Esempio n. 1
/*! Concentric mapping of a x,y-position
Code taken from Peter Shirley out of "Realistic Ray Tracing"
SLVec2f SLSamples2D::mapSquareToDisc(SLfloat x, // [0 < x <=1] 
                                     SLfloat y) // [0 < y <=1]
{  SLfloat phi, r, u, v;
   SLfloat a = 2*x - 1;
   SLfloat b = 2*y - 1;

   if (a > -b)
   {  if (a > b)
      {  r = a;
         phi = (SL_PI/4)*(b/a);
      } else
      {  r = b;
         phi = (SL_PI/4)*(2 - a/b);
   } else
   {  if (a < b)
      {  r = -a;
         phi = (SL_PI/4)*(4 + b/a);
      } else
      {  r = -b;
         if (b!=0)
         {  phi = (SL_PI/4)*(6 - a/b);
         } else phi = 0;
   u = r*cos(phi);
   v = r*sin(phi);
   return SLVec2f(u,v);
Esempio n. 2
/*! Returns the interpolated color at the pixel position p[x,y] for ray tracing.
    x is expected to be between 0 and window width.
    y is expected to be between 0 and window height.

     C    w    B
       | p  /|
       | * / |
     h |  /  |
       | /   |
       |/    |
     0 +-----+
     A 0
SLCol4f SLBackground::colorAtPos(SLfloat x, SLfloat y)
    if (_isUniform)
        return _colors[0];

    if (_texture)
        return _texture->getTexelf(x/_resX, y/_resY);

    // top-down gradient
    if (_colors[0]==_colors[2] && _colors[1]==_colors[3])
    {   SLfloat f = y/_resY;
        return f*_colors[0] + (1-f)*_colors[1];
    // left-right gradient
    if (_colors[0]==_colors[1] && _colors[2]==_colors[3])
    {   SLfloat f = x/_resX;
        return f*_colors[0] + (1-f)*_colors[2];

    // Quadrilateral interpolation
    // First check with barycentric coords if p is in the upper left triangle
    SLVec2f p(x,y);
    SLVec3f bc = p.barycentricCoords(SLVec2f(0,0),
    SLfloat u = bc.x;
    SLfloat v = bc.y;
    SLfloat w = 1 - bc.x - bc.y;

    SLCol4f color;

    if (u>0 && v>0 && u+v<=1)
        color = w*_colors[0] + u*_colors[1] + v*_colors[2]; // upper left triangle
    {   u=1-u; v=1-v; w=1-u-v;
        color = w*_colors[3] + v*_colors[1] + u*_colors[2]; // lower right triangle

    return color;
Esempio n. 3
Makes concentric 2D-samplespoints within a circle of certain radius.
With the parameter evenlyDistributed=false will the samplepoints be
denser towards the center.
void SLSamples2D::distribConcentric(SLbool evenlyDistributed)
{  if (_points.size())
   {  SLfloat halfDeltaPhi = SL_2PI/_samplesY*0.5f;
      SLfloat phi, r, last_r = 1.0f;
      // Loop over radius r and angle phi
      for (SLint iR=_samplesX-1; iR>=0; --iR)
      {  r = ((SLfloat)iR)/_samplesX;
         if (evenlyDistributed) r = sqrt(r);
         r += (last_r-r)*0.5f;
         // every 2nd circle is rotated by have delta phi for better distribution
         SLfloat iModPhi = (iR%2)*halfDeltaPhi;
         for (SLint iPhi=_samplesY-1; iPhi>=0; --iPhi)
         {  phi = SL_2PI*((SLfloat)iPhi)/_samplesY + iModPhi;
            point(iR, iPhi, SLVec2f(r*cos(phi), r*sin(phi)));
         last_r = r;
Esempio n. 4
SLButton::buildBuffers creates the VAO for rendering
void SLButton::buildBuffers()
    SLVVec2f  P;   // vertex positions
    SLVCol4f  C;   // colors
    SLfloat   x = _minX;
    SLfloat   y = _minY;
    SLfloat   w = _btnW;
    SLfloat   h = _btnH;
    SLfloat   mx = x + 2*_sv->dpmm()*BTN_GAP_W_MM; // center x of check mark
    SLfloat   my = y + h*0.5f; // center y of check mark
    SLfloat   diff1 = 0.3f;    // button color difference upper to lower border
    SLfloat   diff2 = 0.6f;    // border color difference upper to lower border  
    SLint     nP = 0;
    SLint     nC = 0;
    // up button 
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x,   y+h));      // button top left corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x,   y  ));      // button bottom left corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x+w, y+h));      // button top right corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x+w, y  ));      // button bottom right corner
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff1, _btnCol.g+diff1, _btnCol.b+diff1, _btnAlpha));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff1, _btnCol.g-diff1, _btnCol.b-diff1, _btnAlpha));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff1, _btnCol.g+diff1, _btnCol.b+diff1, _btnAlpha));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff1, _btnCol.g-diff1, _btnCol.b-diff1, _btnAlpha)); 

