Esempio n. 1
user_settings::midi_buss_override (char buss)
        (buss >= 0 && buss < SEQ64_DEFAULT_BUSS_MAX) ||
        m_midi_buss_override = buss;
Esempio n. 2
userfile::write (const perform & /* a_perf */ )
    std::ofstream file(m_name.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
    if (! file.is_open())
        fprintf(stderr, "? error opening [%s] for writing\n", m_name.c_str());
        return false;


     * Header commentary.  Write out comments about the nature of this file.

    if (rc().legacy_format())
        file <<
           "# Sequencer64 user configuration file (legacy Seq24 0.9.2 format)\n";
        file << "# Sequencer64 0.9.20 (and above) user configuration file\n";

    file << "#\n"
        "# Created by reading the following file and writing it out via the\n"
        "# Sequencer64 application:\n"

    file << "#\n"
        "#  This is an example for a sequencer64.usr file. Edit and place in\n"
        "#  your home directory. It allows you to give an alias to each\n"
        "#  MIDI bus, MIDI channel, and MIDI control codes per channel.\n"

    file << "#\n"
        "#  1. Define your instruments and their control-code names,\n"
        "#     if they have them.\n"
        "#  2. Define a MIDI bus, its name, and what instruments are\n"
        "#     on which channel.\n"

    file << "#\n"
        "# In the following MIDI buss definitions, channels are counted\n"
        "# from 0 to 15, not 1 to 16.  Instruments unspecified are set to\n"
        "# -1 (SEQ64_GM_INSTRUMENT_FLAG) and are GM (General MIDI).\n"

     * [user-midi-bus-definitions]

    file << "\n"
        << "[user-midi-bus-definitions]\n"
        << "\n"
        << usr().bus_count()
        << "     # number of user-defined MIDI busses\n"

    if (usr().bus_count() == 0)
        file << "\n";

     * [user-midi-bus-x]

    for (int buss = 0; buss < usr().bus_count(); ++buss)
        file << "\n[user-midi-bus-" << buss << "]\n\n";
        const user_midi_bus & umb = usr().bus(buss);
        if (umb.is_valid())
                << "# Device name for this buss:\n"
                << "\n"
                << << "\n"
                << "\n"
                << "# Number of channels:\n"
                << "\n"
                << umb.channel_count() << "\n"
                << "\n"
                << "# channel and instrument (or program) number\n"
                << "\n"

            for (int channel = 0; channel < umb.channel_max(); ++channel)
                if (umb.instrument(channel) != SEQ64_GM_INSTRUMENT_FLAG)
                    file << channel << " " << umb.instrument(channel) << "\n";
                        stderr, "bus %d, channel %d (%d) ignored\n",
                        buss, channel, umb.instrument(channel)
            file << "? This buss specification is invalid\n";

        file << "\n# End of buss definition " << buss << "\n";

    file <<
        "# In the following MIDI instrument definitions, active controller\n"
        "# numbers (i.e. supported by the instrument) are paired with\n"
        "# the (optional) name of the controller supported.\n"

     * [user-instrument-definitions]

    file << "\n"
        << "[user-instrument-definitions]\n"
        << "\n"
        << usr().instrument_count()
        << "     # instrument list count\n"

    if (usr().instrument_count() == 0)
        file << "\n";

     * [user-instrument-x]

    for (int inst = 0; inst < usr().instrument_count(); ++inst)
        file << "\n[user-instrument-" << inst << "]\n"
            << "\n"

        const user_instrument & uin = usr().instrument(inst);
        if (uin.is_valid())
                << "# Name of instrument:\n"
                << "\n"
                << << "\n"
                << "\n"
                << "# Number of MIDI controller values:\n"
                << "\n"
                << uin.controller_count() << "\n"
                << "\n"
                << "# controller number and (optional) name:\n"
                << "\n"

            for (int ctlr = 0; ctlr < uin.controller_max(); ++ctlr)
                if (uin.controller_active(ctlr))
                    file << ctlr << " " << uin.controller_name(ctlr) << "\n";
                        stderr, "instrument %d, controller %d (%s) ignored\n",
                        inst, ctlr, uin.controller_name(ctlr).c_str()
            file << "? This instrument specification is invalid\n";
        file << "\n# End of instrument/controllers definition "
            << inst << "\n\n"

