSystem::LoadCompressedData implementations
 * @note: the way this code works needs to be in line with FAsyncIOSystemBase::FulfillCompressedRead
 * @param	V		Data pointer to serialize data from/to, or a FileReader if bTreatBufferAsFileReader is true
 * @param	Length	Length of source data if we're saving, unused otherwise
 * @param	Flags	Flags to control what method to use for [de]compression and optionally control memory vs speed when compressing
 * @param	bTreatBufferAsFileReader true if V is actually an FArchive, which is used when saving to read data - helps to avoid single huge allocations of source data
void FArchive::SerializeCompressed( void* V, int64 Length, ECompressionFlags Flags, bool bTreatBufferAsFileReader )
	if( IsLoading() )
		// Serialize package file tag used to determine endianess.
		FCompressedChunkInfo PackageFileTag;
		PackageFileTag.CompressedSize	= 0;
		PackageFileTag.UncompressedSize	= 0;
		*this << PackageFileTag;
		bool bWasByteSwapped = PackageFileTag.CompressedSize != PACKAGE_FILE_TAG;

		// Read in base summary.
		FCompressedChunkInfo Summary;
		*this << Summary;

		if (bWasByteSwapped)
			check( PackageFileTag.CompressedSize   == PACKAGE_FILE_TAG_SWAPPED );
			Summary.CompressedSize = BYTESWAP_ORDER64(Summary.CompressedSize);
			Summary.UncompressedSize = BYTESWAP_ORDER64(Summary.UncompressedSize);
			PackageFileTag.UncompressedSize = BYTESWAP_ORDER64(PackageFileTag.UncompressedSize);
			check( PackageFileTag.CompressedSize   == PACKAGE_FILE_TAG );

		// Handle change in compression chunk size in backward compatible way.
		int64 LoadingCompressionChunkSize = PackageFileTag.UncompressedSize;
		if (LoadingCompressionChunkSize == PACKAGE_FILE_TAG)
			LoadingCompressionChunkSize = LOADING_COMPRESSION_CHUNK_SIZE;

		// Figure out how many chunks there are going to be based on uncompressed size and compression chunk size.
		int64	TotalChunkCount	= (Summary.UncompressedSize + LoadingCompressionChunkSize - 1) / LoadingCompressionChunkSize;
		// Allocate compression chunk infos and serialize them, keeping track of max size of compression chunks used.
		FCompressedChunkInfo*	CompressionChunks	= new FCompressedChunkInfo[TotalChunkCount];
		int64						MaxCompressedSize	= 0;
		for( int32 ChunkIndex=0; ChunkIndex<TotalChunkCount; ChunkIndex++ )
			*this << CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex];
			if (bWasByteSwapped)
				CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].CompressedSize	= BYTESWAP_ORDER64( CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].CompressedSize );
				CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].UncompressedSize	= BYTESWAP_ORDER64( CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].UncompressedSize );
			MaxCompressedSize = FMath::Max( CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].CompressedSize, MaxCompressedSize );

		int64 Padding = 0;

		// Set up destination pointer and allocate memory for compressed chunk[s] (one at a time).
		uint8*	Dest				= (uint8*) V;
		void*	CompressedBuffer	= FMemory::Malloc( MaxCompressedSize + Padding );

		// Iterate over all chunks, serialize them into memory and decompress them directly into the destination pointer
		for( int64 ChunkIndex=0; ChunkIndex<TotalChunkCount; ChunkIndex++ )
			const FCompressedChunkInfo& Chunk = CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex];
			// Read compressed data.
			Serialize( CompressedBuffer, Chunk.CompressedSize );
			// Decompress into dest pointer directly.
			verify( FCompression::UncompressMemory( Flags, Dest, Chunk.UncompressedSize, CompressedBuffer, Chunk.CompressedSize, (Padding > 0) ? true : false ) );
			// And advance it by read amount.
			Dest += Chunk.UncompressedSize;

		// Free up allocated memory.
		FMemory::Free( CompressedBuffer );
		delete [] CompressionChunks;
	else if( IsSaving() )
		check( Length > 0 );

		// Serialize package file tag used to determine endianess in LoadCompressedData.
		FCompressedChunkInfo PackageFileTag;
		PackageFileTag.CompressedSize	= PACKAGE_FILE_TAG;
		PackageFileTag.UncompressedSize	= GSavingCompressionChunkSize;
		*this << PackageFileTag;

		// Figure out how many chunks there are going to be based on uncompressed size and compression chunk size.
		int64	TotalChunkCount	= (Length + GSavingCompressionChunkSize - 1) / GSavingCompressionChunkSize + 1;
		// Keep track of current position so we can later seek back and overwrite stub compression chunk infos.
		int64 StartPosition = Tell();

		// Allocate compression chunk infos and serialize them so we can later overwrite the data.
		FCompressedChunkInfo* CompressionChunks	= new FCompressedChunkInfo[TotalChunkCount];
		for( int64 ChunkIndex=0; ChunkIndex<TotalChunkCount; ChunkIndex++ )
			*this << CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex];

