Esempio n. 1
UseRadianceProbes::UseRadianceProbes(const string &filename) {
    lightSampleOffsets = NULL;
    bsdfSampleOffsets = NULL;
    // Read precomputed radiance probe values from file
    FILE *f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r");
    if (f) {
        if (fscanf(f, "%d %d %d", &lmax, &includeDirectInProbes,
                   &includeIndirectInProbes) != 3 ||
            fscanf(f, "%d %d %d", &nProbes[0], &nProbes[1], &nProbes[2]) != 3 ||
            fscanf(f, "%f %f %f %f %f %f", &bbox.pMin.x, &bbox.pMin.y, &bbox.pMin.z,
                   &bbox.pMax.x, &bbox.pMax.y, &bbox.pMax.z) != 6) {
            Error("Error reading data from radiance probe file \"%s\"", filename.c_str());
        c_in = new Spectrum[SHTerms(lmax) * nProbes[0] * nProbes[1] * nProbes[2]];
        int offset = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < nProbes[0] * nProbes[1] * nProbes[2]; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < SHTerms(lmax); ++j)
                if (!c_in[offset++].Read(f)) {
                    Error("Error reading data from radiance probe file \"%s\"",
        Error("Unable to read saved radiance volume values from file \"%s\"",
Esempio n. 2
File: light.cpp Progetto: AI42/OM3D
void Light::SHProject(const PbrtPoint &p, float pEpsilon, int lmax,
        const Scene *scene, bool computeLightVisibility, float time,
        RNG &rng, Spectrum *coeffs) const {
    for (int i = 0; i < SHTerms(lmax); ++i)
        coeffs[i] = 0.f;
    uint32_t ns = RoundUpPow2(nSamples);
    uint32_t scramble1D = rng.RandomUInt();
    uint32_t scramble2D[2] = { rng.RandomUInt(), rng.RandomUInt() };
    float *Ylm = ALLOCA(float, SHTerms(lmax));
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ns; ++i) {
        // Compute incident radiance sample from _light_, update SH _coeffs_
        float u[2], pdf;
        Sample02(i, scramble2D, u);
        LightSample lightSample(u[0], u[1], VanDerCorput(i, scramble1D));
        Vector wi;
        VisibilityTester vis;
        Spectrum Li = Sample_L(p, pEpsilon, lightSample, time, &wi, &pdf, &vis);
        if (!Li.IsBlack() && pdf > 0.f &&
            (!computeLightVisibility || vis.Unoccluded(scene))) {
            // Add light sample contribution to MC estimate of SH coefficients
            SHEvaluate(wi, lmax, Ylm);
            for (int j = 0; j < SHTerms(lmax); ++j)
                coeffs[j] += Li * Ylm[j] / (pdf * ns);
Esempio n. 3
Spectrum DiffusePRTIntegrator::Li(const Scene *scene, const Renderer *,
            const RayDifferential &ray, const Intersection &isect,
            const Sample *sample, MemoryArena &arena) const {
    Spectrum L = 0.f;
    Vector wo = -ray.d;
    // Compute emitted light if ray hit an area light source
    L += isect.Le(wo);

    // Evaluate BSDF at hit point
    BSDF *bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray, arena);
    const Point &p = bsdf->dgShading.p;
    const Normal &n = bsdf->dgShading.nn;
    // Compute reflected radiance using diffuse PRT

    // Project diffuse transfer function at point to SH
    Spectrum *c_transfer = arena.Alloc<Spectrum>(SHTerms(lmax));
    SHComputeDiffuseTransfer(p, Faceforward(n, wo), isect.rayEpsilon,
        scene, *sample->rng, nSamples, lmax, c_transfer);

    // Compute integral of product of incident radiance and transfer function
    Spectrum LT = 0.f;
    for (int i = 0; i < SHTerms(lmax); ++i)
        LT += c_in[i] * c_transfer[i];