     * [user-interface settings]
     * These are new items stored in the user file.  The settings are obtained
     * from member functions of the user_settings class.  Not all members are
     * saved to the "user" configuration file.

    if (! rc().legacy_format())
        file <<
            "#   ======== Sequencer64-Specific Variables Section ========\n"
            "# These settings specify the soon-to-be-modifiable configuration\n"
            "# of some of the Sequencer64 user-interface elements.\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies the style of the main-window grid of patterns.\n"
            "# 0 = Normal style, matches the GTK theme, has brackets.\n"
            "# 1 = White grid boxes that have brackets.\n"
            "# 2 = Black grid boxes (no brackets).\n"
            << usr().grid_style() << "       # grid_style\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies box style of an empty slot in the main-window grid.\n"
            "# 0  = Draw a one-pixel box outline around the pattern slot.\n"
            "# 1  = Draw brackets on the sides of the pattern slot.\n"
            "# 2 to 30 = Make the brackets thicker and thicker.\n"
            "# -1 = Same as 0, draw a box outline one-pixel thick.\n"
            "# -2 to -30 = Draw a box outline, thicker and thicker.\n"
            << usr().grid_brackets() << "       # grid_brackets\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies the number of rows in the main window.\n"
            "# At present, only a value of 4 is supportable.\n"
            "# In the future, we hope to support an alternate value of 8.\n"
            << usr().mainwnd_rows() << "       # mainwnd_rows\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies the number of columns in the main window.\n"
            "# At present, only a value of 8 is supportable.\n"
            << usr().mainwnd_cols() << "       # mainwnd_cols\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies the maximum number of sets, which defaults to 1024.\n"
            "# It is currently never necessary to change this value.\n"
            << usr().max_sets() << "      # max_sets\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies the border width in the main window.\n"
            << usr().mainwid_border() << "      # mainwid_border\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies the border spacing in the main window.\n"
            << usr().mainwid_spacing() << "      # mainwid_spacing\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies some quantity, it is not known what it means.\n"
            << usr().control_height() << "      # control_height\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies the initial zoom for the piano rolls.  Ranges from 1.\n"
            "# to 512 (the legacy maximum was 32), and defaults to 2 unless\n"
            "# changed here.  Note that large PPQN values will require larger\n"
            "# zoom values in order to look good in the sequence editor.\n"
            "# Sequencer64 adapts the zoom to the PPQN, if zoom is set to 0.\n"
            "# \n"
            << usr().zoom() << "      # default zoom (0 = auto-adjust to PPQN)\n"

         * This boolean affects the behavior of the scale, key, and background
         * sequence features.

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies if the key, scale, and background sequence are to be\n"
            "# applied to all sequences, or to individual sequences.  The\n"
            "# behavior of Seq24 was to apply them to all sequences.  But\n"
            "# Sequencer64 takes it further by applying it immediately, and\n"
            "# by saving to the end of the MIDI file.  Note that these three\n"
            "# values are stored in the MIDI file, not this configuration file.\n"
            "# Also note that reading MIDI files not created with this feature\n"
            "# will pick up this feature if active, and the file gets saved.\n"
            "# It is contagious.\n"

        file << "#\n"
            "# 0 = Allow each sequence to have its own key/scale/background.\n"
            "#     Settings are saved with each sequence.\n"
            "# 1 = Apply these settings globally (similar to seq24).\n"
            "#     Settings are saved in the global final section of the file.\n"
            << (usr().global_seq_feature() ? "1" : "0")
            << "      # global_seq_feature\n"

         * The usage of the old versus new font is now a run-time option.

