/* {{{ proto array SolrUtils::getSolrStats(void)
   Returns the number of active documents, clients and SolrParam objects in the current thread. */
PHP_METHOD(SolrUtils, getSolrStats)
	int document_count = zend_hash_num_elements(SOLR_GLOBAL(documents));
	int client_count = zend_hash_num_elements(SOLR_GLOBAL(clients));
	int params_count = zend_hash_num_elements(SOLR_GLOBAL(params));


	add_assoc_long(return_value, "document_count", document_count);
	add_assoc_long(return_value, "client_count", client_count);
	add_assoc_long(return_value, "params_count", params_count);
Esempio n. 2
/* {{{ proto void SolrInputDocument::__destruct(void)
	Destructor for SolrInputDocument */
PHP_METHOD(SolrInputDocument, __destruct)
	solr_document_t *doc_entry = NULL;

	/* Retrieve the document entry for this SolrDocument */
	if (solr_fetch_document_entry(getThis(), &doc_entry TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) 	{

		zend_hash_index_del(SOLR_GLOBAL(documents), doc_entry->document_index);

		/* Keep track of how many SolrDocument instances we currently have */

		return ;
Esempio n. 3
/* {{{ proto void SolrInputDocument::__construct()
	SolrInputDocument constructor */
PHP_METHOD(SolrInputDocument, __construct)
	zval *objptr = getThis();
	ulong document_index = SOLR_UNIQUE_DOCUMENT_INDEX();
	auto solr_document_t solr_doc;
	solr_document_t *doc_entry = NULL, *doc_ptr = NULL;

	memset(&solr_doc, 0, sizeof(solr_document_t));

	doc_entry = &solr_doc;

	doc_entry->document_index  = document_index;
	doc_entry->field_count     = 0L;
	doc_entry->document_boost  = 0.0f;

	/* Allocated memory for the fields HashTable using fast cache for HashTables */

	/* Initializing the hash table used for storing fields in this SolrDocument */
	zend_hash_init(doc_entry->fields, nSize, NULL, (dtor_func_t) solr_destroy_field_list, SOLR_DOCUMENT_FIELD_PERSISTENT);
	zend_hash_init(doc_entry->children, nSize, NULL, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, SOLR_DOCUMENT_FIELD_PERSISTENT);

	/* Let's check one more time before insert into the HashTable */
	if (zend_hash_index_exists(SOLR_GLOBAL(documents), document_index)) {

		pefree(doc_entry->fields, SOLR_DOCUMENT_FIELD_PERSISTENT);
		pefree(doc_entry->children, SOLR_DOCUMENT_FIELD_PERSISTENT);


	/* Add the document entry to the directory of documents */
	zend_hash_index_update(SOLR_GLOBAL(documents), document_index, (void *) doc_entry, sizeof(solr_document_t), (void **) &doc_ptr);

	/* Set the value of the internal id property */
	zend_update_property_long(solr_ce_SolrInputDocument, objptr, SOLR_INDEX_PROPERTY_NAME, sizeof(SOLR_INDEX_PROPERTY_NAME) - 1, document_index TSRMLS_CC);

	/* Keep track of how many SolrDocument instances we currently have */

	/* Overriding the default object handlers */
	Z_OBJ_HT_P(objptr) = &solr_input_document_object_handlers;
/* {{{ proto void SolrInputDocument::__clone(void)
  Clones the current object. Not to be called directly. */
PHP_METHOD(SolrInputDocument, __clone)
	zval *objptr = getThis();
	solr_document_t new_solr_doc;
	solr_document_t *new_doc_entry = NULL, *old_doc_entry = NULL;
	ulong document_index = SOLR_UNIQUE_DOCUMENT_INDEX();

	new_doc_entry = &new_solr_doc;

	new_doc_entry = (solr_document_t *) pemalloc(sizeof(solr_document_t), SOLR_DOCUMENT_PERSISTENT);
	memset(&new_solr_doc, 0, sizeof(solr_document_t));

	/* Retrieve the document entry for the original SolrDocument */
	if (solr_fetch_document_entry(objptr, &old_doc_entry TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) {

		return ;