    // Compute reflectance at point for diffuse transfer
    const int sqrtRhoSamples = 6;
    float rhoRSamples[2*sqrtRhoSamples*sqrtRhoSamples];
    StratifiedSample2D(rhoRSamples, sqrtRhoSamples, sqrtRhoSamples, *sample->rng);
    Spectrum Kd = bsdf->rho(wo, sqrtRhoSamples*sqrtRhoSamples, rhoRSamples,
    return L + Kd * LT.Clamp();
Esempio n. 4
void GlossyPRTIntegrator::Preprocess(const Scene *scene,
        const Camera *camera, const Renderer *renderer) {
    // Project direct lighting into SH for _GlossyPRTIntegrator_
    BBox bbox = scene->WorldBound();
    Point p = .5f * bbox.pMin + .5f * bbox.pMax;
    RNG rng;
    MemoryArena arena;
    c_in = new Spectrum[SHTerms(lmax)];
    SHProjectIncidentDirectRadiance(p, 0.f, camera->shutterOpen, arena,
        scene, false, lmax, rng, c_in);

    // Compute glossy BSDF matrix for PRT
    B = new Spectrum[SHTerms(lmax)*SHTerms(lmax)];
    SHComputeBSDFMatrix(Kd, Ks, roughness, rng, 1024, lmax, B);
Esempio n. 5
void PointLight::SHProject(const pbrt::Point &p, float pEpsilon, int lmax,
        const Scene *scene, bool computeLightVisibility, float time,
        RNG &rng, Spectrum *coeffs) const {
    for (int i = 0; i < SHTerms(lmax); ++i)
        coeffs[i] = 0.f;
    if (computeLightVisibility &&
        scene->IntersectP(Ray(p, Normalize(lightPos - p), pEpsilon,
                              Distance(lightPos, p), time)))
    // Project point light source to SH
    float *Ylm = ALLOCA(float, SHTerms(lmax));
    Vector wi = Normalize(lightPos - p);
    SHEvaluate(wi, lmax, Ylm);
    Spectrum Li = Intensity / DistanceSquared(lightPos, p);
    for (int i = 0; i < SHTerms(lmax); ++i)
        coeffs[i] = Li * Ylm[i];
Esempio n. 6
Spectrum UseRadianceProbes::Li(const Scene *scene, const Renderer *renderer,
            const RayDifferential &ray, const Intersection &isect,
            const Sample *sample, RNG &rng, MemoryArena &arena, int wavelength) const {
    Spectrum L(0.);
    Vector wo = -ray.d;
    // Compute emitted light if ray hit an area light source
    L += isect.Le(wo);

    // Evaluate BSDF at hit point
    BSDF *bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray, arena, wavelength);
    const Point &p = bsdf->dgShading.p;
    const Normal &n = bsdf->dgShading.nn;
    // Compute reflection for radiance probes integrator
    if (!includeDirectInProbes)
        L += UniformSampleAllLights(scene, renderer, arena, p, n,
                wo, isect.rayEpsilon, ray.time, bsdf, sample, rng,
                lightSampleOffsets, bsdfSampleOffsets);

    // Compute reflected lighting using radiance probes

    // Compute probe coordinates and offsets for lookup point
    Vector offset = bbox.Offset(p);
    float voxx = (offset.x * nProbes[0]) - 0.5f;
    float voxy = (offset.y * nProbes[1]) - 0.5f;
    float voxz = (offset.z * nProbes[2]) - 0.5f;
    int vx = Floor2Int(voxx), vy = Floor2Int(voxy), vz = Floor2Int(voxz);
    float dx = voxx - vx, dy = voxy - vy, dz = voxz - vz;

    // Get radiance probe coefficients around lookup point
    const Spectrum *b000 = c_inXYZ(lmax, vx,   vy,   vz);
    const Spectrum *b100 = c_inXYZ(lmax, vx+1, vy,   vz);
    const Spectrum *b010 = c_inXYZ(lmax, vx,   vy+1, vz);
    const Spectrum *b110 = c_inXYZ(lmax, vx+1, vy+1, vz);
    const Spectrum *b001 = c_inXYZ(lmax, vx,   vy,   vz+1);
    const Spectrum *b101 = c_inXYZ(lmax, vx+1, vy,   vz+1);
    const Spectrum *b011 = c_inXYZ(lmax, vx,   vy+1, vz+1);
    const Spectrum *b111 = c_inXYZ(lmax, vx+1, vy+1, vz+1);

