bool ParameterSE2Offset::read(std::istream& is) { Vector3 off; for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { is >> off[i]; std::cerr << off[i] << " " ; } std::cerr << std::endl; setOffset(SE2(off)); return is.good() || is.eof(); }
bool EdgeSE2::read(std::istream& is) { Vector3 p; is >> p[0] >> p[1] >> p[2]; setMeasurement(SE2(p)); _inverseMeasurement = measurement().inverse(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) for (int j = i; j < 3; ++j) { is >> information()(i, j); if (i != j) information()(j, i) = information()(i, j); } return true; }
SE2 inverse() const { return SE2(-(R.inverse()*t), R.inverse()); }
SE2 operator*(const SE2& other) const { return SE2(t + R*other.t, R * other.R); }
int main(int, char**) { // plan for hybrid car in SE(2) with discrete gears ob::StateSpacePtr SE2(new ob::SE2StateSpace()); ob::StateSpacePtr velocity(new ob::RealVectorStateSpace(1)); // set the range for gears: [-1,3] inclusive ob::StateSpacePtr gear(new ob::DiscreteStateSpace(-1,3)); ob::StateSpacePtr stateSpace = SE2 + velocity + gear; // set the bounds for the R^2 part of SE(2) ob::RealVectorBounds bounds(2); bounds.setLow(-100); bounds.setHigh(100); SE2->as<ob::SE2StateSpace>()->setBounds(bounds); // set the bounds for the velocity ob::RealVectorBounds velocityBound(1); velocityBound.setLow(0); velocityBound.setHigh(60); velocity->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace>()->setBounds(velocityBound); // create start and goal states ob::ScopedState<> start(stateSpace); ob::ScopedState<> goal(stateSpace); // Both start and goal are states with high velocity with the car in third gear. // However, to make the turn, the car cannot stay in third gear and will have to // shift to first gear. start[0] = start[1] = -90.; // position start[2] = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()/2; // orientation start[3] = 40.; // velocity start->as<ob::CompoundState>()->as<ob::DiscreteStateSpace::StateType>(2)->value = 3; // gear goal[0] = goal[1] = 90.; // position goal[2] = 0.; // orientation goal[3] = 40.; // velocity goal->as<ob::CompoundState>()->as<ob::DiscreteStateSpace::StateType>(2)->value = 3; // gear oc::ControlSpacePtr cmanifold(new oc::RealVectorControlSpace(stateSpace, 2)); // set the bounds for the control manifold ob::RealVectorBounds cbounds(2); // bounds for steering input cbounds.setLow(0, -1.); cbounds.setHigh(0, 1.); // bounds for brake/gas input cbounds.setLow(1, -20.); cbounds.setHigh(1, 20.); cmanifold->as<oc::RealVectorControlSpace>()->setBounds(cbounds); oc::SimpleSetup setup(cmanifold); setup.setStartAndGoalStates(start, goal, 5.); setup.setStateValidityChecker(boost::bind( &isStateValid, setup.getSpaceInformation().get(), _1)); setup.setStatePropagator(boost::bind( &propagate, setup.getSpaceInformation().get(), _1, _2, _3, _4)); setup.getSpaceInformation()->setPropagationStepSize(.1); setup.getSpaceInformation()->setMinMaxControlDuration(2, 3); // try to solve the problem if (setup.solve(30)) { // print the (approximate) solution path: print states along the path // and controls required to get from one state to the next oc::PathControl& path(setup.getSolutionPath()); // print out full state on solution path // (format: x, y, theta, v, u0, u1, dt) for(unsigned int i=0; i<path.getStateCount(); ++i) { const ob::State* state = path.getState(i); const ob::SE2StateSpace::StateType *se2 = state->as<ob::CompoundState>()->as<ob::SE2StateSpace::StateType>(0); const ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType *velocity = state->as<ob::CompoundState>()->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType>(1); const ob::DiscreteStateSpace::StateType *gear = state->as<ob::CompoundState>()->as<ob::DiscreteStateSpace::StateType>(2); std::cout << se2->getX() << ' ' << se2->getY() << ' ' << se2->getYaw() << ' ' << velocity->values[0] << ' ' << gear->value << ' '; if (i==0) // null controls applied for zero seconds to get to start state std::cout << "0 0 0"; else { // print controls and control duration needed to get from state i-1 to state i const double* u = path.getControl(i-1)->as<oc::RealVectorControlSpace::ControlType>()->values; std::cout << u[0] << ' ' << u[1] << ' ' << path.getControlDuration(i-1); } std::cout << std::endl; } if (!setup.haveExactSolutionPath()) { std::cout << "Solution is approximate. Distance to actual goal is " << setup.getProblemDefinition()->getSolutionDifference() << std::endl; } } return 0; }
