Esempio n. 1
 * Attempt to locate and read the specified compiled shader.
 * Search the current shader search paths for the specified shader
 * and make the shader current. The name may include a file suffix
 * or it can just be the base shader name.
 * \param name  Shader name (with or without suffix)
 * \return Returns 0 on sucess, -1 on error.
int Slo_SetShader ( char * name )
	int res;
	char * slxname;
	// Check if there is still a shader name (just to be on the safe side)
	if ( currentShaderName != NULL )
		free( currentShaderName );
		currentShaderName = NULL;

	// Call the SLX version
	res = SLX_SetShader( name );
	// Extract the shader name from the shader file name...
	if ( res == 0 )
		slxname = SLX_GetName();
		if ( slxname == NULL)
			res = -1;
			InitShaderName( slxname );
	return res;
Esempio n. 2
File: slo.cpp Progetto: UIKit0/aqsis
/** Attempt to locate and read the specified compiled shader */
int Slo_SetShader ( char* name )
	return SLX_SetShader(name);
Esempio n. 3
int main( int argc, const char** argv )

	char acPath[256];
	char rootPath[256];
	if( GetModuleFileName( NULL, acPath, 256 ) != 0)
		// guaranteed file name of at least one character after path
		*( strrchr( acPath, '\\' ) + 1 ) = '\0';
		std::string	 stracPath(acPath);
	g_shader_path = rootPath;
	g_shader_path.append( "shaders" );
#elif defined(AQSIS_SYSTEM_MACOSX)


	ArgParse ap;
	ap.usageHeader( ArgParse::apstring( "Usage: " ) + argv[ 0 ] + " <shadername>" );
	ap.argFlag( "help", "\aPrint this help and exit", &g_cl_help );
	ap.alias( "help" , "h" );
	ap.argFlag( "version", "\aPrint version information and exit", &g_cl_version );
	ap.argString( "shaders", "=string\aOverride the default shader searchpath(s) [" + g_shader_path + "]", &g_cl_shader_path );

	if ( argc > 1 && !ap.parse( argc - 1, argv + 1 ) )
		Aqsis::log() << ap.errmsg() << std::endl << ap.usagemsg();
		exit( 1 );

	if ( g_cl_help )
		std::cout << ap.usagemsg();
		exit( 0 );

	if ( g_cl_version )
		std::cout << "aqsltell version " << AQSIS_VERSION_STR_FULL << std::endl << "compiled " << __DATE__ << " " << __TIME__ << std::endl;
		exit( 0 );

	// Apply environment-variable overrides to default paths ...
		g_shader_path = getenv("AQSIS_SHADER_PATH");

	// Apply command-line overrides to default paths ...
		g_shader_path = g_cl_shader_path;

	// Any leftovers are presumed to be shader names.
	if ( ap.leftovers().size() == 0 )     // If no files specified, take input from stdin.
		Aqsis::log() << ap.errmsg() << std::endl << ap.usagemsg();
		exit( 1 );
		for ( ArgParse::apstringvec::const_iterator e = ap.leftovers().begin(); e != ap.leftovers().end(); e++ )
			SLX_SetPath( const_cast<char*>( g_shader_path.c_str() ) );
			SLX_SetDSOPath( const_cast<char*>( g_shader_path.c_str() ) );
			Slo_SetShader( ( char* ) e->c_str() );

			if ( SLX_SetShader( ( char* ) e->c_str() ) == 0 )
				// SLX_SetShader successful
				int	nArgs;
				int i;
				SLX_VISSYMDEF * symPtr;

				std::cout << SLX_TypetoStr( SLX_GetType() ) << " \"" << Slo_GetName() << "\"" << std::endl;
				nArgs = SLX_GetNArgs();

				for ( i = 0; i < nArgs; i++ )
					symPtr = SLX_GetArgById( i );
					if ( symPtr != NULL )
						TqInt arrayLen = 1;
						if ( symPtr->svd_arraylen != 0 )
							arrayLen = symPtr->svd_arraylen;

						std::cout << "    \"" << symPtr->svd_name << "\" \"parameter " <<
						SLX_DetailtoStr( symPtr->svd_detail ) << " " <<
						SLX_TypetoStr( symPtr->svd_type );

						if ( symPtr->svd_arraylen != 0 )
							std::cout << "[" << arrayLen << "]";

						std::cout << "\"" << std::endl;