    // Compute incident radiance from radiance probe coefficients
    Spectrum *c_inp = arena.Alloc<Spectrum>(SHTerms(lmax));
    for (int i = 0; i < SHTerms(lmax); ++i) {
        // Do trilinear interpolation to compute SH coefficients at point
        Spectrum c00 = Lerp(dx, b000[i], b100[i]);
        Spectrum c10 = Lerp(dx, b010[i], b110[i]);
        Spectrum c01 = Lerp(dx, b001[i], b101[i]);
        Spectrum c11 = Lerp(dx, b011[i], b111[i]);
        Spectrum c0 = Lerp(dy, c00, c10);
        Spectrum c1 = Lerp(dy, c01, c11);
        c_inp[i] = Lerp(dz, c0, c1);

    // Convolve incident radiance to compute irradiance function
    Spectrum *c_E = arena.Alloc<Spectrum>(SHTerms(lmax));
    SHConvolveCosTheta(lmax, c_inp, c_E);

    // Evaluate irradiance function and accumulate reflection
    Spectrum rho = bsdf->rho(wo, rng, BSDF_ALL_REFLECTION);
    float *Ylm = ALLOCA(float, SHTerms(lmax));
    SHEvaluate(Vector(Faceforward(n, wo)), lmax, Ylm);
    Spectrum E = 0.f;
    for (int i = 0; i < SHTerms(lmax); ++i)
        E += c_E[i] * Ylm[i];
    L += rho * INV_PI * E.Clamp();
    return L;
Esempio n. 7
// DiffusePRTIntegrator Method Definitions
DiffusePRTIntegrator::DiffusePRTIntegrator(int lm, int ns) {
    lmax = lm;
    nSamples = RoundUpPow2(ns);
    c_in = new Spectrum[SHTerms(lmax)];
void CreateRadProbeTask::Run() {
    // Compute region in which to compute incident radiance probes
    int sx = pointNum % nProbes[0];
    int sy = (pointNum / nProbes[0]) % nProbes[1];
    int sz = pointNum / (nProbes[0] * nProbes[1]);
    Assert(sx >= 0 && sx < nProbes[0]);
    Assert(sy >= 0 && sy < nProbes[1]);
    Assert(sz >= 0 && sz < nProbes[2]);
    float tx0 = float(sx) / nProbes[0], tx1 = float(sx+1) / nProbes[0];
    float ty0 = float(sy) / nProbes[1], ty1 = float(sy+1) / nProbes[1];
    float tz0 = float(sz) / nProbes[2], tz1 = float(sz+1) / nProbes[2];
    BBox b(bbox.Lerp(tx0, ty0, tz0), bbox.Lerp(tx1, ty1, tz1));

    // Initialize common variables for _CreateRadProbeTask::Run()_
    RNG rng(pointNum);
    Spectrum *c_probe = new Spectrum[SHTerms(lmax)];
    MemoryArena arena;
    uint32_t nFound = 0, lastVisibleOffset = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
        if (nFound == 32) break;
        // Try to compute radiance probe contribution at _i_th sample point

        // Compute _i_th candidate point _p_ in cell's bounding box
        float dx = RadicalInverse(i+1, 2);
        float dy = RadicalInverse(i+1, 3);
        float dz = RadicalInverse(i+1, 5);
        Point p = b.Lerp(dx, dy, dz);

        // Skip point _p_ if not indirectly visible from camera
        if (scene->IntersectP(Ray(surfacePoints[lastVisibleOffset],
                                  p - surfacePoints[lastVisibleOffset],
                                  1e-4f, 1.f, time))) {
            uint32_t j;
            // See if point is visible to any element of _surfacePoints_
            for (j = 0; j < surfacePoints.size(); ++j)
                if (!scene->IntersectP(Ray(surfacePoints[j], p - surfacePoints[j],
                                           1e-4f, 1.f, time))) {
                    lastVisibleOffset = j;
            if (j == surfacePoints.size())