		// The uncompressd size is equal to the passed in length.
		CompressionChunks[0].UncompressedSize	= Length;
		// Zero initialize compressed size so we can update it during chunk compression.
		CompressionChunks[0].CompressedSize		= 0;


		// Don't scale more than 16x to avoid going overboard wrt temporary memory.
		FAsyncTask<FAsyncCompressionChunk> AsyncChunks[MAX_COMPRESSION_JOBS];

		// used to keep track of which job is the next one we need to retire
		int32 AsyncChunkIndex[MAX_COMPRESSION_JOBS]={0};

		static uint32 GNumUnusedThreads_SerializeCompressed = -1;
		if (GNumUnusedThreads_SerializeCompressed == (uint32)-1)
			// one-time initialization
			GNumUnusedThreads_SerializeCompressed = 1;
			// if we should use all available cores then we want to compress with all
			if( FParse::Param(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("USEALLAVAILABLECORES")) == true )
				GNumUnusedThreads_SerializeCompressed = 0;

		// Maximum number of concurrent async tasks we're going to kick off. This is based on the number of processors
		// available in the system.
		int32 MaxConcurrentAsyncChunks = FMath::Clamp<int32>( FPlatformMisc::NumberOfCores() - GNumUnusedThreads_SerializeCompressed, 1, MAX_COMPRESSION_JOBS );
		if (FParse::Param(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("MTCHILD")))
			// throttle this back when doing MT cooks
			MaxConcurrentAsyncChunks = FMath::Min<int32>( MaxConcurrentAsyncChunks,4 );

		// Number of chunks left to finalize.
		int64 NumChunksLeftToFinalize	= (Length + GSavingCompressionChunkSize - 1) / GSavingCompressionChunkSize;
		// Number of chunks left to kick off
		int64 NumChunksLeftToKickOff	= NumChunksLeftToFinalize;
		// Start at index 1 as first chunk info is summary.
		int64	CurrentChunkIndex		= 1;
		// Start at index 1 as first chunk info is summary.
		int64	RetireChunkIndex		= 1;
		// Number of bytes remaining to kick off compression for.
		int64 BytesRemainingToKickOff	= Length;
		// Pointer to src data if buffer is memory pointer, NULL if it's a FArchive.
		uint8* SrcBuffer = bTreatBufferAsFileReader ? NULL : (uint8*)V;

		check(!bTreatBufferAsFileReader || ((FArchive*)V)->IsLoading());

		// Loop while there is work left to do based on whether we have finalized all chunks yet.
		while( NumChunksLeftToFinalize )
			// If true we are waiting for async tasks to complete and should wait to complete some
			// if there are no async tasks finishing this iteration.
			bool bNeedToWaitForAsyncTask = false;

			// Try to kick off async tasks if there are chunks left to kick off.
			if( NumChunksLeftToKickOff )
				// Find free index based on looking at uncompressed size. We can't use the thread counter
				// for this as that might be a chunk ready for finalization.
				int32 FreeIndex = INDEX_NONE;
				for( int32 i=0; i<MaxConcurrentAsyncChunks; i++ )
					if( !AsyncChunkIndex[i] )
						FreeIndex = i;
						check(AsyncChunks[FreeIndex].IsIdle()); // this is not supposed to be in use

				// Kick off async compression task if we found a chunk for it.
				if( FreeIndex != INDEX_NONE )
					FAsyncCompressionChunk& NewChunk = AsyncChunks[FreeIndex].GetTask();
					// 2 times the uncompressed size should be more than enough; the compressed data shouldn't be that much larger
					NewChunk.CompressedSize	= 2 * GSavingCompressionChunkSize;
					// Allocate compressed buffer placeholder on first use.
					if( NewChunk.CompressedBuffer == NULL )
						NewChunk.CompressedBuffer = FMemory::Malloc( NewChunk.CompressedSize	);

					// By default everything is chunked up into GSavingCompressionChunkSize chunks.
					NewChunk.UncompressedSize	= FMath::Min( BytesRemainingToKickOff, (int64)GSavingCompressionChunkSize );

					// Need to serialize source data if passed in pointer is an FArchive.
					if( bTreatBufferAsFileReader )
						// Allocate memory on first use. We allocate the maximum amount to allow reuse.
						if( !NewChunk.UncompressedBuffer )
							NewChunk.UncompressedBuffer = FMemory::Malloc(GSavingCompressionChunkSize);
						((FArchive*)V)->Serialize(NewChunk.UncompressedBuffer, NewChunk.UncompressedSize);
					// Advance src pointer by amount to be compressed.
						NewChunk.UncompressedBuffer = SrcBuffer;
						SrcBuffer += NewChunk.UncompressedSize;

					// Update status variables for tracking how much work is left, what to do next.
					BytesRemainingToKickOff -= NewChunk.UncompressedSize;
					AsyncChunkIndex[FreeIndex] = CurrentChunkIndex++;
					NewChunk.Flags = Flags;

				// No chunks were available to use, complete some
					bNeedToWaitForAsyncTask = true;