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies if the old, console-style font, or the new anti-\n"
            "# aliased font, is to be used as the font throughout the GUI.\n"
            "# In legacy mode, the old font is the default.\n"
            "# 0 = Use the old-style font.\n"
            "# 1 = Use the new-style font.\n"
            << (usr().use_new_font() ? "1" : "0")
            << "      # use_new_font\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies if the user-interface will support two song editor\n"
            "# windows being shown at the same time.  This makes it easier to\n"
            "# edit songs with a large number of sequences.\n"
            "# 0 = Allow only one song editor (performance editor).\n"
            "# 1 = Allow two song editors.\n"
            << (usr().allow_two_perfedits() ? "1" : "0")
            << "      # allow_two_perfedits\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies the number of 4-measure blocks for horizontal page\n"
            "# scrolling in the song editor.  The old default, 1, is a bit\n"
            "# small.  The new default is 4.  The legal range is 1 to 6, where\n"
            "# 6 is the width of the whole performance piano roll view.\n"
            << usr().perf_h_page_increment()
            << "      # perf_h_page_increment\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies the number of 1-track blocks for vertical page\n"
            "# scrolling in the song editor.  The old default, 1, is a bit\n"
            "# small.  The new default is 8.  The legal range is 1 to 18, where\n"
            "# 18 is about the height of the whole performance piano roll view.\n"
            << usr().perf_v_page_increment()
            << "      # perf_v_page_increment\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies if the progress bar is colored black, or a different\n"
            "# color.  The following integer color values are supported:\n"
            "# \n"
            "# 0 = black\n"
            "# 1 = dark red\n"
            "# 2 = dark green\n"
            "# 3 = dark orange\n"
            "# 4 = dark blue\n"
            "# 5 = dark magenta\n"
            "# 6 = dark cyan\n"
            << usr().progress_bar_colored() // (usr().progress_bar_colored() ? "1" : "0")
            << "      # progress_bar_colored\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies if the progress bar is thicker.  The default is 1\n"
            "# pixel.  The 'thick' value is 2 pixels.  (More than that is not\n"
            "# useful.  Set this value to 1 to enable the feature, 0 to disable\n"
            "# it.\n"
            << (usr().progress_bar_thick() ? "1" : "0")
            << "      # progress_bar_thick\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies using an alternate (darker) color palette.  The\n"
            "# default is the normal palette.  Not all items in the user\n"
            "# interface are altered by this setting, and it's not perfect.\n"
            "# Set this value to 1 to enable the feature, 0 to disable it.\n"
            << (usr().inverse_colors() ? "1" : "0")
            << "      # inverse_colors\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies the window redraw rate for all windows that support\n"
            "# that concept.  The default is 40 ms.  Some windows used 25 ms.\n"
            << usr().window_redraw_rate()
            << "      # window_redraw_rate\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies using icons for some of the user-interface buttons\n"
            "# instead of text buttons.  This is purely a preference setting.\n"
            "# If 0, text is used in some buttons (the main window buttons).\n"
            "# Otherwise, icons are used.  One will have to experiment :-).\n"
            << usr().use_more_icons()
            << "      # use_more_icons (currently affects only main window)\n"

     * [user-midi-settings]

    if (! rc().legacy_format())
        file << "\n"
            "# These settings specify MIDI-specific value that might be\n"
            "# better off as variables, rather than constants.\n"
            "# Specifies parts-per-quarter note to use, if the MIDI file.\n"
            "# does not override it.  Default is 192, but we'd like to go\n"
            "# higher than that.  BEWARE:  STILL GETTING IT TO WORK!\n"
            << usr().midi_ppqn() << "       # midi_ppqn\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies the default beats per measure, or beats per bar.\n"
            "# The default value is 4.\n"
            << usr().midi_beats_per_bar()
            << "       # midi_beats_per_measure/bar\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies the default beats per minute.  The default value\n"
            "# is 120, and the legal range is 20 to 500.\n"
            << usr().midi_beats_per_minute() << "       # midi_beats_per_minute\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies the default beat width. The default value is 4.\n"
            << usr().midi_beat_width() << "       # midi_beat_width\n"

        file << "\n"
            "# Specifies the buss-number override, the same as the --bus\n"
            "# command-line option. The default value is -1, which\n"
            "# means that there is no buss override.  If a value\n"
            "# from 0 to 31 is given, then that buss value overrides all\n"
            "# buss values specified in all sequences/patterns.\n"
            "# Change this value from -1 only to use a single\n"
            "# output buss, either for testing or convenience.  And don't\n"
            "# save the MIDI file afterwards, unless you really want to change\n"
            "# all of its buss values!\n"

        int bo = int(usr().midi_buss_override());   /* writing char no good */
        if (SEQ64_NO_BUSS_OVERRIDE(bo))
            file << "-1" << "       # midi_buss_override (disabled)\n";
            file << bo   << "       # midi_buss_override (enabled, careful!)\n";

     * End of file.

    file << "\n"
        << "# End of " << m_name
        << "\n#\n"
        << "# vim: sw=4 ts=4 wm=4 et ft=sh\n"   /* ft=sh for nice colors */
    return true;