        // Compute SH coefficients of incident radiance at point _p_
        if (includeDirectInProbes) {
            for (int i = 0; i < SHTerms(lmax); ++i)
                c_probe[i] = 0.f;
            SHProjectIncidentDirectRadiance(p, 0.f, time, arena, scene,
                                            true, lmax, rng, c_probe);
            for (int i = 0; i < SHTerms(lmax); ++i)
                c_in[i] += c_probe[i];

        if (includeIndirectInProbes) {
            for (int i = 0; i < SHTerms(lmax); ++i)
                c_probe[i] = 0.f;
            SHProjectIncidentIndirectRadiance(p, 0.f, time, renderer,
                origSample, scene, lmax, rng, nIndirSamples, c_probe);
            for (int i = 0; i < SHTerms(lmax); ++i)
                c_in[i] += c_probe[i];
    // Compute final average value for probe and cleanup
    if (nFound > 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < SHTerms(lmax); ++i)
            c_in[i] /= nFound;
    delete[] c_probe;
void CreateRadianceProbes::Render(const Scene *scene) {
    // Compute scene bounds and initialize probe integrators
    if (bbox.pMin.x > bbox.pMax.x)
        bbox = scene->WorldBound();
    surfaceIntegrator->Preprocess(scene, camera, this);
    volumeIntegrator->Preprocess(scene, camera, this);
    Sample *origSample = new Sample(NULL, surfaceIntegrator, volumeIntegrator,

    // Compute sampling rate in each dimension
    Vector delta = bbox.pMax - bbox.pMin;
    int nProbes[3];
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        nProbes[i] = max(1, Ceil2Int(delta[i] / probeSpacing));

    // Allocate SH coefficient vector pointers for sample points
    int count = nProbes[0] * nProbes[1] * nProbes[2];
    Spectrum **c_in = new Spectrum *[count];
    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        c_in[i] = new Spectrum[SHTerms(lmax)];

    // Compute random points on surfaces of scene

    // Create scene bounding sphere to catch rays that leave the scene
    Point sceneCenter;
    float sceneRadius;
    scene->WorldBound().BoundingSphere(&sceneCenter, &sceneRadius);
    Transform ObjectToWorld(Translate(sceneCenter - Point(0,0,0)));
    Transform WorldToObject(Inverse(ObjectToWorld));
    Reference<Shape> sph = new Sphere(&ObjectToWorld, &WorldToObject,
        true, sceneRadius, -sceneRadius, sceneRadius, 360.f);
    Reference<Material> nullMaterial = Reference<Material>(NULL);
    GeometricPrimitive sphere(sph, nullMaterial, NULL);
    vector<Point> surfacePoints;
    uint32_t nPoints = 32768, maxDepth = 32;
    surfacePoints.reserve(nPoints + maxDepth);
    Point pCamera = camera->CameraToWorld(camera->shutterOpen,
                                          Point(0, 0, 0));
    RNG rng;
    while (surfacePoints.size() < nPoints) {
        // Generate random path from camera and deposit surface points
        Point pray = pCamera;
        Vector dir = UniformSampleSphere(rng.RandomFloat(), rng.RandomFloat());
        float rayEpsilon = 0.f;
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < maxDepth; ++i) {
            Ray ray(pray, dir, rayEpsilon, INFINITY, time);

            Intersection isect;
            if (!scene->Intersect(ray, &isect) &&
                !sphere.Intersect(ray, &isect))


            DifferentialGeometry &hitGeometry = isect.dg;
            pray = isect.dg.p;
            rayEpsilon = isect.rayEpsilon;
            hitGeometry.nn = Faceforward(hitGeometry.nn, -ray.d);

            dir = UniformSampleSphere(rng.RandomFloat(), rng.RandomFloat());
            dir = Faceforward(dir, hitGeometry.nn);

    // Launch tasks to compute radiance probes at sample points
    vector<Task *> tasks;
    ProgressReporter prog(count, "Radiance Probes");
    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        tasks.push_back(new CreateRadProbeTask(i, nProbes, time,
                                   bbox, lmax, includeDirectInProbes,
                                   includeIndirectInProbes, nIndirSamples,
                                   prog, origSample, surfacePoints,
                                   scene, this, c_in[i]));
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tasks.size(); ++i)
        delete tasks[i];

