Esempio n. 1
INT32 SSL_DataAvailable( SOCK_SOCKET socket )
    SOCK_fd_set  fdSock;
    SOCK_timeval to;
    INT32 avail = 0;
    void *sslData = g_Sockets_Driver.GetSocketSslData(socket);

    if(sslData == NULL  || sslData == (void*)SSL_SOCKET_ATTEMPTED_CONNECT) return -1;

    to.tv_sec = 0;
    to.tv_usec = 0;

    fdSock.fd_count= 1;
    fdSock.fd_array[0] = socket;

    // WARNING!!!! secure_read_pending will block if there is no data in the queue
    if(SOCK_select(SOCK_FD_SETSIZE, &fdSock, NULL, NULL, &to) > 0)
        avail = secure_read_pending( sslData );

        // the socket is selected, so there must be some data (maybe a close socket)
        if(avail == 0) avail = 1;

    return avail;    
CLR_INT32 Library_spot_net_native_Microsoft_SPOT_Net_SocketNative::Helper__SelectSocket(CLR_INT32 handle, CLR_INT32 mode )
    struct SOCK_timeval timeval;
    SOCK_fd_set* readfds   = NULL;
    SOCK_fd_set* writefds  = NULL;
    SOCK_fd_set* exceptfds = NULL;
    SOCK_fd_set fds;
    SOCK_fd_set fdsExcept;
    CLR_INT32   res = 0;

        case 0:
            readfds = &fds;
        case 1:
            writefds = &fds;
            // fall through
        case 2:
            exceptfds = &fds;
    fds.fd_count      = 1;
    fds.fd_array[ 0 ] = handle;

    // This Poll method is a little handicapped in the sense that it only allows the caller to wait
    // for a read, a write or an except. This causes a problem when there is a socket exception.  The
    // poll will continue to block forever because the select statement wasn't looking for exceptions
    // Therefore, we will force the select call to look for the except case if it is not already doing it.
    if(exceptfds == NULL)
        fdsExcept.fd_count      = 1;
        fdsExcept.fd_array[ 0 ] = handle;
        exceptfds               = &fdsExcept;

    timeval.tv_sec  = 0;
    timeval.tv_usec = 0;

    res = SOCK_select( 1, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, &timeval );

    // socket is in the exception state (only return error if caller was NOT looking for the excepted state)
    if((mode != 2) && fdsExcept.fd_count != 0) return SOCK_SOCKET_ERROR;

    return res;