						TqInt arrayIndex;
						for ( arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < arrayLen; arrayIndex++ )
							std::cout << "\t\tDefault value: ";

							if ( symPtr->svd_spacename != NULL )
								if ( ( symPtr->svd_type == SLX_TYPE_POINT ) ||
								        ( symPtr->svd_type == SLX_TYPE_NORMAL ) ||
								        ( symPtr->svd_type == SLX_TYPE_VECTOR ) ||
								        ( symPtr->svd_type == SLX_TYPE_MATRIX ) ||
								        ( symPtr->svd_type == SLX_TYPE_COLOR ) )
									std::cout << "\"" << symPtr->svd_spacename << "\" ";

							if ( symPtr->svd_default.stringval != NULL )
								switch ( symPtr->svd_type )
										case SLX_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
										std::cout << "unknown" << std::endl;
										case SLX_TYPE_POINT:
										case SLX_TYPE_NORMAL:
										case SLX_TYPE_VECTOR:
										std::cout << "[" << symPtr->svd_default.pointval[ arrayIndex ].xval << " " <<
										symPtr->svd_default.pointval[ arrayIndex ].yval << " " <<
										symPtr->svd_default.pointval[ arrayIndex ].zval <<
										"]" << std::endl;
										case SLX_TYPE_COLOR:
										std::cout << "[" << symPtr->svd_default.pointval[ arrayIndex ].xval << " " <<
										symPtr->svd_default.pointval[ arrayIndex ].yval << " " <<
										symPtr->svd_default.pointval[ arrayIndex ].zval <<
										"]" << std::endl;
										case SLX_TYPE_SCALAR:
										std::cout << symPtr->svd_default.scalarval[ arrayIndex ] << std::endl;
										case SLX_TYPE_STRING:
										std::cout << "\"" << symPtr->svd_default.stringval[ arrayIndex ] << "\"" << std::endl;
										case SLX_TYPE_MATRIX:
										std::cout << "[" <<
										symPtr->svd_default.matrixval[ arrayIndex ].val[0][0] << " " <<
										symPtr->svd_default.matrixval[ arrayIndex ].val[0][1] << " " <<
										symPtr->svd_default.matrixval[ arrayIndex ].val[0][2] << " " <<
										symPtr->svd_default.matrixval[ arrayIndex ].val[0][2] << " " <<
										symPtr->svd_default.matrixval[ arrayIndex ].val[1][0] << " " <<
										symPtr->svd_default.matrixval[ arrayIndex ].val[1][1] << " " <<
										symPtr->svd_default.matrixval[ arrayIndex ].val[1][2] << " " <<
										symPtr->svd_default.matrixval[ arrayIndex ].val[1][2] << " " <<
										symPtr->svd_default.matrixval[ arrayIndex ].val[2][0] << " " <<
										symPtr->svd_default.matrixval[ arrayIndex ].val[2][1] << " " <<
										symPtr->svd_default.matrixval[ arrayIndex ].val[2][2] << " " <<
										symPtr->svd_default.matrixval[ arrayIndex ].val[2][3] << " " <<
										symPtr->svd_default.matrixval[ arrayIndex ].val[3][0] << " " <<
										symPtr->svd_default.matrixval[ arrayIndex ].val[3][1] << " " <<
										symPtr->svd_default.matrixval[ arrayIndex ].val[3][2] << " " <<
										symPtr->svd_default.matrixval[ arrayIndex ].val[3][3] <<
										"]" << std::endl;
										std::cout << "unknown" << std::endl;
						printf( "ERROR - null pointer to value\n" );
					//std::cout << std::endl;

				printf("ERROR - could not read shader file\n");

	return ( 0 );