    // Write radiance probe coefficients to file
    FILE *f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w");
    if (f) {
        if (fprintf(f, "%d %d %d\n", lmax, includeDirectInProbes?1:0, includeIndirectInProbes?1:0) < 0 ||
            fprintf(f, "%d %d %d\n", nProbes[0], nProbes[1], nProbes[2]) < 0 ||
            fprintf(f, "%f %f %f %f %f %f\n", bbox.pMin.x, bbox.pMin.y, bbox.pMin.z,
                    bbox.pMax.x, bbox.pMax.y, bbox.pMax.z) < 0) {
            Error("Error writing radiance file \"%s\" (%s)", filename.c_str(),

        for (int i = 0; i < nProbes[0] * nProbes[1] * nProbes[2]; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < SHTerms(lmax); ++j) {
                fprintf(f, "  ");
                if (c_in[i][j].Write(f) == false) {
                    Error("Error writing radiance file \"%s\" (%s)", filename.c_str(),
                fprintf(f, "\n");
            fprintf(f, "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < nProbes[0] * nProbes[1] * nProbes[2]; ++i)
        delete[] c_in[i];
    delete[] c_in;
    delete origSample;
Esempio n. 10
Spectrum GlossyPRTIntegrator::Li(const Scene *scene, const Renderer *,
        const RayDifferential &ray, const Intersection &isect,
        const Sample *sample, RNG &rng, MemoryArena &arena) const {
    Spectrum L = 0.f;
    Vector wo = -ray.d;
    // Compute emitted light if ray hit an area light source
    L += isect.Le(wo);

    // Evaluate BSDF at hit point
    BSDF *bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray, arena);
    const Point &p = bsdf->dgShading.p;
    // Compute reflected radiance with glossy PRT at point

    // Compute SH radiance transfer matrix at point and SH coefficients
    Spectrum *c_t = arena.Alloc<Spectrum>(SHTerms(lmax));
    Spectrum *T = arena.Alloc<Spectrum>(SHTerms(lmax)*SHTerms(lmax));
    SHComputeTransferMatrix(p, isect.rayEpsilon, scene, rng, nSamples,
                            lmax, T);
    SHMatrixVectorMultiply(T, c_in, c_t, lmax);

    // Rotate incident SH lighting to local coordinate frame
    Vector r1 = bsdf->LocalToWorld(Vector(1,0,0));
    Vector r2 = bsdf->LocalToWorld(Vector(0,1,0));
    Normal nl = Normal(bsdf->LocalToWorld(Vector(0,0,1)));
    Matrix4x4 rot(r1.x, r2.x, nl.x, 0,
                  r1.y, r2.y, nl.y, 0,
                  r1.z, r2.z, nl.z, 0,
                     0,    0,    0, 1);
    Spectrum *c_l = arena.Alloc<Spectrum>(SHTerms(lmax));
    SHRotate(c_t, c_l, rot, lmax, arena);
    #if 0

    // Sample BSDF and integrate against direct SH coefficients
    float *Ylm = ALLOCA(float, SHTerms(lmax));
    int ns = 1024;
    for (int i = 0; i < ns; ++i) {
        Vector wi;
        float pdf;
        Spectrum f = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi, BSDFSample(rng), &pdf);
        if (pdf > 0.f && !f.IsBlack() && !scene->IntersectP(Ray(p, wi))) {
            f *= fabsf(Dot(wi, n)) / (pdf * ns);
            SHEvaluate(bsdf->WorldToLocal(wi), lmax, Ylm);
            Spectrum Li = 0.f;
            for (int j = 0; j < SHTerms(lmax); ++j)
                Li += Ylm[j] * c_l[j] * f;
            L += Li.Clamp();

    // Compute final coefficients _c\_o_ using BSDF matrix
    Spectrum *c_o = arena.Alloc<Spectrum>(SHTerms(lmax));
    SHMatrixVectorMultiply(B, c_l, c_o, lmax);

    // Evaluate outgoing radiance function for $\wo$ and add to _L_
    Vector woLocal = bsdf->WorldToLocal(wo);
    float *Ylm = ALLOCA(float, SHTerms(lmax));
    SHEvaluate(woLocal, lmax, Ylm);
    Spectrum Li = 0.f;
    for (int i = 0; i < SHTerms(lmax); ++i)
        Li += Ylm[i] * c_o[i];
    L += Li.Clamp();
    return L;
Esempio n. 11
// DiffusePRTIntegrator Method Definitions
DiffusePRTIntegrator::DiffusePRTIntegrator(int lm, int ns)
    : lmax(lm), nSamples(RoundUpPow2(ns)) {
    c_in = new Spectrum[SHTerms(lmax)];