bool ClosedFormCalibration::calibrate(const MotionInformationVector& measurements, SE2& laserOffset, Eigen::Vector3d& odomParams) { std::vector<VelocityMeasurement, Eigen::aligned_allocator<VelocityMeasurement> > velMeasurements; for (size_t i = 0; i < measurements.size(); ++i) { const SE2& odomMotion = measurements[i].odomMotion; const double& timeInterval = measurements[i].timeInterval; MotionMeasurement mm(odomMotion.translation().x(), odomMotion.translation().y(), odomMotion.rotation().angle(), timeInterval); VelocityMeasurement velMeas = OdomConvert::convertToVelocity(mm); velMeasurements.push_back(velMeas); } double J_21, J_22; { Eigen::MatrixXd A(measurements.size(), 2); Eigen::VectorXd x(measurements.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < measurements.size(); ++i) { const SE2& laserMotion = measurements[i].laserMotion; const double& timeInterval = measurements[i].timeInterval; const VelocityMeasurement& velMeas = velMeasurements[i]; A(i, 0) = velMeas.vl() * timeInterval; A(i, 1) = velMeas.vr() * timeInterval; x(i) = laserMotion.rotation().angle(); } // (J_21, J_22) = (-r_l / b, r_r / b) Eigen::Vector2d linearSolution = (A.transpose() * A).inverse() * A.transpose() * x; //std::cout << linearSolution.transpose() << std::endl; J_21 = linearSolution(0); J_22 = linearSolution(1); } // construct M Eigen::Matrix<double, 5, 5> M; M.setZero(); for (size_t i = 0; i < measurements.size(); ++i) { const SE2& laserMotion = measurements[i].laserMotion; const double& timeInterval = measurements[i].timeInterval; const VelocityMeasurement& velMeas = velMeasurements[i]; Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 5> L; double omega_o_k = J_21 * velMeas.vl() + J_22 * velMeas.vr(); double o_theta_k = omega_o_k * timeInterval; double sx = 1.; double sy = 0.; if (fabs(o_theta_k) > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) { sx = sin(o_theta_k) / o_theta_k; sy = (1 - cos(o_theta_k)) / o_theta_k; } double c_x = 0.5 * timeInterval * (-J_21 * velMeas.vl() + J_22 * velMeas.vr()) * sx; double c_y = 0.5 * timeInterval * (-J_21 * velMeas.vl() + J_22 * velMeas.vr()) * sy; L(0, 0) = -c_x; L(0, 1) = 1 - cos(o_theta_k); L(0, 2) = sin(o_theta_k); L(0, 3) = laserMotion.translation().x(); L(0, 4) = -laserMotion.translation().y(); L(1, 0) = -c_y; L(1, 1) = - sin(o_theta_k); L(1, 2) = 1 - cos(o_theta_k); L(1, 3) = laserMotion.translation().y(); L(1, 4) = laserMotion.translation().x(); M.noalias() += L.transpose() * L; } //std::cout << M << std::endl; // compute lagrange multiplier // and solve the constrained least squares problem double m11 = M(0,0); double m13 = M(0,2); double m14 = M(0,3); double m15 = M(0,4); double m22 = M(1,1); double m34 = M(2,3); double m35 = M(2,4); double m44 = M(3,3); double a = m11 * SQR(m22) - m22 * SQR(m13); double b = 2*m11 * SQR(m22) * m44 - SQR(m22) * SQR(m14) - 2*m22 * SQR(m13) * m44 - 2*m11 * m22 * SQR(m34) - 2*m11 * m22 * SQR(m35) - SQR(m22) * SQR(m15) + 2*m13 * m22 * m34 * m14 + SQR(m13) * SQR(m34) + 2*m13 * m22 * m35 * m15 + SQR(m13) * SQR(m35); double c = - 2*m13 * CUBE(m35) * m15 - m22 * SQR(m13) * SQR(m44) + m11 * SQR(m22) * SQR(m44) + SQR(m13) * SQR(m35) * m44 + 2*m13 * m22 * m34 * m14 * m44 + SQR(m13) * SQR(m34) * m44 - 2*m11 * m22 * SQR(m34) * m44 - 2 * m13 * CUBE(m34) * m14 - 2*m11 * m22 * SQR(m35) * m44 + 2*m11 * SQR(m35) * SQR(m34) + m22 * SQR(m14) * SQR(m35) - 2*m13 * SQR(m35) * m34 * m14 - 2*m13 * SQR(m34) * m35 * m15 + m11 * std::pow(m34, 4) + m22 * SQR(m15) * SQR(m34) + m22 * SQR(m35) * SQR(m15) + m11 * std::pow(m35, 4) - SQR(m22) * SQR(m14) * m44 + 2*m13 * m22 * m35 * m15 * m44 + m22 * SQR(m34) * SQR(m14) - SQR(m22) * SQR(m15) * m44; // solve the quadratic equation double lambda1, lambda2; if(a < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) { if(b <= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) return false; lambda1 = lambda2 = -c/b; } else { double delta = b*b - 4*a*c; if (delta < 0) return false; lambda1 = 0.5 * (-b-sqrt(delta)) / a; lambda2 = 0.5 * (-b+sqrt(delta)) / a; } Eigen::VectorXd x1 = solveLagrange(M, lambda1); Eigen::VectorXd x2 = solveLagrange(M, lambda2); double err1 = * x1); double err2 = * x2); const Eigen::VectorXd& calibrationResult = err1 < err2 ? x1 : x2; odomParams(0) = - calibrationResult(0) * J_21; odomParams(1) = calibrationResult(0) * J_22; odomParams(2) = calibrationResult(0); laserOffset = SE2(calibrationResult(1), calibrationResult(2), atan2(calibrationResult(4), calibrationResult(3))); return true; }