    // down button
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x,   y+h));      // button top left corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x,   y  ));      // button bottom left corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x+w, y+h));      // button top right corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x+w, y  ));      // button bottom right corner
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff1, _btnCol.g+diff1, _btnCol.b+diff1, _btnAlpha));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff1, _btnCol.g+diff1, _btnCol.b+diff1, _btnAlpha)); 
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff1, _btnCol.g+diff1, _btnCol.b+diff1, _btnAlpha));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff1, _btnCol.g+diff1, _btnCol.b+diff1, _btnAlpha));
    // pressed button
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x,   y+h));      // button top left corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x,   y  ));      // button bottom left corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x+w, y+h));      // button top right corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x+w, y  ));      // button bottom right corner
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff1, _btnCol.g-diff1, _btnCol.b-diff1, _btnAlpha));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff1, _btnCol.g+diff1, _btnCol.b+diff1, _btnAlpha));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff1, _btnCol.g-diff1, _btnCol.b-diff1, _btnAlpha));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff1, _btnCol.g+diff1, _btnCol.b+diff1, _btnAlpha)); 

    // down border
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x,   y  ));      // button bottom left corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x+w, y  ));      // button bottom right corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x+w, y+h));      // button top right corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x,   y+h));      // button top left corner
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff2, _btnCol.g+diff2, _btnCol.b+diff2, 1.0f));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff2, _btnCol.g+diff2, _btnCol.b+diff2, 1.0f)); 
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff2, _btnCol.g-diff2, _btnCol.b-diff2, 1.0f));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff2, _btnCol.g-diff2, _btnCol.b-diff2, 1.0f));
    // up border
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x,   y  ));      // button bottom left corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x+w, y  ));      // button bottom right corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x+w, y+h));      // button top right corner
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(x,   y+h));      // button top left corner
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff2, _btnCol.g-diff2, _btnCol.b-diff2, 1.0f));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff2, _btnCol.g-diff2, _btnCol.b-diff2, 1.0f)); 
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff2, _btnCol.g+diff2, _btnCol.b+diff2, 1.0f));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r+diff2, _btnCol.g+diff2, _btnCol.b+diff2, 1.0f));
    // White check box
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(mx-5, my-5));    // 1st point of check box rect
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(mx+5, my-5));    // 2nd point of check box rect
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(mx+5, my+5));    // 3rd point of check box rect
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(mx-5, my+5));    // 4th point of check box rect
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff2, _btnCol.g-diff2, _btnCol.b-diff2, 1.0f));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff2, _btnCol.g-diff2, _btnCol.b-diff2, 1.0f));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff2, _btnCol.g-diff2, _btnCol.b-diff2, 1.0f));
    C.push_back(SLCol4f(_btnCol.r-diff2, _btnCol.g-diff2, _btnCol.b-diff2, 1.0f));

    // White check mark
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(mx-4, my+4));    // 1st point of check mark
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(mx+4, my-4));    // 2nd point of check mark
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(mx-4, my-4));    // 3rd point of check mark
    P.push_back(SLVec2f(mx+4, my+4));    // 4th point of check mark
    // create buffers on GPU
    SLGLProgram* sp = SLScene::current->programs(SP_colorAttribute);
    _vao.setAttrib(AT_position, sp->getAttribLocation("a_position"), &P);
    _vao.setAttrib(AT_color, sp->getAttribLocation("a_color"), &C);
Esempio n. 5
#ifdef SL_MEMLEAKDETECT       // set in SL.h for debug config only
#include <debug_new.h>        // memory leak detector

#include <SLButton.h>
#include <SLCamera.h>

const SLfloat BTN_TXT2BTN_H_FACTOR = 1.0f;  // Button height factor from text hight
const SLfloat BTN_BORDER_W_MM = 3.0f;       // Horizontal border in mm
const SLfloat BTN_GAP_W_MM = 0.7f;          // Horizontal gap in mm
const SLfloat BTN_GAP_H_MM = 0.7f;          // vertical gap in mm
SLButton* SLButton::buttonDown = 0;
SLButton* SLButton::buttonParent = 0;
SLVec2f   SLButton::minMenuPos = SLVec2f(10,10); //!< Lower left corner of menu
SLVec2f   SLButton::newMenuPos = SLVec2f(0,0);
SLVec2f   SLButton::oldMenuPos = SLVec2f(0,0);
/*! SLButton Constructor: 
If command is C_menu the button is supposed to have sub menu buttons.
If isCheckable is true the button gets a check box
If isChecked is true the check box gets a little cross
If radioParent is a parent button all of it checkable children act as radio buttons.
If closeOnClick is true the entire menu gets closed after command execution.
SLButton::SLButton(SLSceneView* sv,
                   SLstring     text,  
                   SLTexFont*   txtFont,
                   SLCommand        command, 
                   SLbool       isCheckable,