	/* Duplicate the doc_entry contents */
	memcpy(new_doc_entry, old_doc_entry, sizeof(solr_document_t));

	/* Override the document index with a new one and create a new HashTable */
	new_doc_entry->document_index = document_index;

	/* Allocate new memory for the fields HashTable, using fast cache for HashTables */

	/* Initializing the hash table used for storing fields in this SolrDocument */
	zend_hash_init(new_doc_entry->fields, old_doc_entry->fields->nTableSize, NULL, (dtor_func_t) solr_destroy_field_list_ht_dtor, SOLR_DOCUMENT_FIELD_PERSISTENT);
	zend_hash_init(new_doc_entry->children, old_doc_entry->children->nTableSize, NULL, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, SOLR_DOCUMENT_FIELD_PERSISTENT);

	/* Copy the contents of the old fields HashTable to the new SolrDocument */
	zend_hash_copy(new_doc_entry->fields, old_doc_entry->fields, (copy_ctor_func_t) field_copy_constructor);
	zend_hash_copy(new_doc_entry->children, old_doc_entry->children, (copy_ctor_func_t) zval_add_ref);

	/* Add the document entry to the directory of documents */
	zend_hash_index_update_ptr(SOLR_GLOBAL(documents), document_index, (void *) new_doc_entry);

	/* Set the value of the internal id property */
	zend_update_property_long(solr_ce_SolrInputDocument, objptr, SOLR_INDEX_PROPERTY_NAME, sizeof(SOLR_INDEX_PROPERTY_NAME) - 1, document_index TSRMLS_CC);

	/* Keep track of how many SolrDocument instances we currently have */
/* {{{ proto void SolrFunction::__destruct(void)
   Destructor. */
PHP_METHOD(SolrCollapseFunction, __destruct)
    solr_function_t *function = NULL;
    /* Retrieve the document entry for this SolrDocument */
    if (solr_fetch_function_entry(getThis(), &function TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS )
        zend_hash_index_del(SOLR_GLOBAL(functions), function->function_index);
PHP_METHOD(SolrCollapseFunction, __construct)
    long int index = SOLR_UNIQUE_FUNCTION_INDEX();
    solr_function_t *solr_function_dest = NULL;
    solr_function_t solr_function;
    zval *index_prop, *zvfield = NULL;

    solr_char_t *param_name = (solr_char_t *)"field";
    int param_name_len = sizeof("field");

    solr_string_t field_str;

    solr_char_t *field_name = NULL;
    int field_name_len = 0;

    memset(&solr_function, 0, sizeof(solr_function_t));

    if (zend_hash_index_update(SOLR_GLOBAL(functions),index,(void *) &solr_function, sizeof(solr_function_t), (void **) &solr_function_dest) == FAILURE)
        php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_ERROR, "Error while registering query parameters in HashTable");

        return ;
    index_prop = zend_read_property(Z_OBJCE_P(getThis()), getThis(), SOLR_INDEX_PROPERTY_NAME, sizeof(SOLR_INDEX_PROPERTY_NAME) - 1, 1 TSRMLS_CC);
    Z_LVAL_P(index_prop) = index;

    solr_function_dest->function_index = index;
    solr_function_dest->name = (solr_char_t *)"collapse";
    solr_function_dest->name_length = sizeof(solr_function_dest->name);

    /* Allocated memory for the params HashTable using fast cache for HashTables */
    zend_hash_init(solr_function_dest->params, nSize, NULL, (dtor_func_t) solr_string_free_ex, SOLR_FUNCTIONS_PERSISTENT);

    if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "|s", &field_name, &field_name_len) == FAILURE)
        php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_ERROR, "Error Parsing Parameters");

    if (field_name_len > 0 ) {
        memset(&field_str, 0, sizeof(solr_string_t));
        solr_string_set(&field_str, (solr_char_t *)field_name, field_name_len);
        if(zend_hash_update(solr_function_dest->params, param_name, param_name_len, (void **)&field_str, sizeof(solr_string_t), NULL) == FAILURE)
            php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_ERROR, "Error assigning field");