			// Index of oldest chunk, needed as we need to serialize in order.
			int32 OldestAsyncChunkIndex = INDEX_NONE;
			for( int32 i=0; i<MaxConcurrentAsyncChunks; i++ )
				check(AsyncChunkIndex[i] == 0 || AsyncChunkIndex[i] >= RetireChunkIndex);
				check(AsyncChunkIndex[i] < RetireChunkIndex + MaxConcurrentAsyncChunks);
				if (AsyncChunkIndex[i] == RetireChunkIndex)
					OldestAsyncChunkIndex = i;
			check(OldestAsyncChunkIndex != INDEX_NONE);  // the retire chunk better be outstanding

			bool ChunkReady;
			if (bNeedToWaitForAsyncTask)
				// This guarantees that the async work has finished, doing it on this thread if it hasn't been started
				ChunkReady = true;
				ChunkReady = AsyncChunks[OldestAsyncChunkIndex].IsDone();
			if (ChunkReady)
				FAsyncCompressionChunk& DoneChunk = AsyncChunks[OldestAsyncChunkIndex].GetTask();
				// Serialize the data via archive.
				Serialize( DoneChunk.CompressedBuffer, DoneChunk.CompressedSize );

				// Update associated chunk.
				int64 CompressionChunkIndex = RetireChunkIndex++;
				CompressionChunks[CompressionChunkIndex].CompressedSize		= DoneChunk.CompressedSize;
				CompressionChunks[CompressionChunkIndex].UncompressedSize	= DoneChunk.UncompressedSize;

				// Keep track of total compressed size, stored in first chunk.
				CompressionChunks[0].CompressedSize	+= DoneChunk.CompressedSize;

				// Clean up chunk. Src and dst buffer are not touched as the contain allocations we keep till the end.
				AsyncChunkIndex[OldestAsyncChunkIndex] = 0;
				DoneChunk.CompressedSize	= 0;
				DoneChunk.UncompressedSize = 0;

				// Finalized one :)
				bNeedToWaitForAsyncTask = false;

		// Free intermediate buffer storage.
		for( int32 i=0; i<MaxConcurrentAsyncChunks; i++ )
			// Free temporary compressed buffer storage.
			FMemory::Free( AsyncChunks[i].GetTask().CompressedBuffer );
			AsyncChunks[i].GetTask().CompressedBuffer = NULL;
			// Free temporary uncompressed buffer storage if data was serialized in.
			if( bTreatBufferAsFileReader )
				FMemory::Free( AsyncChunks[i].GetTask().UncompressedBuffer );
				AsyncChunks[i].GetTask().UncompressedBuffer = NULL;

		// Set up source pointer amount of data to copy (in bytes)
		uint8*	Src;
		// allocate memory to read into
		if (bTreatBufferAsFileReader)
			Src = (uint8*)FMemory::Malloc(GSavingCompressionChunkSize);
			Src = (uint8*) V;
		int64		BytesRemaining			= Length;
		// Start at index 1 as first chunk info is summary.
		int32		CurrentChunkIndex		= 1;
		// 2 times the uncompressed size should be more than enough; the compressed data shouldn't be that much larger
		int64		CompressedBufferSize	= 2 * GSavingCompressionChunkSize;
		void*	CompressedBuffer		= FMemory::Malloc( CompressedBufferSize );

		while( BytesRemaining > 0 )
			int64 BytesToCompress = FMath::Min( BytesRemaining, (int64)GSavingCompressionChunkSize );
			int64 CompressedSize	= CompressedBufferSize;

			// read in the next chunk from the reader
			if (bTreatBufferAsFileReader)
				((FArchive*)V)->Serialize(Src, BytesToCompress);

			check(CompressedSize < INT_MAX);
			int32 CompressedSizeInt = (int32)CompressedSize;
			verify( FCompression::CompressMemory( Flags, CompressedBuffer, CompressedSizeInt, Src, BytesToCompress ) );
			CompressedSize = CompressedSizeInt;
			// move to next chunk if not reading from file
			if (!bTreatBufferAsFileReader)
				Src += BytesToCompress;
			Serialize( CompressedBuffer, CompressedSize );
			// Keep track of total compressed size, stored in first chunk.
			CompressionChunks[0].CompressedSize	+= CompressedSize;

			// Update current chunk.
			CompressionChunks[CurrentChunkIndex].CompressedSize		= CompressedSize;
			CompressionChunks[CurrentChunkIndex].UncompressedSize	= BytesToCompress;
			BytesRemaining -= GSavingCompressionChunkSize;

		// free the buffer we read into
		if (bTreatBufferAsFileReader)

		// Free allocated memory.
		FMemory::Free( CompressedBuffer );

		// Overrwrite chunk infos by seeking to the beginning, serializing the data and then
		// seeking back to the end.
		auto EndPosition = Tell();
		// Seek to the beginning.
		Seek( StartPosition );
		// Serialize chunk infos.
		for( int32 ChunkIndex=0; ChunkIndex<TotalChunkCount; ChunkIndex++ )
			*this << CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex];
		// Seek back to end.
		Seek( EndPosition );

		// Free intermediate data.
		delete [] CompressionChunks;